Слим синонимы

What is another word for Slim?

  • property, slight

  • lose weight, go on a diet

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Synonyms for slim

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • slim [slɪm] прил

    1. тонкий, стройный, изящный, худой, худенький, тоненький, тощий

      (thin, slender, graceful, skinny)

      • slim man – худой мужчина
    2. небольшой, незначительный


      • slim chance – небольшой шанс
      • slim majority – незначительное большинство
    3. узкий


      • slim skirt – узкая юбка
    4. слабый


  • slim [slɪm] гл

    1. похудеть, худеть

      (lose weight, thin)

тонкий thin, fine, subtle, small, slim, delicate
стройный slim, slender, shapely, svelte, rangy, gracile
изящный elegant, graceful, fine, delicate, neat, slim
худенький slender, slim
слабый weak, weakly, low, feeble, faint, slim
незначительный minor, light, insignificant, small, slight, slim
скудный scarce, meager, scanty, scant, lean, slim
хитрый cunning, tricky, sly, artful, crafty, slim
похудеть grow thin, slim, reduce, work off one’s excess weight
худеть lose weight, thin, slim, thin down, slenderize, lose flesh
терять в весе slenderize, slim

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • slim гл

    • slender · thin · narrow · lean · lose weight
    • skinny · ultrathin
    • svelte · lithe
    • fine · small · slight
    • fragile
    • reduce
    • frail


  • slender, lean, thin, willowy, sylphlike, svelte, lissome, trim, slight, slightly built
  • narrow, slender, slimline, razor-thin
  • slight, small, slender, faint, poor, remote, unlikely, improbable, razor-thin
  • slender, slight, svelte
  • slender


  • lose weight, get thinner, lose some pounds/inches, diet, get into shape, slenderize
  • reduce, cut (down/back), scale down, decrease, diminish, pare down
  • reduce, lose weight, slenderize, melt off, thin, slim down

Предложения со словом «slim»

With Gold playing the puppet master, slim to none.

Когда рядом Голд играет в мастера марионеток, никаких.

She looked very attractive in her slim, tailored suit.

В своем костюме она выглядела очень привлекательной и стройной .

The colonel was tall, slim and almost painfully handsome.

Подполковник был высок, строен и почти болезненно красив.

I helped Slim get the barrel pieces into his cart.

Я помог Слиму собрать то, что осталось от бочки.

She isn’t very tall, she’s fair, slim and pretty.

Она невысокая , белокурая , стройная и хорошенькая.

She is fair, slim and pretty.

Она белокурая , стройная и хорошенькая.

Both of them had slim hips and muscular bodies.

У того и другого были узкие бедра и мускулистые тела.

My mum is slim and good-looking.

Моя мама стройная и симпатичная.

She is short and slim.

Она маленькая и худенькая.

She is rather tall and slim.

Она довольно высокая и худая.

As to my appearance I’m rather tall and slim.

Что касается моей внешности я довольно высокая и стройная .

It is a pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and slim beautiful lady.

Приятно посмотреть на сильного, спортивного мужчину и худенькую красивую даму.

Millions of people all over the world are fond of jogging as it helps to keep your heart healthy and your figure – slim.

Миллионы людей по всему миру увлекаются бегом трусцой, так как он помогает сохранять ваше сердце здоровым, а вашу фигуру – стройной .

She is tall and slim.

Она высокая и стройная .

Dmitri is rather slim, not very tall, his hair is brown, his eyes are grey.

Дмитрий — стройный , не очень высокий шатен с серыми глазами.

From time to time, when I saw smiling slim girls on TV briskly doing their exercises to music, I swore I should get up earlier and do my morning exercises every day.

Временами, когда я видел улыбающихся худеньких девушек по телевизору, оживленно делающих зарядку, я клялся, что буду вставать раньше и делать зарядку каждый день.

Two thick braids of her shining black hair lay one on each side of her slim brown neck.

Вдоль тонкой загорелой шеи свисали две толстые блестящие косы.

Clamped until the slim tendons in her arm stood out like ropes and sweat ran down her face.

Стиснула с такой силой, что тонкие сухожилия запястья вздулись канатами, а лицо взмокло от пота.

It ran down her little chin, down her slim neck and on to her wounded breast.

Оно побежало по ее маленькому подбородку, по тонкой шее, к ране на ее груди.

Her slim, pale fingers wove an abstracted pattern on the photocontacts of the computer.

Ее тонкие бледные пальцы чертили какой — то узор на фотоконтактах компьютера.

She put her slim forefinger to her lips and touched it very carefully with the tip of that tongue.

Орфамэй поднесла тонкий указательный палец к губам и осторожно коснулась его кончиком языка.

A tall slim elegant dark girl with supercilious eyebrows looked up.

Высокая, стройная , элегантная смуглая девушка с горделивыми бровями подняла на нее взгляд.

Doctor Cargraves laid the whole thing before them, and explained how he hoped to carry out his plans on a slim budget.

Каргрейвзу пришлось подробно объяснять, каким образом он надеется воплотить замысел при ограниченных средствах.

He recognized that his chances of ever seeing the snow-capped mountains of Honshu again were slim to none.

Он сознавал, что его шансы когда — либо увидеть покрытые снежными шапками горы Хонсю были тоньше волоса.

In whimsical frames are photographs of a tan woman with shiny black hair, a bright smile and a slim body.

На них изображена стройная загорелая женщина с блестящими черными волосами и красивой улыбкой.

The steel ring vanished from his finger, and the long, slim sword materialized outside the net.

Стальное кольцо исчезло с его пальца, зато длинная, гибкая шпага материализовалась с наружной стороны паутины.

Sharpe thought of the dark hair on the pillow, the slim body on the stiff, white linen sheets.

Шарп вспомнил темные волосы на подушке, стройное тело на белой жесткой льняной простыне.

He plugged a very slim wire into a tiny receptacle at the top rear of each shoe.

Он засунул проводки в небольшое углубление в верхней части каблука на каждом ботинке.

She closed the bathroom door behind her, sat on the edge of the bathtub, and smoked a Virginia Slim.

Она закрыла за собой дверь в ванную комнату, села на край ванны и закурила сигарету.

I’m gonna need a slim jim, a black hoodie and a head lamp.

Мне нужны узкие джинсы, черный капюшон и налобный фонарь.

Staring back was a woman who had lost weight, whose already slim frame was slowly melting into gauntness.

На нее смотрела женщина, которая заметно исхудала, и прежде изящная фигура стала казаться усохшей.

Her slim, pale, fragile face was dewed with sweat.

На изящном, хрупком, бледном лице выступили бисеринки пота.

Reacher put his hand in the pocket of his jacket and came out with a slim brown object.

Ричер сунул руку в карман куртки и вынул оттуда изящный коричневый предмет.

One slim hand reached into my field of vision and retrieved the shard gun.

Появившаяся в поле зрения изящная рука подобрала осколочный пистолет.

There was a reception area right inside, with a handsome, slim young man seated behind the counter.

Там стояла конторка, за которой сидел стройный симпатичный юноша.

He wore a dark cotton suit, a white shirt, and a slim black tie.

Он был в темном хлопчатобумажном костюме и белой рубашке с узким черным галстуком.

She tossed her ponytail and rested slim hands on her hips.

Она взмахнула своим конским хвостом и положила узкие ладони на бедра.

They would look well on the slim ankles of the lovely Alyena, a slave girl I was having bearded and trained in the pens of Tor.

Она будет хорошо смотреться на узких лодыжках Алейны, проходящей сейчас подготовку в пеналах Тора.

She had asked for the slim Apollo whom she had loved in Wales, and this colossal changeling had arrived in his stead.

Она молила о стройном Аполлоне, которого полюбила в Уэльсе, а получила этого огромного оборотня.

Slim youths performed the actual work under Henry’s austere direction.

Под его строгим присмотром разносили чай худощавые юноши — официанты.

I see her as a very attractive, wondrous kind of very angular, slim person.

Я представляю её очень привлекательной, стройной девушкой, необычной с каждого ракурса.

They knew that the chances of Mr. Poe being of much help were rather slim.

Они уже знали, что надежда на помощь мистера По весьма слаба.

She wore a pair of slim-fitting jeans, a wispy blue shirt over a white tank top, and a pair of heavy-duty hiking boots.

На девушке были облегающие джинсы, голубая блузка поверх белой фуфайки — безрукавки и туристские ботинки.

Frankenstein continues to hold a slim lead, as the drivers reach Red Rock Road.

Франкенштейн продолжает удерживать лидерство, пока гонщики направляются к Красной Скале.

Blade would not have attributed the strength to that slim body.

Блейд не мог поверить, что ее гибкое стройное тело обладает подобной мощью.

She might be slim, but that sinewy slimness was all firm, hard-trained muscle.

Она могла оставаться стройной , но за стройностью скрывались крепкие, хорошо тренированные мускулы.

She tried to pull her hand free, but he held on to the slim fingers.

Камилла попыталась высвободить руку, но он удержал в ладони ее тонкие пальцы.

She was an expensive-looking woman, tall, slim, good bones, carefully dressed, carefully looked after.

С виду она была очень дорогой: высокая, стройная , хорошая фигура, безукоризненно одетая, безукоризненно ухоженная.

She wore a dark wine-colored smock and I could see that she was tall and slim.

Бордовый комбинезон удачно подчеркивал ее высокий рост и стройность .

A slim, dark man with a touch of gray at his temples was standing there.

Перед ней стоял стройный темноволосый мужчина с тронутыми сединой висками.

Personally, I’d rather be closeted somewhere breezy with a pint of gin and tonic, and somebody slim and authoritative with a whistle.

Вот я бы лично предпочел, чтобы меня заперли где — нибудь на сквознячке с пинтой джина с тоником и стройной командиршей со свистком.

Unfortunately, you chose a very slim tree to hide behind.

Ты спряталась за слишком тонким деревом.

The CDR is packed in painted slim box with burned titles and a real tablet with codes of memory blocks from Soviet computing device.

Диск упакован в окрашенный slim box с выжженными надписями и табличкой от блоков памяти советских ЭВМ.

As a short-term solution, the Secretariat had suggested the publication of a slim booklet.

В качестве краткосрочного решения Секретариат предложил опубликовать небольшую брошюру.

Amenities include a modern gym, Slim and Trim, which is located on the 1st floor.

Удобства включают современный спортзал Slim and Trim, расположенный на 1 — м этаже.

You murdered Peter Slim with the apple harvester, didn’t you?

Вы убили Петера Слима машиной для сбора яблок, да?

The champions of the Alliance and the Horde who confront the Lich King’s armies have but a slim chance of finding the pieces of this fabled blade.

Отважным воинам Альянса и Орды, которые дерзнули бросить вызов войску Короля — лича, может посчастливиться найти осколок легендарного меча.

Then there’s a chance — a slim chance — that you can annihilate the thing.

Ты можешь стать чистым отрицанием, ненавистью, безумной яростью.

She’s sexy, slim and tall, with a deep tan.

Она сексуальная, стройная , высокая и очень загорелая.

Now, while the possibility for a double bottom reversal pattern is here, we think the chances are slim for the reasons stated above.

Теперь, когда вероятность модели разворота «двойное дно» налицо, мы полагаем, что шансы малы по причинам, перечисленным выше.

1. slim

adjective. [‘ˈslɪm’] being of delicate or slender build.


  • slender
  • lean
  • thin
  • slight


  • heat
  • relax
  • tense
  • boil


  • slim (Dutch)
  • slim (Middle Dutch (ca. 1050-1350))

Rhymes with Slim

  • patronym
  • kibbutzim
  • prelim
  • mckim
  • whim
  • trimm
  • trim
  • swim
  • skim
  • primm
  • prim
  • krim
  • klym
  • klim
  • grimme
  • grimm
  • grim
  • flim
  • crimm
  • crim
  • clim
  • brimm
  • brim
  • zim
  • yim
  • vim
  • timme
  • timm
  • tim
  • sym

Sentences with slim

1. Adjective
Make sure the pole is slim and made of PVC to make it more difficult for snakes to climb.

2. Noun, singular or mass
Gerbera daisies produce large saucer-shaped and brightly hued blooms atop tall, slim, velvety green stems.

3. Verb, base form
It’s easy to say that most people need to spend more time exercising to slim down.

Quotes about slim

1. When hope is fleeting, stop for a moment and visualize, in a sky of silver, the crescent of a lavender moon. Imagine it — delicate, slim, precise, like a paper-thin slice from a cabochon jewel.It may not be very useful, but it is beautiful.And sometimes it is enough.
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

2. slim-bodied

adjective. having a slim body.


  • slender-bodied
  • bodied


  • incorporeal
  • disembodied
  • unembodied

3. slim-waisted

adjective. having a small waist.


  • wasp-waisted
  • thin
  • lean


  • endomorphic
  • mesomorphic
  • thick
  • wide

4. slim

adjective. [‘ˈslɪm’] small in quantity.


  • little
  • slender


  • large
  • open
  • alkalize


  • slim (Dutch)
  • slim (Middle Dutch (ca. 1050-1350))

5. slim

verb. [‘ˈslɪm’] take off weight.


  • slenderize
  • melt off
  • sweat off
  • change state
  • slim down
  • reduce
  • turn
  • thin


  • nitrify
  • die
  • demulsify
  • cool


  • slim (Dutch)
  • slim (Middle Dutch (ca. 1050-1350))

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. slender, slight, slim, svelteadjective

    being of delicate or slender build

    «she was slender as a willow shoot is slender»- Frank Norris; «a slim girl with straight blonde hair»; «watched her slight figure cross the street»

    flimsy, lissome, urbane, lithesome, sylphlike, lissom, tenuous, polished, thin, slender, slight, svelte, little(a), refined, supple, lithe, fragile

    large, fat, big

  2. slender, slimverb

    small in quantity

    «slender wages»; «a slim chance of winning»; «a small surplus»

    slender, lithesome, slight, lissom, sylphlike, lithe, supple, thin, svelte, lissome

    big, fat, large

  3. reduce, melt off, lose weight, slim, slenderize, thin, slim downverb

    take off weight

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, slenderise, thin, reduce, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

    large, big, fat

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. slimadjective

    slender, thin, narrow, lank, gaunt, meagre

  2. slimadjective

    weak, slight, trivial, trifling, paltry, unsubstantial, inconsiderable, poor

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. slimadjective

    thin, gaunt, poor, lank, spare, spindling, meager, slight, insufficient, inconsiderable, paltry

Suggested Resources

  1. slim

    Song lyrics by slim — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by slim on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. SLIM

    What does SLIM stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the SLIM acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

How to pronounce slim?

How to say slim in sign language?

How to use slim in a sentence?

  1. Markus Huber:

    Chances appear rather slim for a compromise, which heightens the risk of a possible Greek default and exit out of the euro in just a few months from now.

  2. Roger Federer:

    Having lost here last year in the first round, for me, it resets the goals as well, and just take it one at a time and don’t think too far ahead, not that I did that last year, but on grass, margins are very slim. It’s not so simple, especially when you haven’t played in three months.

  3. Edith Ann:

    Frankly, I think the chances of having a happy childhood while you’re still a kid going through it are pretty slim.

  4. Mark Pearson:

    Often the one at foot will hop away because it’s terrified as its mother has just been shot. Now the chances of the shooter catching that little joey and killing it is slim, so it dies from predation, starvation and exposure.

  5. Joe Hayes:

    The likelihood of the negative trend in output being stymied any time soon appears slim, with demand for goods from both domestic and international sources waning further, asian goods producers face headwinds from slowing growth in Europe and China, while global trade risks are yet to be mitigated by a breakthrough in US-Sino relations.

Translations for slim

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • نحيف, معتدل البنيه, نحيل, أهيفArabic
  • incəAzerbaijani
  • primCatalan, Valencian
  • štíhlýCzech
  • slank, tyndDanish
  • schlankGerman
  • sveltaEsperanto
  • flaco, enflacar, enflaquecerse, adelgazarse, enflaquecer, delgadoSpanish
  • باریکPersian
  • hoikka, laihaFinnish
  • maigrir, mincir, minceFrench
  • caol, seangScottish Gaelic
  • पतलाHindi
  • vékony, karcsúHungarian
  • langsing, rampingIndonesian
  • dineskar, dinaIdo
  • dimagrire, magro, affusolato, snelloItalian
  • ほっそりJapanese
  • graciliLatin
  • tievs, slaidsLatvian
  • слаб, слабее, тенокMacedonian
  • diëten, afslanken, dun, aan de lijn doen, slank, lijnen, vermagerenDutch
  • slankNorwegian
  • szczupłyPolish
  • emagrecer, delgado, esbelto, esguio, magroPortuguese
  • subţireRomanian
  • стройныйRussian
  • mršav, vitakSerbo-Croatian
  • smalSwedish
  • సన్నబడుTelugu
  • inceTurkish
  • پتلاUrdu
  • lunedikVolapük

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[ slˈɪm], [ slˈɪm], [ s_l_ˈɪ_m]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    all (adjective)

    • slim.

    few (adjective)

    • some,
    • few,
    • piddling,
    • widely spaced,
    • scarcely any,
    • not too many,
    • few and far between,
    • not many,
    • trifling,
    • semioccasional,
    • occasional,
    • middling,
    • Unfrequent.

    fit (adjective)

    • ablebodied,
    • up snuff,
    • robust,
    • more muscled,
    • most muscled,
    • able bodied,
    • most toned,
    • more toned,
    • hale.

    frail (adjective)

    • in firmer,
    • most shattery,
    • most shatterable,
    • more shatterable,
    • un-substantial,
    • wishy-washy,
    • wishywashy,
    • un sounder,
    • un-soundest,
    • in-firmest,
    • un-sound,
    • un sound,
    • wimpier,
    • wishy washy,
    • most fracturable,
    • un-sounder,
    • in-firmer,
    • more shattery,
    • wimpiest,
    • un substantial,
    • in firmest,
    • in-substantial,
    • in substantial,
    • more fracturable.

    improbable (adjective)

    • hundred-to-one,
    • iffy,
    • slim and none,
    • not expected,
    • unheard of,
    • outside chance.

    lank (adjective)

    • thin as rail,
    • all skin and bones,
    • most fleshless,
    • all skin bones,
    • thin as a rail,
    • more fleshless.

    lean (adjective)

    • more beanpole,
    • stilt,
    • un-productive,
    • un fruitful,
    • in fertile,
    • most shadow,
    • stiltest,
    • in-adequate,
    • stilter,
    • un-fruitful,
    • gangling,
    • more sylphlike,
    • more shadow,
    • in adequate,
    • most sylphlike,
    • un productive,
    • most beanpole,
    • in-fertile,
    • scraggier,
    • stickest.

    lithe (adjective)

    • limber,
    • most lightsome,
    • lithe,
    • more lightsome,
    • lightsome.

    meager (adjective)

    • more starved,
    • most rattleboned,
    • most beanstalk,
    • more beanstalk,
    • more broomstick,
    • most broomstick,
    • more stinted,
    • most stinted,
    • more rattleboned,
    • skin bones.

    narrow (adjective)

    • skinny,
    • linear,
    • tight,
    • threadlike,
    • scrawny,
    • lanky,
    • Incapacious,
    • fine,
    • skeletal,
    • straiter,
    • willowy.

    negligible (adjective)

    • out side,
    • un-important.

    off (adjective)

    • more canceled,
    • in-operative,
    • not on duty,
    • un-available,
    • most canceled,
    • un available,
    • in operative,
    • not duty.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • slight,
    • paper thin,
    • trim,
    • lank,
    • narrow,
    • spare,
    • reedy,
    • weedy,
    • fit as a fiddle,
    • negligible,
    • off,
    • well-proportioned,
    • wrapped tight,
    • skin and bones,
    • twiglike,
    • wimpy,
    • on vacation,
    • in fine fettle,
    • fit,
    • fracturable,
    • sticker,
    • up to snuff,
    • frail,
    • scraggy,
    • toned,
    • weak,
    • tenuous,
    • not employed,
    • Shattery,
    • thin,
    • Subtile,
    • sylphlike,
    • wafer-thin,
    • slender,
    • improbable,
    • broomstick,
    • fit as fiddle,
    • paper-thin,
    • Muscled,
    • no fat,
    • twiggy,
    • in good shape,
    • lithesome,
    • Stalky,
    • scraggiest,
    • in good condition,
    • seethrough,
    • gracile,
    • beanstalk,
    • undernourished,
    • remote,
    • featherweight,
    • poler,
    • shatterable,
    • rattleboned,
    • see through,
    • in firm.

    short (adjective)

    • shortest,
    • low on,
    • niggardly,
    • shorthanded,
    • short.

    slender (adjective)

    • most lithesome,
    • most gracile,
    • more lithesome,
    • more gracile.

    slight (adjective)

    • more skeleton,
    • more attenuate,
    • reediest,
    • un-essential,
    • most attenuate,
    • un essential,
    • reedier,
    • most skeleton.

    small (adjective)

    • sparing,
    • stingy,
    • diminutive,
    • minute,
    • dwarfish,
    • deficient,
    • compact,
    • picayune,
    • beggarly,
    • miserly,
    • baby,
    • pocket,
    • puny,
    • itty-bitty,
    • tiny,
    • weeny,
    • nugatory,
    • scanty,
    • minor,
    • teeny,
    • teensy,
    • microscopic,
    • toy,
    • delicate,
    • teeny-weeny,
    • smallish,
    • ungenerous,
    • petite,
    • minimal,
    • modest,
    • bantam,
    • scant,
    • wee,
    • miniature.

    tenuous (adjective)

    • in significant.

    thin (adjective)

    • most wafer-thin,
    • more paper thin,
    • more paper-thin,
    • paperthin,
    • sub-tile,
    • most twiglike,
    • most undernourished,
    • most shriveled,
    • more waferthin,
    • sub tile,
    • re fined,
    • subtilest,
    • stalkier,
    • trans-lucent,
    • most waferthin,
    • polest,
    • most wafer thin,
    • waferthin,
    • most paper-thin,
    • stalkiest,
    • more undernourished,
    • under nourished,
    • more shriveled,
    • most featherweight,
    • more featherweight,
    • more paperthin,
    • more wafer thin,
    • more wafer-thin,
    • most paper thin,
    • under-weight,
    • more twiglike,
    • sub tiler,
    • wafer thin,
    • under weight,
    • most paperthin,
    • under-nourished,
    • sub-tiler,
    • subtiler,
    • trans lucent.

    trim (adjective)

    • more wellproportioned,
    • well proportioned,
    • most well-proportioned,
    • most well proportioned,
    • wellbalanced,
    • more well proportioned,
    • wellproportioned,
    • well-balanced,
    • more well-proportioned,
    • well balanced,
    • most wellproportioned.

    weak (adjective)

    • weakest,
    • forceless.
  • n.

    • cannibalism,
    • cannibal,
    • Atkins diet,
    • crash diet,
    • carnivore,
    • brown-bag,
    • abstemious,
    • detox.

    • across,
    • fat,
    • elongated,
    • attenuated,
    • filmy,
    • angular,
    • broad.

    lean (noun)

    • lean.

    little (noun)

    • little.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • meager,
    • slenderize,
    • paltry,
    • gaunt,
    • inconsiderable,
    • poor,
    • melt off,
    • svelte,
    • insufficient,
    • Spindling.

    slim (noun)

    • small.

    well-proportioned (noun)

    • trimming.
  • v.

    diet (verb)

    • goes without,
    • losing weight,
    • tightening belt,
    • eating sparingly,
    • ate sparingly,
    • slimmed down,
    • counted calories,
    • tightened belt,
    • counts calories,
    • skinnies down,
    • slims down,
    • counting calories,
    • lost weight,
    • tightens belt,
    • watched weight,
    • watches weight,
    • watching weight,
    • eats sparingly,
    • went without,
    • skinnying down,
    • skinnied down.

    narrow (verb)

    • tighten.

    reduce (verb)

    • de basing,
    • re-bated,
    • going a diet,
    • dis-counting,
    • scales down,
    • goes on diet,
    • went on a diet,
    • winded down,
    • de-based,
    • de-basing,
    • going on diet,
    • de-press,
    • goes a diet,
    • dis counting,
    • rolling back,
    • re bating,
    • go diet,
    • re-bate,
    • nutshelling,
    • nutshelled,
    • de pressed,
    • re-duce,
    • banted,
    • dis counts,
    • went diet,
    • slowing down,
    • takes weight,
    • re-bates,
    • bants,
    • re bate,
    • re bates,
    • re-bating,
    • goes diet,
    • de press,
    • de based,
    • re-ceded,
    • de pressing,
    • taking off weight,
    • go on diet,
    • de presses,
    • going on a diet,
    • rolled back,
    • re-cede,
    • dis-counts,
    • de-pressed,
    • re ceding,
    • de base,
    • re-cedes,
    • re bated,
    • go a diet,
    • went a diet,
    • goes on a diet,
    • de-pressing,
    • re-ceding,
    • takes off weight,
    • took weight,
    • wound down,
    • take weight,
    • dis counted,
    • re duce,
    • de-base,
    • dis-counted,
    • taking weight,
    • de-presses,
    • re cedes,
    • re-duces,
    • went on diet,
    • winds down,
    • going diet,
    • slows down,
    • rolls back,
    • took off weight,
    • re duces.
  • Other synonyms:

    • Fleshless,
    • elfin,
    • sinewy.

    • wiry,
    • rawboned,
    • dainty,
    • bony.

    • extenuate.

    • faint.


    • athletic.

    Other relevant words:

    • Bankrupting,
    • slim down,
    • lose weight,
    • nutshell,
    • tapers off,
    • marked down,
    • slimming,
    • reduce,
    • going without,
    • bankrupts,
    • banting,
    • scale down,
    • roll back,
    • rebated,
    • rebating,
    • reducing,
    • bant,
    • slowed down,
    • take off weight,
    • slow down,
    • slimming down,
    • tighten belt,
    • starve,
    • taper off,
    • scaling down,
    • nutshells,
    • mark down,
    • Bankrupted,
    • wind down,
    • count calories,
    • skinny down,
    • winding down,
    • eat sparingly,
    • diet,
    • starves,
    • go on a diet,
    • loses weight,
    • go without,
    • scaled down,
    • watch weight.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • handful,
    • weed,
    • haggard,
    • thread-like,
    • attenuate,
    • sleazy,
    • inadequate,
    • thin person,
    • girlish,
    • abbreviate,
    • elongate,
    • capillary,
    • straitened,
    • lissome,
    • sharp,
    • modestly,
    • chinchy,
    • narrowed,
    • concentrate,
    • wily,
    • vulpine,
    • Slinky,
    • impoverished,
    • trivially,
    • limited,
    • knowing,
    • stunted,
    • Lankness,
    • strap,
    • unexpanded,
    • thinly,
    • shorten,
    • quash,
    • close,
    • Raw-boned,
    • tricksy,
    • attentive,
    • wimp,
    • petty,
    • first,
    • narrowly,
    • boil down,
    • intriguing,
    • artful,
    • ingenious,
    • shrivel,
    • meagre,
    • spotty,
    • taper,
    • starved,
    • gangly,
    • boyish,
    • slenderise,
    • supple,
    • softly,
    • Immaterially,
    • emaciated,
    • lissom,
    • finely,
    • long-limbed,
    • misty,
    • overpower,
    • filament,
    • condense,
    • thin down,
    • spindlelegs,
    • clean-cut,
    • ethereal,
    • rather,
    • contracted,
    • beautifully,
    • acute,
    • abate,
    • starveling,
    • shrivelled,
    • slenderly,
    • foreshorten,
    • adroit,
    • shrink,
    • keep down,
    • slimmer,
    • corpse,
    • repress,
    • clean-limbed,
    • evasive,
    • scrimpy,
    • Subdolous,
    • sparse,
    • skimp,
    • milksop,
    • behind ones back,
    • Smally,
    • tricky,
    • thin out,
    • tinily,
    • chintzy,
    • scrag,
    • watered-down,
    • quell,
    • cagey,
    • abridge,
    • underfed,
    • coward,
    • diaphanous,
    • canny,
    • dexterous,
    • insignificant,
    • pettily,
    • Unnutritious,
    • profound,
    • watered,
    • delicacy,
    • airy,
    • diminish,
    • pare,
    • slightest,
    • sly,
    • fatless,
    • deoxidize,
    • scarce,
    • withered,
    • spartan,
    • Macilent,
    • parsimonious,
    • skeleton,
    • frivolously,
    • sap,
    • skimpy,
    • slimness,
    • diluted,
    • tapered,
    • softie,
    • nicety,
    • frugal,
    • simplify,
    • narrowing,
    • trim back,
    • cadaverous,
    • insidious,
    • delicately,
    • milquetoast,
    • bag of bones,
    • underweight,
    • Scrimping,
    • seldom seen,
    • detail,
    • vest-pocket,
    • abstain,
    • strop,
    • stealthy,
    • papery,
    • hollow-cheeked,
    • refined,
    • beggar,
    • curb,
    • subjugate,
    • vague,
    • subordinately,
    • exiguous,
    • Dwarfed,
    • minutely,
    • feline,
    • thin-bodied,
    • come down,
    • Contriving,
    • bring down,
    • graceful,
    • slenderness,
    • not difficult,
    • fragile,
    • cut,
    • astute,
    • expand,
    • slimly,
    • strategic,
    • spareribs,
    • cunning,
    • restrain,
    • foxy,
    • arch,
    • willow,
    • austere,
    • weaken,
    • artificial,
    • ascetic,
    • lacy,
    • rattlebones,
    • Wiredrawn,
    • analysis,
    • spindly,
    • inconsequentially,
    • pint-sized,
    • gossamer,
    • debase,
    • constricted,
    • designing,
    • suppress,
    • finespun,
    • implausible,
    • slightly,
    • irrelevantly,
    • Fractionally,
    • tenuously,
    • rarefied,
    • dilute,
    • subdue,
    • sweat off,
    • doormat,
    • polished,
    • pawky,
    • crafty,
    • dwindle,
    • in good fettle,
    • Rackabones,
    • skillful,
    • subsistence,
    • fine-drawn,
    • airily,
    • shrewd,
    • slick,
    • anatomy,
    • diplomatic,
    • crooked,
    • trim down,
    • cheeseparing,
    • Stinted,
    • fast,
    • restricted,
    • wasp-waisted,
    • Skimping,
    • Barebone,
    • ultrathin,
    • undersized,
    • leery,
    • trivial,
    • needlelike,
    • sprinkled,
    • hairline,
    • subtle,
    • crybaby,
    • infrequent,
    • Thinnish,
    • jejune,
    • pocket-sized,
    • shadow,
    • decoct,
    • wispy,
    • rare,
    • spindleshanks,
    • light,
    • Fragmentarily,
    • flimsy,
    • lightly,
    • scrimp,
    • soul,
    • hidden,
    • tapering,
    • scantily,
    • slime,
    • bean pole,
    • cut down,
    • change state,
    • starvation,
    • contract,
    • unsubstantial,
    • feeble,
    • cut back,
    • shifty,
    • deceitful,
    • osier,
    • pinched,
    • softy,
    • shrunken,
    • rangy,
    • gauzy,
    • seldom met with,
    • barebones,
    • curtail,
    • unlikely,
    • outside,
    • cypress,
    • insignificantly,
    • streamlined,
    • politic,
    • lessen,
    • weightless,
    • scattered,
    • insubstantial,
    • depress,
    • shapely,
    • tritely,
    • clothes pole,
    • mean,
    • weakling,
    • watery,
    • smooth,
    • slim-jim,
    • beanpole,
    • deep,
    • pauper,
    • clever,
    • timeserving,
    • underhand,
    • slippery,
    • wasted.

How to use «Slim» in context?

«slim» is an effective weight loss method that you can use to help you achieve your ideal body weight. Slim is a natural way to lose weight and it helps to burn calories while you are exercising. Slim is also a safe weight loss method that you can use with no side effects.

Paraphrases for Slim:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      clever, dim, elusive, feeble, insignificant, intelligent, lean, limited, marginal, meager, meagre, mild, negligible, scant, scarce, shallow, simple, streamlined, stylized, tenuous, tight, weak, space-saving, small-footprint.
    • Noun, plural
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      few, minimal, narrow, short, sparse.

Homophones for Slim:

  • schliemann, skyline, Sally Lunn, slam on, scalene, silene, salina, salem, solo man, seal in, salon, selma, salaam, Shiah Islam, solan, solanum, sexual union, salmo, schoolman, sea holm, selenium, scallion, Schoolma’am, shallon, saloon, sea lion, slummy, slalom, solomon, slime, salmon, slam, salami, slum, slow lane, Salim, saxicoline, squall line, salian, sash line, saline, scolion, sullen, solemn, social lion, solon, sicilian, sockeye salmon, scullion, salome, sealyham, selene, salmi, sauce-alone, swollen, salomon, sea lane, slain, slimy, sloanea.

Word of the Day

re organize



  • SLIM synonyms at Thesaurus.com
  • SLIM synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
  • Powerthesaurus.org
    — SLIM synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of SLIM
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for SLIM

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