Sluggish синонимы

Варианты (v1)

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  • sluggish [ˈslʌgɪʃ] прил

    1. медлительный, медленный, вялотекущий, застойный, нерасторопный

      (slow, stagnant)

      • sluggish growth – медленный рост
      • sluggish schizophrenia – вялотекущая шизофрения
    2. вялый, неповоротливый, ленивый

      (languid, clumsy, lazy)

    3. инертный, косный, инерционный

      (inert, inertial)

    4. тяжелый на подъем

вялый sluggish, slack, flaccid, languid, listless, flabby
медлительный slow, sluggish, dilatory, tardy, lingering, lagging
медленный slow, sluggish, long, leisurely, creeping, tardy
ленивый lazy, indolent, slothful, idle, sluggish, shiftless
инертный inert, rare, noble, inactive, passive, sluggish
неповоротливый clumsy, hulking, sluggish, leaden, logy, snail-paced
бездеятельный inactive, supine, passive, inoperative, vacuous, sluggish
дряблый flabby, flaccid, slack, soft, dozed, sluggish

Предложения со словом «sluggish»

Elevated testosterone levels, elevated levels of stress hormones, and your amygdala is going to be more active and your frontal cortex will be more sluggish .

Повышенный уровень тестостерона и гормонов стресса приводит к повышению активности миндалины и замедлению работы лобной доли.

She felt sluggish from the double dose of medication.

После приема двойной дозы успокаивающего она чувствовала себя довольно вялой.

A sluggish stream wandered between banks of dark red reeds.

Мутная река протекала между берегами, густо заросшими темно — красным камышом.

Like a serpent sluggish with the cold, the columns of the South poured on down the Vale, to take their places in the line of march, while their Commander halted by the doors of the Keep.

Ленивой змеей колонны южан стекали в Долину, чтобы занять свои места в общем строю.

The sluggish gray-black mass that had been a solid wall floated toward the washroom.

Медленно оползающая черно — серая масса, которая когда — то была сплошной твердой стеной, наплывала на туалет.

Then its sluggish nervous system brought it the message that it was dead.

Но тут медлительная нервная система донесла до тролля весть, что он уже мертв.

She tried to move her arm, but it was heavy and sluggish , the muscles spent from the convulsion.

Она попыталась пошевелить рукой, но рука была тяжелой и распухшей, а мышцы обмякли после конвульсий.

Did you honestly think that I was gonna be thwarted by some sweaty, sluggish non-entity like yourself?

Ты правда думал, что мне помешает какое — то вялое и потное ничтожество вроде тебя?

Domestic demand was sluggish and consequently lacked the vigour to offset the weakening of external demand.

Внутренний спрос был вялым и следовательно недостаточно энергичным для компенсации ослабления внешнего спроса.

Construction is among the hardest hit, while the sluggish recovery of merchandise trade has delayed the recovery in transport services.

Сильнее других пострадал, в частности, строительный сектор, а восстановлению сектора транспортных услуг препятствует вялый рост товарной торговли.

Trump, Putin and Sluggish Reforms Push Ukraine Toward Russia

Трамп, Путин и реформаторы поневоле советуют Украине сближаться с Россией

These small sums are unlikely to help the ECB to its ultimate goal which is to boost the Eurozone’s sluggish economy and get the region out of deflation territory.

Эти небольшие суммы вряд ли помогут ЕЦБ добиться цели, поднять отстающую экономику и вывести регион из дефляции.

The economic outlook for Japan – sluggish growth – remains intact, but the sharp decline in oil prices offers the potential to juice the rate of expansion.

Перспектива слабого экономического роста в Японии остается в силе, однако сильное удешевление нефти дает шанс увеличить темпы экономической активности.

This year, however, output is expected to rise by a relatively sluggish 5.9%.

В этом году, однако, ожидается, что объем производства вырастет только на 5,9%.

Positivity from China’s stronger than expected GDP reading was offset by sluggish corporate earnings, alongside the IMF’s downgrade of global economic growth.

Позитив от более сильного, чем ожидалось, роста экономики Китая был сбалансирован слабыми корпоративными отчетами, а также понижением прогноза МВФ по динамике мировой экономики.

With a baseline scenario of recession or sluggish growth amid budget austerity for years ahead, Portugal will likely seek help sooner rather than later.

При основном сценарии спада или вялого роста, с ограниченными бюджетами на годы вперед, Португалия, вероятно, будет искать помощи как можно скорее.

After all, a currency can appreciate while an economy is sluggish , or depreciate despite robust growth.

В конце концов, валютный курс может повышаться в период вялой экономической активности и понижаться, несмотря на здоровый экономический рост.

She has yet to deal with the major problems of the day — financial instability, Europe’s sluggish growth, the Middle East — and she cannot avoid them during her campaign.

Гнев баронов Социалистической Партии, вызванный подъемом Рояль, особенно забавно было наблюдать.

Given the movements in the euro’s exchange rate in previous months and sluggish growth in the euro area, we expected that inflation rates would decline, but only to levels close to 2%.

Учитывая динамику обменного курса евро в предыдущие месяцы и вялый экономический рост в еврозоне, мы ожидали понижения темпов инфляции, но только до уровня близкого к 2%.

It is still in demographic decline; its sluggish economy is overly dependent on a bare few industries, and its technological innovation prowess lags far behind the West’s.

Ее демография по — прежнему находится в упадке, а ее экономика не слишком динамична и излишне зависит от нескольких отраслей. Вдобавок она заметно отстает от Запада в области технологических инноваций.

Another downer OPEC is powerless to affect is the sluggish global economy — which means less energy demand.

Другим фактором, на который страны ОПЕК бессильны повлиять, является застой в мировой экономике, который неизбежно влечет за собой снижение спроса на энергоресурсы.

Critics also blame India’s sluggish bureaucracy for the delays.

Критики обвиняют в задержке индийскую неповоротливую бюрократию.

..draining liquids, restoring sluggish circulation.. ..and deflating the fatty cells that cause orange peel-like skin.

выводит жидкость, восстанавливает кровообращение и освобождает жировые клетки — причину апельсиновой корки.

She was a plump, pink, sluggish girl who read good books and kept urging Yossarian not to be so bourgeois without the r.

Это была полненькая, розовенькая, томная молодая дама, которая читала умные книги и постоянно убеждала Йоссариана не произносить звук р на мещанский лад.

The water was full of refuse, and crawled black and sluggish among ‘the rafters and kitchenware.

Река была завалена обломками, и ее черные воды медленно и лениво ползли среди балок и домашней рухляди.

Relying on the sluggish bloodstream to deliver an impure compound?

Полагаться на медленное кровообращение, чтобы доставить неочищенный препарат?

His movements were sluggish nowadays, not as they once were. He no longer strode firmly along a straight line that he had marked out for himself, turning sharply whenever it came to an end.

Он теперь передвигался вяло, не так, как раньше; он уже не вышагивал твёрдо по намеченной прямой, круто поворачиваясь в её концах.

Why is the turnout of millennial voters so sluggish ?

Почему явка избирателей тысячелетних проходит так вяло?

Thanks, but if I consume more than my own weight in pasta, I get sluggish .

Спасибо, но если я съем пасты больше собственного веса, я не смогу больше двинуться.

He was genteel, effeminate, graceful, robust, sluggish , ferocious.

Ремеслом этого миловидного юноши, женственного, грациозного, сильного, томного и жестокого, являлся грабеж с убийством.

‘Cause if you don’t, you’re gonna get sick, and then you’ll get all sluggish like you do, and then you’ll grouch and you’ll whine a little, and nobody wants that.

А иначе ты можешь заболеть, и тогда ты весь размякнешься, как обычно. Потом начнешь ворчать и ныть, а это никому не нужно.

But then the sluggish , sultry wind began to blow anew.

Но потом снова подул гнилой, парной ветер.

The deep gully beside the head stockman’s house had a shallow, sluggish stream of muddy water at its bottom.

По дну глубокого оврага возле дома, где поселились Клири, вяло струится мелкая, мутная неспешная речонка.

And at their foot, hugging the bank against the stream, crept the little begrimed steamboat, like a sluggish beetle crawling on the floor of a lofty portico.

А у корней, прижавшись к берегу, против течения медленно плывет небольшой, покрытый копотью пароход как неповоротливый жук, ползущий на высокую по веранду.

The saw gave forth a single sluggish twang that ceased with lifeless alacrity, leaving the blade in a thin clean curve between Luster’s hand and the floor.

Вот ударил сбоку по пиле. Пила лениво дзинькнула и смолкла с безжизненной моментальностью застыла под рукой Ластера тонкой, ровной дугой полотнища.

Meanwhile, Republican leaders argue that its passage would be … the very stimulant a sluggish economy needs.

Между тем, лидеры республиканской партии настаивают на принятии такого закона.

The lime was burning with a sluggish stifling smell, but the fires were made up and left, and no workmen were visible.

Известь горела, издавая тяжелый, удушливый запах, но рабочих не было видно, — огонь зажгли на всю ночь.

His own sluggish , diseased blood, ruined by the X-rays, was still more precious to him than any fresh addition.

Своя, измученная рентгеном, вялая больная кровь была ему всё — таки дороже свежей добавки.

Don’t let the forwards mix with the guards. And if they’re acting sluggish , slip some steroids into their cocaine.

Не давай нападающим драться с защитой, а будут вялыми — подмешивай стероиды в кокаин.

Below him flowed a wide and sluggish river.

Там, внизу, текла широкая, медлительная река.

This wide and sluggish river was the Coppermine.

Эта широкая, медлительная река и была Коппермайн.

He has me sit down and stare at a glass until I’m sluggish and tired.

Заставляет меня сидеть и смотреть на шлифовальное стекло, пока я не становлюсь медлительным и усталым.

There’s only one thing- you’re a bit sluggish with the old elbow, aren’t you?

Только один недостаток — вы немного медлительны , не так ли?

I will, answered Panikovsky, wiping away his sluggish , old-man’s tears.

Буду, — ответил Паниковский, утирая медленные стариковские слезы.

Again, like the sluggish part of a river.

Так же как и медленной части реки.

Her sluggish temperament made her appreciate noisy people.

При ее вялом характере ей должны нравиться шумные люди.

His verse is sluggish and obscure (It’s called romanticism by us;

Так он писал темно и вяло (Что романтизмом мы зовем.

But the tortoise is acting super sluggish .

Но эта черепаха выглядит уж очень вялой.

I’m the first to admit that he’s been a bit sluggish lately.

Да я признаю, что сейчас он, может быть, выглядит немного вялым…

‘You may be a little sluggish after the opium cake.’

Вы можете быть слегка вялым после кекса с опиумом.

I’m going to give you a sporting chance, Father, although you may be a little sluggish after the opium cake.

Я собираюсь дать вам шанс, отец, хотя вы можете быть слегка вялым после кекса с опиумом.

Well, the ox is a sluggish beast.

Вол довольно вялый зверь.

There is one thing, I said, to allay the fears I had aroused; they are the most sluggish things I ever saw crawl.

Только одно хорошо, — заметил я, чтобы успокоить встревоженную жену. — Это самые неповоротливые существа из всех, какие мне приходилось видеть.

Of course. When he first came to learn swordfighting, he was so sluggish .

Конечно же. был таким неповоротливым!

It looked like a shining, coloured snake over the sluggish black water.

Мост над ленивой черной водой походил на искрящуюся пеструю змею.

I love their vacant, trusting stares, their sluggish , unencumbered minds, their unresolved daddy issues.

Я обожаю их пустой, доверчивый взгляд, их ленивый, не обремененный мыслями ум, их нерешенные отцовские проблемы.

Mr. Bailey, phaser crews were sluggish .

М — р Бейли, расчеты фазеров работали вяло.

Oh, no, I thought you were rather sluggish tonight.

Нет, скорее это вы сегодня вяловаты.

On the whole, however, there was something decidedly sluggish and insignificant about Jean Valjean in appearance, at least.

А в общем этот Жан Вальжан, по крайней мере с виду, казался существом довольно вялым и заурядным.

Uh, mostly neurosis and sluggish thyroids.

Только неврозы, и мелкие проблемы со щитовидной железой.

What is another word for Sluggish?

  • slow

    inactive, lethargic

  • torpid

    dull, lethargic

  • inert

    dull, inactive

  • dull

    property, dead

  • lethargic

    inactive, action

  • inactive

    dull, behaviour

  • slack

    behaviour, dull

  • languid

    lethargic, dull

  • listless

    lethargic, inactive

  • indolent

    lazy, characteristic

  • slothful

    lazy, characteristic

  • lazy

    characteristic, behaviour

  • idle

    lazy, characteristic

  • dilatory


  • dopey

    action, dozy

  • tardy

    slow, reluctant

  • stagnant

    property, dead

  • lifeless

    inactive, lethargic

  • phlegmatic

    lacking spirit

  • drowsy


  • apathetic

  • sleepy

  • laggard

  • supine

  • flat

    property, dead

  • dead

    property, inert

  • passive

  • lackadaisical


  • shiftless


  • leaden

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Synonyms for Sluggish. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 01, from

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Synonyms for Sluggish. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2023.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 2 votes

  1. sluggish

    Idle in all uses rests upon its root meaning, as derived from the Anglo-Saxon idel, which signifies vain, empty, useless. Idle thus denotes not primarily the absence of action, but vain action — the absence of useful, effective action; the idle schoolboy may be very actively whittling his desk or tormenting his neighbors. Doing nothing whatever is the secondary meaning of idle. One may be temporarily idle of necessity; if he is habitually idle, it is his own fault. Lazy signifies indisposed to exertion, averse to labor; idleness is in fact; laziness is in disposition or inclination. A lazy person may chance to be employed in useful work, but he acts without energy or impetus. We speak figuratively of a lazy stream. The inert person seems like dead matter (characterized by inertia), powerless to move; the sluggish moves heavily and toilsomely; the most active person may sometimes find the bodily or mental powers sluggish. Slothful belongs in the moral realm, denoting a self-indulgent aversion to exertion. «The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth,» Prov. xxvi, 15. Indolent is a milder term for the same quality; the slothful man hates action; the indolent man loves inaction. Compare VAIN.

    idle, inactive, indolent, inert, lazy, slothful, trifling, unemployed, unoccupied, vacant

    active, busy, diligent, employed, industrious, occupied, working

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. sluggish, sulkyadjective

    moving slowly

    «a sluggish stream»

    gloomful, huffish, sulky, dull, glooming, inert, soggy, gloomy, torpid, slow

    active, fast

  2. dull, slow, sluggishadjective

    (of business) not active or brisk

    «business is dull (or slow)»; «a sluggish market»

    thudding, dim, wearisome, torpid, dense, muted, boring, dumb, leaden, tedious, slow, obtuse, deadening, soggy, sulky, tiresome, muffled, ho-hum, irksome, inert, dull, softened

    active, fast

  3. inert, sluggish, soggy, torpidadjective

    slow and apathetic

    «she was fat and inert»; «a sluggish worker»; «a mind grown torpid in old age»

    miry, waterlogged, dull, torpid, doughy, sloughy, inert, squashy, swampy, sulky, slow, neutral, sloppy, marshy, quaggy, mucky, soggy, indifferent, hibernating(a), boggy, muddy, dormant

    active, fast

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. sluggishadjective

    inert, inactive, indolent, idle, lazy, slothful, dronish, lumpish, supine, phlegmatic

  2. sluggishadjective

    slow, not brisk

How to pronounce sluggish?

How to say sluggish in sign language?

How to use sluggish in a sentence?

  1. Takeshi Minami:

    Output will probably pick up from June onwards but it will be necessary to remain on guard for a second wave (of coronavirus infections), the pace of a rebound will likely continue to be sluggish.

  2. Walter Scott:

    One hour of life, crowded to the full with glorious action, and filled with noble risks, is worth whole years of those mean observances of paltry decorum, in which men steal through existence, like sluggish waters through a marsh, without either honor or observation.

  3. Gennadiy Goldberg:

    Orders were weak across the board, remaining consistent with a sluggish rebound in growth following the early-year slowing in economic momentum.

  4. Mitch McConnell:

    This problem has been developing in slow motion for several months now, but The Biden administration has been characteristically sluggish and halting in response.

  5. Sanam Hafeez:

    While wintertime SAD can make people feel sluggish, people with summertime SAD can feel an energy surge at bedtime.

Translations for sluggish

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • trägeGerman
  • lento, huevón, haragán, tarado, estúpido, inútil, apagado, inerte, calmo, calmado, perezoso, pendejo, desganado, aburridoSpanish
  • hiljainen, heikko, laiska, hidasälyinen, veltto, verkkainen, jähmeä, hidasFinnish
  • rétamé, naze, poussif, poussive, faiblard, faiblardeFrench
  • ceanntromIrish
  • lassúHungarian
  • lentoItalian
  • بێ تاقه‌تKurdish
  • hōtoa, pūtumuMāori
  • langzaamDutch
  • opieszałyPolish
  • инертный, заторможенный, ленивый, неповоротливый, медленныйRussian
  • chậm chạpVietnamese

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callous, coarse, dead, debilitated, dilatory,, drowsy, dull, exhausted, faint, fat, feeble, flat, good-for-nothing, idle, inactive, inattentive, indifferent, indolent, inert, inoperative, insensible, insipid, lackadaisical, languid, lax,, lazy, lethargic, lifeless, lingering, listless, low, motionless, negligent, obtuse, passive, phlegmatic, remiss, shiftless, slack, slothful, slow, spiritless, stagnant, stupid, supine, tardy, torpid, unsusceptible, weak, soggy, sulky.

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What is another word for sluggish?

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[ slˈʌɡɪʃ], [ slˈʌɡɪʃ], [ s_l_ˈʌ_ɡ_ɪ_ʃ]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    all (adjective)

    • sulky,
    • sluggish.

    backward (adjective)

    • re tiring,
    • un-willing,
    • re-served,
    • in-disposed,
    • re-tiring,
    • un eager,
    • un willing,
    • most uneager,
    • dis-inclined,
    • de-mure,
    • more uneager,
    • re served,
    • in disposed,
    • dis inclined,
    • de mure,
    • un-eager.

    bloodless (adjective)

    • most anesthetic,
    • un-kind,
    • in-sensible,
    • more anesthetic,
    • un kinder,
    • un-kindest,
    • in sensible,
    • in sensitive,
    • un kindest,
    • un emotional,
    • un-kinder,
    • impassive,
    • un kind,
    • in-sensitive,
    • un-emotional.

    comatose (adjective)

    • dead to world,
    • dead the world,
    • drugged,
    • more soporose,
    • out,
    • most soporose,
    • out lunch,
    • somnolent,
    • dead world,
    • out to lunch,
    • in conscious,
    • in-conscious,
    • most inconscious,
    • more inconscious.

    dense (adjective)

    • slow-witted,
    • fatheaded,
    • oafish,
    • Numskulled.

    dilatory (adjective)

    • unhasty,
    • neglectful,
    • Snail-like,
    • lax,
    • Moratory,
    • time-wasting.

    dopey (adjective)

    • more slumberish,
    • most slumberish,
    • idiotic.

    dormant (adjective)

    • more slumbering,
    • out action,
    • in-operative,
    • pre patent,
    • more hibernating,
    • on shelf,
    • more prepatent,
    • most prepatent,
    • most slumbering,
    • more smoldering,
    • pre-patent,
    • suspended,
    • in operative,
    • most sidelined,
    • most hibernating,
    • on the shelf,
    • more sidelined,
    • most smoldering.

    down (adjective)

    • dis-heartened,
    • more chapfallen,
    • de pressed,
    • de-pressed,
    • dis heartened,
    • most disheartened,
    • more disheartened,
    • most chapfallen.

    drowsy (adjective)

    • more lulling,
    • most dozing,
    • napping,
    • more napping,
    • most napping,
    • snooziest,
    • more dozing,
    • doziest,
    • snoozier,
    • dozier,
    • out it,
    • most lulling,
    • soothing.

    dull (adjective)

    • stupefied,
    • logy,
    • Impassible,
    • doltish,
    • without incident,
    • unintellectual,
    • lethargic,
    • shallow,
    • not bright,
    • ponderous,
    • draggy,
    • lumpy,
    • dim,
    • besotted,
    • soporific,
    • apathetic,
    • shallower,
    • blunt,
    • boorish,
    • obtuse,
    • cloddish,
    • yawner,
    • benumbed,
    • witless,
    • bovine,
    • halfbaked,
    • loutish.

    dull, slow-moving (adjective)

    • leaden,
    • sullen,
    • indolent,
    • laid-back,
    • pokey,
    • Mooney,
    • dragging,
    • drippy,
    • sleepyheaded,
    • lifeless,
    • unresponsive,
    • blah,
    • lumpish,
    • inert,
    • stiff.

    fatigued (adjective)

    • worn-out,
    • Wayworn,
    • exhausted,
    • tired,
    • fatigued,
    • run down,
    • run-down,
    • Frazzled,
    • Flagged,
    • enervated,
    • weary.

    idle (adjective)

    • Resting,
    • idler.

    inactive (adjective)

    • mothballed,
    • on hold,
    • jobless,
    • out of service,
    • supine,
    • low key,
    • do nothing,
    • in holding pattern.

    indolent (adjective)

    • droniest,
    • re sting,
    • dronier,
    • re-sting.

    inert (adjective)

    • motionless,
    • insensible,
    • catatonic,
    • still,
    • idle,
    • Reposing,
    • unreactive,
    • immobile,
    • paralytic,
    • inanimate,
    • passive,
    • static,
    • vegetative,
    • stationary.

    languid (adjective)

    • more nebbish,
    • blahsest,
    • un enthusiastic,
    • more pining,
    • unenthusiastic,
    • un concerned,
    • more energyless,
    • un-enthusiastic,
    • more sleepyhead,
    • uninterested,
    • wimpiest,
    • most sleepyhead,
    • most energyless,
    • in-firmest,
    • un interested,
    • in firmer,
    • in-firmer,
    • most nebbish,
    • blahser,
    • most pining,
    • un-concerned,
    • un-interested,
    • wimpier,
    • laidback,
    • in firmest.

    late (adjective)

    • tardy.

    lethargic (adjective)

    • unhurried,
    • drooping,
    • leisurely,
    • lackadaisical,
    • lazy.

    lifeless (adjective)

    • more lusterless,
    • more pabulum,
    • prosy,
    • more nothing,
    • most lusterless,
    • most zero,
    • in-sipid,
    • in sipid,
    • most pabulum,
    • prosiest,
    • most nothing,
    • more zero,
    • prosier.

    listless (adjective)

    • most mopish,
    • insouciant,
    • more mopish,
    • in attentive,
    • in-attentive.

    nodding (adjective)

    • more slumbery,
    • most slumbery,
    • nodding.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • deskbound,
    • sleepyhead,
    • out cold,
    • energyless,
    • down,
    • wimpy,
    • unenergetic,
    • slumberous,
    • rusty,
    • drowsy,
    • not arrived,
    • torpid,
    • slack,
    • uneager,
    • slumbering,
    • inactive,
    • somnifacient,
    • listless,
    • Soporose,
    • stupid,
    • lusterless,
    • thick-witted,
    • phlegmatic,
    • cast down,
    • slumbery,
    • weakened,
    • half asleep,
    • languid,
    • dead to the world,
    • halfwitted,
    • heavy,
    • out of action,
    • dopy,
    • comatose,
    • desk-bound,
    • somniferous,
    • somnific,
    • out of it,
    • Inconscious,
    • slothful,
    • dopey,
    • Thick-headed,
    • lymphatic,
    • prepatent,
    • bloodless,
    • in firm,
    • slumberish,
    • desker,
    • not what it was,
    • slowgoing,
    • closed down,
    • languorous,
    • dense,
    • Drony,
    • stagnant,
    • slumbersome,
    • Mopish,
    • coldhearted,
    • dormant,
    • unexcitable,
    • sleepy,
    • blahs,
    • laid back,
    • backward,
    • slow,
    • in a bind,
    • strapped for time,
    • chapfallen,
    • along for the ride,
    • sidelined,
    • weak,
    • snoozy,
    • sedentary,
    • dozy.

    phlegmatic (adjective)

    • most unexcitable,
    • dis interested,
    • dis passionate,
    • un-compassionate,
    • de sensitized,
    • un feeling,
    • un-demonstrative,
    • dis-passionate,
    • un excitable,
    • along for ride,
    • un compassionate,
    • dis-interested,
    • more unexcitable,
    • most desensitized,
    • un demonstrative,
    • un-excitable,
    • un involved,
    • more desensitized,
    • de-sensitized,
    • un-involved.

    procrastinating (adjective)

    • dilatory.

    rusty (adjective)

    • un practiced,
    • not what was,
    • un-qualified,
    • unpracticed,
    • un qualified,
    • un-practiced.

    sedentary (adjective)

    • more desk-bound,
    • more deskbound,
    • desk bound,
    • deskest,
    • more desk bound,
    • most deskbound,
    • most desk bound,
    • most desk-bound.

    slack (adjective)

    • asleep on job,
    • slow-moving,
    • easy going,
    • easy-going,
    • not busy,
    • not taut,
    • asleep on the job.

    sleepy (adjective)

    • more yawning,
    • most slumbersome,
    • more slumbersome,
    • most yawning.

    slothful (adjective)

    • most procrastinating,
    • more unenergetic,
    • un energetic,
    • more procrastinating,
    • most unenergetic,
    • un-energetic.

    slow (adjective)

    • slowpoke,
    • slowest,
    • poky,
    • plodding,
    • dawdling,
    • Delaying,
    • unpunctual,
    • gradual,
    • slow-footed,
    • slow-going,
    • long-delayed,
    • crawling,
    • Trudging,
    • slow-paced,
    • retarded,
    • creeping,
    • tortoiselike,
    • Loitering,
    • lingering,
    • time-consuming,
    • long delayed,
    • snaillike,
    • impeded.

    slow-footed (adjective)

    • slowfooted,
    • slow footed.

    slow-going (adjective)

    • slow going.

    slow-paced (adjective)

    • slowpaced,
    • slow paced.

    somnifacient (adjective)

    • most opiate,
    • more opiate.

    stupid (adjective)

    • more thick headed,
    • dummiest,
    • most loser,
    • most thick headed,
    • more thick-headed,
    • in-discreet,
    • illadvised,
    • half witted,
    • more loser,
    • un intelligent,
    • dummier,
    • thick headed,
    • un-thinking,
    • un thinking,
    • un-intelligent,
    • in discreet,
    • most thick-headed.

    stuporous (adjective)

    • having spring fever,
    • stretchy.

    tardy (adjective)

    • too late,
    • in bind,
    • held up,
    • not done.

    thick-witted (adjective)

    • thickwitted,
    • thick witted.

    torpid (adjective)

    • be-numbed,
    • be numbed.

    weak (adjective)

    • out of gas,
    • Impuissant,
    • forceless,
    • Languishing,
    • weakest.
  • adv

    Other relevant words: (adverb)

    • slowly,
    • behindhand,
    • behind schedule,
    • behind,
    • behind time,
    • have to play catch up.
  • adv.

    behind (adverb)

    • over-due,
    • be lated,
    • over due,
    • be-lated,
    • have play catch up.

    Other relevant words: (adverb)

    • laggard,
    • in arrears.
  • n.

    • clever,
    • automatically,
    • cordless,
    • clean,
    • analog,
    • auxiliary,
    • built,
    • clockwork,
    • broken,
    • automatic.

    • off,
    • deliberate,
    • increase,
    • measured,
    • stately,
    • steady,
    • sedate.

    • action.

    • sluggard,
    • industrious.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • characteristic.
  • v.

    Other relevant words: (verb)

    • dull,
    • behaviour.
  • Other synonyms:

    • hebetudinous,
    • Snail-paced.

    • shiftless,
    • stuporous,
    • do-nothing.

    • enthusiastic.

    • soft.


    • saturnine.

How to use «Sluggish» in context?

Words cannot describe the way I feel when I’m sluggish. It starts with my head, and doesn’t stop there. My body feels heavy and my reflexes are slow. I feel like there’s a boulder on my chest and it’s hard to breathe. Worst of all, I can’t seem to focus on anything and I end up making mistakes. All of this makes me really unhappy and I wish I could speed up the process. I know that it’s not just me, though. I’ve seen others Struggle with Sluggishness too and it’s really frustrating.

Paraphrases for Sluggish:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      deadlocked, difficult, dilatory, embattled, feeble, flat, gradual, inactive, lackluster, lazy, lengthy, low, protracted, slight, slowness, soft, stumbling, troubled, weakened, non-performing.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      ailing, anaemic, anemic, cumbersome, depressed, flagging, gloomy, glum, lacklustre, lethargic, morose, poor, slack, slow-moving, slowly, stagnant, tardy, weak, time-consuming, Stagnating.

Homophones for Sluggish:

  • sialis, schlock, scaleless, shoe lace, silica, sacculus, saluki, slowcoach, slushy, saw log, sales, silique, sclk, silage, sls, slick, slough, shigellosis, sea louse, siliqua, salish, slouchy, sleigh, sleek, soliloquise, salicaceae, socialize, suslik, sociology, sillago, sea slug, saclike, silky, soleus, slack, slacks, sulk, salix, slake, sash lock, suillus, shoeless, slog, saw logs, scalic, shellac, silex, schoolhouse, slush, slews, soul kiss, seleucus, slash, soulless, slouch, syllogize, slice, scallywag, saxicolous, shekels, silicious, shylock, seychelles, scalawag, slezsko, silky oak, sluiceway, squalus, sleaze, seles, slug, sulawesi, slask, sills, silesia, slosh, solace, soliloquize, scoliosis, schulz, scalage, socialise, sleazy, silks, sluice, shillelagh, sexless, squelch, shlock, silicosis, sulky, shoelace, souslik, shellac wax, Sauce Louis, Sao Louis, soliloquy, salsa, siliceous, Seleucus I, suchlike, scalelike, seychellois, shell-less, syllogise, sexualise, sloughy, Seljuk, shellack, skulk, slag, saw-like, silk, salacious, sulcus, shell shock, soleless, selachii, sexualize, silk oak, salk, Siskiyou Lewisia, skywalk, scale wax.

Word of the Day

bow 1

twist tie,

Nearby words

  • Slugging
  • slugging average
  • slugging percentage
  • slugging percentages
  • slugging-average
  • Sluggish
  • ‘s Gravenhage
  • (somewhere) in the middle
  • S
  • s & l
  • s & ls


  • SLUGGISH synonyms at
  • SLUGGISH synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — SLUGGISH synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of SLUGGISH
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for SLUGGISH

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