Snack синоним

What is another word for Snack?

  • eat between meals, light meal

  • tiny meal, eat between meals

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On this page you’ll find 45 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to snack, such as: lunch, morsel, refreshment, tea, bite, and eats.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use snack in a sentence

He put his arm around her and they entered the snack bar that way.


But he took one man with him and a “snack” of supper in their pockets.


Then they had a hurried snack, and rode off—two very wet police—to find some safer and more open locality for their night camp.


Not that he ever did feel a bit peckish after the hearty snack, for his sandwich was pecked by the four young Seasons at home.


«I aims ter start right now, es soon es I kin buy a snack ter put in my pocket,» he announced decisively.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • bit
  • condensed
  • corroded
  • crumbled
  • decayed
  • decomposed
  • disappeared
  • disintegrated
  • dissipated
  • dissolved
  • drained
  • exhausted
  • gnawed
  • liquefied
  • melted
  • nibbled
  • ran through
  • rotted
  • rusted
  • spilled
  • squandered
  • vanished
  • wasted away
  • brunch
  • light meal
  • nibble
  • nosh
  • refreshment
  • snack
  • Hoover
  • absorb
  • bolt
  • chow down
  • devour
  • down
  • eat up
  • feed
  • gobble
  • gorge
  • gulp
  • guzzle
  • ingest
  • ingurgitate
  • inhale
  • meal
  • mow
  • nibble
  • partake
  • polish off
  • punish
  • put away
  • put down
  • scarf
  • snack
  • stuff one’s face
  • swallow
  • swill
  • take
  • toss down
  • wolf
  • aliment
  • bite
  • comestibles
  • commons
  • daily bread
  • edibles
  • fare
  • goodies
  • grubbery
  • menu
  • nourishment
  • nutriment
  • nutrition
  • provisions
  • rations
  • snack
  • subsistence
  • sustenance
  • viands
  • victuals
  • absorb
  • attack
  • banquet
  • bite
  • bolt
  • break bread
  • breakfast
  • chew
  • chow down
  • cram
  • devour
  • digest
  • dine
  • dispatch
  • dispose of
  • fall to
  • feast upon
  • feed
  • gobble up
  • gorge
  • gormandize
  • graze
  • have a bite
  • have a meal
  • have for
  • ingest
  • inhale
  • lunch
  • make pig of oneself
  • masticate
  • munch
  • nibble
  • nosh
  • partake of
  • peck at
  • pick
  • pig out
  • polish off
  • pork out
  • put away
  • ruminate
  • scarf
  • scoff
  • snack
  • sup
  • swallow
  • take food
  • take in
  • take nourishment
  • wolf
  • devour
  • eat
  • exist on
  • fare
  • feast
  • graze
  • have a bite
  • ingest
  • live on
  • meal
  • munch
  • nibble
  • nurture
  • partake
  • pasture
  • peck
  • pig out
  • prey on
  • scarf
  • snack
  • sponge
  • subsist
  • take
  • take nourishment

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • snack [snæk] сущ

    1. закускаж, легкая закуска

      (appetizer, light snack)

      • light snack – легкая закуска
    2. снэкм, снекм

      • salty snacks – соленые снеки
    3. перекусм, полдникм

      (bite, afternoon snack)

      • small snack – небольшой перекус
    4. закусочнаяж

      (snack bar)

    5. лакомствоср


  • snack [snæk] гл

    1. перекусить, перекусывать, закусывать, закусить

      (bite, eat)

    2. полдничать

  • snack [snæk] прил

    1. закусочный

      • snack bar – закусочный бар
закуска snack, appetizer, refreshment, collation, refection, morsel
легкая закуска light meal, snack, lunch, luncheonette, bite
что-либо легко достижимое snack

Предложения со словом «snack»

Modern buses have comfortable seats, video and phone, you can have hot tea or coffee, drinks and snack .

Современные автобусы оснащены удобными сидениями, с видео и телефон, вы можете иметь горячий чай или кофе, напитки и закуски .

I especially liked hot dogs, those sausages between bread rolls, which you can buy at snack bars and from hot dog stands on street corners.

Мне особенно понравились хот — доги, сосиски между кусочками хлеба, которые можно купить в закусочных или у стоек на углах улиц.

During breaks we have a rest, discuss the latest news, problems and have a snack .

Во время перемен мы отдыхаем , обсуждаем последние новости и проблемы , перекусываем.

You may go to the dining-car to have a snack or to dine.

Перекусить или пообедать можно в вагоне — ресторане .

Working people usually have a snack or dine at their place of employment or the eating places.

Работающие люди обычно перекусывают или обедают у себя на ра боте или в специальных оборудованных для этого местах .

There are a lot of eating places: cafe, cafeteria, lunch counter, bar, snack bar, canteen, tea-shop, restaurant, self-service restaurant.

Существует много таких мест : кафе , кафетерий , закусочная , бар , столовая , чайная , ресторан , ресторан самообслуживания.

We were supposed to bring snack today to the day care

Мы должны были сегодня приносить закуску в детский сад

After fulfilling all these formalities you go to the departure lounge where you can have a snack , read a paper or buy something in the duty-free shop and wait for the announcement to board the plane.

После выполнения всех этих формальностей вы идете в зал вылета, где можно перекусить, почитать газету или купить что — то в магазине беспошлинной торговли и ждать объявления посадки на самолет.

He was at the snack bar eating a hot fudge sundae.

Он был в буфете и ел сливочное фруктовое мороженое.

Somehow I just can’t get hungry at a place called the Terminal Snack Bar.

Каким — то образом я не чувствую голода в месте, которое называется Бар Терминальная Закуска

Now mess up your beds, eat a snack , leave your plates out.

Теперь раскидайте свои кровати, съешьте закусок , раскидайте тарелки.

They ate breakfast whenever they got up, and took their other meals at regular hours, ending with a late-night snack .

Они завтракали когда вставали, а обедали и ужинали в одни и те же часы.

For a delicious tea snack , try young harmoniums rolled into tubes and filled with Venusian cottage cheese.

К чаю рекомендую подать нежных молодых гармониумов, свернутых в трубочку, с начинкой из венерианского творога.

And then he laid up on my chest. And he found my nipple and he took a little snack .

И потом он лег ко мне на грудь и нашел мой сосок, и немного поел.

He just decided that you are going to bed without an evening snack .

Он только что решил,что вы идете спать без вечернего перекуса.

There’s a lot of things that have gone to seed since you were here, but the variety in snack food flavors is not one of them.

С твоих времён многое пришло в упадок, но только не разнообразие вкусов в еде.

Miranda went to the bathroom, ate a little snack , and picked up a few kiddy jobs.

Миранда сходила в туалет, перекусила и выбрала несколько детских заявок.

He dined in the snack bar and took a taxi to the nearest.

Декстер перекусил в баре и на такси поехал в ближайшее.

He didn’t worry that it would spoil his dinner; it was a long walk back up the mountain to the Wizard’s Keep, so he could use a snack .

К Башне Волшебников еще долго идти вверх по тропинке, и он сможет перекусить.

There’s enough time for a quick snack .

Есть достаточно времени для быстрого перекуса.

Many persons to eat outside grass or I tax a snack new one to get fat.

Многих людей есть снаружи траву или я облагаю налогом нового закуски толстеть.

There was chicken soup at the snack bar, So I had to bring you some.

В буфете был куриный суп, так что я принесла и тебе немного.

Because as an algae, I’ll just snack on this sunlight.

И мне не нужно было бы покупать втридорого еду у разносчиков, потому что как водоросль я мог бы питаться солнечным светом.

Charlie Francis has harnessed the fluorescent properties of the marine animal to develop the luminescent snack .

Чарли Фрэнсис использовал флуоресцентные свойства морского животного, чтобы разработать светящуюся еду.

I’m just whipping up a little midnight snack of filet de boeuf forestiere with Bordelaise sauce and petit gratin dauphinois.

Я делаю себе небольшой ночной перекус из говяжьей вырезки с тем самым соусом, а также картофельную запеканку.

Is this our breakfast, or is this our snack between?

Это завтрак такой, или это перекус между завтраком и обедом?

And during the break there would be a snack and you could choose bananas or chocolate.

Там будет буфет, и во время перерыва вы сможете выбрать между бананами и шоколадом.

Why can I not eat my snack , or do you wanna ruin it, like my gazebo plan?

Почему я просто не могу съесть батончик, или вы и его хотите уничтожить как мой план с беседкой?

Would you like a snack or a cold beverage?

Что предпочитаете, легкую закуску или холодные напитки?

There was no snack food, and until the ’20s, until Clarence Birdseye came along, there was no frozen food.

Не было быстрых закусок , и до 20х годов, когда появилась Клэренс Бёрдзай, не было замороженных полуфабрикатов.

And as we now know, Björnsson consumes anywhere from 50g (midnight snack ) to 150g (main meal) of protein per meal.

А как нам теперь известно, Гора потребляет от 50 граммов (полночный перекус) до 150 граммов (главный прием пищи) белка за один раз.

Escape the stress of the fair with us over a welcoming drink and a snack .

Наши напитки и легкие закуски помогут Вам снять напряжение, связанное с ярмаркой.

A little snack for her might be 50 pounds of mackerel.

Для неё лёгкая закуска — это 50 фунтов макрели.

We’ve always been nice, well-behaved little boys, good at school, hard-working, home for our snack .

Мы были милыми, хорошими маленькими мальчиками, хорошими учениками, не ленивыми, ходили домой на полдник.

I didn’t like to ask, but after what my ordeal, I wouldn’t mind a snack .

Я стеснялась сказать. После всех этих треволнений я бы перекусила.

I decided to grab a snack from the bodega.

Я решил захватить в магазине что — нибудь перекусить.

I mean, I’m right in his snack bracket.

Я подходящая закуска для него.

It is a favorite East Asian snack food.

Это любимое восточназиатское угощение.

He thought of No. 1’s cold snack , and the muscles of his face distorted themselves into a grimace.

Когда он вспомнил о полднике Первого, его лицо искривилось невольной гримасой отвращения.

And at the top of the snack pantry.

И до верхней полки в буфете.

These lorry-drivers were just having a snack , fifteen roubles apiece, and very likely this wasn’t their main breakfast either.

Эти шофера запросто перекусывали за пятнадцать рублей каждый — и ещё, может быть, это был не главный их завтрак.

It’s a sedative, not a pre-labour cocktail snack .

Это успокоительное средство, а не легкая закуска перед схватками.

At some point later in the evening, it went back in the study looking for a snack .

В какой — то момент, поздно вечером, он отправился в кабинет, в поисках легкой закуски .

The night snack was served, even though king went out on those days

вечером подавали легкую закуску , тогда как государь выезжал в эти дни.

Boil them and we’ll snack on them!

Сварим его и сделаем лёгкие закуски !

I need a snack after having such a heavy meal.

Мне нужна лёгкая закуска после такой тяжёлой еды.

Not an emergency, but we do have a small fire in the snack bar.

Это не опасно, но у нас небольшой пожар в снэк — баре.

I’ll see you at the snack machine.

Увидимся у автомата со снэками.

You should’ve seen me at my first day at the Racing Rapids snack bar.

Ты бы видела меня.. В мой первый день в снэк — баре Рэйсинг Рэпидс.

The Hank Somerville Music Hour, sponsored by Snack-o-Ham , the snacking ‘ ham that smacks of goodness.

Музыкальный час Хэнка Сомервилля! Наш спонсор Ветчина в дорожку, вкуснейший снэк!

Hey, why don’t you beat the shit out of this bad guy? And, like, we’ll give you a Scooby Snack .

Иди, настучи тому плохому парню, и за это мы дадим тебе Скуби Снэк.

Snack Time owns Captain Peg-Leg Tuna… which isn’t- all together now- dolphin friendly.

А компанияСнэк таймподдерживает Кэптэн Пег Лег Тьюн. Они наносят вред дельфинам.

No mutton available at snack shop.

В снек — баре баранины нет.

I was just trying to get to Lorne’s protein snack .

Я просто пытался достать Лорну протеиновый снек.

Rubashov thought of No. 1’s cold snack .

Рубашову вспомнился холодный полдник Первого.

Now, we’ll give you your snack , Margarita.

А сейчас мы дадим тебе твой полдник, Маргарита.

I noticed in the snack schedule that Thursday’s supposed to be doughnuts.

Я заметила в меню полдника, что в четверг должны быть пончики.

I’ll take care of the snack , it’ll be splendid.

Я приготовлю полдник… Будет очень вкусно.

Snack holes, actually, Langdon corrected.

Скорее закусочные , — улыбнулся Лэнгдон.

I’m going to step up to Rogers’ and get a snack .

Я пошел в закусочную Роджерса, перехвачу чего — нибудь.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. bite, collation, snackverb

    a light informal meal

    sting, bit, pungency, collation, raciness, chomp, bite, morsel, insect bite, sharpness

  2. nosh, snackverb

    eat a snack; eat lightly

    «She never loses weight because she snacks between meals»


How to pronounce snack?

How to say snack in sign language?

How to use snack in a sentence?

  1. Margaret Karagas:

    We were surprised by the percentage of infants who ate rice snacks and that one of these products contained levels above the current E.U. standard of 100 parts per billion, this was a strawberry flavored puffed rice snack, which contained 40 percent inorganic arsenic, with the first two ingredients listed as brown and white rice flour.

  2. Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella:

    ( An) individual who left the bag of remains on the snack stand door was located and directed law enforcement officers to the location where the remains were found, additional bones and some personal items were discovered at the site.

  3. Magnus Falk:

    They were dissatisfied with the content of the breakfast snack.

  4. Cindy Shelton:

    It’s an unlimited buffet so babies self-regulate when they breastfeed. They’re not going to overfeed or underfeed but sometimes they want a snack.

  5. Jill Castle:

    If a child doesn’t eat his dinner and is hungry later, you can say,’ we don’t have snack at this time. … We have breakfast tomorrow morning,’.

Translations for snack

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • وجبة خفيفةArabic
  • svačinaCzech
  • mellemmåltidDanish
  • Zwischenmahlzeit, Snack, Happen, jausnen, Jause, ImbissGerman
  • κολατσιόGreek
  • kolaziono, manĝeto, manĝetiEsperanto
  • refrigerio, picar, piscolabis, bocado, botana, piquislabis, refacción, bala fría, mecatear, tentempiéSpanish
  • خوراک مختصرPersian
  • pikkupurtava, välipala, napostellaFinnish
  • casse-croûte, grignotage, goûter, grignoter, hors-d’œuvreFrench
  • խորտիկArmenian
  • camilanIndonesian
  • spuntino, merendinaItalian
  • 間食, スナック, 間食する, おやつ, 軽食Japanese
  • kōmuramuraMāori
  • закуска, ужинаMacedonian
  • зуушMongolian
  • snekMalay
  • tussendoortjeDutch
  • matbitNorwegian
  • naalghazhíNavajo, Navaho
  • przekąskaPolish
  • lanchePortuguese
  • gustareRomanian
  • закусывать, закусить, перекусывать, перекусить, закуска, перекусRussian
  • zakuska, užinaSerbo-Croatian
  • mellanmål, fikaSwedish
  • చిరుతిండిTelugu
  • atıştırmalık, çerez, atıştırmakTurkish
  • سنیکUrdu
  • snackVietnamese
  • פֿאַרבייַסןYiddish
  • 小吃Chinese

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  • தமிழ் (Tamil)
  • Türkçe (Turkish)
  • తెలుగు (Telugu)
  • ภาษาไทย (Thai)
  • Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
  • Čeština (Czech)
  • Polski (Polish)
  • Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
  • Românește (Romanian)
  • Nederlands (Dutch)
  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
  • Latinum (Latin)
  • Svenska (Swedish)
  • Dansk (Danish)
  • Suomi (Finnish)
  • فارسی (Persian)
  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


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A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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bite, bite to eat, break, elevenses     (Brit. informal)   light meal, nibble, refreshment(s), titbit  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( snacks    plural & 3rd person present)   ( snacking    present participle)   ( snacked    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-count   A snack is a simple meal that is quick to cook and to eat.  
Lunch was a snack in the fields.     

2       n-count   A snack is something such as a chocolate bar that you eat between meals.  
Do you eat sweets, cakes or sugary snacks?     

3       verb   If you snack, you eat snacks between meals.  
Instead of snacking on crisps and chocolate, nibble on celery or carrot…      V on n  

snack bar        ( snack bars    plural  ) A snack bar is a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals such as sandwiches.      n-count  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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What is another word for snack?

389 synonyms found


[ snˈak], [ snˈak], [ s_n_ˈa_k]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    • Barbie,
    • box lunch,
    • buffet,
    • brunch,
    • BBQ,
    • breakfast bar,
    • a bite.

    • champ,
    • crunch,
    • cannibalize,
    • bolt,
    • choke down,
    • demolish,
    • chow down.

    bite (noun)

    • brunches,
    • nosh,
    • light meal,
    • light meals.

    collation (noun)

    • collation.

    daily intake of food (noun)

    • diet.

    diet (noun)

    • daily bread,
    • grubberies,
    • grubbery,
    • provisions,
    • subsistence,
    • daily breads,
    • pro visions,
    • edibles,
    • pro-visions.

    food (noun)

    • pap,
    • home cooking,
    • victual,
    • cookery,
    • food,
    • viand,
    • Foods,
    • moveable feast,
    • cookeries.

    food, often taken by several individuals (noun)

    • meal.

    food supplies (noun)

    • victuals.

    hors d’oeuvre (noun)

    • foretastes,
    • fore-taste,
    • fore taste.

    lunch (noun)

    • lunch,
    • high tea,
    • tiffin,
    • tiffins.

    luncheon (noun)

    • slight meal,
    • hasty repast.

    morsel (noun)

    • Mouthfuls.

    morsel, bite (noun)

    • nibble.

    pap (noun)

    • Esculent.

    sweet (noun)

    • sweetmeat,
    • final course,
    • sugarplums,
    • chocolate,
    • confiture,
    • chocolates,
    • sweets,
    • sugarplum,
    • sweetmeats.

    tidbit (noun)

    • titbits,
    • goody.

    tiny meal (noun)

    • morsel,
    • grub.

    vittles (noun)

    • vittles.
  • v.

    consume (verb)

    • in-haled,
    • hoovering,
    • chowed down,
    • stuffing ones face,
    • in-hale,
    • stuffs ones face,
    • stuffed face,
    • stuff one face,
    • in gest,
    • stuffs one’s face,
    • in-hales,
    • in haling,
    • in-haling,
    • in gests,
    • tossing down,
    • stuffs one face,
    • stuffed one face,
    • stuffing face,
    • stuff ones face,
    • stuffing one face,
    • tost down,
    • chows down,
    • in hales,
    • tosses down,
    • stuffs face,
    • stuffed one’s face,
    • stuff face,
    • in-gests,
    • chowing down,
    • stuffed ones face,
    • stuffing one’s face,
    • in hale,
    • in haled,
    • hoovered,
    • in-gest,
    • tossed down.

    eat (verb)

    • dine,
    • devour,
    • ingest,
    • sup.

    feed on (verb)

    • exists on,
    • lives on,
    • living on,
    • existing on,
    • existed on.

    nibble (verb)

    • eating like bird,
    • noshed on,
    • eat like bird,
    • ate like a bird,
    • noshes on,
    • eats like a bird,
    • eating like a bird,
    • ate like bird,
    • eats like bird,
    • noshing on.

    Other relevant words: (verb)

    • cooking,
    • bite.
  • Other synonyms:

    • tea.


    • Scarfing,
    • stuff one’s face,
    • Swilled,
    • snacking,
    • mealed,
    • swilling,
    • toss down,
    • downing,
    • Downs,
    • snacked,
    • Hoovers,
    • feed on,
    • mealing,
    • Scarfed,
    • gulp,
    • downed,
    • Gorging.


    • feast upon,
    • have a meal,
    • make pig of oneself,
    • take food,
    • gobbled up,
    • had a meal,
    • Banqueted,
    • feasts upon,
    • eating,
    • taking food,
    • partakes of,
    • have a bite,
    • Lunched,
    • lunching,
    • pork out,
    • eaten,
    • take nourishment,
    • have for,
    • breakfasted,
    • peck at,
    • partake of,
    • gobble up,
    • taking nourishment,
    • having a meal,
    • Breakfasting,
    • banqueting,
    • had a bite.

    feed on

    • Pastured,
    • lived on,
    • Subsisting,
    • live on,
    • Fared,
    • Pasturing,
    • feeding on,
    • Nurtured,
    • exist on.


    • nosh on,
    • eat like a bird.

    Other relevant words:

    • eat,
    • consume.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • mess,
    • snick,
    • dish,
    • raciness,
    • junk food,
    • soupcon,
    • hunk,
    • light repast,
    • nourishment,
    • details,
    • grain,
    • quantum,
    • dissipate,
    • nip,
    • pittance,
    • cut,
    • divvy,
    • mouthful,
    • trace,
    • break bread,
    • molecule,
    • dole,
    • mite,
    • jag,
    • pack away,
    • hair,
    • hint,
    • scruple,
    • restorative,
    • meed,
    • minimum,
    • refreshments,
    • whet,
    • spend,
    • contingent,
    • proportion,
    • patch,
    • chomp,
    • morceau,
    • scantling,
    • piece,
    • droplet,
    • Bara,
    • luncheon,
    • shred,
    • eatables,
    • iota,
    • speck,
    • scintilla,
    • minim,
    • point,
    • acuteness,
    • corpuscle,
    • pick,
    • measure,
    • chip,
    • share,
    • lot,
    • potluck,
    • cutting,
    • sprinkling,
    • whit,
    • clipping,
    • sting,
    • blowout,
    • hour,
    • snippet,
    • insect bite,
    • elevenses,
    • fast food,
    • refection,
    • lump,
    • shard,
    • snacks,
    • Minutiae,
    • sop,
    • break,
    • stump,
    • course,
    • spark,
    • supper,
    • cast,
    • shaving,
    • dot,
    • scrag,
    • refreshment,
    • goodies,
    • Collop,
    • titbit,
    • scrap,
    • pickings,
    • seed,
    • hearty meal,
    • severity,
    • atom,
    • crumb,
    • splinter,
    • percentage,
    • plate,
    • bite to eat,
    • stimulate,
    • dejeuner,
    • shade,
    • moiety,
    • Dight,
    • tittle,
    • chunk,
    • munch,
    • smack,
    • quota,
    • screed,
    • clip,
    • regale,
    • dessert,
    • pungency,
    • sharpen,
    • deal,
    • allotment,
    • put away,
    • shadow,
    • sip,
    • keenness,
    • paring,
    • item,
    • rasher,
    • square meal,
    • burn,
    • finish,
    • annihilate,
    • chipping,
    • vanishing point,
    • grind,
    • ace,
    • idea,
    • snip,
    • particle,
    • absorb,
    • look,
    • junket,
    • flitter,
    • hors d’oeuvre,
    • chow,
    • gobbet,
    • swallow,
    • granule,
    • tincture,
    • tatter,
    • light lunch,
    • dab,
    • jot,
    • Regalement,
    • something to eat,
    • corrode,
    • tidbit,
    • bit,
    • part,
    • smithereen,
    • gleam,
    • thought,
    • inch,
    • snatch,
    • scoop,
    • expend,
    • sharpness,
    • dollop,
    • end,
    • full meal,
    • sliver,
    • fragment,
    • tinge,
    • bitterness,
    • gob,
    • Bever,
    • shiver,
    • dash,
    • Cantlet,
    • stitch,
    • peck,
    • bait,
    • whack,
    • eat between meals,
    • mote,
    • squander,
    • fritter,
    • slip,
    • midnight snack,
    • pick at,
    • modicum,
    • driblet,
    • drop,
    • slice,
    • butt,
    • dram,
    • globule,
    • eats,
    • scale,
    • destroy,
    • coffee break,
    • quicken,
    • portion,
    • entertainment,
    • spice,
    • con,
    • sweet,
    • touch,
    • interest,
    • Shive,
    • substantial meal.

How to use «Snack» in context?

What Is A snack? A snack is a type of food that usually contains little or no calories and is meant to be eaten in small amounts. Snacks can be eaten at any time, but are usually eaten in between meals or during the breaks between meals. Types of snacks include crisps, nuts, dried fruit, chocolate, and biscuits. Why Have Snacks? There are many reasons why people have snacks. Some people like to have snacks because they help them to feel full, while others like to have snacks as a way to stay healthy. Some people like to have snacks because they are a fun way to spend their time.

Paraphrases for Snack:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Forward Entailment

    • Noun, singular or mass
  • Independent

    • Noun, singular or mass
      breakfast, cook, eating, taste.
  • Other Related

    • Noun, singular or mass
      food, lunch, refreshment, sandwich, tasting, snacking.

Homophones for Snack:

  • signing, showing, schmooze, sissiness, socinus, seagoing, sexiness, science, Shawnee Cake, sang, shininess, samosa, schmoose, shumac, snowshoe, sea snake, snick, sonsy, Soochong, siemens, shagginess, sanies, sens, ski mask, session cookie, scanning, sea moss, sonsie, swinish, snook, sanyasi, shmooze, skimming, sagging, seasickness, senega, sauciness, simoniz, shyness, summoning, siamese, sex change, smack, seeing, shamanise, sink, schinus, sinus, seasoning, skink, sinningia, swank, swing, smokehouse, seeking, snooze, synge, synanceja, snazzy, sunniness, snug, smock, sacking, siamang, synoicous, sunchoke, samekh, sousing, sing, squeamish, saying, sinning, sneaky, shnook, sea change, sinuous, snow goose, senesce, sessions, soughing, schmuck, synonymous, shamanize, shocking, schmegegge, swanneck, sango, soaking, showiness, shenyang, skunk, sneezy, snake eyes, sneeze, schumann-heink, smooch, soissons, summons, Sean O’Casey, simonize, synagogue, sconce, schnoz, sonchus, skiing, swimming kick, synezesis, signage, swimming, sogginess, swanky, synoecious, song, sumach, someways, Shun Giku, shmegegge, sickening, Souchong, snog, shank, shunning, sing-kwa, sannyasi, smoky, scincus, sameness, schnook, smug, sagaciousness, San Jose, sassing, sync, snaky, squinch, songhai, scheming, sickness, squeezing, synechia, seneca, sassenach, symons, Simonise, skanky, seeming, swinge, shanghai, sonic, sangay, sanious, skank, sneak, seizing, scenic, sung, swishing, shakiness, senecio, sucking, shaking, shining, sneak away, shmoose, skewness, seance, smog, shamash, snag, swooning, seismic, swan-neck, shmuck, sea king, sayanci, sizing, smoke, so much, sunk, singe, shamus, sequence, saneness, synizesis, snake, succinic, smoggy, swingy, Sanchez, skinniness, shang, sensuous, sewing, squeaking, sea mouse, smash, sense, soon enough, sumac, swansea.

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