Синонимы слова terrible

  • abhorrent
  • appalling
  • atrocious
  • awesome
  • awful
  • dangerous
  • dire
  • disastrous
  • disturbing
  • dreadful
  • frightful
  • ghastly
  • gruesome
  • harrowing
  • hideous
  • horrendous
  • horrid
  • horrifying
  • serious
  • severe
  • shocking
  • unfortunate
  • unpleasant
  • awe-inspiring
  • beastly
  • desperate
  • dread
  • dreaded
  • fearful
  • hateful
  • inconvenient
  • loathsome
  • monstrous
  • obnoxious
  • odious
  • offensive
  • petrifying
  • poor
  • repulsive
  • revolting
  • rotten
  • unnerving
  • unwelcome
  • vile

On this page you’ll find 141 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to terrible, such as: abhorrent, appalling, atrocious, awesome, awful, and dangerous.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Well, so I raised money for the company and we spent half the money trying to figure out how to harvest these root nodules from soybean plants, only basically to finally convince ourselves it was a terrible idea.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • abhorrent
  • atrocious
  • awful
  • bad
  • base
  • beastly
  • contemptible
  • cursed
  • despicable
  • disgusting
  • foul
  • grim
  • grody
  • gross
  • hairy
  • hateful
  • heinous
  • hellish
  • horrible
  • horrid
  • loathsome
  • lousy
  • nauseating
  • obnoxious
  • odious
  • offensive
  • repellent
  • reprehensible
  • repugnant
  • repulsive
  • revolting
  • rotten
  • sleazy
  • stinking
  • terrible
  • vile
  • wretched
  • awful
  • desperate
  • enormous
  • excessive
  • extreme
  • great
  • intense
  • terrible
  • alarming
  • astounding
  • awful
  • bad
  • daunting
  • dire
  • disheartening
  • dismaying
  • dreadful
  • fearful
  • formidable
  • frightening
  • frightful
  • ghastly
  • grim
  • grody
  • gross
  • harrowing
  • heavy
  • hideous
  • horrible
  • horrid
  • horrific
  • intimidating
  • mean
  • petrifying
  • scaring
  • shocking
  • terrible
  • terrifying
  • the end
  • unnerving
  • appalling
  • awful
  • bad
  • beastly
  • detestable
  • disgusting
  • dreadful
  • execrable
  • foul
  • godawful
  • grody
  • gross
  • horrible
  • horrid
  • horrifying
  • icky
  • loathsome
  • noisome
  • obscene
  • repulsive
  • rotten
  • sickening
  • terrible
  • disastrous
  • distressing
  • grave
  • harsh
  • intense
  • painful
  • serious
  • terrible
  • disastrous
  • distressing
  • grave
  • harsh
  • intense
  • painful
  • serious
  • terrible

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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terror, terrify, terribly

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Photo search results for Terrible

Spooky woman with makeup of spells Mysterious little girl standing in darkness covered with white blanket as ghost and shining flashlight on face White skull of wild animal with cracks hanging on wall against blurred background Anonymous child in scary ghost costume standing in empty dark pathway between gardens and looking at camera Male model with spooky Halloween mask Handmade skeleton of predatory fish with sharp teeth in black frame hanging on wall

Image search results for Terrible

evil clowns, trend, terrible cutter man, scythe, death destroyed houses, destruction, man fashion, portrait, black and white fear, schreck, cat war, warzone, refugees

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Synonyms for Terrible. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/terrible

Synonyms for Terrible. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/terrible>.

Synonyms for Terrible. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/terrible.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • terrible [ˈterəbl] прил

    1. страшный, жуткий, ужасный, ужасающий, чудовищный, жестокий, страшнейший, ужаснейший

      (horrible, horrific, cruel, awful)

      • terrible blow – страшный удар
      • terrible story – жуткая история
      • terrible weather conditions – ужасные погодные условия
      • do terrible things – творить ужасные вещи
      • terrible old man – ужасный старик
      • terrible scream – ужасающий вопль
      • terrible mistake – чудовищная ошибка
    2. отвратительный


    3. убийственный


    4. тяжкий


  • terrible [ˈterəbl] сущ

    1. внушающий страх


    2. внушающий ужас

страшный terrible, fearful, horrible, frightful, frightening, dire
ужасный terrible, horrible, awful, appalling, dreadful, dire
громадный enormous, huge, vast, great, tremendous, terrible
внушающий страх awful, terrible
внушающий ужас terrible, horrible

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • terrible прил

    • awful · horrid · bad · frightful · fearful · dreaded
    • horrible · dreadful · dread · nightmare
    • horrendous · horrific · appalling · atrocious · gruesome · shocking · abysmal · nightmarish
    • hideous · ghastly · monstrous · ugly · beastly
    • scary · creepy · eerie · uncanny · spooky · macabre · lurid
    • dire · grim · direful
    • terrifying · horrifying
    • awesome · terrific · tremendous


  • dreadful, awful, appalling, horrific, horrifying, horrible, horrendous, atrocious, abominable, deplorable, egregious, abhorrent, frightful, shocking, hideous, ghastly, grim, dire, unspeakable, gruesome, monstrous, sickening, heinous, vile, serious, grave, acute, godawful, grievous
  • repulsive, disgusting, awful, dreadful, ghastly, horrid, horrible, vile, foul, abominable, frightful, loathsome, revolting, nasty, odious, nauseating, repellent, horrendous, hideous, appalling, offensive, objectionable, obnoxious, gruesome, putrid, noisome, godawful, yucky, gross
  • severe, extreme, intense, acute, excruciating, agonizing, unbearable, intolerable, unendurable
  • unkind, nasty, unpleasant, foul, obnoxious, vile, contemptible, despicable, wretched, shabby, spiteful, mean, malicious, poisonous, mean-spirited, cruel, hateful, hurtful, unfair, uncharitable, uncalled for, below the belt, unwarranted
  • very bad, dreadful, awful, deplorable, atrocious, hopeless, worthless, useless, poor, pathetic, pitiful, lamentable, appalling, abysmal, lame, lousy, brutal, painful, crappy, godawful
  • ill, sick, queasy, poorly, unwell, nauseous, nauseated, peaked, green around the gills, groggy, under the weather, lousy, crummy, awful, dreadful, crappy, peakish
  • guilty, conscience-stricken, remorseful, guilt-ridden, ashamed, chastened, contrite, sorry, sick, bad, awful
  • frightful, awful, tremendous
  • severe, wicked
  • fearsome, dreaded, frightening, dreadful, horrific, direful, dire, fearful, awful, horrendous, dread
  • abominable, unspeakable, dreadful, atrocious, awful, painful

Предложения со словом «terrible»

Namely, that if you were out of power, you could still say that the government was terrible .

То есть, даже если вы не у власти, вы всё равно можете говорить, что правительство ужасное .

and I’m a terrible yo-yo thrower.

у меня не очень — то это получается.

One of the challenges of today is we have terrible problems.

Сегодня в мире существуют ужасные проблемы.

Every writer you know writes really terrible first drafts, but they keep their butt in the chair.

Каждый известный вам писатель пишет просто ужасные первые наброски, но он продолжает высиживать.

And so as an artist, what I do with all that emotion, reading these people’s stories, not just, Oh, slavery was terrible .

И что я как артистка должна делать с этими эмоциями, читая рассказы этих людей, — это не говорить: «Рабство было ужасным ».

It’s terrible actually.

Вообще — то это ужасно .

But if you’re pregnant when you’re infected you’re at risk of something terrible .

Но если вы беременны и заразились, то вам может угрожать нечто ужасное .

And in capsule form, it’s that pupae — that’s the immature form of the insect — were irradiated until they were sterile, grown to adulthood and then released from planes all over the Southwest, the Southeast and down into Mexico and into Central America literally by the hundreds of millions from little airplanes, eventually eliminating that terrible insect pest for most of the Western Hemisphere.

В форме капсулы, эти куколки — это незрелая форма насекомого — облучались радиацией, стали бесплодными, были выращены до взрослого состояния, а потом выпущены из самолётов по всему юго — западу, юго — востоку, вниз до Мексики и в Центральной Америке, буквально сотнями миллионов из маленьких самолётов, в конечном итоге устраняя этих ужасных насекомых — вредителей в большей части Западного полушария.

So here they are having a meeting to discuss whether it was a good idea, and after a little while, they conclude, no, this was a terrible idea.

Они бы собрались, чтобы решить, была ли это хорошая идея, и через некоторое время пришли бы к заключению, что это была ужасная идея.

That would be a terrible idea.

Это была бы ужасная идея.

War is a terrible school no matter what the disguise.

Война — ужасная школа, неважно, на которой ты стороне.

As I meet, or lend an ear to those who are sick, to the migrants who face terrible hardships in search of a brighter future, to prison inmates who carry a hell of pain inside their hearts, and to those, many of them young, who cannot find a job, I often find myself wondering: Why them and not me?

Встречая и слушая истории страдающих больных, мигрантов, сталкивающихся с неимоверными трудностями в поиске лучшего будущего, заключённых, несущих в сердце своём ад, безработных, в особенности молодых, я часто спрашиваю себя: Почему они, а не я?

On that terrible night, after learning that Joel had perhaps four months to live, I cuddled up with my two older sons in bed — they were five and three at the time — and I never really knew how much they understood, so I started telling them a bedtime story.

В ту ужасную ночь после осознания, что у Джоэла осталось, возможно, 4 месяца жизни, я прижалась к моим двум старшим сыновьям — им было в то время три и пять лет — и я не могла знать на самом деле, как они понимают ситуацию, поэтому я начала рассказывать им историю на ночь.

I told them about this very brave knight named Joel and his adventure fighting a terrible dragon called cancer.

Я рассказывала им об очень храбром рыцаре по имени Джоэл и о его приключении — сражении с ужасным драконом по имени рак.

I know young women who are under so much pressure from family, from friends, even from work to get married, and they’re pushed to make terrible choices.

Молодые женщины испытывают огромное давление со стороны семьи, друзей и даже коллег поскорее выйти замуж, и это толкает их на ужасные ошибки.

There’s a lot of people out there, right now, perhaps especially on the left, who think this is a terrible idea, that actually, the only moral response to the great tyranny that may be about to emerge in America is to resist it at every stage, is to fight it tooth and nail.

Сейчас есть множество людей, преимущественно левых, отвергающих идею примирения, считающих, что единственный моральный отпор огромной волне тирании, готовой разгореться в Америке, — это противостоять ей на каждой ступени, отчаянно бороться.

Cocaine addiction is a terrible situation that can lead to death and to loss of human life.

Она ужасна и может привести к смерти.

If your ex-husband or your ex-wife is a terrible person, they can take your nude photos and upload them to a porn site.

Ваш бывший муж или жена могут совершить ужасный поступок: заснять вас в стиле ню, а затем загрузить это на порно — сайт.

I was afraid to turn on the news, afraid to hear myself being called a terrible parent or a disgusting person.

Я боялась включить новости, боялась услышать, что меня назовут ужасной матерью или ужасным человеком.

And it turns out, I was a pretty terrible guess: five.

Получается, что моё предположение далеко от истины: пять.

And now that I say it out loud, I realize how terrible that sounds, but be that as it may, I absolutely love them.

Произнося это название вслух, я понимаю, как странно оно звучит, но всё равно это было моё самое любимое лакомство.

This sounds terrible , but the reality is, in the security industry, this form of attack is somewhat commonplace.

Это звучит ужасно , но на самом деле в сфере безопасности такая форма атаки — обычное дело.

We notice it mostly when there’s some kind of unpleasant sensory intrusion upon it, like a terrible smell or something visible like smoke or mist.

Мы замечаем его, в основном, тогда, когда наш нос уловил что — то неприятное, например, ужасный запах или что — то видимое, как дым или туман.

And then, when I got home, I thought, That was so terrible and so great.

А потом, вернувшись домой, я подумала: Это было так ужасно и так классно.

That sounds terrible .

Звучит ужасно .

Absolutely not, we would be terrible scientists if we did.

Однозначно нет, мы были бы ужасными учёными, поступив так.

One, they have terrible side effects.

Во — первых, ужасные побочные эффекты.

We tend to concentrate on the terrible events in the news.

Слушая новости, мы особенно замечаем катастрофы.

Occasionally, terrible things happen.

Время от времени случаются катастрофы.

You are shown those terrible things on the news every night of the week.

Каждый вечер вам о них говорят с телеэкранов.

And one of the reasons why is it involves processing some pretty complicated concepts with terrible names.

Для этого, в числе прочего, нужно разобраться в весьма сложных понятиях со страшными названиями.

Questioning the rule of the Order brought terrible consequences.

Подобные допросы членами правления Ордена влекли за собой ужасные последствия.

Terrible things are happening to the people you care about.

Случаются ужасные вещи с людьми, о которых ты заботишься.

Sean said you were a terrible boxer, Roth.

Шон говорил, что ты был ужасным боксером, Рот.

He was a monster of legend, huge and terrible .

Легендарное чудовище, огромное и неутолимое в своей ярости.

His terrible massive muscles rippled and glistened in the candlelight.

Чудовищные мускулы Джегана бугрились и блестели в свете канделябров.

I ignored my conscience and made alliances with terrible people.

Я проигнорировал мою совесть и заключал сделки с ужасными людьми.

I know you have a terrible thirst for adventure.

Я знаю, что тебя мучит нестерпимая жажда приключений.

In some lands the refugees were butchered in terrible pogroms.

В некоторых краях беженцев истребили во время ужасных погромов.

But I have tried oysters as well, and I thought, those were terrible .

Еще я пробовала устриц, но они показались мне ужасными .

But, before I came here, I thought it was terrible .

Но прежде чем я приехала сюда, я думала, это ужасно .

I’m really sorry, but the traffic this morning is terrible .

Мне очень жаль, но движение сегодня утром ужасное .

Would they report that terrible quick encounter to the police?

Сообщат ли они об этой жуткой стычке в полицию?

You picked up some terrible habits from your friend, Brandt

Вы переняли у своего друга ужасные привычки, Брандт.

The gallery has an excellent selection of the best works by the peredvizhniki: Ilya Repin (including Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan), Victor Vasnetsov, Ivan Shishkin, Vasiliy Surikov (The Morning of the Strelets Execution), Vasiliy Vereshchagin and others.

Галерея содержит прекрасную коллекцию лучших ра­бот передвижников: Ильи Репина (включая картину Иван Грозный и сын его Иван), Виктора Васнецова, Ивана Шиш­кина, Василия Сурикова (Утро стрелецкой казни), Васи­лия Верещагина и других.

I had a terrible dream last night

Прошлой ночью мне приснился ужасный сон

Terrible chaos followed the expulsion of the last Shadowmaster.

За свержением последнего из Хозяев Теней последовал жуткий хаос.

They’ll still be holding on to some terrible secret.

Они все еще будут хранить какие — то жуткие тайны.

Obviously the shooting came as the most terrible shock.

Покушение, безусловно, было для нас страшным ударом.

Varthlokkur had used it to terrible effect during the war.

Во время войн Нерожденный служил Вартлоккуру оружием ужасающей силы.

That snowball certainly did a terrible thing to her.

Этот снежок сделал с ней что — то ужасное .

He can save your unborn child from that terrible curse.

Он может избавить твоего нерождённого ребёнка от ужасного проклятья.

A world different from ours, one of terrible nightmares.

Мира, отличного от нашего, полного ужасных кошмаров.

It’s given me such a terrible feeling of inadequacy.

От этого у меня возникает ужасное ощущение собственной никчемности.

She told me a terrible nightmare That she had that night

рассказала мне страшный сон, который она видела ночью.

He owed no allegiance to this strange and terrible god.

Он не был обязан повиноваться этому чужому и страшному богу.

But I’m prepared to hear even a terrible thing.

И всё же я готова даже к самому страшному.

We must come down the memory about one of the most terrible war, which concerned every family, from father to son.

Мы должны память о самой страшной войне, которая коснулась каждой семьи, передавать из поколения в поколение.

You are cruel and you are merciful, you are immediate and you are endless, wonderful and terrible simultaneously, you make us understand what is important indeed and what is not.

Ты жестока и милосердна, ты мгновенна и бесконечна, чудесна и ужасна одновременно, ты заставляешь нас понимать, что действительно важно, а что – нет.

It`s usual to answer the night calls of your boss, to have urgent affairs and trips, sometimes you can see terrible dreams about your article.

Это в порядке вещей отвечать на ночные звонки босса, иметь срочные дела и поездки, иногда вы можете видеть ужасные сны о своей статье.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 3 votes

  1. terrible

    Awful should not be used of things which are merely disagreeable or annoying, nor of all that are alarming and terrible, but only of such as bring a solemn awe upon the soul, as in the presence of a superior power; as, the awful hush before the battle. That which is awful arouses an oppressive, that which is august an admiring reverence; we speak of the august presence of a mighty monarch, the awful presence of death. We speak of an exalted station, a grand mountain, an imposing presence, a majestic cathedral, a noble mien, a solemn litany, a stately march, an august assembly, the awful scene of the Judgment Day.

    alarming, appalling, august, awful, dire, direful, dread, dreadful, fearful, frightful, grand, horrible, imposing, majestic, noble, portentous, shocking, solemn, stately, terrific

    base, beggarly, commonplace, contemptible, despicable, humble, inferior, lowly, mean, paltry, undignified, vulgar

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. terrible

    awful, fearful, dreadful, formidable, terrific, frightful, tremendous, horrible, shocking

    in formidable, unastounding, unstartling, unastonishing

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. awful, dire, direful, dread(a), dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, frightening, horrendous, horrific, terribleadjective

    causing fear or dread or terror

    «the awful war»; «an awful risk»; «dire news»; «a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked»; «the dread presence of the headmaster»; «polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was»; «a dreadful storm»; «a fearful howling»; «horrendous explosions shook the city»; «a terrible curse»

    ordinary, good, unalarming, mild

  2. atrocious, abominable, awful, dreadful, painful, terrible, unspeakableadjective

    exceptionally bad or displeasing

    «atrocious taste»; «abominable workmanship»; «an awful voice»; «dreadful manners»; «a painful performance»; «terrible handwriting»; «an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room»

    irritating, dreadful, indescribable, indefinable, awful, sore, odious, unnameable, execrable, horrifying, frightful, amazing, horrendous, severe, tremendous, dreaded, dire, afflictive, flagitious, grievous, monstrous, atrocious, ineffable, painful, detestable, awing, awed, wicked, dread(a), awe-inspiring, unspeakable, horrific, nasty, terrible, horrible, abominable, frightening, unutterable, awesome, fearsome, fearful, direful, untellable, ugly

    unalarming, mild, ordinary, good

  3. severe, terrible, wickedadjective

    intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality

    «severe pain»; «a severe case of flu»; «a terrible cough»; «under wicked fire from the enemy’s guns»; «a wicked cough»

    life-threatening, dreadful, distasteful, revolting, pixilated, repellant, foul, implike, repellent, mischievous, arch, austere, serious, awful, puckish, frightful, horrendous, severe, sinful, tremendous, disgustful, dire, loathly, stern, grievous, skanky, repelling, atrocious, painful, prankish, impish, grave, dangerous, yucky, wicked, unholy, dread(a), hard, unspeakable, horrific, terrible, dreaded, abominable, frightening, fearsome, fearful, loathsome, direful, stark, disgusting, spartan, knockout

    mild, unalarming, good, ordinary

  4. frightful, terrible, awful, tremendousadjective

    extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact

    «in a frightful hurry»; «spent a frightful amount of money»

    dreadful, enormous, marvelous, wondrous, rattling(a), awful, frightful, amazing, horrendous, severe, tremendous, dreaded, dire, wonderful, grand, marvellous, atrocious, painful, horrifying, awing, awed, wicked, horrific, dread(a), awe-inspiring, unspeakable, fearful, nasty, terrible, horrible, abominable, fantastic, frightening, terrific, awesome, fearsome, howling(a), direful, ugly

    mild, ordinary, unalarming, good

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hellified

    the accident was hellified. the outfit that girl was wearing was hellified. in urban lifestyle, it could mean it was good or bad, ( out of this world, sharp or offer). extreme.

    Submitted by EJPraise on January 29, 2022  

  2. very bad

    terrible is something very bad.

    the food was terrible

    Submitted by acronimous on December 24, 2018  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. terribleadjective

    frightful, horrible, dreadful, formidable, REDOUBTABLE, fearful, GREWSOME, terrific, awful, dread, dire, tremendous

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. terribleadjective

    dreadful, formidable, shocking, horrible, frightful, dire, grewsome, nefarious, severe, extreme, excessive, immoderate

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «terrible»:

    dreadful, appalling, awful, horrible, horrific, horrendous, dire, horrifying, terrifying, atrocious, gruesome, bad, heinous, hideous, frightening, ugly, tragic, ghastly, shocking, devastating, tremendous, frightful, daunting, dramatic, disastrous, formidable, horrid, harrowing, abominable, fearsome, terrific, abhorrent, grim, scary, god-awful, egregious, dreaded

How to pronounce Terrible?

How to say Terrible in sign language?

How to use Terrible in a sentence?

  1. Yevgeny Popov:

    We are peaceful people and would like to develop our country. We would like to build some friendship with our neighbors. And of course, the Western world destroyed the greatest country in the world, the USSR, and now we live in a world where brothers kill brothers. It’s impossible. It’s terrible, and we should stop it immediately.

  2. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador:

    We have the capacity to handle this situation, because according to the information available, this is not something terrible, really bad.

  3. Celal Sengor:

    My estimate is about 100,000. It’s going to be havoc, you can’t just think about the direct impact of the shaking, you must also think about what will follow the shaking. There will be looting, fires, epidemics. It’s going to be terrible.

  4. Karima Bennoune:

    As UN Special Rapporteur on cultural rights,( with) UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador on artistic freedom Deeyah Khan, I express grave concern about reports of the terrible killing of singer #FawadAndarabi. We call on governments to demand the Taliban respect the #humanrights of #artists.

  5. Cristina Oyarzo:

    Saturday September 25 was terrible ! the migrants were desperate because they were trapped between their attackers and the sea. They had no way out.

Translations for Terrible

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • مرعب, فظيعArabic
  • qorxuncAzerbaijani
  • страшны, жудасны, грозныBelarusian
  • страховит, страхотен, страшен, ужасенBulgarian
  • hrozný, hrozivý, strašnýCzech
  • frygteligDanish
  • miserabel, furchtbar, schrecklichGerman
  • φρικτός, δεινός, φοβερός, τρομερός, απαίσιος, κάκιστοςGreek
  • terura, aĉaEsperanto
  • terribleSpanish
  • kohutavEstonian
  • وحشتناکPersian
  • kauhea, hirvittävä, kamala, hirveä, pelottava, kauhistuttava, mahtavaFinnish
  • épouvantable, terrible, horribleFrench
  • sgriosailScottish Gaelic
  • איום, נוראHebrew
  • भयानक, भयंकरHindi
  • rémes, szörnyű, rettenetes, borzasztóHungarian
  • ահեղ, ահավորArmenian
  • hræðilegIcelandic
  • 極端, 酷い, 恐ろしいJapanese
  • шошырлықKazakh
  • 끔찍한, 끔찍하다Korean
  • horribilisLatin
  • šausmīgsLatvian
  • страшен, ужасенMacedonian
  • afschuwelijkDutch
  • fryktelig, forferdelig, ubehageligNorwegian
  • hóyééʼNavajo, Navaho
  • kiepski, groźny, przerażający, straszny, okropny, straszliwyPolish
  • terrível, horrível, formidávelPortuguese
  • înspăimântător, îngrozitor, impresionant, groaznic, teribilRomanian
  • ужасный, страшный, грозный, жуткийRussian
  • ужасан, strašan, užasan, страшанSerbo-Croatian
  • hrozný, strašnýSlovak
  • grozenSlovene
  • hemsk, fruktansvärdSwedish
  • แย่, ไม่ดีเลยThai
  • berbat, fahiş, korkunç, müthiş, felaketTurkish
  • имәнечTatar
  • грізний, страшний, жахливийUkrainian
  • خوفناکUrdu
  • khủng khiếpVietnamese

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Synonyms of terrible

  • as in horrible

  • as in intense

  • as in horrific

  • as in awful

  • as in poor

  • as in horrible
  • as in intense
  • as in horrific
  • as in awful
  • as in poor

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Definition of terriblenext


as in horrible

causing fear

a terrible nightmare that woke me up

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • horrible

  • terrifying

  • formidable

  • frightening

  • scary

  • dread

  • intimidating

  • dreadful

  • alarming

  • shocking

  • fearful

  • horrifying

  • horrendous

  • startling

  • ghastly

  • frightful

  • eerie

  • direful

  • dire

  • creepy

  • gruesome

  • fearsome

  • trying

  • forbidding

  • troubling

  • eery

  • disturbing

  • threatening

  • redoubtable

  • spinechilling

  • discouraging

  • hideous

  • weird

  • hairraising

  • unnerving

  • daunting

  • dismaying

  • awful

  • disconcerting

  • demoralizing

  • perturbing

  • appalling

  • disquieting

  • horrid

  • distressing

  • nightmarish

  • atrocious

  • grisly

  • monstrous

  • macabre

  • bonechilling

  • grewsome

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • reassuring

  • comforting

  • relaxing

  • soothing

  • calming

  • inviting

  • consoling

  • tranquilizing

  • quieting

  • tranquillizing

  • nonthreatening

  • lulling

  • pacifying

  • nonintimidating

See More

  • reassuring

  • comforting

  • relaxing

  • soothing

  • calming

  • inviting

  • consoling

  • tranquilizing

  • quieting

  • tranquillizing

  • nonthreatening

  • lulling

  • pacifying

  • nonintimidating

See More


as in intense

extreme in degree, power, or effect

I have a terrible headache

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • intense

  • intensive

  • fierce

  • ferocious

  • deep

  • furious

  • heavy

  • dreadful

  • violent

  • profound

  • vicious

  • acute

  • ghastly

  • fearful

  • frightful

  • explosive

  • excruciating

  • exquisite

  • fearsome

  • blistering

  • hard

  • vehement

  • keen

  • heavyduty

  • intensified

  • hellacious

  • almighty

  • harsh

  • aggravated

  • severe

  • heightened

  • concentrated

  • enhanced

  • magnified

  • stressed

  • exhaustive

  • thorough

  • deepened

  • accentuated

  • emphasized

  • rigorous

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • weak

  • light

  • moderate

  • soft

  • feeble

  • superficial

  • shallow

  • qualified

  • decreased

  • eased

  • diminished

  • moderated

  • reduced

  • toned (down)

  • subdued

  • lightened

  • lessened

  • alleviated

  • abated

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  • weak

  • light

  • moderate

  • soft

  • feeble

  • superficial

  • shallow

  • qualified

  • decreased

  • eased

  • diminished

  • moderated

  • reduced

  • toned (down)

  • subdued

  • lightened

  • lessened

  • alleviated

  • abated

See More


as in horrific

extremely disturbing or repellent

that is a terrible movie to let your six-year-old watch

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • horrific

  • gruesome

  • horrible

  • nightmare

  • shocking

  • terrific

  • awful

  • dreadful

  • horrifying

  • frightening

  • terrifying

  • hideous

  • appalling

  • horrid

  • scary

  • horrendous

  • nightmarish

  • atrocious

  • sickening

  • ghastly

  • grisly

  • frightful

  • monstrous

  • disgusting

  • macabre

  • lurid

  • fearful

  • ugly

  • alarming

  • grewsome

  • dire

  • formidable

  • obscene

  • offensive

  • loathsome

  • deplorable

  • grotesque

  • revolting

  • repulsive

  • abominable

  • direful

  • disagreeable

  • heinous

  • abhorrent

  • unspeakable

  • evil

  • obnoxious

  • repugnant

  • fearsome

  • intimidating

  • odious

  • forbidding

  • gutwrenching

  • vile

  • distasteful

  • redoubtable

  • noxious

  • nauseating

  • bloodcurdling

  • heartstopping

  • hairraising

  • unsightly

  • noisome

  • foul

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • pleasant

  • delightful

  • attractive

  • delicious

  • welcome

  • enjoyable

  • agreeable

  • appealing

  • satisfying

  • pleasurable

  • pleasing

  • enticing

  • delectable

  • inviting

  • comforting

  • soothing

  • cheering

See More

  • pleasant

  • delightful

  • attractive

  • delicious

  • welcome

  • enjoyable

  • agreeable

  • appealing

  • satisfying

  • pleasurable

  • pleasing

  • enticing

  • delectable

  • inviting

  • comforting

  • soothing

  • cheering

See More


as in awful

extremely unsatisfactory

this nonfat ice cream is terrible

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • horrible

  • awful

  • poor

  • bad

  • rotten

  • wretched

  • atrocious

  • defective

  • dismal

  • lousy

  • execrable

  • inadequate

  • sucky

  • insufficient

  • flawed

  • lacking

  • miserable

  • shameful

  • substandard

  • punk

  • deficient

  • worthless

  • inferior

  • useless

  • wanting

  • mediocre

  • contemptible

  • off

  • faulty

  • reprehensible

  • abominable

  • lowgrade

  • odious

  • vile

  • damnable

  • bum

  • valueless

  • fiendish

  • secondrate

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • great

  • wonderful

  • marvellous

  • marvelous

  • excellent

  • exceptional

  • superior

  • prime

  • adequate

  • choice

  • firstclass

  • sufficient

  • premium

  • bitchin’

  • acceptable

  • satisfactory

  • firstrate

See More

  • great

  • wonderful

  • marvellous

  • marvelous

  • excellent

  • exceptional

  • superior

  • prime

  • adequate

  • choice

  • firstclass

  • sufficient

  • premium

  • bitchin’

  • acceptable

  • satisfactory

  • firstrate

See More


as in poor

of low quality

manufactures terrible clothes that often tear after a single wash

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • poor

  • bad

  • cheap

  • inferior

  • rotten

  • common

  • coarse

  • wretched

  • worthless

  • miserable

  • useless

  • mediocre

  • shoddy

  • lousy

  • crappy

  • execrable

  • rubbishy

  • bum

  • cheesy

  • lowgrade

  • trashy

  • lowrent

  • junky

  • secondrate

  • sleazy

  • fake

  • schlocky

  • counterfeit

  • shlocky

  • gimcrack

  • cheapjack

  • trumpery

  • lackluster

  • shlock

  • schlock

  • cutrate

  • bargainbasement

  • indifferent

  • el cheapo

  • valueless

  • tawdry

  • gaudy

  • secondclass

  • meretricious

  • shabby

  • garish

  • swanky

  • showy

  • kitschy

  • flashy

  • tacky

  • glitzy

  • ostentatious

  • kitsch

  • seedy

  • swank

  • splashy

  • sham

  • phony

  • phoney

  • brummagem

  • ultracheap

  • supercheap

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • good

  • excellent

  • fine

  • superior

  • firstclass

  • highgrade

  • elegant

  • handsome

  • firstrate

  • topnotch

  • tasteful

  • polished

  • refined

  • handcrafted

See More

  • good

  • excellent

  • fine

  • superior

  • firstclass

  • highgrade

  • elegant

  • handsome

  • firstrate

  • topnotch

  • tasteful

  • polished

  • refined

  • handcrafted

See More

Phrases Containing terrible

  • enfant terrible
  • enfant terrible

Thesaurus Entries Near terrible




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“Terrible.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/terrible. Accessed 4 May. 2023.

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More from Merriam-Webster on terrible

Nglish: Translation of terrible for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of terrible for Arabic Speakers

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