Vanity синонимы

What is another word for Vanity?

  • self-centredness, idle talk

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Synonyms for vanity

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  • arrogance
  • pride
  • affectation
  • airs
  • conceitedness
  • display
  • narcissism
  • ostentation
  • pretension
  • self-love
  • self-worship
  • show
  • smugness
  • vainglory
  • big-headedness
  • ego trip
  • self-admiration
  • showing off

On this page you’ll find 69 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to vanity, such as: arrogance, pride, affectation, airs, conceitedness, and display.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use vanity in a sentence

Greater mischiefs happen often from folly, meanness, and vanity than from the greater sins of avarice and ambition.


I, therefore, deliver it as a maxim, that whoever desires the character of a proud man ought to conceal his vanity.


If I am proof against my own heart, in so dear a cause, shall I not be proof against the poor allurements of vanity and sense?



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • conceit
  • good opinion of oneself
  • self-esteem
  • self-love
  • vanity
  • airs
  • aloofness
  • audacity
  • bluster
  • braggadocio
  • brass
  • cheek
  • chutzpah
  • conceit
  • conceitedness
  • contemptuousness
  • crust
  • disdain
  • disdainfulness
  • ego
  • egotism
  • gall
  • haughtiness
  • hauteur
  • high-handedness
  • hubris
  • imperiousness
  • insolence
  • loftiness
  • nerve
  • ostentation
  • overbearance
  • pomposity
  • pompousness
  • presumption
  • pretension
  • pretentiousness
  • pride
  • priggishness
  • scornfulness
  • self-importance
  • self-love
  • smugness
  • superciliousness
  • swagger
  • vanity
  • amour-propre
  • arrogance
  • complacence
  • complacency
  • consequence
  • immodesty
  • narcissism
  • outrecuidance
  • pomposity
  • pride
  • self-admiration
  • self-conceit
  • self-exaltation
  • self-importance
  • self-love
  • self-regard
  • smugness
  • snottiness
  • stuffiness
  • swagger
  • swelled head
  • vainglory
  • vainness
  • vanity
  • act
  • affectation
  • arrangement
  • array
  • arrayal
  • blaze
  • bravura
  • dash
  • demonstration
  • example
  • exhibit
  • exhibition
  • expo
  • exposition
  • exposure
  • fanfare
  • flourish
  • for show
  • frame-up
  • frippery
  • front
  • grandstand play
  • layout
  • manifestation
  • ostentation
  • ostentatiousness
  • pageant
  • panorama
  • parade
  • pedantry
  • pomp
  • presentation
  • pretension
  • pretentiousness
  • revelation
  • sample
  • scheme
  • shine
  • showboat
  • splash
  • splendor
  • splurge
  • spread
  • unfolding
  • vanity
  • acts
  • affectations
  • arrangements
  • arrayals
  • arrays
  • blazes
  • bravuras
  • dashes
  • demonstrations
  • examples
  • exhibitions
  • exhibits
  • expos
  • expositions
  • exposures
  • fanfares
  • flourishes
  • for shows
  • frame-ups
  • fripperies
  • fronts
  • grandstand plays
  • layouts
  • manifestations
  • ostentation
  • ostentatiousnesses
  • pageants
  • panoramas
  • parades
  • pedantry
  • pomp
  • presentations
  • pretensions
  • pretentiousness
  • revelations
  • samples
  • schemes
  • shine
  • showboats
  • splashes
  • splendors
  • splurges
  • spreads
  • unfoldings
  • vanities
  • dresser
  • toilet table
  • vanity

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • vanity [ˈvænɪtɪ] сущ

    1. суетаж, тщетаж, тщетностьж

      (bustle, futility)

      • vanity of vanities – суета сует
    2. тщеславиеср, самолюбиеср, честолюбиеср

      (conceit, pride, ambition)

      • vanity fair – ярмарка тщеславия
      • female vanity – женское самолюбие
    3. туалетный столик

      (dressing table)

    4. суетностьж


тщеславие vanity, vainglory, conceit, false pride
суета vanity, bustling, bustle, rush, scurry, stir
туалетный столик dressing table, vanity, dresser
суетность vanity, worldliness
тщета vanity, vain

Предложения со словом «vanity»

Vainglory carries a mirror, and Lorenzetti warns us against narcissistic leaders who are guided by their own ego and vanity.

Гордыня держит зеркало, и Лоренцетти предостерегает нас, что самовлюблённые лидеры руководствуются только своим самомнением и тщеславием.

God delivered her into his kingdom and left the other asshole trapped in an earthly prison of vanity and greed.

Бог отбыл в свое царство, а остальных мудаков оставил в ловушке земной жадности и тщеславия.

Vanity and pride have been the undoing of many a great man, Finlay.

Тщеславие и гордыня погубили много великих людей, Финли.

We had thought that Snowball’s rebellion was caused simply by his vanity and ambition.

Мы считали, что причиной изгнания Сноуболла были его тщеславие и самомнение.

Sins of anger, envy of others, gluttony, vanity, disobedience.

Грехи злобы, зависти, чревоугодия, тщеславия, непослушания.

Now you’re fishing for it, and I won’t indulge your vanity.

Теперь ты напрашиваешься, и я не собираюсь льстить твоему самолюбию.

But she didn’t give him a hint of her opinion for fear of wounding his vanity.

Но своего мнения отнюдь ему не высказывала и боялась этого, чтоб не оскорбить его самолюбия.

Towards the end of my speech I really was excited, and now my vanity was somehow wounded.

К концу — то речи я действительно разгорячился, и теперь самолюбие как — то страдало.

A black lacquer vanity and chest of drawers were placed at far corners of the room.

В дальнем углу комнаты стояли лаковый туалетный столик и комод с ящиками.

He needs you and you refuse to help him in the name of your bottomless vanity.

Он нуждается в тебе, а ты отказываешься ему помочь во имя собственного безграничного тщеславия.

Rizzoli stared down at Van Gates, at the dyed tufts of transplanted hair, symbols of an old man’s vanity.

Риццоли опустила глаза на Ван Гейтса, на крашеные пучки пересаженных волос, символ стариковского тщеславия.

He had been proud without vanity, wise without trivial wit, courageous without bravado.

Он был гордым без тщеславия, мудрым без пошлого остроумия, мужественным без бравады.

And here is where past vanity is paid of present pride.

Я поплатился за былое тщеславие и готов сейчас поступиться своей гордостью.

A bureau with a cracked vanity mirror, ugly old light fixtures jutting from the grease-saturated walls.

Комод с треснувшим зеркалом, страшные старые обрывки обоев на грязных стенах.

In the middle drawer of the vanity he found several pairs of striped cotton pajamas.

В среднем ящике туалетного столика Тень нашел несколько пар полосатых хлопковых пижам.

He put on the jacket to his tuxedo, went into the bathroom of his hotel room, and leaned close to the framed vanity mirror to adjust his tie.

Он надел смокинг, вышел в ванную своего номера и наклонился к зеркальцу, чтобы повязать галстук.

He was evidently anxious to make a favourable impression and his vanity overcame his prudence.

Он, видимо, хлопотал о выгодном впечатлении, и тщеславие перебороло благоразумие.

I would not have you leave him to the sordid vanity of this world.

Я не заставляю тебя оставлять его в тщетной суете этого мира.

I suppose I should be grateful that your vanity got in the way of your recklessness.

Остаётся радоваться, что твоё тщеславие превосходит твоё безрассудство.

We’ve wounded his vanity horribly, and he intends to square it with us.

Мы страшно ранили его гордость, и он намерен с нами расквитаться.

No girl is so without vanity that she does not want her brand to be perfect.

Разве найдется девушка, которой не хочется иметь самое замечательное клеймо?

Instead of being different and an outcast, you’re just like every other teenage girl in America — sadly obsessed with vanity.

Вместо того чтоб быть изгоем и отличаться от других, ты ничем не отличаешься от любой американской девочки — подростка, печально одержимой тщеславием.

But do Russians really want to tickle their vanity at the expense of the long-term interests of our economically devastated country?

Однако действительно ли россияне хотят потешить свою гордость за счет долгосрочных интересов нашей страны, находящейся в тяжелейшем экономическом положении?

My mom once told me that if you ever want to make a man happy flatter his vanity.

Однажды мама сказала мне: если ты хочешь сделать мужчину счастливым, польсти его самолюбию.

The shame he compensates with pride and vanity.

Стыд он компенсирует гордостью и тщеславием.

For in the multitude of dreams and many words there is also vanity.

Ибо во множестве сновидений, как и во множестве слов, — много суеты ;.

That’s a walnut marble-top vanity.

Это туалетный столик из ореха с мраморной крышкой.

Orville Schell, Arthur Ross director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations and ChinaFile’s publisher, is on the trip, on assignment for Vanity Fair.

В этой поездке его сопровождает Орвилл Шелл (Orville Schell), директор центра американо — китайских отношений в «Обществе Азии» в Нью — Йорке и издатель ChinaFile.

Gifts are generally lightweight virtual goods (energy packs, vanity items) that can be used to re-engage players that haven’t visited in a while.

Как правило, подарки — это небольшие виртуальные товары (энергия, вознаграждения), с помощью которых можно повторно вовлечь игроков, давно не заходивших в приложение.

You must drop your vanity, you are not a child … you will soon be thirty.

Самолюбие надо бросить, ибо ты не маленький… 30 лет скоро.

As to corporate mergers, it remains to be seen how many are simply the vanity plays of bosses who do not face tough stockholder scrutiny.

Что же касается слияния корпораций, то по — прежнему многие просто выглядят досужей игрой боссов, которых недостаточно жестко контролируют держатели акций.

They are vanity projects for governments because they put a country and a city in the media spotlight, bring in crowds and guarantee politicians a grand legacy.

Эти проекты тешат тщеславие правительств, поскольку они помещают конкретную страну и город в центр всеобщего внимания, привлекают туда множество людей и гарантируют политикам великолепное наследие.

all was vanity and vexation of spirit.

и вот, всё — суета и томление духа.

One must burn out the last vestiges of vanity-and what else was suicide but an inverted form of vanity?

Революционер должен отказаться от тщеславия, а разве попытка умереть молча — иными словами, совершить самоубийство — не есть изощренная форма тщеславия?

Pity the fallen gentleman: you to whom money and fair repute are the chiefest good; and so, surely, are they in Vanity Fair.

Пожалейте падшего джентльмена, вы все, для кого деньги и репутация — главнейшие блага. А ведь так оно и есть на Ярмарке Тщеславия.

Formerly, he was as simple and noble as the open day; you could not offend him, because he had no vanity.’

В прошлом он был простым и славным, как ясный день. Его нельзя было обидеть, потому что в нем не было тщеславия.

The disappointment piqued his vanity.

Такая незадача кольнула его самолюбие.

A foul bauble of man’s… vanity.

Советую отбросить мужское… тщеславие.

I have something better, replied Lucien, whose vanity, nettled by the assumed superiority of his editor, restored him to the sense of his new position.

Я приобрел нечто лучшее, — сказал Люсьен, тщеславие которого, уязвленное подчеркнутым самодовольствием главного редактора, напомнило ему о его новом положении.

The only danger is to fall prey to the demon of vanity who urges us to believe that the marvels are our own and those who discover them, their creators.

Единственная опасность — охота за демоном тщеславия, который побуждает нас верить, что чудеса — наши собственные, а те, кто открывает их, являются их создателями.

Her husband, Michael Shane, is something of a dark horse — he’s a man with ambition and also a man of overweening vanity I should say.

Правда, муж Розамунд — Майкл Шейн — довольно темная лошадка, амбициозный и тщеславный.

I make no doubt that with us he will grow up to fear God and abhor idleness and vanity despite his origin.

Я не сомневаюсь, что, несмотря на его происхождение, он возрастет у нас в страхе Божием и в отвращении к праздности и суете .

She fumbled in her vanity bag for her cigarette case and fitted a cigarette into a long holder.

Она порылась в своей сумочке, вытащила из пачки сигарету и вставила ее в длинный мундштук.

I can see Vanity Fair yawning over it d’avance.

Я уже вижу, как Ярмарка Тщеславия зевает, читая ее.

So the Rose began very quickly to torment him with her vanity.

И Роза очень быстро замучила его своим тщеславием.

And you bellowing with wounded vanity.

А вы орёте от оскорбленного самолюбия.

Vanity working on a weak head, produces every sort of mischief.

Тщеславие, зароненное в хилые мозги, дает пагубные всходы.

Such conduct rather wounded my vanity.

Такое поведение оскорбляло несколько мое самолюбие.

He was as vain as a girl; and perhaps his extreme shyness was one of the results of his extreme vanity.

Он был тщеславен, как молодая девушка; весьма возможно, что болезненная робость была одним из следствий его непомерного тщеславия.

There were half the carriages of Vanity Fair at the wedding.

На бракосочетание съехалась чуть ли не половина всех карет Ярмарки Тщеславия.

Drawing rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, and triviality-these are the enchanted circle I cannot escape from.

Г остиные, сплетни, балы, тщеславие, ничтожество — вот заколдованный круг, из которого я не могу выйти.

For some vague matter of personal vanity, for some empty conceit.

Ради некоего туманного понятия, личного тщеславия, ради некоей пустопорожней идеи.

I mean, Vanity Fair’s gonna publish your writing?

В Vanity Fair опубликуют твое произведение?

So have I seen Passion and Vanity stamping the living magnanimous earth, but the earth did not alter her tides and her seasons for that.

Случалось мне видеть, как Старость и Тщеславие топали в сердцах ногой по живой и великодушной земле, но земля от этого не изменяла своего вращения и полета.

Their vanity sometimes, especially towards the end of their career, reaches proportions that may well provoke wonder.

Самолюбие их, именно под конец их поприща, принимает иногда размеры, достойные удивления.

With some youthful, misdirected vanity, he took offense at something in life that one doesn’t take offense at.

С каким — то юношеским, ложно направленным самолюбием он разобиделся на что — то такое в жизни, на что не обижаются.

Top right drawer on the vanity.

В верхнем правом ящике комода.

They’ve got Velcro, a water pump, built-in odometer, and vanity plates.

Липучки, встроенный одометр, водяной насос и именная табличка.

Razor blades, saline solution, black socks, and the new issue of Vanity Fair.

Бритвенные лезвия, солевой раствор, черные носки и новый выпуск Vanity Fair.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Vanity fair

Уильям Мейкпис Теккерей. Ярмарка тщеславия

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. vanitynoun

    pride, egotism, conceit, narcissism

  2. vanitynoun

    That which is vain, futile, or worthless; that which is of no value, use or profit.

    conceit, pride, egotism, narcissism

  3. vanitynoun

    Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own abilities, appearance or achievements.

    egotism, pride, conceit, narcissism

  4. vanitynoun

    A dressing table used to apply makeup, preen, and coif hair. The table is normally quite low and similar to a desk, with drawers and one or more mirrors atop. Either a chair or bench is used to sit upon.

    conceit, narcissism, pride, egotism

  5. vanitynoun


    conceit, egotism, pride, narcissism

  6. vanitynoun

    Any idea, theory or statement that is without foundation.

    conceit, pride, egotism, narcissism

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. vanity

    Egoism is giving the «I» undue supremacy in thought; egotism is giving the «I» undue prominence in speech. Egotism is sometimes used in the sense of egoism, or supreme regard for oneself. Self-assertion is the claim by word, act, or manner of what one believes to be his due; self-conceit is an overestimate of one’s own powers or deserts. Conceit is a briefer expression for self-conceit, with always an offensive implication; self-conceit is ridiculous or pitiable; conceit arouses resentment. There is a worthy self-confidence which springs from consciousness of rectitude and of power equal to demands. Self-assertion at times becomes a duty; but self-conceit is always a weakness. Self-consciousness is the keeping of one’s thoughts upon oneself, with the constant anxious question of what others will think. Vanity is an overweening admiration of self, craving equal admiration from others; self-consciousness is commonly painful to its possessor, vanity always a source of satisfaction, except as it fails to receive its supposed due. Self-esteem is more solid and better founded than self-conceit; but is ordinarily a weakness, and never has the worthy sense of self-confidence. Compare ASSURANCE; PRIDE.

    conceit, egoism, egotism, self-assertion, self-conceit, self-confidence, self-consciousness, self-esteem

    bashfulness, deference, diffidence, humility, modesty, self-distrust, self-forgetfulness, shyness, unobtrusiveness, unostentatiousness

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. vanity

    emptiness, unsubstantiality, unreality, falsity, conceit, self-sufficiency, ostentation, pride, worthlessness, triviality

    substance, solidity, substantiality, reality, truth, modesty, selfdistrust, simplicity, unostentatiousness, humility

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. amour propre, conceit, self-love, vanitynoun

    feelings of excessive pride

    narcism, toilet table, dressing table, narcissism, conceit, self-love, amour propre, conceitedness, emptiness, dresser

  2. vanity, emptinessnoun

    the quality of being valueless or futile

    «he rejected the vanities of the world»

    dressing table, vacancy, toilet table, dresser, vacuum, conceit, self-love, amour propre, conceitedness, emptiness, void

  3. conceit, conceitedness, vanitynoun

    the trait of being unduly vain and conceited; false pride

    dressing table, toilet table, conceit, self-love, amour propre, conceitedness, emptiness, dresser

  4. dressing table, dresser, vanity, toilet tablenoun

    low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup

    dressing table, toilet table, dresser, self-love, chest, actor’s assistant, conceit, chest of drawers, amour propre, bureau, emptiness, conceitedness

Matched Categories

    • Table
    • Worthlessness

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:4.5 / 2 votes

  1. vanitynoun

    emptiness, hollowness, worthlessness, futility, unrealness, unsubstantialness

  2. vanitynoun

    conceit, conceitedness, egotism, self-conceit, self-sufficiency, petty pride

  3. vanitynoun

    idle show, vain pursuit

Suggested Resources

  1. vanity

    Song lyrics by vanity — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by vanity on the website.

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How to use vanity in a sentence?

  1. Helen Hunt Jackson:

    Wounded vanity knows when it is mortally hurt and limps off the field, piteous, all disguises thrown away. But pride carries its banner to the last and fast as it is driven from one field unfurls it in another, never admitting that there is a shade less honor in the second field than in the first, or in the third than in the second.

  2. Lawrence of Arabia, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Suppressed introductory chapter, first published 1939, Penguin edition p. 23:

    All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.

  3. Leon Trotsky:

    Let a man find himself, in distinction from others, on top of two wheels with a chain — at least in a poor country like Russia — and his vanity begins to swell out like his tires. In America it takes an automobile to produce this effect.

  4. Samuel Johnson:

    No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a public library.

  5. Cheng Taining:

    These weird buildings are too alienated from basic architectural norms and… have become super-sized art installations that jump on the desire and vanity bandwagon.

Translations for vanity

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • ydelheidAfrikaans
  • غرورArabic
  • vanitatCatalan, Valencian
  • marnivost, domýšlivost, jalovost, ješitnostCzech
  • EitelkeitGerman
  • ματαιοδοξίαGreek
  • vantecoEsperanto
  • vanidadSpanish
  • edevus, mõttetus, tühisusEstonian
  • غرورPersian
  • turhuus, turhamaisuus, tyhjyysFinnish
  • vanitéFrench
  • dìomhanas, faoineas, uaillScottish Gaelic
  • vaidadeGalician
  • घमंडHindi
  • önteltség, üresség, hiábavalóság, haszontalanság, hiúságHungarian
  • ունայնություն, սնափառությունArmenian
  • kesombonganIndonesian
  • vanitàItalian
  • יהירותHebrew
  • 虚栄心Japanese
  • суетаMacedonian
  • ijdelheidDutch
  • forfengelighetNorwegian
  • próżnośćPolish
  • vaidadePortuguese
  • îngâmfare, vanitate, mândrieRomanian
  • суета́, тщесла́виеRussian
  • slavoljublje, sujeta, visokoumljeSerbo-Croatian
  • fåfängaSwedish
  • โต๊ะเครื่องแป้งThai
  • kibirTurkish

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[ vˈanɪti], [ vˈanɪti], [ v_ˈa_n_ɪ_t_i]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    • counter,
    • futility,
    • idleness,
    • dining table,
    • card table,
    • countertop,
    • dinette,
    • bench,
    • breakfast bar,
    • coffee table,
    • dinette set,
    • dinner table.

    • compact.

    • thrive,
    • used.

    amour propre (noun)

    • good opinion oneself.

    arrogance (noun)

    • high handedness,
    • imperiousnesses,
    • high-handednesses,
    • highhandednesses,
    • conceitednesses,
    • disdainfulnesses,
    • overbearances,
    • scornfulnesses,
    • smugnesses,
    • contemptuousnesses,
    • high handednesses.

    attribute (noun)

    • emptiness,
    • vanity.

    boast (noun)

    • bombast,
    • self-approbation,
    • boast,
    • self-praise,
    • braggadocio.

    conceit (noun)

    • self admiration,
    • self-conceits,
    • self conceits,
    • self exaltation,
    • stuffinesses,
    • self-admirations,
    • selfexaltation,
    • complacences,
    • self conceit,
    • selfadmiration,
    • self-exaltations,
    • amourpropre,
    • selfadmirations,
    • selfregard,
    • snottinesses,
    • self exaltations,
    • self admirations,
    • selfconceits,
    • self regard,
    • selfexaltations,
    • outrecuidances.

    conceit, egotism (noun)

    • ostentation,
    • show,
    • self-love,
    • vainglory,
    • airs,
    • showing off,
    • affectation,
    • big-headedness.

    display (noun)

    • ostentatiousnesses,
    • re-velations,
    • re velations,
    • bravure,
    • ex-positions,
    • re-velation,
    • grandstand plays,
    • frame ups,
    • ex-position,
    • un folding,
    • frameups,
    • ex-ample,
    • un-folding,
    • frameup,
    • bravuras,
    • dis-plays,
    • ex ample,
    • dis plays,
    • arrayals,
    • dis play,
    • re velation,
    • dis-play.

    dresser (noun)

    • dresser.

    dressing table (noun)

    • toilet table.

    egoism/egotism (noun)

    • over confidence,
    • braggings,
    • selfpossession,
    • over confidences,
    • self worship,
    • swellheadednesses,
    • self-worships,
    • vauntings,
    • selfworship,
    • selfconfidence,
    • self-interests,
    • preoccupation with selves,
    • self possession,
    • self interests,
    • selfinterest,
    • selfinterests,
    • self worships,
    • self confidence,
    • over-confidences,
    • megalomanias,
    • selfworships,
    • self interest,
    • boastfulnesses.

    ego trip (noun)

    • self-aggrandizement.

    fruitlessness (noun)

    • un productiveness,
    • in effectuality,
    • in-effectualities,
    • un-productiveness,
    • in effectivenesses,
    • in effectiveness,
    • unproductivenesses,
    • in effectualities,
    • ineffectualities,
    • un-productivenesses,
    • un productivenesses,
    • in-effectivenesses,
    • in-effectuality,
    • in-effectiveness.

    hauteur (noun)

    • snobbishnesses.

    hubris (noun)

    • cockinesses.

    ostentation (noun)

    • formality,
    • grandiloquence,
    • sensationalism,
    • shamelessness,
    • gaudiness,
    • flourish,
    • flashiness,
    • splashiness,
    • dash,
    • parade,
    • bravado,
    • blatancy,
    • ornateness,
    • garishness,
    • flamboyance,
    • grandiosity,
    • histrionics,
    • swaggar,
    • opulence,
    • Flagrancy,
    • affectedness,
    • rakishness,
    • pageantry,
    • snazziness,
    • showiness,
    • pomposity,
    • pomp and circumstance,
    • jauntiness,
    • dramatics,
    • showmanship,
    • pomp,
    • splendor,
    • fuss,
    • exhibitionism.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • fruitlessness,
    • snottiness,
    • Self-conceit,
    • egoism,
    • disdainfulness,
    • pretension,
    • pedantry,
    • showboat,
    • faith in oneself,
    • Self-admiration,
    • immodesties,
    • exposure,
    • good opinion of oneself,
    • imperiousness,
    • panoply,
    • Vainness,
    • unavailingness,
    • preoccupation with self,
    • cockiness,
    • uselessness,
    • superciliousness,
    • Conceitedness,
    • smugness,
    • meaninglessness,
    • Outrecuidance,
    • narcissism,
    • pride,
    • frame-up,
    • showboats,
    • self-interest,
    • high-handedness,
    • megalomania,
    • overbearance,
    • hubris,
    • frivolousness,
    • swellheadedness,
    • complacence,
    • Bravura,
    • self-importance,
    • stuffiness,
    • frame-ups,
    • snobbishness,
    • immodesty,
    • ostentatiousness,
    • conceit,
    • Hauteur,
    • dressing table,
    • EXPOS,
    • gall,
    • grandstand play,
    • highhandedness,
    • Amour Propre,
    • arrogance,
    • ego trip,
    • boastfulness,
    • egomania,
    • pointlessness,
    • loftiness,
    • self-centeredness,
    • scornfulness,
    • bootlessness,
    • for show,
    • self-regard,
    • frame up,
    • selfconceit,
    • pridefulness,
    • unproductiveness,
    • ineffectuality,
    • Self-exaltation,
    • egoisms,
    • display,
    • exhibition,
    • Contemptuousness,
    • self-involvement,
    • expo,
    • arrayal,
    • self-content,
    • Proudness,
    • self-absorption,
    • overbearingness,
    • unprofitableness,
    • self-worship,
    • lordliness,
    • over-confidence.

    pretension (noun)

    • hypocrisy,
    • phonies.

    pride (noun)

    • confidence,
    • haughtiness,
    • grandness,
    • huffiness,
    • condescension,
    • high-and-mightiness,
    • assurance,
    • self-glory.

    self-absorption (noun)

    • self absorption,
    • selfabsorption.

    self-centeredness (noun)

    • self centeredness,
    • selfcenteredness.

    self-importance (noun)

    • egotism.

    self-involvement (noun)

    • self involvement,
    • selfinvolvement.

    self-respect/self-esteem (noun)

    • self contents,
    • selfassurance,
    • self-contents,
    • self-respects,
    • faith oneself,
    • self content,
    • selfcontent,
    • selfcontents,
    • selfsatisfaction,
    • self assurance,
    • self satisfaction.

    selfishness (noun)

    • selfishness,
    • self-occupation,
    • greediness.

    unavailingness (noun)

    • meaninglessnesses,
    • bootlessnesses,
    • frivolousnesses,
    • pointlessnesses.

    unimportance (noun)

    • vanishing point.

    vainglory (noun)

    • Strutting.

    vanity (noun)

    • egocentricity,
    • superficiality,
    • bragging,
    • self-flattery.
  • Other synonyms:

    • snobbery,
    • vanity case,
    • chauvinism,
    • Foppery,
    • superiority.

    • ego.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • folly,
    • flashy,
    • showy,
    • bumptiousness,
    • turn one’s head,
    • Fanfaronade,
    • Vanities,
    • dependable,
    • self-reliance,
    • bosom,
    • foolishness,
    • novelty,
    • vapidity,
    • complacency,
    • reliable,
    • self-consequence,
    • good society,
    • overestimation,
    • Trivialness,
    • chest,
    • heroics,
    • office,
    • vicious circle,
    • disloyal,
    • Stiff-neckedness,
    • cocky,
    • incorrect,
    • flimsiness,
    • gasconade,
    • self-complacency,
    • bust,
    • unprofitability,
    • self-sufficiency,
    • puff up,
    • self-assumption,
    • inanition,
    • autoeroticism,
    • vacuum,
    • boasting,
    • overconfidence,
    • jactitation,
    • optimism,
    • inanity,
    • self-confidence,
    • self-centredness,
    • pretentiousness,
    • unreality,
    • aim,
    • rodomontade,
    • court,
    • Dashy,
    • powerless,
    • fashion,
    • purposelessness,
    • egotistic,
    • frivolity,
    • toy,
    • false,
    • vain,
    • Self-applause,
    • poverty,
    • disdain,
    • face,
    • hollowness,
    • bon ton,
    • paltriness,
    • prim,
    • pessimism,
    • sham,
    • conceited,
    • flatulence,
    • ton,
    • town,
    • swagger,
    • chest of drawers,
    • fashionable world,
    • Autotheism,
    • inefficacy,
    • Vaunting,
    • knick-knack,
    • smallness,
    • Snobbism,
    • Nugacity,
    • slightness,
    • impotence,
    • audacious,
    • falsity,
    • beau monde,
    • snootiness,
    • fecklessness,
    • side,
    • self-respect,
    • vacancy,
    • absurdity,
    • aimlessness,
    • silliness,
    • vacuousness,
    • bureau,
    • exaggeration,
    • vacuity,
    • triviality,
    • worthlessness,
    • prudish,
    • unfaithful,
    • uppishness,
    • jactation,
    • Otiosity,
    • unable,
    • turn up,
    • pessimist,
    • flamboyant,
    • priggish,
    • gewgaw,
    • rat race,
    • be proud of,
    • shallowness,
    • agency,
    • vaingloriousness,
    • meretricious,
    • slenderness,
    • valuelessness,
    • high life,
    • triteness,
    • erroneous,
    • bighead,
    • bijou,
    • presumptuousness,
    • fatuity,
    • drawing-room,
    • presumption,
    • matter of indifference,
    • self-glorification,
    • narcism,
    • brag,
    • Monde,
    • exult,
    • blankness,
    • triflingness,
    • civilized life,
    • bagatelle,
    • vaunt,
    • bluster,
    • trifle,
    • arrogant,
    • gimcrack,
    • world,
    • ostentatious,
    • responsible,
    • braggartism,
    • bauble,
    • independence,
    • self-congratulation,
    • insignificance,
    • society,
    • self-satisfaction,
    • brashness,
    • pompousness,
    • lightness,
    • boastful,
    • unimportance,
    • ineffectiveness,
    • levity,
    • style,
    • untrue,
    • polite society,
    • Self-opinion,
    • inflatedness,
    • self-esteem,
    • civilization,
    • trinket,
    • insolent,
    • kickshaw.

How to use «Vanity» in context?

Vanity is one of the seven deadly sins. It means having high standards of appearance or behavior that are out of proportion to one’s abilities or achievements. People who are vain usually put a lot of emphasis on their looks and their abilities to make others think they are important. This can cause them problems in their personal and professional lives. It can also lead them to be very critical of themselves, which can damage their self-esteem.

Paraphrases for Vanity:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Noun, singular or mass
  • Independent

    • Proper noun, singular
    • Noun, singular or mass
      civility, courtesy, ego, Courteousness.
  • Other Related

    • Noun, singular or mass
      politeness, pride.

Hyponym for Vanity:

  • n.

    • attribute
      trait, worthlessness, ineptitude.

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  • VANITY synonyms at
  • VANITY synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — VANITY synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of VANITY
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for VANITY

Phrases with Vanity

Things Vanity often describes

  • vanity plates

  • vanity mounts

  • vanity books

  • vanity film

  • vanity book

  • vanity machine

  • vanity issues

  • vanity ability

  • vanity player

  • vanity tantrums

How Vanity often is described

  • pure vanity

  • personal vanity

  • extreme vanity

  • bad vanity

  • physical vanity

  • certain vanity

  • intellectual vanity

  • simple vanity

  • excessive vanity

  • sparkling vanity

Vanity is the first word in phrase

  • vanity plate

  • vanity fair

  • vanity license

  • vanity project

  • vanity publishing

  • vanity pets

  • vanity projects

  • vanity items

  • vanity mirror

  • vanity press

Vanity is the last word in phrase

  • golden vanity

  • papa vanity

  • name vanity

  • pictures vanity

  • wall vanity

  • bathroom vanity

  • english vanity

  • all-consuming vanity

  • protege vanity

  • episode vanity

Ay, ay, vanity is truly the motive-power that moves humanity, and it is flattery that greases the wheels.

Flatter them enough upon their absence of vanity, and you can do what you like with them.

Tracts of land and golden mansions, situate in the Celestial City, were often exchanged, at very disadvantageous rates, for a few years’ lease of small, dismal, inconvenient tenements in Vanity Fair.

Day after day, as I walked the streets of Vanity, my manners and deportment became more and more like those of the inhabitants.

I am merely a sojourner here in Vanity Fair, being bound to the Celestial City by the new railroad.»

You may travel on it all your lifetime, were you to live thousands of years, and yet never get beyond the limits of Vanity Fair.

If the law stood as it once did in Vanity Fair we should see them grinning through the iron bars of the prison window.»

This incident made a considerable impression on my mind, and contributed with other circumstances to indispose me to a permanent residence in the city of Vanity; although, of course, I was not simple enough to give up my original plan of gliding along easily and commodiously by railroad.

At a short distance beyond the suburbs of Vanity we passed the ancient silver mine, of which Demas was the first discoverer, and which is now wrought to great advantage, supplying nearly all the coined currency of the world.

They were the same whom Apollyon and ourselves had persecuted with taunts, and gibes, and scalding steam, at the commencement of our journey—the same whose unworldly aspect and impressive words had stirred my conscience amid the wild revellers of Vanity Fair.

But when the story reaches dramatic moments there is ample compensation; no novelist has more magnificent power in dramatic scenes, such, for instance, as in the climactic series in ‘Vanity Fair.’ This power is based largely on an absolute knowledge of character: in spite of a delight in somewhat fanciful exaggeration of the ludicrous, Thackeray when he chooses portrays human nature with absolute finality.

On other grounds as well the book ranks almost if not quite beside ‘Vanity Pair.’ Henry Esmond himself is Thackeray’s most thoroughly wise and good character, and Beatrix is as real and complex a woman as even Becky Sharp.

But his honour, out of curiosity, and, perhaps, (if I may speak without vanity,) partly out of kindness, was determined to see me in my canoe, and got several of his neighbouring friends to accompany him.

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