To the point синоним


  • as inaphoristic
  • as inapplicable
  • as inbrass-tacks
  • as inbrief
  • as incompact
  • as indead-on
  • as inepigrammatical
  • as ingermane
  • as inmarrowy
  • as inpat
  • as inpertinent
  • as inrelevant
  • as inright on
  • as interse
  • as inthumbnail
  • as intrenchant
  • germane
  • pertinent
  • relevant
  • suitable
  • suited
  • useful
  • applicative
  • applicatory
  • apposite
  • apropos
  • apt
  • associable
  • befitting
  • felicitous
  • fit
  • fitting
  • kosher
  • legit
  • material
  • on-target
  • on the button
  • on the nose
  • right on
  • that’s the idea
  • that’s the ticket
  • to the purpose
  • basic
  • compact
  • marrowy
  • practical
  • to-the-point
  • useful
  • abrupt
  • blunt
  • concise
  • pithy
  • succinct
  • terse
  • bluff
  • crisp
  • limited
  • little
  • sharp
  • small
  • boiled down
  • breviloquent
  • brusque
  • compendiary
  • compendious
  • curt
  • hasty
  • laconic
  • short and sweet
  • skimpy
  • snippy
  • surly
  • pointed
  • boiled down
  • compendious
  • concise
  • epigrammatic
  • in a nutshell
  • laconic
  • make a long story short
  • marrowy
  • meaty
  • pithy
  • short and sweet
  • succinct
  • terse
  • accurate
  • precise
  • absolutely right
  • by the book
  • dead-center
  • definite
  • direct
  • exact
  • on the button
  • on the mark
  • on the money
  • on the nose
  • pinpoint
  • unerring
  • very accurate
  • aphoristic
  • compact
  • concise
  • crisp
  • epigrammatic
  • piquant
  • pointed
  • succinct
  • terse
  • witty
  • applicable
  • apropos
  • apt
  • pertinent
  • relevant
  • ad rem
  • akin
  • allied
  • applicative
  • applicatory
  • apposite
  • cognate
  • connected
  • fitting
  • kindred
  • kosher
  • legit
  • material
  • on-target
  • on the button
  • on the nose
  • proper
  • related
  • relating
  • right on
  • suitable
  • that’s the ticket
  • to the purpose
  • aphoristic
  • cogent
  • compact
  • concise
  • crisp
  • curt
  • down to brass tacks
  • effective
  • epigrammatic
  • epigrammatical
  • expressive
  • honed
  • laconic
  • meaningful
  • meaty
  • pointed
  • short
  • short-and-sweet
  • significant
  • succinct
  • terse
  • trenchant
  • fitting
  • rehearsed
  • apposite
  • apropos
  • apt
  • auspicious
  • felicitous
  • happy
  • neat
  • opportune
  • pertinent
  • propitious
  • timely
  • admissible
  • applicable
  • appropriate
  • germane
  • opportune
  • related
  • ad rem
  • apposite
  • apropos
  • apt
  • connected
  • fit
  • fitting
  • kosher
  • legit
  • material
  • on-target
  • on the button
  • on the nose
  • pat
  • pertaining
  • proper
  • right on
  • to the purpose
  • admissible
  • applicable
  • compatible
  • consistent
  • germane
  • important
  • pertinent
  • proper
  • related
  • significant
  • suitable
  • suited
  • accordant
  • ad rem
  • allowable
  • applicatory
  • apposite
  • appurtenant
  • apt
  • becoming
  • cognate
  • concerning
  • conformant
  • conforming
  • congruent
  • congruous
  • consonant
  • correlated
  • correspondent
  • fit
  • fitting
  • harmonious
  • having direct bearing on
  • having to do with
  • material
  • on the button
  • on the nose
  • pat
  • pertaining to
  • pointful
  • referring
  • relative
  • right-on
  • weighty
  • absolutely right
  • correct
  • true
  • right
  • current
  • relevant
  • sophisticated
  • up-to-date
  • brusque
  • concise
  • cryptic
  • curt
  • elliptical
  • incisive
  • laconic
  • pithy
  • precise
  • succinct
  • trenchant
  • abrupt
  • aphoristic
  • boiled down
  • breviloquent
  • clear-cut
  • clipped
  • close
  • compact
  • compendiary
  • compendious
  • condensed
  • crisp
  • cut to the bone
  • epigrammatic
  • exact
  • gnomic
  • in a nutshell
  • lean
  • neat
  • pointed
  • sententious
  • short and sweet
  • snappy
  • summary
  • taut
  • brief
  • compact
  • short
  • summary
  • abbreviated
  • abridged
  • concise
  • contracted
  • curtailed
  • epigrammatic
  • short and sweet
  • succinct
  • truncated
  • acerbic
  • biting
  • caustic
  • incisive
  • mordant
  • penetrating
  • pointed
  • pungent
  • salient
  • unsparing
  • acid
  • acidulous
  • acute
  • astringent
  • clear
  • clear-cut
  • crisp
  • critical
  • crushing
  • cutting
  • distinct
  • driving
  • dynamic
  • effective
  • effectual
  • emphatic
  • energetic
  • explicit
  • forceful
  • forcible
  • graphic
  • hurtful
  • impressive
  • intense
  • keen
  • piquant
  • potent
  • powerful
  • razor-sharp
  • salty
  • sardonic
  • sententious
  • severe
  • sharp
  • significant
  • strong
  • tart
  • unequivocal
  • vigorous
  • weighty
  • well-defined

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 451 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to to the point, such as: apothegmatic, compact, concise, crisp, epigrammatic, and epigrammatical.


Mine Your Memory For The Answers To This Cryptocurrency Terms Quiz


How to use to the point in a sentence

The straight-to-the-point question was an admission of defeat.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • apothegmatic
  • compact
  • concise
  • crisp
  • epigrammatic
  • epigrammatical
  • sententious
  • succinct
  • to the point
  • applicative
  • applicatory
  • apposite
  • apropos
  • apt
  • associable
  • befitting
  • felicitous
  • fit
  • fitting
  • germane
  • kosher
  • legit
  • material
  • on the button
  • on the nose
  • on-target
  • pertinent
  • relevant
  • right on
  • suitable
  • suited
  • that’s the idea
  • that’s the ticket
  • to the point
  • to the purpose
  • useful
  • basic
  • compact
  • marrowy
  • practical
  • to the point
  • useful
  • boiled down
  • compendious
  • concise
  • epigrammatic
  • in a nutshell
  • laconic
  • make a long story short
  • marrowy
  • meaty
  • pithy
  • pointed
  • short and sweet
  • succinct
  • terse
  • to the point
  • absolutely right
  • accurate
  • by the book
  • dead-center
  • definite
  • direct
  • exact
  • on the button
  • on the mark
  • on the money
  • on the nose
  • pinpoint
  • precise
  • to the point
  • unerring
  • very accurate

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

  • NEXT



1    dot, full stop, mark, period, speck, stop  

2    location, place, position, site, spot, stage, station  

3    apex, end, nib, prong, sharp end, spike, spur, summit, tine, tip, top  

4    bill, cape, foreland, head, headland, ness     (archaic)   promontory  

5    circumstance, condition, degree, extent, position, stage  

6    instant, juncture, moment, time, very minute  

7    aim, design, end, goal, intent, intention, motive, object, objective, purpose, reason, use, usefulness, utility  

8    burden, core, crux, drift, essence, gist, heart, import, main idea, marrow, matter, meaning, nub, pith, proposition, question, subject, text, theme, thrust  

9    aspect, detail, facet, feature, instance, item, nicety, particular  

10    aspect, attribute, characteristic, peculiarity, property, quality, respect, side, trait  

12    beside the point      immaterial, incidental, inconsequential, irrelevant, not to the purpose, off the subject, out of the way, pointless, unimportant, without connection  

13    to the point      applicable, apposite, appropriate, apropos, apt, brief, fitting, germane, pertinent, pithy, pointed, relevant, short, suitable, terse  

14    bespeak, call attention to, denote, designate, direct, indicate, show, signify  

15    aim, bring to bear, direct, level, train  

16    barb, edge, sharpen, taper, whet  

beside the point     
extraneous, immaterial, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inconsequent, irrelevant, neither here nor there, unconnected  
   admissible, applicable, apposite, appropriate, appurtenant, apt, fitting, germane, pertinent, relevant, significant, to the point  


      adj   abrupt, blunt, categorical, direct, downright, explicit, express, plain, straight-from-the-shoulder, unreserved  

      adv   bluntly, brusquely, candidly, directly, explicitly, forthrightly, frankly, openly, overtly, plainly, straight, straightforwardly  

point of view  

1    angle, orientation, outlook, perspective, position, standpoint  

2    approach, attitude, belief, judgment, opinion, slant, view, viewpoint, way of looking at it  

point out     
allude to, bring up, call attention to, identify, indicate, mention, remind, reveal, show, specify  

point up     
accent, accentuate, emphasize, make clear, stress, underline  

strong point     
advantage, asset, forte, long suit     (informal)   métier, speciality, strength, strong suit  

turning point     
change, climacteric, crisis, critical moment, crossroads, crux, decisive moment, moment of decision, moment of truth  

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What is another word for to the point?

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[ tə ðə pˈɔ͡ɪnt], [ tə ðə pˈɔ‍ɪnt], [ t_ə ð_ə p_ˈɔɪ_n_t]

Related words: be concise, brevity, point, to the point book, concise definition, concise explanation, concise answer, concise info, concise definition

Related questions:

  • What does to the point mean?
  • What is a concise explanation?
  • What is a concise definition?
  • Does to the point mean to the point or short and to the point?
  • Table of Contents

    • adj.

      aphoristic (adjective)

      • apothegmatic.

      applicable (adjective)

      • apt,
      • useful,
      • befitting,
      • suitable,
      • right on,
      • felicitous,
      • fitting,
      • legit,
      • kosher,
      • apropos,
      • on the nose,
      • apposite,
      • suited.

      brass-tacks (adjective)

      • practical,
      • basic.

      brief (adjective)

      • little,
      • brusque,
      • small,
      • crisp,
      • hasty,
      • sharp,
      • short and sweet,
      • abrupt,
      • compendious,
      • boiled down,
      • surly,
      • laconic,
      • succinct,
      • concise,
      • curt,
      • skimpy,
      • blunt,
      • bluff,
      • snippy.

      compact (adjective)

      • pointed,
      • meaty.

      concise (adjective)

      • short,
      • incisive.

      dead-on (adjective)

      • direct,
      • on the money,
      • definite,
      • dead-center,
      • precise,
      • exact,
      • unerring,
      • by the book,
      • very accurate,
      • dead center,
      • accurate,
      • pinpoint,
      • absolutely right,
      • dead on,
      • on the mark.

      epigrammatical (adjective)

      • witty.

      germane (adjective)

      • related,
      • Relating,
      • kindred,
      • proper,
      • cognate,
      • connected,
      • akin,
      • allied,
      • applicable.

      marrowy (adjective)

      • expressive,
      • Honed,
      • cogent,
      • meaningful.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • property,
      • dead-on,
      • cut to bone,
      • Marrowy,
      • taut,
      • epigrammatic,
      • on the button,
      • in a nutshell,
      • trenchant,
      • relevant,
      • that’s the idea,
      • brief,
      • thumbnail,
      • to the purpose,
      • the purpose,
      • the point,
      • pertinent,
      • down to brass tacks,
      • on target,
      • short-and-sweet,
      • more fitting,
      • compact,
      • more suitable,
      • applicative,
      • ad rem,
      • germane,
      • brass-tacks,
      • make a long story short,
      • Epigrammatical,
      • associable,
      • limited,
      • briefly,
      • clear cut,
      • terse,
      • aphoristic,
      • gnomic,
      • breviloquent,
      • cut to the bone,
      • be fitting,
      • pat,
      • that’s the ticket,
      • applicatory,
      • compendiary.

      pat (adjective)

      • auspicious,
      • propitious,
      • neat,
      • timely,
      • Rehearsed.

      pertinent (adjective)

      • appropriate.

      relevant (adjective)

      • concerning,
      • allowable,
      • weighty,
      • logical,
      • congruous,
      • harmonious,
      • correlated,
      • be coming,
      • correspondent,
      • conformant,
      • Referring,
      • congruent,
      • pointful,
      • consonant,
      • having to do with,
      • conforming,
      • having direct bearing on,
      • compatible,
      • consistent,
      • accordant,
      • important.

      terse (adjective)

      • cryptic,
      • snappy,
      • clear-cut,
      • lean.

      trenchant (adjective)

      • acid,
      • biting,
      • effectual,
      • forcible,
      • piquant,
      • powerful,
      • emphatic,
      • cutting,
      • forceful,
      • astringent,
      • keen,
      • penetrating,
      • critical,
      • intense,
      • impressive,
      • acute,
      • well-defined,
      • vigorous,
      • razor-sharp,
      • distinct,
      • potent,
      • crushing,
      • caustic,
      • driving,
      • dynamic,
      • effective,
      • graphic,
      • severe,
      • acidulous,
      • salty,
      • unsparing,
      • strong,
      • mordant,
      • energetic,
      • acerbic,
      • sardonic,
      • pungent,
      • tart,
      • hurtful.
    • Other synonyms:

      • salient,
      • fit together,
      • proportional,
      • relevance,
      • proportionate,
      • topical.

      • material,
      • significantly,
      • accordingly,
      • pithy.

      • live.

      • fit.

      • right.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • clipped,
      • admissible,
      • clear,
      • contracted,
      • meshing,
      • cut,
      • reserved,
      • condensed,
      • significant,
      • Curtailed,
      • suiting,
      • outright,
      • close,
      • Appertaining,
      • elliptical,
      • seasonable,
      • abridged,
      • sententious,
      • Distilled,
      • straightforward,
      • associated,
      • point,
      • Sortable,
      • qualified,
      • pruned,
      • express,
      • flat,
      • signal,
      • happy,
      • opportune,
      • unqualified,
      • uncompromising,
      • point-blank,
      • taciturn,
      • Dovetailing,
      • Pertaining,
      • adapted,
      • truncated,
      • unmistakable,
      • simply,
      • matter of fact,
      • tight,
      • unequivocal,
      • synopsized,
      • aposiopestic,
      • spartan,
      • concentrated,
      • likely,
      • Involving,
      • shortened,
      • geared,
      • tailored,
      • straight,
      • Fitted,
      • downright,
      • plainly,
      • naturally,
      • abbreviated,
      • above-board,
      • summary,
      • docked,
      • appurtenant,
      • elliptic,
      • plain,
      • matter-of-factly,
      • unaffectedly,
      • unmitigated,
      • categorical,
      • unalloyed,
      • Applying,
      • relative,
      • unreserved,
      • becoming,
      • unambiguous,
      • pertaining to,
      • compressed,
      • just right,
      • explicit,
      • belonging to,
      • belonging.

    How to use «To the point» in context?

    I always think that «to the point» is a great way to communicate. It cuts down on wasted words, which is always a good thing. Plus, when you communicate this way, people know that you are not wasting their time……

    ….and that is always a virtue, isn’t it? Plus, this style of communication is extremely quick and to the point. You can really get your point across in a hurry……

    …..which is great if you are someone who is always on the go. However, this type of communication can also be a bit difficult to understand. Some people might find it difficult to follow.

    Word of the Day

    bow 1

    twist tie,

    Nearby words

    • to the middle
    • to the middle of
    • to the north
    • to the nth degree
    • to the opposite side of
    • To the point
    • ‘tween decks
    • (take) offence
    • (that’s a) good question
    • (the) best of luck
    • (the) more fool you/him/her etc.


    • TO THE POINT synonyms at
    • TO THE POINT synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — TO THE POINT synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of TO THE POINT
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for TO THE POINT

    Synonym definition

    A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

    Antonym definition

    An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

    Use of synonyms and antonyms

    Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

    • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
    • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

    Examples of synonyms

    The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

    Examples of antonyms

    The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

    Use of

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    Photo search results for To the point

    Boy Standing Near Fence Pointing on the Sky Top view of miniature airplane placed on over gray world map with crop hand of anonymous person indicating direction representing travel concept Cheerful multiracial children in astronaut costumes standing on ladder in studio against yellow background and looking away Formal man with tablet giving presentation in office Serious female teacher wearing old fashioned dress and eyeglasses standing with book while pointing at chalkboard with schemes and looking at camera Photo Of Woman Tutoring Young Boy

    Image search results for To the point

    spurn point, groynes, waves nature, dandelion, macro club, auction, law heart, points, grid pointing, looking, back of head sea, seashore, water

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    Synonyms for To the point. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023.

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  • To step down синонимы
  • To start with синонимы
  • To stage синоним
  • To specify синонимы
  • To sort out синонимы