Twin синонимы

What is another word for Twin?

  • duplicate

    person, same

  • counterpart

    person, same

  • match

    person, counterpart

  • double

    person, counterpart

  • mate

    person, counterpart

  • dual

    same, twofold

  • paired

    same, matching

  • twofold

    quantity, twice as much

  • pair

    counterpart, combine

  • parallel

    corresponding, duplicate

  • matching


  • clone

    stand in, exact likeness

  • companion

    same, something exactly like another

  • fellow


  • couple


  • likeness

    duplicate, reproduction

  • replica

    duplicate, reproduction

  • matched

    matching, duplicate

  • binary


  • identical


  • like

  • duplex


  • ringer

    spitting image, something exactly like another

  • coupled

  • twinned

  • similar

  • alike

  • same

  • join


  • corresponding

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2 Babies Wearing White Headdress White Holding White Plush Toys Two Girls Spreading Arms Together While Kneeling Two Babies Wearing Red Mickey Mouse Shirts Photography Of Women Wearing Strip Shirt Two Women Lying on Grass Two Women Wearing Pink T-shirts

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kuala lumpur, twins, malaysia ring, gold, love twins, boys, babies baby, twins, brother and sister camera, old camera, lomo baby, twins, 100 days photo

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Synonyms for Twin. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from

Synonyms for Twin. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Twin. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • twin [twɪn] сущ

    1. близнецм, близняшка, двойняшка

      (twin brother, twin sister)

      • identical twin – идентичный близнец
      • pair of siamese twins – пара сиамских близнецов
    2. двойникм


      • evil twin – злобный двойник
    3. парная вещь

    4. Твинм

  • twin [twɪn] прил

    1. двойной, парный

      (double, pair)

      • twin blades – двойные лезвия
    2. близнецовый

      • twin soul – близнецовая душа
    3. двухцилиндровый

    4. двухжильный

  • twin [twɪn] прич

    1. сдвоенный, спаренный

      (dual, paired)

близнец twin
двойник double, twin, counterpart, Doppelganger, fetch, similar
парная вещь twin, doublet, fellow
двойня twins, twin, two at a birth
двойной double, dual, twin, binary, twofold, duplicate
сдвоенный double, twin, doubled, binary, geminate, reduplicated
парный pair, twin, double, companion, conjugate, sister
спаренный coupled, twin, ganged, duplex, duplicate
являющийся близнецом twin
составляющий пару twin
похожий similar, like, resembling, alike, akin, twin
одинаковый same, identical, equal, uniform, alike, twin
родить двойню twin
соединять unite, connect, join, combine, put together, twin

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • twin сущ

    • double · dual · duplicate · tween
    • gemini · twins
    • counterpart · doppelganger


  • matching, identical, matched, paired
  • twofold, double, dual, related, linked, connected, corresponding, parallel, complementary, equivalent
  • twinned, duplicate, matching


  • duplicate, double, carbon copy, exact likeness, mirror image, replica, look-alike, doppelgänger, clone, counterpart, match, pair, dead ringer, spitting image
  • similitude, counterpart


  • combine, join, link, couple, pair
  • parallel, duplicate
  • mate, pair, couple, match

Предложения со словом «twin»

Well today I’m going to tell you about a serious reality that is changing our oceans called ocean acidification, or the evil twin of climate change.

Сегодня я расскажу вам о серьёзной проблеме, угрожающей океану, — это окисление океана, злой брат — близнец изменения климата.

I have beautiful twin nieces who are fifteen and live in Lagos.

У меня есть две племянницы — близняшки , им по 15 лет, они живут в Лагосе.

But sometimes we speak up when we shouldn’t, and I learned that over 10 years ago when I let my twin brother down.

А иногда мы высказываемся, тогда как лучше промолчать, я понял это 10 лет назад, когда подвёл своего брата.

My twin brother is a documentary filmmaker.

Мой брат — близнец — режиссёр документальных фильмов.

I want to end with a few words from my late father that he spoke at my twin brother’s wedding.

Хотел бы закончить словами моего покойного отца, произнесёнными на свадьбе моего брата — близнеца .

In a film called Torment, Stella plays twin sisters.

В фильме под названием Мучение Стелла играла сестер — близнецов .

The amber quicksilver of those twin mirrors drank his soul.

Янтарная ртуть этих парных зеркал вбирала в себя его душу.

Yes, our twin sisters, Lily and Lulu.

Да, наши сестры — близнецы , Лили и Лулу.

We found the twin stocking hidden underneath this blotting pad.

Мы нашли второй такой же чулок, спрятанный под блокнотом.

Ted doesn’t even know Sutton has a twin.

Тед даже не знал, что у Саттон есть близнец .

There was an episode in Stockholm involving twin sisters.

Был один эпизод в Стокгольме с сёстрами — близнецами .

I went to the botanical gardens with my twin sister.

Я ходила в ботанический сад со своей сестрой — близняшкой .

Twin screws protected by a screen protruded from its rear.

Под кормой были расположены два гребных винта, защищенные экранами.

I didn’t know you could finish a sentence without your western twin breathing in your ear.

Не знал, что ты можешь закончить предложение без твоего западного близнеца , стоящего над душой.

A split second later, the twin pulled back his bowstring and loosed his arrow in one fluid motion.

В мгновение ока близнец натянул тетиву лука и одним плавным движением выпустил стрелу.

But our planetary twin hides its true identity beneath a thick blanket of cloud.

но эта сестра Земли скрывает свой истинный облик под толстым одеялом облаков.

So the sun’s low point must be north, and their twin-hulled boat was sailing roughly southwards.

Значит, низшей точки солнце достигает на севере, а сейчас они плывут примерно на юг.

The pale, gleaming ribs with twin pinkish-gray spongy lobes and a red, meaty object beneath.

Белые блестящие ребра, двойной розово — серый пористый орган и что — то густо — красное под ним.

My brother and twin We agreed to relieve himself coming from these sufferings…

Мы с братом — близнецом договорились, что избавим себя от этих предстоящих страданий…

Two Doric columns stood in front, and, on either side, twin staircases led up to the front entrance.

Две дорические колонны стояли перед входом, и с обеих сторон к входу вели двойные лестницы.

Twin handed over a scrap of paper with Beth Holderness’s name and address written on it.

Твин вытащил из кармана клочок бумаги с именем и адресом Бет Холдернесс.

Do you pledge to uphold the twin pillars of the Foundation Treaty, peace through force, and justice without mercy?

клянешься ли ты поддерживать договор с беспощадной справедливостью силы?

We join forces, activate our wonder twin powers.

Объединяем усилия, активируем нашу чудо — братскую силушку.

Emel’s green eyes dropped from Darmouth’s face to the twin tombs.

Взгляд зеленых глаз Эмеля оторвался от лица Дармута и скользнул по двум каменным гробам.

You had a twin sister, stillborn, strangled by your umbilical cord.

У тебя должна была родиться сестренка — близняшка , но ее задушило твоей пуповиной.

Mutual dislike and respect became the twin ties that allowed the remaining warriors to form a bond with the former gladiator.

Узы взаимной неприязни и взаимного уважения крепко связывали бывшего гладиатора с кочевниками.

Then floating up to the twin mountain peaks came the wails of the living, the shrieks of the wounded and the dying.

А потом до самых вершин — близнецов воздух наполнился воплями живых, криками раненых и стонами умирающих.

Bolan’s attention was suddenly diverted from the Siamese-twin act by a peculiar movement across the screen of one of the cell monitors.

От любопытного зрелища его отвлекло необычное движение на экране одного из мониторов.

I want Twin Peaks to remain unspoiled in an era of vast environmental carnage.

Я хочу, чтобы Твин Пикс остался нетронутым уголком в эру грандиозного экологического апокалипсиса.

But twin primes never touch because they’re always separated by an even number.

Но простые близнецы никогда не соприкасаются, потому что они всегда разделены четным числом.

The twin charges blew a pair of holes in the side of the tank.

Двойные заряды пробили пару отверстий в огромном баке и зажгли находящееся в нем топливо.

Its twin wheels would once have rotated counter to each other.

Двойные колеса когда — то вращались в разных направлениях.

Twin rows of stone benches faced the far wall, where meaningless symbols and words had been painted.

Двойной ряд скамей тянулся вдоль стен, исписанных непонятными знаками и словами.

The sun was rising as they descended toward the twin settlements.

Солнце уже вставало, когда контактеры спустились к двум селениям — близнецам .

Its cover showed a twin-jet executive aeroplane banking over a blue sea.

На обложке самолет бизнес — класса с двумя реактивными двигателями летел над синим морем.

With a citadel enclosed in a mighty glass dome, shining under the twin suns.

А Цитадель укрыта мощным стеклянным куполом, сияющим в лучах двух солнц.

Twin engines, parquet floors in the galleys, staterooms with queen beds.

Сдвоенные двигатели, паркетный пол в каюте, спальни с королевскими кроватями.

The male twin died in the womb and their mother died from complications shortly after the birth.

Ее брат — близнец умер в утробе матери, и вскоре после родов мать умерла от осложнений.

The older twin had often had to control the outbursts of his younger brother.

Старшему близнецу частенько приходилось сдерживать не в меру расходившегося младшего брата.

Slate-gray seawater blew back in explosions of white as the twin- masted schooner sliced through the swell.

Двухмачтовая шхуна разрезала свинцово — серую поверхность моря, покрытую пенными барашками.

Perhaps he sensed that something was wrong, but hoped she would say his twin was fine and would be along soon.

Наверное, он почувствовал неладное, но надеялся услышать, что его брат — близнец жив, здоров и скоро приедет.

The twin tailpipes choked out a cloud of thick smoke as the driver prepared to drop the bus into second gear.

Сдвоенная труба глушителя выбросила очередное густое облако, перед тем как водитель включил вторую передачу.

Twin ports that had originally been designed to accommodate probes ejected a pair of communications packages.

Из двух отверстий, сделанных для приема зондов, высунулась пара коммуникационных пакетов.

They detoured via the Wilmette post office so Brogan could mail his twin alimony checks.

Они завернули к почтовому отделению, чтобы Броган отправил алименты своим бывшим женам.

Solly had rented a lime-colored, twin-mag Starlight for the flight to the Severin Valley.

Солли для полета в долину Северина взял напрокат двухмагнитный старлайт лимонного цвета.

They had reached the twin chestnuts and the white house that stood behind them.

Они дошли до каштанов — двойняшек и того белого дома, что прятался за ними.

Most of her tricks relied on the fact she had a twin sister.

Большинство ее трюков основывались на факте существования у нее сестры — близнеца .

The twin tasks of promoting sustained and fully inclusive growth and creating good jobs thus cannot be separated from Africa’s structural transformation.

Таким образом, решение двуединой задачи обеспечения поступательного и подлинно всеохватного экономического роста и создания качественных рабочих мест невозможно отделить от проведения в Африке структурных преобразований.

Latin America and the Caribbean are faced with the twin menace of the illicit trade in narcotic drugs and small arms.

Латинская Америка и Карибский бассейн постоянно находятся под двойной угрозой незаконной торговли наркотиками и стрелковым оружием.

The birth of a delayed identical twin is not going to shake western civilization.

Рождение отсроченного идентичного близнеца не пошатнет западную цивилизацию.

Double Deluxe room is available with twin beds or Queen Size bed, tile or carpet flooring and a spacious balcony of 8 m2/ 86 ft2 comfortably furnished.

Имеются номера Стандарт Делюкс с двумя раздельными кроватями или двуспальной кроватью размера квин сайз, плиточным или ковровым напольным покрытием и просторными, уютно обставленными балконами площадью 8 м2/ 86 кв.футов.

In the loft you will find two twin beds and a spare single bed, a skylight.

На антресольном этаже две одноместных кровати, которые можно поставить вместе, и дополнительная одноместная кровать, панорамные чердачные окна.

Rooms have twin beds that can turn into a 2×2 meter bed.

В комнатах имеются односпальные кровати, которые при желании могут быть преобразованы в кровати 2х2 метра.

Standard double rooms are 18 m² and are furnished with 2 twin beds with traditional mattresses, and they do not allow more than 2 persons.

В стандартных двухместных номерах, площадью 18м², имеются 2 односпальные кровати с традиционными матрасами. В этих номерах могут разместиться максимум 2 человека.

Upstairs there is a bedroom with two twin beds and one single bed.

Ванная с душем и стиральной машиной. На верхнем этаже спальная, З — односпальные кровати.

The new junior suites are located throughout several historical buildings and are available with double and twin beds and offer city and canal views.

Люксы Джуниор расположены в нескольких исторических зданиях с окнами на канал или город и оборудованы одной двухместной или двумя одноместными кроватями.

Possibility to have large double bed or twin beds.

Possibilitй de grand lit double ou deux lits sйparйs.

Studios are suitable for 2-3 persons and have twin beds which can convert to a double bed if necessary, plus comfortable sofa bed that converts to a single bed.

╫чэуЮп — АБЦтьь ъчтчытЦБ тшО 2 — 3 Гушчруз, р щьЕ ьэуНБАО чтьщпзчрКу зЮчрпБь, зчБчЮКу ъЮь щучяЕчтьэчАБь шусзч БЮпщАДчЮэьЮЦНБАО р трЦАъпшЛщКу, з БчэЦ жу зЮуАшп — зЮчрпБь ьв ьАзЦААБрущщчы зчжь тчяпршОНБ АъпшЛщчу эуАБч.

The standard rooms give guests a choice of one double bed or separate twin beds.

узел с душем, фен, телевизор, телефон, сейф. — 2 номера улучшенной планировки.

In Mananjary, the study brought out the realities involved in the custom which prescribes the abandonment of a twin child.

Исследование, проведенное в Мананджари, выявило наличие обычая, предписывающего отказ от детей — близнецов .

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. twinnoun

    either of two offspring born at the same time from the same pregnancy

    similitude, counterpart


  2. Gemini, Twinnoun

    (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Gemini

    similitude, counterpart


  3. Twin, Twin Fallsnoun

    a waterfall in the Snake River in southern Idaho

    similitude, counterpart


  4. counterpart, similitude, twinadjective

    a duplicate copy

    opposite number, alikeness, similitude, likeness, counterpart, vis-a-vis


  5. duplicate, matching, twin(a), twinnedverb

    being two identical


  6. twin, duplicate, parallelverb

    duplicate or match

    «The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse»

    pair, collimate, reduplicate, double, duplicate, parallel, repeat, couple, replicate, match, mate


  7. match, mate, couple, pair, twinverb

    bring two objects, ideas, or people together

    «This fact is coupled to the other one»; «Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?»; «The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project»

    fit, parallel, match, play off, touch, duplicate, gibe, equate, copulate, pair, couple on, checkmate, meet, agree, partner off, equal, check, pit, equalize, cope with, tally, rival, geminate, mate, pair off, couple, correspond, equalise, couple up, oppose, jibe


  8. twinverb

    grow as twins

    «twin crystals»

    couple, parallel, match, pair, duplicate, mate


  9. twinverb

    give birth to twins

    couple, parallel, match, pair, duplicate, mate


Matched Categories

    • Snake
    • Astrology
    • Deliver
    • Grow
    • Join
    • Person
    • Sibling
    • Waterfall

Suggested Resources

  1. twin

    Song lyrics by twin — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by twin on the website.

  2. TWIN

    What does TWIN stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the TWIN acronym on the website.

How to pronounce twin?

How to say twin in sign language?

How to use twin in a sentence?

  1. Kelly Marrapodi-Munsell (1968-2011):

    When a twin dies, the survivor’s spirit goes with her.

  2. Sara Seager:

    When we find a Planet B, I want it to be a true Earth twin, a planet orbiting a sun-like star and the Earth-like orbit that has a thin atmosphere and oceans and continents.

  3. Marabel Morgan:

    Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality the other, a matter of time.

  4. Lucy Aylmer:

    Maria loves telling people at college that she has a white twin — and I’m very proud of having a black twin, my family is beautiful.

  5. Former President Trump:

    It’s almost like twin sisters right here, because you have one that wants Taiwan, I think equally badly – somebody said, ‘Who wants it more?’ I think probably equally badly, putin would have never done it, and Xi would have never done it [under my administration].

Translations for twin

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • tweelingAfrikaans
  • تَوْأَم, التوأمArabic
  • əkizAzerbaijani
  • игеҙәкBashkir
  • блізню́кBelarusian
  • близна́кBulgarian
  • যমজBengali
  • gevellBreton
  • bessóCatalan, Valencian
  • dvojčeCzech
  • близньцьOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
  • gefell, gefeillesWelsh
  • tvillingDanish
  • Zwillings-, ZwillingGerman
  • δίδυμοςGreek
  • ĝemeloEsperanto
  • guacho, morocho, cuate, gemelo, cuache, jimagua, mellizo, guaresSpanish
  • kaksikEstonian
  • bikiBasque
  • همزادPersian
  • kaksois-, kahden hengen huone, parillinen, kaksos-, kaksonenFinnish
  • tvíburiFaroese
  • jumeauFrench
  • twillingWestern Frisian
  • leathchúplaIrish
  • leth-aonScottish Gaelic
  • xemelgoGalician
  • תְּאוֹםHebrew
  • जुड़वाँ, यमजHindi
  • marasa, jimoHaitian Creole
  • pár, ikerHungarian
  • երկվորյակArmenian
  • kembarIndonesian
  • jemeloIdo
  • tvíburiIcelandic
  • gemelloItalian
  • תְאוֹםHebrew
  • 双子Japanese
  • ტყუპიGeorgian
  • егізKazakh
  • ភ្លោះKhmer
  • 쌍둥이Korean
  • gevell, gevellesCornish
  • эгизKyrgyz
  • geminusLatin
  • ລູກແຝດ, ຝາແຝດ, ແຝດLao
  • dvynysLithuanian
  • dvīnisLatvian
  • бли́знаци, бли́знак, спарен, парен, удвоен, бли́значки, бли́значкаMacedonian
  • ихэрMongolian
  • kembarMalay
  • tewmiMaltese
  • အမြွှာBurmese
  • tweelings-, tweelingDutch
  • tvillingNorwegian Nynorsk
  • tvillingNorwegian
  • naakishchíínNavajo, Navaho
  • bessonOccitan
  • bliźniak, bliźniaczyPolish
  • gêmeoPortuguese
  • schumellin, schumellinaRomansh
  • geamănRomanian
  • близня́шка, дво́йня, близне́цRussian
  • copioluSardinian
  • близанац, blizanacSerbo-Croatian
  • නිමුන්Sinhala, Sinhalese
  • dvojčaSlovak
  • dvójčica, dvójčekSlovene
  • binjakAlbanian
  • tvillingSwedish
  • pachaSwahili
  • ҳамзодTajik
  • แฝด, ลูกแฝดThai
  • ekizTurkmen
  • kambalTagalog
  • çiftTurkish
  • игезәк, игезTatar
  • близню́кUkrainian
  • جڑواںUrdu
  • egizakUzbek
  • trẻ sinh đôiVietnamese
  • jitelädan, telädan, hitelädanVolapük
  • צווילינגYiddish

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  • ภาษาไทย (Thai)
  • Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
  • Čeština (Czech)
  • Polski (Polish)
  • Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
  • Românește (Romanian)
  • Nederlands (Dutch)
  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
  • Latinum (Latin)
  • Svenska (Swedish)
  • Dansk (Danish)
  • Suomi (Finnish)
  • فارسی (Persian)
  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for twin?

  • identical twin
  • clone
  • companion
  • coordinate
  • corollary
  • counterpart
  • Doppelganger
  • double
  • duplicate
  • likeness
  • look-alike
  • match
  • mate
  • reciprocal
  • ringer
  • fraternal twin
  • Siamese twin

On this page you’ll find 100 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to twin, such as: dual, accompanying, binary, copied, corresponding, and coupled.

  • difference

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


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How to use twin in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • biformed
  • binary
  • coupled
  • dual
  • duplicate
  • geminate
  • geminated
  • twin
  • twofold
  • blood brother
  • kin
  • kinsperson
  • relation
  • relative
  • twin
  • blood brother
  • kin
  • kinsperson
  • relation
  • relative
  • twin
  • blood brothers
  • kin
  • kinspersons
  • relations
  • relatives
  • twins
  • carbon
  • clone
  • copy
  • double
  • duplicate
  • facsimile
  • imitation
  • mirror image
  • replica
  • reproduction
  • spit and image
  • spitting image
  • twin
  • duplicate
  • identic
  • identical
  • interchangeable
  • like
  • same
  • selfsame
  • twin

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

What is another word for twin?

453 synonyms found


[ twˈɪn], [ twˈɪn], [ t_w_ˈɪ_n]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    biform (adjective)

    • bi-form,
    • geminated,
    • Biformed.

    double (adjective)

    • duple,
    • bifurcated,
    • two-fold,
    • bilateral,
    • dualistic,
    • double-faced,
    • as much again,
    • geminate,
    • two-sided,
    • two-faced,
    • paired,
    • second,
    • binate,
    • bifold,
    • double-barreled,
    • biform,
    • repeated,
    • dyadic,
    • duplex,
    • binary,
    • twice.

    dual (adjective)

    • Binal,
    • most doubleheader,
    • more binal,
    • most binal,
    • doubleheader,
    • more doubleheader.

    duplicate (adjective)

    • more self same,
    • self same,
    • more self-same,
    • self-same,
    • most self-same,
    • very same,
    • most self same.

    duplicate, similar (adjective)

    • copied,
    • Duplicating,
    • twofold,
    • like,
    • joint,
    • matched,
    • identical,
    • accompanying,
    • coupled.

    identic (adjective)

    • Identic.

    identical (adjective)

    • alike,
    • interchangeable,
    • like two peas in a pod,
    • one and the same.

    indistinguishable (adjective)

    • in distinguishable,
    • in-distinguishable.

    like (adjective)

    • congeneric,
    • Allying,
    • on the order of,
    • undifferentiated,
    • coextensive,
    • approximative,
    • not unlike,
    • much the same,
    • in the manner of,
    • co-extensive,
    • not far from,
    • congenerous,
    • such.

    matching (adjective)

    • more coordinating,
    • most coordinating.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • matching,
    • aforementioned,
    • same,
    • interdependent,
    • Duper,
    • runnerup,
    • indistinguishable,
    • cloner,
    • dual,
    • in the same manner,
    • give and take,
    • double,
    • reciprocatory,
    • reciprocal,
    • similar,
    • selfsame,
    • runner-up,
    • next in order.

    reciprocal (adjective)

    • inter-dependent,
    • de pendent,
    • more give-and-take,
    • inter dependent,
    • most companion,
    • most reciprocatory,
    • ex-changeable,
    • most give-and-take,
    • ex changeable,
    • most interdependent,
    • most fellow,
    • de-pendent,
    • more fellow,
    • more companion,
    • more reciprocatory,
    • more interdependent,
    • more give and take,
    • most give and take.

    same (adjective)

    • more carbon,
    • similarly,
    • most carbon copy,
    • carboncopy,
    • more aforementioned,
    • in same manner,
    • most similarly,
    • most likewise,
    • most carbon,
    • most aforementioned,
    • more carboncopy,
    • more likewise,
    • most coequal,
    • most carbon-copy,
    • dupest,
    • most carboncopy,
    • more coequal,
    • more carbon-copy,
    • more carbon copy,
    • clonest,
    • more similarly.

    second (adjective)

    • un-important,
    • placest,
    • more another,
    • most runner up,
    • sub-sequent,
    • runner up,
    • most runnerup,
    • sub sequent,
    • most runner-up,
    • most another,
    • next order,
    • more runner up,
    • more reproduction,
    • more runner-up,
    • most reproduction,
    • more runnerup.

    similar (adjective)

    • consubstantial,
    • semblance,
    • close,
    • comparable,
    • analogous,
    • akin,
    • uniform,
    • imitative,
    • Resembling,
    • ersatz.
  • n.

    • synonymous,
    • intimate,
    • connected,
    • corresponding,
    • companion,
    • allied,
    • involved,
    • interrelated,
    • related,
    • inseparable.

    • designer baby,
    • infant,
    • bairn,
    • blue baby,
    • baby,
    • babe,
    • babe in arms,
    • foundling,
    • bundle of joy,
    • feeder.

    • the international community,
    • international relations,
    • friendly,
    • friendship,
    • friend,
    • exchange,
    • multination,
    • intergovernmental,
    • the global village,
    • multinational.

    brother (noun)

    • kinspeople,
    • kinspersons.

    carbon copy (noun)

    • carbon-copy.

    clone (noun)

    • lookalike computers,
    • look alike computers,
    • act-alikes,
    • actalike,
    • act alikes,
    • act alike,
    • look-alike computers,
    • look alike computer,
    • lookalike computer,
    • actalikes.

    counterpart (noun)

    • pendant,
    • peas in a pod,
    • pendants,
    • two of a kind,
    • opposite number,
    • spit and image.

    couple (noun)

    • couple.

    double (noun)

    • impersonator,
    • co-ordinate,
    • ringer,
    • reciprocals,
    • Co-ordinates.

    duplicate (noun)

    • knockoff,
    • duplications,
    • photo copy,
    • Germinations,
    • recurrence,
    • pirate,
    • counterscript,
    • Photostats,
    • REPRO,
    • STAT,
    • STATS,
    • phonies,
    • germination.

    duplication (noun)

    • duo.

    equivalent (noun)

    • same differences.

    facsimile (noun)

    • chip off old blocks,
    • re-duplications,
    • re-duplication,
    • knock-offs,
    • re duplication,
    • re duplications,
    • knock offs,
    • mimeos,
    • chip old blocks.

    fellow (noun)

    • co workers,
    • pro-fessors,
    • pro fessor,
    • pro-fessor,
    • co worker,
    • pro fessors.

    forgery (noun)

    • boguses,
    • workalikes,
    • pseudi,
    • imitatings,
    • fraudulences,
    • fakings.

    gemini (noun)

    • gemini.

    look-alike (noun)

    • look alike,
    • look-alike,
    • lookalike.

    match (noun)

    • countertypes.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • mate,
    • reproduction,
    • falsification,
    • someone,
    • Diremption,
    • confrere,
    • same difference,
    • fraudulence,
    • classmate,
    • falls,
    • re-creation,
    • Photos,
    • brother,
    • very image,
    • similitude,
    • bedmates,
    • bilaterality,
    • somebody,
    • coinings,
    • soul,
    • runners up,
    • mortal,
    • countertype,
    • clone,
    • sister,
    • falsifications,
    • twain,
    • Effigies,
    • bifurcation,
    • exponent,
    • presentments,
    • Family,
    • coworkers,
    • picture,
    • sib,
    • exact counterpart,
    • waterfall,
    • chip off old block,
    • co-workers,
    • knock-off,
    • Re-presentation,
    • act-alike,
    • confreres,
    • bifurcations,
    • duality,
    • image of,
    • kinsperson,
    • dyads,
    • spitting image,
    • Doublets,
    • duals,
    • person,
    • duplication,
    • picture of,
    • duplicate,
    • placers,
    • forgery,
    • classmates,
    • two,
    • counterpart,
    • Living picture,
    • duplexity,
    • look-alike computer,
    • fellow,
    • parallel,
    • co-worker,
    • equal,
    • Bedmate,
    • living image,
    • dos,
    • eidetic image,
    • deuce,
    • Coworker,
    • exact likeness,
    • helpmate,
    • binaries,
    • presentment,
    • photo,
    • re-creations,
    • sibling,
    • astrology,
    • dyad,
    • workalike,
    • deuces,
    • concomitants,
    • placer,
    • equivalent,
    • stand in,
    • carbon copy,
    • Imitating,
    • dualities,
    • mimeo,
    • exact duplicate,
    • doublet,
    • familiars.

    parallel (noun)

    • Homologue,
    • parallels.

    picture (noun)

    • de-lineations,
    • de lineation,
    • re presentation,
    • out-lines,
    • de-lineation,
    • de lineations,
    • out lines,
    • re creations,
    • re presentations,
    • out-line,
    • out line,
    • re-presentations.

    reproduction (noun)

    • reprinting,
    • facsimile,
    • Xray,
    • pix,
    • mimeographs,
    • reprintings,
    • pic,
    • reenactments,
    • offprint,
    • re-enactment,
    • offprints,
    • mimeograph,
    • Reenactment,
    • transcription,
    • PICS,
    • transcriptions,
    • Spawning,
    • flimsies.

    second (noun)

    • runnersup,
    • runners-up.

    siamese (noun)

    • siamese.

    similarity (noun)

    • analog,
    • sameness,
    • resemblance,
    • imitation,
    • similarity,
    • likeness,
    • closeness,
    • alikeness,
    • analogy.

    something exactly like another (noun)

    • corollary,
    • Siamese Twin,
    • doppelganger,
    • identical twin,
    • coordinate,
    • fraternal twin.

    spitting image (noun)

    • very images,
    • living pictures,
    • exact duplicates,
    • exact likenesses,
    • exact counterparts,
    • eidetic images,
    • picture ofs,
    • living images,
    • spitting-image,
    • image ofs.

    twin (noun)

    • twin falls.

    two (noun)

    • bi-furcation,
    • twains,
    • bilateralities,
    • bi-lateralities,
    • bi furcations,
    • bi furcation,
    • bi lateralities,
    • bi-laterality,
    • diremptions,
    • bi laterality,
    • bi-furcations,
    • duplexities.
  • v.

    body (verb)

    • twin.

    Other relevant words: (verb)

    • tally,
    • have,
    • agree,
    • fit,
    • match,
    • jibe,
    • give birth,
    • join,
    • gibe,
    • correspond,
    • grow,
    • birth,
    • bear,
    • bring together,
    • deliver,
    • check.

    pair (verb)

    • matching up,
    • pairs up,
    • paired up,
    • paired off,
    • pairs off,
    • matches up,
    • pairing up.
  • Other synonyms:

    • propeller.

    • redouble.

    Other relevant words:

    • twinning,
    • pair,
    • match up,
    • Teaming,
    • twinned,
    • pair off,
    • Bracketing,
    • pair up,
    • matched up,
    • Teamed,
    • Bracketed,
    • pairing off.

How to use «Twin» in context?

There’s no denying that twinning is one of the world’s most unique and Connected phenomena. Twins are born with a Unique connection between them that strengthens over time, creating an incredibly close bond. Twins share everything from their thoughts to their dreams, and from their emotions to their laughter. They rely on each other for support, comfort and connection, and Twins are often quite uncommon.Though there is no one answer to the question of why twins form a Unique bond, there are a few theories. Some say that twinning is simply the result of a random event, while others speculate that twins are especially designed to connect closely with each other.

Paraphrases for Twin:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
      two-fold, two-pronged.
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Adjective
      twinned, twin-track.
    • Proper noun, singular
    • Noun, plural
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      double, identical, indivisible, inseparable, interrelated, parallel, simultaneous, sister, twice, two-faced, twofold, Duplicated, double-dip, two-part, two-track, two-tiered, two-factor, two-tier, double-track, dual-track.
    • Proper noun, singular
    • Noun, singular or mass

Hyponym for Twin:

  • n.

    • person
      sib, sibling.
  • v.

    • body
      birth, bear, deliver, have, give birth.
    • change
    • stative
      correspond, check, tally, jibe, gibe, agree, match, fit.

Word of the Day

bow 1

twist tie,

Nearby words

  • twilled linen
  • twilled lining
  • twills
  • Twilt
  • TWIM
  • Twin
  • ‘tween decks
  • (take) offence
  • (that’s a) good question
  • (the) best of luck
  • (the) more fool you/him/her etc.


  • TWIN synonyms at
  • TWIN synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — TWIN synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of TWIN
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for TWIN


      n   clone, corollary, counterpart, double, duplicate, fellow, likeness, lookalike, match, mate, ringer     (slang)  

      adj   corresponding, double, dual, duplicate, geminate, identical, matched, matching, paired, parallel, twofold  

      vb   couple, join, link, match, pair, yoke  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( twins    plural & 3rd person present)   ( twinning    present participle)   ( twinned    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-count   If two people are twins, they have the same mother and were born on the same day.  
oft N n  
Sarah was looking after the twins…, She had a twin brother and a younger brother.     

2       adj   Twin is used to describe a pair of things that look the same and are close together.  
ADJ n  
…the twin spires of the cathedral., …the world’s largest twin-engined aircraft.     

3       adj   Twin is used to describe two things or ideas that are similar or connected in some way.  
ADJ n  
…the twin concepts of liberty and equality…     

4       verb   When a place or organization in one country is twinnedwith a place or organization in another country, a special relationship is formally established between them.  
  (BRIT)   usu passive  
Five Polish banks are to be twinned with counterparts in Western Europe…      be V-ed with n  
The borough is twinned with Kasel in Germany.      V-ed  

5       adj   Twin towns or cities are twinned with each other.  
  (BRIT)   ADJ n  
This led Zagreb’s twin town, Mainz, to donate £70,000-worth of high-quality equipment.     
in AM, use sister cities     

  identical twin  

  Siamese twin  

conjoined twin     ( conjoined twins    plural  ) Conjoined twins are twins who are born with their bodies joined.      n-count  

identical twin        ( identical twins    plural  ) Identical twins are twins of the same sex who look exactly the same.      n-count   usu pl  

Siamese twin     ( Siamese twins    plural  ) Siamese twins are twins who are born with their bodies joined.      n-count  

twin bed        ( twin beds    plural  ) Twin beds are two single beds in one bedroom.      n-count   usu pl  

twin-bedded      , twin bedded  
A twin-bedded room, for example in a hotel, has two single beds.  
  (mainly BRIT)      adj   ADJ n  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary.

as in dual

consisting of two members or parts that are usually joined

a twin-cylinder engine

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in half

either of a pair matched in one or more qualities

I’ve found one sock but can’t find its twin

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in image

something or someone that strongly resembles another

some of these people who think that they’re a given movie star’s twin are kidding themselves

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

Thesaurus Entries Near twin

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“Twin.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 2 May. 2023.


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Rhymes with Twin

  • verduin
  • kyoung-min
  • yan-bin
  • wherein
  • violin
  • vanryn
  • mcquinn
  • mcminn
  • mclinn
  • mclin
  • mcglynn
  • mcglinn
  • glavine
  • eldwin
  • chang-hsin
  • chagrin
  • bongjin
  • yalin
  • within
  • therein
  • o’quinn
  • oguinn
  • o’guinn
  • oflynn
  • o’flynn
  • mcguinn
  • mcginn
  • levin
  • laminne
  • kaylynn

Sentences with twin

Quotes about twin

3. twin

adjective. [‘ˈtwɪn’] being two identical.


  • twinn (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

4. twin

noun. [‘ˈtwɪn’] a duplicate copy.


  • twinn (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

7. twin

verb. [‘ˈtwɪn’] give birth to twins.


  • twinn (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

9. twin

verb. [‘ˈtwɪn’] grow as twins.


  • twinn (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

10. twin

verb. [‘ˈtwɪn’] duplicate or match.


  • twinn (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

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