Синонимы слова support

  • Определения слова support

    • поддержка

Синонимы к слову support

    • aid
    • assist
    • assistance
    • authenticate
    • authentication
    • back
    • backing
    • base
    • be there for
    • bear
    • bear out
    • bear witness to
    • bolster
    • brace
    • bracket
    • buoy up
    • buttress
    • care
    • care for
    • carry
    • champion
    • cheer on
    • collaboration
    • column
    • confirm
    • confirmation
    • cooperation
    • corroborate
    • corroboration
    • crutch
    • defend
    • defense
    • encourage
    • encouragement
    • endorse
    • endorsement
    • espousal
    • espouse
    • fend for
    • financial assistance
    • foundation
    • funding
    • funds
    • help
    • hold
    • hold up
    • joist
    • keep
    • keep up
    • leg
    • look after
    • maintain
    • pillar
    • proof
    • prop
    • prop up
    • prove
    • provide for
    • provision
    • reinforcement
    • scaffold
    • shore up
    • sponsor
    • stanchion
    • strengthen
    • substantiate
    • substantiation
    • sustain
    • sustenance
    • take care of
    • uphold
    • verification
    • verify

Похожие слова на support

    • support
    • supportable
    • supported
    • supporting
    • supportive
    • supports

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    • Омоним к слову surface
    • Гипоним к слову surge
    • Холоним к слову volume
    • Гипероним к слову surprise
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову surrender
    • Перевод слова на другие языки survey

What is another word for Support?

  • provide for, accommodation

  • profession, accommodation

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Synonyms for support

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  • APA
  • MLA
  • CMS

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. supportverb

    To be accountable for, or involved with, but not responsible for.

    I support the administrative activities of the executive branch of the organization


  2. supportverb


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes

  1. support

    Support and sustain alike signify to hold up or keep up, to prevent from falling or sinking; but sustain has a special sense of continuous exertion or of great strength continuously exerted, as when we speak of sustained endeavor or a sustained note; a flower is supported by the stem or a temple-roof by arches; the foundations of a great building sustain an enormous pressure; to sustain life implies a greater exigency and need than to support life; to say one is sustained under affliction is to say more both of the severity of the trial and the completeness of the upholding than if we say he is supported. To bear is the most general word, denoting all holding up or keeping up of any object, whether in rest or motion; in the derived senses it refers to something that is a tax upon strength or endurance; as, to bear a strain; to bear pain or grief. To maintain is to keep in a state or condition, especially in an excellent and desirable condition; as, to maintain health or reputation; to maintain one’s position; to maintain a cause or proposition is to hold it against opposition or difficulty. To support may be partial, to maintain is complete; maintain is a word of more dignity than support; a man supports his family; a state maintains an army or navy. To prop is always partial, signifying to add support to something that is insecure. Compare ABET; ENDURE; KEEP.

    bear, carry, cherish, hold up, keep, keep up, maintain, prop, sustain, uphold

    abandon, betray, break down, cast down, demolish, desert, destroy, drop, let go, overthrow, throw down, wreck

    The roof is supported by, on, or upon pillars; the family was supported on or upon a pittance, or by charity.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. supportverb

    bear, uphold, sustain, underlie, befriend, assist, second, promote, further, suffer, defend, foster, nurture, nourish, cherish, endorse, maintain, continue, countenance, patronize, subsidize, help, back, stay, favor, prop

    drop, betray, surrender, abandon, discontinue, oppose, discourage, weaken, exhaust, thwart, discountenance, disfavor, subvert, suppress

  2. supportnoun

    prop, stay, foundation, buttress, help, aid, assistance, influence, maintenance, living, patronage, subsistence, livelihood, food

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.8 / 10 votes

  1. supportnoun

    the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities

    «his support kept the family together»; «they gave him emotional support during difficult times»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  2. supportnoun

    aiding the cause or policy or interests of

    «the president no longer has the support of his own party»; «they developed a scheme of mutual support»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  3. supportnoun

    something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest

    «the policy found little public support»; «his faith was all the support he needed»; «the team enjoyed the support of their fans»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  4. support, reinforcement, reenforcementnoun

    a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission

    «they called for artillery support»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, backing, funding, financial support, keep, accompaniment, reenforcement, reinforcing stimulus, bread and butter, reinforcer, musical accompaniment, reward, sustenance, strengthener, living, financial backing, documentation, livelihood

  5. documentation, supportnoun

    documentary validation

    «his documentation of the results was excellent»; «the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, backing, reenforcement, certification, keep, corroboration, bread and butter, financial support, accompaniment, software documentation, musical accompaniment, sustenance, living, financial backing, funding, documentation, livelihood

  6. support, keep, livelihood, living, bread and butter, sustenancenoun

    the financial means whereby one lives

    «each child was expected to pay for their keep»; «he applied to the state for support»; «he could no longer earn his own livelihood»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, sustainment, backing, funding, nutrition, nutriment, financial support, keep, accompaniment, alimentation, reenforcement, victuals, life, bread and butter, hold, dungeon, musical accompaniment, maintenance, aliment, sustenance, animation, donjon, sustentation, living, upkeep, financial backing, documentation, nourishment, livelihood, aliveness

  7. supportnoun

    supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation

    «the statue stood on a marble support»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  8. support, supportingnoun

    the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening

    «he leaned against the wall for support»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, backing, funding, financial support, keep, accompaniment, reenforcement, bread and butter, musical accompaniment, sustenance, living, financial backing, documentation, livelihood

  9. accompaniment, musical accompaniment, backup, supportnoun

    a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts

    fill-in, financial backing, reenforcement, reinforcement, patronage, escort, living, supporting, complement, keep, accompaniment, livelihood, bread and butter, co-occurrence, backup man, reliever, musical accompaniment, backing, financial support, backup, sustenance, funding, championship, concomitant, computer backup, relief, stand-in, documentation, attendant, substitute

  10. supportnoun

    any device that bears the weight of another thing

    «there was no place to attach supports for a shelf»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  11. support, financial support, funding, backing, financial backingverb

    financial resources provided to make some project possible

    «the foundation provided support for the experiment»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, patronage, backing, funding, financial support, keep, accompaniment, reenforcement, bread and butter, musical accompaniment, sustenance, financing, championship, mount, living, financial backing, documentation, livelihood

  12. support, back upverb

    give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to

    «She supported him during the illness»; «Her children always backed her up»

    digest, abide, congest, tolerate, choke, foul, plunk for, hold up, endure, choke off, back, stick out, back down, clog, fend for, patronise, clog up, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, back off, affirm, subscribe, brook, indorse, suffer, stand, sustain, patronize, underpin, substantiate, hold, plump for, patronage, bear

  13. supportverb

    support materially or financially

    «he does not support his natural children»; «The scholarship supported me when I was in college»

    suffer, put up, tolerate, patronage, stand, back, corroborate, brook, plump for, keep going, patronise, hold up, bear out, bear, hold, stomach, sustain, underpin, confirm, plunk for, defend, subscribe, stick out, patronize, substantiate, indorse, fend for, affirm, endure, digest, endorse, back up, abide

  14. back, endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for, supportverb

    be behind; approve of

    «He plumped for the Labor Party»; «I backed Kennedy in 1960»

    stake, digest, abide, tolerate, bear, plunk for, hold up, endure, back, stick out, second, fend for, patronise, back up, keep going, certify, corroborate, endorse, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, stand, affirm, game, brook, indorse, subscribe, suffer, bet on, sustain, patronize, underpin, gage, substantiate, hold, plump for, patronage, put up, punt

  15. hold, support, sustain, hold upverb

    be the physical support of; carry the weight of

    «The beam holds up the roof»; «He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam»; «What’s holding that mirror?»

    take, hold in, hold out, make, endure, fend for, affirm, view as, underpin, carry, book, concur, have, maintain, hold, last, moderate, sustain, corroborate, confirm, retain, nourish, nurse, defy, go, stick up, keep up, patronise, guard, prevail, declare, withstand, adjudge, tolerate, indorse, accommodate, abide, control, prolong, stomach, harbour, patronage, live, reserve, check, hold back, stick out, brook, give, take hold, go for, patronize, deem, apply, stand up, obtain, substantiate, survive, get, bind, stand, have got, entertain, plunk for, live on, curb, back, restrain, keep, concord, keep back, oblige, throw, arrest, hold water, contain, back up, suffer, bear, nurture, subscribe, take for, hold up, harbor, detain, defend, put up, confine, keep going, bear out, admit, digest, plump for, endorse, halt, obligate, agree, delay

  16. confirm, corroborate, sustain, substantiate, support, affirmverb

    establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

    «his story confirmed my doubts»; «The evidence supports the defendant»

    actualise, realise, abide, embody, verify, get, stomach, defend, plunk for, hold up, substantiate, keep going, actualize, back, have, avow, fend for, patronise, stick out, assert, back up, keep, digest, nurture, keep up, corroborate, endorse, validate, reassert, hold, confirm, bear out, incarnate, affirm, swan, subscribe, brook, indorse, body forth, tolerate, suffer, endure, stand, aver, maintain, prolong, nourish, sustain, realize, patronize, underpin, plump for, patronage, put up, swear, bear

  17. subscribe, supportverb

    adopt as a belief

    «I subscribe to your view on abortion»

    digest, abide, tolerate, plunk for, sign, hold up, endure, back, take, stick out, fend for, patronise, subscribe to, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, affirm, subscribe, brook, indorse, suffer, stand, sustain, patronize, underpin, substantiate, hold, plump for, pledge, patronage, bear

  18. corroborate, underpin, bear out, supportverb

    support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm

    «The stories and claims were born out by the evidence»

    digest, abide, tolerate, plunk for, hold up, endure, back, stick out, fend for, patronise, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, validate, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, affirm, subscribe, brook, indorse, suffer, stand, sustain, patronize, underpin, substantiate, hold, plump for, patronage, bear

  19. defend, support, fend forverb

    argue or speak in defense of

    «She supported the motion to strike»

    fight, digest, abide, tolerate, oppose, suffer, plunk for, hold up, endure, guard, stick out, confirm, fend for, patronise, back, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, stomach, represent, defend, fight back, bear out, affirm, subscribe, brook, indorse, patronage, stand, sustain, maintain, fight down, patronize, underpin, substantiate, hold, plump for, champion, bear

  20. supportverb

    play a subordinate role to (another performer)

    «Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act»

    suffer, put up, tolerate, patronage, stand, back, corroborate, brook, plump for, keep going, patronise, hold up, bear out, bear, hold, stomach, sustain, underpin, confirm, plunk for, defend, subscribe, stick out, patronize, substantiate, indorse, fend for, affirm, endure, digest, endorse, back up, abide

  21. patronize, patronise, patronage, support, keep goingverb

    be a regular customer or client of

    «We patronize this store»; «Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could»

    digest, abide, buy at, tolerate, tide over, shop at, plunk for, hold up, endure, frequent, bridge over, back, stick out, fend for, patronise, run on, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, affirm, shop, subscribe, brook, indorse, suffer, stand, sustain, patronize, underpin, condescend, substantiate, hold, plump for, patronage, sponsor, bear

  22. digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put upverb

    put up with something or somebody unpleasant

    «I cannot bear his constant criticism»; «The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks»; «he learned to tolerate the heat»; «She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage»

    bide, project, ache, hold out, run, endure, affirm, underpin, carry, stand up, assume, have, hold, last, sustain, confirm, fend, stay, weather, take over, go, jut, endorse, jut out, turn out, digest, deport, prevail, comport, set up, behave, die hard, pay, jump out, remain firm, offer, tolerate, deliver, indorse, hurt, abide, condense, raise, fend for, back up, stomach, birth, patronage, stand out, live, contribute, stick out, meet, brook, expect, patronize, suffer, concentrate, protrude, acquit, substantiate, brave out, survive, domiciliate, get, put forward, stand, can, post, plunk for, persist, live on, have a bun in the oven, give birth, back, jump, allow, rear, lose, place upright, wear, house, contain, leap out, bear, patronise, subscribe, hold up, corroborate, provide, erect, defend, brave, put up, tin, keep going, accept, bear out, resist, plump for, nominate, yield, gestate, permit, conduct

Matched Categories

    • Act
    • Activity
    • Agree
    • Aid
    • Device
    • Give
    • Influence
    • Military
    • Operation
    • Permit
    • Supporting Structure
    • Theater
    • Validation

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. guird

    i used this sentence in an insurance report. «note one of many vertical 4» «i» beams installed (right, foreground) to guird the rear elevation basement wall.»

    Submitted by anonymous on November 19, 2019  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. supportverb

    sustain, uphold, prop, brace, bear up, hold up, shore up

  2. supportverb

    endure, bear, undergo, suffer, tolerate, put up with, go through

  3. supportverb

    cherish, nourish, maintain, provide for

  4. supportverb

    have, hold, keep up

  5. supportverb

    perform, play, act, take the part of

  6. supportverb

    substantiate, confirm, make good, verify

  7. supportverb

    assist, aid, help, second, patronize, abet, befriend, back, countenance, encourage, back up

  8. supportverb

    further, forward, advocate, vindicate

  9. supportverb

    accompany (as an assistant), attend, act as aid to

  10. supportnoun

    prop, stay, shore, supporter, brace, hold

  11. supportnoun

    base, basis, bed, foundation

  12. supportnoun

    sustenance, maintenance, FEED, subsistence, livelihood, living, keeping

  13. supportnoun

    aid, help, assistance, succor, favor, countenance, encouragement, patronage, comfort

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. supportnoun

    prop, buttress, brace, fulcrum, bolster, stanchion, shore, staddle, supporter, maintenance, sustenance, subsistence, finding, livelihood, base, foundation, basis, assistance, espousal, advocacy, countenance, caryatid

    nonsupport, opposition, desertion, repudiation

  2. supportverb

    prop, brace, bolster, uphold, sustain, maintain, keep, provide for, verify, substantiate, ratify, corroborate, confirm, vindicate, defend, maintain, second, back, aid

    desert, undermine, weaken, repudiate, oppose

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «support»:

    supporting, supported, backing, assistance, aid, supports, bracket, endorse, supportive, help, favour, backstopping, sustain, assist, compatibility, soutien, endorsement, underpin, promote, substantiate, ‘appui, apoyo, sustaining, holder, appui, back, encourage, favourable, back-up, argue, bolster, subsidy, supporter, uphold, sustainment, facilitate, stöd, funding, helps, assists

How to pronounce support?

How to say support in sign language?

How to use support in a sentence?

  1. Judge Holly Meyer:

    If the evidence indicates that the defendant should have paid more in support than the amount set forth in this Order, the Court may order that he pay an additional amount after receiving credit for the amount he has paid.

  2. Paul Ryan:

    As long as Team Bloomberg doesn’t talk to Team Biden about what it’s doing — how it’s spending Bloomberg’s fortune to support Biden — it’s not subject to any limits at all.

  3. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry:

    If you say that we should not educate children who come into our state for no other reason than that they’ve been brought their through no fault of their own, I don’t think you have a heart, we need to be educating these children because they will become a drag on our society…Texas voted on it. And I still support it today.

  4. Rudy Giuliani:

    I support Trump. I’m gonna vote for Trump.

  5. Washington Post:

    A fascinating thing to watch will be the dividing lines among Democrats, particularly Senate Democrats, and particularly those running for the 2020 Democratic nomination, we saw a little bit of that at the debate on Thursday, when you saw Sen. Bernie Sanders saying he would not support the agreement… that he’s still concerned about outsourcing jobs to Mexico.

Translations for support

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • دعم, الدعمArabic
  • подкрепаBulgarian
  • recolzar, sostenirCatalan, Valencian
  • podporovat, podpora, podpěra, podpíratCzech
  • støtteDanish
  • Unterstützung, stützen, Support bieten, Träger, unterstützen, StützeGerman
  • ενισχύω, υποστήριξηGreek
  • subteni, subtenoEsperanto
  • sostener, apoyo, apuntalar, apoyar, respaldo, respaldar, soporteSpanish
  • tugi, abiEstonian
  • پشتیبانی, حمایتPersian
  • tuki, tukea, sulkeuma, kantaja, kannattaaFinnish
  • soutien, soutenirFrench
  • stipeWestern Frisian
  • iompair, gabháilIrish
  • taic, seasScottish Gaelic
  • תומךHebrew
  • सहारा, समर्थनHindi
  • támasz, támogat, segítség, alátámaszt, segély, pártfogol, támaszt, támogatás, eltartHungarian
  • mendukungIndonesian
  • suporto, apogarIdo
  • supporto, supportareItalian
  • תמיכהHebrew
  • 維持, 対応する, 扶養, 援助, 支える, 援助する, 支持する, 養う, 支援する, 支え, 支持, 支援Japanese
  • 지원하다Korean
  • firmāmentumLatin
  • tautīnei, tautītī, tautokoMāori
  • steunen, ondersteuning, bijstand, ondersteunen, advies, hulp, steunDutch
  • bistand, støtteNorwegian
  • wspierać, podpora, kibicować, wsparcie, wspornik, popierać, pomoc, nośnikPolish
  • financiar, apoio, apoiar, suporte, [[dar]] [[suporte]]Portuguese
  • sprijini, sprijin, suport, propti, sprijinire, susține, suporturiRomanian
  • поддержать, поддержка, поддерживать, опораRussian
  • подршка, ùporīšte, podrška, pȍtpōranj, pȍtpora, òslonacSerbo-Croatian
  • stöd, bära upp, support, stötta, stödjaSwedish
  • అండ, మద్దతుTelugu
  • destek, desteklemek, çözüm, destek olmakTurkish
  • حمایتUrdu
  • subzidiaedje, subzideWalloon
  • 支持Chinese

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • support [səˈpɔːt] сущ

    1. поддержкаж, сопровождениеср, техническая поддержка

      (supporting, maintenance, technical support)

      • international support – международная поддержка
      • technical support service – служба технической поддержки
      • national language support – поддержка национальных языков
      • decision making support – поддержка принятия решений
      • provide financial support – оказывать финансовую поддержку
      • memory card support – поддержка карт памяти
      • support of mass media – поддержка средств массовой информации
      • design support – конструкторское сопровождение
    2. помощьж


      • economic support – экономическая помощь
    3. обеспечениеср, поддержаниеср

      (provision, maintain)

      • life support system – система обеспечения жизнедеятельности
      • price support – поддержание цен
    4. опораж


      • point of support – точка опоры
    5. подставкаж


      • special support – специальная подставка
  • support [səˈpɔːt] гл

    1. поддерживать, обеспечивать, поддержать

      (maintain, provide)

      • supported function – поддерживаемая функция
      • support the initiative – поддержать инициативу
    2. оказывать поддержку, оказать поддержку


    3. подтверждать


    4. подкреплять, подкрепить

      (reinforce, strengthen)

    5. способствовать, содействовать

      (help, promote)

      • support development – содействовать развитию
  • support [səˈpɔːt] прил

    1. опорный


      • support structure – опорная конструкция
поддержка support, maintenance, backing, aid, endorsement, boost
помощь help, assistance, aid, support, assist, helping
опора support, prop, reliance, bearing, mainstay, pillar
подставка stand, rack, pedestal, support, coaster, rest
суппорт support, carriage, saddle, rest
кронштейн bracket, support, carrier, console, hanger, cantilever
штатив tripod, stand, rack, support, holder
подпорка prop, support, brace, post, stanchion, leg
опорная стойка support
оплот stronghold, bastion, bulwark, mainstay, pillar, support
кормилец семьи provider, support
средства к существованию livelihood, subsistence, means of subsistence, sustenance, living, support
прикрытие артиллерии support
люнет станка support
поддерживать support, maintain, endorse, sustain, encourage, keep in
содействовать facilitate, contribute, assist, support, further, cooperate
способствовать contribute, promote, help, facilitate, support, further
помогать help, assist, succor, support, aid, serve
содержать contain, comprise, keep, have, maintain, support
выдерживать withstand, stand, survive, support, sustain, bear
подпереть support, prop up
подтверждать confirm, reaffirm, acknowledge, affirm, support, verify
подпирать prop, prop up, buttress, shore, support, back
переносить transfer, carry, transport, bear, stand, support
сносить demolish, take down, raze, tear down, suffer, support
играть вторые роли support
участвовать в эпизодах support

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • support сущ

    • assistance · aid · financial support · encouragement · sponsorship · promotion · endorsement · reinforcement
    • provide · help · assist · boost
    • maintain · sustain · keep · hold · stand · handle · uphold
    • advocate · sustaining · favour · pillar · sustenance · footing
    • endorse · confirm · subscribe
    • back · backing · accompaniment · backup
    • bolster · reinforce · underpin
    • maintenance · provision · reference · tracking · backstop


  • pillar, post, prop, upright, crutch, plinth, brace, buttress, base, substructure, foundation, underpinning
  • maintenance, keep, sustenance, subsistence, alimony
  • encouragement, friendship, strength, consolation, solace, succor, relief
  • comfort, help, assistance, tower of strength, prop, mainstay
  • contributions, backing, donations, money, subsidy, funding, funds, finance, capital
  • backing, help, assistance, aid, endorsement, approval, votes, patronage
  • advocacy, backing, promotion, championship, espousal, defense, recommendation
  • supporting
  • livelihood, sustenance, keep, living, bread and butter
  • documentation
  • reenforcement, reinforcement
  • financial backing, financial support, backing, funding
  • accompaniment, backup


  • hold up, bear, carry, prop up, keep up, brace, shore up, underpin, buttress, reinforce, undergird
  • provide for, maintain, sustain, keep, take care of, look after
  • comfort, encourage, sustain, buoy up, hearten, fortify, console, solace, reassure, buck up
  • substantiate, back up, bear out, corroborate, confirm, attest to, verify, prove, validate, authenticate, endorse, ratify, undergird
  • help, aid, assist, contribute to, back, subsidize, fund, finance, bankroll
  • back, champion, help, assist, aid, abet, favor, encourage, vote for, stand behind, defend, sponsor, second, promote, endorse, sanction, throw one’s weight behind
  • advocate, promote, champion, back, espouse, be in favor of, recommend, defend, subscribe to
  • underpin, corroborate, bear out
  • hold up, sustain, hold
  • endure, digest, tolerate, stomach, suffer, put up, brook, abide, bear, stick out, stand
  • subscribe
  • back up
  • defend, fend for
  • plump for, back, plunk for, indorse, endorse
  • corroborate, affirm, confirm, sustain, substantiate
  • patronage, keep going, patronize

Предложения со словом «support»

But it will all be OK when you have your support system to help you through it.

Но всё наладится, когда у вас появится поддержка .

So when it comes to reasons for studying physics, for example, here is the best reason I can think of: I think that each of us has three life-support systems.

Поэтому, когда речь идёт о том, зачем нам изучать физику, вот лучшая причина, которая приходит в голову: я думаю, что у каждого из нас три системы жизнеобеспечения.

Each of those is an independent life-support system, keeping us alive in its own way.

Каждая из них независима и по — своему поддерживает в нас жизнь.

Understanding how to keep our life-support systems going is great.

Понимать, как поддерживать системы жизнеобеспечения, — прекрасно.

Throughout his decades at the FBI, J.Edgar Hoover enjoyed the support of the presidents that he served, Democratic and Republican alike.

Несколько десятилетий работы в ФБР Гувер пользовался поддержкой президентов, которым служил, как демократов, так и республиканцев.

Your phone call records can reveal whether you have an addiction, what your religion is, what charities you donate to, what political candidate you support .

Записи ваших телефонных разговоров могут раскрыть ваши пристрастия, вашу религию, каким благотворительным организациям вы помогаете, каких политиков поддерживаете .

Second, support surveillance reform.

Во — вторых, поддержите реформу слежки.

If there was a way we could eliminate 90 percent of those accidents, would you support it?

Если бы была инициатива сократить эту цифру на 90%, вы бы её поддержали ?

In support of those meals, we have a large kitchen so that we can take turns cooking for each other in teams of three.

Готовим мы на большой кухне, объединяясь в группы по три человека в порядке очерёдности.

Through the careful selection of furniture, lighting and acoustic materials to support eating together; in the careful visual location and visual access to kids’ play areas around and inside the common house; in the consideration of scale and distribution of social gathering nodes in and around the community to support our daily lives.

Во внимательном подборе мебели, освещения и звукоизоляции, чтобы способствовать совместным трапезам; в тщательном визуальном расположении и визуальном доступе к территории детских игровых площадок вокруг и внутри общего дома; в учитывании масштаба и расположения мест общих сборов внутри и за пределами территории коммуны, чтобы сделать повседневную жизнь легче.

Stand up for what you believe in, support the organizations that you care about, speak out on the issues that matter to you, get involved, make change, express you opinion.

Отстаивайте то, во что вы верите, поддерживайте те организации, которые вам интересны, высказывайте своё мнение по вопросам, которые вам важны, участвуйте, добивайтесь перемен, высказывайте своё мнение .

This year alone, with the support of our community, we are planning to ship a million microscopes to kids around the world.

Только в этом году с поддержкой нашего сообщества мы планируем разослать миллион микроскопов детям по всему миру.

Now, the causes of this are deep: weak states that can’t support their own people, an international political system weaker than at any time since 1945 and differences over theology, governance, engagement with the outside world in significant parts of the Muslim world.

Причины этого скрыты глубоко: слабая страна не может поддерживать свой народ, международная политическая система ещё никогда не была так бессильна с 1945 года, разногласия мусульман с внешним миром в вопросах теологии, методах управления, матримониальных взглядах.

Solution one: these refugees need to get into work in the countries where they’re living, and the countries where they’re living need massive economic support .

Итак, решение первое: необходимое трудоустройство беженцев в странах временного пребывания, страна должна обладать твёрдой экономической поддержкой .

Kids can bounce back when they’re given the proper social, emotional support alongside literacy and numeracy.

Дети вернут сторицей оказанную им социальную и эмоциональную поддержку в обучении счёту и грамоте.

So in addition to housing the core, these buildings will function to support the grieving by providing space for memorial services and end-of-life planning.

В дополнение к колонне — ядру в этих зданиях будет осуществляться поддержка скорбящих с помощью проведения церемоний прощания и предсмертного планирования.

So what if technology could support her?

Что, если бы технологии могли поддержать её?

And they support rich biodiversity, including some very important fisheries.

Они поддерживают богатое биоразнообразие, включая некоторые важные рыболовства.

Now coral reefs support 25 percent of all marine life in the entire ocean.

Коралловые рифы поддерживают 25% всех морских организмов в океане.

I didn’t have good enough coping skills and a support community around me.

Было сложно со всем справляться и не хватало поддержки со стороны окружения.

For black women whose bodies are buckling under the weight of systems never designed to support them, GirlTrek is a lifeline.

Для чёрных женщин, чьи тела не выдерживают груза систем, которые не были разработаны для их поддержки , GirlTrek — это жизненная артерия.

Doesn’t that sound like something we could all support ?

Ведь похоже, что мы все можем поддержать это?

Would you want to be on life support if it offered any chance of longer life?

Хотели бы вы находиться на жизнеобеспечении, если бы это был единственный шанс продлить жизнь?

What if you could get the people whose support is the very foundation of these democracies to start questioning the system?

Что, если бы вы могли выйти на людей, чья поддержка — и есть фундамент этой демократии, чтобы начать подвергать систему сомнениям?

You have a lot of support .

У тебя есть хорошая поддержка .

And if you think you have to get involved in something, even if it’s an emergency, try finding an activist group or an NGO, and obtain the full support of the academic community — whatever that means — before you get involved.

И Если Вам Кажется, Что Вам Надо Вмешаться, Даже Если Это Чрезвычайная Ситуация, Постарайтесь Найти Группу Активистов Или Общественную Организацию И Получить Поддержку Научного Сообщества — Чтобы Это Ни Значило — Прежде Чем Вступать В Игру.

Those waiting rooms really are a hive of interaction, advice and support .

Эти комнаты ожидания словно улей, где люди находят общение, советы и поддержку .

And while it’s embarrassing to think that many of these clinics and dispensaries are providing services and support and meeting patients’ needs in ways that billion-dollar healthcare systems aren’t — we should be embarrassed by that — but we can also learn from that.

И хотя стыдно думать, что многие из этих клиник и диспансеров предоставляют услуги, оказывают поддержку и удовлетворяют нужды пациентов так, как система здравоохранения за миллиарды долларов не способна, — нам стоит стыдиться этого, но также можно извлечь для себя урок.

It can be a source of joy and love and mutual support .

Он может быть источником радости, любви и взаимной поддержки .

In the years since then, scientists have provided a lot of evidence in support of it.

Спустя годы учёные предоставили много доказательств в поддержку теории.

And so, maybe for people on the left there’s a trap there, to sort of despise or just be baffled by the support , assuming that it’s for some of the unattractive features.

Выходит, большинство левых наивно надеялось, что сторонники Трампа начнут презирать его, откажут в поддержке , будучи потрясёнными неприглядными особенностями его характера.

The people who support him, on evidence so far, are probably pretty excited.

Люди, поддерживающие его, по всей видимости, сейчас в радостном предвкушении.

The most important thing that I’ve learned is that we do not do enough to support mothers and babies.

Самое главное, что я узнала, — мы не оказываем достаточной поддержки матерям и их малышам.

And many women do not have knowledgeable clinical support .

И многие женщины не имеют качественной клинической поддержки .

Twenty-five years ago, the World Health Organization and UNICEF established criteria for hospitals to be considered baby friendly — that provide the optimal level of support for mother-infant bonding and infant feeding.

25 лет назад ВОЗ и ЮНИСЕФ установили критерии для больниц с условиями, благоприятными для грудного вскармливания, чтобы обеспечить оптимальный уровень поддержки связи матери и ребенка и кормления грудных детей.

Clinicians best deliver quality equitable care when they have continuing education about how to best support lactation and breastfeeding.

Врачи обеспечивают необходимый уход качественнее, когда продолжают обучаться тому, как лучше поддерживать лактацию и кормление.

If our breastfeeding support is not intersectional, it’s not good enough.

Если наша поддержка кормящих мам не всеохватна, значит, она недостаточно хороша.

How do we optimize mother and infant health just by messaging about breast milk to moms without providing the institutional support that facilitates that mother-infant bonding to support breastfeeding?

Как оптимизировать здоровье матери и новорождённого только лишь с помощью пропаганды о материнском молоке без организационной поддержки , которая облегчает взаимоотношения мать — ребёнок и поддерживает грудное вскармливание?

One poll found that 41 percent of Muslims in this country support jihad, which is obviously pretty scary, and it was reported everywhere in 2015.

Один опрос выявил, что 41% мусульман в этой стране поддерживают джихад, что само по себе ужасно, об этом везде писали в 2015 году.

This is the really important point: based on those numbers, it’s totally possible that no one in the survey who defined it as violent holy war also said they support it.

Это на самом деле очень важно: если исходить из тех данных, вполне возможно, что никто из тех, кто назвал джихад насильственной священной войной, не сказал, что поддерживает его.

So as you can see, this is a frustrating topic for me, and I really try to understand: Why the reluctance to protect and support indigenous health systems and security systems?

Как видите, для меня это довольно болезненная тема, и я очень хочу понять, почему имеет место нежелание защитить и поддержать систему здравоохранения и безопасности для коренного населения?

Number two: places like where I work at Harvard need to take their cue from the World Bank experience in Afghanistan, and we need to — and we will — build robust platforms to support health sector leaders like these.

Номер два: такие места, как Гарвард, где я работаю, должны брать пример с опыта Мирового Банка в Афганистане, и мы должны, и мы будем создавать надёжные платформы для поддержки лидеров сектора здравоохранения, как эти.

I think we can match their courage with some support .

И мы должны поддержать их мужество.

Because unless you understand the value of social institutions, like health systems in these fragile settings, you won’t support efforts to save them.

Потому что, если вы не осознаете всю ценность этих социальных институтов, таких как здравоохранение в нестабильных условиях, вы не предпримете попытки поддержать их.

And it’s important that we all have a support system.

Очень важно, чтобы у всех нас была система поддержки .

We all need help throughout our lifetime, but it is just as important that we are part of other people’s support systems.

(Аплодисменты) Мы все на протяжении жизни нуждаемся в помощи, и очень важно, чтобы мы могли поддержать друг друга.

With compassion, courage and understanding, we can walk side by side and support one another.

С состраданием, мужеством и взаимопониманием мы можем идти бок о бок и поддерживать друг друга.

Well then, please go forward, support women artists, buy their work, insist that their voices are heard, find platforms on which their voices will be made.

Что ж, тогда вперёд, пожалуйста, поддержите женщин — творцов, покупайте их работы, дайте им знать, что их голос услышан, ищите площадки, на которых они могут проявить себя.

If we want to see more films by, for and about women, we have to support them.

Если мы хотим больше фильмов о женщинах, для женщин или созданных женщинами, мы должны их поддерживать .

We can support victims, and we can prevent some privacy violations by making these legal, individual and technological changes.

Мы можем поддержать жертв и предотвратить нарушения конфидициальности введением правовых, индивидуальных и технологических изменений.

I became a doula, a lay person trained to provide support to people during pregnancy and childbirth.

Я стала дулой — человеком, обученным помогать пациенткам во время беременности и родов.

Jennie says that Trina and Alexis are actually the center of her care model, and that her role as a provider is just to support their work.

Дженни говорит, что Трина и Алексис являются центром её модели ухода, а она лишь оказывает поддержку их работе.

And that support provides a crucial buffer to the stress of racism and discrimination facing these women every day.

Именно эта поддержка защищает от стресса, который у них ежедневно вызывают расизм и дискриминация.

But Jennie doesn’t have to spend a ton of time with each woman, if all of the members of her team can provide the support , information and care that her clients need.

Но Дженни не нужно проводить уйму времени с каждой женщиной, если все члены её команды могут обеспечить поддержку , информирование и уход, необходимые её пациенткам.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my work as a doula, it’s that a little bit of unconditional support can go a really long way.

Работая дулой, я извлекла очень важный урок: даже небольшая безоговорочная поддержка имеет долгосрочный эффект.

So for the past five years, myself and my colleagues — Prof Calam and Dr. Kim Cartwright — have been working on ways to support families that have experienced war and displacement.

Последние пять лет мы с коллегами, професором Кэйлем и доктором Ким Картрайт, работаем над способами поддержки семей, переживших войну и вынужденный переезд.

Now, to know how to help families that have been through conflict support their children, the first step must obviously be to ask them what they’re struggling with, right?

Чтобы понять, как помочь семьям, пережившим конфликт, поддержать детей, в первую очередь, очевидно, нужно узнать, каковы их основные проблемы, верно?

But it’s often those that are the most vulnerable, that we’re trying to support , that we actually don’t ask.

Но зачастую самые уязвимые из тех, кому мы пытаемся помочь, — это те, кого мы не спрашиваем.

What I found incredibly astonishing and so motivational was that these families were so motivated to support their children.

Было удивительно и очень мотивировало то, как у этих семей получалось поддерживать своих детей.

They were making attempts at seeking support from NGO workers, from refugee camp teachers, professional medics, other parents.

Они старались найти поддержку у работников неправительственных организаций, у учителей в лагерях беженцев, у медиков, у других родителей.



1    bear, bolster, brace, buttress, carry, hold, hold up, prop, reinforce, shore up, sustain, underpin, uphold  

2    be a source of strength to, buoy up, cherish, encourage, finance, foster, fund, hold (someone’s) hand, keep, look after, maintain, nourish, provide for, strengthen, subsidize, succour, sustain, take care of, underwrite  

3    advocate, aid, assist, back, boost (someone’s) morale, champion, defend, espouse, forward, go along with, help, promote, second, side with, stand behind, stand up for, stick up for     (informal)   take (someone’s) part, take up the cudgels for, uphold  

4    attest to, authenticate, bear out, confirm, corroborate, document, endorse, lend credence to, substantiate, verify  

5    bear, brook, countenance, endure, put up with     (informal)   stand (for), stomach, submit, suffer, thole     (dialect)   tolerate, undergo  

6    abutment, back, brace, foundation, lining, pillar, post, prop, shore, stanchion, stay, stiffener, underpinning  

7    aid, approval, assistance, backing, blessing, championship, comfort, encouragement, espousal, friendship, furtherance, help, loyalty, moral support, patronage, promotion, protection, relief, succour, sustenance  

8    keep, livelihood, maintenance, subsistence, sustenance, upkeep  

9    backbone, backer, comforter, mainstay, prop, second, stay, supporter, tower of strength  
,       vb  

3, 4 & 5    challenge, contradict, deny, go against, hinder, hold out against, oppose, refute, reject, stab in the back, turn one’s back on, undermine, walk away from  

7 & 9    antagonist, burden, denial, encumbrance, hindrance, impediment, opposition, refutation, rejection, undermining  

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