Список синонимов ielts

Подготовка к английским международным экзаменам IELTS TOEFL FCE CAE CPE может быть разной, и зависит от того бала, на который студент целится.

Чтобы сдать на ВЫСОКИЙ БАЛ по IELTS TOEFL CAE CPE, очень важно показать свой лексический багаж, синонимическое разнообразие, использовать high-level vocabulary, т.е. академические слова (Academic Vocabulary), идиомы уровня Advanced (Idioms), словосочетания уровня Advanced (Collocations).

Само по себе изучения лексики уровня Advanced (а также, Proficiency), представляет собой самую сложную часть в подготовке к экзаменам, требующее наибольших усилий.

Поэтому, первый совет – ЧИТАЙТЕ НАУЧНЫЕ СТАТЬИ!

Записывайте, интересные синонимы словам более низкого ранга. В научных статьях вы найдете часто встречающиеся синонимы по части reading IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, CPE.

Следующий совет… Исследуйте значение синонимов в оксфордских и кембриджских словарях, например, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/.

При подготовке к части «говорение» speaking английских международных экзаменов, старайтесь вкрапливать high-level vocabulary в свою речь, проверяя на сочетаемость на таких ресурсах как британский или американский корпус https://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/, https://corpus.byu.edu/coca/.

Тоже самое нужно делать и при подготовке к письменной (writing) части экзаменов.

Ниже приведен алфавитный список, в большинстве своем именно академических, синонимов для английских международных экзаменов IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, CPE.

Синонимы слов для английских международных

Advanced – leading, progressive, state-of-the-art, breakthrough, cutting-edge
Amazing — incredible, fantastic, fabulous, astonishing, extraordinary
Answer – respond, comment, explanation, feedback, interpretation, justification, key, observation, remark, resolution, response, statement, sign, solution, clarify, deal with, claim, argue, defend, plead, resolve, deny
Awful — terrible, abominable, dreadful, horrible, repulsive, despicable, atrocious
Act – create, develop, enforce, execute, operate, pursue, respond, undertake

Bad — evil, spoiled, imperfect, infamous, dismal, atrocious, awful, crummy, dreadful, lousy, rough, unacceptable, unhealthy, wrong, rotten, disastrous, harsh, painful, terrible, grim, unfavorable, unpleasant, unfortunate
Base – underpinnings, support, ground, foundation, groundwork
Be — pose, last
Beautiful — gorgeous, ravishing, dazzling, exquisite, stunning, appealing, alluring, charming, delicate, delightful, elegant, exquisite, fascinating, graceful, grand, magnificent, marvelous, splendid, superb
Begin — initiate, commence, inaugurate, introduce, launch, embark, undertake, establish
Best – first-rate, leading, outstanding, perfect
Big — huge, enormous, gigantic, humongous, substantial, mammoth, colossal, considerable, hefty, massive, sizable, tremendous, vast
Boring – dull, tiresome, mundane, humdrum, monotonous, stale, tame, tedious, trite, uninteresting
Break — rupture, fracture, shatter, smash, crack, crush, damage, fracture, separate, sever, split, tear
Buy – purchase, obtain, market, acquire, procure

Calm — serene, peace, tranquil, harmonious, placid, smooth, soothing
Come — approach, arrive, appear, enter, happen, materialize, occur, reach, attain, approach
Cold (Cool) — chilly, frosty, frigid
Condition – position, situation, plight, circumstances
Choice – alternative, option, preference, variety, vote, opportunity
Choose – elect, select, prefer, appoint, cast, designate, determine, embrace, favor, judge, prefer, single out
Cut — сhop, slash, slit, wound, carve, curtail, divide, diminish
Change (verb) – alter, develop, modify, reshape, transform, shift, adjust, evolve, reform, resolve, shape, vary, reverse, switch
Change (noun) – switch, turnaround, innovation, modification, revision, transformation. shift, variation, advance, adjustment
Clean – purge, disinfect, rinse
Continue – proceed, advance, endure, last, linger, progress, pursue, remain, sustain

Dangerous — hazardous, risky, precarious, alarming, fatal, threatening, unhealthy, unsafe, unstable
Decide — determine, settle, conclude, elect, resolve, select, vote
Decision – choice, determination, opinion, outcome, resolution, agreement, selection, settlement, verdict
Definite — certain, positive, obvious
Delicious — savory, titbit, delectable
Describe — portray, characterize
Destroy — demolish, slay, ruin, raze
Difference — disagreement, inequity, dissimilarity
Difficult – challenging, daunting, taxing, tough, tricky
Dull — boring, uninteresting, monotonous, humdrum, dreary

Easy – straightforward, effortless, uncomplicated
Eat (get food) – forage, rummage
End — terminate, conclude, cessation, edge, deadline, term, point
Explain — elaborate, interpret
Essential – crucial, critical, vital, integral, indispensable
Excellent – magnificent, phenomenal, top-notch, world-class, outstanding
Effective – compelling, competent, efficient, forceful, impressive, potent, powerful, sufficient, valid
Event – accident, act, action, business, case, episode, experience, fact, incident, matter, occasion, situation
Evident – notable, remarkable, memorable, noticeable, conspicuous

Fall — descend, topple, decline, plunge, recession, reduction
Famous — well-known, renowned, eminent, illustrious, noted
Fast — rapid, hasty, agile, brisk, accelerated, active,
Fat — stout, corpulent, chubby, bulky, obese, hefty
Funny — amusing, humorous, droll
Free – disengaged, complimentary, independent, unrestricted, unfettered
Fight – Combat, battle, resist, oppose, repel, withstand

Get — acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gather, gain
Get rid of – eliminate, dispose of, exterminate
Good — excellent, wonderful, superior, gracious, superb, splendid, genuine, sterling, top-notch, perfect, marvelous, satisfying, exceptional, acceptable
Great — worthy, distinguished, grand, considerable, mighty, enormous, extreme, huge, immense, tremendous, vast
Go — be under way, progress, operate, continue, function, extend, range, reach, develop, proceed, serve, endure
Go back to – renege, reverse, default

Happy – cheerful, contended, ecstatic, jubilant, pleased, delighted, elated, joyful, ecstatic, jubilant, jaunty
Hate — despise, loathe, abhor, abominate
Have — possess, own, acquire, accept, admit, gain, obtain, receive, retain
Help — aid, assist, support, encourage, relieve, maintain, bolster
Hide — conceal, cover, mask, veil
High – great, huge, immense, lofty, soaring, steep, tremendous, excessive, stiff, boisterous, bouncy, elated, exalted
Huge – colossal, gigantic, astronomical, immense, gargantuan

Idea — thought, concept, notion, cues, suggestion, hint, clue, conclusion, interpretation, meaning, opinion, solution, theory, understanding, view
Important — necessary, vital, critical, indispensable, valuable, essential, famous, notable
Interesting — fascinating, engaging, spirited, intriguing, gripping, enthralling, captivating, enchanting, intriguing
Illness – ailment, breakdown, disability, disorder, malady, realm
Irrelevant — inconsequential, useless, meaningless, trivial, insignificant
Influential – authoritative, dominant, persuasive, prominent, significant

Keep — retain, conduct, preserve

Little — tiny, diminutive, exiguous, dinky, cramped
Look — gaze, glance, peek, glimpse, stare, leer
Look into — investigate, delve into, explore, inquire, inspect, probe, sift, prospect, scrutinize
Love — admire, fancy, adore, cherish, treasure, esteem, idolize, venerate
Lucky — fortunate
Like – be interested in, be addicted, be accustomed, be attached, be devoted, be inclined, be obsessed, completely devoted to, captivated, preoccupied

Make — create, originate, invent, construct, manufacture, produce, compose, cause, force, conduct, establish, form, perform, prepare, reach, advance, attain
Many – copious, abundant, numerous, ample, bountiful
Move – act, advance, migrate, plod, creep, crawl, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, lumber, meander, progress, propel, push, relocate, remove, shift, switch, transfer

Neat — orderly, tidy, trim, natty, smart, elegant
New — unique, modern, current, recent, contemporary, up-to-date, novel fresh

Old — feeble, ancient, aged, veteran, mature, primitive, stale, outdated, antiquated, obsolete, archaic, old-fashioned

Place — draw, map, diagram, procedure, method, blueprint
Promise – commitments, guarantee, pledge, responsibility

Rare – sparse, infrequent, meagre
Really — considerably, substantially, essentially, extensively
Responsibility – burden, duty, liability, obligation

Show — display, exhibit, indicate, reveal, demonstrate, perform
Swap — exchange
Strong — powerful, potent, firm, intense, solid, rampant
Solve – clarify, determine, settle
Solvation – deliverance, redemption
So – hence, thus
Surprise – overwhelm, amaze, astound, confound, confuse, dazzle, disconcert, dismay, dumbfound, perplex, startle, unsettle
The same – ditto, equal, equivalent, look-alike

Talented – accomplished, adept, brilliant, capable, intelligent, proficient, skilled
Tell — disclose, reveal, expose, narrate, inform, divulge
Try — attempt
Talk — converse, chat, commune
Think – meditate, consider, determine, judge, assume, speculate, contemplate, hypothesize, ruminate, surmise, weigh, wonder, reflect, suspect

Use — employ, exhaust, apply, handle, exploit, operate, practice, wield
Uncertain – doubtful, questionable, dubious, far-fetched, unproven
Unique – noteworthy, exclusive, particular, rare, uncommon, conspicuous

Very – absolutely, utterly, highly, deeply, certainly, eminently, exceedingly, excessively, extraordinarily, extremely, incredibly, noticeably, particularly, profoundly, profound, remarkably, uncommonly
Variant – alternative, option, possible choice

Wrong — incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous, improper, unsuitable
Weak – frail, feeble, shaky, flimsy, fragile, anemic, sluggish, unsteady, weakened, wobbly, debilitating
Weaken – exacerbate, infuriate, provoke, intensify, irritate, annoy, aggravate, ebb, decay, abatement, degenerate, deteriorate, dwindle, recede, plummet, retreat
Weakness – fatigue, lethargy, weariness, flaw, failing, deficiency, fragility, lapse, shortcoming, vulnerability, suppress

Хочу заметить, что данная статья постепенно будет пополняться новыми синонимами, необходимыми для сдачи английских международных экзаменов IELTS TOEFL FCE CAE CPE на высокий бал.

Более подробную информацию о каждом синониме c примерами в предложениях можно найти в словаре Collins Thesaurus https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english-thesaurus

Usually Basically, generally, casually Tourist Travelers, globetrotters, World Globe, Earth Necessary Required, essential, needed Children Juveniles, kids, offsprings Develop Prosper, grow, Information Data, knowledge, news Students Scholars, pupils, educatees Encourage Motivate Negative Adverse, opposite, unfavorable Positive Favorable, Online Network-based, computer-based, virtual Modern Contemporary Traditional Conventional Improve Ameliorate, progress, improve Technical devices Electronic gadgets Communication Socialization, interaction, conversation Youth Youngsters, young people Banned Forbidden, restricted Pollution Environment degradation, environment deterioration Reducing Mitigating, combating, improving, dwindling, curbing Important Necessary, better, superior, essential, significant Consume Utilize, use, intake Advantages Merits, pros, favorable, positives Disadvantages Demerits, cons, unfavorable, negatives Agree or disagree In favor/ not in favor, in support/ do not support Migrating Shifting, moving Government High authority officials, Teacher Trainer, educator, tutor, human instructor.. Prison Lockup, jails Weaknesses Shortcomings, Deficiencies. Strengths Abilities, Women/men Females/males, girls/boys Spend Expend, utilize, to give Difficulties Problems, hurdles, obstacles Computer games Video games, PlayStation games Bad effects Harmful impact, detrimental, atrocious Programme Course, study Unwarranted Baseless, groundless Strict Stringent, rigorous, stern Effective Constructive, productive.. Old fashioned Outdated, obsolete, out of date, outmoded University courses Tertiary courses Logical Sensible, sane, rational Good Excellent, fine, superb, splendid, wonderful Bad Evil, spoiled, imperfect, infamous Happy Pleased, joyous, cheerful, delighted, jubilant Amazing Incredible, fantastic, fabulous, astonishing Calm Peace, tranquil Dangerous Hazardous, risky, precarious Dull Boring, monotonous, uninteresting Famous Well known, renowned, eminent Funny Humorous, amusing, hilarious, comical New Unique, modern, current, recent Old Ancient, aged, primitive, stale Wrong Incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous Brief Short, concise Conflict Fight, battle, struggle Different Diverse, various, distinct.. Begin Initiate, commence, inaugurate Work Profession, job, occupation

Improve your IELTS vocabulary before applying to Foreign Universities

International students applying to study in the UK need to display a certain level of spoken and written English during the application process. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the most demanded test accepted by all UK universities to check the student’s abilities in using English language for academic purposes. IELTS requirement varies from university to university and students who wish to get into good universities should dedicate proper IELTS preparation time and aim for a higher score in IELTS. General average IELTS scores required by universities are :

  • Undergraduate degree course — IELTS overall 6.0 with no less than 5.5 in each element
  • Postgraduate degree course — IELTS overall 6.5 with no less than 6.0 in each element

Register for IELTS classes

If you want to prepare for or improve your IELTS score to IELTS band 7-9, visit us or book a free consultation call with SI-UK today.

Improving your IELTS Score

A great way to improve your IELTS score is by improving your IELTS vocabulary. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using synonyms for common words. Synonyms are words which mean the same and can be used to replace a word with a better one. Synonyms are of great help to get a good score in IELTS along with improving one’s general vocabulary. score, 

Below is a list of synonyms for common words which can help a great deal in getting you a good IELTS score. 

English Synonyms for IELTS
Amazing Incredible, Fantastic, Fabulous, Astonishing, Extraordinary
Answer Respond
Awful Terrible, Abominable, Dreadful
Bad Evil, Spoiled, Imperfect, Infamous, Dismal
Beautiful Gorgeous, Ravishing, Dazzling, Exquisite, Stunning
Begin Initiate, Commence, Inaugurate
Big Huge, Enormous, Gigantic, Humongous, Substantial, Mammoth
Break Rupture, Fracture, Shatter
Calm Serene, Peace, Tranquil
Come Approach, Arrive
Cool Chilly, Frosty, Icy
Cut Chop, Slash, Slit
Dangerous Hazardous, Risky, Precarious
Decide Determine, Settle
Definite Certain, Positive, Obvious
Delicious Savoury, Titbit, Delectable
Describe Portray, Characterise
Destroy Demolish, Slay, Ruin, Raze
Difference Disagreement, Inequity, Dissimilarity
Dull Boring, Uninteresting, Monotonous, Humdrum, Dreary
End Terminate, Conclude, Cessation
Explain Elaborate, Interpret
Fall Drop, Descend, Topple
Famous Well-known, Renowned, Eminent, Illustrious
Fast Quick, Rapid, Hasty, Snappy, Swift
Fat Stout, Corpulent, Chubby, Bulky
Funny Amusing, Humorous, Droll, Hilarious
Get Acquire, Obtain, Secure, Procure, Gather
Good Excellent, Fine, Wonderful, Superior, Gracious, Superb, Splendid, Genuine, Sterling, Top-notch,
Great Worthy, Distinguished, Grand, Considerable, Mighty
Happy Pleased, Delighted, Elated, Joyful, Ecstatic, Jubilant, Jaunty
Hate Despise, Loathe, Abhor, Abominate
Have Possess, Own, Acquire,
Help Aid, Assist, Support, Encourage, Relieve
Hide Conceal, Cover, Mask, Veil
Idea Thought, Concept, Notion
Important Necessary, Vital, Critical, Indispensable, Valuable, Essential, Famous, Notable
Interesting Fascinating, Engaging, Spirited, Intriguing, Gripping, Enthralling, Captivating
Little Tiny, Diminutive, Exiguous, Dinky, Cramped
Look Gaze, Glance, Peek, Glimpse, Stare, Leer
Love Like, Admire, Fancy, Care for, Adore
Make Create, Originate, Invent, Construct, Manufacture, Produce, Compose
Move Plod, Creep, Crawl, Drag, Toddle, shuffle, Trot, Lumber, Meander
Neat Orderly, Tidy, Trim, Natty, Smart, Elegant
New Unique, Modern, Current, Recent
Old Feeble, Ancient, Aged, Veteran, Mature, Primitive, Stale
Place Draw, Map, Diagram, Procedure, Method, Blueprint
Show Display, Exhibit, Indicate, Reveal, Demonstrate
Tell Disclose, Reveal, Expose, Narrate, Inform, Divulge
Use Employ, Utilise, Exhaust, Spend
Wrong Incorrect, Inaccurate, Mistaken, Erroneous, Improper, Unsuitable

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IELTS is one of the most widely accepted forms of English language testing for students who wish to study abroad in an English-speaking country.

At SI-UK, our experienced teachers are experts in preparing students for the IELTS test. We can help guide you towards the score you need, ensuring you are offered a place at a UK university.

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Synonyms are essential in IELTS writing if you want to paraphrase successfully, avoid repetition and improve your band score in Lexical resource. In this guide, we will look at some important synonyms that you can use in the writing section of your IELTS Academic test.

Table of Contents

  1. Synonyms for IELTS Writing Task 1
    • 1.1 Introduction synonyms
    • 1.2 Writing about time
    • 1.3 Phrases to start paragraphs
    • 1.4 Synonyms to describe trends
    • 1.5 Transition words
    • 1.6 Synonyms for estimates
    • 1.7 Making predictions
  2. Synonyms for IELTS Writing Task 2
      • 2.1 Giving your opinion
      • 2.2 General introduction statements
      • 2.3 Synonyms for body paragraphs
      • 2.4 Cohesive devices/transition words
      • 2.5 Common synonyms for words in Questions

In IELTS writing task 1, you have 20 minutes to write a formal report that summarises the key features of a given chart, graph, table, flowchart, process diagram or map.

We’ve put together a collection of useful synonyms that you can use in any writing task 1 and adapt for your given figure/ diagram

1.1 Introduction synonyms

Using synonyms can help you to paraphrase the given statement that will always follow a similar pattern. Take the example below:

IELTS Statement:

The graph below gives information about international tourist arrivals in different parts of the world.

Your introduction should paraphrase the given statement. Here are some different ways you could rephrase the underlined part of the statement:

  • The chart/graph/ table/ map/ diagram shows
  • The chart/graph/ table/ map/ diagram illustrates
  • The chart/graph/ table/ map/ diagram gives information about
  • The chart/graph/ table/ map/ diagram demonstrates
  • The chart/graph/ table/ map/ diagram depicts…

IELTS writing correction

1.2 Writing about time

You will often be given data with a time-frame ranging over a period of time, as shown in this example:

IELTS Statement:

The graph shows average carbon dioxide emissions per person in the United Kingdom and the USA between 1977 and 2007.

In your report, instead of repeating the structure ‘between ___ and ___’ you could use the following:

  • From ___ to ___
  • In ___
  • In the years of ___ to ___

Here are some more ways to introduce time in your report:

  • At the beginning of the given period…
  • At the end of the period…
  • In the first year…
  • In the final year…
  • The next two days showed…
  • …in the following three days…
  • Over the next two days…

1.3 Phrases to start paragraphs

You always need to make your overview paragraph easy to find. To do this, you can begin your overview with one of the following:

  • Overall,…
  • In summary,…
  • To summarise,…

Here are some useful phrases to continue your overview paragraph:

  • …, it can be clearly seen that…
  • …it is apparent that..
  • …it is evident that…
  • …what stands out from the graph/chart/table is that…

And phrases to start your main body paragraph:

  • Moving to…
  • Turning to…
  • Regarding…
  • As regards the…
  • In detail…

1.4 Synonyms to describe trends

It is important to learn a range of languages to describe upward, downward, or any other trends that appear in the data. We’ve put together a list of synonyms you could use in your report.

Upward trend:

  • Increase (v)
  • An increase (n)
  • Go up
  • Grow (v)
  • A growth (n)
  • Rise (v)
  • A rise (n)

Downward trend:

  • Decrease (v)
  • A decrease (n)
  • Decline (v)
  • A decline (n)
  • Drop (v)
  • A drop (n)
  • Fall (v)
  • A fal (n)


  • Remain steady
  • Remain stable
  • Remain unchanged
  • Stay constant
  • Stay at the same level


  • Fluctuate (v)
  • Fluctuation (n)

1.5 Transition words

To create cohesion throughout your report, as well as avoid repetition, you should use a range of transition words/ cohesive devices. Here’s a list of appropriate transitions to use in IELTS writing task 1:

  • To begin with,…
  • To start with,…
  • And then,…
  • At this point,…
  • Subsequently,…
  • After this,…
  • Then,…
  • Afterwards,…
  • Finally,…
  • …with the figure at ____

1.6 Synonyms for estimates

It is likely that you will not be able to precisely read the figures on a given chart, especially if you are given a bar chart. In this case, you need to use language to estimate the data. Here are some synonyms you can use to describe figures above or below and exact number:

  • Approximately
  • Roughly
  • About
  • Around
  • Just above
  • Just over
  • Just under
  • Just below
  • nearly

1.7 Making predictions

Occasionally, you may be given a graph/chart where predictions are made about what may happen in the future. Since it is not certain that these predictions will happen, you should avoid using grammatical structures that express certainty such as ‘will’. You could instead use:

  • …is shown to…
  • …is predicted to…
  • …is projected to…
  • …is expected to…
  • …is forecast to…

IELTS writing correction

2. Synonyms for IELTS Writing Task 2

2.1 Giving your opinion

  • In my opinion…
  • It is my belief that…
  • I am of the opinion that…
  • To my mind…
  • From my point of view…
  • From my perspective…
  • My point is that…
  • My argument is that…
  • As far as I am concerned,…
  • In my view…

2.2 General introduction statements

  • Some people think that…
  • According to many people…
  • It is generally said that…
  • Some people argue that…
  • People often say that…
  • A common argument is that…
  • People often claim that…
  • Some people say that…
  • People generally think that…
  • People often put forward the argument that…

2.3 Synonyms for body paragraphs

Topic sentence starters:

  • One advantage of ____ is that ….
  • Another benefit of ____is that…
  • One downside of ____ is that…
  • Another downside of ____ is that…
  • One reason that I believe…
  • One argument in favour of… is that…
  • The main reason that I think…
  • Another reason to second….

Supporting sentences starters:

  • This is because…
  • The result/consequence/reason is that…
  • This means that…
  • As a result/consequence,…
  • In other words,…

2.4 Cohesive devices/transition words


  • To summarise,…
  • In conclusion,…
  • To sum up,…
  • Overall,…


  • First
  • Firstly
  • In the first place
  • Then
  • Eventually
  • Meanwhile
  • Finally


  • But
  • However
  • Nevertheless
  • Although
  • By comparison
  • In comparison
  • On the other hand
  • In spite of
  • While
  • Whereas

Giving examples/ restating:

  • For example
  • For instance
  • That is ( to say)
  • Including
  • In other words
  • Such as


  • Because
  • So
  • Therefore
  • Consequently
  • Due to
  • As a result


  • And
  • Also
  • In addition
  • Furthermore
  • Moreover
  • Similarly

2.5 Common synonyms for words in Questions

Word in IELTS Question Synonyms
Advantages Pros, benefits, positives
Disadvantages Cons, downsides, drawbacks, negatives
Government Authority, administration, leadership
People Individuals, the public, humankind
Teachers Educators, lecturer (university)
Difficult Hard, challenging, demanding, problematic
School Education, High school
University Higher education, institution, tertiary education
Dangerous Alarming, critical, risky, serious
waste Consume, deplete, go to waste, misuse, exhaust
business Occupation, career, profession
essential Crucial, imperative, fundamental
Children Young person, youth
Problem Difficulty, complication
Solution Explanation, clarification
Funding Financing, resources
Freedom Ability, right, privilege, opportunity
good Advantageous, beneficial, acceptable, suitable, appropriate
bad Dangerous, unhealthy, damaging, detrimental
population Community, culture, people, society
communication Connection, correspondance
internet The web, world wide web
improve Advance, develop, enhance

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings. They can be used to vary the language used in a piece of writing, to add precision or clarity, or to add interest or variety. Synonyms can be helpful when you want to avoid repeating the same word over and over, or when you want to express an idea in a more precise or specific way.

Below are some of the most useful synonyms,  synonyms words for IELTS. This list of synonyms words will help you expand your English vocabulary.

What Are Synonyms?

A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning as another word. Synonyms are used to vary the language used in a piece of writing, to add precision or clarity, or to add interest or variety. They can be helpful when you want to avoid repeating the same word over and over, or when you want to express an idea in a more precise or specific way.

For example, you might use the synonym “enormous” instead of “big” to describe something that is very large, or you might use “thrilled” as a synonym for “happy” to describe someone who is feeling very excited.

Synonyms can be found in a thesaurus, which is a reference book that lists words with similar meanings. You can also use a search engine or online thesaurus to find synonyms for specific words. Some common synonyms include “happy” and “joyful,” “big” and “large,” and “said” and “uttered.”

Using synonyms can help you to expand your vocabulary and make your writing more interesting and engaging. It can also help you to express your ideas more clearly and effectively. However, it is important to use synonyms appropriately and to consider the specific context in which you are using them.

List of Synonyms

List of Synonym Words

Here is a list of some common synonyms.

  • Big – large
  • Happy – joyful
  • Said – spoke, uttered
  • Fast – quick
  • Good – great
  • Wet – damp
  • Hard – difficult
  • Far – distant
  • Old – ancient, elderly
  • Young – youthful
  • Late – tardy
  • Soon – shortly, promptly
  • Early – prematurely
  • Clear – transparent
  • Empty – vacant
  • Full – complete, packed
  • Hot – warm, scorching
  • Cold – chilly, frosty
  • Beautiful – gorgeous, stunning
  • Happy – content, satisfied
  • Loud – noisy, boisterous
  • Quiet – peaceful, tranquil
  • Angry – furious, irate
  • Sad – unhappy, miserable
  • Tired – weary, exhausted
  • Hungry – famished, ravenous
  • Thirsty – parched, dehydrated
  • Full – satiated, stuffed
  • Empty – hollow, barren
  • Rich – wealthy, affluent
  • Poor – destitute, indigent
  • Strong – powerful, mighty
  • Weak – frail, feeble
  • Brave – courageous, valiant
  • Cowardly – timid, fearful
  • Smart – intelligent, clever
  • Dumb – ignorant, stupid
  • Fast – speedy, swift
  • Slow – sluggish, leisurely
  • Tall – high, towering
  • Short – small, petite
  • Heavy – weighty, massive
  • Light – lightweight, slight
  • Hot – scorching, blazing
  • Cold – freezing, icy
  • Dry – arid, parched
  • Wet – soggy, moist
  • Easy – simple, effortless
  • Hard – challenging, difficult
  • Near – close, nearby
  • Far – distant, remote
  • Wide – broad, expansive
  • Narrow – slender, tight
  • Deep – profound, bottomless
  • Shallow – superficial, shallow
  • High – elevated, tall
  • Low – short, small
  • Long – extended, lengthy
  • Short – brief, concise
  • New – fresh, modern
  • Old – antique, vintage
  • Clean – pure, unsoiled
  • Dirty – filthy, grimy
  • Empty – bare, blank
  • Full – occupied, packed
  • Open – exposed, unobstructed
  • Closed – shut, sealed
  • Bright – radiant, luminous
  • Dark – dim, shadowy
  • Hot – fiery, burning
  • Cold – frosty, freezing
  • Fresh – new, recent
  • Stale – old, musty
  • Soft – tender, delicate
  • Hard – solid, firm
  • Smooth – even, flawless
  • Rough – bumpy, jagged
  • Thin – slim, slender
  • Thick – dense, hefty
  • Sweet – sugary, honeyed
  • Sour – acidic, tart
  • Salty – briny, savory
  • Bitter – acrid, sharp
  • Spicy – piquant, hot
  • Mild – gentle, soft
  • Fast – rapid, swift
  • Slow – leisurely, sluggish
  • Early – premature, ahead of time
  • Late – tardy, delayed
  • Clear – transparent, lucid

Synonyms Words for IELTS

Here is the useful list of synonyms words for IELTS in English.

  • Accurate – correct
  • Achieve – accomplish
  • Active – energetic
  • Adamant – firm
  • Add – increase
  • Adequate – sufficient
  • Aggressive – assertive
  • Aid – help
  • Always – forever
  • Amateur – beginner
  • Ambitious – aspiring
  • Approve – accept
  • Arrive – reach
  • Authentic – genuine
  • Awful – dreadful, atrocious
  • Bashful – shy, timid
  • Beautiful – pretty, attractive
  • Before – prior, earlier
  • Beginning – start, initiate
  • Believe – trust, accept
  • Below – under, lower
  • Beneficial – helpful, useful
  • Best – finest, choice
  • Birth – beginning
  • Blend – combine, mix
  • Bottom – base, foundation
  • Brave – courageous, bold
  • Break – fracture, burst
  • Brief – short, concise
  • Buy – purchase
  • Calm – quiet, tranquil
  • Chilly – cool, nippy
  • Chubby – plump, pudgy
  • Clarify – explain, simplify
  • Close – near, imminent
  • Coarse – bumpy, rough
  • Comical – amusing, funny
  • Complex – complicated
  • Confine – contain, enclose
  • Conflict – fight, battle, struggle
  • Conform – comply, submit
  • Connect – join, link, attach
  • Correct – accurate, right
  • Courage – bravery, valor
  • Courteous – polite, civil
  • Cranky – cross, irritable
  • Crazy – insane, daft, mad
  • Cruel – mean, heartless
  • Daring – bold, audacious
  • Deduct – subtract, remove
  • Defend – protect, shield
  • Defy – resist, challenge
  • Delicate – fragile, dainty
  • Despise – hate, detest, loathe
  • Destitute – poor, penniless
  • Deter – hinder, prevent
  • Determined – sure, convinced
  • Dirty – soiled, messy
  • Disagree – differ, dispute
  • Dispute – debate, oppose
  • Diverse – different, distinct
  • Divide – separate, split
  • Docile – tame, gentle
  • Dubious – doubtful, questionable
  • Dull – blunt, dreary
  • Dumb – stupid, dense
  • Easy – simple
  • Encourage – promote, support, urge
  • Enjoy – like, appreciate
  • Enlarge – expand, magnify
  • Enormous – vast, immense, colossal
  • Fast – rapid, quick, swift
  • Fat – chubby, plump, stout
  • Fatal – deadly, mortal, killing
  • Fatigue – tire, exhaust
  • Fiction – fantasy, untruth, myth
  • Fill – load, pack
  • Fraction – part, portion, segment
  • Frigid – freezing, frosty
  • Frivolous – trivial, unimportant, silly
  • Furious – angry, enraged, infuriated
  • Future – coming, tomorrow
  • Gain – acquire, obtain
  • Gaudy – showy, garish, vulgar
  • Gaunt – scrawny, skinny, thin
  • Generous – giving, selfless, big-hearted
  • Great – outstanding, remarkable
  • Handy – useful, convenient, skillful
  • High – elevated, lofty
  • Huge – vast, immense, great
  • Humble – modest, unpretentious
  • Humiliate – embarrass, disgrace, dishonor
  • Identical – alike, duplicate
  • Immaculate – spotless, pure
  • Inferior – lesser, substandard
  • Infuriate – enrage, agitate, provoke
  • Ingenious – clever, creative, original
  • Innocent – guiltless, blameless
  • Interesting – provocative, engrossing
  • Intolerant – bigoted, prejudiced
  • Irrelevant – inappropriate, unrelated
  • Join – connect, unite, link
  • Jolly – merry, jovial, joyful
  • Jubilant – overjoyed, delighted, elated
  • Keep – save, protect, guard
  • Least – fewest, minimum, smallest
  • Logical – sensible, sane, rational
  • Long – lengthy
  • Luxurious – extravagant, elegant
  • Magnify – expand, enlarge, exaggerate
  • Meager – scanty, sparse, poor
  • Mean – unkind, malicious, nasty
  • Militant – combative, aggressive, warlike
  • Minor – lesser, inferior, secondary
  • Mirth – merriment, fun, laughter
  • Mischievous – naughty, impish
  • Moderate – temperate, lenient, medium
  • Mysterious – elusive, occult, secret
  • Naughty – bad, disobedient, wrong
  • Nonchalant – indifferent, lackadaisical, blase
  • Normal – ordinary, typical, usual
  • Obey – mind, heed, comply
  • Observe – examine, study, scrutinize
  • Obsolete – extinct, dated, antiquated
  • Optional – voluntary, elective
  • Ordinary – usual, average
  • Outrageous – preposterous, shocking
  • Polite – gracious, refined, courteous
  • Poor – destitute, needy, impoverished
  • Portion – part, segment, piece
  • Prompt – punctual, timely
  • Proud – arrogant, elated
  • Push – shove, propel
  • Quit – cease, stop, withdraw
  • Racket – noise, commotion, disturbance
  • Ratify – approve, confirm, endorse
  • Ravage – devastate, ruin, damage
  • Raze – destroy, demolish
  • Reluctant – unwilling, hesitant
  • Remote – secluded, isolated, distant
  • Repulsive – hideous, offensive, gruesome
  • Reputable – honorable, upstanding, honest
  • Resist – oppose, withstand, defy
  • Retaliate – avenge, revenge, reciprocate
  • Reveal – show, disclose, divulge
  • Same – identical, alike, equivalent
  • Serene – peaceful, tranquil, calm
  • Serious – grave, solemn, pensive
  • Shrewd – clever, cunning, crafty
  • Sluggish – listless, lethargic, inactive
  • Small – little, insignificant, trivial
  • Smooth – slick, glossy, level
  • Sociable – friendly, cordial, gregarious
  • Sorrow – woe, anguish, grief
  • Special – exceptional, notable, particular
  • Stable – steady, unchanging, settled
  • Strenuous – vigorous, laborious
  • Strict – stringent, severe, stern
  • Strong – powerful, mighty, potent
  • Stupid – unintelligent, dense, foolish
  • Surplus – excess, additional, extra
  • Tall – high, lofty
  • Tangible – concrete, definite
  • Taut – tense, tight, stiff
  • Tender – delicate, gentle, affectionate
  • Terrible – dreadful, horrible, vile
  • Thrifty – economical, frugal, prudent
  • Thrive – prosper, flourish, develop
  • Urgent – crucial, important
  • Vacant – unoccupied, empty
  • Vague – unclear, obscure, indistinct
  • Valiant – courageous, brave, heroic
  • Victory – triumph, win, success
  • Virtuous – moral, righteous, angelic
  • Weary – tired, fatigued, lethargic
  • Worn – used, impaired, old
  • Wrong – incorrect, untrue, mistaken
  • Yield – produce, bear, provide

Useful Example Sentences

  • She gave an accurate account of the case.
  • After he won the amateur championship he turned professional.
  • I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you.
  • There was a brief pause in the conversation.
  • I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject.
  • I was courteous but didn’t encourage conversation.
  • The room was decorated in dubious taste.
  • We were all suffering from fatigue at the end of our journey.
  • She was tricked out in the gaudy dress.
  • The room has the immaculate, antiseptic air of a hospital laboratory.
  • This method of cultivation produces a higher yield.
  • They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat.
  • Mrs. Jones was a very thrifty woman who never wasted anything.
  • We need tangible evidence if we’re going to take legal action.
  • The doctor advised Ken to avoid strenuous exercise.
  • Malcolm is a shrewd and realistic businessman.
  • My information comes from a very reputable source.
  • We would be grateful for the prompt payment of your account.
  • It’s outrageous that the poor should pay such high taxes.
  • It merely underlines our rather more nonchalant attitude to life.

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List of Synonyms Words in English

Synonyms Words

Synonyms Words – What is a Synonym?

Synonyms Words

Synonyms Words List for IELTS

Synonyms Words

Last Updated on January 9, 2023

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