Stop синонимы на английском

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 4 votes

  1. stop

    To abide is to remain continuously without limit of time unless expressed by the context: «to-day I must abide at thy house,» Luke xix, 5; «a settled place for thee to abide in forever,» 1 Kings viii, 13; «Abide with me! fast falls the eventide,» Lyte Hymn. Lodge, sojourn, stay, tarry, and wait always imply a limited time; lodge, to pass the night; sojourn, to remain temporarily; live, dwell, reside, to have a permanent home. Stop, in the sense of stay or sojourn, is colloquial, and not in approved use. Compare ENDURE; REST.

    abide, anticipate, await, bear, bide, confront, continue, dwell, endure, expect, inhabit, live, lodge, remain, reside, rest, sojourn, stay, tarry, tolerate, wait, watch

    abandon, avoid, depart, forfeit, forfend, journey, migrate, move, proceed, reject, resist, shun

    Abide in a place, for a time, with a person, by a statement.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. stopverb

    close, obstruct, plug, cork, bar, seal, arrest, suspend, end, rest, halt, hinder, suppress, delay, cease, terminate

    open, expedite, clear, broach, unseal, promote, advance, farther, continue, proceed, speed, hasten

  2. stopnoun

    pause, cessation, intermission, rest, quietus

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. stop, haltnoun

    the event of something ending

    «it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, freeze, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, get going, go, start up

  2. stop, stoppagenoun

    the act of stopping something

    «the third baseman made some remarkable stops»; «his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, go, get going, start up

  3. stop, stopover, layovernoun

    a brief stay in the course of a journey

    «they made a stopover to visit their friends»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, way station, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, go, get going, start up

  4. arrest, check, halt, hitch, stay, stop, stoppagenoun

    the state of inactivity following an interruption

    «the negotiations were in arrest»; «held them in check»; «during the halt he got some lunch»; «the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow»; «he spent the entire stop in his seat»

    hitch, verification, enlistment, limp, full stop, stoppage, apprehension, hindrance, halt, impediment, chip, tab, interference, handicap, arrest, tick, check-out procedure, occlusion, confirmation, point, freeze, check mark, pinch, cheque, block, tour of duty, stop consonant, baulk, term of enlistment, diaphragm, checkout, taking into custody, duty tour, hinderance, hobble, blockage, curb, chit, layover, rub, occlusive, plosive, collar, plosive speech sound, period, substantiation, stay, hang-up, tour, deterrent, encumbrance, catch, balk, stopover, plosive consonant, preventive, incumbrance, bank check, full point, preventative, snag, assay, bridle, closure, check

    get going, start up, start, go

  5. stopnoun

    a spot where something halts or pauses

    «his next stop is Atlanta»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, start up, go, get going

  6. stop consonant, stop, occlusive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, plosivenoun

    a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it

    «his stop consonants are too aspirated»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start up, go, start, get going

  7. period, point, full stop, stop, full pointnoun

    a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations

    «in England they call a period a stop»

    hitch, occlusion, plosive, spot, menses, halt, catamenia, dot, period of time, head, full stop, gunpoint, peak, flow, plosive speech sound, diaphragm, point, point in time, blockage, percentage point, breaker point, catch, full point, stop consonant, block, menstruation, time period, stopover, layover, level, occlusive, stage, degree, pointedness, stoppage, arrest, period, power point, stay, detail, decimal point, distributor point, item, plosive consonant, geological period, compass point, menstruum, tip, closure, check

    start, go, start up, get going

  8. stopnoun

    (music) a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes

    «the organist pulled out all the stops»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, start up, get going, go

  9. diaphragm, stopnoun

    a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens

    «the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, layover, pessary, midriff, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive speech sound, occlusion, block, point, halt, occlusive, arrest, plosive consonant, closure, contraceptive diaphragm

    start up, go, start, get going

  10. catch, stopnoun

    a restraint that checks the motion of something

    «he used a book as a stop to hold the door open»

    hitch, stoppage, apprehension, plosive speech sound, plosive, diaphragm, full stop, snap, arrest, snatch, occlusion, point, stop consonant, taking into custody, full point, block, blockage, stopover, layover, occlusive, collar, period, pinch, stay, match, halt, catch, plosive consonant, gimmick, grab, haul, closure, check

    start up, start, go, get going

  11. blockage, block, closure, occlusion, stop, stoppageverb

    an obstruction in a pipe or tube

    «we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe»

    hitch, cube, blocking, full stop, stoppage, layover, cloture, law of closure, halt, plosive, gag law, diaphragm, pulley-block, pulley, arrest, closing, point, closedown, plosive speech sound, occlusion, cylinder block, check, occluded front, obstruction, mental block, engine block, full point, block, blockage, stop consonant, stopover, shutdown, occlusive, city block, auction block, resolution, period, stay, pulley block, catch, plosive consonant, gag rule, closure, settlement

    start, go, start up, get going

  12. stop, haltverb

    come to a halt, stop moving

    «the car stopped»; «She stopped in front of a store window»

    staunch, block, kibosh, quit, blockade, arrest, block off, end, stop over, hold back, finish, lay off, terminate, hold, barricade, check, break, give up, stanch, bar, halt, cease, block up, discontinue, hold on, intercept, turn back, break off, stem, contain

    start, get going, go, start up

  13. discontinue, stop, cease, give up, quit, lay offverb

    put an end to a state or an activity

    «Quit teasing your little brother»

    spare, leave office, allow, block up, abandon, drop by the wayside, forfeit, vacate, halt, release, resign, forgo, block off, hold back, end, kick, throw in, finish, block, surrender, part with, fall by the wayside, lay off, cede, turn back, waive, throw overboard, stop over, break off, break, throw in the towel, step down, give up, depart, relinquish, blockade, hold on, deliver, arrest, bar, cease, barricade, renounce, take leave, discontinue, contain, drop out, free, chuck up the sponge, kibosh, intercept, terminate, furlough, forego, dispense with, quit, foreswear, check

    start up, start, go, get going

  14. stop, halt, block, kiboshverb

    stop from happening or developing

    «Block his election»; «Halt the process»

    staunch, close up, block up, lug, halt, draw a blank, immobilise, obturate, jam, arrest, block off, intercept, end, blank out, stanch, finish, obstruct, block, deflect, impede, embarrass, hold back, lay off, turn back, stop over, break off, break, stymie, give up, forget, immobilize, stuff, occlude, stymy, freeze, blockade, hold on, bar, cease, barricade, hinder, stem, discontinue, contain, parry, kibosh, choke up, terminate, hold, quit, check

    start, start up, get going, go

  15. stop, stop oververb

    interrupt a trip

    «we stopped at Aunt Mary’s house»; «they stopped for three days in Florence»

    block, kibosh, quit, blockade, arrest, block off, end, stop over, hold back, finish, lay over, lay off, terminate, barricade, check, break, give up, bar, halt, cease, block up, discontinue, hold on, intercept, turn back, break off, contain

    start, start up, get going, go

  16. stopverb

    cause to stop

    «stop a car»; «stop the thief»

    block, kibosh, quit, blockade, arrest, block off, end, stop over, hold back, finish, lay off, terminate, barricade, check, break, give up, bar, halt, cease, block up, discontinue, hold on, intercept, turn back, break off, contain

    get going, start up, start, go

  17. break, break off, discontinue, stopverb

    prevent completion

    «stop the project»; «break off the negotiations»

    crack, break away, give way, arrest, soften, reveal, cut off, develop, give up, unwrap, conk out, block up, hold on, collapse, die, transgress, founder, weaken, barricade, kibosh, bar, discover, chip, terminate, snap off, go, demote, break out, separate, split, give away, damp, smash, finish, interrupt, break short, offend, get out, fracture, relegate, chip off, bring out, violate, divulge, pause, cut short, let on, get around, cease, blockade, wear out, cave in, break-dance, break up, check, hold back, lay off, give out, break in, quit, give, split up, block, better, burst, go bad, breach, break off, disclose, bust, erupt, intercept, recrudesce, break dance, go against, dampen, break down, fall in, bump, let out, ruin, fall apart, contain, kick downstairs, knap, part, infract, turn back, fail, come apart, bankrupt, block off, come off, expose, break, stop over, discontinue, end, intermit, halt, wear

    get going, go, start, start up

  18. check, turn back, arrest, stop, contain, hold backverb

    hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of

    «Arrest the downward trend»; «Check the growth of communism in South East Asia»; «Contain the rebel movement»; «Turn back the tide of communism»

    ensure, hold on, hold in, bar, collar, jibe, incorporate, tick off, control, carry, fit, gibe, run off, hold, moderate, cop, learn, checker, barricade, check out, mark off, retain, pick up, condition, double back, assure, finish, tally, comprise, reverse, return, suss out, kibosh, check off, check over, stop over, match, check up on, cease, look into, ascertain, mark, insure, regress, forbear, go over, check, train, arrest, hold back, lay off, retrovert, quit, chase away, hold off, take, conceal, halt, block, catch, find out, see, discipline, terminate, wait, drive off, get, give up, nail, backtrack, intercept, revert, correspond, curb, restrain, keep, drive away, keep back, check into, blockade, contain, invert, bear, determine, nab, dispel, retard, crack, turn back, watch, block off, break off, see to it, break, discontinue, end, block up, tick, chequer, drive out, apprehend, agree, delay

    get going, start, go, start up

  19. intercept, stopverb

    seize on its way

    «The fighter plane was ordered to intercept an aircraft that had entered the country’s airspace»

    intercept, block, kibosh, quit, blockade, arrest, block off, contain, end, stop over, wiretap, hold back, lay off, tap, terminate, barricade, finish, check, break, bug, give up, bar, halt, cease, block up, discontinue, hold on, break off, turn back

    go, start, start up, get going

  20. end, stop, finish, terminate, ceaseverb

    have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical

    «the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed»; «Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other»; «My property ends by the bushes»; «The symphony ends in a pianissimo»

    eat up, block up, complete, sack, halt, can, arrest, give up, finish up, block off, hold back, end, give the axe, finish, block, displace, polish off, lay off, turn back, stop over, break off, break, fetch up, fire, land up, blockade, hold on, wind up, bar, cease, barricade, discontinue, contain, end up, force out, give notice, kibosh, give the sack, intercept, dismiss, terminate, send away, quit, check

    go, start, start up, get going

  21. barricade, block, blockade, stop, block off, block up, barverb

    render unsuitable for passage

    «block the way»; «barricade the streets»; «stop the busy road»

    debar, block up, banish, lug, cease, immobilize, seal off, relegate, obturate, hold on, give up, jam, arrest, block off, close up, end, blank out, freeze, finish, obstruct, terminate, deflect, parry, embarrass, hold back, kibosh, lay off, draw a blank, stop over, hinder, break, impede, block, shut off, forget, exclude, stuff, stymy, break off, turn back, blockade, immobilise, bar, occlude, barricade, discontinue, halt, contain, close off, barricado, choke up, intercept, stymie, quit, check

    get going, start up, go, start

  22. hold on, stopverb

    stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments

    «Hold on a moment!»

    block up, stop over, halt, hang on, hang in, give up, arrest, block off, hold back, end, finish, keep, lay off, turn back, grasp, hold the line, break off, break, block, blockade, hold on, bar, cease, barricade, persist, discontinue, contain, persevere, kibosh, intercept, terminate, quit, check

    start, start up, get going, go

Matched Categories

    • Act
    • Catch
    • Ending
    • Knob
    • Mechanical Device
    • Music
    • Obstruent
    • Punctuation Mark
    • Stay
    • Topographic Point

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. don’t move

    Submitted by anonymous on April 27, 2021  

  2. avast

    a command to stop or desist

    young man avast

    Submitted by acronimous on August 26, 2014  

  3. choke (verb)

    obstruct one’s throat

    she choked on a tiny fish bone

    Submitted by erhnice on July 28, 2019  

  4. choke back (verb)

    fail to control one’s emotions

    they choked back tears (feelings; anger; disappointment, etc.)

    Submitted by erhnice on July 28, 2019  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. stopverb

    close, close up

  2. stopverb

    HINDER, repress, restrain, suppress, obstruct, stay, intercept, preclude, thwart, impede, interrupt, block, blockade, barricade, check, bring to a stand-still, lay an embargo on

  3. stopverb

    leave, cease from, desist from, refrain from, leave off, make an end of

  4. stopverb

    suspend, arrest, intermit, discontinue, quiet, put an end to

  5. stopverb

    be at a stand-still, come to a stand, come to a stand-still, come to a dead lock, cease progress, halt, stand still, lie by, LIE TO

  6. stopverb

    cease, desist, forbear, leave off, break off

  7. stopverb

    [colloquial, U. S.] tarry, stay, lodge, take lodgings, have lodgings

  8. stopnoun

    pause, rest, intermission

  9. stopnoun

    interruption, repression, obstruction, hinderance, obstacle, check, impediment

  10. stopnoun

    point, mark of punctuation

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. stopnoun

    cessation, discontinuation, surcease, pause, suspension, intermission, interception, interruption, obstruction, obstacle, impediment

  2. stopverb

    obstruct, close up, stanch, arrest, hinder, impede, block, stay, check, repress, restrain, suppress, deter, interrupt, suspend, thwart, preclude, intercept, impede, halt, pause, stagnate, stand, refrain from, discontinue, cease, desist, suspend, intermit, break off, forbear, lodge, tarry

    continue, persist

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «stop»:

    halt, cease, quit, stopping, arrest, prevent, stopper, end, cessation, discontinue, braking, judgment, curb, suspend, stops, halts, quitting, terminate, parada, interrupt, apprehend, stopped, stoppage, pause, stem, desist, paro, suspends, halting, station, -stop, detain, freeze, detention, suspension, stopover, intercepted, cesar, brake

Suggested Resources

  1. stop

    The stop symbol — In this article you will learn about the meaning of the stop symbol and its characteristic.

  2. stop

    Song lyrics by stop — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by stop on the website.

  3. STOP

    What does STOP stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the STOP acronym on the website.

How to pronounce stop?

How to say stop in sign language?

How to use stop in a sentence?

  1. Andrew Schneider:

    It’s just human. We all have the jungle inside of us. We all have wants and needs and desires, strange as they may seem. If you stop to think about it, we’re all pretty creative, cooking up all these fantasies. it’s like a kind of poetry.

  2. David Luckey:

    It’s not as simple as saying, ‘China, stop producing and exporting these chemicals’. There are several sides to this issue. In response, China, for example, could counter with, ‘Americans, stop buying and using drugs,’.

  3. Joe Biden:

    We can do more than prayers and hashtags and lighting up buildings, George. It’s time for the president and some of our European partners to stop pussyfooting around. The financial sanctions announced last night are riddled with loopholes. I know they say they sanctioned 80% of the banks in Russia, but Vladimir Putin controls 100% of the banks in Russia. He can use the other 20% to continue to finance his war machine.

  4. Janet Cooksey:

    You call for help and you lose someone, that has to stop.

  5. Matt Schlapp:

    Who got the vice president to go to the border? Donald Trump did by continuing to lead on the need to finish the wall and secure the border, who is the person now taking the lead in the fight against big tech? Donald Trump… If other people want to lead the party, start leading, start fighting, stop criticizing Trump.

Translations for stop

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • stop, halte, punt, stilhouAfrikaans
  • مَوْقِف, وَقْفَة, أَوْقَفَ, تَوَقَّفَ, وَقَفَ, قفArabic
  • dayanacaqAzerbaijani
  • прыпы́нак, спыня́цца, спыні́ццаBelarusian
  • спи́рка, спи́рам, спра, прекратя́вамBulgarian
  • punt, parada, oclusiva, aturar, deixar, pararCatalan, Valencian
  • zastávka, ukončit, zůstat, zastavit, pobývat, skončitCzech
  • stoppested, stoppe, standseDanish
  • Stopper, Busstopp, Stoppball, Haltestelle, Punkt, Stopp, stoppen, aufhören, stehen bleiben, beenden, stopfen, anhalten, haltGerman
  • στάση, στοπ, παύω, σταματώ, τελειώνωGreek
  • haltejoEsperanto
  • parada, paradero, parar, dejar, deténgaseSpanish
  • peatusEstonian
  • ایستگاه, ماندن, نگه داشتن, ایستادن, درنگ كردن, بستن, بازداشتن, بازایستادنPersian
  • pysäytyslyönti, piste, seisake, pysäkki, stoppari, keskeytys, lopettaa, loppua, pysähtyä, pysäyttääFinnish
  • arrêt, occlusive, ammorti, arrêter, s’arrêter, cesser, arrêtezFrench
  • stûkjeWestern Frisian
  • stad, stopIrish
  • casg, crìochnaich, fan, leig seachad, cuir crìoch air, stadScottish Gaelic
  • עָצַר, גמר, נגמר, סתםHebrew
  • ठहरना, रुकना, रोकनाHindi
  • megálló, megállít, abbamarad, megszűnik, megáll, abbahagyHungarian
  • դադար, կանգառ, վերջանալ, դադարել, կանգնել, կանգ առնելArmenian
  • hentiIndonesian
  • punto, pulsante di arresto, fermata, registro, occlusiva, fermare, smettere, fermarsi, far smettere, stopItalian
  • 停留所, バス停, 止める, 止まる, 留まる, 停止Japanese
  • გაჩერება, დადგომაGeorgian
  • 정류장, 구치다, 정지하다, 멈추다, 서다, 그치다, 그만Korean
  • sekinîn, sekinandin, rawestandin, rawestînKurdish
  • inhibeo, absisto, consistere, detineo, quiesco, desinere, sistere, desistere, cesso, cohibeo, subsistoLatin
  • stotelėLithuanian
  • punkts, pietura, apstātiesLatvian
  • taunga, komutu, tiriwā, purupuru, tūMāori
  • постојка, застанува, застанеMacedonian
  • perhentian, hentiMalay
  • ရပ်Burmese
  • holdeplassNorwegian
  • komma, occlusief, pauze, halte, puntkomma, register, stopper, stop, dubbele punt, punt, langsgaan, stoppen, blijven, deppen, stilstaan, aanhouden, verblijven, beëindigen, afbreken, ophouden, halthoudenDutch
  • przystanek, zatrzymać się, zatrzymaćPolish
  • oclusiva, parada, interrupção, ponto final, ponto, plosiva, obstáculo, tapar, parar, deixar, passar, tamparPortuguese
  • sayayQuechua
  • minge stopată, punct, stop, oclusivă, opri, terminaRomanian
  • остано́в, остано́вка, кла́пан, взрывно́й согла́сный, знак препина́ния, сто́пор, ограничи́тель, останови́ться, заткну́ть, переста́ть, прекрати́ть, останови́ть, прекрати́ться, остана́вливаться, прекраща́ть, остана́вливать, прекраща́ться, затыка́ть, перестава́ть, остановиться, стоять, стопRussian
  • станица, stanica, stajalište, стајалиште, zaustavljati, заустављати, зауставити, zaustavitiSerbo-Croatian
  • zastávka, zastaviť, prerušiť, prestaťSlovak
  • postaja, ustaviti, ustavljatiSlovene
  • stopp, hållplats, punkt, stoppboll, klusil, avbryta, stanna, sluta, upphöra, stoppa, haltSwedish
  • ఉండు, ఆగు, ఆపుTelugu
  • หยุด, ป้ายรถเมล์Thai
  • tigilTagalog
  • durak, mola, durmak, durdurmak, kesmek, durTurkish
  • зупи́нка, зупини́тися, зупиня́тисяUkrainian
  • رکناUrdu
  • bến xe, dừng lạiVietnamese
  • aresterWalloon

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  • English (English)


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  • bar
  • block
  • break
  • conclusion
  • pause
  • barricade
  • blockade
  • cease
  • cessation
  • check
  • close
  • closing
  • control
  • cutoff
  • discontinuation
  • ending
  • fence
  • finish
  • freeze
  • hindrance
  • layoff
  • letup
  • lull
  • plug
  • roadblock
  • standstill
  • stay
  • stoppage
  • termination
  • wall
  • blank wall
  • breakoff
  • brick wall
  • desistance
  • grinding halt
  • screeching halt
  • break
  • destination
  • halt
  • stage
  • station
  • stopover
  • depot
  • rest
  • sojourn
  • stay
  • termination
  • terminus
  • break
  • cease
  • close
  • drop
  • end
  • halt
  • hold
  • kill
  • pause
  • put an end to
  • quit
  • stall
  • stand
  • stay
  • conclude
  • desist
  • discontinue
  • finish
  • refrain
  • scrub
  • tarry
  • terminate
  • be over
  • blow off
  • break off
  • call it a day
  • cold turkey
  • come to a standstill
  • cool it
  • cut out
  • cut short
  • draw up
  • hang it up
  • pull up
  • quit cold
  • run its course
  • shut down
  • sign off
  • wind up
  • wrap up
  • arrest
  • avoid
  • bar
  • block
  • break
  • check
  • close
  • disrupt
  • intercept
  • interrupt
  • stall
  • stay
  • stem
  • suspend
  • bottle
  • choke
  • clog
  • congest
  • fill
  • fix
  • forestall
  • frustrate
  • gag
  • hinder
  • hush
  • impede
  • muzzle
  • obstruct
  • occlude
  • plug
  • repress
  • restrain
  • seal
  • silence
  • staunch
  • still
  • stopper
  • choke off
  • cut off
  • put a stop to
  • rein in
  • shut down
  • shut off
  • shut out
  • throw over
  • turn off
  • ward off

On this page you’ll find 404 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to stop, such as: bar, block, break, conclusion, pause, and barricade.

    • advance
    • allow
    • begin
    • commence
    • continue
    • do
    • go
    • initiate
    • release
    • start
    • carry on
    • introduce
    • restart
    • encourage
    • abet
    • advance
    • aid
    • allow
    • cause
    • continue
    • encourage
    • go
    • help
    • let go
    • open
    • permit
    • release
    • assist
    • clear
    • disturb
    • facilitate
    • forward
    • free
    • liberate
    • promote
    • support
    • unblock
    • begin
    • start

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    TRY USING stop

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


    Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!


    How to use stop in a sentence

    «But I can’t stop to argue about it now;» and, saying this, he turned into a side path, and disappeared in the wood.


    At twelve, or fifteen, or sixteen, or twenty it was decided that they should stop learning.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • abdicate
    • back out
    • bail out
    • bow out
    • chicken out
    • cop out
    • cut loose
    • desert
    • discard
    • discontinue
    • ditch
    • drop
    • drop out
    • duck
    • dump
    • dust
    • flake out
    • fly the coop
    • give up the ship
    • kiss goodbye
    • leave
    • leg it
    • let go
    • opt out
    • pull out
    • quit
    • run out on
    • screw
    • ship out
    • stop
    • storm out
    • surrender
    • take a powder
    • take a walk
    • throw over
    • vacate
    • walk out on
    • wash hands of
    • withdraw
    • yield
    • anticipate
    • bide
    • expect
    • linger
    • pause
    • remain
    • rest
    • sojourn
    • stay
    • stick around
    • stop
    • tarry
    • wait
    • abjure
    • abnegate
    • avoid
    • cease
    • constrain
    • curb
    • decline
    • deny oneself
    • do without
    • eschew
    • evade
    • fast
    • fence-sit
    • forbear
    • forgo
    • give the go by
    • give up
    • go on the wagon
    • keep from
    • pass
    • pass up
    • quit
    • refrain
    • refuse
    • renounce
    • shun
    • sit on one’s hands
    • sit on the fence
    • sit out
    • spurn
    • starve
    • stop
    • take the cure
    • take the pledge
    • withhold
    • baffle
    • bar
    • beat
    • check
    • circumvent
    • counteract
    • cramp
    • cramp one’s style
    • dash
    • defeat
    • disappoint
    • disconcert
    • foil
    • forestall
    • frustrate
    • hinder
    • obstruct
    • prevent
    • ruin
    • stall
    • stop
    • throw a curve
    • throw monkey wrench in
    • upset the apple cart
    • barricade
    • blank wall
    • block
    • clog
    • deterrent
    • encumbrance
    • fence
    • hindrance
    • hurdle
    • impediment
    • obstacle
    • obstruction
    • pale
    • rail
    • railing
    • restraint
    • road block
    • snag
    • stop
    • stumbling block
    • traverse
    • wall
    • ban
    • boycott
    • circumvent
    • condemn
    • debar
    • deny
    • disallow
    • discountenance
    • discourage
    • eliminate
    • enjoin
    • except
    • exclude
    • exile
    • forbid
    • freeze out
    • frustrate
    • hinder
    • interdict
    • interfere
    • keep out
    • limit
    • obstruct
    • ostracize
    • outlaw
    • override
    • preclude
    • prevent
    • refuse
    • reject
    • restrain
    • rule out
    • segregate
    • shut out
    • stop
    • suspend

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    All synonyms in one line

    arrest, arrival, barrier, blockage, call,, cessation, check, closure, damper, depot, deterrent, diaphragm, end, full point, full stop, halt, hindrance, hitch, impediment, interruption, layover, lingering, obstacle, obstruction, occlusion,, occlusive, pause, period, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, point, repose, rest, sojourn, standstill, station, stay, stop consonant, stopover, stoppage, terminal, termination, visit, wait, waiting, abandon, abbreviate, abide, abort, annul,, arrest, arrive, banish, bar, barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade, boycott, brake, break, break off, bring to an end, call on, cancel, catch, cease, check, close,, complete, conclude, condemn, contain, curb, curtail, delay, deny, desist, detain, deter, die, disappear, disconnect, discontinue, disrupt, do away with, drop, eliminate, end, expire, extinguish, fail, finish, fix,, forbear, freeze, get there, give up, halt, harness, hinder, hold, hold back, hold on, hush, impede, inhibit, intercept, interdict, intermit, interrupt, keep back, kibosh, kill, lapse, lay off, leave, let alone, lodge, make motionless, muffle, mute, near, nip, nullify, obstruct, obviate, oppose, outlaw, paralyse, part, pass, pause, petrify, picket, pipe down, preclude, present oneself, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, pull up, quiet, quiet down, quit, reach, recede, relinquish, repress, resist, rest, restrain, retard, silence, smother, sojourn, stay, stifle, still, stop over, strike, suppress, surcease, surrender, suspend, switch off, tarry, terminate, thwart, turn back, turn off, vanish, visit, withdraw.

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    What is another word for Stop?

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    1    axe     (informal)   belay     (Nautical)   be over, break off, bring or come to a halt, bring or come to a standstill, call it a day     (informal)   cease, come to an end, conclude, cut out     (informal)   cut short, desist, discontinue, draw up, end, finish, halt, leave off, pack in     (Brit. informal)   pause, peter out, pull up, put an end to, quit, refrain, run down, run its course, shut down, stall, terminate  

    2    arrest, bar, block, break, bung, check, close, forestall, frustrate, hinder, hold back, impede, intercept, interrupt, nip (something) in the bud, obstruct, plug, prevent, rein in, repress, restrain, seal, silence, staunch, stem, suspend  

    3    break one’s journey, lodge, put up, rest, sojourn, stay, tarry  

    4    cessation, conclusion, discontinuation, end, finish, halt, standstill  

    5    break, rest, sojourn, stay, stopover, visit  

    6    bar, block, break, check, control, hindrance, impediment, plug, stoppage  

    7    depot, destination, halt, stage, station, termination, terminus  
    ,       vb  

    1 & 3    advance, begin, commence, continue, get going, get under way, give the go ahead, go, institute, keep going, keep on, kick off     (informal)   proceed, set in motion, set off, start  

    2    assist, boost, encourage, expedite, facilitate, further, hasten, promote, push  

    4    beginning, commencement, kick-off     (informal)   start  

    6    boost, encouragement, incitement  

    English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



         ( stops    plural & 3rd person present)   ( stopping    present participle)   ( stopped    past tense & past participle  )

    1       verb   If you have been doing something and then you stop doing it, you no longer do it.  
    He can’t stop thinking about it…      V -ing  
    I’ve been told to lose weight and stop smoking…      V -ing  
    I stopped working last year to have a baby…      V -ing  
    Does either of the parties want to stop the fighting?…      V n  
    She stopped in mid-sentence.      V  

    2       verb   If you stop something happening, you prevent it from happening or prevent it from continuing.  
    He proposed a new diplomatic initiative to try to stop the war…      V n  
    If the fire isn’t stopped, it could spread to 25,000 acres…      V n  
    I think she really would have liked to stop us seeing each other…      V n -ing  
    Motherhood won’t stop me from pursuing my acting career…      V n from -ing  

    3       verb   If an activity or process stops, it is no longer happening.  
    The rain had stopped and a star or two was visible over the mountains…      V  
    The system overheated and filming had to stop…      V  

    4       verb   If something such as machine stops or is stopped, it is no longer moving or working.  
    The clock had stopped at 2.12 a.m…      V  
    Arnold stopped the engine and got out of the car…      V n  

    5       verb   When a moving person or vehicle stops or is stopped, they no longer move and they remain in the same place.  

    The car failed to stop at an army checkpoint…      V  
    He stopped and let her catch up with him…      V  
    The event literally stopped the traffic…      V n  

    6       n-sing   If something that is moving comes to a stop or is brought to a stop, it slows down and no longer moves.  
    to a N  

    People often wrongly open doors before the train has come to a stop…, He slowed the car almost to a stop.     

    7       verb   If someone does not stopto think or to explain, they continue with what they are doing without taking any time to think about or explain it.  

    She doesn’t stop to think about what she’s saying…      V to-inf  
    There is something rather strange about all this if one stops to consider it…      V to-inf  
    People who lead busy lives have no time to stop and reflect.      V  

    8       verb   If you say that a quality or state stops somewhere, you mean that it exists or is true up to that point, but no further.  

    The cafe owner has put up the required `no smoking’ signs, but thinks his responsibility stops there…      V adv  

    9       n-count   A stop is a place where buses or trains regularly stop so that people can get on and off.  
    oft supp N  
    They waited at a bus stop.     

    10       verb   If you stop somewhere on a journey, you stay there for a short while.  
    He insisted we stop at a small restaurant just outside of Atlanta…      V prep/adv  

    11       n-count   A stop is a time or place at which you stop during a journey.  
    usu with supp  
    The last stop in Mr Cook’s lengthy tour was Paris…     

    12       n-count   In music, organ stops are the knobs at the side of the organ, which you pull or push in order to control the type of sound that comes out of the pipes.  
    usu pl  

    13    If you say that someone will stop at nothingto get something, you are emphasizing that they are willing to do things that are extreme, wrong, or dangerous in order to get it.  

    stop at nothing      phrase   V inflects     (emphasis)
    Their motive is money, and they will stop at nothing to get it.     

    14    If you pull out all the stops, you do everything you can to make something happen or succeed.  

    pull out all the stops      phrase   V inflects  
    New Zealand police vowed yesterday to pull out all the stops to find the killer.     

    15    If you put a stop to something that you do not like or approve of, you prevent it from happening or continuing.  

    put a stop to sth      phrase   V inflects  
    His daughter should have stood up and put a stop to all these rumours.     

    16    If you say that someone does not know when to stop, you mean that they do not control their own behaviour very well and so they often annoy or upset other people.  

    know when to stop      phrase   know inflects  
    Like many politicians before him, Mr Bentley did not know when to stop…     

      to stop dead  


      to stop short of  


      to stop someone in their tracks  

    stop by      phrasal verb   If you stop by somewhere, you make a short visit to a person or place.  
    INFORMAL   Perhaps I’ll stop by the hospital…      V P n  
    I’ll stop by to see Leigh before going home.      V P   stop off      phrasal verb   If you stop off somewhere, you stop for a short time in the middle of a journey.  
    The president stopped off in Poland on his way to Munich for the economic summit.      V P  

    bus stop        ( bus stops    plural  ) A bus stop is a place on a road where buses stop to let passengers on and off.      n-count  

    full stop        ( full stops    plural  ) A full stop is the punctuation mark . which you use at the end of a sentence when it is not a question or exclamation.  
      (BRIT)      n-count  
    in AM, use period     

    non-stop      , nonstop  
    Something that is non-stop continues without any pauses or interruptions.      adj  
    Many US cities now have non-stop flights to Aspen., …80 minutes of non-stop music…, The training was non-stop and continued for three days.     
          Non-stop is also an adverb., adv   ADV after v  
    Amy and her group had driven non-stop through Spain…, The snow fell non-stop for 24 hours.     

    A one-stop shop is a place where you can buy everything you need for a particular purpose.      adj   ADJ n  
    A marvellous discovery for every bride-to-be, The Wedding Centre is the ultimate one-stop shop.     

    pit stop        ( pit stops    plural  ) In motor racing, if a driver makes a pit stop, he or she stops in a special place at the side of the track to get more fuel and to make repairs.      n-count  
    He had to make four pit stops during the race.     

    rest stop        ( rest stops    plural  )

    1       n-count   On a long journey by road, a rest stop is a short period when you stop and leave your vehicle, for example to eat or go to the toilet.  

    2       n-count   A rest stop is a place beside a motorway or freeway where you can buy petrol and other things, or have a meal.  
      (mainly AM)  
    in BRIT, use services     

    in AM, also use stop-and-go     
    Stop-go is used to describe processes in which there are periods of inactivity between periods of activity.      adj   usu ADJ n  
    …stop-go economic cycles.     

    stop press     
    Stop press is sometimes printed next to an article in a newspaper to indicate that this is very recent news and was added after the rest of the newspaper had been printed.  
    STOP PRESS<endash>Crisis in Chechnya.     

    truck stop        ( truck stops    plural  ) A truck stop is a place where drivers, especially truck or lorry drivers, can stop, for example to rest or to get something to eat.  
      (mainly AM)      n-count  

    If someone, especially a politician, goes on a whistle-stop tour, they visit a lot of different places in a short time.      adj   ADJ n  

    Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

    Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus

    bring to a halt


    put a stop to something

    «find your silence»


    be silent, stop talking etc

    zip one’s lip


    stop talking; refrain from saying something





    Cyberextortion is online crime threatening to attack a person coupled with demand of illegal gains to stop the attack

    [Leg.];[Tech.] online threat to gain illegal gains

    still the mind


    to rest the mind, to stop if from overthinking, to relax


    bury the hatchet.


    to decide to stop quarreling. enterrer la hache de guerre (in French)

    I love reverso community.

    to go cold turkey


    1. to stop using an addictive substance abruptly and completely. 2. to undergo sudden and complete withdrawal from a habitual activity or behavior pattern. 3. to begin or do something without planning, preparation, or practice.

    give somebody the boot


    stop employing someone ; end a romantic relationship with someone


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    What is another word for stop?

    3793 synonyms found


    [ stˈɒp], [ stˈɒp], [ s_t_ˈɒ_p]

    Table of Contents

    Similar words for stop:

    • other relevant words (adjective)

    • never mind (interjection)

    • other relevant words (interjection)

    • abrogate (noun)

    • act (noun)

    • arrest (noun)

    • bar (noun)

    • blockade (noun)

    • blockage (noun)

    • break (noun)

    • break off (noun)

    • cease (noun)

    • cessation (noun)

    • check (noun)

    • close (noun)

    • close in (noun)

    • closure (noun)

    • conclusion (noun)

    • contain (noun)

    • cork (noun)

    • crossroads (noun)

    • delay (noun)

    • destination (noun)

    • diaphragm (noun)

    • die down (noun)

    • dry up (noun)

    • end (noun)

    • ending (noun)

    • end of the line (noun)

    • fence (noun)

    • finish (noun)

    • fizzle out (noun)

    • full point (noun)

    • full stop (noun)

    • give up (noun)

    • halt (noun)

    • hindrance (noun)

    • hitch (noun)

    • hold back (noun)

    • inactivity (noun)

    • interlude (noun)

    • intermission (noun)

    • interruption (noun)

    • intersection (noun)

    • irregularity (noun)

    • jaggedness (noun)

    • kibosh (noun)

    • lay off (noun)

    • layover (noun)

    • look-in (noun)

    • lull (noun)

    • obstruction (noun)

    • occlusion (noun)

    • other relevant words (noun)

    • plosive (noun)

    • plosive consonant (noun)

    • plosive speech sound (noun)

    • plug (noun)

    • quiet (noun)

    • recess (noun)

    • respite (noun)

    • rest (noun)

    • restraint (noun)

    • sojourn (noun)

    • station (noun)

    • stop-over (noun)

    • stop consonant (noun)

    • stopping point (noun)

    • termination (noun)

    • unevenness (noun)

    • visit (noun)

    • visit; place of rest (noun)

    • wall (noun)

    • abandon (verb)

    • abide (verb)

    • abstain (verb)

    • admit defeat (verb)

    • attempt to make quiet (verb)

    • balk (verb)

    • bar (verb)

    • become eventually; come to a close (verb)

    • block (verb)

    • bode (verb)

    • bother, interfere (verb)

    • brake (verb)

    • break up (verb)

    • bring or come to a halt or end (verb)

    • catch a hit or thrown object (verb)

    • check (verb)

    • check, inhibit from action (verb)

    • check; stop (verb)

    • checkmate (verb)

    • choke (verb)

    • circumvent, nip in the bud (verb)

    • close (verb)

    • come to an end (verb)

    • command (verb)

    • conclude (verb)

    • confuse, bewilder (verb)

    • contain (verb)

    • cut out (verb)

    • cut short (verb)

    • deter (verb)

    • die (verb)

    • diminish (verb)

    • discontinue (verb)

    • drop (verb)

    • drop in (verb)

    • dwell (verb)

    • end (verb)

    • end relationship, activity (verb)

    • end up (verb)

    • eventuate (verb)

    • expire (verb)

    • field (verb)

    • finish (verb)

    • foil (verb)

    • forbear (verb)

    • forbid (verb)

    • give in/give up (verb)

    • give up (verb)

    • greet (verb)

    • halt (verb)

    • head off (verb)

    • head off; interrupt (verb)

    • hesitate (verb)

    • hold back/hold off (verb)

    • hold back from doing (verb)

    • hold the line (verb)

    • hold up (verb)

    • hush (verb)

    • immobilize (verb)

    • impede (verb)

    • inhibit (verb)

    • intercept (verb)

    • interdict (verb)

    • interfere (verb)

    • interrupt (verb)

    • jump on and grab (verb)

    • kick (verb)

    • kill (verb)

    • leave (verb)

    • let up (verb)

    • lift (verb)

    • light (verb)

    • linger (verb)

    • lodge (verb)

    • make quiet, motionless, calm (verb)

    • muzzle (verb)

    • obstruct (verb)

    • obstruct, hinder (verb)

    • outlaw (verb)

    • pass (verb)

    • pause (verb)

    • peter out (verb)

    • plug (verb)

    • preclude (verb)

    • prevent (verb)

    • prevent, restrict (verb)

    • prevent, slow down (verb)

    • prohibit; make illegal (verb)

    • pull out (verb)

    • put an end to (verb)

    • quell (verb)

    • quit a habit (verb)

    • refrain (verb)

    • remain (verb)

    • resist attack (verb)

    • resist the temptation to (verb)

    • run out (verb)

    • seal (verb)

    • smother, block (verb)

    • sojourn (verb)

    • stagnate (verb)

    • stall (verb)

    • stammer (verb)

    • stamp out (verb)

    • stand (verb)

    • stay (verb)

    • stay at temporary residence (verb)

    • stifle (verb)

    • still (verb)

    • stop (verb)

    • strike (verb)

    • stump (verb)

    • suppress (verb)

    • tackle (verb)

    • tarry (verb)

    • thwart (verb)

    • tie/tie up (verb)

    • to foreshadow (verb)

    • walk out of job in protest (verb)

    • ward/ward off (verb)

    • other synonyms
    • abandon

    • abide

    • block off

    • cancel

    • cease

    • command

    • contain

    • countermove

    • cut short

    • destroy

    • die

    • drop in

    • end

    • end up

    • falter

    • finish

    • forgo

    • go

    • go away

    • greet

    • hesitate

    • hinder

    • hold up

    • interrupt

    • kick

    • kill

    • leave

    • light

    • live in

    • pass

    • pause

    • peter out

    • plug

    • pull out

    • remain

    • run out

    • stammer

    • stamp out

    • stave

    • stay

    • stump

    • tackle

    • thwart

    • welcome

    • other relevant words (noun)

    How to use «stop» in context?

    for stop

    Homophones for stop

    Holonyms for stop

    Hyponyms for stop

    Antonyms for stop

    Hypernyms for stop

    • adj.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • state.
    • interj.

      never mind (interjection)

      • it’s righting,
      • its all righted,
      • itted doesnt matter,
      • it’s all righting,
      • itting doesnt matter,
      • ignored it,
      • dropped it,
      • dropt it,
      • its rights,
      • it rights,
      • its righted,
      • don’t bothers,
      • it righting,
      • letted it go,
      • it righted,
      • it all righting,
      • itted doesn’t matter,
      • dropping it,
      • it right,
      • its doesn’t matter,
      • dont bother,
      • dont concern yourself,
      • it’s all righted,
      • its all right,
      • it’s rights,
      • it’s right,
      • it all righted,
      • its righting,
      • dont bothering,
      • drops it,
      • don’t bothered,
      • its all rights,
      • letting it go,
      • nothinging,
      • its right,
      • don’t bothering,
      • itting doesn’t matter,
      • nothinged,
      • its doesnt matter,
      • lets it go,
      • ignores it,
      • dont bothers,
      • ignoring it,
      • it all right,
      • it doesnt matter,
      • it all rights,
      • its all righting,
      • it’s all rights,
      • it’s righted,
      • dont bothered.

      Other relevant words: (interjection)

      • let it go,
      • don’t concern yourself,
      • don’t bother,
      • never mind,
      • drop it,
      • it’s all right,
      • ignore it,
      • it doesn’t matter.
    • n.

      • arrive,
      • squat,
      • shut down,
      • populate,
      • proceed,
      • come from,
      • settle down,
      • stand.

      • aspirate,
      • consonant,
      • prevent,
      • bilabial,
      • close vowel,
      • closed syllable,
      • affricate,
      • alveolar,
      • assonance,
      • aspiration.

      • full,
      • back up,
      • conduit,
      • culvert,
      • downspout,
      • airlock,
      • cesspit.

      • implore,
      • send for,
      • want,
      • request,
      • call away,
      • order up,
      • ask for,
      • entreat,
      • invite,
      • insist.

      • bellows,
      • fret,
      • drumstick,
      • bow,
      • bridge,
      • key,
      • catgut,
      • hammer.

      • flip off,
      • swear off,
      • flash,
      • disengage,
      • cut,
      • flick,
      • disable,
      • cannibalize,
      • deactivate.

      • go away,
      • dissolve,
      • evaporate.

      • depot,
      • drop in,
      • look up,
      • platform,
      • ferry,
      • call,
      • come by,
      • come over,
      • run-in,
      • seek,
      • drop by,
      • look-in,
      • terminus,
      • pop in.

      • the home stretch,
      • drop off,
      • leg,
      • lap,
      • departure,
      • port of call,
      • landfall,
      • change,
      • jumping-off point.

      • come to a full stop,
      • pull to a stop/halt,
      • come to rest,
      • come to a stop,
      • not move a muscle.

      • in for a penny, in for a pound,
      • won’t take no for an answer,
      • where there’s a will, there’s a way,
      • …or bust,
      • if it’s the last thing I do,
      • wild horses couldn’t…,
      • I/we etc. will not rest until…,
      • and damn the consequences/expense etc.,
      • if it kills you.

      • clear.

      abrogate (noun)

      • abrogate.

      act (noun)

      • stop,
      • stoppage.

      arrest (noun)

      • arrest.

      bar (noun)

      • blank walls.

      blockade (noun)

      • encirclements,
      • re-strictions,
      • re strictions,
      • re striction,
      • re-striction.

      blockage (noun)

      • blockage.

      break (noun)

      • break.

      break off (noun)

      • break off.

      cease (noun)

      • cease.

      cessation (noun)

      • screaming halt,
      • grinding halt,
      • break-off,
      • let-up,
      • time off,
      • breakoff,
      • timeout,
      • cutoff,
      • Desistance.

      check (noun)

      • check.

      close (noun)

      • windup,
      • windups.

      close in (noun)

      • close.

      closure (noun)

      • stopples,
      • padlocks,
      • bungs,
      • Tampons,
      • padlock,
      • tampon,
      • Occludent,
      • bung,
      • stopple.

      conclusion (noun)

      • out come,
      • up shots,
      • up shot,
      • out comes,
      • out-come,
      • up-shots,
      • out-comes,
      • up-shot.

      contain (noun)

      • contain.

      cork (noun)

      • shives,
      • bobbers,
      • phellems.

      crossroads (noun)

      • intersection.

      delay (noun)

      • de lays,
      • de-lay,
      • showstoppers,
      • hold ups,
      • cooling off periods,
      • prorogations,
      • dis continuation,
      • cunctations,
      • de-lays,
      • tieup,
      • loiterings,
      • coolingoff period,
      • lingerings,
      • dis continuations,
      • dis-continuations,
      • tarryings,
      • sur cease,
      • pro rogation,
      • pro-rogations,
      • sur-cease,
      • sur ceases,
      • sur-ceases,
      • putting offs,
      • dis-continuation,
      • cooling-off periods,
      • demurrals,
      • de lay,
      • dawdlings,
      • coolingoff periods,
      • cooling off period,
      • retardments,
      • pro-rogation,
      • pro rogations.

      destination (noun)

      • landing places,
      • de signs,
      • resting-places,
      • journey end,
      • journey’s ends,
      • de sign,
      • journey ends,
      • journeys end,
      • restingplaces,
      • landingplaces,
      • de-sign,
      • landingplace,
      • landing-places,
      • restingplace,
      • de-signs,
      • resting places,
      • journeys ends.

      diaphragm (noun)

      • diaphragm.

      die down (noun)

      • die.

      dry up (noun)

      • dry.

      end (noun)

      • closing.

      ending (noun)

      • omega,
      • period.

      end of the line (noun)

      • end the line,
      • end-line.

      fence (noun)

      • de-fenses,
      • backstops,
      • de fenses.

      finish (noun)

      • last stages,
      • wind-ups,
      • winding-ups,
      • windingup,
      • winding ups,
      • end of road,
      • end road,
      • end the road,
      • wrap ups,
      • wrap-ups,
      • wind ups,
      • wrapups,
      • wrapup,
      • windingups.

      fizzle out (noun)

      • fizzle.

      full point (noun)

      • full point.

      full stop (noun)

      • full stop.

      give up (noun)

      • give.

      halt (noun)

      • screeching halts.

      hindrance (noun)

      • deterrent,
      • restriction,
      • impediment,
      • constraint,
      • entanglement,
      • constipation,
      • congestion,
      • hindrance,
      • drawback,
      • impasse,
      • disadvantage,
      • complication,
      • opposition,
      • inhibition,
      • entrapment,
      • impedance,
      • hurdle,
      • bafflement,
      • obstacle,
      • frustration,
      • damper,
      • restraint,
      • resistance.

      hitch (noun)

      • hitch.

      hold back (noun)

      • hold back.

      inactivity (noun)

      • rest.

      interlude (noun)

      • interregna,
      • inter lude,
      • inter-lude,
      • inter-ludes,
      • inter ludes,
      • meanwhiles.

      intermission (noun)

      • breathing spell,
      • quiescency.

      interruption (noun)

      • caesura.

      intersection (noun)

      • inter section,
      • inter sections,
      • cross-walk,
      • inter-section,
      • inter change,
      • inter changes,
      • inter-sections,
      • cross-walks,
      • cross walk,
      • cross walks,
      • inter-changes,
      • cross way,
      • cloverleafs.

      irregularity (noun)

      • bumpiness,
      • variabilities,
      • unevenness,
      • jaggedness,
      • variability.

      jaggedness (noun)

      • in equalities,
      • in-equality,
      • in-equalities,
      • in equality.

      kibosh (noun)

      • kibosh.

      lay off (noun)

      • lay off.

      layover (noun)

      • stopover.

      look-in (noun)

      • lookin.

      lull (noun)

      • pausations.

      obstruction (noun)

      • blockings.

      occlusion (noun)

      • occlusion.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • halt,
      • delay,
      • interlude,
      • obstacles,
      • Infarctions,
      • ballgame,
      • blockade,
      • end of the road,
      • finish,
      • leisure,
      • hangup,
      • showstopper,
      • resting place,
      • oak,
      • Flyspeck,
      • pausation,
      • backstop,
      • crosswalks,
      • sticker,
      • Oaks,
      • base of operations,
      • terminal,
      • procrastinations,
      • crosswalk,
      • obstruction,
      • barricade,
      • wrap-up,
      • crossways,
      • paneling,
      • finises,
      • kiss-off,
      • immobilization,
      • time out,
      • logjams,
      • hold-up,
      • idyll,
      • Retardment,
      • closure,
      • logjam,
      • interregnum,
      • block,
      • interruption,
      • Shive,
      • tarriance,
      • ending,
      • station,
      • siege,
      • stickers,
      • layover,
      • fence,
      • procrastination,
      • encirclement,
      • end line,
      • recess,
      • barrier,
      • hold-ups,
      • end of the line,
      • kiss off,
      • prorogation,
      • expiries,
      • lull,
      • wall,
      • inter-change,
      • sieges,
      • blank wall,
      • palings,
      • bookmarks,
      • cloverleaves,
      • demurral,
      • encumbrance,
      • phellem,
      • sojourn,
      • resting-place,
      • winding-up,
      • intermission,
      • respite,
      • quiet,
      • cooling-off period,
      • infarction,
      • cunctation,
      • gridlock,
      • main office,
      • destination,
      • cork,
      • look in,
      • retardation,
      • last stage,
      • end of line,
      • landing-place,
      • bobber,
      • tab,
      • stay,
      • mote,
      • restrictions,
      • bookmark,
      • wind-up,
      • surcease,
      • screeching halt,
      • cloverleaf,
      • Interregnums,
      • journey’s end,
      • Emboli,
      • visit,
      • infarct,
      • expiry,
      • road block,
      • Cross-way,
      • crossway,
      • panelings,
      • idylls,
      • finis,
      • flyspecks,
      • rail,
      • point,
      • irregularity,
      • landing place,
      • infarcts,
      • bar,
      • embolus.

      plosive (noun)

      • plosive.

      plosive consonant (noun)

      • plosive consonant.

      plosive speech sound (noun)

      • plosive speech sound.

      plug (noun)

      • tap,
      • cover,
      • spile,
      • stopper,
      • spigot,
      • valve.

      quiet (noun)

      • soundlessness,
      • dead air.

      recess (noun)

      • re cesses,
      • re-cesses,
      • re cess,
      • re-cess.

      respite (noun)

      • de-ferments,
      • pro tractions,
      • pro-tractions,
      • re lief,
      • pro-traction,
      • de ferment,
      • de ferments,
      • de-ferment,
      • re spites,
      • re-lief,
      • pro traction,
      • re-spites,
      • re-spite,
      • re spite.

      rest (noun)

      • somnolence,
      • dreaminess,
      • motionlessness,
      • re-creation,
      • forty winks,
      • re-creations.

      restraint (noun)

      • crackdown,
      • straitjackets,
      • straitjacket,
      • pinion,
      • pinions.

      sojourn (noun)

      • tarriances.

      station (noun)

      • main offices,
      • base operation,
      • base operations.

      stop-over (noun)

      • stop-over.

      stop consonant (noun)

      • stop consonant.

      stopping point (noun)

      • signoff,
      • sign-off.

      termination (noun)

      • ballgames,
      • kissoffs,
      • kiss-offs,
      • kiss offs,
      • kissoff.

      unevenness (noun)

      • un evenness,
      • un-evenness,
      • un-evennesses,
      • un evennesses.

      visit (noun)

      • weekend,
      • weekends.

      visit; place of rest (noun)

      • stage.

      wall (noun)

      • sur-face,
      • sur face,
      • sur faces.
    • v.

      abandon (verb)

      • gave the ship,
      • dis card,
      • taking powder,
      • giving up ship,
      • with-draws,
      • kissed goodbye,
      • legging it,
      • fly coop,
      • with draw,
      • dis-carded,
      • de sert,
      • takes a powder,
      • gave ship,
      • ran out on,
      • flies the coop,
      • sur-renders,
      • washing hands of,
      • taking walk,
      • sur-rendered,
      • gives the ship,
      • with drawn,
      • letted go,
      • flying coop,
      • flies coop,
      • with-drawing,
      • with draws,
      • kissing goodbye,
      • kisses goodbye,
      • gives up the ship,
      • shipped out,
      • let go,
      • washed hands of,
      • de-sert,
      • dis carding,
      • with-drawn,
      • sur render,
      • take walk,
      • dis-card,
      • giving the ship,
      • sur rendered,
      • give ship,
      • legs it,
      • take powder,
      • took a powder,
      • sur-rendering,
      • sur rendering,
      • sur renders,
      • with drew,
      • takes walk,
      • gave up ship,
      • washes hands of,
      • dis carded,
      • gave up the ship,
      • with drawing,
      • with-draw,
      • giving up the ship,
      • flakes out,
      • dis-carding,
      • flaking out,
      • took a walk,
      • taking a walk,
      • dis cards,
      • taking a powder,
      • takes powder,
      • giving ship,
      • sur-render,
      • runs out on,
      • took walk,
      • gives up ship,
      • dis-cards,
      • flew coop,
      • give up ship,
      • give the ship,
      • took powder,
      • flying the coop,
      • storming out,
      • gives ship,
      • legged it,
      • with-drew,
      • storms out,
      • stormed out.

      abide (verb)

      • sticks around,
      • re sting,
      • sticked around,
      • sticking around,
      • re-sting,
      • stuck around.

      abstain (verb)

      • denied oneself,
      • re fused,
      • with hold,
      • re-fuse,
      • give the go by,
      • fencesit,
      • fence-sitting,
      • fence sits,
      • sate on hands,
      • sits on one hands,
      • sat on fence,
      • sit on one hands,
      • de clines,
      • sit one’s hands,
      • sate fence,
      • go on the wagon,
      • took cure,
      • sit fence,
      • fence-sits,
      • sate out,
      • sits on the fence,
      • sate one’s hands,
      • withheld,
      • deny oneself,
      • sat the fence,
      • with-hold,
      • sat on one hands,
      • gave go by,
      • takes cure,
      • goes on wagon,
      • sits one hands,
      • takes the pledge,
      • takes pledge,
      • sat fence,
      • passing up,
      • sits on hands,
      • go the wagon,
      • sitting the fence,
      • de-cline,
      • fence sitting,
      • taking the pledge,
      • fencesits,
      • sat out,
      • went wagon,
      • sit one hands,
      • starve,
      • denying oneself,
      • sits out,
      • sat one’s hands,
      • sits on ones hands,
      • fencesitting,
      • sits on one’s hands,
      • sitting on the fence,
      • spurn,
      • taking cure,
      • giving the go by,
      • with holding,
      • fence sit,
      • sits ones hands,
      • going on wagon,
      • Refusing,
      • sits fence,
      • fence sat,
      • sate the fence,
      • take the cure,
      • goes wagon,
      • sat ones hands,
      • going on the wagon,
      • sate on the fence,
      • sitting on ones hands,
      • sate on one hands,
      • de cline,
      • sate one hands,
      • giving go by,
      • sate hands,
      • re fuses,
      • sitting one’s hands,
      • keeping from,
      • give go by,
      • sate on fence,
      • sit on one’s hands,
      • go wagon,
      • fence-sit,
      • sitting one hands,
      • sitting fence,
      • sat on ones hands,
      • going the wagon,
      • re-fuses,
      • sitting on hands,
      • sitting on fence,
      • kept from,
      • starves,
      • sitting on one hands,
      • went on wagon,
      • took the pledge,
      • sate on one’s hands,
      • sits one’s hands,
      • re fuse,
      • forgoing,
      • sits on fence,
      • with holds,
      • goes on the wagon,
      • took pledge,
      • withholds,
      • take cure,
      • fence-sat,
      • with held,
      • sitting on one’s hands,
      • sitting ones hands,
      • took the cure,
      • sit on the fence,
      • re-fusing,
      • goes the wagon,
      • sits the fence,
      • sit on ones hands,
      • going wagon,
      • passes up,
      • with-held,
      • de-clines,
      • re-fused,
      • taking the cure,
      • sit hands,
      • sit the fence,
      • sate on ones hands,
      • denies oneself,
      • take pledge,
      • went on the wagon,
      • go on wagon,
      • went the wagon,
      • passed up,
      • sat on hands,
      • sitting hands,
      • Forgone,
      • take the pledge,
      • keeps from,
      • fencesat,
      • gives go by,
      • sits hands,
      • gives the go by,
      • sitting out,
      • gave the go by,
      • with-holds,
      • sat one hands,
      • taking pledge,
      • sat on one’s hands,
      • sat on the fence,
      • sit ones hands,
      • re fusing,
      • sit on hands,
      • takes the cure,
      • sate ones hands,
      • sat hands.

      admit defeat (verb)

      • give in.

      attempt to make quiet (verb)

      • hush.

      balk (verb)

      • counter-acting,
      • upsets apple cart,
      • dis concert,
      • ruin,
      • fore stall,
      • counter-acts,
      • de-feats,
      • threw monkey wrench in,
      • de feat,
      • throws monkey wrench in,
      • dis appointing,
      • throw monkey wrench in,
      • counter act,
      • threw curve,
      • dis concerted,
      • cramping ones style,
      • counter acting,
      • upset the apple cart,
      • dis concerting,
      • upsets the apple cart,
      • fore-stalled,
      • threw a curve,
      • dis concerts,
      • fore-stall,
      • dis-concerting,
      • cramped one style,
      • cramping one style,
      • cramp one style,
      • throwing monkey wrench in,
      • cramped style,
      • counter-act,
      • dis-appoints,
      • cramping style,
      • dis-concerts,
      • dis appointed,
      • upsetting apple cart,
      • throw a curve,
      • fore stalled,
      • cramp ones style,
      • cramped ones style,
      • cramps ones style,
      • cramp style,
      • counter acts,
      • cramps one’s style,
      • throws a curve,
      • cramps style,
      • de-feat,
      • cramps one style,
      • dis-appoint,
      • de feats,
      • upsetting the apple cart,
      • throwing curve,
      • fore stalling,
      • dis appoints,
      • dis appoint,
      • fore-stalling,
      • dis-concerted,
      • throws curve,
      • dis-appointing,
      • counter-acted,
      • throwing a curve,
      • counter acted,
      • fore stalls,
      • fore-stalls,
      • dis-concert,
      • cramp one’s style,
      • cramped one’s style,
      • throw curve,
      • upset apple cart,
      • dis-appointed,
      • cramping one’s style.

      bar (verb)

      • dis allowing,
      • over ridden,
      • de-bars,
      • de-barred,
      • dis-countenanced,
      • over-riding,
      • dis countenanced,
      • freezes out,
      • dis-courage,
      • re strained,
      • shut out,
      • froze out,
      • de-barring,
      • re straining,
      • dis courage,
      • freeze out,
      • ex cept,
      • de barring,
      • dis-countenances,
      • over-rode,
      • dis-courages,
      • over riding,
      • re strains,
      • over rode,
      • keeping out,
      • over-ridden,
      • freezing out,
      • dis allow,
      • over ride,
      • re-strained,
      • dis allows,
      • dis-countenancing,
      • keeps out,
      • de bar,
      • dis-allows,
      • dis-countenance,
      • shutting out,
      • over-rides,
      • dis-allowing,
      • dis-allow,
      • de barred,
      • re-strain,
      • re-strains,
      • de-bar,
      • re strain,
      • over-ride,
      • re-straining,
      • dis courages,
      • de bars,
      • except,
      • over rides,
      • ex-cept,
      • dis countenances,
      • dis-allowed,
      • dis countenancing,
      • dis allowed,
      • dis countenance.

      become eventually; come to a close (verb)

      • end up.

      block (verb)

      • hang up,
      • stops up,
      • closing off,
      • interferes with,
      • stopped up,
      • takes out play,
      • stopt up,
      • taking out of play,
      • stopping up,
      • took out play,
      • stop up,
      • closes off,
      • blockading,
      • taking out play,
      • hanging up,
      • closed off,
      • blockaded,
      • occlude,
      • stoppered,
      • Stoppering,
      • close off,
      • hanged up,
      • interfere with,
      • took out of play,
      • take out play,
      • takes out of play,
      • hangs up,
      • take out of play.

      bode (verb)

      • fore boded,
      • fore shown,
      • be-tokening,
      • be tokened,
      • fore tells,
      • fore bode,
      • fore showing,
      • fore cast,
      • fore-shown,
      • fore-shows,
      • fore-casting,
      • fore-bode,
      • pre sages,
      • foreshows,
      • fore boding,
      • be-tokened,
      • messaged,
      • fore-cast,
      • pre-sages,
      • be tokens,
      • be token,
      • fore-show,
      • Omened,
      • fore casting,
      • fore-showed,
      • fore-bodes,
      • fore casts,
      • fore-telling,
      • fore-boded,
      • fore-boding,
      • fore showed,
      • fore-tells,
      • pre-sage,
      • fore-casts,
      • pre sage,
      • fore told,
      • fore-tell,
      • fore telling,
      • foreshow,
      • fore-told,
      • fore bodes,
      • messaging,
      • be-token,
      • pre-dict,
      • pre dict,
      • fore shows,
      • be tokening,
      • be-tokens,
      • Omening,
      • foreshown,
      • foreshowing,
      • fore show,
      • foreshowed,
      • fore tell,
      • fore-showing.

      bother, interfere (verb)

      • interrupt.

      brake (verb)

      • slackens,
      • reduced speed,
      • reduces speed,
      • reduce speed,
      • reducing speed,
      • slows down,
      • slow down,
      • Slackened,
      • slowing down,
      • slowed down.

      break up (verb)

      • dis banding,
      • dis mantles,
      • scatters,
      • put an end to,
      • dis-solved,
      • dis banded,
      • dis-banded,
      • dis assembles,
      • dis-assembled,
      • takes apart,
      • dis-solving,
      • dis-mantle,
      • dis-mantling,
      • dis-assembling,
      • putting an end to,
      • dis assembled,
      • dis solving,
      • dis solved,
      • dis-perse,
      • dis-mantled,
      • dis-solve,
      • putting end to,
      • puts an end to,
      • taking apart,
      • dis mantle,
      • dis assemble,
      • dis perse,
      • dis-mantles,
      • dis bands,
      • dis-bands,
      • dis solves,
      • dis-banding,
      • dis solve,
      • dis-assemble,
      • dis mantled,
      • take apart,
      • took apart,
      • put end to,
      • dis-band,
      • dis mantling,
      • dis assembling,
      • puts end to,
      • dis band,
      • dis-solves,
      • dis-assembles.

      bring or come to a halt or end (verb)

      • hold,
      • terminate,
      • end,
      • cut short,
      • discontinue,
      • quit,
      • run its course,
      • cool it,
      • draw up,
      • desist,
      • sign off,
      • tarry,
      • be over,
      • wind up,
      • hang it up,
      • refrain,
      • scrub,
      • conclude,
      • call it a day,
      • quit cold,
      • wrap up,
      • kill,
      • cold turkey,
      • come to a standstill,
      • blow off.

      catch a hit or thrown object (verb)

      • field.

      check (verb)

      • hold down,
      • re pressing,
      • re-presses,
      • re-pressing,
      • nip the bud,
      • de-laying,
      • play for time,
      • nip in bud,
      • slackening pace,
      • de laying,
      • re-duces,
      • reins in,
      • re buffs,
      • playing for time,
      • re duces,
      • re buff,
      • re-pulsing,
      • keep back,
      • neutralize,
      • re-pulses,
      • rein in,
      • re pulses,
      • re buffed,
      • re buffing,
      • keeps back,
      • Harnessing,
      • kept back,
      • re presses,
      • re pulsing,
      • Bitting,
      • holding in,
      • Bitted,
      • re press,
      • holds down,
      • re pulsed,
      • plays for time,
      • re-pulse,
      • slacken pace,
      • re-buffs,
      • slackens pace,
      • holds in,
      • keeping back,
      • re-duce,
      • nip bud,
      • re pulse,
      • slackened pace,
      • re-pulsed,
      • bottlenecked,
      • Repulsing,
      • played for time,
      • re pressed,
      • reining in,
      • re-buff,
      • re-press,
      • re-buffed,
      • reined in,
      • bottlenecking,
      • re duce,
      • re-buffing.

      check, inhibit from action (verb)

      • deter.

      check; stop (verb)

      • brake.

      checkmate (verb)

      • un-does,
      • un does,
      • un done,
      • un-did,
      • un-doing,
      • un did,
      • un doing.

      choke (verb)

      • Gibbeted,
      • strangulates,
      • over powering,
      • Garroted,
      • Noosing,
      • stunting,
      • strangulate,
      • garrotes,
      • Noosed,
      • over power,
      • Gibbeting,
      • gibbet,
      • over-powered,
      • over powers,
      • Strangulated,
      • over powered,
      • strangulating,
      • garrote,
      • over-power,
      • gibbets,
      • Garroting,
      • over-powers,
      • over-powering.

      circumvent, nip in the bud (verb)

      • foil.

      close (verb)

      • bolt,
      • seal,
      • lock,
      • fasten,
      • join,
      • shut,
      • latch,
      • secure.

      come to an end (verb)

      • expire.

      command (verb)

      • hath authority,
      • ex-acts,
      • pre dominate,
      • super intending,
      • overborn,
      • pre vailed,
      • super intends,
      • takes over,
      • exercising power,
      • pre vail,
      • pre scribing,
      • super vised,
      • ex-acting,
      • Over-bearing,
      • super-intend,
      • over-borne,
      • over-bears,
      • over bore,
      • overbore,
      • reigned over,
      • over born,
      • pre scribes,
      • ex acted,
      • ex acts,
      • over-born,
      • pre-dominated,
      • pre-dominate,
      • ex acting,
      • super intend,
      • co-aching,
      • co aching,
      • sub-dues,
      • over bearing,
      • super-intended,
      • reigning over,
      • super-intends,
      • sub dues,
      • ex-acted,
      • pre-dominating,
      • sub-due,
      • holds office,
      • took over,
      • ex-act,
      • pre dominates,
      • pre-vails,
      • super vising,
      • reigns over,
      • co ached,
      • super-intending,
      • pre dominating,
      • pre-vailed,
      • holding office,
      • presides over,
      • had authority,
      • hadst authority,
      • super intended,
      • pre-scribed,
      • super vise,
      • pre-scribing,
      • super-vise,
      • over-bore,
      • exercised power,
      • exercises power,
      • super-vised,
      • pre vailing,
      • pre-scribe,
      • presiding over,
      • pre-vail,
      • ex act,
      • over bear,
      • having authority,
      • over bears,
      • pre dominated,
      • held office,
      • has authority,
      • sub due,
      • pre scribe,
      • pre-scribes,
      • over borne,
      • pre-dominates,
      • haddest authority,
      • pre vails,
      • co-ached,
      • hast authority.

      conclude (verb)

      • call day,
      • puts to bed,
      • drew to close,
      • draws close,
      • put the lid on,
      • drew close,
      • calling day,
      • Cinching,
      • calls it a day,
      • called it a day,
      • putting the lid on,
      • called day,
      • puts lid on,
      • bringing down curtain,
      • putting bed,
      • calls it day,
      • calling it day,
      • topping off,
      • putting to bed,
      • draw to close,
      • calling a day,
      • bring down curtain,
      • drawing close,
      • calls a day,
      • calls day,
      • brought down curtain,
      • top off,
      • Ultimated,
      • puts bed,
      • called a day,
      • call it day,
      • draws to close,
      • tops off,
      • brings down curtain,
      • put to bed,
      • topped off,
      • ultimates,
      • put bed,
      • call a day,
      • Ultimating,
      • drawing to close,
      • called it day,
      • putting lid on,
      • Cinched,
      • calling it a day,
      • draw close,
      • puts the lid on.

      confuse, bewilder (verb)

      • stump.

      contain (verb)

      • kept lid on,
      • putting half nelson on,
      • keeps lid on,
      • re strict,
      • hog tie,
      • simmering down,
      • simmers down,
      • simmered down,
      • re-strict,
      • keeping lid on,
      • puts half nelson on.

      cut out (verb)

      • Extracting,
      • ex-tract,
      • dis place,
      • dis places,
      • dis-placing,
      • dis-place,
      • exsected,
      • dis-placed,
      • dis placed,
      • dis placing,
      • dis-places,
      • ex tract,
      • exsecting,
      • Exsect,
      • usurped,
      • refrained from,
      • refrains from,
      • refrain from,
      • refraining from,
      • exsects,
      • ex-tracts.

      cut short (verb)

      • brings an end; leave unfinished,
      • brake short,
      • bringing to end; leave unfinished,
      • post pone,
      • post pones,
      • breaks short,
      • stopt short,
      • post-pones,
      • stopped dead,
      • brought to end; leave unfinished,
      • brought to an end; leave unfinished,
      • puts a stop to,
      • bringing an end; leave unfinished,
      • stopping cold,
      • breaking short,
      • post-pone,
      • puts stop to,
      • stops short,
      • stopping dead,
      • stopt dead,
      • brought end; leave unfinished,
      • stopped short,
      • brings end; leave unfinished,
      • putting stop to,
      • stops dead,
      • stopping short,
      • brought an end; leave unfinished,
      • bring end; leave unfinished,
      • bring to end; leave unfinished,
      • bringing to an end; leave unfinished,
      • stopped cold,
      • putting a stop to,
      • bring an end; leave unfinished,
      • broke short,
      • brings to end; leave unfinished,
      • stopt cold,
      • brings to an end; leave unfinished,
      • stops cold,
      • bringing end; leave unfinished.

      deter (verb)

      • acted like a wet blanket,
      • DAMPS,
      • disadvising,
      • put off,
      • dis-advise,
      • throwing cold water on,
      • put damper on,
      • throws cold water on,
      • puts a damper on,
      • Forfend,
      • Damped,
      • talks out of,
      • putting damper on,
      • Damping,
      • dis-advising,
      • threw cold water on,
      • disadvised,
      • forfends,
      • talk out of,
      • acts like a wet blanket,
      • forfended,
      • dis advises,
      • dis advise,
      • act like a wet blanket,
      • putting a damper on,
      • forfending,
      • acting like a wet blanket,
      • acting like wet blanket,
      • put a damper on,
      • Disadvise,
      • disadvises,
      • dis-advised,
      • talking out of,
      • dis advised,
      • acted like wet blanket,
      • throw cold water on,
      • puts damper on,
      • dis advising,
      • talked out of,
      • acts like wet blanket,
      • dis-advises,
      • act like wet blanket.

      die (verb)

      • melts away,
      • sub side,
      • de generated,
      • dis-appeared,
      • loses power,
      • melting away,
      • de cay,
      • faded away,
      • retro grades,
      • sub-sides,
      • melted away,
      • de-generated,
      • de-generating,
      • fades out,
      • de cays,
      • de generating,
      • retro-grade,
      • re-cedes,
      • faded out,
      • de-cay,
      • retro-graded,
      • dis appearing,
      • re-cede,
      • retro graded,
      • re-ceded,
      • losing power,
      • sub-side,
      • de-generates,
      • brake down,
      • sub sides,
      • runs low,
      • de-generate,
      • dis appeared,
      • retro grading,
      • re cedes,
      • sub sided,
      • retro grade,
      • de-cays,
      • dis appear,
      • going bad,
      • wore away,
      • sub-sided,
      • dis-appear,
      • went bad,
      • dis-appears,
      • de generates,
      • fizzles out,
      • re ceding,
      • re cede,
      • fizzling out,
      • re ceded,
      • breaks down,
      • eased off,
      • re-ceding,
      • fizzled out,
      • retro-grading,
      • running low,
      • dis appears,
      • broke down,
      • de generate,
      • dis-appearing,
      • eases off,
      • retro-grades.

      diminish (verb)

      • die away.

      discontinue (verb)

      • dis connect,
      • dis-continue,
      • gave over,
      • dis-continued,
      • inter posed,
      • dis-joined,
      • inter-posing,
      • calls quits,
      • inter-posed,
      • calling quits,
      • dis-joining,
      • dis joined,
      • dis continued,
      • dis-unites,
      • bagged it,
      • dis-connects,
      • calls it quits,
      • called quits,
      • dis-sever,
      • sur-ceasing,
      • sur ceasing,
      • dis sever,
      • dis-unite,
      • inter pose,
      • dis severed,
      • dis-join,
      • dis severing,
      • gives over,
      • blows off,
      • dis connected,
      • call quits,
      • dis continuing,
      • bags it,
      • dis connecting,
      • dis-connected,
      • inter-pose,
      • blew off,
      • dis-severed,
      • dis unites,
      • dis continues,
      • bagging it,
      • dis-connecting,
      • dis-connect,
      • call it quits,
      • dis continue,
      • dis-severs,
      • blowing off,
      • calling it quits,
      • interpose,
      • dis connects,
      • dis-severing,
      • dis join,
      • dis united,
      • sur-ceased,
      • inter posing,
      • intervenes,
      • dis-joins,
      • giving over,
      • dis-united,
      • dis-continuing,
      • dis joins,
      • called it quits,
      • dis unite,
      • dis-continues,
      • dis severs,
      • bag it,
      • dis joining,
      • sur ceased.

      drop (verb)

      • dis missed,
      • eighty six,
      • were alienated from,
      • parts with,
      • wasted one,
      • wast alienated from,
      • adiosed,
      • re-signs,
      • wert alienated from,
      • parted from,
      • forgetting about,
      • having done with,
      • haddest done with,
      • washes out,
      • is alienated from,
      • Re sign,
      • hath done with,
      • dis-missing,
      • had done with,
      • forgat about,
      • re signing,
      • was alienated from,
      • dis owned,
      • hast done with,
      • adiosing,
      • washed out,
      • dis missing,
      • forget about,
      • parting with,
      • be alienated from,
      • forgot about,
      • parts from,
      • eightysix,
      • dis-owning,
      • parted with,
      • washing out,
      • art alienated from,
      • part with,
      • being alienated from,
      • re signed,
      • wasting one,
      • adioses,
      • dis-owned,
      • dusts off,
      • has done with,
      • wash out,
      • adios,
      • wastes one,
      • parting from,
      • re-signed,
      • dusting off,
      • part from,
      • re signs,
      • waste one,
      • hadst done with,
      • dis-missed,
      • forgets about,
      • dis owning,
      • dusted off,
      • are alienated from,
      • am alienated from.

      drop in (verb)

      • comes over,
      • going and see,
      • looks on,
      • calling upon,
      • stopt by,
      • looking on,
      • called up on,
      • looks in on,
      • calls up on,
      • went and see,
      • goes and see,
      • pops in,
      • stopped by,
      • coming over,
      • looked in on,
      • came over,
      • looking in on,
      • blows in,
      • stops by,
      • stopped in,
      • stopping by,
      • popping in,
      • stops in,
      • went see,
      • calling up on,
      • goes see,
      • stopping in,
      • blew in,
      • going see,
      • call up on,
      • stopt in,
      • go see.

      dwell (verb)

      • establishing oneself,
      • hung one’s hat,
      • Bunking,
      • Roosted,
      • made one’s home,
      • re sides,
      • tenant,
      • Roosting,
      • makes home,
      • hang hat,
      • make ones home,
      • pitch tent,
      • hanging hat,
      • hung ones hat,
      • re side,
      • re-side,
      • keeping house,
      • hung one hat,
      • making home,
      • in-habiting,
      • making one home,
      • establishes oneself,
      • hanged ones hat,
      • hang ones hat,
      • made home,
      • hung hat,
      • in habits,
      • tenting,
      • hole up,
      • makes one home,
      • Roomed,
      • in-habit,
      • make one home,
      • makes ones home,
      • hangs one hat,
      • re sided,
      • keep house,
      • hangs hat,
      • in-habits,
      • hanging one’s hat,
      • pitching tent,
      • hanged one’s hat,
      • make home,
      • tenanted,
      • kept house,
      • makes one’s home,
      • hang one hat,
      • nested,
      • establish oneself,
      • tent,
      • making ones home,
      • in habited,
      • make one’s home,
      • pitches tent,
      • established oneself,
      • Tented,
      • perch,
      • Rooming,
      • Bunked,
      • hanging one hat,
      • keeps house,
      • re-sides,
      • re-sided,
      • hang one’s hat,
      • Quartered,
      • hanging ones hat,
      • Residing,
      • in habit,
      • made ones home,
      • pitched tent,
      • in habiting,
      • Tenanting,
      • hanged one hat,
      • hangs one’s hat,
      • hangs ones hat,
      • in-habited,
      • re siding,
      • making one’s home,
      • made one home,
      • re-siding,
      • hanged hat,
      • nesting.

      end (verb)

      • accomplish,
      • finalize,
      • exit,
      • cap,
      • complete,
      • pass on,
      • decease,
      • pass away.

      end relationship, activity (verb)

      • break up.

      end up (verb)

      • come a halt,
      • finishing as,
      • coming a halt,
      • came to a halt,
      • turns out to be,
      • finishes as,
      • arriving finally,
      • comes to a halt,
      • come to halt,
      • turn out be,
      • came a halt,
      • finishes up,
      • comes a halt,
      • finishing up,
      • turning out to be,
      • coming to halt,
      • coming halt,
      • finished as,
      • turning out be,
      • coming to a halt,
      • comes to halt,
      • comes halt,
      • turned out to be,
      • turns out be,
      • came to halt,
      • come halt,
      • turned out be,
      • came halt,
      • arrives finally,
      • arrived finally.

      eventuate (verb)

      • am consequent,
      • eventualized,
      • wert consequent,
      • taking place,
      • comes to pass,
      • eventualize,
      • came pass,
      • be fallen,
      • was consequent,
      • coming to pass,
      • come pass,
      • coming pass,
      • be-fall,
      • eventualizing,
      • come to pass,
      • comes pass,
      • be-falling,
      • be falling,
      • be fell,
      • take place,
      • art consequent,
      • eventualizes,
      • Happened,
      • be-fell,
      • wast consequent,
      • takes place,
      • being consequent,
      • came to pass,
      • be fall,
      • is consequent,
      • be-falls,
      • be falls,
      • are consequent,
      • took place,
      • be-fallen,
      • were consequent,
      • be consequent.

      expire (verb)

      • cash chips,
      • passed on,
      • de-parts,
      • passing away,
      • de ceases,
      • upped die,
      • passed away,
      • upping and die,
      • de cease,
      • de ceasing,
      • passes on,
      • upped and die,
      • de parting,
      • de parts,
      • de-ceased,
      • upping die,
      • de-cease,
      • de-ceasing,
      • buy it,
      • bought it,
      • de-parting,
      • ex-pire,
      • cashing in chips,
      • de parted,
      • ups die,
      • de-parted,
      • cashed chips,
      • cash in chips,
      • de-part,
      • passing on,
      • ex pire,
      • cashed in chips,
      • cashes in chips,
      • de-ceases,
      • buys it,
      • de ceased,
      • elapse,
      • cashing chips,
      • bite dust,
      • up and die,
      • up die,
      • kick bucket,
      • ups and die,
      • de part,
      • cashes chips,
      • buying it.

      field (verb)

      • re turn,
      • re turns,
      • turned aside,
      • re-turned,
      • Re-turn,
      • turning aside,
      • turns aside,
      • re-turns,
      • re-turning,
      • turn aside,
      • re turning.

      finish (verb)

      • brought a close,
      • gets out of way,
      • hanged it up,
      • gets out the way,
      • made short work of,
      • getting out the way,
      • mops up,
      • brings to close,
      • mopping up,
      • brings close,
      • getting out way,
      • dis charging,
      • carrying through,
      • gotten out way,
      • Make short work of,
      • gets out of the way,
      • brings to a close,
      • bringing to close,
      • got out of way,
      • putting finishing touches on,
      • shuttering,
      • dis-charges,
      • gotten out of way,
      • hung it up,
      • dis-charging,
      • getting out of way,
      • gat out of the way,
      • hanging it up,
      • bringing a close,
      • brought close,
      • bringing close,
      • dis charged,
      • bring close,
      • brought to close,
      • get out the way,
      • making short work of,
      • bring to a close,
      • got out the way,
      • get out of the way,
      • dis charge,
      • bring a close,
      • get out way,
      • get out of way,
      • shuttered,
      • carries through,
      • gotten out of the way,
      • bring to close,
      • brings a close,
      • shutter,
      • carried through,
      • got out way,
      • dis charges,
      • gat out way,
      • puts finishing touches on,
      • makes short work of,
      • brought to a close,
      • got out of the way,
      • hangs it up,
      • gotten out the way,
      • getting out of the way,
      • dis-charged,
      • bringing to a close,
      • gat out the way,
      • gets out way,
      • gat out of way,
      • mopped up,
      • dis-charge,
      • put finishing touches on.

      foil (verb)

      • shake off,
      • gave the run around,
      • Buffaloes,
      • gave the runaround,
      • give runaround,
      • Juke,
      • gave slip,
      • out witting,
      • giving runaround,
      • buffaloed,
      • run circles around,
      • juked,
      • giving the run-around,
      • gave run around,
      • gave the run-around,
      • bollix,
      • ran circles around,
      • getting around,
      • got around,
      • give the runaround,
      • gives runaround,
      • bollixes,
      • out wits,
      • give the run-around,
      • giving the run around,
      • give the slip,
      • gives run around,
      • gives run-around,
      • give slip,
      • gives the run around,
      • run rings around,
      • giving slip,
      • gave run-around,
      • gave the slip,
      • bollixing,
      • gets around,
      • shuffled off,
      • out-wit,
      • give run-around,
      • buffaloing,
      • out-witting,
      • out witted,
      • out wit,
      • giving run-around,
      • give run around,
      • gat around,
      • shuffles off,
      • gives the run-around,
      • running circles around,
      • out-wits,
      • juking,
      • give the run around,
      • gives the slip,
      • giving the runaround,
      • running rings around,
      • gives the runaround,
      • gave runaround,
      • gotten around,
      • shakes off,
      • gives slip,
      • runs rings around,
      • runs circles around,
      • ran rings around,
      • shuffling off,
      • bollixed,
      • shuffle off,
      • giving the slip,
      • Jukes,
      • giving run around.

      forbear (verb)

      • Forbore,
      • went easy,
      • goes easy,
      • go easy,
      • going easy.

      forbid (verb)

      • locks up,
      • declaring illegal,
      • pro scribes,
      • Tabooed,
      • putting the chill on,
      • pro scribe,
      • Embargoed,
      • pro scribed,
      • Tabooing,
      • say no,
      • declared illegal,
      • pro-scribe,
      • pro-scribed,
      • locking up,
      • says no,
      • locked up,
      • nixing,
      • taboo,
      • puts the chill on,
      • put chill on,
      • put the chill on,
      • pro scribing,
      • putting chill on,
      • saying no,
      • Embargoing,
      • declares illegal,
      • puts chill on,
      • forbidding,
      • nixed,
      • veto,
      • said no,
      • declare illegal.

      give in/give up (verb)

      • drops like a hot potato,
      • throwing towel,
      • wash ones hands of,
      • threw towel,
      • drop like a hot potato,
      • throw towel,
      • took the oath,
      • washing one hands of,
      • throwing the towel,
      • dropt like hot potato,
      • gave in,
      • takes the oath,
      • throw the towel,
      • washing ones hands of,
      • buckling under,
      • taking oath,
      • throws towel,
      • take oath,
      • throws in the towel,
      • washing one’s hands of,
      • threw in the towel,
      • threw in towel,
      • dropt like a hot potato,
      • drop like hot potato,
      • throws the towel,
      • buckled under,
      • wash one hands of,
      • dropped like hot potato,
      • drops like hot potato,
      • took oath,
      • caves in,
      • dropping like hot potato,
      • washes one’s hands of,
      • buckle under,
      • washed ones hands of,
      • dropping like a hot potato,
      • take the oath,
      • throwing in the towel,
      • caved in,
      • washes one hands of,
      • washed one’s hands of,
      • throw in towel,
      • forswear,
      • taking the oath,
      • washes ones hands of,
      • dropped like a hot potato,
      • throwing in towel,
      • wash one’s hands of,
      • throws in towel,
      • buckles under,
      • threw the towel,
      • takes oath,
      • washed one hands of,
      • throw in the towel.

      give up (verb)

      • give up,
      • withdraw,
      • resign,
      • relinquish,
      • surrender.

      greet (verb)

      • calls to,
      • rolls out the red carpet,
      • extended one hand,
      • extends one’s hand,
      • moved to,
      • extends ones hand,
      • rolled out red carpet,
      • extend ones hand,
      • tip hat,
      • highballed,
      • exchanging greetings,
      • moves to,
      • spake to,
      • tipping one’s hat,
      • says hi,
      • highfive,
      • extends one hand,
      • paid respects,
      • tip one hat,
      • tipping ones hat,
      • extended hand,
      • high-fives,
      • saying hi,
      • tipping hat,
      • extending hand,
      • rolls out red carpet,
      • highfives,
      • speaks to,
      • high fiving,
      • said hi,
      • rolling out red carpet,
      • re cognized,
      • whistling for,
      • moving to,
      • rolled out the red carpet,
      • high-fived,
      • tipped one hat,
      • rolling out the red carpet,
      • extending one’s hand,
      • high-fiving,
      • payed respects,
      • tipped ones hat,
      • shakes hands,
      • shook hands,
      • tips one’s hat,
      • re cognizing,
      • re cognize,
      • highfived,
      • high fived,
      • tipping one hat,
      • extended one’s hand,
      • extends hand,
      • whistles for,
      • highballing,
      • re cognizes,
      • tips ones hat,
      • tips one hat,
      • extended ones hand,
      • tipped hat,
      • exchanges greetings,
      • extend hand,
      • says hello,
      • highfiving,
      • ushered in,
      • saying hello,
      • calling to,
      • high fives,
      • pays respects,
      • tipped one’s hat,
      • said hello,
      • paying respects,
      • whistled for,
      • re-cognizing,
      • extending ones hand,
      • extending one hand,
      • tip ones hat,
      • extend one hand,
      • re-cognized,
      • tips hat,
      • exchanged greetings.

      halt (verb)

      • bringing an end,
      • come end,
      • stand still,
      • closes down,
      • blows whistle on,
      • bringing to standstill,
      • bring to end,
      • holds bay,
      • brought to standstill,
      • brought to end,
      • intermits,
      • brought to an end,
      • cooling it,
      • stands still,
      • ceasing fire,
      • bring an end,
      • came end,
      • coming to an end,
      • comes end,
      • brings to standstill,
      • Intermitting,
      • cooled it,
      • holding at bay,
      • stood still,
      • put a cork in,
      • held bay,
      • dropt anchor,
      • puts a cork in,
      • bring to an end,
      • cease fire,
      • coming to end,
      • put cork in,
      • brings standstill,
      • brings to an end,
      • came to an end,
      • brings to end,
      • Intermitted,
      • bringing to an end,
      • ceases fire,
      • comes to end,
      • closing down,
      • hold at bay,
      • bring end,
      • blew whistle on,
      • dropping anchor,
      • blows the whistle on,
      • close down,
      • dropped anchor,
      • bringing standstill,
      • comes an end,
      • brought an end,
      • come to end,
      • putting a cork in,
      • intermit,
      • brings end,
      • came to end,
      • ceased fire,
      • drop anchor,
      • bring standstill,
      • blowing the whistle on,
      • held at bay,
      • come to an end,
      • cools it,
      • come an end,
      • bring to standstill,
      • coming an end,
      • blowing whistle on,
      • came an end,
      • drops anchor,
      • bringing to end,
      • brought end,
      • puts cork in,
      • standing still,
      • holding bay,
      • closed down,
      • hold bay,
      • coming end,
      • blew the whistle on,
      • putting cork in,
      • brought standstill,
      • holds at bay,
      • brings an end,
      • blow the whistle on,
      • comes to an end,
      • bringing end.

      head off (verb)

      • heads off.

      head off; interrupt (verb)

      • intercept.

      hesitate (verb)

      • being reluctant,
      • art reluctant,
      • shies away,
      • are unwilling,
      • de-bating,
      • wert reluctant,
      • was reluctant,
      • wert unwilling,
      • was unwilling,
      • are reluctant,
      • am reluctant,
      • were unwilling,
      • wast unwilling,
      • am unwilling,
      • is reluctant,
      • wert irresolute,
      • is unwilling,
      • thought twice,
      • am irresolute,
      • de bated,
      • shying away,
      • de-bated,
      • de bating,
      • art unwilling,
      • wast reluctant,
      • thinks twice,
      • blow hot cold,
      • de bate,
      • was irresolute,
      • are irresolute,
      • shied away,
      • hem haw,
      • were reluctant,
      • de-bate,
      • being unwilling,
      • art irresolute,
      • wast irresolute,
      • de-bates,
      • were irresolute,
      • de bates,
      • is irresolute,
      • being irresolute.

      hold back/hold off (verb)

      • holds off,
      • hold off,
      • holds back.

      hold back from doing (verb)

      • abstain.

      hold the line (verb)

      • hold line.

      hold up (verb)

      • de tain,
      • pro rogues,
      • pro-rogues,
      • de-tains,
      • pro roguing,
      • pro-rogue,
      • pro rogue,
      • pro-rogued,
      • pro-roguing,
      • de-tain,
      • pro rogued,
      • de tains.

      hush (verb)

      • Burkes,
      • burke,
      • quieten,
      • Burking,
      • burked,
      • quietened.

      immobilize (verb)

      • bring a screeching halt,
      • brings to a screeching halt,
      • brings a screeching halt,
      • bring to a screeching halt,
      • bringing a screeching halt,
      • brought to a screeching halt,
      • bringing to a screeching halt,
      • brought a screeching halt.

      impede (verb)

      • dis comfit,
      • flagging one,
      • saddles with,
      • flags one,
      • flagged one,
      • saddling with,
      • flag one,
      • dis-comfits,
      • dis comfits,
      • blow whistle on,
      • dis-comfit,
      • saddle with,
      • impeded,
      • saddled with,
      • impeding.

      inhibit (verb)

      • sandbagging,
      • keeping in,
      • put brakes,
      • put on brakes,
      • keeps in,
      • keep in,
      • inhibits,
      • sandbagged,
      • puts on brakes,
      • putting brakes,
      • kept in,
      • sandbags,
      • putting on brakes,
      • puts brakes.

      intercept (verb)

      • heading at pass,
      • heading pass,
      • heads off at pass,
      • make with,
      • inter-cept,
      • shortstops,
      • heading off at pass,
      • heads off pass,
      • shortstopping,
      • head off pass,
      • taking away,
      • headed off at pass,
      • headed pass,
      • inter cept,
      • making with,
      • headed at pass,
      • takes away,
      • make off with,
      • inter lopes,
      • heading off pass,
      • inter loped,
      • shortstopped,
      • inter loping,
      • inter-loping,
      • inter-lope,
      • makes off with,
      • inter lope,
      • made with,
      • makes with,
      • shortstop,
      • headed off pass,
      • head at pass,
      • heads pass,
      • took away,
      • heads at pass,
      • head off at pass,
      • inter-loped,
      • head pass,
      • making off with,
      • inter-lopes,
      • made off with.

      interdict (verb)

      • inter dict,
      • inter-dict.

      interfere (verb)

      • fools with,
      • inter mediate,
      • inter-mediating,
      • inter mediates,
      • mixes in,
      • inter-cedes,
      • poked nose in,
      • fooling with,
      • poke nose in,
      • dis-commodes,
      • inter-ceding,
      • in conveniences,
      • got involved,
      • inter-mediates,
      • Intermeddle,
      • inter meddling,
      • fooled with,
      • dis commodes,
      • inter-feres,
      • in-commode,
      • inter mediated,
      • in-conveniences,
      • inter-meddling,
      • mixed in,
      • inter cede,
      • inter-ceded,
      • inter ceded,
      • intermediated,
      • intermeddled,
      • gat involved,
      • busybodying,
      • in commode,
      • intermediates,
      • get involved,
      • inter meddled,
      • mixt in,
      • intermeddles,
      • inter-meddle,
      • inter feres,
      • gotten involved,
      • Intermeddling,
      • inter meddles,
      • inter meddle,
      • interfering,
      • getting involved,
      • inter-meddles,
      • fool with,
      • dis-commode,
      • busybodied,
      • gets involved,
      • inter-meddled,
      • in commodes,
      • inter fere,
      • poking nose in,
      • mixing in,
      • mix in,
      • inter-fere,
      • intermediating,
      • inter-mediated,
      • inter-cede,
      • in-convenience,
      • dis commode,
      • inter ceding,
      • inter mediating,
      • inter cedes,
      • obtrude,
      • in-commodes,
      • pokes nose in.

      interrupt (verb)

      • reprieve,
      • postpone,
      • relieve.

      jump on and grab (verb)

      • tackle.

      kick (verb)

      • went cold turkey,
      • goes cold turkey,
      • going cold turkey.

      kill (verb)

      • de aden,
      • re canting,
      • re canted,
      • de adens,
      • de-aden,
      • re-canting,
      • de-adens,
      • re-canted.

      leave (verb)

      • have done.

      let up (verb)

      • Downs,
      • dies out,
      • de-creased,
      • dying down,
      • re leases,
      • re-lease,
      • ease up,
      • de creasing,
      • de crease,
      • eased up,
      • died down,
      • dieing out,
      • de creased,
      • dying out,
      • re-leased,
      • died out,
      • de-creases,
      • dieing down,
      • re lease,
      • de-creasing,
      • de-crease,
      • de creases,
      • easing up,
      • re-leases,
      • OUTS,
      • outed,
      • eases up,
      • dies down,
      • downing,
      • downed.

      lift (verb)

      • re moved,
      • re-move,
      • re versing,
      • re-call,
      • re-calls,
      • re verse,
      • re-verse,
      • re-versed,
      • re calls,
      • re-called,
      • re lax,
      • re move,
      • re moving,
      • re-calling,
      • re-lax,
      • re-moves,
      • re calling,
      • re-moving.

      light (verb)

      • de trains,
      • de-train,
      • dis embarked,
      • de train,
      • flying down,
      • de-trains,
      • de planes,
      • dis embark,
      • de trained,
      • sits down,
      • de-planes,
      • dis embarks,
      • dis-embark,
      • de-plane,
      • touched down,
      • de training,
      • de-training,
      • de plane,
      • flew down,
      • dis-embarked,
      • dis-embarking,
      • dis embarking,
      • flies down,
      • sitting down,
      • de planing,
      • de-planing,
      • dis-embarks,
      • deplanes,
      • de-trained,
      • de planed,
      • sate down,
      • de-planed.

      linger (verb)

      • are long,
      • are dilatory,
      • takes one’s time,
      • took one’s time,
      • sate around,
      • Sauntered,
      • taking ones time,
      • took ones time,
      • goofing off,
      • be dilatory,
      • wait around,
      • idles,
      • idling,
      • wast long,
      • taking one time,
      • wast dilatory,
      • sat around,
      • Trifled,
      • is dilatory,
      • art long,
      • was tardy,
      • is long,
      • takes time,
      • art tardy,
      • take ones time,
      • waiting around,
      • be tardy,
      • was long,
      • Idled,
      • taking one’s time,
      • took time,
      • takes one time,
      • were tardy,
      • is tardy,
      • am long,
      • tooling,
      • being tardy,
      • tooled,
      • waited around,
      • be long,
      • Strolled,
      • are tardy,
      • waits around,
      • taking time,
      • sit around,
      • am tardy,
      • sitting around,
      • took one time,
      • goof off,
      • art dilatory,
      • were long,
      • take one’s time,
      • being long,
      • sits around,
      • were dilatory,
      • am dilatory,
      • being dilatory,
      • takes ones time,
      • wast tardy,
      • take time,
      • was dilatory,
      • wert tardy,
      • wert dilatory,
      • wert long,
      • take one time.

      lodge (verb)

      • stay over,
      • stays over,
      • hosteling,
      • Domiciling,
      • be stowing,
      • Domiciled,
      • Cantoning,
      • be-stowed,
      • be stowed,
      • be-stows,
      • be stow,
      • Cantoned,
      • staid over,
      • hostelled,
      • be stows,
      • hosteled,
      • be-stowing,
      • hostel,
      • hostelling,
      • be-stow,
      • Housed,
      • staying over,
      • stayed over.

      make quiet, motionless, calm (verb)

      • still.

      muzzle (verb)

      • cracked down on,
      • dummying up,
      • iced,
      • dries up,
      • dummied up,
      • tonguetie,
      • tongue tied,
      • tongueties,
      • dummies up,
      • tongue-ties,
      • tonguetied,
      • clamps down on,
      • drying up,
      • tonguetying,
      • cracks down on,
      • clamping down on,
      • dry up,
      • tongue tie,
      • crack down on,
      • clamp down on,
      • dummy up,
      • cracking down on,
      • clamped down on,
      • tongue ties,
      • tongue-tie,
      • tongue-tying,
      • dried up,
      • tongue tying.

      obstruct (verb)

      • dragged feet,
      • drag one feet,
      • drag ones feet,
      • monkey with,
      • monkeys with,
      • drags feet,
      • monkeying with,
      • dragging one’s feet,
      • drag feet,
      • drag one’s feet,
      • dragging one feet,
      • dragged one feet,
      • drags ones feet,
      • drags one feet,
      • dragged one’s feet,
      • monkeyed with,
      • drags one’s feet,
      • dragging feet,
      • dragged ones feet,
      • dragging ones feet.

      obstruct, hinder (verb)

      • impede.

      outlaw (verb)

      • out-lawing,
      • out-lawed,
      • out lawed,
      • illegalizes,
      • outlawed,
      • out lawing,
      • Illegalizing,
      • illegalize,
      • Illegalized.

      pass (verb)

      • de-mise,
      • cashes in,
      • de mise,
      • de mises,
      • de-mises,
      • cashed in,
      • cashing in.

      pause (verb)

      • let up.

      peter out (verb)

      • comes to nothing,
      • re-bated,
      • ran dry,
      • re bate,
      • re bating,
      • coming to nothing,
      • runs dry,
      • re-bates,
      • came to nothing,
      • re bated,
      • come nothing,
      • comes nothing,
      • coming nothing,
      • re bates,
      • re-bate,
      • re-bating,
      • came nothing,
      • running dry.

      plug (verb)

      • plug.

      preclude (verb)

      • made impracticable,
      • making impracticable,
      • makes impracticable,
      • make impracticable.

      prevent (verb)

      • defending against,
      • defends against,
      • pre-vents,
      • pre venting,
      • defend against,
      • defended against,
      • pre vents,
      • pre vented,
      • pre-vent,
      • pre-vented,
      • pre vent,
      • pre-venting,
      • Preventing.

      prevent, restrict (verb)

      • obstruct.

      prevent, slow down (verb)

      • hinder.

      prohibit; make illegal (verb)

      • outlaw.

      pull out (verb)

      • stops participating,
      • re-tire,
      • re tire,
      • re-treat,
      • re tires,
      • stopping participating,
      • re-tiring,
      • re-treating,
      • re-treated,
      • re tired,
      • stopt participating,
      • stopped participating,
      • re tiring,
      • re treats,
      • re treating,
      • re-treats.

      put an end to (verb)

      • stamp out.

      quell (verb)

      • over come,
      • over coming,
      • queers,
      • over-comes,
      • queered,
      • sits on,
      • sub jugate,
      • sate on,
      • over-coming,
      • queering,
      • over comes.

      quit a habit (verb)

      • kick.

      refrain (verb)

      • not do,
      • being temperate,
      • wast temperate,
      • art temperate,
      • is temperate,
      • not did,
      • be temperate,
      • was temperate,
      • were temperate,
      • are temperate,
      • wert temperate,
      • am temperate.

      remain (verb)

      • makes camp,
      • re mains,
      • stayed in,
      • re-main,
      • stays behind,
      • remaining standing,
      • were left,
      • made camp,
      • wast left,
      • keeps on,
      • remains standing,
      • out living,
      • out lasts,
      • stayed behind,
      • held fort,
      • re maining,
      • kept on,
      • is left,
      • sate through,
      • out-lived,
      • re-maining,
      • out-lasting,
      • staid in,
      • staying in,
      • out-lasts,
      • remained standing,
      • out-lives,
      • stayed put,
      • holds fort,
      • making camp,
      • holds over,
      • out lived,
      • hold fort,
      • out last,
      • re main,
      • stays put,
      • holding fort,
      • sits through,
      • puts on hold,
      • out live,
      • held the fort,
      • re mained,
      • putting hold,
      • are left,
      • out lasting,
      • staid behind,
      • holding the fort,
      • keeping on,
      • am left,
      • out lasted,
      • sitting through,
      • out lives,
      • puts hold,
      • out-live,
      • stays in,
      • art left,
      • sat through,
      • staying behind,
      • staid put,
      • re-mains,
      • out-lasted,
      • holds the fort,
      • put hold,
      • re-mained,
      • out-living,
      • being left,
      • out-last,
      • wert left.

      resist attack (verb)

      • hold the line.

      resist the temptation to (verb)

      • forbear.

      run out (verb)

      • came to close,
      • are out of,
      • having none left,
      • art out of,
      • had no more,
      • wastes away,
      • are cleaned out,
      • were cleaned out,
      • coming to a close,
      • had none left,
      • art cleaned out,
      • wast out of,
      • hadst no more,
      • hadst none left,
      • has none left,
      • were out of,
      • has no more,
      • hast none left,
      • am cleaned out,
      • came a close,
      • having no more,
      • is out of,
      • coming a close,
      • haddest none left,
      • wert out of,
      • hath none left,
      • come to close,
      • come a close,
      • hath no more,
      • being cleaned out,
      • is cleaned out,
      • comes a close,
      • comes to a close,
      • hast no more,
      • came to a close,
      • coming to close,
      • am out of,
      • comes to close,
      • being out of,
      • was out of,
      • wast cleaned out,
      • was cleaned out,
      • wert cleaned out,
      • haddest no more,
      • comes close,
      • came close.

      seal (verb)

      • waterproofing,
      • gummed,
      • quarantine,
      • waterproofed,
      • gumming,
      • waterproofs.

      smother, block (verb)

      • choke.

      sojourn (verb)

      • vacationing,
      • vacationed.

      stagnate (verb)

      • hibernate,
      • stagnate,
      • immobilize,
      • idle.

      stall (verb)

      • stands off,
      • beating around bush,
      • beat around the bush,
      • beats around the bush,
      • filibustered,
      • standing off,
      • beats around bush,
      • not moved,
      • not move,
      • Filibustering,
      • stood off,
      • not moving,
      • stand off,
      • beat around bush,
      • beating around the bush,
      • not moves.

      stammer (verb)

      • re peat,
      • re-peats,
      • re-peat,
      • re peats.

      stamp out (verb)

      • ex terminate,
      • de stroy,
      • ex-terminated,
      • de stroys,
      • de-stroyed,
      • blots out,
      • de-stroy,
      • de-stroying,
      • ex-terminating,
      • ex terminating,
      • de stroyed,
      • ex terminates,
      • ex terminated,
      • ex-terminates,
      • de stroying,
      • ex-terminate,
      • de-stroys.

      stand (verb)

      • be located,
      • wast situated,
      • wert valid,
      • art valid,
      • are valid,
      • wast located,
      • is valid,
      • be valid,
      • were valid,
      • art situated,
      • was located,
      • was valid,
      • be-longs,
      • were located,
      • are situated,
      • was situated,
      • being situated,
      • be-long,
      • be-longing,
      • am located,
      • be longing,
      • wast valid,
      • am situated,
      • is located,
      • wert located,
      • art located,
      • is situated,
      • am valid,
      • be situated,
      • were situated,
      • being valid,
      • be-longed,
      • be longed,
      • are located,
      • being located,
      • wert situated,
      • be longs.

      stay (verb)

      • out stays,
      • stopt over,
      • hanged in,
      • stop over,
      • be accommodated,
      • stayed out,
      • re-spited,
      • re spiting,
      • out stay,
      • stays out,
      • outstayed,
      • out-staying,
      • sweating it out,
      • is accommodated,
      • out staying,
      • putting down roots,
      • sweats out,
      • out-stayed,
      • wast accommodated,
      • art accommodated,
      • am accommodated,
      • being accommodated,
      • sweats it out,
      • stopping over,
      • out stayed,
      • sweated it out,
      • was accommodated,
      • hangs in,
      • stops over,
      • out-stays,
      • hang in,
      • staid out,
      • puts down roots,
      • stay out,
      • staying out,
      • re spited,
      • put down roots,
      • hung in,
      • Respiting,
      • are accommodated,
      • sweating out,
      • sweated out,
      • wert accommodated,
      • out-stay,
      • stopped over,
      • re-spiting,
      • outstaying,
      • outstays,
      • Respited,
      • outstay,
      • were accommodated,
      • sweat it out.

      stay at temporary residence (verb)

      • lodge.

      stifle (verb)

      • covered up,
      • choke back,
      • constipates,
      • brings screeching halt,
      • brings to screeching halt,
      • clamp down,
      • holds it down,
      • brought to screeching halt,
      • clamped down,
      • bringing to screeching halt,
      • bringing screeching halt,
      • choked back,
      • torpedo,
      • clamps down,
      • clam up,
      • brought screeching halt,
      • chokes back,
      • held it down,
      • clams up,
      • holding it down,
      • bring to screeching halt,
      • clamping down,
      • covering up,
      • clammed up,
      • cracks down,
      • cracked down,
      • bring screeching halt,
      • constipating,
      • crack down,
      • cover up,
      • clamming up,
      • choking back,
      • constipate,
      • torpedoed,
      • torpedoing,
      • hold it down,
      • covers up,
      • cracking down,
      • Torpedoes.

      still (verb)

      • be calmed,
      • decreases volume,
      • be-calm,
      • be-calmed,
      • decrease volume,
      • be calms,
      • smoothing over,
      • smooths over,
      • balming,
      • be-calming,
      • balmed,
      • be calm,
      • be calming,
      • be-calms,
      • decreased volume,
      • decreasing volume,
      • smooth over,
      • smoothed over.

      stop (verb)

      • freeze.

      strike (verb)

      • go on strike,
      • go strike,
      • refuse to work,
      • be on strike,
      • were on strike,
      • be strike,
      • sitting in,
      • going on strike,
      • refuses to work,
      • sate in,
      • re volt,
      • hit bricks,
      • hitting the bricks,
      • hitting bricks,
      • was strike,
      • Picketing,
      • going strike,
      • being strike,
      • hit the bricks,
      • is strike,
      • went on strike,
      • re-volts,
      • was on strike,
      • am strike,
      • wast strike,
      • re volts,
      • hits bricks,
      • sits in,
      • goes strike,
      • wert on strike,
      • striking,
      • refuse work,
      • wast on strike,
      • refused work,
      • refusing work,
      • refuses work,
      • sat in,
      • re-volt,
      • being on strike,
      • were strike,
      • refused to work,
      • am on strike,
      • refusing to work,
      • hits the bricks,
      • Mutinied,
      • is on strike,
      • wert strike,
      • struck,
      • are on strike,
      • are strike,
      • art strike,
      • went strike,
      • goes on strike.

      stump (verb)

      • brought short,
      • bringing short,
      • brings short,
      • brings up short,
      • brought up short,
      • bring short,
      • bringing up short.

      suppress (verb)

      • beats down,
      • over thrown,
      • brought to naught,
      • bring to naught,
      • put kibosh on,
      • put lid on,
      • Bottling,
      • brings to naught,
      • bringing naught,
      • over-throw,
      • Suppressing,
      • over throwing,
      • bringing to naught,
      • over throws,
      • puts kibosh on,
      • kept secret,
      • keeping secret,
      • over throw,
      • over-throws,
      • keeps secret,
      • brought naught,
      • brings naught,
      • over-thrown,
      • putting kibosh on,
      • beating down,
      • bring naught,
      • over-throwing,
      • keep secret,
      • Bottled,
      • beat down.

      tackle (verb)

      • brings ground,
      • takes hold of,
      • brought to the ground,
      • bringing to ground,
      • up setting,
      • up-set,
      • bring to ground,
      • brought the ground,
      • brings to ground,
      • threw down,
      • bringing ground,
      • putting the freeze on,
      • brings to the ground,
      • taking hold of,
      • up-sets,
      • puts the freeze on,
      • put freeze on,
      • putting freeze on,
      • up sets,
      • puts freeze on,
      • brought to ground,
      • brought ground,
      • took hold of,
      • up-setting,
      • bringing to the ground,
      • brings the ground,
      • throws down,
      • bringing the ground,
      • bring the ground,
      • bring ground.

      tarry (verb)

      • goofs around,
      • losing time,
      • holding phone,
      • goofed around,
      • warming a chair,
      • warming chair,
      • get no place fast,
      • hold phone,
      • gotten no place fast,
      • warm a chair,
      • gets no place fast,
      • loses time,
      • held phone,
      • lost time,
      • warms a chair,
      • holds the phone,
      • holding the phone,
      • lose time,
      • warmed chair,
      • holds phone,
      • hold the phone,
      • held the phone,
      • warmed a chair,
      • warms chair,
      • goofing around,
      • got no place fast,
      • warm chair,
      • getting no place fast,
      • gat no place fast,
      • goof around.

      thwart (verb)

      • balk.

      tie/tie up (verb)

      • tied hands,
      • tied one hands,
      • Entrammel,
      • tying one hands,
      • tied one’s hands,
      • entrammeling,
      • tying ones hands,
      • tie,
      • tie one hands,
      • entrammeled,
      • tying one’s hands,
      • ties one’s hands,
      • ties ones hands,
      • ties hands,
      • ties one hands,
      • tied ones hands,
      • tie ones hands,
      • tie one’s hands,
      • tied,
      • tying hands,
      • tie hands,
      • entrammels.

      to foreshadow (verb)

      • bode.

      walk out of job in protest (verb)

      • strike.

      ward/ward off (verb)

      • keep at arm’s length,
      • keeping off,
      • keeps at bay,
      • keeping at arms length,
      • turns away,
      • re-butting,
      • kept bay,
      • keeping at arm length,
      • keeps off,
      • fend,
      • keep off,
      • re butting,
      • keeping arm’s length,
      • keep bay,
      • kept at arms length,
      • keeps bay,
      • beats off,
      • keep at arm length,
      • keeping at arm’s length,
      • keep arms length,
      • re butted,
      • turned away,
      • keep at bay,
      • keeping arm length,
      • kept at arm length,
      • keeps at arm’s length,
      • kept arm length,
      • keeping at bay,
      • re-butted,
      • keep arm length,
      • kept off,
      • keep arm’s length,
      • kept arms length,
      • keeps at arm length,
      • keeping arms length,
      • beating off,
      • kept arm’s length,
      • kept at bay,
      • beat off,
      • keeps at arms length,
      • keeps arm’s length,
      • keeps arms length,
      • turning away,
      • keep at arms length,
      • ward off,
      • keeps arm length,
      • kept at arm’s length,
      • keeping bay.
    • Other synonyms:

      • move over,
      • keep from,
      • fade away,
      • belay,
      • discourage,
      • vanish,
      • stave off,
      • sit out,
      • forestall,
      • Hey,
      • die out,
      • preclude,
      • gutter out,
      • forbid,
      • mothball,
      • quell,
      • stand between,
      • pipe down,
      • pack in,
      • discontinuation,
      • disbar,
      • drop,
      • insure against,
      • hogtie,
      • forsake,
      • bus shelter,
      • stay back,
      • fade out,
      • come between,
      • progress,
      • achieve,
      • tear away,
      • pull over,
      • disappear,
      • waylay,
      • shush,
      • prohibit,
      • fall through,
      • back away,
      • discontinuance,
      • hold on to,
      • guard against,
      • throw aside,
      • overstay,
      • freeze-out,
      • stopping point,
      • bus station,
      • destroy,
      • avert,
      • adjourn,
      • seize up,
      • lie over.

      • burn out,
      • interfere,
      • consummation,
      • standstill,
      • abort,
      • throw up,
      • pack up,
      • pull up,
      • perish,
      • cessation,
      • defeat,
      • keep down,
      • dissipate,
      • preempt,
      • completion,
      • ring out,
      • hem in,
      • keep out,
      • blacklist,
      • wad,
      • termination,
      • tie up,
      • sit on,
      • monopolize,
      • operate,
      • muzzle.

      • hold up,
      • laurel,
      • turn out,
      • shrivel,
      • conclusion,
      • fill,
      • silence,
      • cut out,
      • stall,
      • turn off,
      • sandbag,
      • wither,
      • cancel.

      • draw,
      • give over,
      • sideline,
      • go off,
      • run down.

      • melt,
      • knock off,
      • squash,
      • shut up.

      • run out.

      • fight,
      • desert,
      • fade.

      • traverse,
      • tumble.

      • blow,
      • upset,
      • light,
      • go down.

      • walk.


      • letting go,
      • Withdrew,
      • fly the coop,
      • leg it,
      • takes a walk,
      • give up the ship,
      • take a walk,
      • flaked out,
      • take a powder,
      • flake out,
      • running out on,
      • lets go,
      • storm out,
      • shipping out,
      • kiss goodbye,
      • wash hands of,
      • ships out,
      • ship out,
      • run out on,
      • flew the coop.


      • stick around,
      • Paused.

      block off

      • head off.


      • call off.


      • pass.


      • preside over,
      • take over,
      • over-bear,
      • Tyrannized,
      • governs,
      • overbear,
      • prevails,
      • predominates,
      • presided over,
      • exercise power,
      • taking over,
      • overborne,
      • reign over,
      • overbears,
      • Wielding,
      • have authority,
      • hold office.


      • corked,
      • put half nelson on,
      • simmer down,
      • corking,
      • keep lid on.


      • checkmate.

      cut short

      • stop cold,
      • stop dead,
      • bring to an end; leave unfinished,
      • put stop to,
      • stop short,
      • break short,
      • put a stop to.


      • interdict.


      • run low,
      • melt away,
      • went downhill,
      • go bad,
      • lose power,
      • lost power,
      • ease off,
      • Retrograding,
      • wearing away,
      • easing off,
      • fading away,
      • retrogrades,
      • Dilapidating,
      • breaking down,
      • ran low,
      • go downhill,
      • dilapidates,
      • going downhill,
      • goes bad,
      • goes downhill,
      • Waned,
      • Retrograded,
      • fading out,
      • wears away,
      • recede,
      • wear away,
      • fades away,
      • fizzle out,
      • dilapidate,
      • break down.

      drop in

      • called upon,
      • blowing in,
      • popped in,
      • call upon,
      • calls upon,
      • go and see,
      • look in on,
      • looked on,
      • stop by,
      • blow in,
      • stop in,
      • look on.


      • pack it in,
      • get done,
      • sew up,
      • packed in,
      • pull the plug,
      • switched off,
      • switching off,
      • pulling the plug,
      • packs in,
      • switch off,
      • sewed up.

      end up

      • finished up,
      • finish up,
      • come to a halt,
      • finish as,
      • arrive finally,
      • turn out to be.


      • hesitate,
      • stammer.


      • day.


      • drop an idea.


      • pull out.

      go away

      • wear off.


      • salaaming,
      • roll out the red carpet,
      • ushering in,
      • high-five,
      • pay respects,
      • speaking to,
      • salaamed,
      • spoke to,
      • roll out red carpet,
      • whistle for,
      • curtsied,
      • exchange greetings,
      • shake hands,
      • tip one’s hat,
      • called to,
      • call to,
      • highball,
      • High five,
      • curtsying,
      • highballs,
      • usher in,
      • move to,
      • speak to,
      • ushers in,
      • say hi,
      • shaking hands,
      • extend one’s hand,
      • say hello.


      • thinking about,
      • thinks about,
      • pussyfoot,
      • pulls back,
      • shy away,
      • stutter,
      • thinking twice,
      • dithering,
      • Floundered,
      • scruple,
      • sit on fence,
      • be unwilling,
      • dithered,
      • be irresolute,
      • pulling back,
      • be reluctant,
      • thought about,
      • Hesitated,
      • pull back,
      • pulled back,
      • think twice,
      • think about.


      • box in,
      • snafued,
      • boxes in,
      • hinders,
      • get in the way.

      hold up

      • prorogues,
      • held up,
      • Prorogued,
      • Proroguing,
      • prorogue,
      • set back.


      • lay aside,
      • heckling,
      • infringe,
      • edge in,
      • putting in,
      • crowd in,
      • puts in,
      • break train of thought,
      • heckle,
      • chime in,
      • work in,
      • put in,
      • lays aside,
      • cut in on,
      • Inned,
      • worked in,
      • laid aside,
      • INS,
      • Interrupting,
      • bust in.


      • go cold turkey.


      • scotches,
      • Negatived,
      • Scotched,
      • Scotching,
      • killing,
      • Killed,
      • Negativing.


      • give notice,
      • leave.


      • settled down,
      • sat down,
      • settling down,
      • get down,
      • deplane,
      • settles down,
      • sit down,
      • detraining,
      • detrain,
      • deplaned,
      • sit,
      • touch down,
      • setting down,
      • sat,
      • sets down,
      • set down,
      • fly down,
      • detrained,
      • touching down,
      • detrains,
      • touches down,
      • got down,
      • deplaning,
      • Lights.

      live in

      • dwell.


      • cash in,
      • Passed,
      • Demising,
      • Demised.


      • breath.

      peter out

      • tapers off,
      • petering out,
      • rebating,
      • rebated,
      • peter out,
      • come to nothing,
      • taper off,
      • give out,
      • run dry.


      • Bunged,
      • Stoppling,
      • drive in,
      • Bunging,
      • Stoppled.

      pull out

      • shove off,
      • stop participating.


      • Bivouacked,
      • keep on,
      • stay put,
      • bivouacking,
      • staying put,
      • be left,
      • remain standing,
      • stay in,
      • hold over,
      • bivouac,
      • stay behind,
      • Lasted,
      • putting on hold,
      • hold the fort,
      • bivouacs,
      • was left,
      • put on hold,
      • sit through,
      • held over,
      • make camp.

      run out

      • waste away,
      • be out of,
      • come to a close,
      • be cleaned out,
      • have no more,
      • have none left,
      • come close,
      • wasting away,
      • running out,
      • wasted away.


      • Stammered.

      stamp out

      • blotting out,
      • blotted out,
      • blot out.


      • stave.


      • anchor.


      • bring up short.


      • throwing down,
      • take hold of,
      • bring to the ground,
      • put the freeze on,
      • throw down,
      • up set.


      • scotch.


      • greet.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • stalemate,
      • stow,
      • last stop,
      • shake,
      • rid oneself of,
      • drown,
      • alienate,
      • countercheck,
      • Estop,
      • renounce,
      • wait,
      • dead set,
      • register,
      • cushion,
      • prevention,
      • leave off,
      • retard,
      • choke off,
      • occlusive,
      • throttle,
      • deaden,
      • disuse,
      • repress,
      • stopgap,
      • stifle,
      • smother,
      • gag,
      • wean,
      • deafen,
      • confine,
      • dampen,
      • suppress,
      • damp,
      • unaccustom,
      • turn away,
      • daunt,
      • have done with,
      • break of,
      • tone down,
      • cure,
      • dull,
      • detach,
      • estoppel,
      • forestalling,
      • mute,
      • muffle,
      • subdue,
      • slacken,
      • soften,
      • deadlock.

    How to use «Stop» in context?

    «stop» is a word that is used when something is not wanted or needed. When saying «stop,» the person might be trying to get the other person to stop doing something, or they might be telling the other person to do something to stop what they are doing. «Stop» is also used as an order to a person.

    Paraphrases for Stop:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
        halt, stops, halts.
      • Noun, singular or mass
      • Interjection
      • Verb, past tense
      • Verb, past participle
      • Verb, non-3rd person singular present
      • Verb, base form
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Proper noun, singular
        cessation, stopover, stopper.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        cessation, standstill, stopover, stopper, stop-over.
    • Independent

      • Coordinating conjunction
      • Foreign word
      • Adjective
        cease, quit.
      • Proper noun, singular
        cease, discontinue, halted, interrupt, prevent, quit, suspended, Leaves, drops, ceases, prevents, hinges, suspends, owners.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        adjournment, apprehend, cease, curb, discontinue, freeze, interrupt, moratorium, prevent, quit, stands, Termini, layover, moratoria, shutoff, let-up, shut-down.
      • Interjection
        freeze, intolerable, quit, guys.
      • Verb, past tense
        apprehended, established, freeze, pulled, quit, ruled, Became, Ceased, Got, Warned.
      • Verb, past participle
        discontinued, disrupted, recorded, released.
      • Verb, non-3rd person singular present
        abandon, catch, conclude, continue, depend, discourage, inhibit, interrupt, obstruct, prevent, prohibit, quit, AM.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
        increased, quits, ceases, takes, crafts, sticks, agrees, ends, determines, sets, makes, establishes, keeps, decides, fixes, prevents, adopts, provides, detains, identifies, defines, specifies, assholes.
      • Verb, base form
        abandon, abstain, apprehend, avert, cancel, catch, cease, conclude, confront, constrain, contain, continue, counteract, cripple, curb, curtail, dampen, delay, depend, derail, disallow, discontinue, discourage, dismantle, disrupt, dissuade, dwell, eradicate, extinguish, foil, forego, forestall, forgo, freeze, frustrate, hamper, help, hinder, immobilize, impede, inhibit, interdict, interrupt, interrupted, lay, neutralise, neutralize, nip, obstruct, omit, oppose, outlaw, overcome, overturn, paralyse, paralyze, preclude, prevent, prohibit, protect, quell, quit, refrain, rein, relinquish, renounce, repress, resist, restrain, reverse, scrap, slow, stamp, stifle, suppress, surrender, tackle, thanks, thwart, waive, withdraw, withhold, Intercepted, Reversing, pre-empt.
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
        stopped, stopping.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        stopped, stopping.
      • Interjection
        cease, stops.
      • Verb, non-3rd person singular present

    Homophones for Stop:

    • sky dive, Stupe, stoop, step, s.t.p., stab, side of beef, stupefy, stave, sit up, stp, sedative, sit by, staph, steppe, soda pop, setoff, sit-up, setup, steep, step-up, shoot up, set off, stop up, stub, sweet pea, step up, Swot Up, staffa, suggestive, sweet bay, stiff, shut off, stoep, set up, stubby, stob, stevia, shade off, stovepipe, stoup, stave off, stay off, stuffy, Stupa, stay up, sweat off, sicative, sixty-five, sawed-off, skydive, sweetpea, side view, stuff, stipe, staff, shtup, stative, shut up, southpaw, stove, sheet web.

    Holonyms for Stop:

    • n.

      • artifact
        organ, pipe organ.

    Hyponym for Stop:

    • n.

      • act
        act, human activity, human action, deed.
      • artifact
      • event
        finish, conclusion, ending.
      • location
        topographic point, place, spot.

    Варианты (v1)

    Варианты (v2)

    • stop [stɔp] гл

      1. остановить, останавливать, прекращать, прекратить, остановиться, перестать, прекратиться, переставать, приостановить, прервать

        (halt, cease, suspend, terminate)

        • stop the car – остановить машину
        • stop the bleeding – останавливать кровотечение
        • stop treatment – прекращать лечение
        • stop immediately – немедленно прекратить
        • stop only – прекратиться только
        • stop the conversation – прервать беседу
      2. останавливаться, приостановиться

        (stay, pause)

        • stop halfway – останавливаться на полпути
      3. помешать, мешать


      4. пресечь, пресекать

        (suppress, curb)

      5. затыкать


      6. хватить


      7. замирать


    • stop [stɔp] сущ

      1. остановкаж, прекращениеср, остановм

        • tram stop – трамвайная остановка
        • public transportation stop – остановка общественного транспорта
        • nearest bus stop – автобусная остановка
        • sudden stop – внезапное прекращение
        • emergency stop button – кнопка аварийного останова
      2. стопаж


        • right stop – правая стопа
      3. упорм


      4. пресечениеср


    • stop [stɔp] прил

      1. стоповый

    остановка stop, stopping, halt, stoppage, standstill, pause
    конец end, ending, stop, finish, tip, close
    останов stop, arrester, lock, dog
    упор stop, thrust, rest, detent, pawl, catch
    прекращение cessation, stop, cease, discontinuation, suspension, discontinuance
    ограничитель stop
    стопор stopper, stop, detent, lock, catch, plug
    перерыв break, interruption, pause, interval, rest, stop
    пауза pause, break, interval, rest, stop, hold
    задержка delay, setback, retention, lag, retardation, stop
    диафрагма diaphragm, stop, membrane, midriff, blind
    пробка bung, cork, plug, stopper, traffic jam, stop
    клапан valve, flap, vent, gate, piston, stop
    вентиль valve, faucet, ventil, flap, stop
    прижимание пальца к струне stop
    клавиша key, note, stop, digital
    затычка plug, gag, stopper, peg, bung, stop
    короткое пребывание stop
    знак препинания stop
    взрывной согласный звук stop, stop consonant
    регистр register, regional committee, stop
    остановить stop, pull up, can, bring to a stop, bring to, set back
    останавливать stop, stay, halt, shut down, arrest, stall
    останавливаться stop, dwell, stay, halt, pause, shut down
    прекращать stop, off, cease, discontinue, end, quit
    пресекать suppress, stop, put an end to
    блокировать block, blockade, freeze, stop, block up, interlock
    прекращаться stop, cease, discontinue, end, surcease, finish
    кончать finish, end, stop, terminate, close, do
    задерживать delay, detain, stay, hold, retard, stop
    удерживать hold, hold back, refrain, restrain, retain, stop
    затыкать plug, caulk, stop up, stop, plug up, stuff
    умолкнуть stop, shush
    стопорить stop
    преграждать block, obstruct, bar, stop, interrupt, head back
    заделывать patch up, stop, stop up, mount, wall up
    кончаться finish, end, result, stop, run out, terminate
    умолкать subside, stop, become silent
    гостить guest, visit, stay, visit with, stop, be on a visit
    приостановить платеж stop
    прижимать струну stop
    замазывать caulk, calk, blur over, seal, stop
    унимать stop, quiet
    урезать cut, cut down, curtail, skimp, truncate, stop
    шпатлевать putty, stop
    закреплять fasten, fix, anchor, consolidate, secure, stop
    запломбировать зуб stop a tooth, stop
    ставить знаки препинания punctuate, point, stop
    униматься soothe, calm, stop
    нажимать вентиль stop
    нажимать клапан stop
    отражать reflect, represent, mirror, repel, reverberate, stop
    вычитать subtract, deduct, take away, recoup, subduct, stop

    Синонимы (v1)

    Синонимы (v2)

    • stop гл

      • halt · cease · terminate · discontinue · suspend · leave off · desist
      • quit · give up
      • end · close · ending · closure · full stop
      • stay · pull up · stand · dwell · stop over
      • break · pause · break off
      • station · block · plug
      • let · drop · prevent · nip · obstruct · intercept · stop up
      • shutdown · shutoff


    • halt, end, finish, close, standstill, cessation, conclusion, stoppage, discontinuation
    • break, stopover, stop-off, stay, visit, sojourn
    • stopping place, halt, station
    • blockage, stoppage, occlusion, closure, block
    • occlusive, plosive, stop consonant
    • hitch, stoppage, halt, check, stay, arrest
    • halt
    • stoppage
    • catch
    • diaphragm
    • stopover, layover
    • full point, period, point, full stop


    • put an end/stop/halt to, bring to an end/stop/halt/close/standstill, end, halt, finish, terminate, discontinue, cut short, interrupt, nip in the bud, deactivate, shut down
    • cease, discontinue, desist from, break off, give up, abandon, abstain from, cut out, quit, leave off, knock off, pack in, lay off, give over
    • pull up, draw up, come to a stop/halt, come to rest, pull in, pull over, park
    • conclude, come to an end/stop/standstill, cease, end, finish, draw to a close, be over, terminate, pause, break off, peter out, fade away
    • stem, staunch, hold back, check, curb, block, dam, stay
    • prevent, hinder, obstruct, impede, block, bar, preclude, dissuade from
    • thwart, balk, foil, frustrate, stand in the way of, scotch, derail, put paid to, put the kibosh on, put a stop to, do for, stymie, scuttle, deep-six
    • block (up), plug, close (up), fill (up), seal, caulk, bung up, occlude
    • stop over
    • hold on
    • contain, hold back, check, turn back, arrest
    • discontinue, break, break off
    • block off, blockade, bar, block, barricade, block up
    • halt, block, kibosh
    • finish, cease, end, terminate
    • halt
    • intercept
    • lay off, discontinue, quit, cease, give up

    Предложения со словом «stop»

    In 2012, the Republican National Convention highlighted a new technology it was planning to use, facial recognition, to identify people who were going to be in the crowd who might be activists or troublemakers and to stop them ahead of time.

    В 2012 году Республиканская национальная конвенция заявила о своих планах использования новой технологии — распознавание лиц — чтобы опознавать в толпе людей, потенциальных активистов или нарушителей порядка, и предотвращать правонарушения.

    All of a sudden, the car experiences mechanical failure and is unable to stop.

    Как вдруг происходит поломка и машина не может затормозить.

    Why on earth do we stop celebrating the ability to adapt and grow as we move through life?

    Почему же, в конце концов, нас не радует способность адаптироваться и расти на жизненном пути?

    I had to acknowledge it and stop colluding.

    Мне пришлось признать это и выйти из тайного сговора.

    The same code that we use to find stop signs or pedestrians, bicycles in a self-driving vehicle, can be used to find cancer cells in a tissue biopsy.

    Тот же самый код, который мы используем для обнаружения знаков «Стоп» или пешеходов, велосипедов в самоуправляемых автомобилях, может быть использован для поиска раковых клеток в биопсии ткани.

    And they didn’t stop there.

    И на этом они не остановились.

    If you stop people while they’re using them and say, Tell us how you feel right now?

    Если отвлечь человека от такого приложения и спросить: Как ты сейчас себя чувствуешь?

    So when you tell a story and your identity is strong, you can welcome the stranger, but when you stop telling the story, your identity gets weak and you feel threatened by the stranger.

    А когда вы рассказываете историю и имеете чёткую идентичность, вы радушно принимаете чужаков, но как только вы перестаёте её рассказывать, ваша идентичность угасает и вы видите в чужаках угрозу.

    The numbers continue to grow because we do nothing to prevent it and nothing to stop it.

    Цифры растут, а мы ничего не делаем, чтобы предотвратить и остановить это.

    As I was excitably taking a group of government officials and members of energy companies through one sustainable future on our model, one of the participants told me, I cannot imagine that in the future people will stop driving cars and start using public transport.

    Когда я восторженно рассказывала группе из руководителей страны и энергетических компаний о нашей устойчивой модели будущего, один из участников возразил: «Я не могу представить, что в будущем мы поменяем свои машины на общественный транспорт».

    And then he said, There’s no way I can tell my own son to stop driving his car.

    И ещё он сказал: «Я даже представить не могу, что скажу сыну не садиться за руль».

    Stop helping so much.

    Прекратите помогать так много.

    Now, just think of everything we lose when architects stop using the full range of available materials.

    Только подумайте обо всём, что мы теряем, когда архитекторы перестают использовать всё многообразие материалов.

    Some ten thousand community health workers risked their own lives to help hunt down this virus and stop it in its tracks.

    Десятки тысяч медработников общин рисковали собой, чтобы уничтожить вирус и прекратить его распространение.

    And it’s not uncommon that we are out at dinner, and in the middle of a great conversation she’ll just stop mid-sentence, and when she stops is when I realize that I’m the one who’s acting weird because I’m like bobbing and weaving.

    Мы довольно часто выходим куда — нибудь поужинать, и, когда в середине разговора она внезапно замолкает — я понимаю, что веду себя странно, потому что начинаю подпрыгивать и раскачиваться.

    And I tried really hard to stop it, but I couldn’t, because it had a life of its own.

    Я всеми своими силами пыталась остановить руку, но у меня не получалось, потому что она жила своей жизнью.

    So as I learned about the true nature of poverty, I couldn’t stop wondering: Is this the idea we’ve all been waiting for?

    Как только я узнал об истинной природе бедности, спрашивал себя снова и снова: возможно ли, что это — та самая идея, которую мы все ждали?

    When it comes to poverty, we, the rich, should stop pretending we know best.

    Когда дело касается бедности, мы, богатые, должны перестать притворяться, что знаем, как лучше действовать.

    We should stop sending shoes and teddy bears to the poor, to people we have never met.

    Нужно перестать отправлять обувь и игрушки нищим, тем, кого мы никогда не видели.

    Well, really nothing, except stop doing AI.

    Единственный выход — прекратить разработку ИИ.

    As you get to superintelligence, what’s going to stop a robot reading literature and discovering this idea that knowledge is actually better than ignorance and still just shifting its own goals and rewriting that programming?

    Что помешает роботу, получившему суперразум, почитать книги и обнаружить, что на самом деле знания лучше невежества, начать следовать другим целям и перепрограммировать себя?

    He landed his helicopter in between some surviving villagers and American soldiers and he trained his machine guns on his fellow Americans, and said, If you don’t stop the killing, I will mow you down.

    Он приземлился на вертолёте между выжившими жителями деревни и американскими солдатами, направил оружие на американцев и сказал: Прекратите убивать, иначе я прикончу вас всех.

    We need to stop suffering in silence.

    Мы не должны молча терпеть.

    We must stop stigmatizing disease and traumatizing the afflicted.

    Мы должны прекратить относиться к болезни как к позору и травмировать больных.

    She’s like, Serena, stop!

    Она: Серена, прекрати!

    There are some very smart people, smart engineers at Google and Facebook, who are trying to use technology to stop the spread of fake news.

    Есть очень умные люди, гениальные инженеры из Google и Facebook, которые пытаются остановить распространение фальшивых новостей.

    What if we stop to think about the consequence of the information that we pass on and its potential to incite violence or hatred?

    Что, если бы мы задумывались о последствиях информации, которую передаём, о её потенциале для разжигания насилия и ненависти?

    What if we stop to think about the real-life consequences of the information that we share?

    Что, если бы мы задумывались о реальных последствиях информации, которой мы делимся?

    And then I stop and I have to kind of put on this transgenerational thinking cap.

    А затем я беру паузу, я должен примерить на себя эту шляпу мышления сквозь поколения.

    But we don’t stop here.

    Но это ещё не конец.

    A second objection will come from those who say: If we simplify spelling, we’ll stop distinguishing between words that differ in just one letter.

    Второе возражение выскажут те, кто скажет: Если упростить орфографию, будет трудно отличить слова, которые различаются только одной буквой.

    My mission to stop an unseen force that’s rising, a force that I called the coded gaze, my term for algorithmic bias.

    Моя миссия — остановить невидимую, набирающую обороты силу, силу, которую я называю закодированный взгляд, моё определение для алгоритмического сбоя.

    Naipaul said two years ago, I can read two paragraphs and know immediately if it’s written by a woman, and I just stop reading, because it’s not worthy of me.

    Найпол два года назад сказал: Уже через два абзаца я понимаю, что текст написан женщиной, и перестаю читать, поскольку не вижу в нём ценности.

    Second, we have to stop cautioning our girls willy-nilly.

    Во — вторых, перестаньте волей — неволей предостерегать дочерей от всего на свете.

    Every cure for cancer so far has not panned out, but we don’t stop looking.

    Лекарства от рака до сих пор нет, но мы не сдаёмся.

    But what I’ve learned is this: children don’t stop dying just because we the adults can’t comprehend the injustice of losing them.

    Но я знаю точно — дети не перестанут умирать только потому, что мы, взрослые, не можем осознать несправедливость их потери.

    Sometimes you might put a Band-Aid in place to try and temporarily stop the pain.

    Иногда мы можем наклеить лейкопластырь на какое — то место, чтобы временно остановить боль.

    And when people feel stuck and helpless, they stop seeing their role in a bigger system.

    Когда люди чувствуют, что они застряли и беспомощны, они перестают видеть свою роль в огромной системе.

    We can stop making your zip code the primary determinant of your lifespan.

    Мы можем положить конец тому, что почтовый индекс определяет продолжительность вашей жизни.

    We can stop stealing learning time from black children through excessive use of suspensions and expulsions.

    Мы можем остановить кражу учебного времени у чернокожих детей путём чрезмерных отстранений и отчислений.

    We can stop stealing time from black people through long periods of incarceration for nonviolent crimes.

    Мы в силах остановить кражу времени у чернокожих путём долгих сроков лишения свободы за несерьёзные преступления.

    The police can stop stealing time and black lives through use of excessive force.

    Полиция может прекратить забирать время и жизни у чёрных при применении чрезмерного насилия.

    He told me to stop, take my backpack off and put my hands on the police car parked next to us.

    Он велел мне остановиться, снять рюкзак и положить руки на полицейскую машину, припаркованную рядом.

    She told me about what it was like to spend two weeks in a cage, hallucinating people and shadows and hearing voices, begging for the medication that would make it all stop, only to be ignored.

    Она мне рассказала, чтó значит провести две недели за решёткой, видя в галлюцинациях людей и тени, и слыша голоса, умоляя о таблетках, которые остановили бы всё это, и быть не замеченной никем.

    We need to stop wars.

    Мы должны остановить войны.

    Until we stop armed conflicts raging throughout the world, families will continue to be displaced, leaving children vulnerable.

    Пока мы не остановим вооружённые конфликты по всему миру, семьи так и будут переезжать, делая своих детей более уязвимыми.

    We’re working on ways to frequently activate an early-stage cancer alarm by enabling regular screenings that would start when a person is healthy so that action could be taken to stop cancer the moment it emerges, and before it can progress beyond its infancy.

    Мы работаем над методами повышения частоты раннего предупреждения об опасности рака с помощью проведения регулярных скринингов с момента, когда человек ещё здоров, чтобы можно было принять меры для остановки рака в момент его возникновения, до того как опухоль начнёт прогрессировать.

    But here’s something I’ve learned: if love were enough to stop someone who is suicidal from hurting themselves, suicides would hardly ever happen.

    Но вот что я поняла: если бы достаточно было любви, чтобы помешать склонному к суициду человеку причинить себе вред, самоубийств почти бы не было.

    In the end what I know comes down to this: the tragic fact is that even the most vigilant and responsible of us may not be able to help, but for love’s sake, we must never stop trying to know the unknowable.

    В итоге, мои знания сводятся к следующему: прискорбная правда в том, что даже самые бдительные и ответственные могут быть не в состоянии помочь, но во имя любви, мы не должны переставать пытаться познать непостижимое.

    It happens because once we think we have become good enough, adequate, then we stop spending time in the learning zone.

    Это происходит, когда нам кажется, что мы стали достаточно хороши́, компетентны, и мы тут же забываем про зону обучения.

    We know looting is going on on a global scale and it’s increasing, but presently we don’t have any tools to stop it.

    Мы знаем, что грабежи происходят повсеместно, и их число растёт, но сейчас у нас нет никаких инструментов, чтобы это остановить.

    If we do nothing to stop the problem, all of Egypt’s sites will be affected by looting by 2040.

    Если мы ничего не предпримем сейчас, то вся территория Египта будет перерыта к 2040 году.

    We are the generation with all the tools and all the technologies to stop looting, but we’re not working fast enough.

    Мы поколение, у которого есть все инструменты и технологии, чтобы остановить грабежи, но мы слишком медлим.

    I remember looking around, hoping that any minute now, a grown-up is going to come and make this guy stop.

    Помню, как я огляделась вокруг в надежде, что сейчас подойдёт какой — нибудь взрослый и остановит его.

    I also found men brutalized by racist violence, but who found a way to stop feeling like victims by becoming violent themselves.

    Я также увидела среди них людей, озверевших от расистского насилия, но переставших чувствовать себя жертвами посредством собственной жестокости.

    So how are we going to stop this?

    Так как мы собираемся это остановить?

    This is a collective and altruistic effort to stop the spread in its tracks and to inform anyone not infected how to protect or inoculate themselves.

    Это коллективные и бескорыстые усилия для остановки распространения болезни на месте и информирования всех незаражённых о том, как защититься или сделать прививку.

    Over 700 terabytes of actionable threat intelligence data, including information on real-time attacks that can be used to stop cybercrime in its tracks.

    Свыше 700 терабайт актуальных баз данных об угрозах, включая информацию об атаках в реальном времени, которые могут быть использованы для остановки киберпреступлений на месте.

    We all have the opportunity to stop it, and we already all know how.

    У нас у всех есть возможность остановить это, и мы все уже знаем как.

    Now, before I go on, some of you may hold up your hands and say, Stop, Paul, wait a minute.

    Прежде чем я продолжу, вы можете поднять руку и спросить меня: Погоди — ка, Пол.

    synonyms of stop in English

    What are the synonyms of stop in English? What is the importance of using these synonyms? Stay with the POC English to get the answers of these questions!

    One of the most basic words for inhibition is “stop”. You can see and hear it everywhere. Stop worrying, stop being lazy, stop entering this place, etc. But if you want to stop someone from doing something, aren’t there any other words to make your sentence more native-like? Of course, there is!

    That is what we are going to learn today in this lesson, 7 synonyms of  stop in English.

    1.   To prevent

    The verb “prevent” is one of the synonyms of stop that has two different meanings:

    1. To stop somebody from doing something.

    For example, the police tried to prevent him from leaving.

    stop in the english language

    Pay close attention to the sentence structure:

    You prevent somebody from doing something. in this sentence, the police prevent the man from leaving.

    • His father was trying to prevent him from joining the army.

    how to use stop in english

    In this sentence, the father was preventing the son from joining the army.

    1. To stop something from happening.

    For example, vaccination will prevent the spread of the virus.

    to prevent spreading viruses

    For this meaning, our sentence structure will be like this:

    Prevent something

    • We should try to prevent accidents.

    accident in English

    Learn more: Learning new vocabs and improving your grammar level are skills that have direct impact on your speaking. To learn about this important skill follow the link below: improve english speaking

    2.   To obstruct

    To obstruct is one of the other synonyms of stop  which means to block somebody’s path or to be in the way of something. For example, she was obstructing the entrance. This means that she was in front of the entrance and we couldn’t pass her.

    • After the storm, a fallen tree obstructed the road.

    alternatives to stop

    This sentence means that there was a tree on the road and cars couldn’t go past the tree.

    Learn more: Listening to English podcasts is a great way that help you improve your English level. Click on the following link to learn more about it:
    listen to english podcast

    3.   To hinder

    The third item of synonyms of stop is ” Hinder ” that means to make it difficult for somebody to do something, or to make it difficult for something to happen.

    • The storm may hinder the train from arriving on time.

    Notice the structure:

    Hinder somebody/something from doing something.

    • Financial problems hindered him from going on a trip.

    It means that lack of money stopped him from going on a trip.

    4.   To prohibit

    Prohibit is a formal verb of synonyms of stop and is usually used in serious situations. It means to officially stop something from happening by making rules, to now allow or forbid something.

    For example, the government prohibited people from using public spaces without a face mask.

    Notice the structure:

    Prohibit somebody from doing something.

    • Trucks are prohibited from driving on this road.

    prohibit meaning in English

    Learn more: If you are interested in to learn about the different ways to say I like in English, follow the link below:
    ways to say I like

    5.   To hamper

    One of the formal synonyms of stop in English is hamper. It means to make something difficult happen. For example, budget restrictions hampered the project.

    This sentence means that due to the lack of money they couldn’t finish the project, so the project had to stop.

    • Construction is hampering traffic on the highway.

    How to use hamper in English

    It means due to the construction, traffic can not move forward easily.

    6.   To stand in somebody’s way

    It means to stop somebody from doing something.

    Imagine someone you love (for example one of your family members) decides to go abroad to study and of course, it’s a hard decision to make. In this situation you can say:

    “Well, if you want to go and study abroad I won’t stand in your way. Even though it’s very difficult for me.”

    Another example:

    • If he really loves you, he won’t stand in your way.

    meaning of stop in English

    It means that he won’t stop you from doing what you want to do.

    7.   To stand in the way of something

    This item of synonyms of stop is quite similar to the last one. It means to stop something from happening.

    • Don’t let anything stand in the way of your happiness.

    other ways to say stop in English

    It means don’t let anything stop you from being happy.

      • I don’t want to stand in the way of progress.

    It means that I don’t want to stop progress from happening.

    Conclusion of synonyms of stop

    Now, you know 7 synonyms of  stop in English. Let’s review all of them:

    Verb Structure
      1. To prevent    To stop somebody from doing something  /  To stop somebody from doing something
      2. To obstruct    To obstruct something
      3. To hinder    Hinder somebody/something from doing something
      4. To prohibit    Prohibit somebody from doing something
      5. To hamper    To hamper something
      6. To stand     To stand in somebody’s way  /  To stand in the way of something

    Don’t forget to practice them by using them in your sentences. If you have any suggestions or comments, I looking forward to reading them!

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