To send синонимы

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • send [send] гл sent, sent

    1. посылать, отправлять, передавать, отсылать, отправить, послать, прислать, выслать, присылать, высылать, отослать, передать, рассылать, разослать, пересылать, слать, переслать

      (email, submit, transmit, send out, dispatch, send us, expel, please send, pass, forward)

      • send a message – посылать сообщение
      • send parcels – отправлять посылки
      • send data – передавать данные
      • send home – отсылать домой
      • send a link – отправить ссылку
      • send a messenger – послать гонца
      • send reinforcements – прислать подкрепление
      • send photos – присылать фотографии
      • send spam – рассылать спам
      • send out invitations – разослать приглашения
      • send files – пересылать файлы
    2. направлять, направить


      • send a delegation – направить делегацию
    3. ниспослать


отправлять send, set off, send out, forward, transmit, send off
послать send
посылать send, dispatch, transmit, forward, despatch, refer
передавать pass, transmit, transfer, send, convey, communicate
присылать send
отсылать send, refer, send off, dispatch, relegate, bundle
рассылать send, send out, distribute
слать send
заслать send
засылать send
насылать send
бросать throw, cast, drop, quit, toss, send
ниспосылать send

Предложения со словом «send»

And they will then send this information up to our brain, and this is the moment when our brain knows, Oh, I have to go to the toilet.

Они посылают эту информацию в мозг, и именно в этот момент мозг узнаёт: О — о, мне нужно в туалет.

You can send big shipments to the shop, and people will go there, pick it up and take it home themselves.

В магазин можно отправлять крупные партии, а люди сами придут туда, заберут товар и увезут домой своими силами.

But since I do not have the 2,5 billion dollars to send my own robot to Mars, I study the most Martian place on Earth, the Atacama Desert.

Увы, так как у меня нет 2,5 миллиардов долларов, чтобы послать собственного робота на Марс, я изучаю самое «марсианское» место на Земле — пустыню Атака́ма.

I had to be part of the collective voice that wanted to send a clear message to the new president that we did not accept or condone his behavior or rhetoric during the election.

Я хотела быть частью коллективного голоса, который хотел передать ясное послание новому президенту, что мы не приняли и не забыли его поведение и заявления в ходе выборов.

We send the police only to the minority neighborhoods to look for crime.

Мы отправляем полицию только в окрестности меньшинств расследовать преступления.

They send a bunch of applications to jobs out, equally qualified but some have white-sounding names and some have black-sounding names.

Они рассылают заявки квалифицированных работников, и по их именам можно понять, белые они или чернокожие.

But you are not going to send your kids to school in a self-driving car with 90 percent accuracy, even with 99 percent.

Только не думаю, что вы отправите детей в школу на самоуправляемой машине с 90 — процентной точностью или даже с точностью в 99%.

We could help the poor with their paperwork or send them a text message to remind them to pay their bills.

Мы можем помочь беднякам с бумажной работой или отправлять им сообщения с напоминаниями об оплате счетов.

So it can deal with a certain amount of nastiness, and it can even understand that your nastiness, for example, you may take bribes as a passport official because you need to feed your family and send your kids to school.

Он может справиться с плохими поступками и даже понять, что вы поступаете плохо, например, берёте взятки, работая паспортистом, потому что вам нужно кормить семью и оплачивать обучение детей.

In fact, it’ll just help you send your kids to school.

По сути, это лишь помогает вам оплатить учёбу детей.

So imagine that you have a self-driving car and you want to send your five-year-old off to preschool.

Представьте, что у вас есть беспилотный автомобиль, и вы хотите отправить на нём своего пятилетнего сына в детский сад.

Personal information that we would then manually hand draw on a postcard-size sheet of paper that we would every week send from London to New York, where I live, and from New York to London, where she lives.

Всю эту личную информацию мы затем записывали от руки на листе бумаги, размером с открытку, и каждую неделю отправляли их по почте из Лондона в Нью — Йорк, где я жила, и из Нью — Йорка в Лондон, где жила она.

I send them the same two questions every single time.

Одни и те же два вопроса я отправляю им каждый раз.

Every candidate, I send them those questions.

Каждому кандидату я задаю одни и те же вопросы.

So suggestions, please, not right now, but send me an email if you’ve got an idea about what we can do with this amazing team of glorious losers.

Напишите мне письмо, если у вас есть идеи, что мы можем сделать с этой потрясающей командой лузеров.

Ninety-five percent of it goes to international relief agencies, that then have to import resources into these areas, and knit together some type of temporary health system, let’s say, which they then dismantle and send away when they run out of money.

95% от этой суммы получают международные агентства по оказанию помощи, они внедряют эти ресурсы в эти сферы, создают временные системы здравоохранения, которые затем ликвидируют, когда заканчиваются деньги.

You expend the energy it takes to open an e-mail, move the cursor to the no box, click, and send.

Это ведь не сложно открыть e — mail, переместить курсор на нет, нажать и отправить .

So what message does this send to both boys and girls?

Какое послание они несли своим детям: и девочкам, и мальчикам?

What if you could take your own natural body odor and send it to a lover?

Что, если бы вы могли взять запах своего тела и отослать любимому человеку?

We could send a message, for example.

Например, можно отправить сообщение.

We could send a message saying, This is how much pollution I’ve eaten recently, or, This is the kind of stuff that I’ve encountered, or, This is where I am.

Можно отправить смс, типа: Вот сколько отходов я недавно съел, или Я недавно столкнулся с такой штукой, или Вот где я.

That ability to send a message saying, This is where I am, is really, really important.

Способность написать сообщение Вот где я — самая, самая важная.

So in the 18th century, if Scotland wanted — and the Scots wanted several times — to break out of the control of London, the reaction of the government in London was to send an army up north to burn down Edinburgh and massacre the highland tribes.

Если в XVIII веке Шотландия захотела бы — а шотландцы не раз этого хотели — выйти из — под контроля Лондона, реакцией правительства в Лондоне была бы отправка армии на север с приказом сжечь Эдинбург дотла и вырезать племена Шотландского нагорья.

My guess is that if, in 2018, the Scots vote for independence, the London government will not send an army up north to burn down Edinburgh.

Готов предположить, что если в 2018 году шотландцы проголосуют на независимость, лондонское правительство не пошлёт армию на север, чтобы сжечь Эдинбург дотла.

Right now, if I send you an image, you can forward that to anyone that you want.

Сейчас ситуация такая: если я пошлю вам изображение, вы можете разослать его кому угодно.

This would tell you, you don’t have my permission to send this image out.

Тогда появилось бы сообщение, что у вас нет моего разрешения на это.

If you buy an e-book, you can’t just send it out to as many people as you want.

Если вы купите книгу в электронном виде, то вы не можете делиться ею со всеми.

But for those of you who did not, it’s a movie about an astronaut who is stranded on Mars, and his efforts to stay alive until the Earth can send a rescue mission to bring him back to Earth.

Для тех, кто не смотрел: это фильм об астронавте, который, будучи оставленным на Марсе, пытался выжить, пока ждал помощь с Земли.

They see the planet for us until we can send people.

С их помощью мы наблюдаем за планетой до тех пор, пока не сможем послать туда людей.

So before we send people, we send robots.

Прежде, чем мы отправим туда людей, мы отправляем роботов.

Our job, the job of this team, of which I’m a part of, is to send commands to the rover to tell it what to do the next day.

Наша работа, работа нашей команды, частью которой являюсь и я, в том, чтобы отправлять вездеходу команды, сообщать ему, что делать завтра.

Rather than being used for practice, mistakes, feedback and revision, we send the message that school is a performance zone.

Вместо места для проб и ошибок, обратной связи и пересмотра мы превращаем школу в зону действия.

So the fact that we not only see atmospheric escape on our own planet but we can study it elsewhere and send spacecraft allows us to learn about the past of planets but also about planets in general and Earth’s future.

По сути, мы не только видим планетарный ветер на нашей планете, но и можем изучать его в других местах, а запуск космических аппаратов позволит изучить прошлое планет, а также их будущее и будущее Земли.

Please, don’t send it.

Пожалуйста, не отправляйте .

Now, we send satellites to different orbits depending on what they’re needed for.

Мы посылаем спутники на различные орбиты в зависимости от их назначения.

One of the most common places we send satellites is the low Earth orbit, possibly to image the surface of Earth at up to about 2,000 kilometers altitude.

Одно из самых распространённых мест для засылки спутников — низкая околоземная орбита, то есть от поверхности Земли до высоты порядка 2 000 километров.

Another common place we send satellites is the geostationary orbit at about 35,000 kilometers altitude.

Следующее место засылки спутников — геостационарная орбита, её высота — около 35 000 километров.

Say you’re going to send me that smartphone by mail.

Скажем, вы собираетесь переслать мне смартфон по почте.

What if you don’t send me the smartphone?

Что, если вы не прислали мне мой смартфон?

Until we are, the mental suffering that we create in our sons and in our daughters when we send them off to fight can be alleviated.

И пока этого не произойдёт, психологические страдания, причиняемые нашим сыновьям и дочерям, когда мы отправляем их сражаться, могут быть смягчены.

I know that I have to give my family voice, and I do the only thing I know how: I send a Facebook message to everyone I know in media.

Я должна дать своей семье возможность высказаться, поэтому сделала то, что могла: я оповестила через Facebook всех своих знакомых из СМИ.

Let’s send our kids to American universities.

Давайте отправим наших детей в американские университеты!

In many digital health discussions, people believe in and embrace the idea that we can simply digitize the data, wirelessly transmit it, send it to the cloud, and in the cloud, we can extract meaningful information for interpretation.

Судя по дискуссиям на тему цифрового здравоохранения, люди верят и принимают идею того, что можно легко оцифровать данные, отправить их по беспроводной сети в облако, а в облаке извлечь важную информацию для расшифровки.

Aside from forging affidavits that send innocent men to jail.

Абстрагируясь от фальсифицированных показаний, которые послали невиновного человека в тюрьму

You promised Abraham you’d send him to his reward.

Ты обещал Эбрахаму, что вы воздадите ему по заслугам.

The funeral home wanted to send me her ashes.

Похоронное бюро хотело даже послать нам урну с ее прахом.

Send her bitterness and despair for all of her life.

Пошлите ее горечь и отчаяние на всю ее жизнь.

I say we send a message back to the hasslichen.

Я бы сказала, что мы шлём послание обратно страхомордам.

You must send for your Swiss mercenaries in Rome.

Вы должны отправиться за вашими швейцарскими наемниками в Риме.

Why don’t they use the kit we send them?

Почему они не используют набор, который мы послали им?

An errant swing might send me over the rail!

Ведь при качке я вполне могу вылететь за борт!

So we send a peace mission stirring into the ruins.

Поэтому мы послали группу с миссией мира на планету.

We send and get many greeting cards.

Мы посылаем и получаем много поздравительных открыток.

Then they send notification letters to the applicants.

Потом они рассылают уведомительные письма абитуриентам.

And with two children it’s a little easier: they can spend more time with those children, they can send them to better schools, because schools, of course, are expensive.

А с двумя детьми немного проще: они могут проводить больше времени с этими детьми, они могут отдать их в школы получше, поскольку обучение, безусловно, стоит дорого.

Just don’t send it to everyone in the office this time.

Только не отправь его всем в офисе на этот раз.

Boys, girls and grownups send valentines to their friends.

Мальчики , девочки и взрослые шлют открытки своим друзьям .

Wasn’t it nice of Mr. Steeple to send champagne?

Разве не приятно, что мистер Стипл прислал шампанского?

If you want to buy stamps, postcards, envelopes, to send a telegram or money order, to subscribe to newspapers or magazines, you have to go to the post-office.

Если вы хотите купить почтовые марки, открытки, кон­верты, послать телеграмму или сделать денежный перевод, подписаться на газеты или журналы, вам надо пойти на почту.

Yesterday, I had to send a parcel to my friend in another city.

Вчера мне надо было отослать посылку другу в другой город.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.5 / 2 votes

  1. send

    To send is to cause to go or pass from one place to another, and always in fact or thought away from the agent or agency that controls the act. Send in its most common use involves personal agency without personal presence; according to the adage, «If you want your business done, go; if not, send;» one sends a letter or a bullet, a messenger or a message. In all the derived uses this same idea controls; if one sends a ball into his own heart, the action is away from the directing hand, and he is viewed as the passive recipient of his own act; it is with an approach to personification that we speak of the bow sending the arrow, or the gun the shot. To despatch is to send hastily or very promptly, ordinarily with a destination in view; to dismiss is to send away from oneself without reference to a destination; as, to dismiss a clerk, an application, or an annoying subject. To discharge is to send away so as to relieve a person or thing of a load; we discharge a gun or discharge the contents; as applied to persons, discharge is a harsher term than dismiss. To emit is to send forth from within, with no reference to a destination; as, the sun emits light and heat. Transmit, from the Latin, is a dignified term, often less vigorous than the Saxon send, but preferable at times in literary or scientific use; as, to transmit the crown, or the feud, from generation to generation; to transmit a charge of electricity. Transmit fixes the attention more on the intervening agency, as send does upon the points of departure and destination.

    cast, dart, delegate, depute, despatch, discharge, dismiss, drive, emit, fling, forward, hurl, impel, lance, launch, project, propel, sling, throw, transmit

    bring, carry, convey, get, give, hand, hold, keep, receive, retain

    To send from the hand to or toward (rarely at) a mark; send to a friend by a messenger or by mail; send a person into banishment; send a shell among the enemy.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. send

    despatch, transmit, impel, cast, bestow, grant

    detain, withhold, arrest, withdraw, deny, recal

  2. send

    relegate, remand, transfer

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. send, directverb

    cause to go somewhere

    «The explosion sent the car flying in the air»; «She sent her children to camp»; «He directed all his energies into his dissertation»

    ship, beam, get off, place, mail, send off, commit, target, lead, station, maneuver, take, post, point, channelize, aim, channelise, take aim, train, head, steer, manoeuver, transport, address, manoeuvre, direct, engineer, organize, charge, organise, calculate, broadcast, institutionalise, send out, conduct, air, institutionalize, orchestrate, mastermind, guide, transmit

  2. send, send outverb

    to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place

    «He had sent the dispatches downtown to the proper people and had slept»

    institutionalize, beam, send off, post, institutionalise, transport, place, mail, station, broadcast, get off, air, send out, direct, ship, charge, transmit, commit

  3. mail, post, sendverb

    cause to be directed or transmitted to another place

    «send me your latest results»; «I’ll mail you the paper when it’s written»

    institutionalize, brand, put up, send off, post, institutionalise, transport, place, mail, station, broadcast, get off, beam, air, send out, direct, ship, charge, stake, transmit, commit, carry

  4. transport, send, shipverb

    transport commercially

    ravish, institutionalize, beam, send off, channel, post, institutionalise, transport, enthrall, place, mail, enchant, station, broadcast, get off, embark, air, send out, direct, channelize, ship, charge, transmit, commit, carry, channelise, transfer, delight, enrapture, enthral

  5. station, post, send, placeverb

    assign to a station

    stake, ship, beam, get off, rank, put, mail, localize, range, send off, commit, station, put up, post, place, point, come in, brand, position, grade, target, lay, institutionalise, carry, locate, transport, aim, direct, identify, charge, broadcast, send out, invest, air, rate, institutionalize, come out, set, order, site, pose, localise, transmit

  6. send, get off, send offverb


    «The spy sent the classified information off to Russia»

    ship, beam, dispatch, get off, place, trip, mail, send off, commit, station, dismount, get down, post, despatch, get out, institutionalise, transport, direct, trip out, turn on, charge, escape, broadcast, send out, hop out, air, institutionalize, get by, project, light, unhorse, get away, transmit

  7. commit, institutionalize, institutionalise, send, chargeverb

    cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution

    «After the second episode, she had to be committed»; «he was committed to prison»

    ship, beam, dedicate, get off, place, put, mail, consign, excite, perpetrate, intrust, send off, commit, blame, station, agitate, appoint, post, bear down, load, point, consecrate, rouse, shoot down, buck, commove, pull, accuse, institutionalise, lodge, give, transport, bill, shoot, devote, direct, level, file, turn on, charge, practice, broadcast, charge up, send out, invest, confide, air, institutionalize, entrust, trust, saddle, tear, burden, transmit

  8. air, send, broadcast, beam, transmitverb

    broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television

    «We cannot air this X-rated song»

    convey, circulate, air out, beam, transfer, get off, place, spread, impart, mail, radiate, send off, commit, station, bare, post, communicate, glow, publicise, channelize, ship, channelise, ventilate, disperse, circularize, institutionalise, channel, carry, shine, transport, disseminate, pass around, direct, charge, publicize, diffuse, broadcast, distribute, propagate, send out, conduct, vent, air, institutionalize, circularise, aerate, transmit

Matched Categories

    • Broadcasting
    • Move
    • Publicize
    • Transfer

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. sendverb

    throw, hurl, cast, fling, impel, emit, project, toss, launch, lance, jaculate

  2. sendverb

    despatch, delegate, depute, send forth, send out

  3. sendverb

    transmit, forward

  4. sendverb

    give, bestow, grant, confer

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. List of paraphrases for «send»:

    sending, dispatch, sent, sends, submit, transmit, dispatching, convey, dispatched, shipment, communicate, forward, ship, envoy, submitting, dispatches, give, deploy, shipping, consignment

Suggested Resources

  1. SEND

    What does SEND stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the SEND acronym on the website.

How to pronounce send?

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How to use send in a sentence?

  1. Mickah Williams:

    These are children. We send them here for education. With all of the other things that are going on at schools across the United States, as you may know, this is a parent’s worst nightmare, we’re holding on optimistically with prayer and hopefully all the kids are OK.

  2. Jimmy Vaccaro:

    We’ve been saying for the past thirty years, what is wrong with it? What’s the sense in not being able to do that, since we can book just about everything else? why send all this money offshore or to illegal bookies when we can regulate it and tax it and everybody can make some money doing it properly.

  3. Lauren Green:

    God chose to send His son to The Herald Angels as a gift, creating a chance for The Herald Angels relationship with Him to be reconciled.

  4. Yonatan Winetraub:

    Landing is the most difficult part of the mission for multiple reasons, it takes radio signals traveling at the speed of light 2 to 3 seconds in total to send and receive messages – the spacecraft is traveling at 2 kilometers a second at that point.

  5. Mustafa Sanalla:

    This agreement will send a very strong signal to the Libyan people and to the international community that the Presidency Council is able to deliver consensus and reconciliation.

Translations for send

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • أرسل, يرسلArabic
  • паслаць, пасылаць, адпра́віць, адпраўля́ць, слацьBelarusian
  • изпращамBulgarian
  • পাঠাBengali
  • trametre, enviarCatalan, Valencian
  • poslatCzech
  • anfonWelsh
  • sendeDanish
  • schicken, sendenGerman
  • στέλνωGreek
  • sendiEsperanto
  • mandar, enviarSpanish
  • saatmaEstonian
  • bidali, igorriBasque
  • فرستادنPersian
  • lähettääFinnish
  • envoyerFrench
  • stjoereWestern Frisian
  • cuirIrish
  • cuirScottish Gaelic
  • mondoGuaraní
  • curManx
  • שלחHebrew
  • भेजनाHindi
  • küldHungarian
  • ղրկել, ուղարկել, հղելArmenian
  • inviarInterlingua
  • kirimIndonesian
  • sendarIdo
  • sendaIcelandic
  • restituire, mandare, inviare, rimandareItalian
  • 送信, 送るJapanese
  • გაგზავნისGeorgian
  • жіберуKazakh
  • ផ្ញើKhmer
  • 보내다Korean
  • hinartin, şandinKurdish
  • mittereLatin
  • schéckenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • ສົ່ງLao
  • siųstiLithuanian
  • sūtītLatvian
  • испратиMacedonian
  • илгээхMongolian
  • पाठवनेMarathi
  • hantarMalay
  • ပို့Burmese
  • opsturen, verzenden, sturen, zendenDutch
  • sendeNorwegian
  • wysyłać, wysłaćPolish
  • استول, لېږلPashto, Pushto
  • despacharPortuguese
  • kachayQuechua
  • spedir, trametterRomansh
  • trimite, expediaRomanian
  • отправлять, слать, послать, посылать, отправитьRussian
  • प्रेषयतिSanskrit
  • послати, poslati, slati, слатиSerbo-Croatian
  • posielať, poslaťSlovak
  • poslatiSlovene
  • nisAlbanian
  • sända, skickaSwedish
  • அனுப்புTamil
  • పంపు, పంపించుTelugu
  • ส่งThai
  • yollamak, göndermekTurkish
  • слати, послати, посилатиUkrainian
  • بهيجناUrdu
  • gửiVietnamese
  • sedönVolapük
  • evoyîWalloon
  • שיקןYiddish
  • 发送Chinese

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1    communicate, consign, convey, direct, dispatch, forward, remit, transmit  

2    cast, deliver, fire, fling, hurl, let fly, propel, shoot  

3      (with)
   off, out, etc.   broadcast, discharge, emit, exude, give off, radiate  

4      (slang)   charm, delight, electrify, enrapture, enthrall, excite, intoxicate, move, please, ravish, stir, thrill, titillate, turn (someone) on     (slang)  

5    send (someone) packing      discharge, dismiss, give (someone) the bird     (informal)   give (someone) the brushoff     (slang)   send away, send (someone) about his or her business, send (someone) away with a flea in his or her ear     (informal)  

send for     
call for, demand, order, request, summon  

imitation, mickey-take     (informal)   mockery, parody, satire, skit, spoof     (informal)   take-off     (informal)  

send up     
burlesque, imitate, lampoon, make fun of, mimic, mock, parody, satirize, spoof     (informal)   take off     (informal)   take the mickey out of     (informal)   take the piss out of     (taboo slang)  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( sends    3rd person present)   ( sending    present participle)   ( sent    past tense & past participle  )

1       verb   When you send someone something, you arrange for it to be taken and delivered to them, for example by post.  
Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner…      V n n  
I sent a copy to the minister for transport…      V n to n  
He sent a basket of exotic fruit and a card…      V n  
Sir Denis took one look and sent it back…      V n with adv  
More than half a million sheep are sent from Britain to Europe for slaughter every year.      be V-ed from n  

2       verb   If you send someone somewhere, you tell them to go there.  
Inspector Banbury came up to see her, but she sent him away…      V n with adv  
…the government’s decision to send troops to the region…      V n to n  
I suggested that he rest, and sent him for an X-ray…      V n for n  
Reinforcements were being sent from the neighbouring region..      be V-ed from n  

3       verb   If you send someone to an institution such as a school or a prison, you arrange for them to stay there for a period of time.  
It’s his parents’ choice to send him to a boarding school, rather than a convenient day school…      V n to n  

4       verb   To send a signal means to cause it to go to a place by means of radio waves or electricity.  
The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station…      V n to n  
…in 1989, after a 12-year journey to Neptune, the space probe Voyager sent back pictures of Triton, its moon.      V n with adv  

5       verb   If something sends things or people in a particular direction, it causes them to move in that direction.  
The explosion sent shrapnel flying through the sides of cars on the crowded highway…      V n -ing  
The slight back and forth motion sent a pounding surge of pain into his skull.      V n prep  

6       verb   To send someone or something into a particular state means to cause them to go into or be in that state.  
My attempt to fix it sent Lawrence into fits of laughter.      V n into n  
…before civil war and famine sent the country plunging into anarchy…      V n -ing  
An obsessive search for our inner selves, far from saving the world, could send us all mad.      V n adj  

  to send someone to Coventry  


  to send someone packing  

send away for  
  send for 2  
send down  

1       phrasal verb   If a student is sent down from their university or college, they are made to leave because they have behaved very badly.  
  (BRIT)   usu passive  
She wondered if he had been sent down for gambling.      be V-ed P  
in AM, use be expelled     

2       phrasal verb   If someone who is on trial is sent down, they are found guilty and sent to prison.  
  (BRIT)   usu passive  
The two rapists were sent down for life in 1983.      be V-ed P  
in AM, use send up      send for  

1       phrasal verb   If you send for someone, you send them a message asking them to come and see you.  
I’ve sent for the doctor.      V P n  

2       phrasal verb   If you send for something, you write and ask for it to be sent to you.  
Send for your free catalogue today.      V P n   send in  

1       phrasal verb   If you send in something such as a competition entry or a letter applying for a job, you post it to the organization concerned.  
Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter…      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

2       phrasal verb   When a government sends in troops or police officers, it orders them to deal with a crisis or problem somewhere.  
He has asked the government to send in troops to end the fighting.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P   send off  

1       phrasal verb   When you send off a letter or package, you send it somewhere by post.  
He sent off copies to various people for them to read and make comments.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

2       phrasal verb   If a football player is sent off, the referee makes them leave the field during a game, as a punishment for seriously breaking the rules.  
usu passive  
The 30-year-old Scottish international was sent off for arguing with a linesman.      be V-ed P  
send off for  
  send for 2  
send on      phrasal verb   If you send on something you have received, especially a document, you send it to another place or person.  
We coordinate the reports from the overseas divisions, and send them on to headquarters in Athens.      V n P, Also V P n (not pron)   send out  

1       phrasal verb   If you send out things such as letters or bills, you send them to a large number of people at the same time.  
She had sent out well over four hundred invitations that afternoon.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

2       phrasal verb   To send out a signal, sound, light, or heat means to produce it.  
The crew did not send out any distress signals…      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

3       phrasal verb   When a plant sends out roots or shoots, they grow.  

If you cut your rubber plant back, it should send out new side shoots.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P   send out for      phrasal verb   If you send out for food, for example pizzas or sandwiches, you phone and ask for it to be delivered to you.  
Let’s send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show.      V P P n   send up  

1       phrasal verb   If you send someone or something up, you imitate them in an amusing way that makes them appear foolish.  
(=make fun of)  

You sense he’s sending himself up as well as everything else.      V n P  
…a spoof that sends up the macho world of fighter pilots.      V P n (not pron)  

2       phrasal verb   If someone who is on trial is sent up, they are found guilty and sent to prison.  
  (AM)   usu passive  
If I’m going to be sent up for killing one guy, then I might as well kill three more.      be V-ed P  
in BRIT, use send down     

send-off        ( send-offs    plural  ) If a group of people give someone who is going away a send-off, they come together to say goodbye to them.  
INFORMAL      n-count   usu adj N  
All the people in the buildings came to give me a rousing send-off.     

send-up        ( send-ups    plural  ) A send-up is a piece of writing or acting in which someone or something is imitated in an amusing way that makes them appear foolish.  
INFORMAL      n-count   usu sing, oft N of n  

…his classic send-up of sixties rock, `Get Crazy’.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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  • Определения слова send

    • вещь, предмет; изделие.
      • sq (помета.)

Синонимы к слову send

    • convey
    • dispatch
    • drive
    • fire
    • fling
    • forward
    • hurl
    • launch
    • mail
    • propel
    • remit
    • send off
    • send out
    • throw
    • transmit

Похожие слова на send

    • send
    • sendai
    • sendai’s
    • senders
    • sending
    • sends

Посмотрите другие слова

    • Что такое kajsi
    • Определение термина jug
    • Толкование слова hi
    • Что означает понятие moins
    • Лексическое значение mieux
    • Словарь значения слов gomar
    • Грамматическое значение gjysh
    • Значение слова gardh
    • Прямое и переносное значение слова fyell
    • Происхождение слова shqip
    • Синоним к слову sup
    • Антоним к слову tru
    • Омоним к слову oui
    • Гипоним к слову uthull
    • Холоним к слову va
    • Гипероним к слову ve
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову ylber
    • Перевод слова на другие языки yll
  • address
  • assign
  • circulate
  • commit
  • deliver
  • dispatch
  • drop
  • express
  • fire
  • forward
  • grant
  • issue
  • post
  • relay
  • ship
  • shoot
  • accelerate
  • advance
  • broadcast
  • cast
  • commission
  • communicate
  • consign
  • convey
  • delegate
  • detail
  • direct
  • emit
  • expedite
  • fling
  • freight
  • hasten
  • hurl
  • impart
  • mail
  • propel
  • radiate
  • remit
  • route
  • televise
  • troll
  • wire
  • get under way
  • give off
  • hurry off
  • let fly
  • put out
  • rush off
  • move
  • charm
  • delight
  • electrify
  • enrapture
  • enthrall
  • enthuse
  • excite
  • intoxicate
  • ravish
  • stir
  • thrill
  • titillate
  • turn on

On this page you’ll find 166 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to send, such as: address, assign, circulate, commit, deliver, and dispatch.

  • bore
  • depress
  • discourage
  • disenchant
  • displease
  • dull
  • offend
  • repel
  • repulse
  • turn off

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use send in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • consign
  • dispatch
  • forward
  • inscribe
  • label
  • mark
  • postmark
  • remit
  • route
  • send
  • ship
  • superscribe
  • transmit
  • applied oneself to
  • attended to
  • concentrated on
  • devoted oneself to
  • directed
  • dug
  • engaged in
  • focused on
  • gave
  • had a go at
  • had at
  • hammered away
  • knuckled down to
  • pegged away
  • pitch into
  • plugged away at
  • threw oneself into
  • took care of
  • took up
  • tried
  • turned
  • turned to
  • undertook
  • went at
  • went for
  • applies oneself to
  • attends to
  • concentrates on
  • devotes oneself to
  • digs
  • directs
  • engages in
  • focuses on
  • gives
  • goes at
  • goes for
  • hammers away
  • has a go at
  • has at
  • knuckles down to
  • pegs away
  • pitch into
  • plugs away at
  • takes care of
  • takes up
  • throws oneself into
  • tries
  • turns
  • turns to
  • undertakes
  • agitate
  • alert
  • animate
  • awaken
  • call
  • challenge
  • electrify
  • enliven
  • fire up
  • foment
  • foster
  • goad
  • heat up
  • incite
  • inflame
  • instigate
  • kindle
  • move
  • provoke
  • rally
  • rouse
  • send
  • spark
  • spur
  • stimulate
  • stir
  • thrill
  • turn on
  • wake up
  • waken
  • warm
  • whet
  • whip up
  • work up
  • agitates
  • alerts
  • animates
  • awakens
  • calls
  • challenges
  • electrifies
  • enlivens
  • fires up
  • foments
  • fosters
  • goads
  • heats up
  • incites
  • inflames
  • instigates
  • kindles
  • moves
  • provokes
  • rallies
  • rouses
  • sends
  • sparks
  • spurs
  • stimulates
  • stirs
  • thrills
  • turns on
  • wakens
  • wakes up
  • warms
  • whets
  • whips up
  • works up
  • allocate
  • allot
  • appoint
  • assign
  • associate
  • connect
  • consign
  • designate
  • detail
  • earmark
  • impute
  • invest with
  • lay
  • name
  • place
  • put
  • second
  • send

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • To put down синоним