Work синонимы на английском



1    drudgery, effort, elbow grease     (facetious)   exertion, grind     (informal)   industry, labour, slog, sweat, toil, travail     (literary)  

2    bread and butter     (informal)   business, calling, craft, duty, employment, job, line, livelihood, métier, occupation, office, profession, pursuit, trade  

3    assignment, chore, commission, duty, job, stint, task, undertaking  

4    achievement, composition, creation, handiwork, oeuvre, opus, performance, piece, production  

5    art, craft, skill, workmanship  

6    out of work      idle, jobless, on the dole     (Brit. informal)   on the street, out of a job, unemployed  

7    break one’s back, drudge, exert oneself, labour, peg away, slave, slog (away), sweat, toil  

8    be employed, be in work, do business, earn a living, have a job  

9    act, control, direct, drive, handle, manage, manipulate, move, operate, ply, use, wield  

10    function, go, operate, perform, run  

11    cultivate, dig, farm, till  

12    fashion, form, handle, knead, make, manipulate, mould, process, shape  

13    be agitated, convulse, move, twitch, writhe  

14      (often with)
   up   arouse, excite, move, prompt, provoke, rouse, stir  

15    accomplish, achieve, bring about, carry out, cause, contrive, create, effect, encompass, execute, implement  

16    force, make one’s way, manoeuvre, move, progress  

17      (informal)   arrange, bring off, contrive, exploit, fiddle     (informal)   fix     (informal)   handle, manipulate, pull off, swing     (informal)  
,       n  

1    ease, leisure, relaxation, rest  

2    entertainment, hobby, holiday, play, recreation, retirement, spare time, unemployment  

3    child’s play     (informal)  

7    have fun, mark time, play, relax, skive     (Brit. slang)   take it easy  

10    be broken, be out of order  

15    counteract, nullify, prevent, reverse  

life work     
business, calling, career, interest, mission, occupation, profession, purpose, pursuit, vocation, work  

out of work     
idle, jobless, laid off, on the dole     (Brit.)   out of a job, redundant, unemployed  

drill, exercise, exercise session, practice session, training, training session, warm-up  

work out  

1    accomplish, achieve, attain, win  

2    calculate, clear up, figure out, find out, puzzle out, resolve, solve, suss (out)     (slang)  

3    arrange, construct, contrive, develop, devise, elaborate, evolve, form, formulate, plan, put together  

4    be effective, flourish, go as planned, go well, prosper, prove satisfactory, succeed  

5    come out, develop, evolve, go, happen, pan out     (informal)   result, turn out  

6    do exercises, drill, exercise, practise, train, warm up  

7    add up to, amount to, come to, reach, reach a total of  

work up     
agitate, animate, arouse, enkindle, excite, foment, generate, get (someone) all steamed up     (slang)   incite, inflame, instigate, move, rouse, spur, stir up, wind up     (informal)  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( works    plural & 3rd person present)   ( working    present participle)   ( worked    past tense & past participle  )

1       verb   People who work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do.  
Weiner works for the US Department of Transport…      V prep/adv  
I started working in a recording studio…      V prep/adv  
Where do you work?…      V prep/adv  
He worked as a bricklayer’s mate…      V as n  
I want to work, I don’t want to be on welfare.      V  

2       n-uncount   People who have work or who are in work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do.  
oft in/out of N  
Fewer and fewer people are in work…, I was out of work at the time…, She’d have enough money to provide for her children until she could find work…     

3       verb   When you work, you do the things that you are paid or required to do in your job.  
I can’t talk to you right now<endash>I’m working…      V  
He was working at his desk…      V  
Some firms expect the guards to work twelve hours a day.      V n  

4       n-uncount   Your work consists of the things you are paid or required to do in your job.  
We’re supposed to be running a business here. I’ve got work to do…, I used to take work home, but I don’t do it any more…, There have been days when I have finished work at 2pm.     

5       verb   When you work, you spend time and effort doing a task that needs to be done or trying to achieve something.  
Linda spends all her time working on the garden…      V prep  
The most important reason for coming to university is to work for a degree…      V prep  
The government expressed hope that all the sides will work towards a political solution.      V prep  
      Work is also a noun., n-uncount  
There was a lot of work to do on their house…, We hadn’t appreciated how much work was involved in organizing a wedding…     

6       n-uncount   Work is the place where you do your job.  
usu to/at N  
Many people travel to work by car…, She told her friends at work that she was trying to lose weight.     

7       n-uncount   Work is something which you produce as a result of an activity or as a result of doing your job.  
oft poss/adj N  
It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work…, Tidiness in the workshop is really essential for producing good work…     

8       n-count   A work is something such as a painting, book, or piece of music produced by an artist, writer, or composer.  
usu with supp  
In my opinion, this is Rembrandt’s greatest work…     

9       verb   If someone is working on a particular subject or question, they are studying or researching it.  
Professor Bonnet has been working for many years on molecules of this type.      V on n  
      Work is also a noun., n-uncount  
Their work shows that one-year-olds are much more likely to have allergies if either parent smokes.     

10       verb   If you workwith a person or a group of people, you spend time and effort trying to help them in some way.  
She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer…      V with/among n  
      Work is also a noun., n-uncount   with supp, usu poss N, N with/among n  
She became involved in social and relief work among the refugees.     

11       verb   If a machine or piece of equipment works, it operates and performs a particular function.  
The pump doesn’t work and we have no running water…      V  

12       verb   If an idea, system, or way of doing something works, it is successful, effective, or satisfactory.  
95 per cent of these diets do not work…      V  
A methodical approach works best.      V adv  

13       verb   If a drug or medicine works, it produces a particular physical effect.  
I wake at 6am as the sleeping pill doesn’t work for more than nine hours…      V  
The drug works by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain.      V prep/adv  

14       verb   If something works in your favour, it helps you in some way. If something works to your disadvantage, it causes problems for you in some way.  
One factor thought to have worked in his favour is his working class image…      V prep  

15       verb   If something or someone works their magic or works their charms on a person, they have a powerful positive effect on them.  
Nevertheless, she is always optimistic about the possibilities and can work her charm on the disenchanted…      V n on n  

16       verb   If your mind or brain is working, you are thinking about something or trying to solve a problem.  
My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.      V  

17       verb   If you work on an assumption or idea, you act as if it were true or base other ideas on it, until you have more information.  
We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion.      V on n  

18       verb   If you work a particular area or type of place, you travel around that area or work in those places as part of your job, for example trying to sell something there.  
Brand has been working the clubs and the pubs since 1986, developing her comedy act…      V n  

19       verb   If you work someone, you make them spend time and effort doing a particular activity or job.  
They’re working me too hard. I’m too old for this…      V n adv/prep  

20       verb   If someone, often a politician or entertainer, works a crowd, they create a good relationship with the people in the crowd and get their support or interest.  
The Prime Minister has an ability to work a crowd<endash>some might even suggest it is a kind of charm…      V n  

21       verb   When people work the land, they do all the tasks involved in growing crops.  
Farmers worked the fertile valleys.      V n  

22       verb   When a mine is worked, minerals such as coal or gold are removed from it.  
The mines had first been worked in 1849, when gold was discovered in California…      be V-ed  

23       verb   If you work a machine or piece of equipment, you use or control it.  

Many adults still depend on their children to work the video.      V n  

24       verb   If something works into a particular state or condition, it gradually moves so that it is in that state or condition.  
A screw had worked loose from my glasses.      V adj  

25       verb   If you work a substance such as dough or clay, you keep pressing it to make it have a particular texture.  
Work the dough with the palm of your hand until it is very smooth…      V n  

26       verb   If you work a material such as metal, leather, or stone, you cut, sew, or shape it in order to make something or to create a design.  
…the machines needed to extract and work the raw stone.      V n  

27       verb   If you work a part of your body, or if it works, you move it.  
Each position will work the muscles in a different way…      V n  
Her mouth was working in her sleep.      V  

28       n-count-coll   A works is a place where something is manufactured or where an industrial process is carried out. Works is used to refer to one or to more than one of these places.  
usu n N, N n  
The steel works could be seen for miles.     

29       n-plural   Works are activities such as digging the ground or building on a large scale.  
usu supp N  
…six years of disruptive building works, road construction and urban development.     

31    If someone is at work they are doing their job or are busy doing a particular activity.  

at work      phrase   usu v-link PHR  
The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil…, Television cameras were invited in to film him at work.     

32    If a force or process is at work, it is having a particular influence or effect.  

at work      phrase   usu v-link PHR  
It is important to understand the powerful economic and social forces at work behind our own actions.     

33    If you say that you will have your work cut outto do something, you mean that it will be a very difficult task.  

to have your work cut out      phrase   V inflects, oft PHR for n, PHR to-inf  
The new administration has its work cut out for it. Creating jobs in this kind of environment is not going to be easy…, He will have his work cut out to get into the team.     

34    If something is in the works, it has already been planned or begun.  
  (mainly AM)  

in the works      phrase   usu n PHR, v-link PHR  
He said there were dozens of economic plans in the works…     
in BRIT, usually use in the pipeline     

35    You can use work to talk about how easily or quickly a particular task is done. For example, if a person or thing makes short work of doing something or makes light work of it, they do it quickly and easily.  

to make short/light/heavy/easy/quick work of sth      phrase   V inflects, PHR -ing/n  
An aerosol spray will make short work of painting awkward objects…, This horse made light work of the cross-country course…     

36    If you put someone to work or set them to work, you give them a job or task to do.  

to put/set sb to work      phrase   V inflects, oft PHR prep, PHR -ing  
By stimulating the economy, we’re going to put people to work…, Instead of sending them to prison, we have set them to work helping the lemon growers.     

37    If you get to work, go to work, or set to workon a job, task, or problem, you start doing it or dealing with it.  

get/go/set to work      phrase   V inflects, oft PHR on n  
He promised to get to work on the state’s massive deficit…, He returned to America where he set to work on a new novel.     

38    If you work your way somewhere, you move or progress there slowly, and with a lot of effort or work.  

to work your way swh      phrase   V inflects, PHR prep/adv  
Rescuers were still working their way towards the trapped men…, Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up.     

  to throw a spanner in the works  

work in   , work into      phrasal verb   If you work one substance into another or work it in, you add it to the other substance and mix the two together thoroughly.  
Gradually pour the liquid into the flour, working it in carefully with a wooden spoon…      V n P  
Work in the potato and milk until the mixture comes together…      V P n (not pron)  
Work the oil gradually into the yolks with a wooden spoon.      V n P n   work off  

1       phrasal verb   If you work off energy, stress, or anger, you get rid of it by doing something that requires a lot of physical effort.  
She went for a brisk walk to work off her frustration…      V P n (not pron)  
If I’ve had a bad day I’ll work it off by cooking.      V n P  

2       phrasal verb   If you work off a debt, you repay it by working.  
The report proposes that students be allowed to work off their debt through community service…      V P n (not pron)  
There were heavy debts. It would take half Edward’s lifetime to work them off.      V n P   work out  

1       phrasal verb   If you work out a solution to a problem or mystery, you manage to find the solution by thinking or talking about it.  
(=figure out)  

Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise…      V P n (not pron)  
It took me some time to work out what was causing this…      V P wh  
`How will you contact me?’—`We haven’t worked that out yet.’      V n P   If you have something all worked out, you have thought about it carefully, and know exactly what you are going to do or exactly what you want.  

to have sth all worked out      phrase   have inflects  
I had the ideal man all worked out in my mind.     

2       phrasal verb   If you work out the answer to a mathematical problem, you calculate it.  

It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms’ assets…      V P n (not pron)  
When asked what a £40.35 meal for five people would cost each diner, they were unable to work it out.      V n P  

3       phrasal verb   If something works outat a particular amount, it is calculated to be that amount after all the facts and figures have been considered.  
The price per pound works out at £3.20…      V P at amount  
It will probably work out cheaper to hire a van and move your own things.      V P adj  

4       phrasal verb   If a situation works out well or works out, it happens or progresses in a satisfactory way.  
Things just didn’t work out as planned…      V P prep/adv  
One of the ways people experience loss is when relationships don’t work out.      V P  

5       phrasal verb   If a process worksitselfout, it reaches a conclusion or satisfactory end.  
People involved in it think it’s a nightmare, but I’m sure it will work itself out.      V pron-refl P  

6       phrasal verb   If you work out your service or your notice, you continue to work at your job until you have completed a specified period of time.  
There was an interim before her successor actually came because she had to work out her notice.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

7       phrasal verb   If you work out, you do physical exercises in order to make your body fit and strong.  

Work out at a gym or swim twice a week.      V P  

1       phrasal verb   If you workyourselfup, you make yourself feel very upset or angry about something.  
She worked herself up into a bit of a state…      V pron-refl P into/to n  
Don’t just lie there working yourself up, do something about it.      V pron-refl P  
  worked up  

2       phrasal verb   If you work up the enthusiasm or courage to do something, you succeed in making yourself feel it.  
Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy…      V P n (not pron)  

3       phrasal verb   If you work up a sweat or an appetite, you make yourself sweaty or hungry by doing exercise or hard work.  
You can really work up a sweat doing housework…      V P n (not pron)  

4       phrasal verb   If you work up something such as a piece of writing, you spend time and effort preparing it.  
I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan…      V P n (not pron)  

course work      , coursework  
Course work is work that students do during a course, rather than in exams, especially work that counts towards a student’s final grade.      n-uncount  
Some 20 per cent of marks are awarded for coursework.     

donkey work     
If you do thedonkey work, you do the hard work or the less interesting part of the work that needs to be done.  
INFORMAL      n-sing   usu the N  

life’s work     
Someone’s life’s work or life work is the main activity that they have been involved in during their life, or their most important achievement.      n-sing   usu poss N  
An exhibition of his life’s work is being shown in the garden of his home…, My father’s life work was devoted to the conservation of the Longleat estate.     

out of work     
Someone who is out of work does not have a job.      adj  

…a town where half the men are usually out of work., …an out of work actor.     

social work     
Social work is work which involves giving help and advice to people with serious family problems or financial problems.      n-uncount  

In book-keeping, work-in-progress refers to the monetary value of work that has not yet been paid for because it has not yet been completed.     (BUSINESS)      n-uncount  
…five million pounds’ worth of finished goods and two million pounds’ worth of work-in-progress.     

work-life balance     
Your work-life balance is how you organize your days, for example how many hours you spend at work, and how much time you spend with friends or doing things you enjoy.      n-uncount  
Senior managers stipulated work-life balance as their main criterion when choosing jobs.     

work of art        ( works of art    plural  )

1       n-count   A work of art is a painting or piece of sculpture which is of high quality.  
…a collection of works of art of international significance.     

2       n-count   A work of art is something which is very complex or which has been skilfully made or produced.  
The actual nest is a work of art.     

work-shy      , workshy  
If you describe someone as work-shy, you disapprove of them because you think they are lazy and do not want to work.  
  (BRIT)      adj   usu ADJ n     (disapproval)


work surface        ( work surfaces    plural  ) , worksurface   A work surface is a flat surface, usually in a kitchen, which is easy to clean and on which you can do things such as prepare food.      n-count  

work week        ( work weeks    plural  ) A work week is the amount of time during a normal week which you spend doing your job.  
  (mainly AM)      n-count  
The union had sought a wage increase and a shorter work week.     
in BRIT, usually use working week     

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. work

    Work is the generic term for any continuous application of energy toward an end; work may be hard or easy. Labor is hard and wearying work; toil is straining and exhausting work. Work is also used for any result of working, physical or mental, and has special senses, as in mechanics, which labor and toil do not share. Drudgery is plodding, irksome, and often menial work. Compare ACT; BUSINESS.

    achievement, action, business, deed, doing, drudgery, employment, exertion, labor, occupation, performance, product, production, toil

    ease, idleness, leisure, recreation, relaxation, repose, rest, vacation

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. work

    exertion, effort, toil, labor, employment, performance, production, product, effect, result, composition, achievement, operation, is sue, fruit

    effortlessness, inertia, rest, inoperativeness, non-employment, nonperformance, non-production, abortion, miscarriage, frustration, neutralization, fruitlessness

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.0 / 4 votes

  1. worknoun

    activity directed toward making or doing something

    «she checked several points needing further work»

    piece of work, workplace, body of work, employment, oeuvre, study

    stagnate, slug, idle, laze

  2. work, piece of worknoun

    a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing

    «it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works»; «the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work»; «he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey»; «the work of an active imagination»; «erosion is the work of wind or water over time»

    piece of work, workplace, body of work, employment, oeuvre, study, work

    slug, stagnate, laze, idle

  3. employment, worknoun

    the occupation for which you are paid

    «he is looking for employment»; «a lot of people are out of work»

    employ, use, utilisation, workplace, exercise, study, employment, usage, oeuvre, body of work, piece of work, work, utilization, engagement

    stagnate, laze, slug, idle

  4. study, worknoun

    applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)

    «mastering a second language requires a lot of work»; «no schools offer graduate study in interior design»

    piece of work, subject, report, discipline, subject area, work, oeuvre, study, employment, workplace, sketch, cogitation, written report, survey, body of work, field, field of study, bailiwick, subject field

    idle, slug, stagnate, laze

  5. worknoun

    (physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force

    «work equals force times distance»

    piece of work, workplace, body of work, employment, oeuvre, study

    laze, idle, slug, stagnate

  6. workplace, worknoun

    a place where work is done

    «he arrived at work early today»

    piece of work, workplace, body of work, employment, oeuvre, study, work

    slug, stagnate, idle, laze

  7. oeuvre, work, body of workverb

    the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it)

    «he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre»; «Picasso’s work can be divided into periods»

    piece of work, workplace, body of work, employment, oeuvre, study, work

    slug, idle, stagnate, laze

  8. workverb

    exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity

    «I will work hard to improve my grades»; «she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    stagnate, laze, slug, idle

  9. work, do workverb

    be employed

    «Is your husband working again?»; «My wife never worked»; «Do you want to work after the age of 60?»; «She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money»; «She works as a waitress to put herself through college»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, work, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    slug, idle, stagnate, laze

  10. work, actverb

    have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected

    «The voting process doesn’t work as well as people thought»; «How does your idea work in practice?»; «This method doesn’t work»; «The breaks of my new car act quickly»; «The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water»

    knead, turn, operate, dissemble, act, shape, bring, move, behave, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, roleplay, figure out, form, pretend, mould, sour, playact, work, do, exploit, go, play, represent, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, act as, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    laze, slug, stagnate, idle

  11. function, work, operate, go, runverb

    perform as expected when applied

    «The washing machine won’t go unless it’s plugged in»; «Does this old car still run well?»; «This old radio doesn’t work anymore»

    lick, function, perish, break away, give way, hold out, hunt, run, endure, lead, give out, unravel, carry, fit, operate, travel, take to the woods, last, die, track down, mold, go away, act, snuff it, go, bunk, run away, solve, act upon, turn tail, head for the hills, run low, do work, plump, fly the coop, prevail, process, execute, mould, wreak, incline, drop dead, put to work, course, tend, work, scarper, blend in, run short, croak, get going, control, ferment, range, serve, work out, pass away, consort, live, cash in one’s chips, kick the bucket, blend, flow, hunt down, knead, scat, bring, break, figure out, escape, form, rifle, locomote, lock, exploit, run for, lean, belong, make, give-up the ghost, go bad, survive, cultivate, manoeuvre, melt down, get, be given, turn, expire, ladder, draw, become, bleed, manoeuver, persist, live on, campaign, forge, move, influence, engage, pop off, sound, fail, conk out, extend, start, depart, operate on, decease, puzzle out, play, hold up, proceed, break down, lam, melt, crop, exit, conk, work on, exercise, buy the farm, ply, hightail it, sour, feed, choke, race, guide, die hard, pass, shape, make for, mesh, officiate, black market, maneuver

    idle, slug, laze, stagnate

  12. work, work on, processverb

    shape, form, or improve a material

    «work stone into tools»; «process iron»; «work the metal»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, litigate, treat, forge, lick, work at, solve, march, make, swear out, figure out, form, mould, sour, work, action, exploit, go, play, sue, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, serve, wreak, cultivate

    stagnate, slug, laze, idle

  13. exercise, work, work outverb

    give a workout to

    «Some parents exercise their infants»; «My personal trainer works me hard»; «work one’s muscles»; «this puzzle will exercise your mind»

    elaborate, knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, exert, run, function, put to work, work up, figure, forge, lick, work out, make, cipher, figure out, form, compute, mould, sour, calculate, work, do, exploit, go, play, drill, make for, mold, practice, puzzle out, act upon, do work, process, crop, exercise, solve, ferment, influence, work on, cypher, practise, wreak, cultivate, reckon

    laze, stagnate, slug, idle

  14. make, workverb

    proceed along a path

    «work one’s way through the crowd»; «make one’s way into the forest»

    wee-wee, wreak, take, micturate, bring in, run, construct, draw, operate, have, lay down, solve, piddle, hold, function, mold, piss, act, constitute, do, earn, reach, go, make believe, act upon, get to, shit, defecate, crop, do work, bring, name, pass water, process, mould, stimulate, progress to, create, crap, take a shit, pretend, make water, gain, ready, ferment, establish, knead, realize, play, make up, give, attain, pull in, induce, form, exploit, pee, make, wee, cultivate, ca-ca, get, prepare, figure out, shape, work out, lick, hit, produce, score, turn, build, influence, forge, throw, put to work, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, puzzle out, take in, puddle, take a crap, clear, cook, work on, exercise, nominate, sour, take a leak, cause, urinate, make for, work, fix, realise, stool, seduce

    stagnate, laze, idle, slug

  15. workverb

    operate in a certain place, area, or specialty

    «She works the night clubs»; «The salesman works the Midwest»; «This artist works mostly in acrylics»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    stagnate, laze, idle, slug

  16. workverb

    proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity

    «work your way through every problem or task»; «She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived»; «Start from the bottom and work towards the top»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    slug, laze, stagnate, idle

  17. workverb

    move in an agitated manner

    «His fingers worked with tension»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    laze, idle, slug, stagnate

  18. bring, work, play, wreak, make forverb

    cause to happen or to occur as a consequence

    «I cannot work a miracle»; «wreak havoc»; «bring comments»; «play a joke»; «The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area»

    take on, knead, land, operate, fiddle, bet, process, work, shape, get, impart, add, work out, run, act as, function, put to work, flirt, trifle, take, forge, meet, lick, spiel, solve, make, roleplay, dally, fetch, act, figure out, form, toy, turn, mould, sour, playact, encounter, exploit, make for, go, bestow, play, represent, do work, mold, bring, recreate, puzzle out, institute, diddle, convey, crop, exercise, bring in, ferment, cultivate, work on, contribute, act upon, influence, wreak, lend, wager

    slug, laze, idle, stagnate

  19. work, put to workverb

    cause to work

    «he is working his servants hard»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, work, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    idle, laze, stagnate, slug

  20. cultivate, crop, workverb

    prepare for crops

    «Work the soil»; «cultivate the land»

    knead, turn, operate, sour, act, shape, clip, cultivate, civilise, work out, run, wreak, function, prune, forge, lick, civilize, solve, pasture, trim, browse, figure out, form, naturalise, mould, train, play, naturalize, exploit, go, make, do work, make for, mold, tame, bring, educate, puzzle out, put to work, school, process, crop, work, ferment, domesticate, work on, graze, act upon, cut back, influence, snip, lop, exercise, dress, range

    laze, stagnate, idle, slug

  21. workverb

    behave in a certain way when handled

    «This dough does not work easily»; «The soft metal works well»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    laze, idle, slug, stagnate

  22. influence, act upon, workverb

    have and exert influence or effect

    «The artist’s work influenced the young painter»; «She worked on her friends to support the political candidate»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, regulate, determine, figure out, form, mould, sour, work, exploit, make for, go, play, do work, mold, tempt, charm, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate, puzzle out

    slug, laze, idle, stagnate

  23. workverb

    operate in or through

    «Work the phones»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    idle, slug, laze, stagnate

  24. workverb

    cause to operate or function

    «This pilot works the controls»; «Can you work an electric drill?»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    stagnate, idle, laze, slug

  25. workverb

    provoke or excite

    «The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    slug, laze, stagnate, idle

  26. workverb

    gratify and charm, usually in order to influence

    «the political candidate worked the crowds»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    slug, laze, stagnate, idle

  27. shape, form, work, mold, mould, forgeverb

    make something, usually for a specific function

    «She molded the rice balls carefully»; «Form cylinders from the dough»; «shape a figure»; «Work the metal into a sword»

    spring, knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, model, excogitate, imprint, work out, run, spurt, function, put to work, organize, forge, lick, take form, solve, make, regulate, determine, figure out, cast, form, fake, mould, sour, invent, play, exploit, make for, spirt, go, take shape, fashion, do work, hammer, mold, organise, mildew, puzzle out, act upon, counterfeit, process, crop, work, ferment, influence, work on, constitute, formulate, wreak, cultivate, exercise, contrive, devise

    stagnate, idle, slug, laze

  28. workverb

    move into or onto

    «work the raisins into the dough»; «the student worked a few jokes into his presentation»; «work the body onto the flatbed truck»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    laze, stagnate, idle, slug

  29. knead, workverb

    make uniform

    «knead dough»; «work the clay until it is soft»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, massage, work, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, rub down, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, act upon, wreak, cultivate

    stagnate, idle, slug, laze

  30. exploit, workverb

    use or manipulate to one’s advantage

    «He exploit the new taxation system»; «She knows how to work the system»; «he works his parents for sympathy»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, overwork, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, work, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, tap, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    idle, laze, slug, stagnate

  31. solve, work out, figure out, puzzle out, lick, workverb

    find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of

    «did you solve the problem?»; «Work out your problems with the boss»; «this unpleasant situation isn’t going to work itself out»; «did you get it?»; «Did you get my meaning?»; «He could not work the math problem»

    influence, knead, turn, operate, act, shape, lap up, bat, cream, work out, run, function, put to work, figure, elaborate, lick, forge, clear, make, drub, figure out, form, compute, mould, sour, calculate, solve, work, exploit, go, play, work up, make for, mold, bring, clobber, thrash, reckon, act upon, do work, process, crop, exercise, resolve, ferment, cultivate, work on, cypher, lap, cipher, wreak, puzzle out

    stagnate, idle, slug, laze

  32. ferment, workverb

    cause to undergo fermentation

    «We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content»; «The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, work, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    laze, slug, idle, stagnate

  33. sour, turn, ferment, workverb

    go sour or spoil

    «The milk has soured»; «The wine worked»; «The cream has turned—we have to throw it out»

    knead, bend, operate, wrick, process, work, deform, shape, change state, figure out, move around, twist, work out, release, run, wreak, function, rick, call on, acidify, lick, forge, solve, flex, act, wrench, become, form, plow, acetify, mould, sour, exploit, go, grow, sprain, play, do work, make for, mold, bring, change by reversal, puzzle out, put to work, turn over, reverse, crop, exercise, ferment, cultivate, work on, act upon, turn, influence, acidulate, plough, make

    slug, laze, idle, stagnate

  34. workverb

    arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion

    «The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times»

    knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, figure out, form, mould, sour, exploit, go, play, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivate

    idle, stagnate, slug, laze

Matched Categories

    • Activity
    • Be
    • Become
    • Change State
    • Convert
    • Create From Raw Material
    • Enchant
    • Energy
    • Excite
    • Farming
    • Geographic Point
    • Learning
    • Manage
    • Manipulate
    • Move
    • Operate
    • Pass
    • Physics
    • Prepare
    • Proceed
    • Use
    • Work

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. workverb

    act, operate, be in action

  2. workverb

    labor, toil, moil, drudge, strive, exert one’s self, be diligent, be at work

  3. workverb

    move, perform, succeed, get on

  4. workverb

    ferment, effervesce

  5. workverb

    heave, be tossed, be agitated

  6. workverb

    labor upon, operate upon

  7. workverb

    produce, originate, accomplish, effect, bring about

  8. workverb

    keep at work

  9. workverb

    exert, strain

  10. workverb


  11. worknoun

    toil, labor (that fatigues), drudgery

  12. worknoun

    occupation, exertion, employment, business

  13. worknoun

    product (of labour), performance, production, fruit, achievement, deed, action, feat

  14. worknoun

    fabric, structure, manufacture

  15. worknoun

    composition, book, literary production

  16. worknoun

    management, treatment

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. worknoun

    industry, toil, labor, employment, occupation, effort, exertion, striving, drudgery, diligence, assiduity, business, duty, job, task, magnum opus

    idleness, dalliance, trifling, sloth, sluggardy, truancy, dabbling, dilettanteism, relaxation, leisure, vacation

  2. workverb

    toil, labor, strive, drudge, slave, operate, manipulate, perform, ferment, effervesce

    shirk, idle, dabble, loaf, soldier

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «work»:

    working, job, labour, works, labor, employment, task, action, travail, activities, travaux, jobs, operate, efforts, activity, workplace, collaborate, tasks, effort, function, cooperate, business, arbeit, functioning, lavoro, force, walk, trabajo, occupational, worked, trabalho, operation, duties, discussion, exercise, professional, travailler, collaboration

Suggested Resources

  1. work

    The work symbol — In this article you will learn about the meaning of the work symbol and its characteristic.

  2. WORK

    What does WORK stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the WORK acronym on the website.

How to pronounce Work?

How to say Work in sign language?

How to use Work in a sentence?

  1. Keith Richards:

    That’s being kicked around, at the moment, I’m just getting my head into the Stones and I haven’t really thought about what I’m going to do afterwards. But usually if I put a record out, I do some road work. So, it’s possible.

  2. Carolyn Bernstein:

    Part of the suffering is that migraines take such a huge hit on people’s lives and finances, you are unable to go to work, you are using up all your vacation time, and you are prevented from being able to advance in your career.

  3. Gilles Duceppe:

    The Bloc Quebecois was fighting for its existence and my return was to save this party, i would have evidently wanted to obtain more (seats) and to win my own riding. But I am leaving with the sense that my work was accomplished.

  4. Leah Daughtry:

    Our nation is a nation of immigrants that believes in being inclusive, and that’s exactly what we will continue to work toward, the voices of our nation’s brave undocumented youth will be heard loud and clear.

  5. Hugh Auchincloss:

    The paper you sent me says the experiments were performed before the gain of function pause but have since been reviewed and approved by NIH, not sure what that means since Emily is sure that no Coronavirus work has gone through the P3 framework. She will try to determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad.


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В этой статье мы рассмотрим понятия на английском, касающиеся работы и карьеры. Так, похожие слова job и work имеют между собой различия, которые не сразу заметны. Несмотря на то, что оба из них можно перевести на русский словом «работа», каждое из названий имеет свои оттенки значений. В этом необходимо разобраться, чтобы грамотно употребить в разговоре нужный вариант.


  1. Job и work: разница
  2. Cur­rent occu­pa­tion перевод
  3. Чем отличается staff от employee
  4. Career, pro­fes­sion — перевод на русский и употребление
  5. Другие слова о работе

Job и work: разница

В русском языке слово «работа» имеет целое множество значений. Например, оно означает и профессиональную деятельность, и процесс исполнения какой-либо задачи, и её готовый результат. Некоторые из начинающих изучать язык в подобной ситуации могут путаться в понятиях work и job. 

Для начала, нужно отметить, что слово work может выступать как глаголом, так и существительным:

1. Work как глагол имеет следующее значение: работать, исполнять некие умственные либо же физические задания, прилагая к ним определенные усилия. Например:

  • She works at Hos­pi­tal. — Она работает в больнице.

2. Work как существительное обозначает физические либо же умственные усилия, конкретные задания или операции, которые лицо совершает для достижения определенного результата, в частности и для получения заработка. Например:

  • He did a lot of work at the gar­den yes­ter­day. — Вчера он выполнил много работы в саду.
  • My father stays at work late. — Мой отец остается на работе допоздна.

Другими словами, это та деятельность, которую человеку необходимо сделать, некий объем работы.

Существительное Work — неисчисляемое, а значит, его нельзя употреблять с артиклем A, но вот с артиклем THE — можно.

Какие английские существительные можно посчитать

Так как work — это неисчисляемое слово, мы можем употребить works, но только когда имеем в виду:

1. Художественные произведения (картины, музыка, книги и т.д.)

  • The works of Russ­ian artists of the Wan­der­ers made a great impres­sion on me. — Работы русских художников передвижников оказали на меня огромное впечатление.

2. Какие-то ремонтные работы.

  • Repair works in my office has been going on for 2 weeks. — Ремонтные работы в моем офисе идут уже 2 недели.

3. Какое-то производство.

  • A ware­house caught fire at a car works. — На автомобильном заводе загорелся склад.

Do a job тоже означает работу, но подразумевает уже некое постоянное занятие, службу, куда человек ходит по установленному расписанию, выполняет определённые задания, то есть work, и получает за это деньги. Например:

  • After uni­ver­si­ty, I was imme­di­ate­ly offered a job in a large com­pa­ny. — После университета мне сразу предложили работу в большой компании.

Таким образом, job — это скорее вакансия, должность, служба full time job, а work — это какая-то деятельность, действия и т.д., которые могут и не быть связаны с зарабатыванием денег.

Current occupation перевод

Cur­rent occu­pa­tion — текущее занятие. 

Иногда как синоним слова джоб употребляют слово occu­pa­tion. Только occu­pa­tion — представление более обширное. Оно обозначает некую сферу деятельности человека или его род занятий.

Использовать синоним occu­pa­tions можно для описания зоны интересов человека или его увлечений. Допустим, вы трудитесь учителем или преподавателем, тогда слово «teacher» для вас Job. А «teach­ing» — преподавание — ваш occupation.

Другими словами, occu­pa­tion — это та самая сфера, на которой вы сейчас заняты, а job — это нечто временное, что вы можете поменять. Синонимом слова occu­pa­tion является выражение profession.

Если вы когда-нибудь слышите вопрос «What is your cur­rent occu­pa­tion» знаете, что ваш собеседник хочет узнать, в какой сфере или области вы трудитесь в текущий момент, то же самое с фразой — what’s your occu­pa­tion.

Чем отличается staff от employee


Разберём ещё несколько понятий, связанных с работой, а именно как называются люди, занятые на каких-то должностях.

Словом work­er можно назвать отдельного человека, работника. Он выполняет некую работу, за что ему платят деньги. Обычно, слово work­er относится к людям, которые выполняют какую-то тяжелую работу, то есть не сидят в офисе.

А вот людей, которые занимают офисные должности, называют employ­ee. Переводится это слово как сотрудник, то есть человек занятый в сфере бизнеса. Сотрудник employ­ee всегда работает на своего работодателя (employ­er).

Staff можно перевести на русский язык как персонал. Это слово означает некую группу лиц, которые трудятся вместе в каком-то коллективе, фирме или компании. Иначе говоря, словом staff можно обозначить группу людей, которые являются work­er (работниками) или employ­ee (сотрудниками).

Career, profession — перевод на русский и употребление

Близок по значению слову уже известному нам слову occu­pa­tion термин Pro­fes­sion. Он обозначает какую-то профессию. Например:

  • The pro­fes­sion of a lawyer is respect­ed in our soci­ety. — Профессия юриста уважаема в нашем обществе.
  • My sis­tar is a librar­i­an by pro­fes­sion. — Моя сестра по профессии библиотекарь.

Другое значение этого слова относится к представителям конкретной профессии.

  • The мed­i­cal pro­fes­sion are telling us to wear masks to be safe. — Медики говорят нам носить маски, чтобы быть в безопасности.

Синонимом этому слову является — сareer. Но оно имеет несколько другой оттенок значения. Он обозначает карьеру, которой мы посвящаем большую часть нашей жизни.

  • At the age of 35 she end­ed her career as a bal­le­ri­na. — В 35 лет она завершила свою карьеру балерины.

Другие слова о работе

Рассмотрим еще несколько слов, а также словосочетание со словом профессия:

  • Labour — труд, обычно используется в значении какой-то физической работы:
    • When he retired, he fell in love with phys­i­cal labor. — Когда он вышел на пенсию, он полюбил физический труд.
  • Другое значение labour — персонал, рабочая сила.
    • In coun­tries with low fer­til­i­ty, there is a short­age of labor. — В странах с низкой рождаемостью есть нехватка рабочей силы.
  • Employ­ment — это некая систематическая, непрерывная занятость, или работа, за которую человеку регулярно выплачивают зарплату.
    • In recent years, the employ­ment of teenagers has been declin­ing. — В последние годы занятость среди молодежи сокращается.
  • Синонимы call­ing и voca­tion. Оба этих слова имеют значение «призвание».
    • Even in the first year of uni­ver­si­ty, I real­ized that an agron­o­mist is my call­ing. — Еще на первом курсе университета я понял, что агроном — это мое призвание.
    • Few are lucky enough to dis­cov­er their voca­tion. — Немногим повезло открыть свое призвание.
  • Posi­tion обозначает какую-то определённую должность в какой-то компании или фирме.
    • He was offered an pres­tige posi­tion as a bas­ket­ball coach at the uni­ver­si­ty. — Ему предложили престижную должность тренера баскетбольной команды в университете.
  • Определения слова work

    • работа; профессиональное занятие.
      • My work involves a lot of travel.
    • работа, труд.
      • They appreciated my hard work on this project.
      • This picture took me ten hours of work.
    • результат работы; то, что произведено.
      • At the end of the day, I presented my work to them.

Синонимы к слову work

    • act
    • be successful
    • bring about
    • come off
    • composition
    • control
    • creation
    • design
    • do
    • drive
    • drudgery
    • effect
    • effort
    • employment
    • exert yourself
    • exertion
    • go to work
    • graft
    • handiwork
    • happen as expected
    • job
    • labor
    • masterpiece
    • occupation
    • operate
    • opus
    • perform
    • piece
    • product
    • production
    • run
    • succeed
    • toil
    • vocation
    • work out

Похожие слова на work

    • work
    • work’s
    • workaday
    • workaholic
    • workaholics
    • workbench
    • workbench’s
    • workbenches
    • workbook
    • workbook’s
    • workbooks
    • workday
    • workday’s
    • workdays
    • worked
    • worker
    • worker’s
    • workers
    • workfare
    • workforce
    • workhorse
    • workhorse’s
    • workhorses
    • workhouse
    • workhouse’s
    • workhouses
    • working
    • working’s
    • workingman
    • workingman’s
    • workingmen
    • workloads
    • workman
    • workman’s
    • workmanlike
    • workmanship
    • workmanship’s
    • workmen
    • workout
    • workout’s
    • workouts
    • workplace
    • workplaces
    • works
    • worksheet
    • worksheets
    • workshops
    • workweek
    • workweek’s
    • workweeks

Фразеологизмы для слова work

    • work of art

Посмотрите другие слова

    • Что такое emerging
    • Определение термина elaborate
    • Толкование слова educated
    • Что означает понятие dynamic
    • Лексическое значение distribution
    • Словарь значения слов disclose
    • Грамматическое значение design
    • Значение слова customer orientation
    • Прямое и переносное значение слова custom
    • Происхождение слова imho
    • Синоним к слову fix
    • Антоним к слову scope
    • Омоним к слову available
    • Гипоним к слову edge
    • Холоним к слову controversial
    • Гипероним к слову interfere
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову outstanding
    • Перевод слова на другие языки knowledge base

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