Worthless синонимы

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • worthless [ˈwɜːθlɪs] прил

    1. бесполезный, никчемный, никудышный, бездарный, бессмысленный

      (useless, talentless, meaningless)

      • worthless piece – бесполезный кусок
      • worthless life – никчемная жизнь
    2. ничтожный, жалкий

      (insignificant, miserable)

      • worthless people – ничтожные люди
    3. негожий

    4. негодный, бросовый

      (unusable, junk)

      • worthless men – негодные люди
    5. недостойный, нестоящий


    6. дрянной


  • worthless [ˈwɜːθlɪs] прич

    1. ничего не стоящий, не стоящий

      (not worth)

    2. стоящий


    3. презренный


бесполезный useless, futile, worthless, needless, valueless, fruitless
ничего не стоящий worthless, valueless, costless, refuse
никчемный worthless, raff, riffraff, fit for the wastepaper basket
никудышный worthless, wretched, poxy, trifling, riffraff, punk
дрянной cheesy, shoddy, trashy, worthless, lousy, rubbishy
бесценный priceless, invaluable, inestimable, worthless, beyond price, valueless
матерный obscene, abusive, foul, worthless, cheap
херовый crappy, shitty, worthless

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • worthless прил

    • useless · valueless · talentless · futile · vain · unhelpful · needless · purposeless
    • unworthy · vile · despicable
    • miserable · wretched
    • insignificant · negligible
    • crappy · trashy · cheesy
    • paltry · puny · measly


  • valueless, poor quality, inferior, second-rate, third-rate, low-grade, cheap, shoddy, tawdry, cheesy, crummy, nickel-and-dime, low-rent
  • useless, (of) no use, ineffective, ineffectual, fruitless, unproductive, unavailing, pointless, nugatory, valueless, inadequate, deficient, meaningless, senseless, insubstantial, empty, hollow, trifling, petty, inconsequential, lame, paltry, pathetic, no-account
  • good-for-nothing, ne’er-do-well, useless, despicable, contemptible, low, ignominious, corrupt, villainous, degenerate, shiftless, feckless, no-good, lousy, no-account
  • slimy, unworthy, ugly, wretched, despicable, vile

Предложения со словом «worthless»

Most such eager dabblers were quite worthless to Science.

По большей части такие ретивые пустозвоны совершенно бесполезны для науки.

The properties you’re holding out are worthless for coal.

Собственность, которой вы владеете бесполезна по части добычи угля.

Although I have just saved his pathetic worthless life?

Хотя я толЬко что спасла его жалкую никчёмную жизнЬ?

I saved this city and all your worthless lives.

Я спас этот город и все ваши никчёмные душонки.

They’re practically worthless on the abnormal black market.

Они практически ничего не стоят на черном рынке абнормалов.

Many tourists would consider their trip to London worthless if they didn’t visit the famous Madam Tussaud’s.

Многие туристы считают свою поездку в Лондон бесполезной , если они не посетили знаменитую мадам Тюссо.

Your chance to escape your meaningless life, your worthless existence.

Ты можешь перестать влачить бесцельную жизнь и жалкое существование.

Violet thought of something else she could point out, but she knew it would be worthless .

Вайолет собралась с мыслями, чтобы на что — то указать, но она знала, что это бессмысленно.

Those worthless rocks had now become a cornerstone in his plans to advance the Night.

Эти бесполезные булыжники стали краеугольным камнем в его плане опустить Ночь.

I am a selfless slave, expected to sacrifice for any worthless person who presents their need to me.

Я ведь раб, который должен жертвовать собой ради любого ничтожества, которое в чем — то там нуждается.

You will always be the worthless muck people scrape from their shoes.

Ты всегда будешь ничтожеством, грязью, что счищают с сапог.

I’m the one who’s wasting so much energy in trying to kill such a worthless being like you.

Я потратил слишком много времени на такое ничтожество, как ты.

The Watch didn’t really have any need for these two worthless programmers.

На самом деле никакой надобности в двух никудышных программистках Дозор не испытывал.

A one-time dirty cop without a loyalty in the world wants to save a worthless cripple?

Бывший грязный полицейский, не доверяющий никому на свете, вдруг решает спасти никчемного калеку?

I’m gonna tell you what happens to this beautiful woman who saves your worthless fucking life.

Я расскажу тебе, что случится с этой прекрасной женщиной, которая спасла твою никчемную жизнь.

They forced the Klingons to commit valuable troops and resources to capture a strategically worthless planet.

Они заставили клингонцев задействовать ценные войска и ресурсы для захвата стратегически бесполезной планеты.

Why waste extra time on some worthless dead drug user?

Зачем тратить дополнительное время на какого — то бесполезного мертвого наркомана?

Under weak Emperors, it is tom apart by generals competing for a worthless and surely death-bringing throne.

При слабом императоре империю разорвут на куски генералы, борющиеся за бесполезный и смертоносный трон.

Any physical evidence from the body and the crime scene is worthless .

Все вещественные доказательства с тела и на месте преступления загрязнены.

Fire and a tool with a cutting edge and a few hunks of worthless metal — that was the sum of what he had.

Огонь и орудие защиты да несколько кусочков бесполезного металла — вот все, чем он располагал.

But should it be some reward for the worthless servant of Emir?

Но будет ли за это награда ничтожному рабу эмира?

Plenty of time for you to bury yourself in worthless scribbles.

Кучу времени ты потратишь на бессмысленные каракули.

But they do not make the old responses worthless .

Но от этого вовсе не обесцениваются старые рецепты.

It would be unfortunate if your young master gave up everything and hears from others that he did it all for a worthless girl.

Будем обидно, если твой Молодой Господин откажется от всего и услышит от других, что он сделал это ради девушки, которая ничего не стоит.

In fact, it’s basically worthless — a little jewelry box with a rose painted on the lid.

На самом деле, она практически никудышняя — маленькая шкатулка для украшений с нарисованной розой на крышке.

You killed your protege for a handful of worthless hemp seeds.

Вы убили своего протеже за горстку бесполезных семян.

They’re pretty much worthless , but they make good coffee.

Почти бесполезны , но готовят отличный кофе.

While that land was nearly worthless today, the hope they all carried was that one day it would be a valuable legacy to pass on to their children and grandchildren.

Сегодня эта земля бесполезна и не имеет никакой ценности, но у всех появилась надежда, что когда — то это будет огромное состояние, которое можно будет передать детям и внукам по наследству.

Does this mean that it is worthless to go to college?

Означает ли это, что учиться в колледже бессмысленно?

Or he may simply decide that whatever agreement Obama signs is worthless .

Либо же он может просто прийти к заключению, что какое бы соглашение ни подписал Обама, оно будет никудышным.

Their hidden or even visible anguish is worthless , a cipher’s despair.

Их скрытые и даже явные страдания ничтожны, это просто отчаяние пустого места.

But many, although dubious or altogether worthless , easily become established in medical practice and produce a torrent of income for persuasive doctors serving well-insured patients.

Дорогостоящие методы используются в медицинской практике и становятся источником дохода для докторов, убеждающих и обслуживающих пациентов с хорошей страховкой.

If we were bad or just bothering him, he would throw us overboard and chase us with the boat, telling us to move our worthless butts.

Если мы плохо себя вели или докучали ему, он выбрасывал нас за борт и догонял на лодке, повторяя, что надо шевелить своими никчемными задницами.

In war, particularly modern war, the money of the defeated side is likely to become completely or almost worthless , and common stocks would lose most of their value.

В войне, особенно современной, деньги побежденной стороны совершенно обесцениваются, а обыкновенные акции теряют большую часть своей стоимости.

Because the bonds are English law contracts, Gelpern said the U.K. could refuse to honor them in British courts, making them effectively void and worthless to private buyers.

Поскольку эти ценные бумаги являются контрактами по английскому праву, Британия, полагает Гелперн, может отказаться от их акцептования, действуя через британские суды. Тогда эти бумаги будут недействительны и бесполезны для частных покупателей.

On the other hand, if counterparties are unable to meet their obligations, then hedges and offsetting transactions may be worthless .

С другой стороны, если стороны не в состоянии выполнять свои обязательства, то хеджи и компенсационные сделки могут оказаться бессмысленными.

Little did the world know then, economies would collapse, currencies would become worthless , elections would be stolen, regimes would fall.

Тогда мир не знал о том, что экономики ослабнут, валюты обесценятся, выборы будут украдены, режимы падут.

for the Palestinians, a state with an ongoing Israeli military presence would be worthless .

для палестинцев государство с продолжающимся израильским военным присутствием не будет иметь никакой ценности.

Radek Sikorski bitterly said Warsaw’s ties to Washington were worthless , then followed it up with some even saltier language.

Радек Сикорский раздраженно заявил, что связи Варшавы с Вашингтоном «никчемны», а потом разразился нецензурными высказываниями.

If you close the courts to this debt you make it worthless to the market, Gelpern said.

«Если этими долгами займутся суды, они станут бесполезными и не имеющими никакой ценности для рынка», — сказала Гелперн.

Though ransomware didn’t yield huge amounts, it afforded the criminals a way to monetize these otherwise worthless infected computers.

Хотя с помощью программы — вымогателя особых денег украсть не получается, она позволяет преступникам извлекать выгоду, используя эти зараженные компьютеры, которые в других случаях бесполезны .

How, to boarding housekeeper Mary Kane, by a defaulting boarder, in 1868 was left the supposedly worthless deed to an abandoned mineshaft: The Colorado Lode.

В 1868 году хозяйка гостиницы Мэри Кейн получила от задолжавшего постояльца ничего не стоящие документы на заброшенный рудник Колорадо.

hmm, hmm, Free Software, must be cheap, shoddy, worthless .

хмм, хмм, Свободное ПО, должно быть дешево, некачественно и бесполезно .

Worthless remnants of a time before Sparta’s ascent from darkness.

Жалкие наследники тех времён, когда Спарта ещё не восстала из тьмы.

Deduct the carrots from your pay, you worthless , swampy fool.

Вычти из своей зарплаты морковь, жалкая, мерзкая лгунья.

Faster, you worthless , wormy sons of sorry excuses… for shark bait weevils!

Быстрее, вы, никчемные, гнусные отродия, недостойные даже быть акульей приманкой!

Only priceless relics gotten with great difficulty at a museum, lost due to your worthless strategies.

Бесценные останки, полученные с таким трудом в музее, оказались утерянными из — за твоей никчемной стратегии.

I only have one rule, you worthless maggots.

У меня только одно правило, вы, безполезные слюнтяи!

The extremists have created the mystic of the people, but the people are worthless .

Экстремисты создали мистику народа. Но народ ничего не стоит.

And every worthless seaman fears the name, and rightly so, though few know why or dare to ask.

Каждый никчёмный моряк её страшится и не зря, хотя немногие знают, почему, а спросить боятся.

Yes, but Isabel has diluted that stock to the point where it’s worthless .

Да, но Изабель ослабила этот пакет акций до той степени, что они ничего не стоят.

And worthless if repeal doesn’t happen.

И бесполезной , если не будет запрета.

Our cotton is worthless and what he called arrogance is all that is left. But I call that arrogance matchless courage.

Хлопок наш стал бесполезен , и осталось у нас только то, что он назвал спесью, а я бы назвал беспримерной отвагой.

Certainly it was not worth being delayed by something so sad and ugly and apparently worthless .

Сам посуди, стоило нам задерживаться из — за такой уродины, которая только и знала, что плакать!

Sure, of course, but the week after he made the investment, Mr. Lonergan bought up a bunch of the worthless land around the old Cabrini-Green housing project.

Разумеется, но через неделю после своего взноса мистер Лонерган прикупил уйму бесполезных земель связанных с программой жилья в старом районе Кабрини — Грин.

It’s just a worthless trinket

Это просто безделушка, которую

Inside he found a large, neatly folded sheet of Mylar fabric. Worthless .

Однако нашел лишь большой аккуратный сверток. Совершенно бесполезная вещь.

Back in those days, dark matter was just a worthless inert curiosity, and I was smashing it in a particle accelerator, in an ill-conceived attempt to create a more durable harpsichord wax.

В те дни темная материя была лишь бесполезной инертной диковинкой, и я экспериментировал с ней в ускорителе частиц с бредовой целью создать более долговечный воск для клавесина.

But what I carried was Hong Kong dollars as could be traded Earthside at a small discount whereas scrip was nearly worthless there.

Но с собой я брал гонконгскую валюту, которую на Земле можно было обменять с небольшой потерей, тогда как купоны там вообще не котировались.

We got 20 worthless boxes and the Hill woman’s riddles and the ravings of a one-footed man.

У нас есть 20 бесполезных коробок, загадки женщины с холмов и бредни одностопого мужика.

What is another word for Worthless?

  • useless

    dull, idle

  • valueless

    useless, value

  • wretched

    despicable, miserable

  • despicable

    shabby, vile

  • pointless

    useless, senseless

  • trifling

    idle, useless

  • futile

    useless, lazy

  • trashy

    rubbishy, of no use

  • good-for-nothing

    value, of no use

  • vile

    shabby, despicable

  • nugatory

    useless, futile

  • paltry

    rubbishy, of no use

  • insignificant

    little, idle

  • contemptible

    despicable, vile

  • ineffectual

    vain, used

  • meaningless

    senseless, null and void

  • unworthy

    despicable, vile

  • no-good

    value, of no use

  • miserable

    despicable, paltry

  • empty

    meaningless, of no use

  • ineffective

    vain, null and void

  • unavailing

    idle, trivial

  • unproductive


  • no-account

    value, no-good

  • unimportant

    insignificant, idle

  • senseless


  • cheap


  • inconsequential

    unimportant, insignificant

  • base

    shabby, good-for-nothing

  • sorry

    good-for-nothing, measly

  • hollow


  • trivial

    unimportant, insignificant

  • vain

    trivial, futile

  • barren


  • low

    shabby, good-for-nothing

  • fruitless

  • purposeless

  • inferior


  • idle

    vain, trivial

  • pitiful

    paltry, measly

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Man in Blue Jacket Sitting on Floor Pollution and waste Pollution and waste Man in White T-shirt and Blue Denim Jeans Holding Blue Plastic Bucket Free stock photo of abandoned, abandoned building, alley Man in Brown Tank Top and Blue Denim Jeans Standing Beside Wall

Image search results for Worthless

banknote, old currency, money depression, voices, self-criticism depression, voices, self-criticism shame, child, small bremen town musicians, monument, fairy tales depression, depressed, forlorn

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Synonyms for Worthless. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 01, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/worthless

Synonyms for Worthless. N.p., 2016. Web. 01 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/worthless>.

Synonyms for Worthless. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/worthless.

All synonyms in one line

barren, base, contemptible, despicable, dry, en.synonym.one, empty, futile, hollow, idle, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient, insignificant, insipid, invalid, irrelevant, loafing, low, mean, meaningless, miserable, nugatory, pitiful, pointless, profitless, en.synonym.one, rambling, scummy, scurvy, senseless, sorry, stupid, trifling, trivial, unavailing, unfruitful, unimportant, uninteresting, unnecessary, unproductive, useless, vain, vile, void, wretched, slimy, ugly, unworthy.

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[ wˈɜːθləs], [ wˈɜːθləs], [ w_ˈɜː_θ_l_ə_s]

Related words: worthless definition, worthless synonym, worthless meaning, what is a worthless person, how to look at things as worthless, are people with disabilities worthless, buying things that are worthless

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    Table of Contents

    Similar words for worthless:

    • abject (adjective)

    • abortive (adjective)

    • all (adjective)

    • base (adjective)

    • cheap (adjective)

    • contemptible (adjective)

    • cowardly (adjective)

    • crappy (adjective)

    • crummy (adjective)

    • despicable (adjective)

    • empty (adjective)

    • fearful (adjective)

    • feckless (adjective)

    • futile (adjective)

    • inane (adjective)

    • inconsequential (adjective)

    • inconsequential/inconsiderable (adjective)

    • ineffective (adjective)

    • ineffective/ineffectual (adjective)

    • inefficacious (adjective)

    • inessential (adjective)

    • inutile (adjective)

    • lightweight (adjective)

    • lousy (adjective)

    • low (adjective)

    • meaningless (adjective)

    • measly (adjective)

    • miserable (adjective)

    • naught (adjective)

    • naughty (adjective)

    • null (adjective)

    • of no use; without value (adjective)

    • other relevant words (adjective)

    • pathetic (adjective)

    • piddling (adjective)

    • piddly (adjective)

    • pitiful (adjective)

    • pointless (adjective)

    • poor (adjective)

    • puny (adjective)

    • purposeless (adjective)

    • trivial (adjective)

    • two-bit (adjective)

    • unavailing (adjective)

    • unessential (adjective)

    • unimportant (adjective)

    • unnecessary (adjective)

    • unneeded (adjective)

    • unproductive (adjective)

    • unprofitable (adjective)

    • unrequired (adjective)

    • unusable (adjective)

    • useless (adjective)

    • vain (adjective)

    • vicious (adjective)

    • void (adjective)

    • wicked (adjective)

    • wretched (adjective)

    • chaffy (noun)

    • good-for-naught (noun)

    • manky (noun)

    • meritless (noun)

    • ne’er-do-well (noun)

    • negligible (noun)

    • no-account (noun)

    • no-count (noun)

    • no-good (noun)

    • other relevant words (noun)

    • defeated (verb)

    • shuck (verb)

    • other synonyms
    • contemptible

    • discouraging

    • other relevant words

    • profitless

    • shuck

    • other relevant words (noun)

    How to use «worthless» in context?

    for worthless

    Antonyms for worthless

    Hypernyms for worthless

    • adj.

      abject (adjective)

      • groveling,
      • outcast,
      • fawning.

      abortive (adjective)

      • more failed,
      • mis carried,
      • un-successful,
      • more miscarried,
      • mis-carried,
      • most failed,
      • un successful,
      • failed,
      • most miscarried.

      all (adjective)

      • worthless.

      base (adjective)

      • dis graceful,
      • un-worthiest,
      • dis-reputable,
      • in delicate,
      • more grovelling,
      • in-delicate,
      • un worthy,
      • un-worthier,
      • dis reputable,
      • dis-graceful,
      • un worthier,
      • foul,
      • un-worthy,
      • un worthiest,
      • grovelling,
      • scandalous,
      • shoddy,
      • menial,
      • most grovelling.

      cheap (adjective)

      • scroungy,
      • catchpenny,
      • no good,
      • junky,
      • tawdry,
      • rinky-dink,
      • second rate,
      • glitzy,
      • no bargain,
      • secondrate,
      • cheesy,
      • cruddy,
      • second-rate,
      • rinkydink,
      • rubbishy.

      contemptible (adjective)

      • most swinish,
      • de-generate,
      • most inferior,
      • de-testable,
      • more despisable,
      • more currish,
      • scummy,
      • de generate,
      • heelest,
      • more low-down,
      • more swinish,
      • de testable,
      • scurviest,
      • most lowdown,
      • scurvier,
      • low down,
      • heel,
      • most low-down,
      • more lowdown,
      • most despisable,
      • more low down,
      • scummiest,
      • dis gusting,
      • dis-gusting,
      • most low down,
      • sad.

      cowardly (adjective)

      • running scared,
      • timorous,
      • having the willies,
      • softer,
      • pigeonhearted,
      • yellow-bellied,
      • shrinking,
      • Chicken-hearted,
      • Cowhearted,
      • weak-kneed,
      • no guts,
      • lacking courage.

      crappy (adjective)

      • sub-par.

      crummy (adjective)

      • more third rate,
      • most third rate,
      • grottier,
      • thirdrate,
      • third rate,
      • most third-rate,
      • grottiest,
      • more thirdrate,
      • most thirdrate,
      • more third-rate.

      despicable (adjective)

      • low-life,
      • lowlife,
      • infamous.

      empty (adjective)

      • in sincerest,
      • un-intelligent,
      • in-expressive,
      • un-satisfactory,
      • dis honest,
      • in-sincere,
      • in sipid,
      • in expressive,
      • in sincere,
      • un-real,
      • in-sincerest,
      • dis-honest,
      • un real,
      • in-sincerer,
      • de void,
      • insincere,
      • un-substantial,
      • in-sipid,
      • un satisfactory,
      • un substantial,
      • in sincerer,
      • un intelligent,
      • de-void.

      fearful (adjective)

      • cowardly.

      feckless (adjective)

      • good-for-nothing,
      • uncareful.

      futile (adjective)

      • in sufficient,
      • more profitless,
      • save one breath,
      • insufficient,
      • sterile,
      • trifling,
      • in-sufficient,
      • out window,
      • save breath,
      • more impracticable,
      • more resultless,
      • most resultless,
      • profitless,
      • save ones breath,
      • most profitless.

      inane (adjective)

      • wishy-washy,
      • in-nocuous,
      • illogical,
      • wishy washy,
      • in nocuous,
      • wishywashy.

      inconsequential (adjective)

      • in consequential,
      • in-consequential,
      • entry level.

      inconsequential/inconsiderable (adjective)

      • in-considerable,
      • most entrylevel,
      • in adequate,
      • entrylevel,
      • wimpiest,
      • in considerable,
      • most entry level,
      • in-adequate,
      • runter,
      • inconsiderable,
      • un considered,
      • in-appreciable,
      • wimpier,
      • more entrylevel,
      • in appreciable,
      • more entry level,
      • un-considered,
      • in-consequent,
      • more entry-level,
      • runtest,
      • in consequent,
      • most entry-level,
      • more shoestring,
      • most shoestring.

      ineffective (adjective)

      • more slack spined,
      • most slack-spined,
      • more slackspined,
      • more slack-spined,
      • most slack spined,
      • most emasculate,
      • most slackspined,
      • slackspined,
      • in-effective,
      • in effective,
      • slack-spined,
      • slack spined,
      • more emasculate.

      ineffective/ineffectual (adjective)

      • in operative,
      • null void,
      • in efficient,
      • un-ablest,
      • anti climactic,
      • un-fruitful,
      • more neutralized,
      • in effectual,
      • more forceless,
      • de feasible,
      • more invertebrate,
      • un ablest,
      • more defeasible,
      • anti-climactic,
      • in-operative,
      • most invertebrate,
      • more ineffective,
      • most forceless,
      • un abler,
      • most defeasible,
      • in-vertebrate,
      • invertebrate,
      • in-efficient,
      • de-feasible,
      • un fruitful,
      • in-decisive,
      • null and void,
      • most neutralized,
      • in decisive,
      • more anticlimactic,
      • in vertebrate,
      • most anticlimactic,
      • un-abler,
      • in-effectual.

      inefficacious (adjective)

      • in efficacious,
      • in-efficacious.

      inessential (adjective)

      • in essential,
      • in-essential.

      inutile (adjective)

      • in utile,
      • in-utile.

      lightweight (adjective)

      • featherweight,
      • Imponderous,
      • of no account.

      lousy (adjective)

      • crummy.

      low (adjective)

      • lower,
      • marked down,
      • cut-rate,
      • uncostly,
      • cut rate.

      meaningless (adjective)

      • doublespeak,
      • meaningless,
      • hollow,
      • Purportless,
      • Unpurposed,
      • unmeaning,
      • doesn’t cut it.

      measly (adjective)

      • un generous,
      • un-generous.

      miserable (adjective)

      • poverty stricken,
      • povertystricken.

      naught (adjective)

      • non existence,
      • more nonexistence,
      • Non-existence,
      • most cipher,
      • more cipher,
      • most nonexistence.

      naughty (adjective)

      • dis-orderly,
      • dis orderly,
      • in-decorous,
      • most rascally,
      • un governable,
      • ex asperating,
      • un-governable,
      • in-tractable,
      • dis-obedient,
      • in-subordinate,
      • dis obedient,
      • un-manageable,
      • more rascally,
      • teasing,
      • in subordinate,
      • in tractable,
      • most exasperating,
      • impish,
      • in decorous,
      • more exasperating,
      • ex-asperating,
      • un manageable.

      null (adjective)

      • in-valid,
      • un-sanctioned,
      • more unsanctioned,
      • un sanctioned,
      • non existent,
      • in valid,
      • most unsanctioned,
      • most characterless.

      of no use; without value (adjective)

      • insignificant,
      • trivial.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • nugatory,
      • goalless,
      • around in circles,
      • cheap,
      • vile,
      • defeasible,
      • useless,
      • scurvy,
      • base,
      • shrimp,
      • in the pits,
      • low-down,
      • contemptible,
      • not effective,
      • unsanctioned,
      • under-sized,
      • unratified,
      • grotty,
      • piddly,
      • nongermane,
      • small fry,
      • lowdown,
      • unhelpful,
      • abortive,
      • no avail,
      • undirected,
      • to no effect,
      • scummier,
      • big zero,
      • to no purpose,
      • swinish,
      • inefficacious,
      • unprofitable,
      • peewee,
      • vicious,
      • third-rate,
      • inconsequential,
      • entry-level,
      • anticlimactic,
      • sorry,
      • too little too late,
      • shrimper,
      • two-bit,
      • Commiserable,
      • in vain,
      • Designless,
      • out the window,
      • Non-essential,
      • in vicious circle,
      • non-germane,
      • motiveless,
      • despicable,
      • inane,
      • no purpose,
      • Heeler,
      • unnecessary,
      • scrimpy,
      • unenforceable,
      • puny,
      • measly,
      • lightweight,
      • needle in haystack,
      • badly behaved,
      • small-fry,
      • pitiful,
      • not pertinent,
      • void,
      • beside point,
      • Resultless,
      • currish,
      • down and out,
      • pathetic,
      • pint-sized,
      • forceless,
      • Despisable,
      • half-pint,
      • head-strong,
      • no dice,
      • unavailing,
      • save one’s breath,
      • Bummed,
      • shoestring,
      • unimportant,
      • derisory,
      • not viable,
      • poor,
      • futile,
      • small time,
      • Non-existent,
      • vain,
      • on a treadmill,
      • Unconsequential,
      • low,
      • no effect,
      • unproductive,
      • miserable,
      • null,
      • wimpy,
      • no way,
      • purposeless,
      • feckless,
      • loafing,
      • naughty,
      • pointless,
      • on treadmill,
      • no go,
      • abject,
      • characterless,
      • rascally,
      • to no avail,
      • no biggie.

      pathetic (adjective)

      • more commiserable,
      • most commiserable.

      piddling (adjective)

      • more peanut,
      • piddling,
      • more pettifogging,
      • most peanut,
      • most pettifogging,
      • most derisory,
      • more derisory.

      piddly (adjective)

      • diddliest,
      • scrimpiest,
      • diddlier,
      • scrimpier.

      pitiful (adjective)

      • tearful.

      pointless (adjective)

      • going nowhere,
      • un interesting,
      • more nongermane,
      • re-mote,
      • non germane,
      • around circles,
      • needle haystack,
      • most nongermane.

      poor (adjective)

      • poorer,
      • in firm,
      • subnormal,
      • SUBPAR..

      puny (adjective)

      • more smallfry,
      • smallfry,
      • more zero,
      • zilcher,
      • more unconsequential,
      • most half-pint,
      • more peewee,
      • pint sized,
      • un sound,
      • most pint sized,
      • under sized,
      • most pint-sized,
      • more small fry,
      • un-developed,
      • zilchest,
      • most small fry,
      • un consequential,
      • shrimpest,
      • half pint,
      • more pint sized,
      • most halfpint,
      • more small-fry,
      • most small-fry,
      • most unconsequential,
      • more half-pint,
      • halfpint,
      • un sounder,
      • most peewee,
      • un-sounder,
      • more half pint,
      • more pint-sized,
      • un-sound,
      • most zero,
      • more halfpint,
      • un-consequential,
      • most smallfry,
      • most half pint,
      • un-soundest.

      purposeless (adjective)

      • more floundering,
      • more motiveless,
      • most goalless,
      • more unhelpful,
      • un planned,
      • in discriminate,
      • more designless,
      • most undirected,
      • most unhelpful,
      • un-directed,
      • most drifting,
      • uncalled for,
      • more undirected,
      • un-helpful,
      • most designless,
      • in-discriminate,
      • un helpful,
      • more goalless,
      • un directed,
      • most floundering,
      • un-planned,
      • de-signless,
      • de signless,
      • more drifting,
      • most motiveless.

      trivial (adjective)

      • skin deep,
      • skindeep,
      • non essential.

      two-bit (adjective)

      • twobit,
      • two bit.

      unavailing (adjective)

      • un availing,
      • un-availing.

      unessential (adjective)

      • un essential,
      • un-essential,
      • uncalledfor.

      unimportant (adjective)

      • frothy,
      • trite,
      • irrelevant,
      • insipid,
      • one-horse,
      • minute,
      • zipper,
      • of no consequence,
      • fiddling,
      • banal,
      • low-ranking,
      • Flyspeck,
      • frivolous.

      unnecessary (adjective)

      • supererogatory,
      • non-compulsory,
      • causeless,
      • noncompulsory,
      • uncritical.

      unneeded (adjective)

      • un needed,
      • un-needed.

      unproductive (adjective)

      • un productive,
      • un-productive.

      unprofitable (adjective)

      • non-profit,
      • unlucrative,
      • nonprofit.

      unrequired (adjective)

      • un required,
      • un-required.

      unusable (adjective)

      • un usable,
      • un-usable.

      useless (adjective)

      • unfunctional,
      • nonfunctional,
      • of no use,
      • non-functional,
      • unusuable,
      • counter-productive,
      • scrapper.

      vain (adjective)

      • Shucker,
      • not a prayer,
      • no-win,
      • unnotable.

      vicious (adjective)

      • de-based,
      • un-principled,
      • un principled,
      • untamed,
      • de moralized,
      • re-probate,
      • un tamed,
      • in-decent,
      • re probate,
      • de-moralized,
      • more contaminated,
      • un-tamed,
      • de based,
      • in decent.

      void (adjective)

      • most avoided,
      • un confirmed,
      • most negated,
      • more unratified,
      • more negated,
      • un-confirmed,
      • more unconfirmed,
      • more avoided,
      • more unenforceable,
      • Voided,
      • more voided,
      • unconfirmed,
      • un-enforceable,
      • un enforceable,
      • most unratified,
      • most voided,
      • most unenforceable,
      • most unconfirmed,
      • un ratified,
      • un-ratified.

      wicked (adjective)

      • reprobate,
      • unrighteous.

      wretched (adjective)

      • un-happy,
      • de-pressed,
      • un happiest,
      • more bummed,
      • un happier,
      • more hurting,
      • de pressed,
      • most bummed,
      • un fortunate,
      • in pits,
      • un-fortunate,
      • un happy.
    • n.

      • evil,
      • gross,
      • amoral,
      • sordid,
      • sinful,
      • immoral,
      • deviant,
      • wicked,
      • perverted,
      • unethical.

      • faulty,
      • waste.

      • nothing,
      • value.

      • used.

      chaffy (noun)

      • chaffy.

      good-for-naught (noun)

      • good-for-naught.

      manky (noun)

      • manky.

      meritless (noun)

      • meritless.

      ne’er-do-well (noun)

      • ne’er do well,
      • shiftlesses,
      • neer-do-well,
      • neer do well.

      negligible (noun)

      • negligible.

      no-account (noun)

      • no-account.

      no-count (noun)

      • no-count.

      no-good (noun)

      • no-good.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • ne’er-do-well,
      • incompetents.
    • v.

      defeated (verb)

      • unsuccessful.

      shuck (verb)

      • dis cards,
      • re moved,
      • dis-cards,
      • dis-card,
      • dis card,
      • worthlessed,
      • dis carded,
      • re-moves,
      • re-move,
      • dis-carding,
      • dis-carded,
      • dis carding,
      • re move,
      • worthlesses,
      • re-moving,
      • re moving,
      • worthlessing.
    • Other synonyms:

      • flaccid,
      • inutile,
      • Overworked,
      • spent,
      • outworn,
      • inefficient,
      • small-time,
      • moribund,
      • uninformative,
      • Drossy,
      • defective,
      • infertile,
      • toothless,
      • nonoperational,
      • defunct,
      • muted,
      • ineffective,
      • facile,
      • flabby,
      • muddled,
      • bum.

      • empty,
      • unproven,
      • paper,
      • inoperable,
      • porous,
      • paralyzed,
      • unreliable,
      • bush-league,
      • cumbersome,
      • anemic,
      • unusable,
      • unresponsive,
      • dysfunctional.

      • inactive,
      • temperamental,
      • idle.

      • old.

      • dead.


      • contempt.


      • hopeless.

      Other relevant words:

      • shuck.


      • nonproductive.


      • shelled,
      • Husked,
      • husking,
      • shelling.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • flawed,
      • fulsome,
      • malfunctioning,
      • in arrears,
      • broken,
      • disorderly,
      • outrageous,
      • of no value,
      • tired,
      • expend,
      • dreadful,
      • execrable,
      • eject,
      • sleazy,
      • asinine,
      • preposterous,
      • false,
      • sisyphean,
      • otiose,
      • duff,
      • common,
      • incapable,
      • bogus,
      • impotent,
      • odious,
      • exhausted,
      • trumpery,
      • brutal,
      • unworkable,
      • arrant,
      • rank,
      • junk,
      • dispensable,
      • nitty-gritty,
      • unable,
      • crumble,
      • terrible,
      • fustian,
      • trashy,
      • Beggared,
      • egregious,
      • bad,
      • fetid,
      • talkative,
      • enormous,
      • unqualified,
      • dusty,
      • paltry,
      • ignoble,
      • suffering,
      • slimy,
      • beneath contempt,
      • skimpy,
      • incompetent,
      • tacky,
      • heinous,
      • in arrear,
      • scant,
      • ineffectual,
      • fraudulent,
      • unfit,
      • profligate,
      • unfounded,
      • depart,
      • gone,
      • fudge,
      • unsound,
      • shameful,
      • non-performing,
      • harmful,
      • picayune,
      • inconstant,
      • bootless,
      • Desertless,
      • sparse,
      • unfavourable,
      • non-paying,
      • blameworthy,
      • unmeritorious,
      • woeful,
      • cook,
      • mean,
      • castration,
      • ineptitude,
      • flagrant,
      • reprehensible,
      • punk,
      • schlock,
      • nasty,
      • mediocre,
      • Picayunish,
      • unneeded,
      • opened,
      • expel,
      • least,
      • swollen,
      • decompose,
      • insubstantial,
      • horrible,
      • meagre,
      • doctor,
      • stale,
      • ridiculous,
      • priceless,
      • unsubstantial,
      • talentless,
      • worst,
      • minus,
      • unsalvageable,
      • of no moment,
      • litter,
      • unreal,
      • nil,
      • tuppenny,
      • tatty,
      • deplorable,
      • senseless,
      • beggarly,
      • Scampish,
      • forged,
      • niggling,
      • inoperative,
      • impart,
      • unemployable,
      • wasteful,
      • needless,
      • beastly,
      • abandoned,
      • impossible,
      • improper,
      • deleterious,
      • footling,
      • unsalable,
      • inflated,
      • unfavorable,
      • prejudicial,
      • regrettable,
      • misfortunate,
      • lawless,
      • absurd,
      • disgraceful,
      • discreditable,
      • queasy,
      • non-functioning,
      • blown,
      • scruffy,
      • horrid,
      • commonplace,
      • counterfeit,
      • disreputable,
      • petty,
      • scuzzy,
      • gaudy,
      • disintegrate,
      • baseless,
      • pyrrhic,
      • amplify,
      • little,
      • scrubby,
      • diddle,
      • weak,
      • detrimental,
      • spurious,
      • verbalize,
      • dough,
      • unsatisfying,
      • fruitless,
      • rotten,
      • seedy,
      • immaterial,
      • unrequired,
      • repulsive,
      • unfruitful,
      • non-productive,
      • excite,
      • obnoxious,
      • of no avail,
      • extra,
      • reveal,
      • unserviceable,
      • unavailable,
      • silly,
      • unsatisfactory,
      • tattling,
      • substandard,
      • overstate,
      • weedy,
      • hateful,
      • offensive,
      • shocking,
      • pitiable,
      • sickening,
      • unadvantageous,
      • atrocious,
      • meager,
      • unfortunate,
      • undeserving,
      • not worth mentioning,
      • gimcrack,
      • fatuous,
      • superfluous,
      • slight,
      • dissolute,
      • twopenny,
      • dire,
      • costly,
      • poorness,
      • helpless,
      • emasculation,
      • in debt,
      • inept,
      • dishonourable,
      • tinsel,
      • detestable,
      • grievous,
      • niggardly,
      • abominable,
      • frightful,
      • impractical,
      • mickey mouse,
      • superficial,
      • disappointing,
      • fiddle,
      • pudding,
      • minor,
      • indecorous,
      • too bad,
      • loathsome,
      • expurgation,
      • barren,
      • unworthy,
      • crappy,
      • discover,
      • notorious,
      • counterproductive,
      • Naff,
      • leftover,
      • tinny,
      • disgusting,
      • unessential,
      • divulge,
      • Uncommendable,
      • Unpractical,
      • Putid,
      • shallow,
      • culm,
      • impracticable,
      • foetid,
      • low-grade,
      • pinchbeck,
      • shabby,
      • unrewarding,
      • declare,
      • mingy,
      • effete,
      • lamentable,
      • twopenny-halfpenny,
      • inessential,
      • incidental,
      • hypocritical,
      • unprincipled,
      • recreant,
      • small,
      • penny ante,
      • behindhand,
      • filthy,
      • villainous,
      • exaggerate,
      • valueless,
      • imperfect,
      • deficient,
      • inferior,
      • gum,
      • ruthful,
      • injurious,
      • squalid,
      • wretched,
      • Distended,
      • non-standard,
      • bust,
      • chintzy,
      • wasted,
      • displace,
      • fake,
      • meretricious,
      • unremunerative,
      • tinpot,
      • rump,
      • dud,
      • kaput,
      • nonsensical,
      • time-consuming,
      • for the birds,
      • aimless,
      • disadvantageous,
      • inappreciable,
      • debased,
      • lousy,
      • monstrous,
      • Scrannel,
      • naught,
      • unseemly,
      • disclose,
      • unused,
      • peripheral,
      • unclean,
      • Disserviceable,
      • stupid,
      • ugly,
      • nefarious,
      • slimed,
      • inadequate,
      • loquacious,
      • disposable,
      • noisome,
      • beneath notice,
      • time-wasting,
      • awful,
      • thin.

    How to use «Worthless» in context?

    «worthless» is a word that is often used to describe things that are not worth anything. These things could be material possessions, relationships, or ideas. Some people believe that everything is worth something, and that the word «worthless» is only used to describe things that are not important. Others believe that anything can be worth something if it is used in the right way. There is no right or wrong answer to this question.

    Paraphrases for Worthless:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Adjective
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        good-for-nothing, helpless, hopeless, ineffective, ineffectual, invalid, irrelevant, lame, lousy, measly, miserable, needless, nil, null, pathetic, redundant, rotten, senseless, vain, valuable, value, wasteful, worthwhile, wretched, non-taxable.
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
        fruitless, futile, meaningless, pointless, superfluous, unhelpful, unnecessary, unproductive, worth, worthy.

    Word of the Day

    bow 1

    twist tie,


    • WORTHLESS synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • WORTHLESS synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — WORTHLESS synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of WORTHLESS
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for WORTHLESS
    • barren
    • bogus
    • futile
    • inconsequential
    • ineffective
    • insignificant
    • meaningless
    • mediocre
    • pointless
    • unimportant
    • unproductive
    • unprofitable
    • unusable
    • useless
    • abandoned
    • abject
    • base
    • cheap
    • contemptible
    • counterproductive
    • despicable
    • empty
    • good-for-nothing
    • ignoble
    • ineffectual
    • inferior
    • inutile
    • miserable
    • no-account
    • no-good
    • nothing
    • nugatory
    • paltry
    • poor
    • profitless
    • sterile
    • trashy
    • trifling
    • trivial
    • unavailing
    • unessential
    • valueless
    • waste
    • wretched

    On this page you’ll find 133 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to worthless, such as: barren, bogus, futile, inconsequential, ineffective, and insignificant.

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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    How to use worthless in a sentence

    All of it was worthless—except to a man of vision—so, treading lightly, Scattergood went about acquiring what he needed.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • base
    • contemptible
    • degraded
    • dejected
    • deplorable
    • dishonorable
    • fawning
    • forlorn
    • groveling
    • hangdog
    • humiliated
    • low
    • miserable
    • outcast
    • pitiable
    • servile
    • submissive
    • worthless
    • wretched
    • failed
    • failing
    • fruitless
    • futile
    • ineffective
    • ineffectual
    • unavailing
    • unproductive
    • unsuccessful
    • useless
    • vain
    • worthless
    • abject
    • abominable
    • cheap
    • coarse
    • common
    • contemptible
    • corrupt
    • depraved
    • despicable
    • disgraceful
    • dishonorable
    • disreputable
    • foul
    • grovelling
    • humble
    • ignoble
    • immoral
    • indelicate
    • loathsome
    • lowly
    • mean
    • menial
    • offensive
    • paltry
    • pitiful
    • plebeian
    • poor
    • scandalous
    • servile
    • shameful
    • shoddy
    • sleazy
    • sordid
    • sorry
    • squalid
    • trashy
    • ugly
    • unworthy
    • vile
    • worthless
    • wretched
    • abject
    • abominable
    • cheap
    • coarse
    • common
    • contemptible
    • corrupt
    • depraved
    • despicable
    • disgraceful
    • dishonorable
    • disreputable
    • foul
    • grovelling
    • humble
    • ignoble
    • immoral
    • indelicate
    • loathsome
    • lowly
    • mean
    • menial
    • offensive
    • paltry
    • pitiful
    • plebeian
    • poor
    • scandalous
    • servile
    • shameful
    • shoddy
    • sleazy
    • sordid
    • sorry
    • squalid
    • trashy
    • ugly
    • unworthy
    • vile
    • worthless
    • wretched
    • fruitless
    • futile
    • idle
    • ineffectual
    • unavailing
    • vain
    • worthless
    • bad
    • base
    • bogus
    • catchpenny
    • cheesy
    • common
    • commonplace
    • crappy
    • cruddy
    • dud
    • flashy
    • garbage
    • garish
    • glitzy
    • junky
    • lousy
    • mangy
    • mean
    • mediocre
    • meretricious
    • no bargain
    • no good
    • ordinary
    • paltry
    • poor
    • ratty
    • raunchy
    • rinky-dink
    • rotten
    • rubbishy
    • scroungy
    • second-rate
    • shoddy
    • sleazy
    • small-time
    • tatty
    • tawdry
    • terrible
    • trashy
    • trumpery
    • two-bit
    • valueless
    • white elephant
    • worthless

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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