Словарь синонимов для ielts

Подготовка к английским международным экзаменам IELTS TOEFL FCE CAE CPE может быть разной, и зависит от того бала, на который студент целится.

Чтобы сдать на ВЫСОКИЙ БАЛ по IELTS TOEFL CAE CPE, очень важно показать свой лексический багаж, синонимическое разнообразие, использовать high-level vocabulary, т.е. академические слова (Academic Vocabulary), идиомы уровня Advanced (Idioms), словосочетания уровня Advanced (Collocations).

Само по себе изучения лексики уровня Advanced (а также, Proficiency), представляет собой самую сложную часть в подготовке к экзаменам, требующее наибольших усилий.

Поэтому, первый совет – ЧИТАЙТЕ НАУЧНЫЕ СТАТЬИ!

Записывайте, интересные синонимы словам более низкого ранга. В научных статьях вы найдете часто встречающиеся синонимы по части reading IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, CPE.

Следующий совет… Исследуйте значение синонимов в оксфордских и кембриджских словарях, например, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/.

При подготовке к части «говорение» speaking английских международных экзаменов, старайтесь вкрапливать high-level vocabulary в свою речь, проверяя на сочетаемость на таких ресурсах как британский или американский корпус https://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/, https://corpus.byu.edu/coca/.

Тоже самое нужно делать и при подготовке к письменной (writing) части экзаменов.

Ниже приведен алфавитный список, в большинстве своем именно академических, синонимов для английских международных экзаменов IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, CPE.

Синонимы слов для английских международных

Advanced – leading, progressive, state-of-the-art, breakthrough, cutting-edge
Amazing — incredible, fantastic, fabulous, astonishing, extraordinary
Answer – respond, comment, explanation, feedback, interpretation, justification, key, observation, remark, resolution, response, statement, sign, solution, clarify, deal with, claim, argue, defend, plead, resolve, deny
Awful — terrible, abominable, dreadful, horrible, repulsive, despicable, atrocious
Act – create, develop, enforce, execute, operate, pursue, respond, undertake

Bad — evil, spoiled, imperfect, infamous, dismal, atrocious, awful, crummy, dreadful, lousy, rough, unacceptable, unhealthy, wrong, rotten, disastrous, harsh, painful, terrible, grim, unfavorable, unpleasant, unfortunate
Base – underpinnings, support, ground, foundation, groundwork
Be — pose, last
Beautiful — gorgeous, ravishing, dazzling, exquisite, stunning, appealing, alluring, charming, delicate, delightful, elegant, exquisite, fascinating, graceful, grand, magnificent, marvelous, splendid, superb
Begin — initiate, commence, inaugurate, introduce, launch, embark, undertake, establish
Best – first-rate, leading, outstanding, perfect
Big — huge, enormous, gigantic, humongous, substantial, mammoth, colossal, considerable, hefty, massive, sizable, tremendous, vast
Boring – dull, tiresome, mundane, humdrum, monotonous, stale, tame, tedious, trite, uninteresting
Break — rupture, fracture, shatter, smash, crack, crush, damage, fracture, separate, sever, split, tear
Buy – purchase, obtain, market, acquire, procure

Calm — serene, peace, tranquil, harmonious, placid, smooth, soothing
Come — approach, arrive, appear, enter, happen, materialize, occur, reach, attain, approach
Cold (Cool) — chilly, frosty, frigid
Condition – position, situation, plight, circumstances
Choice – alternative, option, preference, variety, vote, opportunity
Choose – elect, select, prefer, appoint, cast, designate, determine, embrace, favor, judge, prefer, single out
Cut — сhop, slash, slit, wound, carve, curtail, divide, diminish
Change (verb) – alter, develop, modify, reshape, transform, shift, adjust, evolve, reform, resolve, shape, vary, reverse, switch
Change (noun) – switch, turnaround, innovation, modification, revision, transformation. shift, variation, advance, adjustment
Clean – purge, disinfect, rinse
Continue – proceed, advance, endure, last, linger, progress, pursue, remain, sustain

Dangerous — hazardous, risky, precarious, alarming, fatal, threatening, unhealthy, unsafe, unstable
Decide — determine, settle, conclude, elect, resolve, select, vote
Decision – choice, determination, opinion, outcome, resolution, agreement, selection, settlement, verdict
Definite — certain, positive, obvious
Delicious — savory, titbit, delectable
Describe — portray, characterize
Destroy — demolish, slay, ruin, raze
Difference — disagreement, inequity, dissimilarity
Difficult – challenging, daunting, taxing, tough, tricky
Dull — boring, uninteresting, monotonous, humdrum, dreary

Easy – straightforward, effortless, uncomplicated
Eat (get food) – forage, rummage
End — terminate, conclude, cessation, edge, deadline, term, point
Explain — elaborate, interpret
Essential – crucial, critical, vital, integral, indispensable
Excellent – magnificent, phenomenal, top-notch, world-class, outstanding
Effective – compelling, competent, efficient, forceful, impressive, potent, powerful, sufficient, valid
Event – accident, act, action, business, case, episode, experience, fact, incident, matter, occasion, situation
Evident – notable, remarkable, memorable, noticeable, conspicuous

Fall — descend, topple, decline, plunge, recession, reduction
Famous — well-known, renowned, eminent, illustrious, noted
Fast — rapid, hasty, agile, brisk, accelerated, active,
Fat — stout, corpulent, chubby, bulky, obese, hefty
Funny — amusing, humorous, droll
Free – disengaged, complimentary, independent, unrestricted, unfettered
Fight – Combat, battle, resist, oppose, repel, withstand

Get — acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gather, gain
Get rid of – eliminate, dispose of, exterminate
Good — excellent, wonderful, superior, gracious, superb, splendid, genuine, sterling, top-notch, perfect, marvelous, satisfying, exceptional, acceptable
Great — worthy, distinguished, grand, considerable, mighty, enormous, extreme, huge, immense, tremendous, vast
Go — be under way, progress, operate, continue, function, extend, range, reach, develop, proceed, serve, endure
Go back to – renege, reverse, default

Happy – cheerful, contended, ecstatic, jubilant, pleased, delighted, elated, joyful, ecstatic, jubilant, jaunty
Hate — despise, loathe, abhor, abominate
Have — possess, own, acquire, accept, admit, gain, obtain, receive, retain
Help — aid, assist, support, encourage, relieve, maintain, bolster
Hide — conceal, cover, mask, veil
High – great, huge, immense, lofty, soaring, steep, tremendous, excessive, stiff, boisterous, bouncy, elated, exalted
Huge – colossal, gigantic, astronomical, immense, gargantuan

Idea — thought, concept, notion, cues, suggestion, hint, clue, conclusion, interpretation, meaning, opinion, solution, theory, understanding, view
Important — necessary, vital, critical, indispensable, valuable, essential, famous, notable
Interesting — fascinating, engaging, spirited, intriguing, gripping, enthralling, captivating, enchanting, intriguing
Illness – ailment, breakdown, disability, disorder, malady, realm
Irrelevant — inconsequential, useless, meaningless, trivial, insignificant
Influential – authoritative, dominant, persuasive, prominent, significant

Keep — retain, conduct, preserve

Little — tiny, diminutive, exiguous, dinky, cramped
Look — gaze, glance, peek, glimpse, stare, leer
Look into — investigate, delve into, explore, inquire, inspect, probe, sift, prospect, scrutinize
Love — admire, fancy, adore, cherish, treasure, esteem, idolize, venerate
Lucky — fortunate
Like – be interested in, be addicted, be accustomed, be attached, be devoted, be inclined, be obsessed, completely devoted to, captivated, preoccupied

Make — create, originate, invent, construct, manufacture, produce, compose, cause, force, conduct, establish, form, perform, prepare, reach, advance, attain
Many – copious, abundant, numerous, ample, bountiful
Move – act, advance, migrate, plod, creep, crawl, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, lumber, meander, progress, propel, push, relocate, remove, shift, switch, transfer

Neat — orderly, tidy, trim, natty, smart, elegant
New — unique, modern, current, recent, contemporary, up-to-date, novel fresh

Old — feeble, ancient, aged, veteran, mature, primitive, stale, outdated, antiquated, obsolete, archaic, old-fashioned

Place — draw, map, diagram, procedure, method, blueprint
Promise – commitments, guarantee, pledge, responsibility

Rare – sparse, infrequent, meagre
Really — considerably, substantially, essentially, extensively
Responsibility – burden, duty, liability, obligation

Show — display, exhibit, indicate, reveal, demonstrate, perform
Swap — exchange
Strong — powerful, potent, firm, intense, solid, rampant
Solve – clarify, determine, settle
Solvation – deliverance, redemption
So – hence, thus
Surprise – overwhelm, amaze, astound, confound, confuse, dazzle, disconcert, dismay, dumbfound, perplex, startle, unsettle
The same – ditto, equal, equivalent, look-alike

Talented – accomplished, adept, brilliant, capable, intelligent, proficient, skilled
Tell — disclose, reveal, expose, narrate, inform, divulge
Try — attempt
Talk — converse, chat, commune
Think – meditate, consider, determine, judge, assume, speculate, contemplate, hypothesize, ruminate, surmise, weigh, wonder, reflect, suspect

Use — employ, exhaust, apply, handle, exploit, operate, practice, wield
Uncertain – doubtful, questionable, dubious, far-fetched, unproven
Unique – noteworthy, exclusive, particular, rare, uncommon, conspicuous

Very – absolutely, utterly, highly, deeply, certainly, eminently, exceedingly, excessively, extraordinarily, extremely, incredibly, noticeably, particularly, profoundly, profound, remarkably, uncommonly
Variant – alternative, option, possible choice

Wrong — incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous, improper, unsuitable
Weak – frail, feeble, shaky, flimsy, fragile, anemic, sluggish, unsteady, weakened, wobbly, debilitating
Weaken – exacerbate, infuriate, provoke, intensify, irritate, annoy, aggravate, ebb, decay, abatement, degenerate, deteriorate, dwindle, recede, plummet, retreat
Weakness – fatigue, lethargy, weariness, flaw, failing, deficiency, fragility, lapse, shortcoming, vulnerability, suppress

Хочу заметить, что данная статья постепенно будет пополняться новыми синонимами, необходимыми для сдачи английских международных экзаменов IELTS TOEFL FCE CAE CPE на высокий бал.

Более подробную информацию о каждом синониме c примерами в предложениях можно найти в словаре Collins Thesaurus https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english-thesaurus

Usually Basically, generally, casually Tourist Travelers, globetrotters, World Globe, Earth Necessary Required, essential, needed Children Juveniles, kids, offsprings Develop Prosper, grow, Information Data, knowledge, news Students Scholars, pupils, educatees Encourage Motivate Negative Adverse, opposite, unfavorable Positive Favorable, Online Network-based, computer-based, virtual Modern Contemporary Traditional Conventional Improve Ameliorate, progress, improve Technical devices Electronic gadgets Communication Socialization, interaction, conversation Youth Youngsters, young people Banned Forbidden, restricted Pollution Environment degradation, environment deterioration Reducing Mitigating, combating, improving, dwindling, curbing Important Necessary, better, superior, essential, significant Consume Utilize, use, intake Advantages Merits, pros, favorable, positives Disadvantages Demerits, cons, unfavorable, negatives Agree or disagree In favor/ not in favor, in support/ do not support Migrating Shifting, moving Government High authority officials, Teacher Trainer, educator, tutor, human instructor.. Prison Lockup, jails Weaknesses Shortcomings, Deficiencies. Strengths Abilities, Women/men Females/males, girls/boys Spend Expend, utilize, to give Difficulties Problems, hurdles, obstacles Computer games Video games, PlayStation games Bad effects Harmful impact, detrimental, atrocious Programme Course, study Unwarranted Baseless, groundless Strict Stringent, rigorous, stern Effective Constructive, productive.. Old fashioned Outdated, obsolete, out of date, outmoded University courses Tertiary courses Logical Sensible, sane, rational Good Excellent, fine, superb, splendid, wonderful Bad Evil, spoiled, imperfect, infamous Happy Pleased, joyous, cheerful, delighted, jubilant Amazing Incredible, fantastic, fabulous, astonishing Calm Peace, tranquil Dangerous Hazardous, risky, precarious Dull Boring, monotonous, uninteresting Famous Well known, renowned, eminent Funny Humorous, amusing, hilarious, comical New Unique, modern, current, recent Old Ancient, aged, primitive, stale Wrong Incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous Brief Short, concise Conflict Fight, battle, struggle Different Diverse, various, distinct.. Begin Initiate, commence, inaugurate Work Profession, job, occupation

Embarrass, Ashame, Disconcert



Decrease, Lessen, Subside


Abide by

Defer, Accept, Consent, Acknowledge, Tolerate



Obsequious, Crawling, Servile, Creeping



Renounce, Relinquish, Reject



End, Destroy, Wipe out



Unproductive, Failed, Unsuccessful



Proliferate, Thrive, Flourish



Forgive, Let off, Excuse



Summary, Outline, Precis, Synopsis



Ample, Rich, Heavy, Sufficient



Adjust, Get used to, Adapt, Conform



Agreement, Settlement, Deal



Harshness, Bitterness, Rancour



Awareness, Brilliance, Sharpness



Severe, Sudden, Sharp, Intense



Inflexible, Uncompromising, Stubborn



Admirer, Enthusiast, Fan



Stick, Cohere, Bond, Attach



Follower, Supporter, Disciple



Addition, Joined, Add-on



Counsel, Reprove, Scold



Young person, Teenager, Youth, Young adult



Misfortune, Hardship, Calamity



Lawyer, Solicitor, Campaigner, Defender, Exponent



Representative, Negotiator, Broker



Foreigner, Outsider, External



Sensitivity, Reaction, Hypersensitivity, Aversion



Entice, Fascinate, Attract



Incredible, Unbelievable, Fabulous, Wonderful, Astonishing, Extraordinary



Correct, Alter, Change, Enhance, Modify



Turn up, Raise, Augment



Pain killer, Soporific, Gas, Shot



Cognate, Correlate, Correlative



Enrage, Infuriate, Inflame, Madden



Furious, Enraged, Indignant, Inflamed



Reply, Respond, Retort, Acknowledge



Drug, Medicine



Dry, Parched, Bone-dry, Dusty, Barren



Indict, Prosecute, Sue, Denounce



Conquer, Climb, Escalate



Question, Demand, Request, Expect, Interrogate, Examine



Particle, Molecule, Fragment



Boldness, Daring, Courage, Bravery



Review, Investigation, Check, Scrutiny, Inspection, Analysis



Genuine, Accurate, Credible, True



Mechanize, Robotize, Make automatic



Self-rule, Self-government, Self-determination, Freedom, Independence


  1. Jubilant —– Overjoyed
  2. Inferior —– Lesser
  3. Lure —– Attract
  4. Calm —– Quiet
  5. Portion —– Part
  6. Early —– Beforetime
  7. Sufficient —– Ample
  8. Lenient —– Lax
  9. Dangerous —– Perilous
  10. Save —– Preserve
  11. Fatal —– Deadly
  12. Wholehearted —– Earnest
  13. Kind —– Considerate
  14. Fatigue —– Tire
  15. Wild —– Uncivilized
  16. Difficult —– Hard
  17. Stationary —– Fixed
  18. Legible —– Readable
  19. Huge —– Vast
  20. Feasible —– Possible
  21. Win —– Triumph, Prevail
  22. Ferocious —– Fierce
  23. Wonderful —– Marvelous
  24. Fiction —– Fantasy
  25. Careful —– Watchful
  26. Continue —– Persevere
  27. Precious —– Cherished
  28. Remote —– Secluded
  29. Fix —– Mend
  30. Idle —– Inactive
  31. Daring —– Bold
  32. Scarce —– Scanty
  33. Die —– Expire,Perish
  34. Spontaneous —– Instinctive
  35. Abandon —– Desert
  36. Morose —– Moody
  37. Abundant —– Ample
  38. Neutral —– Impartial
  39. Awful —– Atrocious
  40. Optional —– Elective
  41. Conflict —– Oppose
  42. Racket —– Noise
  43. Dubious —– Doubtful
  44. Stupid —– Unintelligent
  45. Deduct —– Subtract
  46. Serious —– Grave
  47. Maximum —– Greatest
  48. Advocate —– Support
  49. Normal —– Ordinary
  50. Fill —– Load
  51. Before —– Prior
  52. Peculiar —– Weird
  53. After —– Following
  54. Oblivious —– Dazed
  55. Achieve —– Accomplish
  56. Nice —– Pleasing
  57. Bottom —– Base
  58. Perpetual —– Eternal
  59. Fertile —– Fruitful
  60. Enemy —– Opponent
  61. Taut —– Tense,Tight,Stiff
  62. Fat —– Chubby
  63. Weary —– Tired,Fatigued
  64. Dreadful —– Terrible
  65. Strict —– Stringent
  66. Concur —– Agree
  67. Prosperous —– Successful
  68. Fantastic —– Outrageous
  69. Victory —– Triumph,Win
  70. Enjoy —– Like
  71. Tender —– Delicate
  72. Always —– Forever
  73. Obstinate —– Stubborn
  74. False —– Incorrect
  75. Vibrate —– Quiver,Tremble
  76. Different —– Distinct
  77. Stable —– Steady
  78. Former —– Previous
  79. Humble —– Modest
  80. Follow —– Succeed
  81. Conscious —– Aware
  82. Recreation —– Amusement
  83. Conflict —– Fight
  84. Radiant —– Luminous
  85. Damage —– Hurt
  86. Savage —– Uncivilized
  87. Demolish —– Destroy
  88. Slim —– Thin
  89. Antagonize —– Embitter
  90. Ominous —– Menacing
  91. Determined —– Sure
  92. Special —– Exceptional
  93. Exceptional —– Outstanding
  94. Thrive —– Prosper
  95. Hospitable —– Welcoming
  96. Fast —– Rapid
  97. Virtuous —– Righteous
  98. Hostile —– Antagonistic
  99. Busy —– Active
  100. Polite —– Gracious
  101.  Militant —– Combative
  102. Delicate —– Fragile
  103. Sick —– Ailing
  104. Cease —– Stop,
  105. Convalesce —– Heal
  106. Prejudiced —– Opinionated
  107. Repulsive —– Hideous
  108. Drab —– Dull
  109. Stop —– Quit
  110. Forgive —– Pardon
  111. Minor —– Lesser
  112. Dumb —– Dense
  113. Successful —– Thriving
  114. Considerate —– Thoughtful
  115. Crazy —– Daft
  116. Regular —– Routine
  117. Risky —– Hazardous
  118. Awkward —– Clumsy
  119. Ordinary —– Average
  120. Blend —– Mix
  121. Permanent —– Enduring
  122. Congested —– Overcrowded
  123. Rational —– Logical
  124. Decay —– Rot
  125. Serene —– Peaceful
  126. Glorious —– Splendid,
  127. Frenzy —– Fury
  128. Mandatory —– Required
  129. Encourage —– Urge
  130. Tangible —– Concrete
  131. Afraid —– Scared
  132. Obnoxious —– Abominable
  133. Conscientious —– Scrupulous
  134. Raze —– Destroy
  135. Infuriate —– Enrage
  136. Empty —– Unload
  137. Swift —– Fast,Speedy,Hasty
  138. Condense —– Compress
  139. Question —– Interrogate
  140. Certain —– Positive
  141. Convenient —– Handy
  142. Premature —– Early,Hasty
  143. Resist —– Oppose
  144. Aid —– Assist
  145. Obsolete —– Dated
  146. Gloomy —– Dark
  147. Dry —– Arid,Parched
  148. Strong —– Powerful
  149. Immature —– Inexperienced
  150. Glad —– Happy
  151. Feeble —– Weak
  152. Wise —– Knowing,Smart
  153. Exquisite —– Delightful
  154. Upset —– Perturb,Ruffle
  155. Face —– Confront
  156. Vacant —– Unoccupied
  157. Mend —– Repair
  158. Chilly —– Cool
  159. Preserve —– Uphold
  160. Condemn —– ,Denounce
  161. Proud —– Elated
  162. Long —– Lengthy
  163. Independent —– Self-Reliant
  164. Conservative —– Cautious
  165. Cranky —– Irritable
  166. Refute —– Contradict
  167. Reveal —– Disclose
  168. Ban —– Prohibit
  169. Outrageous —– Shocking
  170. Contented —– Satisfied
  171. Reluctant —– Unwilling
  172. Detach —– Separate
  173. Sociable —– Friendly
  174. Contaminate —– Pollute
  175. Relevant —– Pertinent
  176. Beautiful —– Pretty,
  177. Patience —– Tolerance
  178. Imperfect —– Marred
  179. Gigantic —– Immense
  180. Misfortune —– Hardship
  181. Brave —– Heroic
  182. Persuade —– Convince
  183. Impetuous —– Impulsive
  184. Maneuver —– Manipulate
  185. Complex —– Complicated
  186. Prevent —– Prohibit
  187. Consecutive —– Successive
  188. Cozy —– Comfortable
  189. Reduce —– Decrease
  190. Retaliate —– Avenge
  191. Last —– Final
  192. Give —– Donate,Present
  193. Mobile —– Moveable
  194. Listless —– Lethargic
  195. Defend —– Protect
  196. Shrewd —– Cunning
  197. Compress —– Crush
  198. Prominent —– Eminent
  199. Gratitude —– Thankfulness
  200. Moderate —– Temperate

Learn: Useful vocabulary for Ielts

Synonyms to Improve Your IELTS Score

  • Calm ———- Peace
  • Great ———- Distinguished
  • Awful ———- Abominable
  • Come ———- Arrive
  • Tell ———- Reveal
  • Neat ———- Tidy
  • Describe ———- Characterise
  • Decide ———- Settle
  • Move ———- Creep
  • Make ———- Originate
  • Show ———- Exhibit
  • Good ———- Fine
  • Get ———- Obtain
  • Love ———- Admire
  • Little ———- Diminutive
  • Explain ———- Interpret
  • Destroy ———- Slay
  • Wrong ———- Inaccurate
  • Delicious ———- Titbit
  • Beautiful ———- Ravishing
  • Definite ———- Positive
  • Cool ———- Frosty
  • Begin ———- Commence
  • Big ———- Enormous
  • New ———- Modern
  • Fat ———- Corpulent
  • Happy ———- Delighted
  • Fast ———- Rapid
  • Funny ———- Humorous
  • End ———- Conclude
  • Break ———- Fracture
  • Hate ———- Loathe
  • Have ———- Own
  • Old ———- Ancient
  • Famous ———- Renowned
  • Dull ———- Uninteresting
  • Help ———- Assist
  • Hide ———- Cover
  • Idea ———- Concept
  • Interesting ———- Engaging
  • Important ———- Vital
  • Look ———- Glance
  • Place ———- Map
  • Amazing ———- Fantastic
  • Dangerous ———- Risky
  • Cut ———- Slash
  • Difference ———- Inequity
  • Bad ———- Spoiled
  • Use ———- Utilise
  • Fall ———- Descend

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synonyms for ielts


200 Synonyms Words List for Ielts

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What are synonyms?

A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in certain contexts. The form of the adjective is synonymous. Synonymy is the relationship that exists between words with similar meanings. The word synonym comes from the Greek meaning «the same name.»

As you probably guessed, it is important to know these words in order to use them in writing and speaking. Synonyms are two different words that have the same or very similar meanings. They can be any part of speech that is a category of words grouped together according to their function (including verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, or prepositions), provided both words are the same part of speech. This means that they must both be nouns or both must be verbs.

Why are synonyms important?

In writing, it is important that the audience is involved in your work. Think about your own experience of reading essays, novels, or articles. What made the letter interesting? Content may appeal to us, but it is the language and choice of words that make us read. If a writer repeatedly uses the same word to describe or demonstrate an action, it gets boring. However, if the author uses many different words, the variety of words makes the entire text more informative.

In addition to improving your writing, synonyms are important for expanding your vocabulary. You want to read and understand. The more you read, the enhance your vocabulary skills. Learning synonyms for different words is one way to improve your knowledgeable.

Finally, synonyms are important so you can think about things in new ways. You want to express yourself in the best possible way, and this can be achieved by choosing the best word to describe a situation or person.

How to improve your IELTS score?

A great way to improve your IELTS band score is to improve your IELTS vocabulary. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use synonyms for general words. Synonyms are words that mean the same thing and can be used to replace a word with a better one. Synonyms help a lot to get good results in IELTS, as well as improve your general vocabulary.

In the writing test, you need to write either 150 words (for task 1) or 250 words (for task 2). Many students fall into the trap of repeating words, panic over word counts. They rely too much on the material in front of them and too often repeat what they think are keywords. In Activity 1, students often refer to a diagram or diagram using the terminology included, while this is a great opportunity to demonstrate their lexical resource (vocabulary). 

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