Whined синоним

  • grumble
  • moan
  • wail
  • bellyache
  • carp
  • drone
  • fuss
  • gripe
  • grouse
  • howl
  • kick
  • mewl
  • murmur
  • pule
  • repine
  • snivel
  • sob
  • whimper
  • yowl

On this page you’ll find 21 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to whined, such as: moan, grumble, wail, sob, bellyache, and grouse.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use whined in a sentence

I dont see why you cant let me be comfortable, whined Sue; every thing would be lovely if you didnt spoil it all.


Even the children were not whimpering, the tawdry women were not hysterical, not a parrot raised his voice nor a dog whined.


Two were slow in obeying, and those she struck across the face with a small whip, till they whined with pain.


«We never knowed it war you,» whined the other carefully lengthening the distance between the big man on the doorstep and himself.


She struggled in vain to free herself, while Toto whined and trembled beside her, for the little dog was frightened, too.


He whined, leaned over again to rest his front paws on the ledge, then withdrew to his master’s side.


She whined like a dog in great distress, and dragged herself along apparently with the greatest difficulty.


«I’m really in a bad way,» the voice whined, and Anders perceived that it was no more than a series of modulated vibrations.


«I would never go to the hospital, Bernardine,» whined the man in a low tone.


The mast whined dolorously at every heel, and the centre-board hiccoughed and choked.



OCTOBER 26, 1985

What is another word for Whined?

52 synonyms found


[ wˈa͡ɪnd], [ wˈa‍ɪnd], [ w_ˈaɪ_n_d]

Related words: whined about iphone, whined about his dad, whined about politics, whined about not being able to sleep, whined about the movie

Related questions:

  • Why is that person whining?
  • What are they whining about?
  • Why are they whining so much?
  • How do you stop someone from whining?
  • Table of Contents

    • v.

      lamented (verb)

      • Clamored,
      • Wept,
      • Grieved,
      • Mourned,
      • Longed,
      • Bewailed,
      • Decried,
      • Ululated,
      • Moaned,
      • Whimpered,
      • Bemoaned,
      • agonized,
      • sniffled,
      • lamented,
      • Snuffled,
      • Sobbed,
      • Sighed,
      • Cried,
      • Wailed,
      • Groaned.

      screamed (verb)

      • Screamed,
      • Screeched,
      • Whistled,
      • Rasped,
      • Squealed,
      • Caterwauled,
      • shrieked,
      • squeaked,
      • Creaked.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words:

      • agonised.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • Howled,
      • Bellowed,
      • Blubbered,
      • Sniveled,
      • Griped,
      • Whirred,
      • kicked,
      • yammered,
      • Bawled,
      • Hummed,
      • Roared,
      • Piped,
      • grumbled,
      • yowled,
      • Carped,
      • grizzled,
      • Bleated,
      • Mewled,
      • Complained,
      • Peeped,
      • Droned,
      • Buzzed.

    How to use «Whined» in context?

    The word «Whined» pops up often in speech and writing. Usually, it’s used to describe a person or situation who complains excessively or about small matters. In some cases, the term can be used to describe a pet or child who has a tendency to make a lot of noise or cry for no reason.

    Few words can convey so much with so little effort on the part of the speaker or writer. The sound of someone whining is tantamount to a verbal version of thefoul-mouthed grunt or groan. It’s an irritating and grating sound, one that is best avoided when possible.

    Homophones for Whined:

    • whine, wine, wain, wham, winnow, whammy, wayne, woman, wynnea, weenie, won, wen, Wuhan, WINO, winey, wmo, winy, whinny, whim, wnw, wan, wean, whiney, win, weeny, wane, whiny.

    Предложения со словом «whined»

    Chap whined and pushed his head against her folded legs.

    Малец заскулил и ткнулся мордой в ее скрещенные ноги.

    It never whined, complained, cried, or demanded.

    Никогда не ноет, не жалуется, не пристает.

    It whined out of the machine after a few seconds.

    Через несколько мгновений из аппарата с жужжанием выполз снимок.

    Chap whined and put his nose in her palm.

    Малец вдруг заскулил и ткнулся носом в ладонь Магьер.

    The visual display broke up in a kaleidoscope of patterns and colors, and the speakers in his helmet squealed and whined.

    На видеодисплее появился калейдоскоп цветных узоров, а наушники в его шлеме визжали и выли.

    But he’d never whined at my door like that before.

    Но он никогда раньше так у моей двери не визжал.

    Gromovol whined and begged until he became an embarrassment to everyone.

    Громовол рыдал и умолял, пока его вопли не достали всех.

    A few stray bullets whined over the car as Melanie navigated another slight turn.

    Несколько шальных пуль просвистели над машиной, пока Мелани справлялась с очередным поворотом.

    Smithy stood and whined anxiously as Burrich went out, but could not convey his worry to me.

    Кузнечик встал и возбужденно заскулил, когда Баррич выходил, но не смог передать свою озабоченность мне.

    At his feet a dog in a cage whined with fear.

    У ног Джеймса скулила от страха собака в клетке.

    Monty was sitting quietly beside the car and whined when she wriggled out the window.

    Монти сидел на земле рядом с дверцей и негромко скулил.

    Played stupid board games and whined about his wretched mother.

    Играл в дурацкие настольные игры и скулил о его несчастной матери.

    Simmle whined a greeting to which my barsk vocal cords responded at a lower pitch.

    Симла проскулила приветствие, на которое мои голосовые связки ответили октавой ниже.

    They leaped and growled and whined and tried again.

    Они завыли, запрыгали, зарычали от бессильной ярости и попытались еще раз.

    And the music of Ol’ Dan Tucker skirled and whined from the string band.

    А навстречу им неслись завывания и визг оркестра, игравшего Дэнни Такера.

    And the preacher paced like a tiger, whipping the people with his voice, and they groveled and whined on the ground.

    Проповедник метался взад и вперед, как тигр, подхлестывая паству своим голосом, и люди выли и стонали.

    He whined pleadingly, and scurried playfully in and out of the underbrush. He ran back to her, licked her face, and ran on again.

    Белый Клык жалобно заскулил и, играя, стал бегать среди кустов, потом вернулся, лизнул мать в морду и снова отбежал.

    ‘Hey!’ whined the thin voice. ‘What are you hitting me for?

    Що вы?! — взвыл тонкий голос. — Що вы меня бьете?!

    The sleek black cat leaped, whined, and struggled like a lion on a knight’s pennant, trying to wriggle out of the terrible collar. Its long red tongue darted in and out of its mouth.

    Жёлтый и тонкий зверь, силясь вырваться из страшного ошейника, прыгал, визжал, вился и, как лев на рыцарском флаге, то выпускал, то втягивал длинный малиновый язык.

    The cows lowed it, the dogs whined it, the sheep bleated it, the horses whinnied it, the ducks quacked it.

    Коровы мычали ее, собаки взлаивали, овцы блеяли, лошади ржали и утки вскрякивали.

    Hacks and glory hounds usually whined and pleaded.

    Психи или искатели славы обычно продолжают требовать или умолять о том, чтобы их выслушали.

    He moped and whined and brought everything down.

    Он ныл, скулил и всё испортил.

    She whined in pain as she tenderly wrapped the bandage loosely.

    Она тихонько застонала, бережно обматывая палец бинтом.

    They had not whined, they had fought.

    Они не жаловались — они боролись.

    Rose of Sharon had stiffened, and she whined with pain.

    Роза Сарона напряглась всем телом и застонала от боли.

    Granma kicked the curtain off her legs, which lay like gray, knotted sticks. And Granma whined with the whining in the distance.

    Бабка сбила занавеску с ног, похожих на серые узловатые палки, и тоже заскулила по — щенячьи.

    Occasionally a dog whined or snarled, but in the main the team kept silent.

    Иногда собака взвизгнет или зарычит, но по большей части нарты двигались в полном безмолвии.

    I’m a-goin’ to vomit, Rose of Sharon whined.

    Меня стошнит, — жалобно протянула Роза Сарона.

    Lemme go, you filthy rats! someone whined.

    Пустите, черти! — раздался чей — то плачущий голос.

    One Ear strained the full length of the stick toward the intruder and whined with eagerness.

    Одноухий рванулся к пришельцу, насколько позволяла палка, и нетерпеливо заскулил.

    She whined and sniffled and tossed.

    Постанывала, сопела, металась на постели.

    Gradually it grew calmer and only occasionally whined piteously.

    Понемногу он успокоился и только изредка жалобно скулил.

    The latter regarded him wistfully, started away, then returned and whined softly.

    Белый Клык тоскливо посмотрел на него, сделал несколько шагов, вернулся и тихо заскулил.

    They make such a muck! Nastasya whined in a voice of plaintive exasperation.

    Сорят — с! — раздражительно — жалобным голоском пропищала Настасья.

    O anchors of my happiness! Hottabych whined pitifully.

    О якоря моего счастья! — жалостно захныкал Хоттабыч.

    It whined at this humiliation and began to run round the kitchen, desperately sniffing at its own tracks.

    Пес заскулил от позора и начал бегать по кухне, в отчаянии обнюхивая свой собственный след.

    The crowns of the cedars whined mournfully and at times they heard the crash of falling hundred-year-old giants or the rumble of avalanches of stones.

    Мрачно шумели вершины кедров, иногда слышался тяжелый треск повалившегося столетнего дерева или грохот каменной лавины.

    They whined eagerly, and before the sled had gone half a dozen lengths both Daylight and Kama (in the rear) were running to keep up.

    Не прошло и двух секунд, как и Харнишу и Каме пришлось пуститься бегом, чтобы не отстать.

    Instantly bullets whined and ricocheted off the roofs of houses to right and left down the street.

    Все крыши на домах сейчас же закипели и справа и слева.

    Lokhankin whined about love and about dying of hunger all in vain.

    Напрасно хныкал Васисуалий о любви и голодной смерти.

    A guy needs somebody — to be near him. He whined, A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody.

    Человеку нужно, чтоб кто — то живой был рядом. — Голос Горбуна звучал жалобно. — Можно сойти с ума, ежели у тебя никого нету.

    I cried, whined, begged for hours.

    Я плакал, рыдал, умолял выпустить.

    I’m tar’d, she whined. I got to rest.

    Я устала, — жалобно протянула она. — Я пойду отдохну.

    I’m not doing it on purpose, Goga whined.

    Я же не нарочно, — захныкал Гога.

    He had called me honourable sir at every second sentence, and had whined at my elbow as he followed me from the grave of his late wife to the gate of Jim’s compound.

    Через каждые два слова он величал меня уважаемый сэр и хныкал у меня под ухом, когда шел за мной от могилы своей покойной жены до ворот резиденции Джима.

    I’m tired, whined Panikovsky, trudging from bluff to bluff behind Koreiko and his lady friend.

    Я устал, — хныкал Паниковский, тащась по обрывам за Александром Ивановичем и его дамой.

    The puppy Tomik, chained up in the photographers’ yard since morning, barked and whined.

    Лаял и скулил во дворе фотографии до утра посаженный на цепь щенок Томик.

    “You don’t understand!” whined Pettigrew. “He would have killed me, Sirius! ”

    Ты не понимаешь! — заскулил Петтигрю. — Он бы убил меня, Сириус!

    Thereafter, Suellen whined the less, at least in Scarlett’s presence.

    После этого у Сьюлин явно поубавилось желания хныкать — во всяком случае, в присутствии Скарлетт.

    Oh! make ‘im dry up, whined the accident case irritably.

    Ох, да заткните ему глотку! — раздраженно завизжала жертва несчастного случая.

    Bullets hummed and whined in the street.

    По улице пели и жужжали пули.

    Hi-hi! . . . voices whined and brayed; bodies were hurled against the door, the china door handle turned, plaster fell from around the door frame.

    Гы — гы!.. — завыли, заржали голоса, и на дверь навалились, завертелась фарфоровая ручка, посыпались с косяков куски штукатурки.


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    APA Classic Thesaurus. (2015). Synonyms for Whined. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from https://www.classicthesaurus.com/whined/synonyms
    Chicago Classic Thesaurus. 2015. «Synonyms for Whined» https://www.classicthesaurus.com/whined/synonyms (accessed May 2, 2023).
    Harvard Classic Thesaurus 2015, Synonyms for Whined, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 2 May, 2023, <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/whined/synonyms>.
    MLA Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Whined» 14 April 2015. Web. 2 May 2023. <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/whined/synonyms>

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