Try синонимы на английском



1    aim, attempt, bend over backwards     (informal)   break one’s neck     (informal)   bust a gut     (informal)   do one’s best, do one’s damnedest     (informal)   endeavour, essay, exert oneself, give it one’s all     (informal)   give it one’s best shot     (informal)   go for broke     (slang)   go for it     (informal)   have a crack     (informal)   have a go, have a shot     (informal)   have a stab     (informal)   have a whack     (informal)   knock oneself out     (informal)   make an all-out effort     (informal)   make an attempt, make an effort, move heaven and earth, rupture oneself     (informal)   seek, strive, struggle, undertake  

2    appraise, check out, evaluate, examine, experiment, inspect, investigate, prove, put to the test, sample, taste, test  

3    afflict, annoy, inconvenience, irk, irritate, pain, plague, strain, stress, tax, tire, trouble, upset, vex, weary  

4    adjudge, adjudicate, examine, hear  

5    attempt, crack     (informal)   effort, endeavour, essay, go     (informal)   shot     (informal)   stab     (informal)   whack     (informal)  

6    appraisal, evaluation, experiment, inspection, sample, taste, test, trial  

try out     
appraise, check out, evaluate, experiment with, inspect, put into practice, put to the test, sample, taste, test  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( tries    plural & 3rd person present)   ( trying    present participle)   ( tried    past tense & past participle  )

1       verb   If you try to do something, you want to do it, and you take action which you hope will help you to do it.  
He secretly tried to block her advancement in the Party…      V to-inf  
Does it annoy you if others do things less well than you would, or don’t seem to try hard enough?…      V adv  
I tried calling him when I got here but he wasn’t at home…      V -ing  
No matter how bad you feel, keep trying.      V  
      Try is also a noun., n-count  
It wasn’t that she’d really expected to get any money out of him; it had just seemed worth a try…     

2       verb   To tryand do something means to try to do it.  
INFORMAL   I must try and see him.      V and inf  

3       verb   If you try for something, you make an effort to get it or achieve it.  
My partner and I have been trying for a baby for two years…      V for n  
He said he was going to try for first place next year.      V for n  

4       verb   If you try something new or different, you use it, do it, or experience it in order to discover its qualities or effects.  
It’s best not to try a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion…      V n  
I have tried painting the young shoots with weed poisoner, but this does not kill them off.      V -ing  
      Try is also a noun., n-count   usu sing  
If you’re still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to trust us and give it a try.     

5       verb   If you try a particular place or person, you go to that place or person because you think that they may be able to provide you with what you want.  
Have you tried the local music shops?      V n  

6       verb   If you try a door or window, you try to open it.  
Bob tried the door. To his surprise it opened.      V n  

7       verb   When a person is tried, he or she has to appear in a law court and is found innocent or guilty after the judge and jury have heard the evidence. When a legal case is tried, it is considered in a court of law.  
He suggested that those responsible should be tried for crimes against humanity…      be V-ed for n  
Whether he is innocent or guilty is a decision that will be made when the case is tried in court…      be V-ed  
The military court which tried him excluded two of his lawyers…      V n  

8       n-count   In the game of rugby, a try is the action of scoring by putting the ball down behind the goal line of the opposing team.  
The French, who led 21-3 at half time, scored eight tries.     

10    If you say that something fails but not for want of trying or not for lack of trying, you mean that everything possible was done to make it succeed.  

for want of trying/for lack of trying      phrase   with neg, it v-link PHR, PHR with cl  
Not all is perfect, but it isn’t for want of trying.     

  to try your best  


  to try your hand  


  to try your luck  


  to try someone’s patience  

try on  

1       phrasal verb   If you try on a piece of clothing, you put it on to see if it fits you or if it looks nice.  
Try on clothing and shoes to make sure they fit.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

2       phrasal verb   If you say that a person is trying it on, you mean that they are trying to obtain something or to impress someone, often in a slightly dishonest way and without much hope of success.  
INFORMAL   usu cont  
They’re just trying it on<endash>I don’t believe they’ll go this far.      V it P, Also V it P with n   try out      phrasal verb   If you try something out, you test it in order to find out how useful or effective it is or what it is like.  
She knew I wanted to try the boat out at the weekend…      V n P  
London Transport hopes to try out the system in September.      V P n (not pron)  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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to try to judge something without calculating

Sentence: I always try estimating how much I will spend before going shopping.

picky eater


someone who is picky about food, doesn’t want to try new foods



The practice of restricting the amount of food a person eats (self-imposed starvation seen with anorexia nervosa) in order to consume greater amounts of alcohol or of purging (as seen with bulimia nervosa) to try to reduce caloric intake to offset the calories consumed in alcohol.

[Med.] «Drunkorexic» behaviors most often stem from the fear of weight gain from alcohol.



the complete opposite of a sugar daddy, one who tries, but is broke and fronting.

[Slang] salty mama



Someone (usually a young man) who tries unsuccessfully to be funny by making lame jokes and doing stupid things

US English, colloquial

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  • Определения слова try

    • помета. пытаться, делать попытку; пробовать, стараться
    • испытывать, подвергать испытанию; проверять на опыте
    • пробоваться (на роль), бороться (за место в спортивной команде), пытаться получить (работу)
    • мучить, раздражать; утомлять, удручать
    • очищать (вещество)
    • вытапливать (жир)
    • пробовать, отведывать
    • различать, отличать
    • проводить расследование; выяснять обстоятельства дела
    • испытывать (что-либо на себе), подвергаться (чему-либо)

Синонимы к слову try

    • aim
    • appraise
    • attempt
    • bash
    • check out
    • crack
    • effort
    • endeavor
    • evaluate
    • experiment with
    • give it a go
    • go
    • have a go
    • hear
    • judge
    • make an effort
    • put on trial
    • sample
    • seek
    • shot
    • stab
    • strive
    • struggle
    • take a crack at
    • take to court
    • taste
    • test
    • undertake

Похожие слова на try

    • try
    • trying
    • tryings
    • tryout
    • tryout’s
    • tryouts
    • tryst
    • tryst’s
    • trysted
    • trysting
    • trysts

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. trynoun

    To attempt. Followed by infinitive.

    I gave unicycling a try but I couldn’t do it.

    attempt, whirl, stab, bash, go

  2. trynoun

    To separate (precious metal etc.) from the ore by melting; to purify, refine.

    I gave sushi a try but I didn’t like it.

    sampling, tasting, taste

  3. tryverb

    A score in rugby, analogous to a touchdown in American football.

    Today I scored my first try.


  4. tryverb

    To taste, sample, etc.

    Try this—you’ll love it.

    sample, taste

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. try

    Castigate and chastise refer strictly to corporal punishment, tho both are somewhat archaic; correct and punish are often used as euphemisms in preference to either. Punish is distinctly retributive in sense; chastise, partly retributive, and partly corrective; chasten, wholly corrective. Chasten is used exclusively in the spiritual sense, and chiefly of the visitation of God.

    afflict, castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, discipline, humble, punish, purify, refine, soften, subdue

    «We are chastened of the Lord,» 1 Cor. xi, 32; «they … chastened us after their own pleasure, but He for our profit,» Heb. xii, 10; «chasten in thy hot displeasure,» Ps. iv, 7; chasten with pain; by trials and sorrows.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. try

    attempt, endeavor, strive, aim, examine, test, sound, gauge, probe, fathom

    ignore, pretermit, reject, abandon, discard, misexamine, misinvestigate

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, tryverb

    earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something

    «made an effort to cover all the reading material»; «wished him luck in his endeavor»; «she gave it a good try»

    attempt, endeavour, elbow grease, travail, exploit, feat, drive, effort, movement, campaign, sweat, attack, cause, enterprise, crusade, exertion, endeavor

  2. try, seek, attempt, essay, assayverb

    make an effort or attempt

    «He tried to shake off his fears»; «The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps»; «The police attempted to stop the thief»; «He sought to improve himself»; «She always seeks to do good in the world»

    attempt, examine, search, stress, adjudicate, strain, essay, seek, look for, assay, try out, prove, test, try on, taste, hear, set about, undertake, sample, judge, render

  3. test, prove, try, try out, examine, essayverb

    put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to

    «This approach has been tried with good results»; «Test this recipe»

    audition, rise, analyze, leaven, sample, show, testify, establish, test, evidence, try out, study, examine, see, seek, try on, probe, quiz, attempt, essay, raise, adjudicate, render, prove, shew, judge, screen, taste, turn out, demonstrate, turn up, experiment, strain, analyse, stress, hear, canvass, assay, canvas, bear witness

  4. judge, adjudicate, tryverb

    put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of

    «The football star was tried for the murder of his wife»; «The judge tried both father and son in separate trials»

    attempt, examine, guess, pass judgment, stress, adjudicate, strain, essay, gauge, test, label, settle, assay, try out, prove, estimate, resolve, taste, pronounce, hear, evaluate, approximate, sample, judge, render, try on, seek, decide

  5. sample, try, try out, tasteverb

    take a sample of

    «Try these new crackers»; «Sample the regional dishes»

    attempt, examine, stress, adjudicate, strain, audition, essay, seek, savour, assay, taste, prove, test, try on, smack, hear, experiment, try out, sample, judge, render, savor

  6. hear, tryverb

    examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process

    «The jury had heard all the evidence»; «The case will be tried in California»

    attempt, take heed, stress, try out, strain, get wind, essay, seek, get word, hear, listen, learn, get a line, prove, test, try on, taste, assay, find out, discover, examine, pick up, adjudicate, sample, judge, render, see

  7. tryverb

    give pain or trouble to

    «I’ve been sorely tried by these students»

    attempt, examine, stress, adjudicate, strain, essay, seek, assay, try out, prove, test, try on, taste, hear, sample, judge, render

  8. try, strain, stressverb

    test the limits of

    «You are trying my patience!»

    punctuate, strive, tense up, deform, sample, essay, filter out, test, try out, sift, reach, sieve, puree, examine, extend, seek, try on, filter, accentuate, separate out, strain, adjudicate, render, prove, emphasise, distort, judge, taste, filtrate, attempt, accent, tense, stress, hear, assay, emphasize

  9. try, renderverb

    melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities

    «try the yak butter»; «render fat in a casserole»

    supply, hand over, sample, essay, return, depict, test, deliver, try out, fork over, fork up, show, examine, picture, stress, seek, try on, give, attempt, turn in, strain, adjudicate, render, provide, prove, judge, yield, taste, fork out, furnish, translate, generate, interpret, hear, assay, submit

  10. try on, tryverb

    put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice

    «Try on this sweater to see how it looks»

    attempt, examine, stress, adjudicate, strain, essay, seek, assay, taste, prove, test, try on, hear, try out, sample, judge, render

Matched Categories

    • Afflict
    • Cooking
    • Decide
    • Examine
    • Ingest
    • Melt
    • Pain
    • Wear

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. attemp

    to do something

    «he will try to make that jump at 2:00 o clock

    Submitted by JP03 on October 26, 2014  

  2. attempt

    you try to do something you attempt

    Submitted by anonymous on January 19, 2021  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. tryverb

    examine, test, prove, make experiment of, make trial of, put to the test, put to proof

  2. tryverb

    experience, have knowledge of (by trial)

  3. tryverb

    attempt, essay

  4. tryverb

    hear, examine judicially

  5. tryverb

    attempt, endeavor, strive, aim, seek, make an effort, make essay, do one’s best, do all that in one lies, strain every nerve, leave no stone unturned

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. trynoun

    attempt, essay, trial, experiment, trial

  2. tryverb

    test, examine, prove, attempt, essay, endeavor, purify, refine, hear, adjudicate, adjudge, strive, seek, strain

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «try»:

    attempt, seek, endeavour, strive, prosecute, tempt, test, judge, attempting, ytl

Suggested Resources

  1. TRY

    What does TRY stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the TRY acronym on the website.

How to pronounce try?

How to say try in sign language?

How to use try in a sentence?

  1. Ben Burville:

    Theyre very clever animals, they will try and prise the diving gear off my head — but they know the difference between what is gear and what is my face. They wouldnt dig their flippers into my face.

  2. Nien Boots:

    Other residents are in need of social interaction. They will sit down with you at the terrace or try to talk with you on the street, everybody gets a bit lonely sometimes.

  3. Czech Lucie Safarova:

    It’s first time for me, so it’s kind of new, i mean, Serena is number one in the world, a great player. I will just go there and play my game and obviously try to get the trophy.

  4. David Solomon:

    I can’t tell you what the world’s going to look like in six months. If the world looks more difficult, we’ll adjust accordingly. We always try to be extremely nimble in how we think about these things.

  5. Kamran Ansari:

    The company is not flashy and doesn’t try to generate a lot of buzz or press for every little thing it does, it doesn’t get some of the notoriety, but I think the term that comes to mind is : built to last.

Translations for try

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • drieAfrikaans
  • حاولArabic
  • старáцца, паспрабава́ць, спрабава́ць, пастара́ццаBelarusian
  • постаравам се, пробвам, опитвамBulgarian
  • চেষ্টা করাBengali
  • provar, jutjar, intentar, esforçar-se, tractar de, assaig, tastarCatalan, Valencian
  • zkusit, zkoušet, pokoušet se, pokusit seCzech
  • cais, profi, ceisioWelsh
  • afprøve, prøve, forsøge, testeDanish
  • versuchen, Versuch, probieren, Gericht, Prozess, kosten, AnlaufGerman
  • απόπειρα, δοκιμάζω, δικάζω, προσπαθώ, πειραματίζομαιGreek
  • provi, gustumi, testi, procesi, prilaboriEsperanto
  • try, juzgar, tratar, probar, ensayo, intentar, prueba, intentoSpanish
  • proovima, üritamaEstonian
  • آزمودن, چشیدن, کوشیدن, پژوهیدن, چشش, کوششPersian
  • kokeilu, maistelu, yrittää, syyttää, kokeilla, koettaa, maistaminenFinnish
  • essayer, tester, s’efforcer, tenter, traduire en justice, tentative, essai, tâcher, goûterFrench
  • tástáilIrish
  • feuch, feuchainnScottish Gaelic
  • השתדל, ניסהHebrew
  • कोशिश करनाHindi
  • próbálja megHungarian
  • փորձ, փորձել, փորձարկել, աշխատելArmenian
  • mencoba, mencobai, mencicipiIndonesian
  • esforcarIdo
  • tentare, assaggiare, cercare, meta, prova, tentativo, provareItalian
  • 試み, 挑戦する, 試みる, 裁判に掛ける, やってみる, 試す, 努める, トライJapanese
  • სინჯვა, ლელო, დაგემოვნება, ცდაGeorgian
  • هه‌وڵ, هه‌وڵ دان, تام کردن, تام, ئیش له‌سه‌رکردن, تاقی کردنKurdish
  • conor, experiorLatin
  • mēģinātLatvian
  • cubaan, cubaMalay
  • forsøkNorwegian
  • toetsen, proberen, proeven, uitproberen, berechten, pogen, trachtenDutch
  • forsøkNorwegian Nynorsk
  • stille for retten, forsøke, prøveNorwegian
  • próbować, starać się, próbaPolish
  • tentar, prova, teste, experimentar, testar, acionar, esforçar-se, autuar, processar, ensaio, tentativa, tryPortuguese
  • llaqwayQuechua
  • pruver, pruar, empruvar, provarRomansh
  • probă, testa, probare, încercare, tentativă, experimentare, strădui, încerca, se forța, gusta, judecaRomanian
  • пыта́ться, стара́ться, попро́бовать, про́бовать, про́ба, попыта́ться, постара́ться, испыта́ть, суди́ть, испы́тывать, попы́ткаRussian
  • pokušaj, pokušati, proba, probati, kušati, isprobatiSerbo-Croatian
  • pokúsiť sa, pokúšať saSlovak
  • prova, testa, försöka, chans, försökSwedish
  • ప్రయత్నించండిTelugu
  • ลอง, พยายามThai
  • teşebbüs etmek, denemekTurkish
  • стара́тися, про́бувати, намага́тисяUkrainian
  • cố gắngVietnamese
  • steifülönVolapük

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  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for try?

  • shot
  • bid
  • crack
  • dab
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • essay
  • fling
  • go
  • jab
  • pop
  • slap
  • stab
  • striving
  • struggle
  • trial
  • undertaking
  • whack
  • whirl
  • all one’s got
  • best shot
  • attack
  • seek
  • struggle
  • work
  • aim
  • aspire
  • compete
  • contend
  • contest
  • endeavor
  • essay
  • labor
  • propose
  • risk
  • speculate
  • strive
  • tackle
  • undertake
  • venture
  • wrangle
  • bear down
  • chip away at
  • do one’s best
  • drive for
  • exert oneself
  • go after
  • go all out
  • go for
  • have a crack
  • have a go
  • have a shot
  • have a stab
  • have a whack
  • knock oneself out
  • lift a finger
  • make a bid
  • make an attempt
  • make an effort
  • make a pass at
  • put oneself out
  • shoot for
  • vie for
  • investigate
  • prove
  • appraise
  • assay
  • check
  • evaluate
  • examine
  • inspect
  • judge
  • sample
  • scrutinize
  • taste
  • weigh
  • check out
  • put to the proof
  • put to the test
  • try out
  • agonize
  • annoy
  • crucify
  • distress
  • excruciate
  • harass
  • inconvenience
  • irk
  • irritate
  • martyr
  • pain
  • plague
  • rack
  • strain
  • stress
  • tax
  • tire
  • torment
  • torture
  • trouble
  • upset
  • vex
  • weary
  • wring
  • decide
  • hear
  • adjudge
  • adjudicate
  • arbitrate
  • examine
  • judge
  • referee
  • give a hearing
  • sit in judgment

On this page you’ll find 276 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to try, such as: shot, bid, crack, dab, effort, and endeavor.

  • idle
  • laze
  • rest
  • surrender
  • abstain
  • agree
  • forget
  • give in
  • give up
  • ignore
  • neglect
  • delight
  • please
  • ignore
  • neglect
  • abstain
  • delight
  • please
  • activate
  • aid
  • assist
  • assuage
  • calm
  • delight
  • energize
  • help
  • make happy
  • please
  • soothe
  • abstain
  • abstain
  • delight
  • please

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use try in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • apply oneself to
  • attend to
  • concentrate on
  • devote oneself to
  • dig
  • direct
  • engage in
  • focus on
  • give
  • go at
  • go for
  • hammer away
  • have a go at
  • have at
  • knuckle down to
  • peg away
  • pitch into
  • plug away at
  • take care of
  • take up
  • throw oneself into
  • try
  • turn
  • turn to
  • undertake
  • applied oneself to
  • attended to
  • concentrated on
  • devoted oneself to
  • directed
  • dug
  • engaged in
  • focused on
  • gave
  • had a go at
  • had at
  • hammered away
  • knuckled down to
  • pegged away
  • pitch into
  • plugged away at
  • threw oneself into
  • took care of
  • took up
  • tried
  • turned
  • turned to
  • undertook
  • went at
  • went for
  • applies oneself to
  • attends to
  • concentrates on
  • devotes oneself to
  • digs
  • directs
  • engages in
  • focuses on
  • gives
  • goes at
  • goes for
  • hammers away
  • has a go at
  • has at
  • knuckles down to
  • pegs away
  • pitch into
  • plugs away at
  • takes care of
  • takes up
  • throws oneself into
  • tries
  • turns
  • turns to
  • undertakes
  • agonize
  • annoy
  • beset
  • bother
  • burden
  • crucify
  • distress
  • grieve
  • harass
  • harrow
  • harry
  • irk
  • lacerate
  • martyr
  • oppress
  • pain
  • pester
  • plague
  • press
  • rack
  • smite
  • strike
  • torment
  • torture
  • trouble
  • try
  • vex
  • worry
  • wound
  • agonizes
  • annoys
  • besets
  • bothers
  • burdens
  • crucifies
  • distresses
  • grieves
  • harasses
  • harries
  • harrows
  • irks
  • lacerates
  • martyrs
  • oppresses
  • pains
  • pesters
  • plagues
  • presses
  • racks
  • smites
  • strikes
  • torments
  • tortures
  • tries
  • troubles
  • vexes
  • winds
  • worries
  • afflict
  • bleed
  • carry on
  • crucify
  • distress
  • disturb
  • eat heart out
  • excruciate
  • harrow
  • hurt
  • labor
  • lament
  • martyr
  • pain
  • rack
  • sing the blues
  • squirm
  • stew over
  • strain
  • strive
  • struggle
  • take it badly
  • torment
  • torture
  • try
  • wince
  • worry
  • writhe

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

How does the verb try differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of try are attempt, endeavor, essay, and strive. While all these words mean «to make an effort to accomplish an end,» try is often close to attempt but may stress effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something.

tried to determine which was the better procedure

When can attempt be used instead of try?

In some situations, the words attempt and try are roughly equivalent. However, attempt stresses the initiation or beginning of an effort.

will attempt to photograph the rare bird

Where would endeavor be a reasonable alternative to try?

The synonyms endeavor and try are sometimes interchangeable, but endeavor heightens the implications of exertion and difficulty.

endeavored to find crash survivors in the mountains

When is essay a more appropriate choice than try?

The words essay and try can be used in similar contexts, but essay implies difficulty but also suggests tentative trying or experimenting.

will essay a dramatic role for the first time

When is it sensible to use strive instead of try?

While the synonyms strive and try are close in meaning, strive implies great exertion against great difficulty and specifically suggests persistent effort.

continues to strive for peace

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