Weaknesses синоним

What is another word for Weakness?

  • failing

    defect, fault

  • frailty

    feebleness, better

  • infirmity

    better, strong

  • feebleness

    strong, defect

  • fragility

    strong, defect

  • shortcoming

    fault, better

  • debility

    infirmity, strong

  • deficiency

    defect, lack

  • flaw

    defect, fault

  • fault

    better, flaw

  • delicacy

    frailty, strong

  • foible

    better, fault

  • impotence

    insecurity, spinelessness

  • faintness

    slight, lassitude

  • decrepitude

    infirmity, feebleness

  • enervation

    fatigue, infirmity

  • defect

    characteristic, fault

  • helplessness


  • taste

    fondness, like

  • weak point

  • vice

    characteristic, inadequacy

  • imperfection

    inadequacy, characteristic

  • partiality

    fondness, like

  • vulnerability

    weak spot

  • liking

    fondness, inclination

  • blemish

    characteristic, flaw

  • fondness


  • soft spot

    fondness, fragility

  • powerlessness

    impotency, spinelessness

  • inadequacy

    lack, insecurity

  • predilection


  • languor

  • inclination

  • penchant

  • appetite

    like, relish

  • drawback

    inadequacy, flaw

  • debilitation


  • preference


  • enfeeblement

    deterioration, frailty

  • Achilles heel

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weaken, weak, weakling, weakly, weakening

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Synonyms for Weakness. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/weakness

Synonyms for Weakness. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/weakness>.

Synonyms for Weakness. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/weakness.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • weakness [ˈwiːknɪs] сущ

    1. слабостьж, разбитостьж, бессилиеср

      (weak, powerlessness)

      • muscle weakness – мышечная слабость
      • weakness of human nature – слабость человеческой природы
      • political weakness – политическое бессилие
    2. недостатокм


      • serious weakness – серьезный недостаток
    3. слабое место, слабая сторона

      (weak point)

    4. пристрастиеср


    5. немощьж, немощностьж


    6. ослаблениеср


    7. уязвимостьж


    8. неубедительностьж

    9. бесхребетностьж

слабость weakness, debility, fragility, failing, feebleness, faintness
недостаток lack, drawback, flaw, deficiency, shortage, weakness
слабое место weak point, weakness, weakspot, feeble
бессилие impotence, weakness, impotency, feebleness, disability, debility
вялость lethargy, apathy, flaccidity, slackness, weakness, languor
пристрастие partiality, predilection, bias, taste, propensity, weakness
отставание lag, gap, arrears, retard, leeway, weakness
неубедительность weakness
адинамия weakness
склонность tendency, propensity, inclination, penchant, addiction, weakness
необоснованность weakness, precariousness
отсталость backwardness, weakness, mustiness
безосновательность groundlessness, baselessness, weakness

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • weakness сущ

    • shortcoming · defect · fault · weak point · flaw · disadvantage · drawback · downside
    • vulnerability · fragility · frailty · foible · weakening
    • faintness · listlessness · languor · faint
    • infirmity · feebleness · debility · helplessness · powerlessness · asthenia · debilitation · lack of energy
    • delicacy · softness · spinelessness
    • vice · lack · deficiency · shortage
    • laxity · looseness


  • frailty, feebleness, enfeeblement, fragility, delicacy, infirmity, sickness, sickliness, debility, incapacity, impotence, indisposition, decrepitude, vulnerability
  • fault, flaw, defect, deficiency, weak point, failing, shortcoming, weak link, imperfection, Achilles heel, foible
  • fondness, liking, partiality, preference, love, penchant, soft spot, predilection, inclination, taste, eye, enthusiasm, appetite, susceptibility
  • timidity, cowardliness, pusillanimity, indecision, irresolution, ineffectuality, ineptitude, impotence, meekness, powerlessness, ineffectiveness
  • untenability, implausibility, poverty, inadequacy, transparency, flimsiness, hollowness
  • indistinctness, mutedness, faintness, feebleness, lowness, dimness, paleness
  • failing
  • impuissance, helplessness

Предложения со словом «weakness»

And like most people in my community, I had the misconception that depression was a sign of weakness , a character flaw.

И как большинство моих соотечественников я ошибочно полагала, что депрессия — признак слабости и недостаток характера.

One reason is the stigma, with 63 percent of black Americans mistaking depression for a weakness .

Одна из причин — предрассудки; 63 процента афроамериканцев ошибочно принимают депрессию за слабость.

Tenderness is not weakness ; it is fortitude.

Нежность — не слабость, а сила.

We teach boys to be afraid of weakness , of vulnerability.

Мы учим мальчиков избегать слабости, ранимости.

Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness .

Просить помощи — это сила, а не слабость.

They had muscle weakness , stiffness in the neck and back, fevers — all of the same symptoms I had when I first got diagnosed.

У них появилась мышечная слабость, одеревенение в шее и спине, жар — все те же симптомы, которые были у меня.

And yeah, I spend a lot on shoes, that’s my only weakness , I think.

И да, я много трачу на обувь, это моя единственная слабость, я думаю.

Countless bruises and abrasions from stumbling in his weakness .

Несчетное число ушибов и царапин от падений, вызванных усталостью.

You’ve demonstrated an emotional weakness for children and women.

Ты продемонстрировал эмоциональную слабость по отношению к детям и женщинам.

I couldn’t afford to show any weakness now.

Меньше всего теперь я мог позволить себе выказать слабость.

He complained of weakness , insomnia, memory loss and serious problems with his heart, lungs and liver.

Он жаловался на слабость, бессонницу, потерю памяти и серьезные проблемы с сердцем, легкими и печенью.

It was a weakness that the demon in the ancient coin could exploit.

Вот она, слабость, которую сможет использовать в своих целях демон в древней монете.

Our enemies will delight in our weakness , and we shall be helpless to oppose them.

Наши враги воспользуются нашей слабостью, и мы будем бессильны противостоять им.

Exploits your greatest fears, reveals your greatest weakness .

Использует твои самые большие страхи, обнажает твои слабые места .

She went to the judges afterwards to find out the weakness in her ballet.

Впоследствии она обратилась к жюри, чтобы ей объяснили, в чем состоит слабое место ее балета.

The tardiness and weakness of the relief column underscored Nassef’s contempt for el Aswad.

Медлительность и слабость отряда, присланного Нассефом, лишний раз подчеркивали его презрение к Эль Асваду.

Her power was sinking; everything must sink under such a proof of family weakness , such an assurance of the deepest disgrace.

Все должно было кончиться при таком семейном позоре, при столь явном свидетельстве глубочайшего бесчестия.

Any sign of weakness would tell the Stilsons and Peters that this boy could be broken.

Любое проявление слабости покажет всем здешним стилсонам и питерам, что этого мальчика можно сломать.

He couldn’t fault Anthony for his weakness in falling under Madelyne’s charms.

Впрочем, он не винил Энтони за то, что тот поддался чарам Мадлен.

Weakness for fleeting romance left me with a burning desire to see my doctor last night.

слабость к мимолетным романам оставила меня со жгучим желанием увидеть моего доктора прошлой ночью.

But by damn he wasn’t going to give in, to those imperial vampires or to the weakness of his flesh.

И все же он не собирался уступать ни своей плоти, ни этим имперским упырям.

His willingness to take risks was both a potent operational strength and a crippling political weakness .

Готовность рисковать была его силой в оперативной работе и слабостью в политической игре.

You’ve miscalculated if you think flattery is my weakness anymore.

Ты просчиталась, если подумала, что лесть является моей слабостью до сих пор.

He waits a life time and an eternity for a single moment of weakness .

И в этой войне он готов выжидать бесконечность ради единственного проявления слабости.

Afraid to show weakness , to put himself and the Qanska in a more vulnerable bargaining position.

Боится обнаружить слабое место джанска и тем самым поставить себя и остальных в уязвимую позицию.

What makes you so sure they won’t interpret our restraint as weakness ?

Почему ты так уверена, что они не воспримут нашу паузу за слабость?

Someone so close taking advantage, exposing you to a point of weakness .

Некто столь близкий злоупотребляет доверием, разоблачает твою слабость.

It was tactful of Brown to attribute this faintness to hunger, to which all flesh might be subject without shame, and not merely to weakness in face of wounds and suffering.

Браун тактично приписал его обморок голоду, а не постыдной боязни ран и страданий.

I saw the weakness in my possessor, his fright of his serpent beast.

Я прозрел слабость моего обладателя, его малодушный страх перед обитающим в нем змеем.

These brave citizens want to lift America out of its downward spiral towards weakness

Это смелые граждане хотят вызволить Америку из этой нисходящей спирали слабости…

All the sources of her power bound together form a weakness .

Все ресурсы ее силы, связанные вместе, составляют ее слабость.

Against Joachim’s violence, Herbert’s astuteness, my own weakness .

От жестокости Йохима, от коварства Герберта, от моего собственного бессилия.

He’d never confess to any form of emotional vulnerability or sentimental weakness .

Он просто отказывался воспринимать любой намек на свою эмоциональную уязвимость или сентиментальность.

The weakness of the form is its inflexible response to novel ideas.

Недостатком такого общества является его плохая восприимчивость к любым новым идеям.

He’d expected the cramps that were twisting through his stomach muscles, but he hadn’t counted on this sudden weakness that had hit his legs.

Он заранее предвидел судороги в своем измученном желудке, но не учел неожиданной слабости в ногах.

You must recognize your fear, admit your weakness and confess your sins.

Вы должны признать свои страхи, принять свои слабости и покаяться в своих грехах.

I gazed upon this sweet, sensuous Princess of the Travelling Folk through eyes fogged by human weakness .

Свойственная человеку слабость затуманила мой взор, когда я смотрел на эту чувственную принцессу кочевого народа.

There are no visible deformities, but he’s having some focal left arm weakness .

Видимых деформаций нет, но наблюдается фокальная слабость в левой руке.

Years of rain and weather had reduced a once sturdy roof of thatch and timbers to rotted weakness .

За многие годы когда — то прочная тростниковая крыша почти совсем сгнила от дождя и ветра.

Was it possible that his seemingly invincible army had a secret weakness ?

Было ли возможно что его, внешне непобедимая армия имела слабые звенья в своих рядах?

The Echizen warriors lamented the weakness of their army.

Воины провинции Этидзэн беспрестанно жаловались на слабость своего войска.

The worst offenders would only consider Your Majesty’s gentle nature a weakness .

Отъявленные негодяи посчитали бы мягкий нрав Вашего Величества слабостью.

Was he trying to find a weakness in the droid starfighters’ attack formation?

Неужели он таким образом надеется найти слабое место в защитном построении дроидов?

Uber-loyalty can be seen as a lack of judgement, of weakness .

Чрезмерную лояльность могут принять за недостаток здравого рассудка, слабость.

That weakness was the light-speed limitation on its telemetry.

Этим недостатком являлась работа его каналов на скорости света.

He told himself that his weakness during the summers was the result of having spent the greater part of the past three years at his post in the northern provinces.

Он уверял себя, что нынешняя слабость является прямым следствием трехлетнего пребывания в северных провинциях.

He understood our little failings, understood the weakness of our poor fallen nature, understood the temptations of this life.

Он знает наши грехи, знает слабости нашей грешной природы, знает соблазны мирской жизни.

I was helping him rebuild, but some of the pack saw my involvement as another sign of weakness .

Я ему помогала, но часть стаи считала мое вмешательство еще одним признаком его слабости.

In the end it came down to Fink’s inexperience with weakness .

В конце концов Финка подвела неопытность, незнание собственной слабости.

A weakness in your peritoneum has made it possible for tissue to insinuate its way into your scrotal sac.

Слабость в брюшине привела к выпячиванию содержимого брюшной полости в мошонку.

Or would she show her true weakness before the Light of God and abandon the Apostate to their fate?

Или покажет свою слабость перед светом Божьим и бросит отступников на произвол судьбы?

He would come to despise himself for his weakness , while she would despise him for clinging to her so desperately.

Со временем Кайл стал бы презирать себя за слабость, а Трот опротивела бы его навязчивость.

A weakness for big expensive four-wheel-drives, but everybody needs some kind of a hobby.

Испытывает слабость к большим, дорогим полноприводным машинам, но каждому человеку нужно какое — нибудь увлечение в жизни.

Tam could ache with temptation, but O Shing dared reveal no weakness .

Там мог испытывать соблазн, но О Шинг не имел права позволить себе проявлений слабости.

Covington demonstrated in two words the humans’ greatest strength and weakness .

Ковингтон этими двумя словами продемонстрировал величайшую силу и слабость человеческой расы.

Weakness surged through her like a tide, and she fought the urge to sink down against the wall and sob.

Слабость волнами накатывала на нее, и она боролась с желанием прислониться к стене и разрыдаться.

You try to discover his secret, his weakness .

Ты пытаешься разгадать его секреты, его слабости.

In view of the growing consumption of narcotic drugs in Liberia, this could be a weakness in the draft act.

С учетом роста потребления наркотиков в Либерии это может быть серьезным недостатком законопроекта.

This ambivalence can largely be explained by Western and Arab concern with the weakness and opacity of the Syrian opposition’s political leadership.

Эта двойственность во многом объясняется озабоченностью Запада и арабских стран, слабостью и непрозрачностью политического руководства сирийской оппозиции.

Limitations: along with the fact that this is a hack, significant weakness of this method is impossibility of finding in memory arbitrary module by its name.

О недостатках: Помимо того, что это совсем уж хакерский метод, его недостатком смело можно назвать невозможность найти произвольный модуль по одному лишь имени.

  • deficiency
  • failing
  • flaw
  • fragility
  • frailty
  • gap
  • instability
  • lack
  • lapse
  • shortcoming
  • vulnerability
  • appetite
  • blemish
  • debility
  • decrepitude
  • delicacy
  • enervation
  • faintness
  • fault
  • feebleness
  • fondness
  • impairment
  • imperfection
  • impotence
  • inclination
  • inconstancy
  • indecision
  • infirmity
  • invalidity
  • irresolution
  • languor
  • liking
  • passion
  • penchant
  • powerlessness
  • predilection
  • proclivity
  • prostration
  • senility
  • taste
  • vice
  • vitiation
  • Achilles heel
  • chink in armor
  • soft spot
  • sore point

On this page you’ll find 64 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to weaknesses, such as: flaw, vulnerability, lapse, lack, fragility, and gap.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use weaknesses in a sentence

In Peter’s character we have a remarkable combination of great natural talents and virtues, with peculiar weaknesses.


The weaknesses of Fieldas revealed in his two independent comedieswere of a nature more evasive, less capable of definition.


He lives in perpetual fear lest some mishap should unfold his weaknesses and secret faults.



OCTOBER 26, 1985

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1    debility, decrepitude, enervation, faintness, feebleness, fragility, frailty, impotence, infirmity, irresolution, powerlessness, vulnerability  

2    Achilles heel, blemish, chink in one’s armour, defect, deficiency, failing, fault, flaw, imperfection, lack, shortcoming  

3    fondness, inclination, liking, partiality, passion, penchant, predilection, proclivity, proneness, soft spot  

1    hardiness, health, impregnability, potency, power, stamina, sturdiness, validity, vigour, virtue, vitality  

2    advantage, forte, strength, strong point  

3    aversion, dislike, hatred, loathing  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( weaker    comparative)   ( weakest    superlative  )

1       adj   If someone is weak, they are not healthy or do not have good muscles, so that they cannot move quickly or carry heavy things.,   (Antonym: strong)
I was too weak to move or think or speak…, His arms and legs were weak.     

  weakly      adv   ADV with v  
`I’m all right,’ Max said weakly, but his breathing came in jagged gasps…     

   weakness             n-uncount  
Symptoms of anaemia include weakness, fatigue and iron deficiency.     

2       adj   If someone has an organ or sense that is weak, it is not very effective or powerful, or is likely to fail.  
Until the beating, Cantanco’s eyesight had been weak, but adequate…, She tired easily and had a weak heart.     

3       adj   If you describe someone as weak, you mean that they are not very confident or determined, so that they are often frightened or worried, or easily influenced by other people.,   (Antonym: strong)
You have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared.     

   weakness             n-uncount  
Many people felt that admitting to stress was a sign of weakness.     

4       adj   If you describe someone’s voice or smile as weak, you mean that it not very loud or big, suggesting that the person lacks confidence, enthusiasm, or physical strength.  

His weak voice was almost inaudible…     

  weakly      adv   ADV after v  
He smiled weakly at reporters.     

5       adj   If an object or surface is weak, it breaks easily and cannot support a lot of weight or resist a lot of strain.,   (Antonym: strong)
The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary…, Swimming is helpful for bones that are porous and weak.     

6       adv   A weak physical force does not have much power or intensity.,   (Antonym: strong)
The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds…     

  weakly      adv   ADV adj/-ed, ADV after v  
The mineral is weakly magnetic…     

7       adj   If individuals or groups are weak, they do not have any power or influence.  

The council was too weak to do anything about it.     
      The weak are people who are weak., n-plural   the N  
He voiced his solidarity with the weak and defenceless.     

   weakness             n-uncount  

It made me feel patronised, in a position of weakness.     

8       adj   A weak government or leader does not have much control, and is not prepared or able to act firmly or severely.,   (Antonym: strong)
The changes come after mounting criticism that the government is weak and indecisive…, The chief editorial writer also blames weak leadership for the current crisis.     

  weakly      adv  
…the weakly-led movement for reform.     

   weakness             n-uncount  
Officials fear that he might interpret the emphasis on diplomacy as a sign of weakness.     

9       adj   If you describe something such a country’s currency, economy, industry, or government as weak, you mean that it is not successful, and may be likely to fail or collapse.,   (Antonym: strong)
The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners…     

   weakness             n-uncount   usu with poss  
The weakness of his regime is showing more and more…     

10       adj   If something such as an argument or case is weak, it is not convincing or there is little evidence to support it.,   (Antonym: strong)
Do you think the prosecution made any particular errors, or did they just have a weak case?…     

  weakly      adv   ADV before v  
The doctor weakly puts the case that the mother-to-be has many relatives, so needs less support from the hospital.     

   weakness            ( weaknesses    plural)    n-var  
…the strengths and weaknesses of the government’s case…     

11       adj   A weak drink, chemical, or drug contains very little of a particular substance, for example because a lot of water has been added to it.,   (Antonym: strong)
…a cup of weak tea…, …a very weak bleach solution.     

12       adj   Your weak points are the qualities or talents you do not possess, or the things you are not very good at.  
oft ADJ on n     (Antonym: strong)
Geography was my weak subject…, His short stories tend to be weak on plot.     

   weakness             n-var  
His only weakness is his temperament…     

If you describe someone as weak-kneed, you mean that they are unable or unwilling to do anything because they are influenced by a strong emotion such as fear.  
INFORMAL      adj  
He would need all his authority to keep the weak-kneed volunteers from bolting.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


weak     ( weaker    comparative)   ( weakest    superlative  )

1       adj   If someone is weak, they are not healthy or do not have good muscles, so that they cannot move quickly or carry heavy things.,   (Antonym: strong)
I was too weak to move or think or speak…, His arms and legs were weak.     

  weakly      adv   ADV with v  
`I’m all right,’ Max said weakly, but his breathing came in jagged gasps…     

   weakness             n-uncount  
Symptoms of anaemia include weakness, fatigue and iron deficiency.     

2       adj   If someone has an organ or sense that is weak, it is not very effective or powerful, or is likely to fail.  
Until the beating, Cantanco’s eyesight had been weak, but adequate…, She tired easily and had a weak heart.     

3       adj   If you describe someone as weak, you mean that they are not very confident or determined, so that they are often frightened or worried, or easily influenced by other people.,   (Antonym: strong)
You have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared.     

   weakness             n-uncount  
Many people felt that admitting to stress was a sign of weakness.     

4       adj   If you describe someone’s voice or smile as weak, you mean that it not very loud or big, suggesting that the person lacks confidence, enthusiasm, or physical strength.  

His weak voice was almost inaudible…     

  weakly      adv   ADV after v  
He smiled weakly at reporters.     

5       adj   If an object or surface is weak, it breaks easily and cannot support a lot of weight or resist a lot of strain.,   (Antonym: strong)
The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary…, Swimming is helpful for bones that are porous and weak.     

6       adv   A weak physical force does not have much power or intensity.,   (Antonym: strong)
The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds…     

  weakly      adv   ADV adj/-ed, ADV after v  
The mineral is weakly magnetic…     

7       adj   If individuals or groups are weak, they do not have any power or influence.  

The council was too weak to do anything about it.     
      The weak are people who are weak., n-plural   the N  
He voiced his solidarity with the weak and defenceless.     

   weakness             n-uncount  

It made me feel patronised, in a position of weakness.     

8       adj   A weak government or leader does not have much control, and is not prepared or able to act firmly or severely.,   (Antonym: strong)
The changes come after mounting criticism that the government is weak and indecisive…, The chief editorial writer also blames weak leadership for the current crisis.     

  weakly      adv  
…the weakly-led movement for reform.     

   weakness             n-uncount  
Officials fear that he might interpret the emphasis on diplomacy as a sign of weakness.     

9       adj   If you describe something such a country’s currency, economy, industry, or government as weak, you mean that it is not successful, and may be likely to fail or collapse.,   (Antonym: strong)
The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners…     

   weakness             n-uncount   usu with poss  
The weakness of his regime is showing more and more…     

10       adj   If something such as an argument or case is weak, it is not convincing or there is little evidence to support it.,   (Antonym: strong)
Do you think the prosecution made any particular errors, or did they just have a weak case?…     

  weakly      adv   ADV before v  
The doctor weakly puts the case that the mother-to-be has many relatives, so needs less support from the hospital.     

   weakness            ( weaknesses    plural)    n-var  
…the strengths and weaknesses of the government’s case…     

11       adj   A weak drink, chemical, or drug contains very little of a particular substance, for example because a lot of water has been added to it.,   (Antonym: strong)
…a cup of weak tea…, …a very weak bleach solution.     

12       adj   Your weak points are the qualities or talents you do not possess, or the things you are not very good at.  
oft ADJ on n     (Antonym: strong)
Geography was my weak subject…, His short stories tend to be weak on plot.     

   weakness             n-var  
His only weakness is his temperament…     

weakness            ( weaknesses    plural  ) If you have a weakness   for something, you like it very much, although this is perhaps surprising or undesirable.          n-count   usu sing, oft N for n  
Stephen himself had a weakness for cats…, His one weakness, apart from aeroplanes, is ice cream.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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What is another word for weakness?

866 synonyms found


[ wˈiːknəs], [ wˈiːknəs], [ w_ˈiː_k_n_ə_s]

Table of Contents

Similar words for weakness:

  • other relevant words (adjective)

  • Achilles’ heel (noun)

  • Achilles heel (noun)

  • adoration (noun)

  • affinity (noun)

  • appetite (noun)

  • ardor (noun)

  • attachment (noun)

  • attenuation (noun)

  • attribute (noun)

  • chink in one’s armor (noun)

  • choice (noun)

  • condition (noun)

  • decrepitude (noun)

  • default (noun)

  • defect (noun)

  • defect, proneness (noun)

  • deficiency (noun)

  • delicacy (noun)

  • delinquency (noun)

  • dependence/dependency (noun)

  • difficulty, trouble (noun)

  • disability (noun)

  • disadvantage(s) (noun)

  • dotage (noun)

  • enthusiasm (noun)

  • failing (noun)

  • fatigue (noun)

  • fault (noun)

  • feebleness (noun)

  • feet of clay (noun)

  • fervor (noun)

  • field (noun)

  • flaw (noun)

  • foolishness (noun)

  • habit (noun)

  • hankering (noun)

  • helplessness (noun)

  • hobby (noun)

  • imbecility (noun)

  • imperfection (noun)

  • impotence (noun)

  • impuissance (noun)

  • inability (noun)

  • inadequacy (noun)

  • incapability (noun)

  • inclination (noun)

  • ineffectiveness (noun)

  • ineffectuality (noun)

  • insecureness (noun)

  • instability (noun)

  • insubstantiality (noun)

  • irresolution (noun)

  • languor (noun)

  • leaning (noun)

  • lethargy (noun)

  • liking (noun)

  • love (noun)

  • lust (noun)

  • malaise (noun)

  • misconduct (noun)

  • need (noun)

  • old age (noun)

  • other relevant words (noun)

  • passion (noun)

  • precariousness (noun)

  • predisposition (noun)

  • preference (noun)

  • proclivity (noun)

  • shortage (noun)

  • soft spot (noun)

  • specialty (noun)

  • stupidity (noun)

  • tastelessness (noun)

  • tenderness (noun)

  • undoing (noun)

  • unsoundness (noun)

  • unstableness (noun)

  • unsteadiness (noun)

  • unsureness (noun)

  • weakness (noun)

  • weak spot (noun)

  • weariness (noun)

  • other synonyms
  • culpability

  • effeminacy

  • pusillanimity

How to use «weakness» in context?

for weakness

Hyponyms for weakness

Antonyms for weakness

Hypernyms for weakness

  • adj.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • characteristic.
  • n.

    Achilles’ heel (noun)

    • achilles-heel,
    • chink the armor,
    • achilles’-heel,
    • soft underbellies.

    Achilles heel (noun)

    • heel achilles,
    • tender spots,
    • damaging weaknesses,
    • weak links.

    • gap,
    • indecision,
    • the vapors,
    • disturbance,
    • vice,
    • virtue,
    • lapse,
    • good.

    • for fun,
    • strong.

    • help,
    • better.

    • like.

    adoration (noun)

    • worshippings,
    • amores.

    affinity (noun)

    • drutherses,
    • cup tea,
    • good vibration,
    • same wavelengths,
    • simpaticos.

    appetite (noun)

    • zeal,
    • gluttony,
    • Gluttonies,
    • Propensities,
    • big eyes.

    ardor (noun)

    • in tensity,
    • turn ons,
    • in-tensity.

    attachment (noun)

    • possessivenesses.

    attenuation (noun)

    • de-vitalization,
    • fadings,
    • de-vitalizations,
    • de vitalization,
    • weakenings,
    • de vitalizations.

    attribute (noun)

    • weakness.

    chink in one’s armor (noun)

    • chink in ones armor,
    • under-bellies,
    • chink-armor,
    • under-belly,
    • under bellies,
    • under belly,
    • vulnerable places,
    • chink in one armor,
    • chink ones armor,
    • weak sides,
    • chink one armor,
    • chink armor,
    • chink one’s armor.

    choice (noun)

    • election,
    • Opportunities,
    • finding.

    condition (noun)

    • infirmity,
    • predicament,
    • ill,
    • predicaments.

    decrepitude (noun)

    • de cays,
    • de-cay,
    • de cay,
    • de-cays.

    default (noun)

    • over looking,
    • in sufficiency,
    • dis regard,
    • over sights,
    • dis-regard,
    • overlookings,
    • over sight,
    • over-sight,
    • over-looking,
    • de fault,
    • de faults,
    • non payments,
    • in sufficiencies,
    • in-sufficiencies,
    • dis-regards,
    • de-faults,
    • in-sufficiency,
    • non payment,
    • dis regards,
    • over-sights,
    • de-fault,
    • non-payments.

    defect (noun)

    • dis coloration,
    • rough spots,
    • dis-coloration,
    • mis take,
    • in-jury,
    • un soundnesses,
    • dis colorations,
    • marrings,
    • mis takes,
    • dis-colorations,
    • mis-take,
    • mis-takes,
    • in juries,
    • in jury.

    defect, proneness (noun)

    • prostration,
    • senility,
    • faintness,
    • blemish,
    • frailty,
    • achilles heel,
    • lack,
    • inconstancy,
    • languor,
    • impotence,
    • fragility,
    • sore point,
    • decrepitude,
    • vitiation,
    • vulnerability,
    • irresolution,
    • impairment,
    • debility.

    deficiency (noun)

    • de-merit,
    • inability hack it,
    • de-merits,
    • de merit,
    • insufficiences,
    • de merits.

    delicacy (noun)

    • diaphaneities,
    • exquisitenesses,
    • trans-lucency,
    • trans-lucencies,
    • trans lucency,
    • trans lucencies,
    • gossamerinesses,
    • slendernesses,
    • etherealnesses,
    • airinesses.

    delinquency (noun)

    • mis behaviors,
    • mis-behavior,
    • mis-behaviors,
    • non-feasances,
    • mis deeds,
    • mis behavior,
    • non feasances,
    • mis-deeds,
    • non observances,
    • mis demeanor,
    • nonobservances,
    • mis-deed,
    • mis deed,
    • mis demeanors,
    • non observance,
    • mis-demeanors,
    • mis-demeanor,
    • non feasance,
    • non-observances.

    dependence/dependency (noun)

    • de pendency,
    • de-pendency,
    • subserviences,
    • sub-ordination,
    • subjections,
    • sub-ordinations,
    • sub ordination,
    • sub ordinations,
    • de-pendencies,
    • de pendencies.

    difficulty, trouble (noun)

    • disadvantage(s).

    disability (noun)

    • in-capacity,
    • in-validity,
    • in capacities,
    • un-fitness,
    • in experience,
    • dis-qualifications,
    • un-fitnesses,
    • un fitnesses,
    • dis qualifications,
    • in-validities,
    • dis-qualification,
    • un fitness,
    • in-experiences,
    • dis qualification,
    • in-experience,
    • in-capacities,
    • in capacity,
    • in validities,
    • in experiences,
    • in validity.

    disadvantage(s) (noun)

    • de privations,
    • de-privation,
    • dis-commodities,
    • dis commodities,
    • in-utility,
    • dis advantages,
    • in-conveniences,
    • in utilities,
    • de-privations,
    • blockings,
    • in convenience,
    • dis-advantages,
    • adverse circumstance,
    • fly in ointment,
    • in conveniences,
    • dis commodity,
    • in-convenience,
    • dis-advantage,
    • in-utilities,
    • de privation,
    • in utility,
    • dis-commodity,
    • fly ointment,
    • fly the ointment,
    • dis advantage.

    dotage (noun)

    • advanced age,
    • second childhood.

    enthusiasm (noun)

    • ardor.

    failing (noun)

    • failings,
    • blind spot.

    fatigue (noun)

    • Fatigation,
    • burnout,
    • heaviness,
    • overtiredness.

    fault (noun)

    • loss innocence,
    • mis cues,
    • slip ups,
    • mis-cue,
    • in discretions,
    • in accuracy,
    • mis-cues,
    • mis-conducts,
    • evil doings,
    • mis cue,
    • in accuracies,
    • mis-conduct,
    • mis conducts,
    • answerabilities,
    • mis conduct,
    • in-discretions,
    • in discretion,
    • in-accuracy,
    • in-accuracies,
    • in-discretion.

    feebleness (noun)

    • invalidism,
    • softness,
    • ricketiness,
    • ailment,
    • Sickliness,
    • flimsiness.

    feet of clay (noun)

    • character flaws,
    • feet-clay,
    • feet clay.

    fervor (noun)

    • ardencies,
    • zealousnesses,
    • wholeheartednesses.

    field (noun)

    • champaigns,
    • de mesne,
    • pro vinces,
    • de-mesne,
    • pro vince,
    • pro-vinces,
    • pro-vince.

    flaw (noun)

    • catch 22’s,
    • catch 22,
    • catch-22’s,
    • catch22,
    • catch22’s.

    foolishness (noun)

    • absurdness,
    • fool trick,
    • imbecility,
    • witlessness,
    • unwiseness,
    • horse feathers,
    • foolery,
    • Fooleries,
    • carryings-on,
    • irresponsibility,
    • carrying-on,
    • dumb trick,
    • senselessness,
    • silliness.

    habit (noun)

    • obsession,
    • Habits,
    • make-ups,
    • wonts,
    • make-up,
    • impulsions,
    • fixed attitude,
    • hangup,
    • Assuetude,
    • impulsion.

    hankering (noun)

    • fire belly,
    • pinings,
    • munchy.

    helplessness (noun)

    • convalescence,
    • poor health,
    • Convalescences.

    hobby (noun)

    • pet topics,
    • dis-tractions,
    • re-laxations,
    • favorite occupations,
    • dis tractions,
    • dis-traction,
    • schticks,
    • leisure pursuits,
    • re-laxation,
    • labor love,
    • re laxation,
    • dis traction,
    • re laxations.

    imbecility (noun)

    • zaniness.

    imperfection (noun)

    • incompleteness.

    impotence (noun)

    • handicap,
    • incompetence,
    • incapability.

    impuissance (noun)

    • impuissance.

    inability (noun)

    • in capacitation,
    • in-efficiency,
    • in efficiency,
    • in-aptitude,
    • in-capacitation,
    • in capabilities,
    • in aptitude,
    • incapacitations,
    • in-efficiencies,
    • ineptnesses,
    • in capacitations,
    • in efficiencies,
    • inaptitudes,
    • in-capacitations,
    • in aptitudes,
    • in-aptitudes.

    inadequacy (noun)

    • in adequacy,
    • in-adequacy,
    • in-aptnesses,
    • defectivenesses,
    • in aptness,
    • inaptnesses,
    • in adequacies,
    • in adequateness,
    • un-suitableness,
    • in-adequateness,
    • inadequatenesses,
    • in-aptness,
    • un suitableness,
    • un suitablenesses,
    • in adequatenesses,
    • in-adequatenesses,
    • in-adequacies,
    • in aptnesses,
    • faultinesses,
    • un-suitablenesses,
    • skimpinesses.

    incapability (noun)

    • in capability,
    • in-capability,
    • in-capabilities.

    inclination (noun)

    • hunger,
    • bent.

    ineffectiveness (noun)

    • in effectivenesses,
    • in-effectiveness,
    • in effectiveness,
    • in-effectivenesses.

    ineffectuality (noun)

    • ineffectualness,
    • ineffectiveness.

    insecureness (noun)

    • in securenesses,
    • in-secureness,
    • in secureness,
    • in-securenesses.

    instability (noun)

    • disequilibrium,
    • fickleness,
    • shakiness,
    • insecureness,
    • variabilities,
    • impermanence,
    • mutabilities,
    • unsureness,
    • fitfulness,
    • changeability,
    • variability,
    • precariousness,
    • capriciousness,
    • waverings,
    • Uncertainties,
    • insecurity,
    • in security,
    • mutability,
    • unpredictabilities,
    • changeableness,
    • Unfixedness,
    • transience,
    • unpredictability,
    • unreliability,
    • fluidity.

    insubstantiality (noun)

    • flus,
    • in-disposition,
    • in-dispositions,
    • unhealths,
    • in disposition,
    • diseasednesses,
    • un-healths,
    • in-substantiality,
    • un-wellnesses,
    • in dispositions,
    • ailings,
    • in-substantialities,
    • ill healths,
    • in substantialities,
    • un-wellness,
    • un wellness,
    • un healths,
    • un-health,
    • unwellnesses.

    irresolution (noun)

    • volatility,
    • wateriness,
    • inconsistency,
    • ambivalence,
    • insipidity,
    • tentativeness,
    • unwillingness,
    • spinelessness,
    • vacillation,
    • shyness,
    • indecisiveness,
    • halfheartedness,
    • impulsiveness,
    • yellowness,
    • double-mindedness,
    • uncertainty,
    • shiftiness,
    • hesitance.

    languor (noun)

    • in-action,
    • in-activities,
    • in-actions,
    • in activities,
    • in-activity,
    • in activity.

    leaning (noun)

    • inclinings.

    lethargy (noun)

    • lassitude.

    liking (noun)

    • Palates.

    love (noun)

    • mad for,
    • devotedness.

    lust (noun)

    • salaciousnesses.

    malaise (noun)

    • dis tress,
    • dis-tresses,
    • un-eases,
    • un easiness,
    • dis comforts,
    • un-easinesses,
    • dis-comfort,
    • dis tresses,
    • un-ease,
    • un ease,
    • dis comfort,
    • dis-tress,
    • un eases,
    • un-easiness,
    • dis-comforts.

    misconduct (noun)

    • delinquency.

    need (noun)

    • the urges.

    old age (noun)

    • Senectitude,
    • senescence.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • underbellies,
    • favoritism,
    • salacity,
    • devoir,
    • fly in the ointment,
    • field,
    • habit,
    • attachment,
    • year,
    • proclivity,
    • tendency,
    • default,
    • Divertissement,
    • lust,
    • inutilities,
    • foible,
    • wholeheartedness,
    • drawback,
    • invalidities,
    • Unhealth,
    • debilitation,
    • committals,
    • tenuity,
    • ought,
    • Non-feasance,
    • Insufficience,
    • unsoundness,
    • enervation,
    • soft underbelly,
    • knot,
    • feeble-mindedness,
    • oomph,
    • flaw,
    • shortcoming,
    • schtick,
    • favorite occupation,
    • instability,
    • failing,
    • vulnerable place,
    • ill health,
    • adoration,
    • frailness,
    • defalcation,
    • inefficacy,
    • speciality,
    • Asininity,
    • shallowness,
    • Ardency,
    • taste,
    • chink in armor,
    • dotage,
    • subtlety,
    • liking,
    • ignorance,
    • salaciousness,
    • Pash,
    • speck,
    • slip up,
    • in actions,
    • inferiority,
    • incompetency,
    • nonobservance,
    • Diseasedness,
    • predisposition,
    • fire in belly,
    • Amore,
    • preference,
    • defalcations,
    • slenderness,
    • nitwittedness,
    • inability,
    • scantiness,
    • Desiderata,
    • imperfection,
    • loss of innocence,
    • puniness,
    • possessiveness,
    • passion,
    • typo,
    • demesne,
    • attenuation,
    • fondness,
    • hobby,
    • fatigue,
    • answerability,
    • wobbliness,
    • inadequateness,
    • defectiveness,
    • demesnes,
    • velleity,
    • limits,
    • rough spot,
    • pashes,
    • neglect,
    • need,
    • inability to hack it,
    • thick-headedness,
    • leaning,
    • discommodities,
    • inclination,
    • desideratum,
    • weakliness,
    • fervor,
    • adverse circumstances,
    • inaptness,
    • errors,
    • in action,
    • fervency,
    • urge,
    • Incapacitation,
    • character flaw,
    • committal,
    • Non-payment,
    • Specialities,
    • brainlessness,
    • inaptitude,
    • slip-ups,
    • devoirs,
    • terrain,
    • fragileness,
    • malaise,
    • unsuitableness,
    • doltishness,
    • Etherealness,
    • weak side,
    • druthers,
    • Liableness,
    • enfeeblement,
    • minuses,
    • feeblemindedness,
    • fault,
    • deficiency,
    • tenderness,
    • predilection,
    • simpatico,
    • chink in the armor,
    • underbelly,
    • Discommodity,
    • divertissements,
    • lovingness,
    • weak link,
    • undoing,
    • inutility,
    • ineptness,
    • powerlessness,
    • over turn,
    • skimpiness,
    • inefficiencies,
    • defect,
    • evil doing,
    • inadequacy,
    • delicacy,
    • insubstantiality,
    • unwellness,
    • puerility,
    • stupidness,
    • tender spot,
    • damaging weakness,
    • Puerilities,
    • soft spot,
    • Diaphaneity,
    • affinity,
    • subjection,
    • chink in one’s armor,
    • battiness,
    • slip-up,
    • needs,
    • scar,
    • idiocies,
    • foolishness,
    • helplessness,
    • fatuousness,
    • leisure pursuit,
    • invalidity,
    • same wavelength,
    • disability,
    • salacities,
    • munchies,
    • leanings,
    • zealousness,
    • shortage,
    • idolization,
    • feebleness,
    • condition,
    • sideline,
    • stupidity,
    • feet of clay,
    • tenuities,
    • miss,
    • affection,
    • Non-observance,
    • injudiciousness,
    • pet topic,
    • specialty,
    • oughts,
    • weak spot,
    • airiness,
    • Leisure Activity,
    • aphrodisia,
    • typos,
    • weak-mindedness,
    • say so,
    • subservience,
    • obtuseness,
    • thickheadedness,
    • partiality,
    • champaign,
    • thing for,
    • exquisiteness,
    • minus,
    • hankering,
    • aphrodisias,
    • Leisure Activities,
    • the urge,
    • faultiness,
    • choice,
    • penchant,
    • gossameriness,
    • Delicateness,
    • good vibrations,
    • unstableness.

    passion (noun)

    • emotings.

    precariousness (noun)

    • pre cariousness,
    • pre-cariousness,
    • pre cariousnesses.

    predisposition (noun)

    • pre dispositions,
    • pre-disposition,
    • pre disposition,
    • pre-dispositions.

    preference (noun)

    • pre-possessions,
    • pre possession,
    • pre possessions,
    • pre-possession.

    proclivity (noun)

    • thing fors,
    • liablenesses.

    shortage (noun)

    • scarceness,
    • tightness,
    • shortfall,
    • leanness,
    • underage,
    • scantness.

    soft spot (noun)

    • quicks,
    • raw nerves,
    • where it hurts,
    • raw nerve,
    • RAWS,
    • the quick,
    • sore spot,
    • Nerve Endings,
    • where one lives,
    • nerve ending,
    • exposed nerve,
    • in the gut.

    specialty (noun)

    • majors,
    • claim to fame,
    • field of concentration,
    • distinguishing feature,
    • specials,
    • object of study,
    • object of attention,
    • special project,
    • forte.

    stupidity (noun)

    • fatuousnesses,
    • weak mindedness,
    • feeble mindedness,
    • nitwittednesses,
    • feeble mindednesses,
    • weakmindedness,
    • non sense,
    • brainlessnesses,
    • battinesses,
    • injudiciousnesses,
    • in judiciousnesses,
    • non-sense,
    • weakmindednesses,
    • asininities,
    • non senses,
    • in-judiciousness,
    • shallownesses,
    • thick headedness,
    • thick headednesses,
    • feeble-mindednesses,
    • in judiciousness,
    • weak-mindednesses,
    • obtusenesses,
    • thick-headednesses,
    • doltishnesses,
    • feeblemindednesses,
    • stupidnesses,
    • in-judiciousnesses,
    • weak mindednesses,
    • thickheadednesses.

    tastelessness (noun)

    • blandness,
    • mildness,
    • staleness,
    • plainness,
    • flatness,
    • unsavoriness,
    • tastelessness,
    • vapidity,
    • banality.

    tenderness (noun)

    • lovingnesses.

    undoing (noun)

    • mis-adventure,
    • de-stroyer,
    • re versal,
    • sub versions,
    • un-doings,
    • bad omen,
    • de-stroyers,
    • over-turn,
    • mis adventure,
    • over turns,
    • sub-version,
    • re-versal,
    • mis adventures,
    • un doing,
    • over throws,
    • mis-calculation,
    • de-feat,
    • un-doing,
    • re verse,
    • over-throw,
    • bad omens,
    • dis-grace,
    • dis grace,
    • mis calculation,
    • sub version,
    • over throw,
    • dis graces,
    • un doings,
    • de stroyer,
    • over-throws,
    • sub-versions,
    • de-feats,
    • de feat,
    • re-verse,
    • dis-graces,
    • de stroyers,
    • mis chances,
    • mis steps,
    • mis chance,
    • de feats,
    • mis-adventures,
    • mis-calculations.

    unsoundness (noun)

    • un soundness,
    • un-soundnesses,
    • un-soundness.

    unstableness (noun)

    • unsteadiness.

    unsteadiness (noun)

    • un steadiness,
    • un-steadinesses,
    • un steadinesses.

    unsureness (noun)

    • un-surenesses,
    • un sureness.

    weakness (noun)

    • emasculation,
    • slowness,
    • anemia,
    • languidness.

    weak spot (noun)

    • vulnerable point.

    weariness (noun)

    • weariness,
    • tiredness,
    • depression,
    • over-weariness,
    • blues,
    • ennui,
    • tedium,
    • droopiness,
    • listlessness,
    • apathy,
    • cheerlessness,
    • sleepiness,
    • exhaustion,
    • boredom,
    • footsoreness,
    • flaccidity,
    • drowsiness.
  • Other synonyms:

    • damage,
    • love,
    • underside,
    • self-indulgent,
    • Achilles’ Heel,
    • unsubstantiality,
    • dissipated,
    • decadence,
    • sybaritic,
    • fun-loving,
    • abnormality,
    • illness,
    • self-indulgence,
    • weak point,
    • epicurean.

    • decadent,
    • disadvantage,
    • overindulge,
    • endurance,
    • extravagance,
    • relish,
    • protection.

    • force,
    • indulgence,
    • dissipation,
    • limitation.

    • appetite.


    • guilt.


    • femininity.


    • cowardice.

How to use «Weakness» in context?

Weaknesses can be a source of insecurity and feeling unworthy. They can also be a challenge to overcome. While there is no single definition of weakness, one commondefinition is that a weakness is a vulnerability to attack or vulnerability to harm. Insecurity and fear may arise when we realize that we have a vulnerability. Weaknesses can be physical or emotional.

Physical weaknesses can include having a Qi deficiency, a medical condition, or being overweight. Emotional weaknesses can include being too shy, having low self-esteem, or having a fear of public speaking.

Some people try to compensate for their vulnerabilities by overcompensating.

Paraphrases for Weakness:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Noun, singular or mass
      debility, defect, deficiency, disadvantage, drawback, failing, flaw, frailty, helplessness, impotence, inadequacy, shortcoming.
  • Forward Entailment

    • Proper noun, singular
    • Noun, singular or mass
      failure, powerlessness.
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Noun, singular or mass
      fatigue, fragility, insufficiency.
  • Independent

    • Noun, singular or mass
      absence, deterioration, downside, downturn, gap, handicap, impairment, impossibility, inability, lack, lacuna, limitation, paucity, precariousness, scarcity, shortage, slackening, tiredness, weariness, Lacunae.
  • Other Related

    • Noun, singular or mass
      fault, loophole, omission, shortfall, slack, slowdown, weak, weakening.

Hyponym for Weakness:

  • n.

    • attribute
    • feeling
      predilection, preference, penchant, taste.
    • state
      ill luck, misfortune, bad luck, tough luck.

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