Соотнесите слова-синонимы
1. wealth
2. progress
3. to let
4. among
- advance
- surrounded by
- riches
- to permit
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 12 Ноябрь 2020 в 20:12
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What is another word for Wealth?
money, riches
possessions, earthly possessions
Use filters to view other words, we have 1081 synonyms for wealth.
If you know synonyms for Wealth, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.
All synonyms in one line
a great deal, abundance, accumulation, affluence, amplitude, en.synonym.one, assets, belongings, bequest, bounty, cache, capital, cash, chattel, collection, condition, credit, endowment, estate, footing, fortune, funds, gain, gold, goods, heap, en.synonym.one, hoard, income, inheritance, jewels, legacy, lot, means, money, much, patrimony, pelf, platinum, plenty, plethora, position, possessions, precious metal, prodigality, profit, profuseness, profusion, property, rank, reserve, resources, en.synonym.one, revenue, riches, silver, spoils, stockpile, store, supplies, treasure, wad, wealthiness, wherewithal.
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This search took 0.0269 sec. Think how often you are looking for something to replace a word with? Probably often. Bookmark synonym.one to find synonyms, antonyms and meanings quickly. (press Ctrl + D on your keyboard).
- abundance
- affluence
- cash
- property
- prosperity
- revenue
- riches
- richness
- security
- treasure
- worth
- assets
- belongings
- bounty
- cache
- capital
- clover
- commodities
- copiousness
- cornucopia
- dough
- estate
- fortune
- funds
- gold
- goods
- hoard
- holdings
- lucre
- luxuriance
- luxury
- means
- opulence
- pelf
- plenitude
- plenty
- possessions
- profusion
- store
- substance
- substantiality
- velvet
- lap of luxury
- long green
- prosperousness
- stocks and bonds
On this page you’ll find 106 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to wealth, such as: abundance, affluence, cash, property, prosperity, and revenue.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use wealth in a sentence
A pandemic-spurred rise in e-learning also raises questions about whether pricey university educations are worth the cost, when there are a wealth of online options.
In the long term, education experts say that reduced enrollments will likely increase the wealth gap between institutions with deep pockets that can weather this storm, and those that do not have the same financial flexibility.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- affluence
- ampleness
- bounty
- copiousness
- fortune
- myriad
- opulence
- plenitude
- plenty
- plethora
- profusion
- prosperity
- prosperousness
- riches
- thriving
- wealth
- accomplishment
- achievement
- allowance
- annuity
- award
- benefit
- bonus
- commission
- dividend
- donation
- earnings
- fortune
- gain
- gift
- grant
- income
- increment
- inheritance
- net
- premium
- prize
- proceeds
- profit
- remuneration
- return
- reward
- riches
- salary
- security
- wages
- wealth
- winnings
- accretions
- achievements
- acquirements
- acquirings
- additions
- attainments
- buys
- gainings
- gains
- learnings
- obtainments
- possessions
- prizes
- procurations
- procurements
- procurings
- properties
- purchases
- pursuits
- recoveries
- redemption
- retrievals
- salvage
- winnings
- aid
- ascendancy
- asset
- assistance
- authority
- avail
- blessing
- boon
- break
- choice
- comfort
- convenience
- dominance
- edge
- eminence
- expediency
- favor
- gain
- good
- gratification
- help
- hold
- improvement
- influence
- interest
- lead
- leeway
- leg up
- leverage
- luck
- mastery
- odds
- position
- power
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- preference
- prestige
- prevalence
- profit
- protection
- recognition
- resources
- return
- sanction
- starting
- superiority
- support
- supremacy
- upper hand
- utility
- wealth
- aids
- ascendancy
- assets
- assistance
- authorities
- avail
- blessings
- boons
- breaks
- choices
- comforts
- conveniences
- dominance
- edges
- eminences
- expediencies
- favors
- gains
- goods
- gratifications
- helps
- holds
- improvements
- influences
- interests
- leads
- leeway
- leg-ups
- leverage
- luck
- mastery
- odds
- positions
- powers
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- preferences
- prestige
- prevalence
- profits
- protections
- recognitions
- resources
- returns
- sanctions
- startings
- superiorities
- supports
- supremacy
- upper hands
- utilities
- wealth
- ace in the hole
- ace up sleeve
- backing
- budget
- capital
- credit
- equity
- estate
- funds
- goods
- holdings
- means
- nest egg
- possessions
- rainy day fund
- reserve
- resources
- riches
- something put aside
- something put away
- stake
- stash
- stuff
- valuables
- wealth
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
(n) 1. affluence, riches, money, opulence, prosperity, property, holdings, capital, assets, wherewithal, cash: Most of their wealth comes from illicit trade in diamonds. 2. profusion, abundance, bounty, plenteousness, bounteousness, copiousness, mine, plenitude, fullness, store, cornucopia, richness: Janet has a wealth of ideas for situation-comedy plots.
См. в других словарях
n.Affluence, opulence, abundance, fortune, independence, competence, riches, mammon, pelf, money, treasure, funds, cash, property. …
Словарь синонимов английского языка 2
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