Worship синонимы


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Group of People Standing and Smiling Photo Of Mosque During Daytime Al Noor Mosque Under Blue Sky Photo Of Grand Mosque During Dawn White and Blue Concrete Mosque White and Brown Concrete Building Under Cloudy Sky during Daytime

Image search results for To worship

church, dom, house of worship meditation, yoga, zen meditation, buddha, sculpture meditation, buddha, sculpture ancient, meditation, architecture architecture, home, cat

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Synonyms for To worship. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/to_worship

Synonyms for To worship. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/to_worship>.

Synonyms for To worship. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/to_worship.

  • adoration
  • church service
  • devotion
  • prayer
  • rite
  • ritual
  • adulation
  • awe
  • beatification
  • benediction
  • chapel
  • deification
  • exaltation
  • genuflection
  • glory
  • homage
  • honor
  • idolatry
  • idolization
  • invocation
  • love
  • offering
  • praise
  • prostration
  • regard
  • respect
  • reverence
  • service
  • supplication
  • veneration
  • vespers
  • laudation
  • admire
  • adore
  • canonize
  • celebrate
  • chant
  • idolize
  • revere
  • sing
  • venerate
  • adulate
  • deify
  • esteem
  • exalt
  • extol
  • hero-worship
  • laud
  • love
  • magnify
  • praise
  • respect
  • reverence
  • sanctify
  • bow down to
  • dote on
  • offer prayers to
  • pay homage to
  • pray to
  • put on a pedestal
  • sing praises to

On this page you’ll find 169 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to worship, such as: adoration, church service, devotion, prayer, rite, and ritual.

  • abhor
  • condemn
  • despise
  • detest
  • hate
  • blame
  • castigate
  • criticize
  • denounce
  • dishonor
  • dislike
  • disrespect
  • scorn

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use worship in a sentence

From giving at your place of worship to volunteering at your local food bank to making sure that when you get takeout it’s not from a big chain, neighborhood acts make a difference.


Her exquisite, frail beauty held a strength that mocked the worship in his eyes and voice.


To swear by his name is not to do sacrifice; and is therefore to perform another part of his worship.


In addition to the great chief temple, there were many smaller places of worship, with bell and tablet houses.


Perhaps he is a little conscious of his charm; if so, it is hardly his fault, for hero-worship has been his lot from boyhood.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • account
  • adoration
  • affection
  • applause
  • appreciation
  • approbation
  • approval
  • deference
  • delight
  • esteem
  • estimation
  • favor
  • fondness
  • glorification
  • homage
  • honor
  • idolatry
  • idolization
  • liking
  • love
  • marveling
  • obeisance
  • pleasure
  • praise
  • prizing
  • recognition
  • regard
  • reverence
  • valuing
  • veneration
  • wonder
  • wonderment
  • worship
  • adore
  • applaud
  • appreciate
  • approve
  • be crazy about
  • be crazy for
  • be crazy over
  • be mad about
  • be nuts about
  • be stuck on
  • be sweet on
  • be wild about
  • cherish
  • commend
  • credit
  • delight in
  • esteem
  • eulogize
  • extol
  • fall for
  • get high on
  • glorify
  • go for
  • groove on
  • hail
  • hold in respect
  • honor
  • idolize
  • laud
  • look up to
  • marvel at
  • moon over
  • pay homage to
  • praise
  • prize
  • rate highly
  • respect
  • revere
  • take pleasure in
  • think highly of
  • treasure
  • value
  • venerate
  • wonder at
  • worship
  • adores
  • applauds
  • appreciates
  • approves
  • be sticks on
  • cherishes
  • commends
  • credits
  • delight in
  • esteems
  • eulogizes
  • extols
  • falls for
  • gets high on
  • glorifies
  • goes for
  • grooves on
  • hails
  • holds in respect
  • honors
  • idolizes
  • is crazy about
  • is crazy for
  • is crazy over
  • is mad about
  • is nuts about
  • is sweet on
  • is wild about
  • lauds
  • looks up to
  • marvels at
  • moon over
  • pays homage to
  • praises
  • prizes
  • rate highly
  • respects
  • reveres
  • takes pleasure in
  • thinks highly of
  • treasures
  • values
  • venerates
  • wonders at
  • worships
  • admiration
  • amore
  • ardor
  • attachment
  • crush
  • devotion
  • esteem
  • estimation
  • exaltation
  • glorification
  • hankering
  • honor
  • idolatry
  • idolization
  • infatuation
  • pash
  • passion
  • puppy love
  • reverence
  • shine
  • veneration
  • weakness
  • worship
  • worshipping
  • yen
  • admire
  • be crazy about
  • be gone on
  • be mad for
  • be nuts about
  • be serious about
  • be smitten with
  • be stuck on
  • be sweet on
  • be wild about
  • cherish
  • delight in
  • dig
  • dote on
  • esteem
  • exalt
  • fall for
  • flip over
  • glorify
  • go for
  • honor
  • idolize
  • prize
  • revere
  • reverence
  • treasure
  • venerate
  • worship
  • admires
  • be goes on
  • be smites with
  • be sticks on
  • cherishes
  • delight in
  • digs
  • dote on
  • esteems
  • exalts
  • falls for
  • flips over
  • glorifies
  • goes for
  • honors
  • idolizes
  • is crazy about
  • is mad for
  • is nuts about
  • is serious about
  • is sweet on
  • is wild about
  • prizes
  • reverences
  • reveres
  • treasures
  • venerates
  • worships

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • worship [ˈwɜːʃɪp] сущ

    1. поклонениеср, культм, почитаниеср, служениеср, религиозный культ

      (worshipping, cult, veneration, ministry, religious cult)

      • place of worship – место поклонения
      • ancestor worship – культ предков
      • religious worship – религиозное почитание
      • spiritual worship – духовное служение
    2. богослужениеср, молитваж

      (liturgy, prayer)

      • morning worship – утреннее богослужение
    3. вероисповеданиеср


      • guarantee freedom of worship – гарантировать свободу вероисповедания
    4. преклонениеср, обожаниеср, почтениеср

      (reverence, adoration)

    5. прославлениеср


      • worship leader – лидер прославления
    6. религиозные обряды

      (religious rites)

    7. богопочитаниеср

      (divine worship)

  • worship [ˈwɜːʃɪp] гл

    1. поклоняться, молиться, поклониться, кланяться, преклоняться

      (worshipper, pray, bow)

      • worship false gods – поклоняться ложным богам
    2. боготворить, обожать, обожествлять

      (idolize, love, deify)

    3. почитать


    4. благоговеть


    5. исповедовать


    6. славить


поклоняться worship, adore, idolize
боготворить worship, idolize, deify, god, make a god of
почитать esteem, honor, worship, revere, respect, reverence
преклоняться bow, worship, adore
обожать adore, worship
бывать в церкви worship
поклонение worship, adoration, cult, idolatry
богослужение worship, divine service, church service, church, chapel, ministration
культ cult, worship, religion, cultus
почитание worship, veneration
преклонение worship, admiration
почет honor, kudos, worship, distinction, aureola, aureole

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • worship сущ

    • adoration · reverence · idolatry · veneration · honor · homage
    • adore · idolize · deify · idolise
    • revere
    • liturgy · worship service · public worship · divine service · church service · religious service
    • religion · cult · creed


  • reverence, veneration, adoration, glorification, glory, exaltation, devotion, praise, thanksgiving, homage, honor, magnification
  • service, religious rite, prayer, praise, devotion, religious observance
  • admiration, adulation, idolization, lionization, hero worship
  • adoration


  • revere, reverence, venerate, pay homage to, honor, adore, praise, pray to, glorify, exalt, extol, hold dear, cherish, treasure, esteem, adulate, idolize, deify, hero-worship, lionize, overpraise, follow, look up to, put on a pedestal, laud, magnify
  • hero-worship, revere, idolize

Предложения со словом «Worship»

And one way into it is to see that perhaps the most simple way into a culture and into an age is to ask: What do people worship ?

Один из способов — это осознание того, что, возможно, самый простой путь к пониманию культуры или эпохи лежит через вопрос: чему люди поклоняются ?

Some people worship many gods, some one, some none.

Одни поклоняются многим богам, другие — одному, третьи — никому.

And I think they’ll conclude that what we worship in our time is the self, the me, the I.

Мне кажется, они придут к выводу, что в наши дни мы поклоняемся самим себе, своему «я».

Emerson said that the happiest person on Earth is the one who learns from nature the lessons of worship .

Эмерсон сказал, что самый счастливый человек на Земле — это тот, кто берёт уроки богослужения у природы.

And when so many of the policies are contrary to fundamental values, that we’re all equal under the law, that we’re not judged by the color of our skin or the religion we worship , we have to contest those values even as we recognize and honor the fact that our democracy rendered us a president who is championing those values.

И когда бóльшая часть его политики идёт вразрез с человеческими ценностями: что мы все равны перед законом, что мы не судимы за свой цвет кожи или религию, мы должны отстаивать эти ценности, даже если мы признаём и уважаем тот факт, что наша демократия наградила нас президентом, который их не признаёт.

Our walking is for healing, for joy, for fresh air, quiet time, to connect and disconnect, to worship .

Ходьба нужна нам для исцеления, радости, свежего воздуха, спокойствия, общения и отдыха, для связи с Богом.

All worship at the temple of possibility that one discovery might change history.

Все эти старания в храме возможностей ради одного открытия, которое может изменить историю.

Their faces glowed with awe and something akin to worship .

Их лица светились восторгом, весьма сходным с обожествлением.

For then you promise to honour and worship Christ.

Ибо тогда вы дали обет почитать и поклоняться Христу.

Listen to nurses, worship you, complain and die.

Слушать медсестер, поклоняться вам, пожаловаться и умереть.

Laminak greeted him with her usual joy and unconcealed worship .

Ламинак, как всегда, встретила его с нескрываемой радостью.

I’d say that the worship of truth is dangerous.

Я бы сказал, что культ правды довольно опасен.

This holiday in strange way combines the Celtic tradition of celebrating of evil ghost and the Christian-worship all sacred.

Этот праздник странным образом сочетает кельтскую традицию празднования злых духов и христианскую поклонения всем святым.

People once believed that there were many ghosts and witches on the Earth and that they met on October 31 to worship the devil.

Люди когда — то верили, что было много призраков и ведьм на Земле и что они встретились 31 октября, чтобы поклоняться дьяволу.

Black magic and demon worship and an appetite for the unholy…

Черная магия, поклонение демонам, интерес ко всему нечистому.

They worship you and those amazing bedtime stories you’ve been telling them.

Они обожают тебя и твои удивительные сказки на ночь.

No wise men came from the east to worship at a manger.

И волхвы не приходили с востока к моим яслям.

Here they received the worship of mortal men which gives strength and life to gods.

Здесь они принимали поклонение смертных людей оно дает жизнь и силу богам.

As oppressed people everywhere writhe under the Roman lash, freeman and vassal are united in one compulsory worship .

Угнетенные народы корчатся под римским кнутом, а свободные граждане и вассалы вынуждены преклоняться.

The religion had retained traces of animism, belief in reincarnation, and ancestor worship .

В религии сохранялись следы анимизма, культа поклонения духам предков и идеи переселения душ.

Thus He weaves all into One, that both friend and foe may worship Him.

Так сплетал он все воедино, чтобы и друг, и враг поклонялись ему.

You worship the same God, the Madonna and Child?

Ты молишься тому же Богу, Мадонне и младенцу?

I do not judge people for the Gods they worship .

Я не сужу людей по богам, которым они молятся.

Did the people who came here to worship not sense the terrible thing the Old Fella had hidden here?

Неужто люди, которые приходили сюда молиться, не чувствовали присутствия этого ужасного шара, спрятанного здесь Стариком?

You worship a god and then he pays you back by taking you over.

Вы молитесь Богу, а он платит тем, что овладевает вами.

Some Buddhist sects even recommend it as a form of worship .

Некоторые буддийские секты даже рекомендуют это как одну из форм молитвы.

A place that was sacred to Evil before there were any pagans who might worship Evil.

Это место было посвящено злу еще до того, как появились язычники, поклонявшиеся дьяволу.

I will carve your beauty into the stone for all eternity to worship !

Я воплощу твою красоту в камне, и ты обретешь бессмертие!

Hadn’t she felt the joy of successful worship when her rituals were complete?

Разве не охватывала ее радость удавшегося богослужения после совершения ритуала?

Were they all in the service of the good god or did women secretly still worship at some of the old altars?

Искренне ли веруют женщины в доброго бога или тайно поклоняются языческим богам у старых алтарей?

Who could worship a deity who commands a man to sacrifice his own son?

Кто может поклоняться божеству, который приказывает человеку принести в жертву собственного сына?

Sacrificed him to some dark pagan god that they worship in that insane mansion of theirs.

Принесли его в жертву какому — нибудь темному язычному богу, которому они поклоняются в своем безумном особняке.

The town square was where the natives would gather to worship .

На месте городской площади туземцы раньше собирались на поклонение .

Ama conceived an admiration amounting almost to worship for the beautiful woman in the cave and her enchanted daughter.

Ама восхищалась красивой женщиной в пещере и ее заколдованной дочерью, почти боготворила их.

He knew she could not worship him, or even love him.

Он знал, что она не будет боготворить его, никогда не полюбит.

To all she preached the need to return to El’s worship and honor.

Всем она говорила о необходимости вернуться к почитанию и уважению Эля.

Now, any worship of this deity would include a blood sacrifice or the wholesale eating of a child.

Поклонение этому божеству означает либо пожертвование крови, либо массовое поедание детей.

I’m afraid he’s come down with a bad case of hero-worship.

Боюсь, что он свалился с тяжелым заболеванием преклонения перед героем.

And they prayed to their Devil and they prayed to their Satan, and did all kinds of Satanic worship services.

А они молились своему Дьяволу и своему Сатане, и выполняли все свои сатанинские ритуалы.

The folk of the island are highly religious; they worship the sea-scorpions native to the waters around the island.

Люди этого острова чрезвычайно религиозны и поклоняются живущим в этих водах морским скорпионам.

But we could find a way to worship more like the ancient.

Но мы могли бы привнести в богослужения то, что было у древних.

Thank you for helping me consecrate this fine house of worship .

Спасибо вам за помощь в освящении этого прекрасного дома богослужения.

It seemed that there was no valedictory ceremony to this worship .

По всей видимости, прощальная церемония в этом богослужении не предусматривалась.

Many moderns, inured to a weak worship of intellect and force, might have wavered in their allegiance under this oppression of a great personality.

Многие наши современники, увлеченные малодушным поклонением уму и силе, восхитились бы могучей личностью.

Lebanon’s economic infrastructure — its water treatment plants, power plants, roads, bridges, farmland, villages and houses of worship — is also being targeted.

Целью также служит экономическая инфраструктура Ливана: его предприятия по очистке воды, электростанции, дороги, мосты, фермы, деревни и культовые сооружения.

Numerous religious organisations have built their new places of worship and practise their religion without hindrance.

Многочисленные религиозные организации построили новые культовые сооружения и беспрепятственно практикуют свою религию.

Where conservative Christians have built an 18 million dollar worship center as their new Jerusalem, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

Где консервативные христиане построили за 18 миллионов долларов центр поклонения их новый Иерусалим у подножия Скалистых Гор.

Islam is part of the West and part of America, and several million American Muslims live, work and worship freely in our country.

Ислам является частью Запада и частью Америки, и несколько миллионов американских мусульман живут, работают и свободно молятся в нашей стране.

The Government of Equatorial Guinea appointed the Minister of Justice and Worship , Mr. Francisco Ngomo Mbengomo, to liaise with the mission.

Правительство Экваториальной Гвинеи обязало министра юстиции и культа г — на Франсиско Нгомо Мбенгомо вступить в контакт с миссией.

They had been targeted as an ethnic group, displaced from their places of worship and forced to assimilate Buddhist religious practices.

Они подвергаются дискриминации как этническая группа, их выселили из мест, где они совершали свои религиозные обряды, и заставили принять буддизм.

Every night around 7 PM, thousands gather and worship the river Goddess, by putting diyas in the river.

Каждую ночь около 7 вечера, тысячи собирать и поклонение богине реку, положив diyas в реке.

Greek Cypriots living in the TRNC are able to attend religious services in places of worship without hindrance.

Киприоты — греки, проживающие в Турецкой республике Северного Кипра, могут беспрепятственно посещать религиозные службы в местах отправления религиозных культов.

During the tour, they met with women from different classes in places of worship .

Во время поездки члены ВСЖ провели встречи с представительницами различных групп населения в местах религиозного поклонения .

With regard to religious education for under-18s in places of worship , the practice appears to vary.

В отношении религиозного образования для лиц моложе 18 лет в местах отправления культа практика, по — видимому, не является одинаковой.

Surely there must be some reference to its many houses of worship in the town’s Historical Society.

Должны быть какие — то упоминания о многочисленных храмах в вашей библиотеке.

Besides, they’ll worship you for it.

К тому же, они будут боготворить тебя за это.

The Board then appointed a new imam for the mosque, which does not restrict the freedom of conscience of those who worship in this mosque.

Затем Совет назначил нового имама мечети, что не ограничивает свободу совести тех, кто посещает эту мечеть.

A mosque had been restored in Yerevan to provide Muslims with a place of worship .

В Ереване была восстановлена мечеть для обеспечения мусульманам места их культа.

With UNFICYP support, both sides took important steps to facilitate the practice of religious worship .

При поддержке ВСООНК обе стороны предприняли важные шаги в целях содействия отправлению религиозных обрядов.

It condemned recent acts of violence and the terrorist crimes and aggression aimed at holy places and houses of worship .

осудил недавние акты насилия, террористические преступления и нападения, направленные против святынь и мест отправления культа;.

What is another word for worship?

1203 synonyms found


[ wˈɜːʃɪp], [ wˈɜːʃɪp], [ w_ˈɜː_ʃ_ɪ_p]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • religion.
  • n.

    • put someone on a pedestal,
    • wonder.

    • mass,
    • hallelujah,
    • genuflect,
    • Alleluia,
    • offer up,
    • church,
    • vespers,
    • magnify,
    • hosanna,
    • glory.

    • sacred.

    act (noun)

    • worship.

    admiration (noun)

    • re-cognition,
    • de-light,
    • re cognition,
    • marvelings,
    • prizings,
    • re-cognitions,
    • re cognitions,
    • de lights,
    • valuings,
    • de-lights,
    • de light.

    adoration (noun)

    • offering,
    • invocation,
    • benediction,
    • supplication,
    • honor.

    adulation (noun)

    • bootlickings,
    • fawnings,
    • audations.

    amazement (noun)

    • awe.

    devotion (noun)

    • in tensity,
    • in-tensities,
    • devotednesses,
    • in-tensity,
    • devotements,
    • in tensities.

    dote on (noun)

    • dote.

    exaltation (noun)

    • up-grading,
    • up-lifting,
    • high ranks,
    • upliftings,
    • lionizations,
    • up grading,
    • up lifting.

    faith (noun)

    • re velations,
    • de-nominations,
    • ortho-doxies,
    • de-nomination,
    • ortho-doxy,
    • theisms,
    • de nominations,
    • ortho doxy,
    • re-velation,
    • ortho doxies,
    • re-velations,
    • de nomination,
    • re velation.

    hero worship (noun)

    • breathless adoration,
    • exaggerated respect,
    • hero-worship.

    holiness (noun)

    • saintlinesses,
    • divinenesses,
    • asceticisms,
    • in-violability,
    • in violability,
    • venerablenesses,
    • in-violabilities,
    • in violabilities.

    homage (noun)

    • kneelings.

    honor (noun)

    • re nown,
    • immortalizations,
    • deifications,
    • re-nown,
    • high standings.

    honoring, glorification (noun)

    • chapel,
    • Laudation,
    • genuflection,
    • ritual,
    • rite,
    • love,
    • church service,
    • prostration,
    • beatification.

    idolatry (noun)

    • Idolism.

    idolise (noun)

    • idolise.

    love (noun)

    • liking,
    • passion,
    • romance,
    • infatuation,
    • sentimentality,
    • endearment,
    • intimacy,
    • oneness,
    • amorousness,
    • tenderness,
    • affection,
    • kinship,
    • friendliness,
    • attachment,
    • fondness,
    • communion,
    • crush.

    magnification (noun)

    • over-statements,
    • over-statement,
    • over statement,
    • over statements.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • Immortalization,
    • regard,
    • plaudits,
    • upgradings,
    • religiosity,
    • Divineness,
    • Pleadings,
    • lordship,
    • Excellencies,
    • rogation,
    • purity,
    • Devotement,
    • fawning,
    • asceticism,
    • orison,
    • unction,
    • lionization,
    • ladyship,
    • stupefaction,
    • Doxies,
    • requiem,
    • deification,
    • service,
    • holiness,
    • idolatry,
    • praise,
    • Valuing,
    • glorification,
    • admiration,
    • veneration,
    • hero worship,
    • respect,
    • Religionism,
    • adulation,
    • reverence,
    • devotion,
    • theism,
    • excellency,
    • Pash,
    • righteousness,
    • panegyrics,
    • high rank,
    • Fame,
    • sacrosanctity,
    • religiousness,
    • Venerableness,
    • prayer,
    • faith,
    • exaltation,
    • idolization,
    • pashes,
    • answer adoration,
    • obsequiousness,
    • renowns,
    • saintliness,
    • request for help,
    • high esteem,
    • Prayers,
    • dogma,
    • sycophancies,
    • devotedness,
    • canonizations,
    • audation,
    • doxy,
    • ceremonials,
    • pietism,
    • lordships,
    • homage,
    • piousness,
    • adoration,
    • canonization,
    • ladyships,
    • high standing,
    • highness,
    • sycophancy,
    • panegyric,
    • sacredness,
    • Amore.

    praise (noun)

    • Bravoes,
    • magnification,
    • big hand,
    • bravos,
    • bravo.

    prayer (noun)

    • in-vocations,
    • implorings,
    • beggings,
    • in-vocation,
    • re quests,
    • answer adorations,
    • re-quests,
    • in vocations,
    • in vocation,
    • beseechings.

    regard (noun)

    • re-gard,
    • re gards,
    • re-gards,
    • re gard.

    requiem (noun)

    • memorial service,
    • psalm,
    • Monodies,
    • threnody,
    • Canticles,
    • death song,
    • Sermons,
    • monody,
    • funeral hymn,
    • religious song,
    • canticle.

    reverence (noun)

    • obsequiousnesses,
    • high esteems.

    rogation (noun)

    • de-cree,
    • de crees,
    • de-crees,
    • de cree.

    veneration (noun)

    • re-payment,
    • re payments,
    • re-payments,
    • re payment.

    worship (noun)

    • piety,
    • Ardency,
    • devoutness,
    • cultism,
    • duty,
    • faithfulness.
  • v.

    admire (verb)

    • taking pleasure in,
    • gets high on,
    • rating highly,
    • were wild about,
    • ex tolling,
    • wast wild about,
    • are crazy about,
    • thinks highly of,
    • are stuck on,
    • being sweet on,
    • holds respect,
    • am wild about,
    • getting high on,
    • marvelling at,
    • was mad about,
    • was sweet on,
    • got high on,
    • holding in respect,
    • wast crazy about,
    • mooning over,
    • gotten high on,
    • was crazy about,
    • ex-tolling,
    • is wild about,
    • being mad about,
    • art wild about,
    • was wild about,
    • being crazy over,
    • art stuck on,
    • grooving on,
    • held respect,
    • was nuts about,
    • were crazy about,
    • grooved on,
    • am crazy about,
    • wert mad about,
    • art mad about,
    • wast mad about,
    • wast nuts about,
    • am crazy for,
    • wert wild about,
    • is crazy for,
    • wast stuck on,
    • wert sweet on,
    • looked up to,
    • rated highly,
    • payed homage to,
    • moons over,
    • took pleasure in,
    • wert nuts about,
    • was stuck on,
    • being crazy about,
    • wert stuck on,
    • are wild about,
    • is stuck on,
    • being wild about,
    • being nuts about,
    • looks up to,
    • mooned over,
    • wast crazy for,
    • rates highly,
    • is nuts about,
    • are sweet on,
    • grooves on,
    • wert crazy over,
    • pays homage to,
    • were crazy over,
    • are crazy for,
    • wondered at,
    • hold respect,
    • ex-tolled,
    • is mad about,
    • marvelled at,
    • were sweet on,
    • thinking highly of,
    • holding respect,
    • looking up to,
    • am mad about,
    • art sweet on,
    • art nuts about,
    • looks to,
    • marveling at,
    • marveled at,
    • holds in respect,
    • wert crazy about,
    • is crazy over,
    • was crazy for,
    • wonders at,
    • are crazy over,
    • being stuck on,
    • art crazy about,
    • looked to,
    • were nuts about,
    • gat high on,
    • wondering at,
    • is sweet on,
    • were crazy for,
    • were mad about,
    • am stuck on,
    • art crazy over,
    • were stuck on,
    • am nuts about,
    • am crazy over,
    • am sweet on,
    • wast crazy over,
    • takes pleasure in,
    • marvels at,
    • was crazy over,
    • wert crazy for,
    • ex tolled,
    • art crazy for,
    • is crazy about,
    • paying homage to,
    • being crazy for,
    • wast sweet on,
    • paid homage to.

    adore (verb)

    • was smitten with,
    • is mad for,
    • being smitten with,
    • wast serious about,
    • were mad for,
    • am serious about,
    • was serious about,
    • am mad for,
    • were smitten with,
    • art serious about,
    • flips over,
    • wert smitten with,
    • was mad for,
    • art gone on,
    • is serious about,
    • wast mad for,
    • were gone on,
    • are smitten with,
    • are serious about,
    • art smitten with,
    • being gone on,
    • am gone on,
    • are gone on,
    • wast gone on,
    • is gone on,
    • wast smitten with,
    • art mad for,
    • being mad for,
    • wert gone on,
    • wert mad for,
    • am smitten with,
    • were serious about,
    • was gone on,
    • is smitten with,
    • flipping over,
    • being serious about,
    • wert serious about.

    adulate (verb)

    • falls all over,
    • brown-noses,
    • falling over,
    • fell over,
    • falling all over,
    • brown noses,
    • kissed feet,
    • brown-nosed,
    • fell all over,
    • brown nosing,
    • brown nosed,
    • kisses feet,
    • kissing feet,
    • brown nose.

    apotheosize (verb)

    • apotheosing,
    • apotheosed.

    canonize (verb)

    • puts a pedestal,
    • be-sainting,
    • Idolatrizing,
    • besaints,
    • be saint,
    • put a pedestal,
    • be-saints,
    • putting pedestal,
    • puts on a pedestal,
    • Idolatrized,
    • put pedestal,
    • puts pedestal,
    • puts on pedestal,
    • putting a pedestal,
    • besainting,
    • besainted,
    • be saints,
    • be sainted,
    • idolatrizes,
    • be sainting,
    • be-sainted,
    • putting on pedestal,
    • putting on a pedestal,
    • be-saint.

    cherish (verb)

    • holds dear,
    • clung to,
    • pre serves,
    • de fend,
    • pre serving,
    • pre-serves,
    • holding in high esteem,
    • de fended,
    • holds high esteem,
    • cleft to,
    • de-fending,
    • clove to,
    • hold high esteem,
    • pre-serve,
    • holding dear,
    • cleaved to,
    • de-fend,
    • pre serve,
    • de fends,
    • cleaves to,
    • held high esteem,
    • apprizes,
    • cleaving to,
    • de-fends,
    • pre served,
    • holds in high esteem,
    • clave to,
    • de-fended,
    • de fending,
    • pre-served,
    • clinging to,
    • holding high esteem,
    • pre-serving.

    compliment (verb)

    • re-commend,
    • fawning upon,
    • re-commended,
    • giving bouquet,
    • pats back,
    • handed to,
    • take hat to,
    • ingratiated oneself with,
    • gives bouquet,
    • paying respects,
    • pats on the back,
    • ingratiated with,
    • patting on the back,
    • speaking highly of,
    • payed tribute to,
    • takes hat to,
    • wishing joy to,
    • patted on back,
    • fawns up on,
    • sings praises of,
    • kudized,
    • re commend,
    • traded last,
    • rooses,
    • gave bouquet,
    • patting back,
    • roosed,
    • taking hat to,
    • fawns upon,
    • fawned upon,
    • spake highly of,
    • kudizing,
    • paying tribute to,
    • speaks highly of,
    • patting the back,
    • patted the back,
    • makes much of,
    • patting on back,
    • ingratiating with,
    • kudizes,
    • fawned up on,
    • taking off hat to,
    • payed respects,
    • fawning up on,
    • paid tribute to,
    • re commended,
    • patted on the back,
    • pays respects,
    • pat the back,
    • re commends,
    • handed it to,
    • puffs up,
    • made much of,
    • hands to,
    • sung praises of,
    • hands it to,
    • pats the back,
    • re-commending,
    • re-commends,
    • patted back,
    • ingratiate with,
    • wishes joy to,
    • trading last,
    • ingratiates oneself with,
    • ingratiates with,
    • handing to,
    • pats on back,
    • handing it to,
    • singing praises of,
    • spoke highly of,
    • re commending,
    • took off hat to,
    • pat back,
    • wished joy to,
    • sang praises of,
    • fawn up on,
    • trades last,
    • took hat to,
    • takes off hat to,
    • roosing,
    • pays tribute to,
    • ingratiating oneself with,
    • hand to,
    • paid respects.

    deify (verb)

    • apostheosizes,
    • apostheosizing,
    • apostheosized.

    dote on/dote upon (verb)

    • wast fond of,
    • were fond of,
    • were infatuated with,
    • is infatuated with,
    • wert fond of,
    • being infatuated with,
    • was fond of,
    • wast infatuated with,
    • are infatuated with,
    • wert infatuated with,
    • are fond of,
    • was infatuated with,
    • is fond of,
    • art fond of,
    • dote up on,
    • art infatuated with,
    • being fond of.

    esteem (verb)

    • thinks the world of,
    • think world of,
    • regarding highly,
    • thought world of,
    • thinks world of,
    • regarded highly,
    • thought the world of,
    • thinking world of,
    • thinking the world of,
    • regards highly.

    exalt (verb)

    • up rear,
    • up-rearing,
    • up grades,
    • sets pedestal,
    • trans figured,
    • trans figures,
    • up-grade,
    • up-rears,
    • up-reared,
    • up-grades,
    • sub liming,
    • trans-figuring,
    • trans figure,
    • up-rear,
    • up graded,
    • sub limed,
    • setting on pedestal,
    • sub-limed,
    • sets on pedestal,
    • set pedestal,
    • up-graded,
    • sub lime,
    • trans figuring,
    • up rears,
    • sub-limes,
    • setting pedestal,
    • up grade,
    • up rearing,
    • trans-figured,
    • sub limes,
    • sub-liming,
    • trans-figure,
    • sub-lime,
    • trans-figures,
    • up reared.

    honor (verb)

    • are faithful,
    • gives key city,
    • living up to,
    • giving glad hand,
    • gave key city,
    • live to,
    • were faithful,
    • giving key city,
    • being true,
    • are true,
    • gives glad hand,
    • wert faithful,
    • art true,
    • was faithful,
    • wast true,
    • rolling out red carpet,
    • lived up to,
    • wert true,
    • wast faithful,
    • am true,
    • living to,
    • gave glad hand,
    • lives to,
    • is faithful,
    • give key city,
    • am faithful,
    • rolled out red carpet,
    • gives key to city,
    • were true,
    • lived to,
    • gave key to city,
    • was true,
    • giving key to city,
    • rolls out red carpet,
    • being faithful,
    • lives up to.

    honor, glorify (verb)

    • offer prayers to,
    • chant,
    • celebrate,
    • sing,
    • idolize,
    • pray to,
    • sing praises to,
    • extol.

    idolize (verb)

    • consecrate.

    laud (verb)

    • singing the praises of,
    • sings the praises of,
    • cries up,
    • sung the praises of,
    • crying up,
    • sang the praises of.

    lionize (verb)

    • rolling out the red carpet,
    • hero-worshipped,
    • hero worshiped,
    • hero worshipping,
    • heroworshiped,
    • hero worshipped,
    • heroworship,
    • hero worshiping,
    • showed respect,
    • shows respect,
    • showing respect,
    • hero-worshiped,
    • heroworshipped,
    • rolled out the red carpet,
    • heroworshipping,
    • heroworships,
    • heroworshiping,
    • rolls out the red carpet.

    love (verb)

    • infatuate,
    • desire,
    • like,
    • care.

    panegyrize (verb)

    • sings someone praises,
    • singing someone praises,
    • singing someones praises,
    • sings someones praises,
    • singing someone’s praises,
    • sang someones praises,
    • sung someone praises,
    • sing someones praises,
    • sings someone’s praises,
    • sing someone praises,
    • sang someone’s praises,
    • sung someone’s praises,
    • sung someones praises,
    • sang someone praises.

    praise (verb)

    • re-sounds,
    • raving over,
    • pro-claiming,
    • singing praises,
    • sings the praises,
    • gave thanks,
    • re-sounding,
    • bows down,
    • smiles on,
    • pays tribute,
    • raved over,
    • re sounded,
    • re-sounded,
    • paying homage,
    • re sound,
    • sang the praises,
    • sings praises,
    • payed tribute,
    • payed homage,
    • pro claim,
    • pro claimed,
    • Re-sound,
    • paid homage,
    • sang praises,
    • raves over,
    • singing the praises,
    • pays homage,
    • pro claiming,
    • smiling on,
    • sung praises,
    • gives thanks,
    • smiled on,
    • re sounds,
    • re sounding,
    • pro-claims,
    • pro claims,
    • sung the praises.

    revere/reverence (verb)

    • is awe of,
    • being in awe of,
    • were in awe of,
    • holding awe,
    • wert in awe of,
    • being awe of,
    • was awe of,
    • wast awe of,
    • holds in awe,
    • were awe of,
    • held awe,
    • be awe of,
    • art in awe of,
    • are awe of,
    • holds awe,
    • is in awe of,
    • am awe of,
    • art awe of,
    • defers to,
    • wast in awe of,
    • am in awe of,
    • was in awe of,
    • wert awe of,
    • deferring to,
    • hold awe,
    • holding in awe,
    • are in awe of.

    treasure (verb)

    • idiolizes,
    • idiolizing,
    • idiolized.

    worship (verb)

    • dignify,
    • pray,
    • devote.
  • Other synonyms:

    • bow down to,
    • cotton to,
    • slobber over,
    • flip for,
    • warm to,
    • devotions,
    • walk with God.

    • live for,
    • take to.

    • go for,
    • salute,
    • celebration.

    • appreciate.


    • apotheose.


    • Sainting,
    • Idolatrize,
    • sainted,
    • put on a pedestal,
    • Besaint.


    • lionize.


    • cult.


    • adulate.

    hold dear

    • treasure.


    • hero-worshiping,
    • show respect,
    • hero-worships,
    • hero-worshipping,
    • roll out the red carpet.


    • have affection for,
    • longs for,
    • lose one’s heart to,
    • be enchanted by,
    • put on pedestal,
    • be attached to,
    • be fascinated with,
    • have it bad,
    • hold high,
    • thrive with,
    • gone on,
    • be in love with,
    • be enamored of,
    • longing for,
    • be captivated by,
    • wild for,
    • long for.

    Other relevant words:

    • be sweet on,
    • Nurtured,
    • give bouquet,
    • cried up,
    • glorify,
    • Hymning,
    • pay tribute to,
    • be mad about,
    • deferred to,
    • fondling,
    • sublimes,
    • regard highly,
    • think the world of,
    • hold in awe,
    • cares for,
    • transfigure,
    • fall over,
    • puffing up,
    • hugging,
    • wish joy to,
    • pay homage to,
    • marvel at,
    • values,
    • hold in high esteem,
    • trade last,
    • kudize,
    • look to,
    • puff up,
    • memorialize,
    • groove on,
    • apprize,
    • apotheosize,
    • soothe,
    • fawn upon,
    • cleave to,
    • enthrone,
    • adore,
    • exalt,
    • apprized,
    • care for,
    • be serious about,
    • think highly of,
    • dote on,
    • Revering,
    • pat on the back,
    • be nuts about,
    • clings to,
    • dote upon,
    • kiss feet,
    • Haloed,
    • be fond of,
    • roll out red carpet,
    • roose,
    • be gone on,
    • admire,
    • cherish,
    • pay respects,
    • gushes,
    • Panegyrize,
    • guard,
    • cared for,
    • held in respect,
    • Lauding,
    • thought highly of,
    • enthrones,
    • held in high esteem,
    • sets apart,
    • be stuck on,
    • live up to,
    • hand it to,
    • be faithful,
    • sing someone’s praises,
    • apprizing,
    • give key to city,
    • fall for,
    • hold in respect,
    • laud,
    • be mad for,
    • lifts up,
    • enjoys,
    • apostheosize,
    • held dear,
    • lift up,
    • enjoy,
    • cry up,
    • be infatuated with,
    • get high on,
    • Immortalized,
    • be crazy about,
    • enthroning,
    • flipped over,
    • compliment,
    • revere,
    • ingratiate oneself with,
    • is true,
    • deify,
    • Petted,
    • defer to,
    • Extolled,
    • be in awe of,
    • be crazy for,
    • look up to,
    • Reverencing,
    • setting apart,
    • make much of,
    • be wild about,
    • brown-nosing,
    • sing the praises of,
    • lifted up,
    • speak highly of,
    • rate highly,
    • take pleasure in,
    • esteem,
    • brown-nose,
    • take off hat to,
    • sublimed,
    • be true,
    • enthroned,
    • gush,
    • Haloing,
    • set on pedestal,
    • held in awe,
    • hold dear,
    • fall all over,
    • lifting up,
    • wonder at,
    • Subliming,
    • doted on,
    • sanctify,
    • set apart,
    • idiolize,
    • give glad hand,
    • making much of,
    • Hymned,
    • cling to,
    • venerate,
    • moon over,
    • flip over,
    • looking to,
    • falls over,
    • sing praises of,
    • be smitten with,
    • canonize,
    • be crazy over.


    • pay tribute,
    • Resounded,
    • sing the praises,
    • give thanks,
    • bowing down,
    • sing praises,
    • bowed down,
    • giving thanks,
    • paying tribute,
    • smile on,
    • rave over,
    • bow down,
    • paid tribute.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • fealty,
    • approval,
    • value,
    • belch out,
    • flame,
    • barf,
    • do honor to,
    • ardour,
    • charity,
    • grace,
    • hagiolatry,
    • haughty,
    • divine service,
    • consecration,
    • good word,
    • bow,
    • puisne judge,
    • dignified,
    • spew,
    • his lordship,
    • deference,
    • justiciary,
    • justiciar,
    • admiring,
    • heed,
    • tribunal,
    • sex,
    • commendation,
    • prize,
    • cringe,
    • humble oneself,
    • beak,
    • chancellor,
    • kneeling,
    • pagan,
    • fear,
    • fall down,
    • sentiment,
    • heave,
    • pay homage,
    • vomit,
    • truelove,
    • majestic,
    • worshipping,
    • court,
    • observance,
    • do obeisance,
    • recorder,
    • bend the knee,
    • put on,
    • justice,
    • account,
    • applaud,
    • pay a visit,
    • bring up,
    • benison,
    • stoop,
    • commend,
    • latria,
    • high,
    • servility,
    • honour,
    • approve,
    • flattery,
    • enshrine,
    • Eulogium,
    • loving,
    • magistrate,
    • dutifulness,
    • idolatrous,
    • be devoted to,
    • noble,
    • humility,
    • uxoriousness,
    • pay attention,
    • shine,
    • vogue,
    • grand,
    • gratitude,
    • favor,
    • lofty,
    • award,
    • acclaim,
    • eulogize,
    • CARITAS,
    • bacchantic,
    • police magistrate,
    • eros,
    • master,
    • pedestal,
    • spirituality,
    • popularity,
    • adoringly,
    • distinguished,
    • trend,
    • demonolatry,
    • elevate,
    • judge,
    • ennoble,
    • eminent,
    • stylishness,
    • diabolism,
    • fancy,
    • hail,
    • heliolatry,
    • Mynheer,
    • chuck up,
    • fervour,
    • supplicate,
    • sanctification,
    • thanksgiving,
    • apotheosis,
    • cast up,
    • ardor,
    • high regard,
    • godliness,
    • free-lovism,
    • satanism,
    • romanticize,
    • agape,
    • idolisation,
    • show courtesy,
    • invoke,
    • elevated,
    • encomium,
    • throw up,
    • sacrifice,
    • pay respect to,
    • bow to,
    • Eloge,
    • raise,
    • to,
    • serene highness,
    • sanctity,
    • accord respect to,
    • Dotingly,
    • reputation,
    • crave,
    • worshipfulness,
    • tall,
    • bow down before,
    • cloven foot,
    • arrogant,
    • earnestness,
    • render honor to,
    • house of prayer,
    • kneel,
    • repute,
    • endearingly,
    • milady,
    • favour,
    • celebrity,
    • drool over,
    • gallant,
    • do the honors,
    • upchuck,
    • Devilship,
    • hallow,
    • beatify,
    • brotherly love,
    • worshiping,
    • prostrate oneself,
    • bodily love,
    • esquire,
    • retch,
    • be sick,
    • heart,
    • adoring,
    • puke,
    • tender feeling,
    • amor,
    • weakness,
    • go to,
    • hierolatry,
    • look,
    • think well of,
    • Devilism,
    • signor,
    • churchgoing,
    • trendiness,
    • lasciviousness,
    • ceremony,
    • do service,
    • obeisance,
    • innocence,
    • prestige,
    • his honor,
    • regurgitate,
    • reverend,
    • your honor,
    • libido,
    • great,
    • worshipful,
    • estimation,
    • conformity,
    • accolade,
    • Keck,
    • place on,
    • renown,
    • approbation,
    • fervor,
    • overvalue,
    • adorably,
    • consideration,
    • Manicheism,
    • fond,
    • blessing,
    • sir,
    • exalts,
    • aspiration,
    • courtesy,
    • appreciation,
    • aspire,
    • set on,
    • dignity,
    • eulogy,
    • present arms,
    • exalted,
    • house of god,
    • give thanks to,
    • defer,
    • profane,
    • lovemaking,
    • yearning,
    • get sick,
    • great respect,
    • paean,
    • prefer,
    • acceptance,
    • doting,
    • approve of,
    • milord,
    • idealize.

How to use «Worship» in context?

Worship is one of the oldest human emotions. From the time we were toddlers, we were humbly leveraging our natural worship ability to look up to our parents, teachers, heroes, or gods. There are moments when we feel awe and reverence for something greater than ourselves, something that is infinitely more powerful than we are. This is worship.

Worship is a human emotion that urges us to look up to other humans or larger entities for help and guidance. It is an innate recognition that we need someone else to help us get through life. This recognition can be found in cultures all over the world.

Paraphrases for Worship:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Noun, singular or mass
  • Independent

    • Proper noun, singular
    • Noun, singular or mass
    • Verb, past tense
      admired, liked, peoples.
    • Verb, gerund or present participle
    • Verb, 3rd person singular present
      enjoys, admires, adores, likes, visits.
  • Other Related

    • Proper noun, singular
      cult, faith, religion, Religions, cults.
    • Noun, singular or mass
      belief, conscience, cult, denomination, faith, observance, pilgrimage, pray, religion, ritual, Praying.
    • Verb, base form
      pray, revere.

Hyponym for Worship:

  • n.

    • act
  • v.

    • emotion
      reverence, revere, venerate, fear.
    • stative
      go to, attend.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. worshipnoun

    adoration, idolatry, reverence

  2. worshipnoun

    To honor and adore, especially as a deity.

    idolatry, adoration, reverence

  3. worshipnoun

    The devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object

    reverence, adoration, idolatry

  4. worshipnoun

    The religious ceremonies that express this devotion

    reverence, adoration, idolatry

  5. worshipnoun

    The ardent love of a person

    reverence, idolatry, adoration

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. worship

    Piety is primarily filial duty, as of children to parents, and hence, in its highest sense, a loving obedience and service to God as the Heavenly Father; pietism often denotes a mystical, sometimes an affected piety; religion is the reverent acknowledgment both in heart and in act of a divine being. Religion, in the fullest and highest sense, includes all the other words of this group. Worship may be external and formal, or it may be the adoring reverence of the human spirit for the divine, seeking outward expression. Devotion, which in its fullest sense is self-consecration, is often used to denote an act of worship, especially prayer or adoration; as, he is engaged in his devotions. Morality is the system and practise of duty as required by the moral law, consisting chiefly in outward acts, and thus may be observed without spiritual rectitude of heart; morality is of necessity included in all true religion, which involves both outward act and spiritual service. Godliness (primarily godlikeness) is a character and spirit like that of God. Holiness is the highest, sinless perfection of any spirit, whether divine or human, tho often used for purity or for consecration. Theology is the science of religion, or the study and scientific statement of all that the human mind can know of God. Faith, strictly the belief and trust which the soul exercises toward God, is often used as a comprehensive word for a whole system of religion considered as the object of faith; as, the Christian faith; the Mohammedan faith.

    devotion, faith, godliness, holiness, morality, pietism, piety, religion, righteousness, theology

    atheism, blasphemy, godlessness, impiety, irreligion, profanity, sacrilege, unbelief, ungodliness, wickedness

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. worshipnoun

    the activity of worshipping


  2. worship, adorationverb

    a feeling of profound love and admiration

    worship, idolization, idolisation, adoration, latria

  3. idolize, idolise, worship, hero-worship, revereverb

    love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol

    «Many teenagers idolized the Beatles»

    worship, fear, idolize, revere, reverence, hero-worship, venerate, idolise

  4. worshipverb

    show devotion to (a deity)

    «Many Hindus worship Shiva»

    idolize, hero-worship, idolise, revere

  5. worshipverb

    attend religious services

    «They worship in the traditional manner»

    idolize, hero-worship, idolise, revere

Matched Categories

    • Activity
    • Attend
    • Religion
    • Reverence

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. worshipnoun

    adoration, homage, idolatry, deification, apotheosis

    Associated words:
    liturgies, liturgy, ritual, cult, fetish, fetishism, totem, totemism

  2. worshipverb

    adore, revere, idolize, deify, apotheosize, glorify

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «worship»:

    cult, religion, adoration, religious, worships, cults, prayer, worshipped, worshipping, veneration, faith, belief

How to pronounce WORSHIP?

How to say WORSHIP in sign language?

How to use WORSHIP in a sentence?

  1. President Barack Obama:

    No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship.

  2. El Sisi:

    I offer my sincere condolences to the families of the innocent victims who moved to the side of their Lord in one of the houses of worship.

  3. Bernie Sanders:

    Well, I am who I am. And what I believe in, and what my spirituality is about is that we’re all in this together. That I think it is not a good thing to believe that as human beings we can turn our backs on the suffering of other people, and you know, this is not Judaism. This is what Pope Francis is talking about, that we cannot worship just billionaires and the making of more and more money. Life is more than that.

  4. Tom Walters:

    I dont want anyone telling us we cant worship our God collectively as a body, this could possibly be, disguised in everything else, a direct attack against the church itself.

  5. Barack Obama:

    Mother Emanuel is, in fact, more than a church, this is a place of worship that was founded by African-Americans seeking liberty. This is a church that was burned to the ground because its worshipers worked to end slavery. When there were laws banning all-black church gatherings, they conducted services in secret.

Translations for WORSHIP

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • عبادة, عبدArabic
  • পূজা করাBengali
  • adorar, venerar, veneració, culte, adoracióCatalan, Valencian
  • bohoslužba, uctívání, uctívatCzech
  • tilbedelseDanish
  • Gottesdienst, Verehrung, verehren, anbeten, AnbetungGerman
  • λατρείαGreek
  • adoraciónSpanish
  • palvontamenot, jumalanpalvelus, palvonta, palvoaFinnish
  • adoration, vénération, adorer, culte, vénérerFrench
  • adhradh, dèan adhradhScottish Gaelic
  • הערצה, עבודת האל, עבד ל…, סגידה, עבודה, סגד, עבד לאלHebrew
  • पूजाHindi
  • imádHungarian
  • պաշտօնArmenian
  • memujaIndonesian
  • adorazione, ardore, adorare, celebrare, deificare, culto, venerare, venerazioneItalian
  • פולחןHebrew
  • 崇拝, 礼拝Japanese
  • 예배Korean
  • peristinKurdish
  • cultumLatin
  • vererenDutch
  • tilbedelseNorwegian
  • czcićPolish
  • venerar, adoração, cultuação, culto, adorarPortuguese
  • închinaRomanian
  • богослуже́ние, боготворе́ние, обожа́ние, поклоня́ться, почита́ть, поклоне́ние, благогове́ть, благогове́ние, почита́ние, боготвори́тьRussian
  • slaviti, obožavati, обожавати, славитиSerbo-Croatian
  • dyrka, tillbe, dyrkan, tillbedjanSwedish
  • abuduSwahili
  • வழிபாடுTamil
  • tapınma, tapmak, ibadet, tapmaTurkish
  • پوجا, پرستش, عبادتUrdu
  • topinmoqUzbek
  • 崇拜Chinese

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