The base синонимы

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. base

    A brutish man simply follows his animal instincts, without special inclination to do harm; the brutal have always a spirit of malice and cruelty. Brute has no special character, except as indicating what a brute might possess; much the same is true of animal, except that animal leans more to the side of sensuality, brute to that of force, as appears in the familiar phrase «brute force.» Hunger is an animal appetite; a brute impulse suddenly prompts one to strike a blow in anger. Bestial, in modern usage, implies an intensified and degrading animalism. Any supremacy of the animal or brute instincts over the intellectual and spiritual in man is base and vile. Beastly refers largely to the outward and visible consequences of excess; as, beastly drunkenness. Compare ANIMAL.

    animal, beastly, bestial, brutal, brute, brutish, carnal, coarse, ignorant, imbruted, insensible, lascivious, sensual, sottish, stolid, stupid, swinish, unintellectual, unspiritual, vile

    elevated, enlightened, exalted, grand, great, humane, intellectual, intelligent, noble, refined

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. base

    vile, dishonorable, low, sordid, ignoble, worthiest, mean, infamous, shameful, grovelling, disingenuous, disesteemed, cheap, corrupt, deep

    lofty, exalted, refined, noble, esteemed, honored, valued, pure, correct, shrill

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. base, base of operationsnoun

    installation from which a military force initiates operations

    «the attack wiped out our forward bases»

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    incidental, noble, echt, legitimate, right, genuine, superior, incident

  2. foundation, base, fundament, foot, groundwork, substructure, understructurenoun

    lowest support of a structure

    «it was built on a base of solid rock»; «he stood at the foot of the tower»

    metrical unit, bottom, foundation garment, founding, tail, groundwork, pes, al-Qaida, instauration, butt, pedestal, substructure, posterior, rear end, infantry, introduction, can, ft, nates, al-Qaeda, theme, basis, innovation, fundament, invertebrate foot, nucleotide, foundation, buttocks, prat, radical, root, animal foot, floor, stern, metrical foot, seat, foot, backside, bum, tooshie, grounding, buns, arse, institution, hindquarters, tail end, behind, origination, understructure, alkali, cornerstone, hind end, derriere, rump, ass, home, keister, stem, base of operations, radix, root word, stand, rear, fanny, human foot, infrastructure, tush, initiation, al-Qa’ida, creation, bag

    noble, echt, genuine, right, incidental, incident, legitimate, superior

  3. base, bagnoun

    a place that the runner must touch before scoring

    «he scrambled to get back to the bag»

    al-Qaeda, bagful, groundwork, al-Qaida, pedestal, substructure, traveling bag, theme, basis, grip, fundament, suitcase, nucleotide, travelling bag, radical, root, floor, cup of tea, foundation, old bag, foot, udder, understructure, alkali, cornerstone, home, purse, stem, base of operations, radix, root word, stand, pocketbook, handbag, infrastructure, al-Qa’ida, dish, bag

    legitimate, right, superior, genuine, incidental, incident, noble, echt

  4. basenoun

    the bottom or lowest part

    «the base of the mountain»

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    incident, superior, genuine, noble, incidental, echt, right, legitimate

  5. basenoun

    (anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment

    «the base of the skull»

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    superior, genuine, noble, incidental, incident, echt, right, legitimate

  6. floor, basenoun

    a lower limit

    «the government established a wage floor»

    foundation, foot, alkali, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, flooring, radical, basis, trading floor, home, storey, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, story, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, root, fundament, floor, stem, level, root word, cornerstone, nucleotide

    superior, noble, incident, legitimate, echt, genuine, right, incidental

  7. basis, base, foundation, fundament, groundwork, cornerstonenoun

    the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained

    «the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture»

    bottom, foundation garment, founding, tail, groundwork, al-Qaida, instauration, butt, pedestal, substructure, posterior, rear end, introduction, can, nates, al-Qaeda, theme, stern, basis, innovation, fundament, nucleotide, foundation, buttocks, prat, radical, root, floor, ground, seat, backside, bum, tooshie, grounding, buns, arse, foot, hindquarters, footing, tail end, behind, origination, understructure, alkali, cornerstone, hind end, derriere, rump, ass, home, keister, stem, base of operations, radix, root word, stand, rear, fanny, infrastructure, tush, institution, initiation, al-Qa’ida, creation, bag

    genuine, incidental, echt, right, noble, incident, superior, legitimate

  8. base, pedestal, standnoun

    a support or foundation

    «the base of the lamp»

    standstill, al-Qaeda, sales booth, groundwork, al-Qaida, pedestal, rack, point of view, theme, basis, fundament, standpoint, nucleotide, foundation, viewpoint, radical, root, floor, footstall, substructure, foot, understructure, alkali, cornerstone, stall, outdoor stage, bandstand, home, stem, base of operations, radix, root word, stand, tie-up, infrastructure, plinth, al-Qa’ida, bag

    right, echt, legitimate, genuine, superior, noble, incidental, incident

  9. nucleotide, basenoun

    a phosphoric ester of a nucleoside; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA)

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    legitimate, superior, genuine, incidental, noble, echt, incident, right

  10. base, alkalinoun

    any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water

    «bases include oxides and hydroxides of metals and ammonia»

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    noble, legitimate, incidental, echt, right, superior, incident, genuine

  11. basenoun

    the bottom side of a geometric figure from which the altitude can be constructed

    «the base of the triangle»

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    genuine, legitimate, superior, right, noble, echt, incidental, incident

  12. basis, basenoun

    the most important or necessary part of something

    «the basis of this drink is orange juice»

    foundation, foot, ground, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, footing, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, fundament, floor, stem, root word, cornerstone, nucleotide

    echt, genuine, incident, superior, noble, incidental, right, legitimate

  13. base, radixnoun

    (numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place

    «10 is the radix of the decimal system»

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    echt, right, noble, legitimate, superior, incident, incidental, genuine

  14. base, homenoun

    the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end

    al-Qaeda, bag, domicile, groundwork, al-Qaida, place, pedestal, substructure, house, theme, plate, basis, fundament, nucleotide, foundation, radical, root, home base, floor, household, habitation, family, nursing home, foot, abode, understructure, alkali, cornerstone, home plate, home, rest home, menage, stem, base of operations, radix, root word, stand, infrastructure, dwelling house, al-Qa’ida, dwelling

    right, noble, legitimate, genuine, incidental, echt, incident, superior

  15. al-Qaeda, Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, al-Qaida, Basenoun

    a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups; has cells in more than 50 countries

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, substructure, theme, base of operations, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, al-Qa’ida, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    right, incidental, superior, echt, incident, legitimate, noble, genuine

  16. root, root word, base, stem, theme, radicalnoun

    (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed

    «thematic vowels are part of the stem»

    al-Qaeda, idea, groundwork, al-Qaida, ascendent, substructure, composition, paper, fundament, motif, prow, theme, ascendant, basis, group, understructure, shank, stalk, nucleotide, report, foundation, etymon, radical, root, subject, floor, bow, fore, topic, free radical, melodic theme, source, ancestor, foot, antecedent, musical theme, infrastructure, alkali, cornerstone, origin, pedestal, home, rootage, tooth root, stem, base of operations, radix, root word, stand, stem turn, solution, beginning, chemical group, al-Qa’ida, bag

    noble, legitimate, incidental, superior, incident, genuine, right, echt

  17. infrastructure, basenoun

    the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area

    «the industrial base of Japan»

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    legitimate, superior, echt, incident, right, noble, genuine, incidental

  18. basenoun

    the principal ingredient of a mixture

    «glycerinated gelatin is used as a base for many ointments»; «he told the painter that he wanted a yellow base with just a hint of green»; «everything she cooked seemed to have rice as the base»

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    noble, superior, legitimate, incident, right, echt, incidental, genuine

  19. basenoun

    a flat bottom on which something is intended to sit

    «a tub should sit on its own base»

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    noble, genuine, right, legitimate, incidental, superior, echt, incident

  20. baseadjective

    (electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector

    foundation, foot, bag, radix, stand, al-Qaeda, al-Qa’ida, substructure, theme, radical, alkali, basis, home, groundwork, base of operations, understructure, root, infrastructure, al-Qaida, pedestal, floor, fundament, cornerstone, stem, root word, nucleotide

    right, incidental, genuine, noble, echt, incident, superior, legitimate

  21. basal, baseadjective

    serving as or forming a base

    «the painter applied a base coat followed by two finishing coats»

    baseborn, meanspirited, basal, immoral, lowly, mean, radical, humble, primary

    noble, incident, incidental, echt, legitimate, superior, genuine, right

  22. base, baseborn, humble, lowlyadjective

    of low birth or station (`base’ is archaic in this sense)

    «baseborn wretches with dirty faces»; «of humble (or lowly) birth»

    junior-grade, mean, basal, subaltern, humble, lowly, modest, menial, meanspirited, low, lower-ranking, secondary, small, immoral, baseborn, petty(a)

    right, incident, superior, genuine, incidental, noble, legitimate, echt

  23. baseadjective

    (used of metals) consisting of or alloyed with inferior metal

    «base coins of aluminum»; «a base metal»

    meanspirited, lowly, humble, baseborn, basal, mean, immoral

    legitimate, incident, right, echt, noble, genuine, superior, incidental

  24. base, immoraladjective

    not adhering to ethical or moral principles

    «base and unpatriotic motives»; «a base, degrading way of life»; «cheating is dishonorable»; «they considered colonialism immoral»; «unethical practices in handling public funds»

    baseborn, meanspirited, basal, immoral, lowly, mean, humble

    incidental, legitimate, genuine, echt, noble, right, incident, superior

  25. base, mean, meanspiritedadjective

    having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality

    «that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble»- Edmund Burke; «taking a mean advantage»; «chok’d with ambition of the meaner sort»- Shakespeare; «something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics»

    hateful, tight, mingy, basal, ungenerous, mean(a), humble, lowly, average, baseborn, meanspirited, mean, bastardly, beggarly, immoral, miserly

    echt, incidental, noble, genuine, superior, right, incident, legitimate

  26. base, basebornadjective


    baseborn, meanspirited, basal, immoral, lowly, mean, humble

    incident, echt, genuine, right, noble, incidental, legitimate, superior

  27. baseverb

    debased; not genuine

    «an attempt to eliminate the base coinage»

    meanspirited, lowly, humble, baseborn, basal, mean, immoral

    noble, echt, incidental, incident, right, superior, legitimate, genuine

  28. establish, base, ground, foundverb

    use as a basis for; found on

    «base a claim on some observation»

    demonstrate, ground, set up, install, strand, found, institute, instal, launch, build, prove, free-base, give, run aground, plant, shew, undercoat, lay down, establish, prime, anchor, make, show, constitute

    superior, incident, right, incidental, echt, genuine, noble, legitimate

  29. baseverb

    situate as a center of operations

    «we will base this project in the new lab»

    free-base, found, establish, ground

    echt, incident, genuine, incidental, superior, legitimate, noble, right

  30. free-base, baseverb

    use (purified cocaine) by burning it and inhaling the fumes

    free-base, establish, found, ground

    incident, noble, legitimate, genuine, echt, incidental, right, superior

Matched Categories

    • Anatomy
    • Baseball Equipment
    • Bottom
    • Compound
    • Control
    • Ester
    • Flank
    • Form
    • Ingredient
    • Linguistics
    • Location
    • Military
    • Military Installation
    • Number
    • Numeration System
    • Part
    • Situate
    • Store
    • Support
    • Terrorism
    • Terrorist Organization

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. baseadjective

    ignoble, plebeian, vulgar, untitled, nameless, unhonored, base-born, of low birth

  2. baseadjective

    vile, low, mean, despicable, contemptible, beggarly, abject, grovelling, sordid, servile, slavish, menial, sorry, worthless, pitiful, low-minded, rascally

  3. baseadjective

    shameful, disreputable, disgraceful, discreditable, dishonorable, scandalous, infamous

  4. basenoun

    basis, foundation, ground, groundwork, lowest part

  5. basenoun

    (Surveying.) base-line

  6. basenoun

    (Chem.) principal element (of a compound)

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. baseadjective

    debased, impure, spurious, alloyed, counterfeit, low-minded, unworthy, ignoble, mean, servile, groveling, despicable, discreditable, disgraceful, venal, plebeian, obscure, untitled, unhonored

  2. basenoun

    basis, bottom, foundation, groundwork, pedestal, plinth

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «base»:

    basis, basic, bases, core, based, foundation, al-qaeda, qaeda, reference, baseline, plate, background, kei, rule, baze, database, foundations, alqaeda, grass-roots, footing, al-qaida, benchmark, groundwork, grassroots

Suggested Resources

  1. BASE

    What does BASE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the BASE acronym on the website.

  2. Base

    Base vs. Bass — In this article you will learn the differences between the words Base and Bass.

  3. Base

    Base vs. Baseball — In this article you will learn the differences between the words Base and Baseball.

How to pronounce base?

How to say base in sign language?

How to use base in a sentence?

  1. Martin Walker:

    Given the fragmented nature of the shareholder base, and the ability of many holders to have already voted with their feet and exited the stock, the chances of ‘no’ votes crossing the 50 percent threshold, (are) extremely small in my opinion, as a result, for Shell management the next few weeks are really about minimising the embarrassment of high profile dissent.

  2. Daniel Benjamin:

    There is no question that there has been an effort to meet the appetites of Trump’s very Islamophobic base.

  3. German Larrea:

    We believe that Southern Coppers excellent reserve base, low cash cost, conservative capital structure and growth program, makes us the industrys best prepared company to weather this temporary downturn in metal prices.

  4. Daniel Hanson:

    Our base case has been that the budget will be used as leverage to amend back parts of the moratorium.

  5. The RBI:

    For monetary transmission to occur, lending rates have to be sensitive to the policy rate, it was observed that base rates based on marginal cost of funds are more sensitive to changes in the policy rates.

Translations for base

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • basisAfrikaans
  • قاعدة, مركز, أساس, فاسق, شائع, منخفض, يستند إلى, يبنى على, دنيءArabic
  • основа, база, фундамент, старт, долнокачествен, основавам се, подъл, неблагороден, неморален, низък, базирам сеBulgarian
  • seu, base, principi, fonament, caserna, basament, innoble, baix, indigne, vil, basar, immoral, abjecte, vulgarCatalan, Valencian
  • základ, báze, patka, pikola, zásada, meta, kořen, základnaCzech
  • Base, Basis, Grundlage, Kaserne, basierenGerman
  • βάση, θεμέλιο, μάνα, έδρα, αγενής, βασίζω, ταπεινός, ποταπός, ευτελής, εδρεύωGreek
  • baziEsperanto
  • base, sede, bajo, basarSpanish
  • aste, alus, baas, alguspunkt, põhi, kodu, peakorter, lähtumaEstonian
  • پایه, اساس, پایگاه, پایَه, ستاد, بُنیاد, مبنا, پِی, بُن, قاعده, باز, ریشه, شالودَه, پایه‌گذاری, پَست, پی‌ریزی, هرزَه, بنیانگذاریPersian
  • alkupiste, kanta, pohja, pesä, emäs, tukikohta, päämaja, kantaluku, perusta, perustus, koti, ala-arvoinen, moraaliton, perustaa, sijaita, matala, säädytön, yleinenFinnish
  • but, base, caserne, coussin, bas, ignoble, indigne, abject, baserFrench
  • neamhlómharIrish
  • base, sede, basearGalician
  • bun-ynnyd, neuchostalManx
  • בסיס, נקודת מוצא, ירודHebrew
  • bazeHaitian Creole
  • bázis, támaszpont, lábazat, alapHungarian
  • հիմք, բազա, ստոր, հիմնվել, ցածրArmenian
  • basarInterlingua
  • bazo, kazerno, apogarIdo
  • veldisstofn, stikkfrí, bækistöðvar, höfuðstöðvar, herstöð, grunnflöturIcelandic
  • base, caserma, basi, sedeItalian
  • 基, 基礎, 司令部Japanese
  • საფუძველიGeorgian
  • базис, таянуу, база, негиз салуу, таман, цоколь, негиздөө, түп, негизделүү, фундамент, байыр, негиз, себеп, жайлашууKyrgyz
  • solumLatin
  • netikumīgs, zemisks, zems, netikumisks, nekrietns, prastsLatvian
  • papa taunga, take, taketakeMāori
  • base, basis, kazerne, vertrekpunt, honk, hoofdkwartier, baserenDutch
  • frie, hovedkvarter, baseNorwegian
  • podstawa, zasada, bazaPolish
  • base, pique, sede, ficar em, basear-se emPortuguese
  • bază, cazarmă, fundamentRomanian
  • основание, базис, база, основа, старт, штаб-квартира, опорный пункт, фундамент, штабRussian
  • baza, osnova, lužina, temeljSerbo-Croatian
  • baza, osnovnica, oporišče, temeljSlovene
  • bas, kasern, början, grund, grunda, oädel, basera, uselSwedish
  • క్షారం, స్థావరం, భూమి, పీఠంTelugu
  • üs, temel, baz, merkez, taban, karargâh, kaideTurkish
  • bazơVietnamese
  • bäd, stabönVolapük

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • base [beɪs] сущ

    1. базаж, основаж, основаниеср, базисм, цокольм, фундаментм

      (basis, cap, foundation)

      • customer base – клиентская база
      • natural resource base – база природных ресурсов
      • foreign military base – иностранная военная база
      • air force base – база ввс
      • income tax base – налоговая база
      • legal base – правовая основа
      • free base – свободное основание
      • economic base – экономический базис
      • crystal base – кристаллический фундамент
    2. опораж


    3. плацдармм


      • strategic base – стратегический плацдарм
    4. подставкаж


    5. базированиеср


  • base [beɪs] гл

    1. основывать, основываться, опираться

      (found, build, rely)

      • base only – основываться исключительно
  • base [beɪs] прил

    1. базовый, базисный, основной, опорный

      (basic, reference)

      • abstract base class – абстрактный базовый класс
      • base interest rate – базовая процентная ставка
      • base station controller – контроллер базовой станции
      • base data type – базовый тип данных
      • base period – базисный период
      • base color – основной цвет
    2. низменный, неблагородный


      • base motives – низменные побуждения
    3. низкопробный


база base, basis, ground, pedestal
основание base, basis, reason, bottom, foundation, ground
основа warp, basis, base, foundation, framework, ground
фундамент foundation, basement, base, groundwork, footing, substructure
базис basis, base, datum-line
цоколь cap, base, plinth, socle, pedestal, dado
подошва sole, foot, base, trough
подножие foot, base, pedestal
бас bass, basso, base
опорный пункт strong point, stronghold, base, foothold, supporting point
корень root, radical, radix, base, race
пьедестал pedestal, base, stand
основание логарифма base
исходный пункт benchmark, base
орудийная платформа platform, base
фацетная доска base
колодка для клише base
ножка литеры base
место старта base
игра в бары base, prisoner’s base
дом house, home, dwelling, door, premises, base
базовый base, basic, undergraduate
основной main, basic, base, primary, key, fundamental
базисный basic, base, bottom, attributive
низкий low, lower, poor, deep, short, base
подлый vile, sneaky, despicable, dastardly, mean, base
неблагородный base, unhandsome
низменный low, base, small
гнусный vile, abominable, heinous, nefarious, odious, base
корпусный base
окисляющийся base
простой plain, simple, ordinary, elementary, idle, base
основывать base, found, establish, rest, ground, set up
базировать base
закладывать основание base
размещать place, locate, allocate, station, dispose, base

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • base сущ

    • ground · foot · basement · substructure · bottom · substrate · leaning
    • core · heart · reference · main · basics · fundamental · backbone · warp
    • foundation · groundwork · cornerstone · fundament · depot · footing · bedrock
    • found
    • establish
    • stem · root · radix
    • pedestal · plinth
    • alkali


  • sordid, ignoble, low, low-minded, mean, immoral, improper, unseemly, unscrupulous, unprincipled, dishonest, dishonorable, shameful, bad, wrong, evil, wicked, iniquitous, sinful
  • basal
  • meanspirited, mean
  • baseborn, lowly, humble
  • baseborn
  • immoral


  • foundation, bottom, foot, support, stand, pedestal, plinth
  • basis, foundation, bedrock, starting point, source, origin, root(s), core, key component, heart, backbone
  • headquarters, camp, site, station, settlement, post, center, starting point
  • nucleotide
  • stem, theme, root, root word, radical
  • home
  • pedestal, stand
  • foundation, fundament, understructure, substructure, groundwork, foot
  • floor
  • basis
  • base of operations
  • basis, foundation, fundament, groundwork, cornerstone
  • bag
  • radix
  • infrastructure
  • alkali


  • found, build, construct, form, ground, root, use as a basis, derive from, spring from, stem from, originate in, have its origin in, issue from
  • locate, situate, position, install, station, site, establish, garrison
  • establish, found, ground

Предложения со словом «base»

Euphoria filled the air as he became absent from his base, while she remained still, very present, half an hour after his removal.

Воздух наполнился эйфорией, когда его сняли с пьедестала, в то время как она оставалась неподвижной, явно присутствующей полчаса после демонтажа статуи.

Perhaps she had a genuine concern in that they looked scary and that they would intimidate the clients and their customer base.

Может, ей действительно казалось, что те дреды — «страшные» и что они отпугнут клиентов и всех заказчиков.

What might be the benefits of, say, a base hit?

Каковы «плюсы», скажем, потери мяча в игре?

And when you put that statement out there to a very frothy base that always is very excited for you to fight Donald Trump, and then you have a new one saying, Wait, these rights are for everybody, even the president that we don’t like.

Когда мы говорим такое уже разгорячённым слушателям, которые всегда рады, когда мы выступаем против Трампа, и вдруг мы говорим: «Но эти права для всех, и даже для нелюбимого нами президента».

Two, there is no issue in American politics where there’s a more fundamental gap between the Republican base and the Republican leadership than climate change.

Во — вторых, нет другого вопроса в американской политике с более существенной разницей мнений между сторонниками республиканцев и их лидерами, чем вопрос изменения климата.

So, international, business and even the Republican base will all be calling for a Republican replacement plan.

Итак, другие страны, бизнес и даже сторонники республиканцев — все будут требовать республиканский план на замену.

And this started to become an interesting form, carving the base.

Из этого началá получаться интересная форма.

What I’m saying is we have to rethink our base assumption about only looking at the future in one way, only looking at it through the dominant lens.

Я хочу сказать, что мы должны переосмыслить наш однобокий подход к будущему, которое мы рассматриваем только сквозь доминирующую призму.

So they’re the ones who are now his base, not even so much Fox.

Вот они сейчас являются базой Трампа, не столько даже Fox.

And I’m a big believer in attachment theory of raising children, and attachment theory is based on the motto that all of life is a series of daring adventures from a secure base.

Я глубоко убеждён, что детей надо воспитывать по теории привязанности, что вся жизнь — серия дерзких приключений, начатых с безопасного плацдарма.

Have you parents given you a secure base?

Ваши родители создали для вас безопасный плацдарм?

And as a society, we do not have a secure base, and we won’t get to that Hamilton, risk-taking, energetic ethos until we can supply a secure base.

Ну, а в обществе таких условий нет, мы не станем рисковать по образу энергичного этоса Гамильтона, пока у нас не будет такого плацдарма.

But people have to have that secure base.

Но для этого нам нужен надёжный тыл.

You can buy everything there, from a base-level attack to a much more advanced version.

Вы можете там купить всё: от атаки базового уровня до гораздо более продвинутой версии.

To immediately orbit the planet, land, take a quick look around for any big, obvious signs of life, and report back to home base.

Захо́дите на орбиту планеты, приземляетесь, осматриваетесь в поисках очевидных признаков жизни и докладываете на базу.

It’s a tight little muscle at the base of the uterus.

Это небольшая плотная мышца у основания матки.

And what Floyd did is he changed out two of those base pairs, so it’s ATXY.

Флойд же изменил две из составляющих, чтобы получилось A — T — X — Y.

But this is only in base 10.

Но только в десятичной системе.

We can write it like this, and we can change the base, change the number of digits, and we can write it differently.

Мы можем поменять систему счисления, количество цифр и записать его по — другому.

You are responsible for the lives of hundreds of men and women, and your base is under attack.

На вас лежит ответственность за жизни сотен женщин и мужчин, а база подвергается нападению.

I leaked the base closings to the press this morning.

Сегодня утром я слила информацию про закрытие баз.

I want to talk to you about targeted base closings.

Я хочу поговорить с вами о точечном закрытии некоторых баз.

We have a destroyed base in a vital location.

Мы имеем разрушенную базу, расположенную в стратегически важной точке.

This action threatens the security of our military base.

Такие действия ставят под угрозу безопасность нашей военной базы.

— There’s a transport plane leaving Kirkland air force base

— Есть грузовой самолет, отбывающий с воздушной базы в Киркленде

It spanned the base of an acute isosceles triangle.

Эта завеса была как бы основанием большого равнобедренного треугольника.

Its base is square and heavy and stained dark.

Ее чугунное основание было заляпано чем — то темным.

The monster still waited at the base of the tree.

А чудовище все еще караулило ее у основания дерева.

He was lying at the base of a stone pyramid.

Оказалось, что он лежит у подножия каменной пирамиды.

You just went to third base with my apron.

Ты даже с моим передником дошла до третьей базы.

All that Gothic elegance hides such rancid base instincts.

Что вся эта готическая элегантность скрывает гнилые низменные инстинкты.

In the bottom the base moved inward on springs.

Дно цилиндра крепилось на пружинках и могло двигаться внутрь.

Two large fissures just opened up near the base.

Две больших трещины только что открылись рядом с базой.

Wisps of hair curled at the base of her neck.

На затылке вились породистые непослушные завитки, выбившиеся из прически.

McCuddin Airforce base employs 3,000 people in his district.

База ВВС МакКаден дает работу 3000 человек в его округе.

It’s certainly not on a Navy base, Papi.

И уж конечно их нет на военной базе, Папа.

Then the cars turned listlessly and headed back to base.

Затем машины развернулись и возвратились в гараж Министерства финансов.

She applied this morning for a transfer to Blackmane Base.

Этим утром она подала заявление о переводе на базу Блэкмейн.

The Patrol demanded they return to base course and speed.

Патрульный корабль требовал вернуться на прежний курс и снизить скорость.



As a temporary base this religious hilton offers advantages.

В качестве временного пристанища религиозный хилтон вполне меня устраивает.

I’d base it on the Spencer Tracy classic.

Я имею в виду классическую версию со Спенсером Трейси.

Around the base of the tree lie the gifts and toys wrapped up in bright colourful paper.

Вокруг основы дерева лежат подарки и игрушки, обернутые в яркой красочной бумаге.

The family accompanies you up during the whole life and one can say that the family put the base of your outlook.

Семья сопутствует тебе всю жизнь и можно сказать, что именно семья закладывала первыекирпичики в ваше мировоззрение.

In my mind, just health makes the base of our happy, successful, and the moreover long life.

По моему мнению, именно здоровье является основателем нашей счастливой, успешной, а главное долгой жизни.

The woman only, without the flare and the base, is 46 meters.

Одна только женщина, без факела и пьедестала, составляет 46 метров.

I gave the order to begin the evacuation of all United States Naval forces from our Base in Uruma, Okinawa.

Я отдал приказ об эвакуации военно — морских сил США из базы в УрУме, ОкинАва.

The base command post was the best-protected structure on the entire post.

Командный пост ракетной базы являлся самой укрепленной и защищенной частью всего полигона.

The United States continues to reinforce its Cuban base at Guantanamo Bay, the naval depot that Castro wants the U.S. to give up.

США продолжает усиливать базу на Кубе в Заливе Гуантанамо, которую Кастро требует освободить.

The team overnighted at the base’s military barracks and the next morning were hauled once again aboard the Argentine transport.

Команда переночевала в казарме, а на следующее утро погрузилась в аргентинский военно — транспортный самолет.

I withdraw my linkage from the base computer system and consider this new data.

Я прекращаю связь с компьютером базы и анализирую новые данные.

Their national industrial base is an incredibly muddled hodgepodge of private- and state-owned industries.

Их национальная индустриальная база представляет собой невероятно запутанную мешанину частных и государственных отраслей промышленности.

Dark red was the base color of one, slashed with orange, black, white, and green in an intricate pattern, obviously meaningful.

Основным цветом первого был темно — красный, испещренный причудливым орнаментом из оранжевых, черных, белых и зеленых линий.

He saw that the tide mark on the cliff was over a man’s full height above the base.

Он увидел, что отметки прибоя над основанием скалы были выше человеческого роста.

High-speed impact to the base of the skull, at the atlanto-occipital junction Dislodged the C-1 vertebrae severing the spinal cord

Сильный и резкий удар в основание черепа, смещение шейного позвонка, разрыв спинного мозга.

The cervical column was forced into the victim’s skull and then penetrated the base of the brain.

Шейные позвонки были вдавлены в череп жертвы и потом проникли в основание мозга.

Wide blades will jam in the base of the skull, or be deflected by the top vertebrae.

Широкое лезвие либо застрянет в основании черепа, либо ударится о шейный позвонок.

Threaded a new valve into the side, removed the handle from the base, unscrewed the packing nut from the stem.

Вставил сбоку новый вентиль, убрал снизу рукоять, отвинтил герметизирующую гайку.

You’re establishing base-line parameters for truthful and untruthful responses.

Вы устанавливаете базовые параметры для правдивых и лживых ответов.

The white wood-wound was clearly visible in contrast to the shoelike bark of the base of the tree trunk.

Белая древесина в ране была отчетливо видна по контрасту с коричневой корой у основания дерева.

  • С английского на:
  • Русский
  • С русского на:
  • Все языки
  • Английский
  • Итальянский
  • Немецкий
  • Персидский
  • Французский
  • 1
    What is the amount, the type and the height above … of the base of the cloud at (place)?

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > What is the amount, the type and the height above … of the base of the cloud at (place)?

  • 2
    What is the amount, the type and the height above … of the base of the cloud at ?

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > What is the amount, the type and the height above … of the base of the cloud at ?

  • 3
    radius to the base of the teeth

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > radius to the base of the teeth

  • 4
    drilling mud utilizing seawater as the base fluid

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > drilling mud utilizing seawater as the base fluid

  • 5
    logarithm to the base 10

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > logarithm to the base 10

  • 6
    logarithm to the base e

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > logarithm to the base e

  • 7
    Euler pseudoprime to the base b

    псевдопростое число Эйлера по основанию b

    English-Russian cryptological dictionary > Euler pseudoprime to the base b

  • 8
    pseudoprime to the base b

    псевдопростой по основанию b.

    English-Russian cryptological dictionary > pseudoprime to the base b

  • 9
    strong pseudoprime to the base b

    строгое псевдопростое число по основанию b

    English-Russian cryptological dictionary > strong pseudoprime to the base b

  • 10

    English-Russian cryptological dictionary > base

  • 11
    base of the natural logarithm

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > base of the natural logarithm

  • 12
    base of the salt

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > base of the salt

  • 13
    the rate of flow in cubic feet per hour at base conditions.

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > the rate of flow in cubic feet per hour at base conditions.

  • 14
    base of the rejection

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > base of the rejection

  • 15
    Also known as the binary system, which is the basis of computer logic. Normal counting is based on 0-9. Binary just has 0-1, which means a new column is started after two, not nine. Binary counting does not go 1,2,3

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Also known as the binary system, which is the basis of computer logic. Normal counting is based on 0-9. Binary just has 0-1, which means a new column is started after two, not nine. Binary counting does not go 1,2,3

  • 16
    Sustaining Base Pool

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Sustaining Base Pool

  • 17
    Height of the Metacenter above the keel or above the molded base

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Height of the Metacenter above the keel or above the molded base

  • 18
    Height of the centre of buoyancy above the keel or above the molded base of a ship

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Height of the centre of buoyancy above the keel or above the molded base of a ship

  • 19
    Height of the centre of gravity above the keel or above the molded base of a ship

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Height of the centre of gravity above the keel or above the molded base of a ship

  • 20
    основная единица системы единиц физических величин

    1. base unit (of measurement)

    основная единица системы единиц физических величин
    основная единица

    Единица основной физической величины в данной системе единиц.
    Пример. Основные единицы Международной системы единиц (СИ): метр (м), килограмм (кг), секунда.
    [РМГ 29-99]


    base unit
    unit of measurement that is adopted by convention for a base quantity
    NOTE 1 – In each coherent system of units, there is only one base unit for each base quantity. In the SI for example, the metre is the base unit of length. The centimetre and the kilometre are also units of length, but they are not base units in the SI. However, in the CGS systems, the centimetre is the base unit of length.
    NOTE 2 – A base unit may also serve for a derived quantity of the same dimension. For example, rainfall, when defined as volume per area (areic volume), has the metre as a coherent derived unit in the SI. The ampere, base unit of electric current, is also the coherent derived unit of scalar magnetic potential.
    NOTE 3 – For the quantity “number of entities”, the number one, symbol 1, can be regarded as a base unit in any system of units.
    Source: ISO/IEC GUIDE 99:2007 1.10
    [IEV number 112-01-18]


    unité de base, f
    unité de mesure adoptée par convention pour une grandeur de base
    NOTE 1 – Dans chaque système cohérent d’unités, il y a une seule unité de base pour chaque grandeur de base. Dans le SI par exemple, le mètre est l’unité de base de longueur. Le centimètre et le kilomètre sont aussi des unités de longueur, mais ils ne sont pas des unités de base dans le SI. Cependant, dans les systèmes CGS, le centimètre est l’unité de base de longueur.
    NOTE 2 – Une unité de base peut aussi servir pour une grandeur dérivée de même dimension. Par exemple, la hauteur de pluie, définie comme un volume surfacique (volume par aire) a le mètre comme unité dérivée cohérente dans le SI. L’ampère, unité de base de courant électrique, est aussi l’unité dérivée cohérente de potentiel magnétique scalaire.
    NOTE 3 – Pour la grandeur « nombre d’entités », on peut considérer le nombre un, de symbole 1, comme une unité de base dans tout système d’unités.
    Source: ISO/IEC GUIDE 99:2007 1.10
    [IEV number 112-01-18]


    • метрология, основные понятия


    • основная единица


    • base unit (of measurement)


    • Basiseinheit


    • unité (de mesure) de base

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > основная единица системы единиц физических величин


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Base — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel The Base Produktionsland USA …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Base (film) — The Base is a 1999 action/thriller film written by Jeff Albert and Hesh Rephun, produced by Dana Dubosky and Mark L. Lester, directed by Mark L. Lester and stars Mark Dacascos, Tim Abell and Paula Trickey.Tagline: One Man. The Strength of an Army …   Wikipedia

  • Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion — Infobox Painting| title=Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion artist=Francis Bacon year=1944 type=Oil and pastel on Sundeala board height=94 width=74 height inch=37 width inch =29 museum=Tate Britain, London Three Studies for… …   Wikipedia

  • Base station — The term base station can be used in the context of land surveying, wireless computer networking, and wireless communications.Land surveyingIn the context of external land surveying, a base station is a GPS receiver at an accurately known fixed… …   Wikipedia

  • Base Realignment and Closure — (or BRAC) is a process of the United States federal government directed at the administration and operation of the Armed Forces, used by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and Congress to close excess military installations and realign …   Wikipedia

  • Base — Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base course — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base hit — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base line — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base plate — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base ring — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

«If a person hurts a lot, then it doesn’t really matter, how much joy he brings.» — Если человек приносит много боли, то совсем не важно, сколько он приносит радости

 Tuesday [ʹtju:zdı] , 02 May [meı] 2023

Большой англо-русско-английский словарь

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  • Англо-русский словарь


    1. [beıs] n (сущ.)

    1. 1) основа, основание; базис; база; низ, дно

    2) основа, основание, основной момент, пункт

    2. 1) база; опорный пункт

    2) преим. воен. (стартовая) площадка

    3) воен. орудийная платформа

    3. мат.

    1) основание (геометрической фигуры)

    2) основание (системы счисления логарифмов)

    4. 1) стр. основание, донная часть; фундамент

    2) архит. пьедестал, цоколь

    3) тех. фундаментная плита; основная рама (машины); основная доска (прибора)

    4) тех. штатив

    5. 1) геол. подошва (тж. base surface)

    2) геол. подстилающий слой, подстилающая порода

    3) геод. базис

    6. эл.

    1) цоколь (лампы)

    2) изолирующее основание (рубильника и т. п.)

    7. кино подложка

    8. хим. основание

    9. полигр. ножка литеры, подставка клише

    10. лингв. основа (слова)

    11. 1) спорт. место старта; стартовая площадка или линия

    2) «дом» (в играх)

    12. воен. дно снаряда; запоясковая часть снаряда

    2. [beıs] a (прил.)

    1. основной, базисный; фундаментальный

    2. базовый

    3. спец.

    1) основной

    2) базовый; относящийся к базе

    3) базисный

    4. воен. донный

    5. ав. наземный

    3. [beıs] v (глаг.)

    1. (on, upon) основывать, обосновывать

    2. базировать; размещать войска

    3. стр. фундировать

    II [beıs] a (прил.)

    1. низкий, низменный, подлый

    2. 1) нижний

    2) низкий; негромкий

    3) арх. низкорослый, невысокий

    3. 1) низкокачественный; некачественный

    2) фальшивый, неполноценный или низкого достоинства (о монете)

    4. зазорный

    5. 1) неблагодарный, окисляющийся (о металлах)

    2) низкопробный (о сплаве)

    6. простонародный, грубый, испорченный (о языке)

    7. уст. незаконный, незаконнорождённый

    8. юр. преим. ист. принудительный; рабский, крепостной

    II [beıs] n (сущ.)

    игра в бары (тж. prisoner’s base)


спорт. база (в бейсболе) Синонимы: bag I 1. 12)

(base on / upon) базировать, обосновывать; основывать Синонимы: found, ground

низкий; низменный, подлый, грязный Синонимы: mean, low, ignoble

исходный, начальный, первоначальный Синонимы: initial, starting

Синонимы: base;подлый, низменный|mean;подлый, низкий|vile;гадкий, мерзкий|despicable;презренный, подлый|immoral;аморальный|ignoble;неблагородный|scoundrelly;подлый, негодяйский|dishonorable;бесчестный|sinful;грешный, греховный|contemptible;презренный|wicked;злой, дурной|depraved;порочный|infamous;позорный, гнусный|villainous;злодейский

Синонимы: base;база, основание|foundation;фундамент|bottom;дно|ground;основание, грунт|bed;основание, станина|support;опора|pedestal;база, основание

Синонимы: base n.
1 bottom, foot, support, stand, pedestal: The base of the
statue cracked and the whole thing fell down. Have you been
able to find a teak base for the new lamp?
2 groundwork,
background, fundamental principle, principle, foundation,
underpinning; infrastructure, basis: Henry’s charter was at
once welcomed as a base for the needed reforms.
3 root, theme,
radical, stem, core: In the word interdigitation the base is
-digit- .
4 home, station, camp, starting-point, point of
departure, post, centre: Using the Sherpa village as a base of
operations, we set up smaller camps as we began to climb the

5 establish, found, secure, build, ground, anchor, fix,
hinge, form; derive, draw: We are basing all our hopes on his
ability to do a deal.
6 establish, headquarter, post, station,
position, place: The company is based in Guernsey.

Синонимы: base adj.
1 low, undignified, cowardly, selfish, mean, despicable,
contemptible, filthy, evil: He must have had some base motive
in revealing to her what Martha had said.
2 degraded, degrading,
menial, inferior, mean, unworthy, lowly, low, grovelling,
servile, slavish, subservient, downtrodden, abject, miserable,
wretched, sordid, undignified, ignoble, dishonourable,
disreputable, vile, scurrilous, wicked, Colloq infra dig:
Foolish sinners will submit to the basest servitude, and be
attendants of swine.
3 mean, cheap, sorry, common, poor, shabby,
shoddy: He cast off his base attire, revealing a splendid suit
of armour like burnished gold.
4 sordid, offensive, lewd,
lascivious, obscene, profane, rude, ribald, unseemly, vulgar,
coarse, rude, dirty, indecent, evil-minded, filthy,
pornographic: The entertainment in that theatre caters to the
basest appetites.
5 poor, shoddy, cheap, fake, pinchbeck,
inferior, counterfeit, fraudulent, debased, forged, spurious,
worthless, bad: Her jewels look valuable but are, in fact, made
of base materials.
6 wicked, evil, wretched, corrupt, shameful,
currish, loathsome, scurvy, insufferable, villainous: They were
labelled as base infidels and treated with contempt and cruelty.

Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений

Примеры фраз, тематические словари

base of a cloud, cloud baseметеор. нижняя сторона /граница/ облака; основание /базис/ облака

base son — внебрачный сын

tax base налоговая база

on a periodic base периодически

base act — низкий поступок


Разговорные фразы

контактировать, связываться, возобновлять контакт

Touch base with me in a month or so. — Свяжитесь со мной где-нибудь через месяц.


Oh, how base! Ах, как грубо!
(разговорные фразы)


Идиоматические выражения,фразы

air base

авиационная база

base on smth.

основываться, базироваться на чем-л.; отталкиваться от чего-л.

get beyond first base (with smth.)

get beyond the first base (with smth.)
get past first base (with smth.)
get past the first base (with smth.)
get to first base (with smth.)
get to the first base (with smth.)
reach first base (with smth.)
reach the first base (with smth.)
успешно пройти первый этап (чего-л.); успешно преодолеть первое препятствие, первые трудности (в чем-л.)


Фразовые глаголы


Сочетаемость частей речи

at the base — у основания
(фразеологические сочетания прилагательных с предлогами:близость к чему-то по расположению)

at the base — у основания
(фразеологические сочетания прилагательных с предлогами:дежурство)

base on smth — основываться на чем-то
(фразеологические сочетания прилагательных с предлогами:опора)

data base—база данных
(сочетаемость существительных:)

to base on facts основывать на фактах
(Глагольные словосочетания)


Словарь ненормативной лексики английского языка

Your life values are based on stereotypes! — У тебя шкала ценностей базируется на низких стандартах!

Пресмыкаться , Стоять раком , Унижаться

She constantly abase herself before him. — Она постоянно перед ним унижается


Словарные статьи, содержащие слово


  • Определения слова base

    • основа, основание, базис.
      • Henry’s charter was at once welcomed as a base for the needed reforms
    • база, опорный пункт.
      • en (воен.)
      • The planes were in transit from their home base, RAF Coningsby
    • место старта.
      • en (спорт.)
    • база (в бейсболе).
      • en (спорт.)
    • подножие горы
    • пьедестал, цоколь, фундамент.
      • en (архит.)
    • основание.
      • en (хим.)
    • основа слова.
      • en (лингв.)
    • ножка литеры; колодка для клише; фацетная доска.
      • en (полигр.)
    • база (электрод биполярного транзистора)
    • нижняя часть щита.
      • en (геральд.)
    • основание (геометрической фигуры).
      • en (геометр.)
    • основание (логарифма, степени, системы счисления).
      • en (матем.)

Синонимы к слову base

    • basis
    • bottom
    • build
    • center
    • corrupt
    • dishonorable
    • establish
    • foot
    • found
    • foundation
    • headquarters
    • heart
    • ignoble
    • immoral
    • improper
    • origin
    • pedestal
    • root
    • sordid
    • source
    • stand
    • starting point
    • station
    • support
    • vile

Похожие слова на base

    • base
    • base’s
    • baseball
    • baseball’s
    • baseballs
    • baseboard
    • baseboard’s
    • baseboards
    • based
    • basel
    • basel’s
    • baseless
    • baseline
    • baseline’s
    • baselines
    • basely
    • baseman
    • baseman’s
    • basemen
    • basements
    • baseness
    • baseness’s
    • baser
    • bases
    • basest

Посмотрите другие слова

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    • Словарь значения слов banditry
    • Грамматическое значение bandicoot
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    • Прямое и переносное значение слова bandage
    • Происхождение слова basement
    • Синоним к слову basher
    • Антоним к слову basketry
    • Омоним к слову bass
    • Гипоним к слову bastard
    • Холоним к слову bat
    • Гипероним к слову bat-fowling
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову bath
    • Перевод слова на другие языки bather

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