Superficial синонимы

  • cursory
  • frivolous
  • one-dimensional
  • perfunctory
  • silly
  • sketchy
  • slight
  • trivial
  • apparent
  • casual
  • cosmetic
  • depthless
  • desultory
  • empty
  • evident
  • exterior
  • external
  • flash
  • flimsy
  • general
  • glib
  • half-baked
  • hasty
  • hurried
  • ignorant
  • inattentive
  • lightweight
  • nodding
  • on the surface
  • ostensible
  • outward
  • partial
  • passing
  • peripheral
  • quick-fix
  • seeming
  • shallow
  • shoal
  • skin-deep
  • slapdash
  • smattery
  • summary
  • surface
  • tip of the iceberg
  • uncritical
  • warped

On this page you’ll find 114 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to superficial, such as: cursory, frivolous, one-dimensional, perfunctory, silly, and sketchy.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use superficial in a sentence

You might object that the approach creates only superficial mimicry — the way some alchemists claimed to have “made gold” by applying some surface treatment to another metal that induced chemical reactions to gave the metal a golden sheen.


Popular critiques of millennials, in the mid-2000s and beyond, ranged from “They’re too entitled” to “Technology and social media are making them superficial.”


A little or superficial knowledge may incline a man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth him back to religion.


In touching truly deep and serious things Mistral is often superficial, and passes them off with a commonplace.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • apish
  • artificial
  • assumed
  • awkward
  • campy
  • chichi
  • conceited
  • contrived
  • counterfeit
  • counterfeited
  • faked
  • false
  • feigned
  • fraudulent
  • gone Hollywood
  • hammy
  • highfalutin
  • hollow
  • imitated
  • insincere
  • la-di-da
  • melodramatic
  • ostentatious
  • overdone
  • pedantic
  • phony
  • playacting
  • pompous
  • precious
  • pretended
  • pretentious
  • put on
  • schmaltzy
  • self-conscious
  • shallow
  • sham
  • simulated
  • spurious
  • stiff
  • stilted
  • studied
  • superficial
  • theatrical
  • unnatural
  • credible
  • illusive
  • illusory
  • likely
  • ostensible
  • outward
  • plausible
  • possible
  • probable
  • semblant
  • specious
  • superficial
  • supposed
  • suppositious
  • approximate
  • capricious
  • discretionary
  • erratic
  • fanciful
  • frivolous
  • inconsistent
  • injudicious
  • irrational
  • irresponsible
  • offhand
  • optional
  • random
  • subjective
  • supercilious
  • superficial
  • unaccountable
  • unreasonable
  • unscientific
  • wayward
  • willful
  • curable
  • early stage
  • harmless
  • limited
  • remediable
  • slight
  • superficial
  • corrective
  • gooky
  • improving
  • makeup
  • nonessential
  • painted
  • remedial
  • restorative
  • superficial
  • surface
  • touching-up
  • brief
  • careless
  • depthless
  • desultory
  • fast
  • half-assed
  • half-baked
  • haphazard
  • hit or miss
  • hurried
  • offhand
  • passing
  • perfunctory
  • quick
  • random
  • rapid
  • shallow
  • short
  • sketchy
  • slapdash
  • slight
  • sloppy
  • speedy
  • summary
  • superficial
  • swift
  • uncritical

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

All synonyms in one line

adorned, baroque, careless, casual, defective,, delusive, dishonest, dispensable, elaborate, empty, exterior, extrinsic, facile, fallacious, false, faulty, figurehead, flamboyant, flash, flashy, flaunting, flimsy, foreign, frivolous, gaudy,, green, hasty, hollow, hypocritical, ignorant, in name only, inadequate, inadvertent, inconsequential, inconsiderate, insignificant, insincere, insufficient, lavish, lone, manifest, marginal, minimal, minor, negligent, nominal, obvious, ornate, ostentatious, outlying,, outward, overt, paltry, peripheral, petty, poor, pretentious, rude, seeming, shallow, showy, silly, sketchy, slight, surface, tame, tawdry, thoughtless, token, trifling, trite, trivial, unconsidered, unessential, unimportant, unmindful, unnecessary, unsubstantial, unthinking, visible.

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • superficial [sjuːpəˈfɪʃəl] прил

    1. поверхностный, неглубокий, внешний

      (shallow, external)

      • superficial water – поверхностные воды
      • superficial layer of skin – поверхностный слой кожи
      • superficial wound – неглубокая рана
      • superficial resemblance – внешнее сходство
    2. легковесный


    3. беглый


    4. легкомысленный


поверхностный surface, superficial, sketchy, shallow, cursory, perfunctory
внешний external, outer, foreign, outside, outdoor, superficial
неглубокий superficial, unsound, slick, skin-deep
суперфициальный superficial
наносный alluvial, superficial
аллювиальный alluvial, superficial, alluvian

Предложения со словом «superficial»

But just because a facade is superficial doesn’t mean it’s not also deep.

Но то, что фасад находится снаружи, не лишает его глубины.

When you work with those that don’t look like you, or think like you, or speak like you, your shared mission of archaeological discovery erases all superficial differences.

Когда вы работаете с теми, кто не похож на вас, думает иначе, чем вы, говорит иначе, чем вы, ваша общая миссия открытий стирает все поверхностные различия.

Or they’ll just take a superficial , one-off approach, hoping that they can return back to business as usual as soon as the crisis is over.

Также они применяют поверхностный подход в надежде спокойно вернуться к делам, как только кризис пройдёт.

Even the most superficial scan of his mind showed that.

Даже самое поверхностное сканирование его мозга подтвердило предположение оратора.

But the ornamental armaments are merely superficial

но декоративное вооружение только поверхностно

His superficial reasons were sufficient for the moment, but not for an enduring decision.

Поверхностные мотивы его были на первый взгляд вполне достаточны, но лишь на первый взгляд.

They had to be rich, old, insecure, vain, superficial , blonde, needy.

Они должны были быть богатыми, старыми, неуверенными в себе, тщеславными, поверхностными , светловолосыми, алчущими внимания.

I found a superficial incision at the inferior margin on the anterior aspect of the body of the hyoid.

Я нашел поверхностный надрез на нижней части передней стороны подъязычной кости.

The success of this product depends on people being shallow, superficial , self-obsessed, greedy and desperate for attention.

Успех этого товара зависит от людей ограниченных, поверхностных , самовлюбленных, жадных и нуждающихся во внимании.

Your superficial connections and lack of authentic emotion leave you isolated and alone.

Твои поверхностные связи и недостаток искренних эмоций делают тебя изолированным и одиноким.

The energy emission from the gun left a superficial burn on the killer’s skin…

Энергия излучения из пистолета оставила поверхностный ожог на коже убийцы.

Your wrist was fractured and you sustained a superficial head wound.

У тебя был перелом запястья и неглубокая рана на голове.

I see a lot of superficial cuts on their faces, arms, legs.

я видел много неглубоких порезов на их лицах, руках, ногах.

Superficial wounds, but the genius went to the emergency room to get some Bactine and a band-aid.

Ранение было неглубоким, но этот гений пошёл в пункт первой помощи за каким — нибудь антисептиком.

I’m not in the habit of doing business with the phantom of a silly, superficial woman!

У меня нет привычки сотрудничать с фантомом женщины вздорной и глупой.

So the shot of fragment that left a superficial wound on Teague’s cheek came from one of the three bullets fired from the Depository’s sixth floor.

Поэтому, осколок, что поранил щеку Тэга, должен был быть осколком одной из трех пуль, что были пущены с 6 этажа хранилища.

Geosynthetics made of natural or synthetic fibres designed for superficial erosion control.

Геосинтетические материалы из природных или синтетических волокон для контроля эрозии.

He said that at present superficial necrosis was not covered by the standard and lots could not be rejected.

Он отметил, что в настоящее время поверхностный некроз не охватывается стандартом, в связи с чем партии не могут быть забракованы.

No defects with the exception of very slight superficial 3.1.2.

отсутствие дефектов, за исключением весьма незначительных поверхностных дефектов.

They must be free from defects with the exception of very slight superficial defects.

быть доставленными к месту назначения в удовлетворительном состоянии.

They get into competitive colleges, they get good jobs, and sometimes they make a success of themselves in a superficial manner, and they make a ton of money.

Поступают в ведущие университеты, получают хорошую работу, и иногда становятся успешными в поверхностном понимании, зарабатывая кучу денег.

Like those tall tales, Fidel’s myth of Che bears a superficial resemblance to historical facts, but the real story is far darker.

Как и эти выдумки, у мифа Фиделя о Че есть поверхностное сходство с историческими фактами, но реальная история является гораздо более темной.

The toxins and other harmful substances are washed up from the superficial and muscle tissues at a relatively low temperature and high humidity.

При относительно низкой температуре и большой влажности воздуха приходит к вымыванию вредных веществ и токсинов из поверхностных и мышечных тканей.

Superficial knife wounds and wrist restraints.

Раны от ножевых ранений, следы на запястях от верёвки.

They concluded that the analysis of climate change impacts and solutions have so far been superficial , technocratic and only centring on the economic dimension.

Они пришли к выводу о том, что анализ последствий изменения климата и мер, принимаемых в целях их смягчения, до настоящего времени был весьма поверхностным , технократическим и был сфокусирован лишь на экономических аспектах проблемы.

Nowadays in Russia, there is a fashionable trend of borrowing superficial features from overseas and not paying enough attention to substance.

В наши дни в России модно заимствовать из — за границы внешние черты, не уделяя достаточного внимания содержанию.

To argue that Latin America’s problems are due to IMF mistakes is superficial at best.

Утверждать, что проблемы Латинской Америки вызваны ошибками МВФ — это, в лучшем случае, неглубокое понимание происходящего.

They certainly aren’t authorities on the workings of democracy, and their understanding of the flaws of the U.S. system is rather superficial .

Их, несомненно, не стоит считать авторитетами в вопросах механизмов демократии, а их знание недостатков американской системы довольно поверхностно .

It is these kinds of stories, ones that go beyond the immediate or just the superficial that demonstrate the power of photojournalism.

Это все такие истории, которые запечатлевают не просто недавние события, поверхностно , но они показывают влияние фотожурналистики.

Within this tolerance, a maximum of 5 per cent is allowed of fruit showing slight superficial unhealed damage, dry cuts or soft and shrivelled fruit.

В пределах этих требований допускается наличие максимум 5 % плодов с незначительными поверхностными незарубцевавшимися повреждениями, сухими порезами либо мягких и сморщенных фруктов. В.

Indeed, the infinite renewal of the body isn’t confined to superficial repairs through cosmetic surgery.

Бесконечное обновление тела не ограничивается только исправлениями наружности посредством косметической хирургии.

Superficial judgment can lead to wrong conclusions.

Поверхностное суждение приведет к неправильным выводам.

Some have called the new season’s portrayal of Russia superficial , and not very up to date, and it certainly falls back on a lazy stereotypes.

Некоторые назвали образ России в новом сезоне поверхностным и не слишком современным. Можно также утверждать, что он, несомненно, основан на множестве стереотипов.

Despite superficial similarities to other leftist factions, the group was an anomaly on the British radical left.

При этом, несмотря на поверхностное сходство с другими левыми объединениями, для британской радикальной левой институт выглядел аномалией.

But the differences between the modern and archaic left, and the three countries’ contradictory national interests, seem to be trumping more superficial political affinities.

Но различия между современным и архаичным левым крылом и противоречивые национальные интересы трех стран, похоже, превосходят более поверхностное политическое сходство.

It’s not uncommon for a leader to have a superficial knowledge of issues on which he doesn’t need to make decisions.

Для лидеров нередко характерны поверхностные знания в тех вопросах, в которых им не нужно принимать решения.

A look at the record may jolt those who still insist that it is possible to appraise an investment by a superficial analysis of past earnings and little more.

При взгляде на показатели все те, кто призывает оценивать объекты инвестиций, основываясь почти исключительно на поверхностном анализе уровня прибылей за прошедшие периоды, должны быть потрясены.

Up to now, the cinema has only given you a superficial stardom, You’ve been placed in an unreal world, and now you feel the emptiness.

Пока что кино дало вам искусственную славу, поместило вас в ложный мир, который, как вы говорите, дает вам ощущение пустоты.

His nanites have healed his superficial wound, but the damage to his neural matrix may be irreparable.

Наниты залечили поверхностные раны, но нейронная матрица могла получить необратимый ущерб.

I see superficial lesion on the lateral aerior surface.

Я вижу неглубокое повреждение на боковой аэродинамической поверхности .

Roy Rayder, you may have every jurist south of Charlotte wrapped around your finger, but I’m telling you right now, I’m not moved by your superficial charms.

Рой Райдер, может вы и способны обворожить любого юриста в Южном Чарльстоне, но скажу вам сразу, я на эти ваши красивые глазки не куплюсь.

Then again, I’m sure our Peggy is immune to such superficial inducements.

Но я уверен, что наша Пегги невосприимчива к соблазну такого поверхностного уровня.

He would have preferred more honesty in his clients, and less sham ridicule; but fundamental belief consoled him for superficial irony.

Ему хотелось бы видеть в своих клиентах больше искренности и меньше нелепого притворства, но их непоколебимая вера в его слова вознаграждала его за их поверхностную иронию.

But they do exhibit glibness, superficial charm, an easy ability to lie.

Но они проявляют легкость в общении, внешнее обаяние, умение легко лгать.

Ich realized that night that the fashion world was superficial und vacuous.

Той ночью ихь бин понял, что мир мода есть поверхностный и пустой,

But it’s more than just superficial high-end apparel.

Но это больше, чем просто качественная вещь.

So if a few incisions and little back sucking is what it takes for you to finally be able to look in the mirror and smile, then I say it’s not shallow and superficial .

Так что если несколько надрезов и небольшое отсасывание жира необходимы для того, чтобы ты наконец — то мог посмотреть в зеркало и улыбнуться – то я бы не сказал, что это пустое и поверхностное .

The reason these kids aren’t reading your paper is because most of them are gossipy, superficial , mean-spirited materialists, like Dalia.

Причина, по которой эти детки не читают твою газету, так это потому что большинство из них любящие посплетничать, поверхностные , мелочные материалисты, как Далия.

The movement became regular while the chant lost its first superficial excitement and began to beat like a steady pulse.

Кружение стало ритмичным, взбудораженное пенье остыло, билось ровным пульсом.

Maybe Brian is right. Maybe this obsession with youth and beauty is shallow, superficial , narcissistic…

Может быть, Брайан прав, может быть, одержимость молодостью и красотой – это пустое, поверхностное , нарциссическое…

How do I win over shallow, superficial actors?

Как мне одержать победу над пустыми поверхностными актерами?

People meet, they like something superficial , and then they fill in the blanks with whatever they want to believe.

Люди встречаются, сначала им нравится то, что лежит на поверхности , И тогда они заполняют пустоты тем, во что они хотят верить

Luckily just some superficial nicks and bruises.

Повезло отделаться парой гематом и неглубоких рассечек.

So they’re solidly superficial songs.

Итак это прочные поверхностные песни.

Wanting nothing to do with this superficial world hasn’t deterred you from taking my money.

Нежелание иметь что — либо общее с поверхностным миром не удержало тебя от моих денег.

I remembered my father and his scorn of superficial snobbery.

Я вспомнила отца, его насмешки над пустым снобизмом.

The painting had an odd, superficial smoothness. At first sight it might have been a poster, so seemingly crude were its contrasts.

Яркие краски были наложены гладко, так что картина на первый взгляд даже казалась рекламным плакатом.

If he loved it all so much why did he seek the superficial froth of Monte Carlo?

Если он все это так любит, что надо ему в ветреном и празднословном Монте — Карло?

She walks around with her odourless deodorant, her airy-fairy come-as- you-are propaganda when she is just as superficial as they come.

Она расхаживает со своим дезодорантом без запаха, и ее мечтательность придет как твоя пропаганда когда ей так же кажется что они придут.

She was terribly weary of the superficial veneer of the titled fortune-hunter whom she met abroad.

Ей смертельно надоел внешний лоск титулованных охотников за долларами, с которыми она сталкивалась за границей.

What is another word for Superficial?

  • shallow

    detail, facile

  • cursory

    detail, surface

  • sketchy

    detail, imperfect

  • outward

    apparent, detail

  • surface

    detail, shallow

  • skin-deep

    shallow, surface

  • trivial

    insignificant, facile

  • facile


  • frivolous

    trivial, facile

  • seeming

    apparent, surface

  • perfunctory


  • external


  • slight

    insignificant, imperfect

  • apparent


  • ostensible


  • hasty

    imperfect, easy

  • casual

    glib, cursory

  • silly

    facile, trite

  • exterior


  • passing


  • insignificant

    trivial, trite

  • unimportant

    insignificant, trivial

  • empty

    character trait, insignificant

  • outer

  • glib


  • flimsy

    trivial, ineffectual

  • peripheral

    unimportant, extraneous

  • outside

  • hurried


  • desultory


  • cosmetic


  • hollow

    character trait, insignificant

  • careless


  • lightweight


  • slapdash


  • meaningless

  • one-dimensional

  • paltry

  • insincere

    character trait, empty

  • trifling


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Closeup of superficial small veins bifurcating under surface of glossy skin in daylight White and Gray Concrete Wall Brown Brick Arch Near Body of Water Green Trees Near Body of Water

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Synonyms for Superficial. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from

Synonyms for Superficial. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Superficial. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. superficialadjective

    Of or pertaining to the surface.


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. superficial

    accidental, casual, external, extrinsic, fortuitous, incidental, outward, subsidiary, superadded, superfluous, superimposed, supplemental, transient, unconnected

    congenital, essential, immanent, inborn, inbred, indispensable, indwelling, infixed, ingrained, inherent, inhering, innate, inseparable, internal, intrinsic, inwrought, native, natural, subjective

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. superficial

    light, slight, imperfect, showy, external, flimsy, surface, shallow, smattering, skin-deep

    deep, profound, abstruse, recondite, accurate, exact, deep-seated

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. superficialadjective

    concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually

    «superficial similarities»; «a superficial mind»; «his thinking was superficial and fuzzy»; «superficial knowledge»; «the superficial report didn’t give the true picture»; «only superficial differences»


    important, significant, deep, thoughtful, profound

  2. superficialadjective

    of, affecting, or being on or near the surface

    «superficial measurements»; «the superficial area of the wall»; «a superficial wound»


    deep, thoughtful, profound, important, significant

  3. superficial, trivialadjective

    of little substance or significance

    «a few superficial editorial changes»; «only trivial objections»

    niggling, trivial, picayune, piffling, footling, petty, fiddling, lilliputian, little, piddling

    thoughtful, important, significant, deep, profound

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «superficial»:

    surface, surficial, shallow, cursory, perfunctory, above-ground, cosmetic, facile, apparent, supracrustal

How to pronounce superficial?

How to say superficial in sign language?

How to use superficial in a sentence?

  1. Fran Lebowitz:

    The most common error made in matters of appearance is the belief that one should disdain the superficial and let the true beauty of one’s soul shine through. If there are places on your body where this is a possibility, you are not attractive-you are leaking.

  2. Alexis Hiniker:

    Even adults’ interactions with smart speakers are superficial, thin and lack most of the hallmarks of person-to-person conversation, typically, developing children pick up language rapidly in the first few years of life. But this doesn’t just happen because children are good at learning this skill ; it also happens because adults are very good at teaching it.

  3. Goa Kerle:

    The problem with society is that the vast majority of its members consider the superficial things very crucial and the very crucial things superficial.

  4. Joe Maddon:

    The thing I’ve always heard about the Cubs being lovable losers, I never quite understood that. That’s not the way I was raised, getting here and not paying attention to the superficial nonsense, the superstition that really has dragged a lot of people’s minds down … to escape that is great, to continue to move it forward. The perception has changed.

  5. Wai Wah Chin:

    They are against racial discrimination, but pernicious division and discrimination by race have been ongoing for a long time in admissions, so there is wrongful resistance to a change back to privileging individual merit. Those who see everything through the lens of color, want a superficial skin color result, or benefit from that, should join us in opposing discriminating by race.


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[ sˈuːpəfˈɪʃə͡l], [ sˈuːpəfˈɪʃə‍l], [ s_ˈuː_p_ə_f_ˈɪ_ʃ_əl]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    affected (adjective)

    • in-sincere,
    • in sincerer,
    • more put-on,
    • hammiest,
    • most put on,
    • schmaltzy,
    • sham,
    • pretentious,
    • pre-tended,
    • un natural,
    • more faked,
    • un-natural,
    • selfconscious,
    • high falutin’,
    • in sincere,
    • insincere,
    • most faked,
    • puton,
    • more counterfeited,
    • more puton,
    • in-sincerer,
    • hammier,
    • in-sincerest,
    • most puton,
    • most put-on,
    • hamest,
    • most counterfeited,
    • self conscious,
    • over-done,
    • simulated,
    • hamer,
    • more put on,
    • over done,
    • more affected,
    • most playacting,
    • pre tended,
    • ostentatious,
    • fraudest,
    • fraud,
    • in sincerest,
    • frauder,
    • more playacting.

    all (adjective)

    • superficial.

    apparent (adjective)

    • most apparent,
    • most semblant,
    • most possible,
    • most illusory,
    • more semblant.

    arbitrary (adjective)

    • in-consistent,
    • in judicious,
    • in consistent,
    • un reasonable,
    • injudicious,
    • un-reasonable,
    • un-accountable,
    • un-scientific,
    • offhand,
    • un accountable,
    • wayward,
    • un scientific,
    • in-judicious.

    benign (adjective)

    • most remediable,
    • more remediable,
    • limited,
    • remediable.

    cosmetic (adjective)

    • gooky,
    • touching-up,
    • Non-essential.

    cursory (adjective)

    • more depthless,
    • hit miss,
    • halfbaked,
    • more halfassed,
    • half assed,
    • most half-assed,
    • most half assed,
    • most halfassed,
    • half baked,
    • more half-assed,
    • halfassed,
    • most depthless,
    • more half assed.

    dramatic (adjective)

    • theatrical.

    exterior (adjective)

    • most exoteric,
    • extra-terrestrial,
    • most extraterritorial,
    • extraterrestrial,
    • out lying,
    • more extraterrestrial,
    • out-door,
    • most extraterrestrial,
    • Extra-territorial,
    • out-lying,
    • extra terrestrial,
    • outer most,
    • more exoteric,
    • out-most,
    • out door,
    • more extraterritorial,
    • outer-most,
    • extra territorial,
    • out most.

    external (adjective)

    • in dependent,
    • in-dependent,
    • independent.

    extrinsic (adjective)

    • out side,
    • most gained,
    • extrinsic,
    • more gained.

    facile (adjective)

    • uncomplicated,
    • pushover,
    • fast talk,
    • untroublesome,
    • effortless,
    • flipper.

    flatulent (adjective)

    • over-blown,
    • over blown.

    flimsy (adjective)

    • more cut rate,
    • in conceivable,
    • house cards,
    • lamest,
    • un-grounded,
    • more rinkydink,
    • most controvertible,
    • most cutrate,
    • most rinkydink,
    • un sounder,
    • un persuasive,
    • un satisfactory,
    • un believable,
    • un-persuasive,
    • un sound,
    • in-adequate,
    • more chiffon,
    • more unpersuasive,
    • in-credible,
    • most cut rate,
    • more cut-rate,
    • in-conceivable,
    • in-substantial,
    • illogical,
    • most ungrounded,
    • rickety,
    • most unpersuasive,
    • cutrate,
    • in-firm,
    • un-substantial,
    • un-sounder,
    • in substantial,
    • un grounded,
    • more cutrate,
    • most papery,
    • gossamer,
    • most cut-rate,
    • un-believable,
    • un-sound,
    • most chiffon,
    • un substantial,
    • in firmer,
    • trans-parent,
    • in-firmer,
    • trans parent,
    • in firmest,
    • in credible,
    • more ungrounded,
    • more papery,
    • more controvertible,
    • meager,
    • un-soundest,
    • in-firmest,
    • in adequate,
    • trifling,
    • un-satisfactory.

    flippant (adjective)

    • playful,
    • smartalecky,
    • in solent,
    • lippier,
    • flighty,
    • dis-respectful,
    • lippiest,
    • in-solent,
    • dis respectful.

    frivolous (adjective)

    • facetious,
    • un important,
    • more light-minded,
    • un-profound,
    • ill-considered,
    • more nonserious,
    • most nonserious,
    • un-important,
    • empty headed,
    • nonserious,
    • more light minded,
    • non serious,
    • un profoundest,
    • un profound,
    • light minded,
    • un-profoundest,
    • unprofoundest,
    • un profounder,
    • un-profounder,
    • ill considered,
    • tongue-in-cheek,
    • most sportive,
    • most light minded,
    • illconsidered,
    • non-serious,
    • sportive,
    • light-minded,
    • more lightminded,
    • unprofound,
    • unprofounder,
    • most lightminded,
    • most light-minded,
    • lightminded.

    hasty (adjective)

    • touch-and-go,
    • chop-chop,
    • slambang,
    • harefooted,
    • headlong.

    hurried (adjective)

    • most subitaneous,
    • more subitaneous,
    • hectic,
    • Subitaneous.

    idle (adjective)

    • un availing,
    • un-productive,
    • most unhelpful,
    • un successful,
    • idler,
    • in-significant,
    • un-necessary,
    • more unhelpful,
    • un productive,
    • un-successful,
    • un-availing,
    • un-helpful,
    • un helpful,
    • irrelevant,
    • un necessary,
    • in significant.

    indiscriminate (adjective)

    • undiscriminating,
    • Designless,
    • unmethodical,
    • wholesale,
    • motley,
    • Imperceptive,
    • unselective,
    • unsystematic.

    la-di-da (adjective)

    • la di da.

    light (adjective)

    • chirpy,
    • wee,
    • lightest,
    • fragmentary,
    • sunny-side up,
    • shoestring,
    • chirpier,
    • perky,
    • chirpiest,
    • tiny,
    • inconsiderable,
    • hardly any,
    • not rich,
    • up-beat,
    • hardly enough,
    • not much,
    • sunny side up,
    • not many.

    light-headed (adjective)

    • swimmy,
    • vertiginous.

    lightheaded (adjective)

    • bird brained.

    meretricious (adjective)

    • mis leading,
    • most tinsel,
    • more tinsel,
    • mis-leading,
    • tinsel.

    ornate (adjective)

    • Flaunting,
    • more jeweled,
    • highwrought,
    • high wrought,
    • glitzier,
    • more embroidered,
    • be decked,
    • most embroidered,
    • more overelaborate,
    • re-splendent,
    • High-wrought,
    • most high wrought,
    • over-elaborate,
    • over elaborate,
    • more high wrought,
    • most highwrought,
    • more bedecked,
    • most high-wrought,
    • most jeweled,
    • most bedecked,
    • more high-wrought,
    • more highwrought,
    • be-decked,
    • most overelaborate,
    • glitziest,
    • glossy,
    • most ornamented,
    • more ornamented.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • unexplicit,
    • scrimpy,
    • hurried,
    • lamebrained,
    • flippant,
    • papery,
    • cosmetic,
    • high falutin,
    • indiscriminate,
    • ornate,
    • chiffon,
    • of no avail,
    • frivolous,
    • campier,
    • unreasoning,
    • glitzy,
    • affected,
    • light-headed,
    • Depthless,
    • walking through it,
    • cursory,
    • ostensive,
    • exterior,
    • cut rate,
    • surface,
    • slight,
    • la-di-da,
    • birdbrained,
    • facile,
    • airheaded,
    • campiest,
    • going through the motions,
    • ostensible,
    • too little too late,
    • unhelpful,
    • external,
    • vacuous,
    • Amphibological,
    • perfunctory,
    • picayune,
    • campy,
    • facial,
    • benign,
    • Semblant,
    • thin,
    • overelaborate,
    • apparent,
    • judgmental,
    • sketchy,
    • passing,
    • house of cards,
    • early stage,
    • exoteric,
    • half-assed,
    • hasty,
    • jeweled,
    • extraterritorial,
    • operatic,
    • outward,
    • cut-rate,
    • phoning it in,
    • tongue in cheek,
    • side,
    • emptyheaded,
    • arbitrary,
    • unpersuasive,
    • vague,
    • rinkydink,
    • flatulent,
    • in firm,
    • lightheaded,
    • not serious,
    • meretricious,
    • ungrounded,
    • beside point,
    • going through motions,
    • peripheral,
    • laid back,
    • lippy,
    • piddly,
    • light,
    • Controvertible,
    • hammy,
    • outer,
    • idle,
    • smart alecky,
    • flimsy,
    • Perimetric.

    outer (adjective)

    • more without,
    • most without,
    • be yond,
    • re-mote,
    • more beyond,
    • be-yond,
    • most beyond.

    outward (adjective)

    • toward the edge,
    • the eye,
    • on the surface,
    • to the eye,
    • from within.

    passing (adjective)

    • impermanent,
    • fugacious.

    perfunctory (adjective)

    • in-voluntary,
    • dis-interested,
    • in-different,
    • laidback,
    • stocker,
    • in voluntary,
    • un concerned,
    • un-aware,
    • un-concerned,
    • un aware,
    • phoning in,
    • un interested,
    • in-attentive,
    • in different,
    • stereo typed,
    • un-interested,
    • dis interested.

    peripheral (adjective)

    • most perimetric,
    • more perimetric,
    • in essential,
    • in-essential.

    picayune (adjective)

    • of no account.

    piddly (adjective)

    • most rinky dink,
    • diddlier,
    • more rinky-dink,
    • two bit,
    • most rinky-dink,
    • rinky-dink,
    • twobit,
    • scrimpiest,
    • more rinky dink,
    • diddliest,
    • scrimpier,
    • rinky dink.

    senseless (adjective)

    • half-baked.

    shallow (adjective)

    • skin-deep,
    • shelfer,
    • epidermal,
    • shoaler,
    • shallow,
    • frothy,
    • shallower.

    side (adjective)

    • not the main,
    • sidewise,
    • sidelong,
    • sideward.

    sketchy (adjective)

    • out line,
    • most outline,
    • un-finished,
    • un finished,
    • more outline,
    • out-line.

    slight (adjective)

    • un-essential,
    • un essential.

    surface (adjective)

    • most facial,
    • sur-face,
    • more covering,
    • top-pest,
    • most covering,
    • more facial,
    • sur face.

    theatrical (adjective)

    • most amateur,
    • more operatic,
    • more vaudeville,
    • un-real,
    • most operatic,
    • more amateur,
    • showest,
    • most vaudeville,
    • more thespian,
    • more staged,
    • most thespian,
    • most staged.

    thin (adjective)

    • more weakkneed,
    • un tenable,
    • most weakkneed,
    • more weak kneed,
    • most weak-kneed,
    • most diluted,
    • un-tenable,
    • more weak-kneed,
    • more stretched,
    • most stretched,
    • weak kneed,
    • weakkneed,
    • un-convincing,
    • un convincing.

    uncritical (adjective)

    • easily pleased,
    • unexacting,
    • imprecise,
    • undiscerning.

    unimportant (adjective)

    • silly,
    • no-account,
    • mere,
    • unconsidered,
    • diminished,
    • lightweight,
    • lower,
    • inconsequential,
    • small,
    • low,
    • expendable,
    • minor league,
    • Podunk,
    • negligible,
    • inessential,
    • two-bit,
    • second class,
    • meaningless,
    • penny ante,
    • low-level,
    • mickey mouse,
    • nonessential,
    • paltry,
    • of no consequence/of little consequence,
    • minor.

    vacuous (adjective)

    • most emptied,
    • more emptied,
    • most airheaded,
    • un-reasoning,
    • most lamebrained,
    • more airheaded,
    • un-comprehending,
    • un reasoning,
    • more unreasoning,
    • more lamebrained,
    • un comprehending,
    • most unreasoning.

    vague (adjective)

    • more unexplicit,
    • unspecified,
    • un-clear,
    • un-intelligible,
    • un sure,
    • in definite,
    • un explicit,
    • un-explicit,
    • most generalized,
    • more amphibological,
    • in determinate,
    • be-wildering,
    • be wildering,
    • un specified,
    • un clearest,
    • un-known,
    • mis understood,
    • in-definite,
    • in-explicable,
    • un-clearest,
    • un-specified,
    • un-settled,
    • un-determined,
    • ill defined,
    • more bewildering,
    • most unexplicit,
    • most amphibological,
    • more generalized,
    • illdefined,
    • most bewildering,
    • more blurred,
    • in explicable,
    • un clear,
    • un-sure,
    • mis-understood,
    • un settled,
    • un known.

    vain (adjective)

    • narcissistic,
    • self-admiring,
    • haughty,
    • smug,
    • boastful,
    • egoistic,
    • self-applauding,
    • foppish,
    • self-satisfied,
    • self-flattering,
    • vain,
    • Preening,
    • proud,
    • conceited,
    • self-centered,
    • egocentric.
  • n.

    • complacent,
    • slipshod,
    • lackadaisical,
    • complacency,
    • careless,
    • like a bull in a china shop,
    • remiss,
    • casual.

    • bottom,
    • bevel,
    • apex,
    • confines,
    • bump,
    • back,
    • corner,
    • brim,
    • edge,
    • base.

    • aspect,
    • under/in the guise of,
    • face,
    • Styling,
    • appearance,
    • effect,
    • externals,
    • look,
    • cast.

    • abortive.

    dilettante (noun)

    • dilettante.

    dilettanteish (noun)

    • dilettanteish.

    dilettantish (noun)

    • dilettantish.

    flimsy (noun)

    • purblind,
    • prejudiced,
    • desultory,
    • untrustworthy,
    • unenlightened,
    • ignorant,
    • warped,
    • summary,
    • short-sighted,
    • narrow-minded.

    glib (noun)

    • glib.

    insignificant (noun)

    • insignificant.

    looking (noun)

    • looking.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • character trait,
    • property.

    seeming (noun)

    • seeming.

    sounding (noun)

    • sounding.

    superficial (noun)

    • unimportant,
    • trivial.
  • Other synonyms:

    • patchy,
    • one-dimensional,
    • fundamental,
    • light touch.

    • partial,
    • unfinished,
    • undone,
    • uncritical,
    • learned.

    • outstanding,
    • pending,
    • incomplete.

    • rough.

    at first sight

    • prima facie.


    • unlearned.

How to use «Superficial» in context?

Superficial may refer to:

1) The surface of a body or object, which is visible but not necessarily Lalated.

2) A characteristic of someone or something that is not deep or fundamental.

3) A brief remark or observation that is not really important.

Paraphrases for Superficial:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
      apparent, perfunctory, shallow, surficial.
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      areal, casual, flimsy, floating, frontal, seeming, upper, facie, Above-ground, supracrustal.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      cosmetic, cursory, facile, frivolous, sketchy, surface.
    • Proper noun, singular

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bow 1

twist tie,

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  • S
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  • YourDictionary
    — another words for SUPERFICIAL

«It’s simply impossible to exist on The Earth! Yes, but there is simply nowhere else to live …» — На этой Земле жить просто невозможно! Да, но больше жить просто негде…

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  • Англо-русский словарь

    [͵s(j)u:pəʹfıʃ(ə)l] a (прил.)

    1. поверхностный, неглубокий

    2. поверхностный, несерьёзный, неосновательный

    3. внешний, кажущийся

    4. геол. наносный, аллювиальный

    5. спец. двухмерный


Синонимы: superficial
1 surface, external, exterior, shallow, skin-deep, slight,
outside: I suffered a superficial wound to the forehead.
surface, slight, external, apparent, skin-deep, outward,
cursory, insignificant, passing, unimportant, trivial, empty,
insubstantial; paying lip-service, for appearances’ sake,
cosmetic: She bears a superficial resemblance to your sister.
His interest in your welfare is entirely superficial.
3 cursory,
slapdash, quick, hurried, hasty, perfunctory, nominal,
meaningless, passing: The machinery is subjected to a
superficial inspection before shipping.

Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений

Примеры фраз, тематические словари

superficial foot — квадратный фут

superficial resemblance — кажущееся сходство

superficial measures — меры площади

superficial damage незначительное повреждение

superficial reconciliation — видимость примирения


Сочетаемость частей речи

a superficial notion—поверхностный взгляд
(сочетаемость существительных:)

a superficial description—поверхностное описание
(сочетаемость существительных:)

a superficial aspect—поверхностная точка зрения
(сочетаемость существительных:)

a superficial idea—поверхностная/ легкомысленная идея
(сочетаемость существительных:)

a superficial/ transparent excuse—явная отговорка
(сочетаемость существительных:)


Словарные статьи, содержащие слово


Superficial is the first word in phrase

  • superficial manipulating

  • superficial disorder


as in surface

lying on or affecting only the outer layer of something

a superficial scratch that barely even broke the skin


as in shallow

having or showing a lack of depth of understanding or character

a superficial analysis of how the violence in video games affects young people

Synonym Chooser

How does the adjective superficial contrast with its synonyms?

The words cursory and shallow are common synonyms of superficial. While all three words mean «lacking in depth or solidity,» superficial implies a concern only with surface aspects or obvious features.

a superficial analysis of the problem

When can cursory be used instead of superficial?

In some situations, the words cursory and superficial are roughly equivalent. However, cursory suggests a lack of thoroughness or a neglect of details.

gave the letter only a cursory reading

When might shallow be a better fit than superficial?

Although the words shallow and superficial have much in common, shallow is more generally derogatory in implying lack of depth in knowledge, reasoning, emotions, or character.

a light, shallow, and frivolous review

Thesaurus Entries Near superficial

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“Superficial.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 2 May. 2023.


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