Синонимы слова universal

  • broad
  • common
  • comprehensive
  • extensive
  • global
  • prevalent
  • ubiquitous
  • unlimited
  • catholic
  • cosmopolitan
  • empyrean
  • general
  • generic
  • regular
  • sweeping
  • total
  • whole
  • accepted
  • all
  • all over
  • all-embracing
  • all-inclusive
  • astronomical
  • celestial
  • cosmic
  • customary
  • diffuse
  • ecumenical
  • multinational
  • mundane
  • omnipresent
  • planetary
  • stellar
  • terrestrial
  • undisputed
  • unrestricted
  • usual
  • widespread
  • worldly

On this page you’ll find 102 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to universal, such as: broad, common, comprehensive, extensive, global, and prevalent.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • accustomed
  • acknowledged
  • allowed
  • approved
  • arrived at
  • authorized
  • card-carrying
  • chosen
  • confirmed
  • conventional
  • credited
  • current
  • customary
  • endorsed
  • established
  • fashionable
  • in vogue
  • kosher
  • legit
  • normal
  • okayed
  • orthodox
  • passed
  • popular
  • preferred
  • received
  • recognized
  • regular
  • sanctioned
  • standard
  • straight
  • time-honored
  • touted
  • universal
  • unopposed
  • usual
  • welcomed
  • all-embracing
  • all-inclusive
  • comprehensive
  • copious
  • encyclopedic
  • expansive
  • extended
  • extensive
  • far-flung
  • far-reaching
  • general
  • inclusive
  • nonspecific
  • scopic
  • sweeping
  • ubiquitous
  • undetailed
  • universal
  • unlimited
  • wide
  • wide-ranging
  • widespread
  • all-embracing
  • all-inclusive
  • comprehensive
  • copious
  • encyclopedic
  • expansive
  • extended
  • far-flung
  • far-reaching
  • general
  • inclusive
  • nonspecific
  • scopic
  • sweeping
  • ubiquitous
  • undetailed
  • universal
  • unlimited
  • wide
  • wide-ranging
  • widespread
  • all-embracing
  • all-inclusive
  • comprehensive
  • copious
  • encyclopedic
  • expansive
  • extended
  • far-flung
  • far-reaching
  • general
  • inclusive
  • nonspecific
  • scopic
  • sweeping
  • ubiquitous
  • undetailed
  • universal
  • unlimited
  • wide
  • wide-ranging
  • widespread
  • all-inclusive
  • broad-minded
  • charitable
  • comprehensive
  • cosmic
  • cosmopolitan
  • diffuse
  • eclectic
  • ecumenical
  • extensive
  • generic
  • global
  • inclusive
  • indeterminate
  • large-scale
  • liberal
  • open-minded
  • receptive
  • tolerant
  • unbigoted
  • universal
  • unprejudiced
  • unsectarian
  • whole
  • wide
  • world-wide
  • affiliated
  • agnate
  • akin
  • allied
  • analogous
  • comparable
  • connate
  • connatural
  • connected
  • consanguine
  • general
  • generic
  • incident
  • kindred
  • like
  • related
  • same
  • similar
  • universal

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • universal [juːnɪˈvɜːsəl] прил

    1. универсальный


    2. всеобщий, вселенский, общечеловеческий, повсеместный

      (general, ecumenical, humanity, widespread)

      • universal peace – всеобщий мир
      • universal morality – общечеловеческая мораль
      • universal application – повсеместное применение
    3. Всемирный, общемировой, мировой


      • universal importance – мировое значение
    4. всесторонний, всеобъемлющий


      • universal support – всесторонняя поддержка
      • universal love – всеобъемлющая любовь
    5. общий, единый, общепринятый

      (common, single)

      • universal precautions – общие меры предосторожности
      • universal time – единое время
    6. поголовный


      • universal literacy – поголовная грамотность
  • universal [juːnɪˈvɜːsəl] сущ

    1. универсальный характер

универсальный universal, multipurpose, all-purpose, general-purpose
всеобщий general, universal, overall, global
всемирный world, worldwide, global, universal, ecumenical, mondial
всеобъемлющий pervasive, overall, universal, catchall, blanket, integral

Предложения со словом «universal»

Now, a scientist coming in and sampling this population discovers that green preferences are universal .

Учёный, выборочно исследующий данную популяцию, обнаружил бы, что зелёные предпочтения являются универсальными .

So the point about this little abstract example is that while preferences for specific physical features can be arbitrary for the individual, if those features are heritable and they are associated with a reproductive advantage, over time, they become universal for the group.

Смысл этого абстрактного примера в том, что предпочтения конкретных физических характеристик могут быть произвольны для человека, но если эти характеристики наследуются и связаны с репродуктивным преимуществом, с течением времени они становятся универсальными для группы.

The so-called universal attributes of beauty were selected for during the almost two million years of the Pleistocene.

Так называемые универсальные признаки красоты формировались в течение почти двух миллионов лет эпохи плейстоцена.

Is because of extraordinary Western leadership by statesmen and women after the Second World War that became universal rights.

Причиной тому исключительное западное руководство: политики и женщины времён Второй мировой войны, которые способствовали этому.

Illness is universal ; access to care is not.

Болезни распространены повсеместно, а доступ к лечению — нет.

For all of human history, illness has been universal and access to care has not.

За всё время истории человечества болезни были распространены повсеместно, а доступ к медицине — нет.

There has to be universal preschool.

Универсальные дошкольные учреждения, госфинансированные.

It’s got universal applicability.

Оно актуально абсолютно для всех.

Only a small number of people are allowed to vote for those leaders, even though their impact is gigantic and almost universal .

Выбирать будущих президентов может только небольшое число людей, даже несмотря на то, что их влияние огромно и почти не имеет границ.

Why do we think that stories by men are deemed to be of universal importance, and stories by women are thought to be merely about women?

Почему мы считаем, что истории, рассказанные мужчинами, несут вселенский смысл, а женские повествования — всего лишь о женщинах?

Similarly, we’re told that creative genius resides in the masculine, that it is the masculine that will be able to tell us about who we really are, that the masculine will tell the universal story on behalf of all of us, whereas women artists will really just talk about women’s experiences, women’s issues only really relevant to women and of passing interest to men — and really only some men.

Также нам говорили, что творческий гений — прерогатива мужчин, и только они способны поведать нам, кто мы такие на самом деле, рассказать универсальную историю от имени всего человечества, в то время как творцы — женщины расскажут только лишь о женских переживаниях и проблемах, значимых только для женщин и не вызывающих интереса у мужчин, фактически лишь у некоторых из них.

Men feel they have been given the mantle for universal communication, but of course, how could they be?

Мужчины считают, что им было предначертано быть посредниками всеобщей коммуникации, конечно, как же может быть по — другому?

I mean, one idea that we hear quite a lot about now is universal basic income.

Взять хотя бы довольно распространённую сейчас идею об универсальном базовом доходе.

But this is a problem, I mean, I think it’s a good start, but it’s a problematic idea because it’s not clear what universal is and it’s not clear what basic is.

Но проблема в том, что, хотя это и неплохое начало, идея проблематична из — за отсутствия чёткого определения универсального и базового.

Most people when they speak about universal basic income, they actually mean national basic income.

Для большинства людей понятие универсального базового дохода совпадает с национальным базовым доходом.

So unless we have really universal and not national basic income, the deep problems are not going to go away.

Так что без реального универсального — не национального — базового дохода, глубинные проблемы никуда не денутся.

There is no universal drama with a role in it for Homo sapiens.

Нет никакого вселенского промысла с Homo sapiens в главной роли.

Now of course stress, particularly in our modern lifestyle, is a somewhat universal experience, right?

Стресс стал неотъемлемой частью современного образа жизни, не так ли?

See, water isn’t just the universal solvent.

Вода — не только универсальный растворитель.

Water is a universal human right.

Она — универсальное право человека.

And the range of stories are varied and diverse, but they also make up a universal tapestry.

Истории были самые разные, но они складывались в универсальную картинку.

It really doesn’t, and also, what we do is firmly anchored in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Это на самом деле так, а то, что мы делаем, было чётко закреплено во Всеобщей декларации прав человека ещё в 1948 году.

I guess the idea didn’t have a universal appeal.

Моя идея, похоже, не встретила всеобщей поддержки.

It’s a universal truth that every season is beautiful in its own way.

Общеизвестна истина, что каждое время года красиво по — своему.

But these statements can’t be universal .

Но эти заявления не могут быть универсальными .

It is also the universal language of the Internet as the majority of electronic books and information can be found in this language.

Он еще и универсальный язык Интернета, так как большинство электронных книг и информаций можно найти на этом языке.

Both genders are trapped in a delusion that their personal viewpoints are universal .

Оба пола застряли в ловушке иллюзии, что их персональные точки зрения универсальны .

The brass has never been comfortable with recycling battlefield dead into Universal Soldiers.

Начальство никогда не приветствовало переработку военных трупов в Универсальных Солдат.

We have proved that universal gentleness will cause aggression to die.

Мы доказали, что всеобщая доброта приведет к смерти агрессивности.

In this ruined and forgotten place the moralist may behold a symbol of the universal destiny.

В этих заброшенных развалинах моралист увидит символ участи всей вселенной.

These inventions cry out for the goodness in man, cry out for universal brotherhood, for the unity of us all.

Сама природа этих изобретений взывает к лучшему в человеке, взывает к всеобщему братству и сплочённости.

The Sea rested, sublime in Her indifference, an imperturbable mirror for the face of universal truth.

Море отдыхало, величественное в своем равнодушии, непроницаемое, точно зеркало, в котором отражалось лицо вечной истины.

Abel Mustafov was a mathematical prodigy that has made the greatest breakthrough ever in universal theory research.

Абель Мустафов был математическим гением который совершил величайший в истории прорыв в исследовании теории вселенной.

I just can’t accept the idea of universal disease.

Я просто не могу воспринять идею об одной всемирной болезни.

Committing all its signatories to the principles of collective security and universal peace.

Подписавшиеся стороны обязуются блюсти принципы коллективной безопасности и всеобщий мир.

There’s no such universal standard for defining good and evil.

А для описания добра и зла нет единого стандарта.

Obviously being High Commander had a few perks even in these days of universal rationing.

Главнокомандующий явно пользовался определенными привилегиями даже в эти времена всеобщего распределения.

In the pandemonium of image I present you with the universal Blue

В столпотворении образов я представляю тебя во вселенной печали.

It was part of what Tansley called The Great Universal Law of Equilibrium.

Это то что Тенсли называл Великим Законом Вселенского Равновесия

I want to restore the Universal Church to her former dignity.

Я хочу восстановить Вселенскую Церковь, ее прежнее достоинство.

All of the universal forces are responding to the thoughts that you have set into motion.

Все вселенские силы отвечают на мысли, которые вы запустили в оборот.

To believe in something in the face of universal opposition can be exhausting.

Верить во что — то несмотря на всеобщее неприятие может быть изнурительно.

The searchlights at Universal were long since retired for the night and there was no traffic sound from the freeway down in the pass.

Прожектора Юниверсал — Сити давно погасли, и со стороны идущей через перевал автострады не слышался шум движения.

The planets where the real war would be fought, the universal war for belief and devotion between the two celestial brothers.

Именно там воистину развернется война за веру и преданность между двумя небесными братьями.

For it was less a profounder reality he seemed to see than universal chaos, looming behind the fragile structure of human order.

Ибо за хрупким зданием человеческих установлений ему привиделись не новые глубины, а скорее всеобщий хаос.

No Antichrist, no theoretical satanic power, no ‘counter-God’ could possibly threaten such a universal consciousness.

Ни Антихрист, ни гипотетическая сила зла, ни противо — Бог не могут угрожать подобному всеобщему сознанию.

The chief inspector will use his code rating to load a universal order into the town’s net for every general household processor.

Инспектор использует свой рейтинг — код, чтобы загрузить общую команду во все домашние процессоры города.

The book is about his life, But he makes every detail feel universal .

Книга рассказывает о его жизни, но каждую ее деталь он делает повсеместной.

I nodded in his direction, found an unused portal, presented my universal card, and went in search of a bar.

Я кивнул Дрейку, нашел свободный портал, предъявил свою универсальную карточку и отправился на поиски бара.

She sees universal purpose in the stars, and the meaning of existence in the growth of a rose.

Она видит смысл мироздания в звездах и цель существования в выращивании роз.

Universal history becomes a reality, for the entire world is assembled for the development of this time.

Всемирная история становится реальностью, ибо весь мир включается в её временной процесс.

All phones have a universal unlock code based on their model and the unique IMEI number.

У всех телефонов есть универсальный код разблокировки, который зависит от модели и уникального идентификационного номера.

Folklore consists of certain universal ideas that have been mapped onto local cultures.

Фольклор состоит из ряда универсальных понятий, отображенных на местную культуру.

There are certain universal ideas and concepts common to all intelligent life.

Есть универсальные идеи и понятия, общие для разума.


Уиклифф имел смелость объявить что универсальная власть папы не имеет под собой библейского основания.

His delegation appreciated the Working Group’s efforts to draw up a list of crimes to which universal jurisdiction might be applicable.

Делегация Китая выражает Рабочей группе признательность за деятельность по подготовке перечня преступлений, в отношении которых может осуществляться универсальная юрисдикция.

The detainees have been subjected to physical and mental torture in further violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Заключенные подвергаются физическим и моральным пыткам, что также является нарушением Всеобщей декларации прав человека.

Prevention, treatment, care and support in the context of universal access cannot be separated and must go hand in hand.

Профилактика, лечение, уход и поддержка в контексте универсального подхода неразделимы и должны идти рука об руку.

However, for that to become reality mankind will have to learn to coexist on the basis of the universal values of peace.

Однако для того, чтобы это стало реальностью, человечество должно научиться сосуществовать на основе универсальных ценностей мира.

It is Poland’s desire for the treaty establishing the Court to become one of the most universal documents of its kind.

Польша хотела бы, чтобы договор об учреждении Суда стал одним из самых универсальных документов такого рода.


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universe, universally, universality, university

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Photo search results for Universal

Hungarian Horntail Dragon at Universal Studios Black and White Labeled Box Black and White Unk Unk Unk From above of orange usb to micro usb cable twisted into ring placed on black board Black and White Labeled Box Jurassic Park

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castle, sky, architecture weld, hot soldering, radio diesel locomotive, großdiesellok, diesel-electric classic car, automobile, car hogwarts, castle, harry potter hogwarts, harry potter, magic

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Synonyms for Universal. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/universal

Synonyms for Universal. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/universal>.

Synonyms for Universal. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/universal.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. universal

    Common signifies frequently occurring, not out of the regular course, not exceptional; hence, not above the average, not excellent or distinguished, inferior, or even low; common also signifies pertaining to or participated in by two or more persons or things; as, sorrow is common to the race. General may signify pertaining equally to all of a class, race, etc., but very commonly signifies pertaining to the greater number, but not necessarily to all. Universal applies to all without exception; general applies to all with possible or comparatively slight exceptions; common applies to very many without deciding whether they are even a majority. A common remark is one we often hear; a general experience is one that comes to the majority of people; a universal experience is one from which no human being is exempt. It is dangerous for a debater to affirm a universal proposition, since that can be negatived by a single exception, while a general statement is not invalidated even by adducing many exceptions. We say a common opinion, common experience, a general rule, general truth, a universal law. Compare synonyms for NORMAL; USUAL.

    common, commonplace, customary, everyday, familiar, frequent, general, habitual, normal, ordinary, popular, prevalent, public, usual

    exceptional, infrequent, rare, singular, uncommon, unknown, unusual

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. universal

    all, embracing, total, unlimited, boundless, comprehensive, entire, general, whole, exhaustive, complete

    partial, local, limited, incomplete, exclusive, exhaustive, exceptional

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. universal, linguistic universalnoun

    (linguistics) a grammatical rule (or other linguistic feature) that is found in all languages

    universal, universal joint, linguistic universal, universal proposition

    particular proposition, particular, noncomprehensive, specific, incomprehensive, unadaptable

  2. universal, universal propositionnoun

    (logic) a proposition that asserts something of all members of a class

    universal, universal joint, linguistic universal, universal proposition

    particular, particular proposition, unadaptable, specific, incomprehensive, noncomprehensive

  3. universalnoun

    a behavioral convention or pattern characteristic of all members of a particular culture or of all human beings

    «some form of religion seems to be a human universal»

    universal joint, linguistic universal, universal proposition

    particular proposition, particular, unadaptable, incomprehensive, noncomprehensive, specific

  4. universal joint, universaladjective

    coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions

    «in motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps»

    universal, universal joint, linguistic universal, universal proposition

    particular, particular proposition, unadaptable, noncomprehensive, specific, incomprehensive

  5. cosmopolitan, ecumenical, oecumenical, general, universal, worldwide, world-wideadjective

    of worldwide scope or applicability

    «an issue of cosmopolitan import»; «the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time»- Christopher Morley; «universal experience»

    universal, widely distributed, world(a), planetary, world-wide, general, global, ecumenical, worldwide, ecumenic, oecumenic, cosmopolitan, oecumenical

    particular proposition, particular, noncomprehensive, incomprehensive, unadaptable, specific

  6. universaladjective

    applicable to or common to all members of a group or set

    «the play opened to universal acclaim»; «rap enjoys universal appeal among teenage boys»

    cosmopolitan, world-wide, worldwide, ecumenical, oecumenical, general

    particular proposition, particular, specific, incomprehensive, noncomprehensive, unadaptable

  7. universaladjective

    adapted to various purposes, sizes, forms, operations

    «universal wrench», «universal chuck»; «universal screwdriver»

    cosmopolitan, world-wide, worldwide, ecumenical, oecumenical, general

    particular, particular proposition, noncomprehensive, unadaptable, specific, incomprehensive

Matched Categories

    • Convention
    • Linguistics
    • Logic
    • Proposition
    • Rule

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «universal»:

    universelle, universality, world, global, universale, universally, universelles, general, widespread, one-size-fits-all, universalization, worldwide, generalized

How to pronounce Universal?

How to say Universal in sign language?

How to use Universal in a sentence?

  1. Lujan Grisham:

    We’re going to make the decisions that safeguard New Mexicans, if we had better national strategies and universal testing and software-based contract tracing, then we could really figure out when opening makes sense and we could start to do that in the country.

  2. Jean Jullien:

    Peace is a universal message.

  3. Heather Boushey:

    The investments that we are making… are ones that the private sector has not done or can not do, we have not seen a nationwide investment in affordable, accessible universal pre-K. It is the public sector that has traditionally made it possible for kids to afford community college. We have not seen the private sector solve the climate crisis. It is really important to recognize that growth hinges on… much-needed public investments that provide the basis for an economy that is inclusive.

  4. Liberal Party spokesman Jakob Ellemann-Jensen:

    All Danish citizens and refugees coming here receive universal health care ; you receive education from preschool to university, and you receive elderly care ; you receive language training and integration training free of charge, paid for by the government, the only demand that we set to measure this is if you have the means to pay for your housing and for your food — regardless of whether you are a Dane or whether you are a refugee — then you should.

  5. German Chancellor Angela Merkel:

    If Europe fails on the refugee question, its tight bond with universal human rights will be destroyed, and it will no longer be the Europe we dreamed of.

Translations for Universal

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • عالميArabic
  • агу́льныBelarusian
  • všestranný, univerzálníCzech
  • universelDanish
  • universell, allgemein, Universal-German
  • παγκόσμιοςGreek
  • universalaEsperanto
  • universalSpanish
  • جهانی‌Persian
  • yleispätevä, yleismaailmallinen, yleis-Finnish
  • universel, universelleFrench
  • uilechoiteann, comhchoiteannIrish
  • universalGalician
  • עולמיHebrew
  • यूनिवर्सलHindi
  • inivèsèlHaitian Creole
  • egyetemesHungarian
  • universalIndonesian
  • universalaIdo
  • universaleItalian
  • ユニバーサルJapanese
  • ಸಾರ್ವತ್ರಿಕKannada
  • 전세계의, 우주의Korean
  • universalisLatin
  • sejagat, universalMalay
  • universeelDutch
  • universellNorwegian
  • uniwersalnyPolish
  • universalPortuguese
  • космический, всеобщий, универсальный, глобальный, всесторонний, вселенский, общечеловеческий, всемирныйRussian
  • universal-, universellSwedish
  • உலகளாவியTamil
  • సార్వత్రికTelugu
  • evrenselTurkish
  • عالمگیرUrdu
  • phổ cậpVietnamese
  • וניווערסאַלYiddish

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[ jˌuːnɪvˈɜːsə͡l], [ jˌuːnɪvˈɜːsə‍l], [ j_ˌuː_n_ɪ_v_ˈɜː_s_əl]

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  • What is a universal login?
  • Can i use one login for all websites?
  • Does every website have a universal?

    Table of Contents

    • adj.

      accepted (adjective)

      • Passed,
      • card-carrying,
      • arrived at,
      • received.

      all (adjective)

      • oecumenical,
      • worldwide,
      • general,
      • World-wide,
      • cosmopolitan,
      • universal.

      broad (adjective)

      • more all-embracing,
      • more scopic,
      • most nonspecific,
      • far reaching,
      • more all embracing,
      • most wide ranging,
      • allinclusive,
      • more wide-ranging,
      • co pious,
      • more wideranging,
      • most allembracing,
      • allembracing,
      • ex tended,
      • co-pious,
      • most all-embracing,
      • most wide-ranging,
      • un-detailed,
      • more wide ranging,
      • all embracing,
      • all inclusive,
      • far-reaching,
      • most wideranging,
      • wideranging,
      • wide-ranging,
      • farreaching,
      • most all embracing,
      • ex-tended,
      • most undetailed,
      • most scopic,
      • un detailed,
      • farflung,
      • far flung,
      • wide ranging,
      • more undetailed,
      • more nonspecific,
      • more allembracing,
      • non specific.

      catholic (adjective)

      • unbigoted,
      • unsectarian,
      • broadminded,
      • whole.

      common (adjective)

      • more unvaried,
      • well known,
      • more communistic,
      • most workaday,
      • more frequent,
      • habitual,
      • more socialistic,
      • un-distinguished,
      • co incident,
      • in formal,
      • inter-mutual,
      • most socialistic,
      • more correspondent,
      • more workaday,
      • more community,
      • most communistic,
      • more commutual,
      • most commutual,
      • everyday,
      • most conjunct,
      • most worn out,
      • more intermutual,
      • more conjunct,
      • most comformable,
      • wellknown,
      • inter mutual,
      • most community,
      • most intermutual,
      • most unvaried,
      • stereo typed,
      • trivial,
      • co-incident,
      • un varied,
      • un-varied,
      • un distinguished,
      • in-formal,
      • more comformable,
      • stereo-typed,
      • most correspondent,
      • stocker.

      complete (adjective)

      • finished,
      • exhaustive,
      • full,
      • intact,
      • thorough,
      • entire,
      • done,
      • unified,
      • solid,
      • uncut,
      • conclusive,
      • unsevered,
      • through,
      • all,
      • plenary,
      • undivided,
      • sum,
      • total,
      • comprehensive,
      • complete,
      • collective,
      • unabridged,
      • integral,
      • accomplished,
      • final.

      cosmopolitan (adjective)

      • well-travelled,
      • urbane.

      customary (adjective)

      • more regulation,
      • most stipulated,
      • under-stood,
      • standard operating procedure,
      • more stipulated,
      • most regulation,
      • prescriptive,
      • in groove,
      • under stood.

      diffuse (adjective)

      • more unconcentrated,
      • most unconcentrated,
      • more strewn,
      • more circulated,
      • most propagated,
      • more propagated,
      • un-concentrated,
      • most strewn,
      • more radiated,
      • most dispersed,
      • most disseminated,
      • more disseminated,
      • more expanded,
      • most expanded,
      • most diluted,
      • most circulated,
      • more dispersed,
      • more broadcast,
      • un concentrated,
      • most radiated,
      • most broadcast.

      ecumenical (adjective)

      • all-pervading,
      • all-comprehensive.

      encyclopedic (adjective)

      • more thorough going,
      • most all-encompassing,
      • more allencompassing,
      • thorough going,
      • more all encompassing,
      • all encompassing,
      • dis-cursive,
      • allencompassing,
      • more all-encompassing,
      • most all encompassing,
      • dis cursive,
      • thorough-going,
      • most thorough going,
      • most allencompassing,
      • more thorough-going,
      • more thoroughgoing,
      • most thorough-going.

      ever-present (adjective)

      • ubiquitous.

      extensive (adjective)

      • more extensive,
      • ex tensive,
      • in discriminate,
      • un exclusive,
      • more unexclusive,
      • more scopious,
      • across board,
      • most scopious,
      • most unexclusive,
      • more comprising,
      • in-discriminate,
      • un restricted,
      • wall to wall,
      • ex-tensive,
      • wholesale,
      • voluminous,
      • un-restricted,
      • un-exclusive,
      • most comprising,
      • wall wall.

      general (adjective)

      • most comprehending,
      • un-eventful,
      • more matter-of-course,
      • un-confined,
      • more comprehending,
      • allaround,
      • matter-of-course,
      • in finite,
      • more matter of course,
      • taken as a whole,
      • in-finite,
      • overall,
      • un confined,
      • taken as whole,
      • most matter of course,
      • most matter-of-course,
      • un eventful.

      generic (adjective)

      • more nonexclusive,
      • most nonexclusive,
      • non exclusive,
      • nonexclusive.

      global (adjective)

      • allout,
      • un-bounded,
      • all out,
      • world,
      • un bounded,
      • worldest,
      • worlder.

      holistic (adjective)

      • integrated.

      international (adjective)

      • intercontinental,
      • international.

      metaphysical (adjective)

      • Unfleshly,
      • non-material,
      • Supermundane,
      • Discarnate,
      • superhuman,
      • supranatural,
      • suprahuman,
      • nonmaterial,
      • unphysical,
      • oversubtle,
      • non-physical,
      • jesuitic,
      • nonphysical,
      • Supramundane.

      multinational (adjective)

      • multi-national,
      • multicultural,
      • multinational.

      natural (adjective)

      • in voluntary,
      • more natal,
      • in-generate,
      • most ingenerate,
      • un-acquired,
      • most natal,
      • un controlled,
      • un-controlled,
      • uni form,
      • in-born,
      • more ingenerate,
      • most unacquired,
      • uni-form,
      • in born,
      • in-voluntary,
      • in generate,
      • un acquired,
      • more unacquired.

      omnipresent (adjective)

      • more ubiquitary,
      • most pervading,
      • more pervading,
      • most ubiquitary,
      • more everywhere,
      • most everywhere.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • unanimous,
      • unvaried,
      • non-specific,
      • in common,
      • extensive,
      • generic,
      • all-embracing,
      • holistic,
      • all-encompassing,
      • in rut,
      • ecumenical,
      • eclectic,
      • comformable,
      • socialistic,
      • natural,
      • workaday,
      • Ingenerate,
      • unconcentrated,
      • in the groove,
      • widespread,
      • in demand,
      • accepted,
      • traditional,
      • wide open,
      • wornout,
      • across the board,
      • catholic,
      • run of the mill,
      • without charge,
      • latest word,
      • no strings,
      • common,
      • all around,
      • nonspecific,
      • in use,
      • customary,
      • natal,
      • unexclusive,
      • Intermutual,
      • popular,
      • public,
      • prevalent,
      • undetailed,
      • in style,
      • splay,
      • unlimited,
      • cognate,
      • far-ranging,
      • broad,
      • Unacquired,
      • faddy,
      • Ubiquitary,
      • by numbers,
      • conjunct,
      • no end of,
      • pervasive,
      • outspread,
      • looked for,
      • rife,
      • full-out,
      • widely used,
      • metaphysical,
      • Commutual,
      • scopic,
      • not private,
      • non-exclusive,
      • federal,
      • same old,
      • in a rut,
      • all over,
      • allover,
      • scopious,
      • encyclopedic,
      • all-over,
      • omnipresent,
      • time-honored,
      • planetary,
      • doctrinal,
      • communistic.

      pervasive (adjective)

      • all over the place,
      • most permeating,
      • cant get away from,
      • most wall to wall,
      • in escapable,
      • can’t get away from,
      • more wall to wall,
      • more wall-to-wall,
      • most wall-to-wall,
      • all over place,
      • more permeating,
      • in-escapable.

      popular (adjective)

      • more embraced,
      • most demanded,
      • most proletarian,
      • more adopted,
      • more proletarian,
      • most adopted,
      • proletarian,
      • more demanded,
      • most embraced.

      prevailing (adjective)

      • prevailing,
      • pre-vailing,
      • pre dominating,
      • pre dominant,
      • more predominating,
      • pre-dominant,
      • pre-dominating,
      • most preponderating,
      • most predominating,
      • more preponderating,
      • pre vailing.

      prevalent (adjective)

      • faddiest,
      • nower,
      • faddier,
      • swinging,
      • more prevalent,
      • up to date,
      • nowest.

      public (adjective)

      • more federal,
      • most government,
      • statest,
      • free all,
      • more government,
      • most federal,
      • stater,
      • free to all,
      • opendoor.

      regular (adjective)

      • monotonous,
      • recurrent,
      • continual,
      • frequent,
      • conventional,
      • periodic,
      • rhythmic,
      • epochal,
      • stock,
      • average,
      • constant,
      • commonplace,
      • chronic,
      • Familiar,
      • accustomed,
      • routine,
      • steady,
      • orthodox,
      • ordinary,
      • canonical,
      • normal,
      • usual,
      • Predominating,
      • metronomic,
      • standard,
      • regular,
      • mundane,
      • cyclical.

      rife (adjective)

      • thronged.

      time-honored (adjective)

      • Folker,
      • taken for granted,
      • long-established.

      traditional (adjective)

      • most doctrinal,
      • more doctrinal,
      • un-written,
      • more transmitted,
      • most transmitted,
      • un written,
      • pre-scribed,
      • pre scribed.

      ubiquitous (adjective)

      • more allover,
      • most all-over,
      • more all-over,
      • most allover,
      • more all over,
      • most all over.

      unanimous (adjective)

      • of one mind,
      • with one voice,
      • with voice,
      • consensual,
      • unquestioned,
      • as one,
      • concordant,
      • consentient,
      • in complete accord.

      universal (adjective)

      • master,
      • mass.

      unlimited (adjective)

      • more full out,
      • un-qualified,
      • more full-out,
      • un constrained,
      • un-limited,
      • un fettered,
      • fullout,
      • in-terminable,
      • full blown,
      • fullblown,
      • fullscale,
      • un-fathomed,
      • un qualified,
      • more fullout,
      • most full-out,
      • inter-minable,
      • in-definite,
      • un-fettered,
      • most full out,
      • in terminable,
      • un-restrained,
      • full out,
      • in comprehensible,
      • un-conditional,
      • in definite,
      • un-told,
      • un fathomed,
      • full scale,
      • un limited,
      • un conditional,
      • most fullout.

      wide (adjective)

      • more outspread,
      • farranging,
      • outstretched,
      • out spread,
      • more dilated,
      • out-spread,
      • more far-ranging,
      • most outspread,
      • out-stretched,
      • most outstretched,
      • more outstretched,
      • more far ranging,
      • out stretched,
      • most far ranging,
      • dis tended,
      • most far-ranging,
      • more farranging,
      • dis-tended,
      • far ranging,
      • splayest,
      • splayer,
      • most farranging,
      • most dilated.

      widespread (adjective)

      • on a large scale.
    • n.

      • concept,
      • ideal,
      • idea,
      • commitment,
      • astronomical,
      • empyrean,
      • thought,
      • stellar,
      • celestial,
      • belief,
      • faith,
      • theory,
      • philosophy.

      • without distinction (of something),
      • one and all,
      • altogether.

      • order,
      • fundamental.
    • Other synonyms:

      • all-purpose,
      • multifunctional,
      • global,
      • dual-purpose,
      • multipurpose,
      • cosmic,
      • Everybody,
      • Everyone,
      • one-size-fits-all,
      • general-purpose,
      • social,
      • pandemic.

      • transferable,
      • theorem,
      • portable.

      • principle,
      • axiom.

      • law.


      • wide.


      • nationwide.

      Other relevant words:

      • overarching.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • intensive,
      • countless,
      • Immaterialism,
      • automobile,
      • active,
      • versatile,
      • cosmos,
      • all-around,
      • compendious,
      • veritable,
      • endaemonism,
      • ruling,
      • theologian,
      • philanthropy,
      • one,
      • universal proposition,
      • untold,
      • ecumenic,
      • communal,
      • going,
      • through and through,
      • Catholical,
      • congenital,
      • aggregate,
      • permeating,
      • interminable,
      • predominant,
      • effect,
      • over-all,
      • rampant,
      • pure,
      • everywhere,
      • staple,
      • terrestrial,
      • coupler,
      • entertain,
      • unqualified,
      • exemplar,
      • without limit,
      • recognized,
      • accelerator,
      • animism,
      • unrestricted,
      • outright,
      • synoptic,
      • out-and-out,
      • yet,
      • inclusive,
      • Shoreless,
      • purely,
      • fully,
      • ascendant,
      • wholly,
      • spatiotemporal,
      • detailed,
      • directly,
      • utterly,
      • extend,
      • origination,
      • completely,
      • without number,
      • clean,
      • in depth,
      • sheer,
      • beginning,
      • Personalism,
      • eternal,
      • true believer,
      • established,
      • away,
      • always,
      • humanity,
      • straight,
      • generalized,
      • exist,
      • blanket,
      • exult,
      • set,
      • radical,
      • without omission,
      • ideate,
      • prevail,
      • conceit,
      • supranational,
      • Throughly,
      • umbrella,
      • indiscriminate,
      • widely known,
      • shared,
      • inescapable,
      • drawing,
      • coupling,
      • diffuse,
      • purpose,
      • intention,
      • limitless,
      • immateriality,
      • Illimited,
      • impression,
      • forth,
      • prototype,
      • normative,
      • panoramic,
      • motive,
      • all-covering,
      • Cyclopedic,
      • principal,
      • readily,
      • all things,
      • worldly,
      • formal cause,
      • prevalence,
      • inexhaustible,
      • entirely,
      • all creation,
      • governing,
      • generator,
      • epidemic,
      • vanquish,
      • surmount,
      • unmeasured,
      • innumerable,
      • consummate,
      • predominate,
      • plumb,
      • universal joint,
      • utter,
      • form,
      • current,
      • solipsism,
      • country-wide,
      • healthy,
      • notion,
      • perfectly,
      • Embracive,
      • understanding,
      • Interminate,
      • execute,
      • liberal,
      • transcendentalism,
      • present,
      • outweigh,
      • overly,
      • Panpsychism,
      • chief,
      • vast,
      • unfathomable,
      • obtain,
      • device,
      • idealism,
      • gross,
      • simply,
      • nonetheless,
      • overcome,
      • subjectivism,
      • universally recognized,
      • run-of-the-mill,
      • social science,
      • widely distributed,
      • scheme,
      • project,
      • judgment,
      • incomprehensible,
      • persist,
      • all-filling,
      • main,
      • born,
      • unconditional,
      • typical,
      • thoroughgoing,
      • galactic,
      • measureless,
      • indefinite,
      • noumenon,
      • foreign,
      • all-including,
      • canonist,
      • unplumbed,
      • draw,
      • succeed,
      • sweeping,
      • dominant,
      • wonted,
      • endless,
      • conformist,
      • pervading,
      • design,
      • cover-all,
      • national,
      • absolute idealism,
      • plain,
      • perpetual,
      • ideality,
      • regulation,
      • cosmologic,
      • feeling,
      • thoroughly,
      • unmeasurable,
      • al,
      • unnumbered,
      • Besetting,
      • mind,
      • generally,
      • permeative,
      • model,
      • absolute,
      • Cosmogonal,
      • continuously,
      • unmitigated,
      • plan,
      • nondenominational,
      • perfect,
      • dyed-in-the-wool,
      • noosphere,
      • muffler,
      • far-flung,
      • community,
      • penetrating,
      • illimitable,
      • ideatum,
      • nonsectarian,
      • adaptable,
      • absolutely,
      • cosmogonic,
      • carry,
      • conception,
      • win,
      • boundless,
      • clear,
      • contemporary,
      • broad gauge,
      • Sumless,
      • sociology,
      • object,
      • implicit,
      • all-comprehending,
      • across-the-board,
      • without exception,
      • a-to-z,
      • aim,
      • linguistic universal,
      • household,
      • all-out,
      • expansive,
      • broad-based,
      • effective,
      • downright,
      • undisputed,
      • Exhaustless,
      • Uncircumscribed,
      • endure,
      • universe,
      • overpower,
      • immense,
      • transcendental,
      • totally,
      • omnibus,
      • egregious,
      • well-known,
      • incalculable,
      • Cosmical,
      • Hylozoism,
      • classic,
      • oecumenic,
      • category,
      • end,
      • animatism,
      • immeasurable,
      • archetype,
      • unreserved,
      • Psychism,
      • outer space,
      • auto,
      • conquer,
      • dominate,
      • without end,
      • spiritualism,
      • unbounded,
      • percept,
      • vernacular,
      • regulative first principle,
      • all-inclusive,
      • universally,
      • encyclopaedic,
      • Termless,
      • wall-to-wall,
      • deep-dyed,
      • infinite,
      • parts,
      • pattern.

    How to use «Universal» in context?

    A universal truth is that every person is different. There is no right or wrong answer, only different perspectives. This is evident in the definition of a universal truth, as it is a truth that can be applied to everyone. There are concepts and beliefs that are universally accepted and admired, but that are also unique to each person. Universal truths can help us better understand other people and the world around us.

    Paraphrases for Universal:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Forward Entailment

      • Proper noun, singular
      • Noun, singular or mass
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
        universally, Universalizing.
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        all-around, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, all-purpose, all-round, ecumenical, general, generalised, generalized, prevailing, ubiquitous, unanimous, Popularized, Popularizing, overarching, one-size-fits-all, all-people.
      • Proper noun, singular
        general, generalised, generalized, universale, universelles.
      • Noun, plural
      • Noun, singular or mass
        blanket, general.
      • Verb, past tense
      • Verb, base form
    • Other Related

      • Proper noun, singular
        universality, universalization.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        universality, universalization.
      • Verb, base form

    Hyponym for Universal:

    • n.

      • cognition
        rule, pattern, convention, formula, normal.

    Word of the Day

    reason whys



    • UNIVERSAL synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • UNIVERSAL synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — UNIVERSAL synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of UNIVERSAL
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for UNIVERSAL

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