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underestimation, underestimating, underestimated

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Synonyms for Underestimate. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 01, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/underestimate

Synonyms for Underestimate. N.p., 2016. Web. 01 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/underestimate>.

Synonyms for Underestimate. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/underestimate.


belittle, hold cheap, minimize, miscalculate, misprize, not do justice to, rate too low, sell short     (informal)   set no store by, think too little of, underrate, undervalue  
   exaggerate, inflate, overdo, overestimate, overrate, overstate  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( underestimates    3rd person present)   ( underestimating    present participle)   ( underestimated    past tense & past participle  )

1       verb   If you underestimate something, you do not realize how large or great it is or will be.  
None of us should ever underestimate the degree of difficulty women face in career advancement…      V n  
Never underestimate what you can learn from a group of like-minded people.      V wh  

  underestimation      n-uncount   also a N  
…a serious underestimation of harm to the environment.     

2       verb   If you underestimate someone, you do not realize what they are capable of doing.  
The first lesson I learnt as a soldier was never to underestimate the enemy.      V n  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • underestimate [ˈʌndərˈestɪmɪt] гл

    1. недооценивать, преуменьшать, недооценить, умалять, преуменьшить

      (undervalue, downplay, diminish)

      • underestimate the enemy – недооценивать противника
    2. занижать, занизить


      • underestimated price – заниженная цена
  • underestimate [ˈʌndərˈestɪmɪt] сущ

    1. недооценкаж, заниженная оценка, занижениеср

      (underestimation, understatement)

недооценивать underestimate, undervalue, underrate, misjudge, underprice, disparage
недооценка underestimation, underestimate, underestimating, misjudgment, disparagement, misjudgement

Предложения со словом «underestimate»

One of the things I know as a historian is that you should never underestimate human stupidity.

Как историк, я точно знаю, что нельзя недооценивать человеческую глупость.

Man, don’t underestimate the power of a mother determined to keep her children safe.

Никогда не стоит недооценивать силы матери, которая твёрдо решила обеспечить детям безопасность.

In our networked organizations, we tout the strength of weak ties but we underestimate the strength of strong ones.

Мы нахваливаем силу слабых связей в сетевых организациях, но при этом недооцениваем силу сильных связей.

And when I asked the woman who had designed this experience why it worked, she simply said, Never underestimate the power of a ridiculous wig.

Когда я спросил женщину, придумавшую это мероприятие, почему задумка сработала, она ответила просто: Не нужно недооценивать силу нелепого парика.

Never underestimate the rejuvenating powers of a hot shower.

Никогда не стоит недооценивать горячий душ, помогает восстановиться.

[ gun cocks ] people underestimate the tactical importance of tv in urban warfare.

люди недооценивают тактическое значение телевидения при ведении боевых действий в городских условиях.

Not to underestimate my own cognitive faculties, but we’re not exactly a brain trust of geniuses here.

Не хочу недооценивать свои умственные способности, но гения среди нас нет.

Don’t underestimate the redemptive powers of getting even, Earl.

Не нужно недооценивать спасительной силы сведения счётов, Эрл.

Don’t underestimate the seriousness of your condition, Miss Marchant.

Не надо недооценивать серьезность вашего состояния, мисс Марчант.

Your faith in humanity may not matter if you underestimate Gerard’s nature.

Твоя вера в людей не имеет значения, если ты недооцениваешь природу Джерарда.

The woman was a fool in many ways, but it would be a mistake to underestimate her completely.

Женщина во многом была дурой, но нельзя ее полностью недооценивать .

You underestimate them at your own peril, Kenobi.

Вы недооцениваете их на свой страх и риск, Кеноби.

Never underestimate what some people will do to…

Не стоит недооценивать то, на что люди готовы пойти ради того…

But I don’t think we should underestimate the extent to which massive changes in technology make possible the linking up of people across the world.

И не стоит недооценивать тот размах, с которым колоссальные технологические изменения, дают возможности для соединения людей по всему миру.

Don’t underestimate me, Miss Bracken.

Не надо недооценивать меня, мисс Брекен.

However, we cannot, and should not, underestimate the international or global dimension of the problem and its implications for international peace and security.

Однако мы не можем и не должны недооценивать международный или глобальный аспект этой проблемы и ее последствия для международного мира и безопасности.

However, the lack of availability of preferential tariff data for some countries might underestimate the actual extent of tariff liberalization undertaken so far.

При этом следует отметить, что отсутствие полных данных о преференциальных тарифах по некоторым странам может приводить к занижению реальных масштабов либерализации тарифов, обеспеченных к настоящему времени.

Never underestimate a mama bear when her cub’s in danger.

Не стоит недооценивать маму — медведицу когда ее детеныш в опасности.

Of course, it is impossible to underestimate the combination of suspicion, tension, and exasperation that characterizes Franco-German relations lately.

Конечно, невозможно недооценить то сочетание подозрительности, напряжённости и раздражительности, которое в последнее время характерно для французско — немецких взаимоотношений.

On the other hand, we should not underestimate local and temporary clashes that may serve purposes far from genuine cultural or religious issues.

С другой стороны, нам не следует недооценивать местных и временных столкновений, которые могут служить целям, далеким от подлинно культурных или религиозных вопросов.

But we must never overestimate the ability of new governments to solve old problems — or underestimate the ingenuity and brutality of the old regimes.

Но мы никогда не должны переоценивать способности новых правительства решать старые проблемы — или недооценивать изобретательность и жестокость старых режимов.

This arises when executives have overly narrow views of their industry, underestimate their competitors’ capabilities, or fail to see how the competitive landscape is changing.

Происходит это в тех случаях, когда руководители компаний имеют очень узкие взгляды на область своей деятельности, недооценивают возможности конкурентов или не видят, как меняется общая панорама конкуренции.

So looking only at the cost of a meal or of a day in the hospital causes an overestimate in the price index and an underestimate of the rise in the real standard of living.

Получается, что глядя лишь на стоимость еды или дня в больнице вызывает завышение индекса цен и недооценку подъема в реальном уровне жизни.

They don’t come quickly to mind, and as a result, we vastly underestimate them.

Они не так быстро приходят на ум, и, как результат, мы очень сильно их недооцениваем .

Ukraine’s leaders, therefore, should not overestimate the degree of Western support, and at the same time, they should not underestimate the Kremlin’s resolve.

Следовательно, украинским лидерам не следует преувеличивать масштаб западной поддержки и недооценивать решимость Кремля.

Britain maybe some way from being a fully-fledged narcoeconomy but we should not underestimate the economic contribution of illicit markets and their criminal agents.

Британия, вероятно, еще не стала полномасштабной наркоэкономикой, однако не следует недооценивать экономический вклад нелегальных рынков и их криминальных участников.

“He allowed — even actively encouraged — people to underestimate him,” Clifford Gaddy and Fiona Hill observe in Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin.

«Он позволял и даже активно подталкивал людей к тому, чтобы его недооценивали », — пишут Клиффорд Гэдди (Clifford Gaddy) и Фиона Хилл (Fiona Hill) в книге «Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin» («Путин: оперативник в Кремле»).

I have the impression, every time speaking in public, you underestimate the intelligence of other citizens.

У меня такое впечатление, что каждый раз, говоря на публике, вы недооцениваете интеллект других сограждан.

Yasinsky says there’s no way to know exactly how many Ukrainian institutions have been hit in the escalating campaign of cyberattacks; any count is liable to be an underestimate .

Ясинский говорит, что невозможно точно узнать, сколько именно украинских организаций подверглись кибератакам в ходе это неослабевающей кампании. Любой подсчет наверняка окажется недооценкой .

But those who fought the Germans knew better than to underestimate them.

Но те, кто воевал с немцами, знали, что их нельзя недооценивать .

The public tends to underestimate how difficult scientific things are.

недооценивает сложность научных исследований. Так что.

But it would be a mistake to underestimate her seriousness.

Тем не менее, будет большой ошибкой недооценивать серьезность ее намерений.

It seems to me, however, that the economists underestimate some important data points in their work.

Однако я думаю, что исследователи недооценили несколько важных моментов в своей работе.

In other words, Americans overestimate upward social mobility and underestimate the likelihood of remaining stuck in poverty for generations.

Иными словами, американцы переоценивают потенциал социальных лифтов и недооценивают вероятность пребывания в безысходной бедности целых поколений.

In other words, Russian statistics appear to underestimate the value of the country’s gold, even as the metal accounts for a growing share of its international reserves.

Иными словами, похоже, что российская статистика недооценивает стоимость золота страны, хотя его доля в общем объеме золотовалютных резервов растет.

No one should underestimate how difficult it was to travel his road, against incredible odds, to the cusp of the presidency.

Не стоит недооценить то, как трудно ему должно было следовать по выбранному курсу на пост президента, сталкиваясь по пути с невероятными разногласиями.

Never underestimate the ego of a politician.

Нельзя недооценивать эго политика.

You know, honey, I think it would be very unwise to underestimate me.

Милая, недооценивать меня — большая ошибка с твоей стороны.

Never underestimate Gotham City.

Нельзя недооценивать Готэм.

Never underestimate the power of puke.

Оказывается, рвота это мощное оружие.

You underestimate my ability to break things.

Ты недооцениваешь мои навыки взлома.

Never underestimate mankind’s passion for rendering the tools of violence and mayhem.

Нельзя недооценивать людскую изощренность при создании орудий убийств и пыток.

You underestimate yourself. There’s a jewelry firm in London- Parker and Parker- that takes a delight in- as you Americans would say

— Вы недооцениваете себя. В Лондоне есть ювелирная фирма — «Паркер и Паркер», — которая находит удовольствие в — как сказали бы вы, американцы,

You underestimate the delight of your town.

Вы недооцениваете прелесть вашего города.

Don’t underestimate … the other guy’s greed!

Никогда не недооценивай … жадность твоего соседа!

Well, I have to admit that I did underestimate you, um, at first, but over time, I realized that detective Munch was not only a brilliant detective, but a very, very soulful man.

И, должна признаться, я недооценила тебя поначалу, но со временем, я поняла, что детектив Манч был не только выдающимся детективом, но и очень, очень душевным человеком.

Don’t underestimate the Anointed One just because he looks like a child.

Не недооценивай помазанника только потому, что он выглядит, как ребенок.

Well, you should never underestimate my caboose.

Не надо недооценивать мой камбуз.

Don’t underestimate my power to foresee the future.

Недооценивай мою силу предвидения.

No, I think it’s more that I’m looking at the stability she needs to keep her from being paralyzed, and that’s where neuro can sometimes underestimate the fundamental biomechanics.

Нет, просто я больше думаю о прочности, потому что не хочу, чтобы её парализовало, а нейрохирурги обычно недооценивают значение основ биомеханики.

You can’t underestimate the amount of scientific effort that these companies will put into maximising the allure of their products.

Вы не должны недооценивать те научные усилия которые эти компании вкладывают в то чтобы максимизировать привлекательность своих продуктов.

I think you underestimate the allure of the devil.

Думаю, вы недооцениваете обаяние зла.

You underestimate your allure, Miss Carter.

Вы недооцениваете свое обаяние, мисс Картер.

It is obvious that at about that time everybody was inclined to underestimate his chances.

Ясно, что в то время всякий склонен был недооценивать его шансы.

You shouldn’t underestimate our technology, Major.

Вам не следует недооценивать наш технический потенциал, майор.

Never underestimate the inability of the common man, Kidd.

Никогда не следует недооценивать способности обычного человека.

Do not underestimate your inability to attract women.

Не нужно недооценивать , свою непривпекатепьность.

Yeah, well, never underestimate the fragility of the male ego.

Что ж, не стоит недооценивать хрупкость мужского эго.

You underestimate suckling pig.

Вы недооцениваете свинину.

Think you underestimate how hungry I am and how much I’d like to appease my hungry friends right outside that door.

Кажется, ты недооцениваешь , как я голоден и как сильно хочу успокоить своих голодных друзей, стоящих прямо за этой дверью.

3 definitions

underestimate (Verb) —   Assign too low a value to 1 example
1. ex. «Don’t underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price»
underestimate (Verb) —   Make a deliberately low estimate 1 example
1. ex. «The construction company wanted the contract badly and underestimated»
underestimate (Verb) —   Make too low an estimate of 2 examples
1. ex. «Don’t underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river»
2. ex. «he underestimated the work that went into the renovation»

1 definition

underestimate (Noun) —   An estimation that is too low; an estimate that is less than the true or actual value

18 misspelling


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blink, condescend, discount, disregard, elide, en.synonym.one, humour, ignore, indulge, lowball, neglect, patronise, patronize, talk down to, tolerate, underrate, undervalue, underestimation, underrating, underreckoning.

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[ ˌʌndəɹˈɛstɪmət], [ ˌʌndəɹˈɛstɪmət], [ ˌʌ_n_d_ə_ɹ_ˈɛ_s_t_ɪ_m_ə_t]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    • miscarry,
    • slight,
    • think too little of,
    • minimize,
    • gauge,
    • hold too lightly,
    • read between the lines,
    • set at naught,
    • put two and two together,
    • judge,
    • make light of,
    • Misprize,
    • come short of,
    • disesteem,
    • deprecate,
    • put down,
    • do scant justice to.

    • blunder,
    • mix up,
    • gaffe,
    • flaw,
    • slip,
    • oversight,
    • misapprehension,
    • error.

    cognition (noun)

    • underestimate,
    • underreckoning,
    • underrating.

    lowball (noun)

    • lowball.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • oversimplification,
    • understatement,
    • oversimplifications,
    • litotes,
    • approximation,
    • estimate,
    • idea,
    • estimation,
    • underestimation.

    understatement (noun)

    • under estimation,
    • over-simplifications,
    • under statements,
    • under estimations,
    • under-statement,
    • under statement,
    • over simplification,
    • over-simplification,
    • under-statements,
    • under-estimation,
    • under-estimations,
    • over simplifications.
  • v.

    abuse, offend (verb)

    • insult.

    belittle (verb)

    • cutting to quick,
    • Dispraising,
    • cuts to the quick,
    • taking swipe at,
    • be-little,
    • scoffs at,
    • take down peg,
    • takes down peg,
    • dis-credited,
    • poor mouths,
    • dis credit,
    • under-estimated,
    • took swipe at,
    • took down peg,
    • blistered,
    • dis-praised,
    • cut to quick,
    • poor mouthing,
    • sneers at,
    • de ride,
    • dispraise,
    • takes swipe at,
    • sours grapes,
    • cut down size,
    • cuts down size,
    • shoot full of holes,
    • cut to the quick,
    • cuts quick,
    • running down,
    • poor mouthed,
    • under estimated,
    • de riding,
    • cutting to the quick,
    • dis-praising,
    • cutting down to size,
    • de-riding,
    • under-estimates,
    • dis-counting,
    • cutting down size,
    • dis praise,
    • bad mouth,
    • cuts the quick,
    • take down a peg,
    • takes down a peg,
    • cut the quick,
    • de-rides,
    • cuts down to size,
    • dis-counted,
    • dis credits,
    • took a swipe at,
    • dis-credit,
    • dis praising,
    • dis credited,
    • dump on,
    • takes a swipe at,
    • dis-praises,
    • take a swipe at,
    • shoots down,
    • sneered at,
    • scoff at,
    • dumped on,
    • under estimates,
    • lowered,
    • dis praised,
    • torn down,
    • sneering at,
    • dis-crediting,
    • cutting quick,
    • soured grapes,
    • shoot full holes,
    • dispraises,
    • cut quick,
    • dis crediting,
    • took down a peg,
    • cuts to quick,
    • scoffing at,
    • pooh pooh,
    • roast,
    • shoot down,
    • Dispraised,
    • Squashing,
    • taking a swipe at,
    • dumps on,
    • de-ride,
    • be-littles,
    • dumping on,
    • dis praises,
    • souring grapes,
    • cutting the quick,
    • taking down a peg,
    • cut down to size,
    • shooting full holes,
    • dis-counts,
    • shot down,
    • badmouth,
    • shoots full holes,
    • under estimating,
    • scoffed at,
    • under estimate,
    • be little,
    • under-estimate,
    • shooting down,
    • squash,
    • shot full holes,
    • dis counted,
    • ripping,
    • sneer at,
    • be littles,
    • dis-credits,
    • shooting full of holes,
    • Slammed,
    • dis counts,
    • shot full of holes,
    • taking down peg,
    • under-estimating,
    • shoots full of holes,
    • de rides,
    • dis-praise,
    • dis counting,
    • poor mouth.

    belittle, ridicule (verb)

    • depreciate.

    cognition (verb)

    • undervalue.

    criticize, blame (verb)

    • decry.

    criticize; detract from (verb)

    • disparage.

    decry (verb)

    • de-cried,
    • de fame,
    • de-valuing,
    • de-famed,
    • dost number on,
    • dis graced,
    • de-cries,
    • de valued,
    • cries down,
    • de valuing,
    • cry down,
    • marks down,
    • dis-graces,
    • marking down,
    • de-cry,
    • doeth number on,
    • Reprobating,
    • reprobates,
    • dis-grace,
    • dost a number on,
    • dis graces,
    • de fames,
    • doing a number on,
    • opprobriated,
    • did a number on,
    • de cried,
    • throw stones at,
    • de value,
    • Vilified,
    • opprobriate,
    • de tract,
    • poormouthing,
    • poormouths,
    • poormouthed,
    • dis grace,
    • taking away,
    • rail against,
    • maligned,
    • re-probating,
    • opprobriating,
    • doest a number on,
    • take swipe at,
    • throws stones at,
    • Reprobated,
    • de faming,
    • marked down,
    • re probating,
    • does number on,
    • de-fame,
    • takes away,
    • mark down,
    • doing number on,
    • poor-mouths,
    • de tracts,
    • didst number on,
    • poor-mouthing,
    • de cries,
    • de-tracts,
    • dis-graced,
    • re probate,
    • crying down,
    • poor-mouth,
    • does a number on,
    • de-faming,
    • re-probate,
    • did number on,
    • doeth a number on,
    • poor-mouthed,
    • doth number on,
    • re-probates,
    • de famed,
    • dis-gracing,
    • re probated,
    • de crying,
    • do number on,
    • re probates,
    • de cry,
    • took away,
    • de-valued,
    • take away,
    • threw stones at,
    • dis gracing,
    • re-probated,
    • de-values,
    • poormouth,
    • doth a number on,
    • throwing stones at,
    • cried down,
    • doest number on,
    • do a number on,
    • de-value,
    • de-crying,
    • de-tract,
    • didst a number on,
    • de values,
    • de-fames,
    • opprobriates.

    depreciate (verb)

    • clamors against,
    • dis countenances,
    • clamor against,
    • dis countenanced,
    • clamored against,
    • looked down on,
    • re-vile,
    • dis-countenancing,
    • find fault with,
    • Slurring,
    • dis-countenance,
    • dis-countenanced,
    • dis-countenances,
    • finds fault with,
    • Faulted,
    • dis countenancing,
    • Faulting,
    • re vile,
    • finding fault with,
    • dis countenance,
    • found fault with,
    • clamoring against.

    devalue (verb)

    • underrate.

    disparage (verb)

    • de-grading,
    • dis heartens,
    • dissed,
    • dis heartening,
    • downcries,
    • de-graded,
    • de-moralizes,
    • dis missing,
    • dis hearten,
    • de-moralized,
    • dis courage,
    • dis-heartened,
    • put hooks in,
    • de-moralizing,
    • puts hooks in,
    • dis-heartening,
    • dissing,
    • dis-heartens,
    • dis courages,
    • de-grades,
    • de graded,
    • dis-missing,
    • DISES,
    • downcry,
    • de grades,
    • de moralizes,
    • dis heartened,
    • downcrying,
    • de-moralize,
    • de-grade,
    • Ridiculed,
    • dis-missed,
    • dis,
    • dis-courages,
    • dis missed,
    • de grading,
    • dis-courage,
    • disses,
    • de moralized,
    • putting hooks in,
    • de moralizing,
    • de grade,
    • dis-hearten,
    • downcried,
    • de moralize.

    err (verb)

    • misunderstand.

    get the wrong idea (verb)

    • misjudge.

    insult (verb)

    • dis-oblige,
    • stepped ones toes,
    • steps on toes,
    • stepping on one toes,
    • dis obliging,
    • dis-obliged,
    • dis oblige,
    • dis-obliging,
    • de-basing,
    • Sneered,
    • dis obliged,
    • out raged,
    • steps one toes,
    • stepped on toes,
    • de basing,
    • out-rages,
    • de-based,
    • step one’s toes,
    • dis honor,
    • stepping on one’s toes,
    • steps on ones toes,
    • stepping on ones toes,
    • steps on one toes,
    • stepping one toes,
    • out-rage,
    • steps toes,
    • dis-honor,
    • dis honored,
    • dis-honoring,
    • stepped one’s toes,
    • out-raged,
    • step one toes,
    • stepping on toes,
    • stepped on one’s toes,
    • steps ones toes,
    • stepping toes,
    • stepped one toes,
    • dis honoring,
    • step on one’s toes,
    • stepping ones toes,
    • de base,
    • steps one’s toes,
    • dis obliges,
    • stepped toes,
    • stepping one’s toes,
    • step on one toes,
    • step on toes,
    • out rages,
    • de based,
    • stepped on ones toes,
    • dis-honored,
    • steps on one’s toes,
    • out-raging,
    • step on ones toes,
    • dis honors,
    • dis-honors,
    • dis-obliges,
    • de-base,
    • step toes,
    • stepped on one toes,
    • step ones toes.

    make a mistake (verb)

    • miscalculate.

    minimize (verb)

    • de crease,
    • underplays,
    • under-play,
    • making light of,
    • de creasing,
    • under play,
    • poohpooh,
    • made little of,
    • under-playing,
    • re-duces,
    • de-crease,
    • cuts rate,
    • re-duce,
    • re duce,
    • makes little of,
    • under playing,
    • miniaturizing,
    • under-played,
    • underplay,
    • cut rate,
    • making little of,
    • cutting rate,
    • make little of,
    • made light of,
    • de-creasing,
    • knocks down,
    • knock down,
    • makes light of,
    • miniaturized,
    • re duces,
    • de creases,
    • under-plays,
    • under played,
    • de-creases,
    • knocked down,
    • underplayed,
    • under plays,
    • knocking down,
    • miniaturizes,
    • miniaturize,
    • de creased,
    • underplaying,
    • de-creased.

    minimize; rate too low (verb)

    • sell short,
    • not do justice.

    miscalculate (verb)

    • goes wrong,
    • mis-reads,
    • Overvaluing,
    • missing by mile,
    • missed by mile,
    • mis calculates,
    • over rating,
    • mis construed,
    • over-values,
    • over estimating,
    • drop ball,
    • mis-counts,
    • mis-construing,
    • over-estimated,
    • misses by a mile,
    • dis regarding,
    • mis-calculates,
    • mis-understanding,
    • mis construes,
    • mis-understood,
    • mis calculate,
    • over estimated,
    • miscounted,
    • over estimate,
    • drops ball,
    • mis reading,
    • mis calculated,
    • over valued,
    • slipt up,
    • mis-reading,
    • over-looking,
    • gotten signals crossed,
    • over looked,
    • Misreckon,
    • mis calculating,
    • miscount,
    • over rates,
    • drops the ball,
    • mis-read,
    • mis understanding,
    • over-look,
    • dropt the ball,
    • slips up,
    • overestimating,
    • mis-calculating,
    • overestimates,
    • mis-interpreted,
    • mis construe,
    • gotten wrong,
    • mis interprets,
    • mis interpreting,
    • mis reads,
    • dropping ball,
    • getting signals crossed,
    • over looks,
    • gets signals crossed,
    • mis read,
    • dis regards,
    • mis understand,
    • slipping up,
    • missed by a mile,
    • over values,
    • get signals crossed,
    • misinterpret,
    • gat signals crossed,
    • mis-calculated,
    • missing by a mile,
    • misses by mile,
    • dis regard,
    • get wrong,
    • Overrated,
    • going wrong,
    • mis construing,
    • went wrong,
    • dis-regards,
    • over-estimating,
    • over-rate,
    • mis-counting,
    • mis understood,
    • mis-interpret,
    • got signals crossed,
    • over valuing,
    • got wrong,
    • over-rates,
    • over-rating,
    • over-estimate,
    • overestimated,
    • over-rated,
    • mis counted,
    • slipped up,
    • over-valuing,
    • over rate,
    • over rated,
    • Misconstrued,
    • gat wrong,
    • mis-understands,
    • dropped the ball,
    • drop the ball,
    • getting wrong,
    • mis counts,
    • over-valued,
    • over value,
    • mis interpreted,
    • mis-counted,
    • mis-construed,
    • mis interpret,
    • gets wrong,
    • mis-construes,
    • Overvalued,
    • over-estimates,
    • over-looks,
    • miss by a mile,
    • overvalues,
    • dis-regarded,
    • mis-construe,
    • mis counting,
    • over estimates,
    • mis-calculate,
    • dis-regard,
    • dropt ball,
    • miscounting,
    • miss by mile,
    • over-value,
    • dis-regarding,
    • mis-interpreting,
    • misestimate,
    • dropping the ball,
    • dis regarded,
    • mis-understand,
    • mis-interprets,
    • over look,
    • mis understands.

    misestimate (verb)

    • mis estimate,
    • mis-estimating,
    • mis estimating,
    • mis estimates,
    • mis-estimates,
    • mis-estimated,
    • mis-estimate,
    • mis estimated.

    misreckon (verb)

    • mis reckon,
    • mis reckons,
    • mis-reckon,
    • mis reckoning,
    • mis-reckons,
    • mis-reckoning,
    • mis-reckoned,
    • mis reckoned.

    mistake (verb)

    • is mark,
    • deceives oneself,
    • mis know,
    • made mess,
    • miss the boat,
    • mis takes,
    • is off mark,
    • hath wrong impression,
    • being mark,
    • having wrong impression,
    • be mark,
    • are the mark,
    • mis-knowing,
    • art mark,
    • is off the mark,
    • misknowing,
    • am mark,
    • are off the mark,
    • mis-knew,
    • miss boat,
    • mis taking,
    • had wrong impression,
    • misknown,
    • misses the boat,
    • mis knowing,
    • being off the mark,
    • were the mark,
    • hast wrong impression,
    • am off mark,
    • misses boat,
    • hadst wrong impression,
    • taking for,
    • took for,
    • takes for,
    • mis taken,
    • were off mark,
    • art the mark,
    • take for,
    • wast off the mark,
    • missing the boat,
    • mis-taking,
    • wast the mark,
    • wert off mark,
    • Not know,
    • haddest wrong impression,
    • am the mark,
    • was off the mark,
    • mis-takes,
    • made a mess,
    • were mark,
    • Misknow,
    • misknows,
    • not knowing,
    • has wrong impression,
    • mis take,
    • be off the mark,
    • being the mark,
    • makes mess,
    • mis-know,
    • was mark,
    • being off mark,
    • be off mark,
    • mis-taken,
    • make mess,
    • was the mark,
    • mis known,
    • misknew,
    • not knew,
    • missed the boat,
    • wast off mark,
    • deceiving oneself,
    • mis-known,
    • was off mark,
    • deceived oneself,
    • mis-take,
    • wert the mark,
    • deceive oneself,
    • wert off the mark,
    • making mess,
    • am off the mark,
    • were off the mark,
    • mis took,
    • wast mark,
    • mis knew,
    • not knows,
    • missed boat,
    • wert mark,
    • be the mark,
    • mis-took,
    • mis-knows,
    • making a mess,
    • is the mark,
    • makes a mess,
    • mis knows,
    • have wrong impression,
    • make a mess,
    • missing boat.

    mix up, misunderstand (verb)

    • mistake.

    neglect (verb)

    • keeping one’s distance,
    • keeps ones distance,
    • having nothing do with,
    • hast nothing do with,
    • re-buffing,
    • paid no attention to,
    • de-testing,
    • keeps arms length,
    • Pretermitted,
    • keeps at arm’s length,
    • haddest nothing to do with,
    • letted go,
    • keep at arms length,
    • de testing,
    • keeps one distance,
    • keep arm length,
    • Pretermitting,
    • re-buffs,
    • keeps one’s distance,
    • kept one’s distance,
    • re buffed,
    • keeping ones distance,
    • kept distance,
    • laughed off,
    • hadst nothing do with,
    • keeping arm’s length,
    • keeps arm’s length,
    • kept ones distance,
    • keeps at arm length,
    • kept arms length,
    • having nothing to do with,
    • hadst nothing to do with,
    • had nothing to do with,
    • have nothing do with,
    • had nothing do with,
    • pretermits,
    • hath nothing do with,
    • re buffing,
    • kept at arms length,
    • payed no mind,
    • hast nothing to do with,
    • keep one distance,
    • kept arm’s length,
    • kept arm length,
    • kept at arm’s length,
    • tunes out,
    • laughing off,
    • de tested,
    • keeps arm length,
    • tuned out,
    • re buff,
    • pays no attention to,
    • keep arms length,
    • keeping arms length,
    • keep ones distance,
    • payed no attention to,
    • keeping one distance,
    • tuning out,
    • passing up,
    • hath nothing to do with,
    • pays no mind,
    • paid no mind,
    • keeping at arms length,
    • keeps distance,
    • keeping at arm length,
    • paying no attention to,
    • de-tested,
    • re buffs,
    • haddest nothing do with,
    • has nothing to do with,
    • kept at arm length,
    • kept one distance,
    • lived with,
    • keeping at arm’s length,
    • re-buffed,
    • keep at arm length,
    • laughs off,
    • keeping arm length,
    • has nothing do with,
    • passes up,
    • keeping distance,
    • keeps at arms length.

    underestimate (verb)

    • debase,
    • devalue.

    underrate (verb)

    • under rating,
    • under rates,
    • under pricing,
    • under price,
    • under rated,
    • under-prices,
    • under-rating,
    • under-priced,
    • under prized,
    • under prizing,
    • under prize,
    • under-prizing,
    • under rate,
    • under prices,
    • under-pricing,
    • under-rate,
    • under priced,
    • underprizes,
    • under-prizes,
    • under-price,
    • under-prize,
    • under prizes,
    • under-prized,
    • underprized,
    • under-rates,
    • underprizing,
    • under-rated.

    undervalue (verb)

    • undervalued,
    • Vilipend,
    • under valued,
    • under-valued,
    • under-value,
    • under-values,
    • under value,
    • vilipended,
    • vilipending,
    • under-valuing,
    • vilipends,
    • under valuing,
    • under values.
  • Other synonyms:

    • guess,
    • wave aside,
    • surmise,
    • look down on,
    • laugh off,
    • talk down to,
    • hazard.

    • inflate,
    • disregard,
    • undersell,
    • marginalize,
    • second-guess,
    • depersonalize.

    • discount,
    • anticipate,
    • disdain,
    • divine,
    • overlook.

    • call.


    • belittle.


    • Dogmatizing,
    • be wrong,
    • Misdeem,
    • be unfair,
    • Misthink,
    • Misconjecture,
    • be misled,
    • Miscomprehend,
    • come to hasty conclusion,
    • be partial,
    • dogmatize,
    • misconceive,
    • bark up wrong tree,
    • barking up wrong tree,
    • put foot in,
    • be overcritical.


    • passed up,
    • live with,
    • keep at arm’s length,
    • keep one’s distance,
    • not care for,
    • neglected,
    • pay no attention to,
    • paying no mind,
    • Scanting,
    • neglect,
    • shrug off,
    • letting go,
    • pass up,
    • passed by,
    • pretermit,
    • living with,
    • keep distance,
    • tune out,
    • have nothing to do with,
    • pay no mind,
    • lets go,
    • Scanted,
    • scants,
    • keep arm’s length.


    • underrated,
    • Underprize,
    • underprices,
    • underpriced,
    • underpricing,
    • underprice.


    • understate.

How to use «Underestimate» in context?

Underestimate is likely one of the most common words in a person’s vocabulary. Ironically, underestimating someone often leads to greater disappointment and eventual defeat. Here are some reasons why it is important to be humble and realize the potential of others:

1. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, and if you constantly expect people to be perfect, you’re going to be disappointed. We all have areas that we need to improve upon, and it’s important to give people the benefit of the doubt and not judge them before they’ve had a chance to prove themselves.

Paraphrases for Underestimate:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
    • Noun, singular or mass
    • Verb, base form
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Verb, base form
  • Independent

    • Verb, base form
      de-emphasize, devalue, diminish, discount, dismiss, disregard, downplay, flout, forget, lessen, minimise, minimize, neglect, overstate, undermine, over-estimate.
  • Other Related

    • Noun, singular or mass
      understatement, undervaluation, undervaluing, under-estimation, underpricing.
    • Verb, non-3rd person singular present
    • Verb, base form
      belittle, ignore, overlook, trivialise, underplay, understate.

Hyponym for Underestimate:

  • n.

    • cognition
      approximation, idea, estimate, estimation.
  • v.

    • cognition

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