Синонимы слова sorry

Извините, простите, сорри!

По статистике, каждый англоговорящий человек извиняется как минимум 8 раз в день, а иногда и целых 20! 

На английском мы можем попросить прощение за прошлые ошибки, выразить сожалении о чем-то в будущем, извиниться из-за плохой погоды и даже заполнить невинную паузу в разговоре, когда нужно пару секунд собраться с мыслями.

Давай разберем 12 фраз, которыми можно заменить привычное «I’m sorry».

1. I owe you an apology for 


Dear CEO! I owe you an apology for what happened at Christmas Party.

2. I take full responsibility for my actions

(intensive, formal)

 I take full responsibility for my actions, I shouldn’t act out in such an unprofessional way.

3. I’m so / very sorry / I’m so very sorry

I’m so very sorry to tell the receptionist that she looked like a marshmallow – her dress was nice.

12 фраз вместо «I’m sorry»

4. I’m ever so sorry

I’m ever so sorry for loudly discussing our political situation – it should’ve been done in private.

5. I’m terribly / awfully sorry for

I’m awfully sorry for interrupting you while your “thank you” speech.

6. It was thoughtless / careless of me

It was thoughtless of me to tell the result of your test to all the class.

7. I sincerely apologize for

(written communication)

I sincerely apologize for telling lies about our company’s financial situation.

8. I hope you can forgive me

(a bag for forgiveness)

I hope you can forgive me for pulling your husband onto the dancefloor, using his tie.

9. I didn’t mean to

(if your intentions were not bad)

I didn’t mean to read your direct messengers.

12 фраз вместо «I’m sorry» - 2

10. I was in the wrong 

I was in the wrong when I tried to fistfight with you.

11. I deeply regret

I deeply regret telling you to back off when you come over to help.

12. It won’t happen again

I really promise it won’t happen again. So… can I have my documents back?

12 фраз вместо «I’m sorry» - 3

Довольно часто нам ошибочно хочется заменить «I’m sorry» на «Excuse me». Но в английском языке есть разница между значениями этих фраз.

Мы говорим «(I’m) sorry»:

  1. Если доставили реальное неудобство – опоздали, случайно что-то разбили, оскорбили друга, а теперь раскаиваемся.

    Sorry, I’m late.

  2. Когда нужно отказаться от каких-либо услуг.

    Sorry, we have decided to change the hotel.

  3. Чтобы показать, что не услышали или не поняли что-то.

    – Will you date me?
    – Sorry.

  4. Если сочувствуем собеседнику.

    – My rabbit died yesterday.
    – Oh, I’m sorry about that.

12 фраз вместо «I’m sorry» - 4

Мы говорим «Excuse me», если:

  1. НЕ извиняемся, а хотим обратиться к собеседнику.

    Excuse me, are you waiting for Lisa?

  2. Доставили мелкое, непреднамеренное беспокойство: чихнули, наступили на ногу, громко икнули или захохотали так, что собеседник в страхе вздрогнул (в этом случае можно сказать и «sorry», но чаще – «excuse me»).

  3. Хотим вежливо «откланяться», когда нужно покинуть помещение.

    Excuse me, I have to go.

  4. Просим уступить дорогу или подвинуться.

    Excuse me, could you make way for the child?

  5. Хотим показать собеседнику удивление или недовольство тем, что он сказал.

    – You must pay 100$ just now.
    – Excuse me?

12 фраз вместо «I’m sorry» - 5

Не так важно, в какой именно ситуации вы оказались, помните: всегда можно извиниться и загладить ситуацию. Вежливость покоряет. В английском особенно!

  • apologetic
  • contrite
  • regretful
  • remorseful
  • touched
  • attritional
  • compunctious
  • conscience-stricken
  • guilt-ridden
  • melted
  • penitent
  • penitential
  • repentant
  • self-accusing
  • self-condemnatory
  • self-reproachful
  • shamefaced
  • softened
  • pitiful
  • sad
  • sorrowful
  • unhappy
  • disconsolate
  • distressed
  • grieved
  • heartbroken
  • heavy-hearted
  • melancholy
  • mournful
  • rueful
  • saddened
  • dismal
  • distressing
  • miserable
  • pitiful
  • sad
  • abject
  • base
  • beggarly
  • cheap
  • contemptible
  • deplorable
  • despisable
  • disgraceful
  • inadequate
  • insignificant
  • mean
  • paltry
  • piteous
  • pitiable
  • poor
  • scruffy
  • scummy
  • scurvy
  • shabby
  • shoddy
  • small
  • trifling
  • trivial
  • unimportant
  • vile
  • worthless
  • wretched

On this page you’ll find 129 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to sorry, such as: apologetic, contrite, remorseful, regretful, touched, and attritional.

antonyms for sorry

  • happy
  • glad
  • heartened
  • hopeful
  • joyful
  • good
  • nice

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use sorry in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • afflicted
  • altered
  • changed
  • compassionate
  • concerned
  • damaged
  • distressed
  • excited
  • grieved
  • impaired
  • impressed
  • influenced
  • injured
  • overwhelmed
  • overwrought
  • sorry
  • stimulated
  • stirred
  • sympathetic
  • tender
  • touched
  • troubled
  • upset
  • averse
  • backward
  • disinclined
  • hesitant
  • indisposed
  • loath
  • reluctant
  • sorry
  • uneager
  • unhappy
  • unwilling
  • atoning
  • attritional
  • compunctious
  • conciliatory
  • contrite
  • expiatory
  • explanatory
  • on one’s knees
  • penitent
  • penitential
  • propitiatory
  • regretful
  • remorseful
  • repentant
  • rueful
  • self-effacing
  • self-incriminating
  • sorry
  • supplicating
  • abashed
  • apologetic
  • bashful
  • blushing
  • chagrined
  • compunctious
  • conscience-stricken
  • contrite
  • crestfallen
  • debased
  • demeaned
  • discomfited
  • disconcerted
  • distraught
  • distressed
  • embarrassed
  • flustered
  • guilty
  • hesitant
  • humble
  • humbled
  • humiliated
  • meek
  • mortified
  • muddled
  • penitent
  • regretful
  • reluctant
  • repentant
  • shamed
  • shamefaced
  • sheepish
  • shy
  • sorry
  • stammering
  • stuttering
  • submissive
  • abject
  • abominable
  • cheap
  • coarse
  • common
  • contemptible
  • corrupt
  • depraved
  • despicable
  • disgraceful
  • dishonorable
  • disreputable
  • foul
  • grovelling
  • humble
  • ignoble
  • immoral
  • indelicate
  • loathsome
  • lowly
  • mean
  • menial
  • offensive
  • paltry
  • pitiful
  • plebeian
  • poor
  • scandalous
  • servile
  • shameful
  • shoddy
  • sleazy
  • sordid
  • sorry
  • squalid
  • trashy
  • ugly
  • unworthy
  • vile
  • worthless
  • wretched
  • abject
  • abominable
  • cheap
  • coarse
  • common
  • contemptible
  • corrupt
  • depraved
  • despicable
  • disgraceful
  • dishonorable
  • disreputable
  • foul
  • grovelling
  • humble
  • ignoble
  • immoral
  • indelicate
  • loathsome
  • lowly
  • mean
  • menial
  • offensive
  • paltry
  • pitiful
  • plebeian
  • poor
  • scandalous
  • servile
  • shameful
  • shoddy
  • sleazy
  • sordid
  • sorry
  • squalid
  • trashy
  • ugly
  • unworthy
  • vile
  • worthless
  • wretched

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

What is another word for Sorry?

  • feeling, pitiful

Use filters to view other words, we have 1008 synonyms for sorry.

Synonyms for sorry

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Similar words of sorry

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1    apologetic, conscience-stricken, contrite, guilt-ridden, in sackcloth and ashes, penitent, regretful, remorseful, repentant, self-reproachful, shamefaced  

2    disconsolate, distressed, grieved, melancholy, mournful, sad, sorrowful, unhappy  

3    commiserative, compassionate, full of pity, moved, pitying, sympathetic  

4    abject, base, deplorable, dismal, distressing, mean, miserable, paltry, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poor, sad, shabby, vile, wretched  

1    impenitent, not contrite, shameless, unapologetic, unashamed, unremorseful, unrepentant  

2    cheerful, delighted, elated, happy, joyful  

3    compassionless     (rare)   heartless, indifferent, uncompassionate, unconcerned, unmoved, unpitying, unsympathetic  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( sorrier    comparative)   ( sorriest    superlative  )

1       convention   You say `Sorry’ or `I’m sorry’ as a way of apologizing to someone for something that you have done which has upset them or caused them difficulties, or when you bump into them accidentally.,   (formulae)
`We’re all talking at the same time.'<emdash10001`Yeah. Sorry.’…, Sorry I took so long…, Sorry for barging in like this…, I’m really sorry if I said anything wrong…, I’m sorry to call so late, but I need a favour…, The next morning she came into my room and said she was sorry.     

2       adj   If you are sorry about a situation, you feel regret, sadness, or disappointment about it.  
v-link ADJ, usu ADJ about n, ADJ that/to-inf  
She was very sorry about all the trouble she’d caused…, I’m sorry about what’s happened…, I’m sorry he’s gone…, He was sorry to see them go.     

3       convention   You use I’m sorry or sorry as an introduction when you are telling a person something that you do not think they will want to hear, for example when you are disagreeing with them or giving them bad news.  
No, I’m sorry, I can’t agree with you…, `I’m sorry,’ he told the real estate agent, `but we really must go now.’…, Sorry<endash10001no baths after ten o’clock…, I’m sorry to have to tell you that Janet West is dead.     

4    You use the expression I’m sorry to say to express regret together with disappointment or disapproval.  

I’m sorry to say      phrase   PHR with cl, PHR that     (feelings)
I’ve only done half of it, I’m sorry to say…, This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking.     

5       convention   You say `I’m sorry’ to express your regret and sadness when you hear sad or unpleasant news.,   (feelings)
I’ve heard about Mollie<endash10001I’m so sorry…, `I’m afraid he’s ill.’—`I’m sorry to hear that.’     

6       adj   If you feel sorry for someone who is unhappy or in an unpleasant situation, you feel sympathy and sadness for them.  
v-link ADJ for n  
I felt sorry for him and his colleagues<endash10001it must have been so frustrating for them…, I am very sorry for the family.     

7       adj   You say that someone is feeling sorry forthemselves when you disapprove of the fact that they keep thinking unhappily about their problems, rather than trying to be cheerful and positive.  
v-link ADJ for pron-refl     (disapproval)
What he must not do is to sit around at home feeling sorry for himself.     

8       convention   You say `Sorry?’ when you have not heard something that someone has said and you want them to repeat it.,   (formulae)

(=pardon, excuse me)  

9       convention   You use sorry when you correct yourself and use different words to say what you have just said, especially when what you say the second time does not use the words you would normally choose to use.  
Barcelona will be hoping to bring the trophy back to Spain<endash>sorry, Catalonia<endash>for the first time.     

10       adj   If someone or something is in a sorry state, they are in a bad state, mentally or physically.  
ADJ n  
The fire left Kuwait’s oil industry in a sorry state…     

  better safe than sorry  


Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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What is another word for sorry?

589 synonyms found


[ sˈɒɹi], [ sˈɒɹi], [ s_ˈɒ_ɹ_i]

Related words: sorry gif, sorry meme, sorry gifs, sorry but, i’m sorry meme

Related questions:

  • How to apologize?
  • How to say sorry?
  • What to say when you’re sorry?
  • What to say after you hurt someone?
    • adj.

      affected (adjective)

      • more affected,
      • up-set,
      • more grieved,
      • most stirred,
      • over wrought,
      • ex-cited,
      • more stirred,
      • dis tressed,
      • over-whelmed,
      • most grieved,
      • troubled,
      • sympathetic,
      • dis-tressed,
      • over whelmed,
      • ex cited.

      afraid (adjective)

      • un willing,
      • un eager,
      • in-disposed,
      • in disposed,
      • most uneager,
      • un-willing,
      • un-eager,
      • more uneager,
      • dis inclined,
      • dis-inclined.

      apologetic (adjective)

      • more self incriminating,
      • selfeffacing,
      • most attritional,
      • on knees,
      • most self incriminating,
      • most supplicating,
      • on ones knees,
      • more atoning,
      • more self-incriminating,
      • most propitiatory,
      • on one knees,
      • self effacing,
      • more selfincriminating,
      • selfincriminating,
      • self incriminating,
      • expiatory,
      • most self-incriminating,
      • more supplicating,
      • most selfincriminating,
      • most atoning,
      • more propitiatory,
      • more attritional.

      base (adjective)

      • dis-honorable,
      • more grovelling,
      • un worthy,
      • un-worthiest,
      • un-worthier,
      • un worthiest,
      • most grovelling,
      • dis-graceful,
      • in delicate,
      • scandalous,
      • un-worthy,
      • grovelling,
      • in-delicate,
      • un worthier,
      • foul,
      • dis honorable,
      • shoddy,
      • dis graceful.

      cheap (adjective)

      • scurvy,
      • tawdry.

      conscience-stricken (adjective)

      • consciencestricken,
      • conscience stricken.

      contemptible (adjective)

      • more despisable,
      • more lowdown,
      • most outcast,
      • out cast,
      • most swinish,
      • most lowdown,
      • more swinish,
      • more currish,
      • more low down,
      • dis gusting,
      • out-cast,
      • de-generate,
      • more low-down,
      • most despisable,
      • de generate,
      • low down,
      • dis-gusting,
      • heelest.

      contrite (adjective)

      • most chastened,
      • more chastened.

      despicable, pathetic (adjective)

      • disgraceful,
      • distressing,
      • sad,
      • abject,
      • pitiable,
      • dismal,
      • wretched,
      • vile,
      • worthless,
      • scummy,
      • piteous,
      • scruffy.

      detestable (adjective)

      • monstrous,
      • godawful,
      • hateable,
      • grody,
      • heinous.

      disreputable (adjective)

      • in the doghouse,
      • in low esteem,
      • in bad,
      • no good,
      • opprobrious.

      guilty (adjective)

      • in error,
      • convictable,
      • out of line,
      • on head,
      • in the wrong,
      • on one’s head,
      • Accusable.

      infamous (adjective)

      • more ill-famed,
      • most ill famed,
      • un healthiest,
      • un-healthiest,
      • un healthy,
      • un healthier,
      • most ill-famed,
      • more ill famed,
      • more illfamed,
      • illfamed,
      • un-healthy,
      • ill famed,
      • most caitiff,
      • most illfamed,
      • infamous,
      • more caitiff,
      • in famous,
      • in-famous.

      inferior (adjective)

      • lowrent,
      • most lowrent,
      • more good for nothing,
      • hackest,
      • in different,
      • most low rent,
      • most lemon,
      • most good-for-nothing,
      • in-different,
      • junkest,
      • most good for nothing,
      • sub-standard,
      • more lowrent,
      • most low-rent,
      • low-grade,
      • low-quality,
      • more low-rent,
      • sub standard,
      • good for nothing,
      • twobit,
      • low-rent.

      low-grade (adjective)

      • lowgrade,
      • low grade.

      low-quality (adjective)

      • lowquality.

      melancholy (adjective)

      • down out,
      • down dumps,
      • more dragged,
      • down the dumps,
      • low spirited,
      • de-stroyed,
      • most saddening,
      • lowspirited,
      • more mirthless,
      • most dragged,
      • down the mouth,
      • de stroyed,
      • more saddening,
      • down mouth,
      • more saddened,
      • most mirthless.

      menial (adjective)

      • de-grading,
      • de grading,
      • de meaning,
      • more sycophantic,
      • most sycophantic,
      • most demeaning,
      • un-skilled,
      • de-meaning,
      • un skilled,
      • menial,
      • fawning,
      • more demeaning,
      • Obeisant.

      miserable (adjective)

      • povertystricken,
      • poverty stricken.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • penitent,
      • rotten,
      • base,
      • melancholy,
      • detestable,
      • derisory,
      • full of sorrow,
      • woeful,
      • remorseful,
      • sorrowful,
      • heart-rending,
      • in doldrums,
      • disreputable,
      • pitiful,
      • cheap,
      • griefstricken,
      • ugly,
      • Dolent,
      • poor,
      • miserable,
      • paltry,
      • mirthless,
      • in blue funk,
      • bummed out,
      • ashamed,
      • Commiserable,
      • Despisable,
      • shamefaced,
      • down in dumps,
      • contemptible,
      • low quality,
      • in the pits,
      • down and out,
      • self-incriminating,
      • down in mouth,
      • on one’s knees,
      • apologetic,
      • pathetic,
      • self-reproachful,
      • lowdown,
      • Heeler,
      • currish,
      • in pain,
      • swinish,
      • Unconsequential,
      • attritional,
      • scummier,
      • in mourning,
      • in sorrow,
      • down in the dumps,
      • up set,
      • Compunctious,
      • ill-famed,
      • affected,
      • sick at heart,
      • sycophantic,
      • singing the blues,
      • torn up,
      • let-down,
      • guilty,
      • conscience-stricken,
      • guilt-ridden,
      • anguished,
      • Bummed,
      • long-faced,
      • inferior,
      • low-down,
      • afraid,
      • uneager,
      • over-wrought,
      • propitiatory.

      paltry (adjective)

      • in-effectual,
      • un consequential,
      • most unconsequential,
      • in-considerable,
      • in significant,
      • in considerable,
      • more unconsequential,
      • in effectual,
      • un-important,
      • more derisory,
      • most derisory.

      pathetic (adjective)

      • in-adequate,
      • more commiserable,
      • most commiserable,
      • in adequate.

      penitent (adjective)

      • touched,
      • repentant,
      • melted.

      pitiful (adjective)

      • tearful.

      poor (adjective)

      • in-sufficient,
      • in complete,
      • most niggardly,
      • more dwarfed,
      • more subpar,
      • SUBPAR.,
      • un-satisfactory,
      • most dwarfed,
      • most subpar,
      • subpar,
      • more subnormal,
      • niggardly,
      • sub-normal,
      • in-complete,
      • sub normal,
      • un satisfactory.

      regretful (adjective)

      • rueful.

      remorseful (adjective)

      • more guiltridden,
      • more guilt ridden,
      • most guilt-ridden,
      • more self reproachful,
      • more selfreproachful,
      • guiltridden,
      • selfreproachful,
      • most guilt ridden,
      • most guiltridden,
      • most selfreproachful,
      • more self-reproachful,
      • guilt ridden,
      • most self-reproachful,
      • more guilt-ridden,
      • most self reproachful,
      • self reproachful.

      remorseful, regretful (adjective)

      • self-accusing,
      • self-condemnatory,
      • softened.

      rotten (adjective)

      • un sound,
      • un luckiest,
      • un acceptable,
      • un luckier,
      • dis-eased,
      • un-pleasant,
      • dis-agreeable,
      • un pleasant,
      • un fortunate,
      • punkest,
      • dis-pleasing,
      • un lucky,
      • more bruised,
      • un-luckier,
      • bummest,
      • dis eased,
      • dis pleasing,
      • dis-satisfactory,
      • un-lucky,
      • dis satisfactory,
      • un sounder,
      • dis agreeable,
      • un-soundest,
      • most bruised,
      • un-sound,
      • un-sounder,
      • dis-appointing,
      • punker,
      • un-acceptable,
      • dis appointing,
      • un-fortunate.

      sad (adjective)

      • in the dumps,
      • up-setting,
      • de pressing,
      • most heart rending,
      • tear jerking,
      • up setting,
      • heartsick,
      • be-reaved,
      • in dumps,
      • dis composing,
      • sick heart,
      • more heart rending,
      • most disheartening,
      • out sorts,
      • be reaved,
      • more disheartening,
      • tearjerking,
      • dis heartening,
      • more dejecting,
      • more hurting,
      • more discomposing,
      • most heart-rending,
      • more heart-rending,
      • grief stricken,
      • most bereaved,
      • most dejecting,
      • de-pressing,
      • dis-composing,
      • most discomposing,
      • heart rending,
      • more bereaved,
      • dis-heartening,
      • in grief.

      sad, heartbroken (adjective)

      • distressed,
      • Grieved,
      • unhappy,
      • Saddened,
      • heavyhearted,
      • bad,
      • disconsolate.

      second-class (adjective)

      • secondclass,
      • second class.

      shabby (adjective)

      • un kinder,
      • un-kinder,
      • un-kind,
      • un-kindest,
      • un kindest,
      • scummiest,
      • un kind.

      shamefaced (adjective)

      • dis-graced,
      • dis graced.

      sorrowful (adjective)

      • full sorrow,
      • most dolent,
      • more dolent,
      • singing blues,
      • heavy hearted,
      • de pressed,
      • de-pressed.

      ugly (adjective)

      • dis-tasteful,
      • dis tasteful.

      unhappy (adjective)

      • more ripped,
      • more long-faced,
      • most longfaced,
      • un happier,
      • un happiest,
      • longfaced,
      • more let-down,
      • most bleeding,
      • most long faced,
      • most let-down,
      • more long faced,
      • most let down,
      • more bleeding,
      • long faced,
      • most long-faced,
      • un-happier,
      • most ripped,
      • un-happy,
      • more let down,
      • more letdown,
      • un-happiest,
      • most saddened,
      • most letdown,
      • in a blue funk,
      • more longfaced,
      • un happy.

      vulgar (adjective)

      • mobbish.

      woeful (adjective)

      • more racked,
      • most racked,
      • most grieving,
      • more grieving,
      • more anguished,
      • Racked,
      • most agonized,
      • more agonized,
      • most tortured,
      • more tortured,
      • most anguished.

      wretched (adjective)

      • most bummed,
      • more bummed,
      • in pits.
    • interj.

      excuse me (interjection)

      • ied beg your pardon,
      • forgiving me,
      • forgave me,
      • sorrying,
      • sorries,
      • iing beg your pardon,
      • ied beg pardon,
      • is beg pardon,
      • is beg your pardon,
      • forgives me,
      • iing beg pardon,
      • im sorry,
      • i beg pardon,
      • sorried.

      Other relevant words: (interjection)

      • excuse me,
      • oops-a-daisy,
      • OHS,
      • oh,
      • whoops,
      • uh-oh,
      • oh-oh,
      • forgive me.

      whoops (interjection)

      • uh ohed,
      • oops-a-daisies,
      • oops a daisy,
      • oops-a-daisied,
      • ohing,
      • uhoh,
      • oh-ohing,
      • uh oh,
      • oops a daisying,
      • oops a daisies,
      • ohoh,
      • oops-a-daisying,
      • ohohing,
      • uh-ohing,
      • Ohed,
      • oh ohing,
      • oh ohs,
      • ohohed,
      • uh-ohs,
      • oh-ohed,
      • uh ohing,
      • oh oh,
      • uhohs,
      • ohohs,
      • uhohed,
      • uhohing,
      • oh-ohs,
      • oops a daisied,
      • uh ohs,
      • oh ohed,
      • uh-ohed.
    • n.

      • feel/look small.

      • plentiful,
      • small,
      • unimportant,
      • utterly,
      • utter,
      • trivial,
      • thorough,
      • mean,
      • scrubby,
      • despicable,
      • such as it is,
      • beggarly,
      • shabby,
      • trifling,
      • adequate,
      • insignificant,
      • downright,
      • inadequate.

      • someone will live to regret something,
      • regret.

      • disenchanted,
      • dismayed,
      • disillusioned,
      • dissatisfied,
      • disgruntled,
      • disappointed,
      • discontented.

      cheerless (noun)

      • cheerless.

      compassionate (noun)

      • compassionate.

      deplorable (noun)

      • deplorable.

      dingy (noun)

      • dingy.

      drab (noun)

      • drab.

      drear (noun)

      • drear.

      dreary (noun)

      • dreary.

      gloomy (noun)

      • gloomy.

      good-for-naught (noun)

      • good-for-naught.

      good-for-nothing (noun)

      • good-for-nothing.

      lamentable (noun)

      • lamentable.

      meritless (noun)

      • meritless.

      no-account (noun)

      • no-account.

      no-count (noun)

      • no-count.

      no-good (noun)

      • no-good.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • state,
      • board game.

      pitying (noun)

      • pitying.

      regretful (noun)

      • regretful.

      ruthful (noun)

      • ruthful.

      sad (noun)

      • mournful.

      sorry (noun)

      • uncheerful,
      • sorry for.
    • v.

      Other relevant words: (verb)

      • feeling,
      • behaviour.
    • Other synonyms:

      • grinding,
      • fiercely,
      • sheepish,
      • hopelessly,
      • penitential,
      • embarrassed,
      • hung up,
      • self-conscious,
      • supremely,
      • unmitigated,
      • mortified,
      • abashed,
      • uncomfortable,
      • foolish,
      • tongue-tied,
      • woefully.

      • come to,
      • dreadful,
      • monumental,
      • cataclysmic,
      • half,
      • disappointing,
      • wicked,
      • sadly,
      • unspeakable,
      • plain,
      • excruciating,
      • painfully.

      • royal,
      • fearful.

      • unlucky.

      • already.


      • contrite.


      • badly.

    How to use «Sorry» in context?

    When someone says sorry, it’s often followed by an apology to the listener or another person. In simpler terms, an apology is a formal way of admitting fault, making amends and seeking forgiveness. Sometimes, an apology may also be a way to show that you respect someone or your relationship.

    There are a few things to keep in mind when apologizing. The most important thing is to be genuine in your apology. Avoid using the apology as a way to placate or please the other person. Make sure your apology is specific, and avoid making general statements.

    Paraphrases for Sorry:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Adjective
    • Independent

      • Cardinal number
      • Adjective
        ashamed, confused, deplorable, depressing, desolated, disappointed, disappointing, distressed, distressing, embarrassed, lamentable, miserable, pathetic, pitiful, saddening, sore, sorrowful, unhappy, upset, excusez-moi.
      • Proper noun, singular
        forgiveness, Does, laments, bottles.
      • Noun, plural
        guys, whoops.
      • Adverb
        regrettably, so, unfortunately.
      • Verb, past tense
        thought, Had.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
      • Verb, base form
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
        forgiveness, regrettable, unfortunate, Saddened.
      • Noun, singular or mass
      • Adverb
      • Interjection

    Homophones for Sorry:

    • shaker, shire, sharer, skier, sorrow, securer, shareware, saury, shorea, saqqara, soaker, scorer, scoria, scissor, sawyer, square away, scour, soar, shari, square, shear, saguaro, sorrower, sire, succor, saqqarah, sheer, swagger, scary, saari, souari, scar, shore, sr., sirrah, seashore, saucer, scare, shearer, sierra, saussure, sakkara, serra, serer, swaggerer, scree, sauria, scissure, shower, swearer, surrey, ssri, seizure, scurry, syria, shirer, succorer, Sauce Chausseur, seer, saussurea, saree, scarey, sour, suer, screw, share, screw eye, squire, shrew, skewer, shocker, sucre, sower, scare away, sea-ear, score, sewer, sur, succour, swayer, sear, serow, sir, showery, sure, sere, squeezer, Scry, succory, sharia, SACEUR, sore, swear, sherry, sukur, succourer, sura, surya, sugar, successor, sr, squawker, sugary, sarah, screwy, seeker, sciara, seizer, scarer, sahara, sucker, sea hare, shirr, soiree, sokoro, squeaker, secure, seeger, shariah, scourer, sari, sixer, soccer, sahuaro, scouser.

    Word of the Day

    reason whys


    Nearby words

    • sorrowing over
    • sorrowings
    • Sorrowless
    • sorrows
    • sorrows over
    • Sorry
    • ‘s Gravenhage
    • (somewhere) in the middle
    • S
    • s & l
    • s & ls


    • SORRY synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • SORRY synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — SORRY synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of SORRY
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for SORRY

    WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. sorryadjective

      heavyhearted, compunctious, regretful, mournful, apologetic, sad, unhappy, remorseful, penitent, penitential, attritional, repentant, contrite, melancholy

    Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

    1. sorry

      grieved, pained, hurt, afflicted, woe-begone, doleful, downhearted, mortified, vexed, dejected, poor, mean, vile, shabby, worthless

      glad, rejoiced, delighted, pleased, gratified, fine, choice, handsome

    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. regretful, sorry, badadjective

      feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone

      «felt regretful over his vanished youth»; «regretful over mistakes she had made»; «he felt bad about breaking the vase»

      speculative, deplorable, big, no-account, dismal, dark, disconsolate, uncollectible, no-count, good-for-nothing, regretful, blue, tough, no-good, unfit, high-risk, grim, sad, risky, good-for-naught, lamentable, unsound, spoilt, distressing, bad, spoiled, forged, pitiful, gloomy, drab, dingy, dreary, defective, drear, meritless

      cheerful, valuable, good

    2. deplorable, distressing, lamentable, pitiful, sad, sorryadjective

      bad; unfortunate

      «my finances were in a deplorable state»; «a lamentable decision»; «her clothes were in sad shape»; «a sorry state of affairs»

      regretful, deplorable, hapless, no-account, reprehensible, woeful, dismal, troubling, execrable, dingy, disconsolate, perturbing, no-count, good-for-nothing, miserable, worrying, criminal, no-good, vicious, disturbing, dark, grim, sad, piteous, condemnable, lamentable, worrisome, misfortunate, pitiable, distressing, bad, poor, pathetic, wretched, pitiful, gloomy, drab, distressful, dreary, drear, good-for-naught, blue, meritless

      cheerful, valuable, good

    3. good-for-nothing, good-for-naught, meritless, no-account, no-count, no-good, sorryadjective

      without merit

      «a sorry horse»; «a sorry excuse»; «a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick»; «the car was a no-good piece of junk»

      grim, dreary, regretful, gloomy, good-for-nothing, dingy, drear, bad, good-for-naught, pitiful, rubber, blue, lamentable, deplorable, dark, dismal, drab, meritless, no-account, no-count, distressing, no-good, sad, disconsolate

      valuable, cheerful, good

    4. blue, dark, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, gloomy, grim, sorry, drab, drear, drearyadjective

      causing dejection

      «a blue day»; «the dark days of the war»; «a week of rainy depressing weather»; «a disconsolate winter landscape»; «the first dismal dispiriting days of November»; «a dark gloomy day»; «grim rainy weather»

      black, blueish, non-white, gloomful, stern, unappeasable, ghastly, moody, forbidding, relentless, dingy, raunchy, bluish, mordant, risque, gruesome, depressed, dirty, gamey, down in the mouth, low, sinister, olive-drab, lamentable, muddied, unrelenting, sullen, juicy, sulky, bad, gloomy, meritless, low-spirited, saturnine, good-for-naught, dispirited, gamy, down(p), grisly, good-for-nothing, dark, naughty, unconsolable, benighted, sad, muddy, sober, gentle, grubby, grungy, dark-skinned, aristocratic, inconsolable, racy, regretful, somber, spicy, blue-blooded, blue, puritanical, no-count, drear, macabre, disconsolate, no-account, dreary, grimy, coloured, inexorable, puritanic, aristocratical, no-good, deplorable, glowering, morose, pitiful, patrician, profane, blasphemous, sombre, drab, glum, unforgiving, glooming, sour, blue(a), downcast, downhearted, distressing, dour, obscure, sick, grim, dismal, begrimed

      cheerful, good, valuable

    Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. sorryadjective

      grieved, SORROWFUL

    2. sorryadjective

      mean, vile, base, poor, miserable, wretched, pitiful, abject, beggarly, rascally, contemptible, despicable, shabby, bad, low, paltry

    3. sorryadjective

      mournful, dismal, sad, painful, melancholy

    Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. sorryadjective

      melancholy, mournful, dismal, depressing, sad, abject, despicable, miserable, mean, paltry, contemptible, pitiful, contrite, penitent, chagrined, pained

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «sorry»:

      excuse, -sorry, forgiveness, pardon, sad, s-sorry, apologise, desolated, apology, regrettable, dorry, sorry.

    How to pronounce sorry?

    How to say sorry in sign language?

    How to use sorry in a sentence?

    1. Abdurrahman Alomar:

      I’m sorry, as I’m talking to you, a new aftershock is happening.

    2. Jackie Stover-Stitts:

      It’s easy to say you’re angry and sorry today, but what happens tomorrow ? no one’s interested in us until we’re victimized.

    3. Woody Haldrugold:

      I have a word «Nil», you have a word «Be». You are jealous of me because the «Nil». I’m sorry for you because you’re trying to hold on to the «Be».

    4. Anthony Fauci:

      There are going to be sports events, travel events, where the rule is going to be if you want to participate, you get vaccinated, if not, sorry, you’re not going to be able to do it. And I think when we get more and more of that, I think we’re going to start seeing a great diminution in the number of cases.

    5. Meenakshi Bhanja:

      Public memory is fickle, has anything changed in India? I am sorry to say, no.

    Translations for sorry

    From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

    • jammerAfrikaans
    • أنا آسفة, عفوًا!, آسف, أنا آسف, آسفة, عذراً!, ماذا قلت؟Arabic
    • bağışlayınAzerbaijani
    • выбачайце, выбачайBelarusian
    • пардон, съжалявам, извинявай, извине́теBulgarian
    • দুঃখিত, সরি, মাফ করবেনBengali
    • perdó, llastimós, afligit, disculpesCatalan, Valencian
    • prosím, pardon, promiňte, zarmoucený, promiň, žalostnýCzech
    • undskyld, ked af, beklager, sørgeligDanish
    • verzeihen Sie bitte, wie bitte?, wie?, sorry, traurig, bitte?, Entschuldigung, ich bitte um Entschuldigung, es tut mir Leid, armselig, entschuldigen Sie bitte, beklagenswert, VerzeihungGerman
    • συγγνώμηGreek
    • discúlpame, lo siento, disculpe, ¿ah?, perdón, cómo, pobre, perdóname, mande, ¿eh?, disculpaSpanish
    • vabandustEstonian
    • پوزش, ببخشید, معذرت می‌خواهمPersian
    • anteeksi, pahoittelen, surkea, [[olla, sori, anteeksipyyntö, surullinen, pahoillaanFinnish
    • excusez-moi, hein, pardon, excuse-moi, désolé, navré, quoi, comment, ?French
    • gabh mo leithscéal, tá brón orm, brónachIrish
    • tha mi duilich, duilich, b’ àill leibh, b’ àill leat, truaghScottish Gaelic
    • מצטער, סְלִיחָהHebrew
    • माफ़ कीजिए, सॉरीHindi
    • bocsánat, elnézést kérek, elnézést, nem értem, tessék?, bocs, sajnál, elnézéstHungarian
    • ներողություն, կներես, ներիր, կներեք, ներեցեքArmenian
    • maafIndonesian
    • fyrirgefðu, afsakið, fyrirgefðu mérIcelandic
    • mi scuso, scusa, scusi, scuse, mi scusiItalian
    • מצטערHebrew
    • もう一度, もう一回, 申し訳ありません, 残念, すみません, 遺憾, え, かわいそう, 何, 恐縮, すまない, 失礼しました, ごめんなさい, 気の毒, 申し訳ないJapanese
    • რა, უკაცრავადGeorgian
    • សូមទោសKhmer
    • 실례, 미안하다, [[죄송]][[합니다]]Korean
    • به‌ڵێ, ببووره‌, په‌شیمان, خه‌جاڵه‌ت, لێبوردنKurdish
    • mihi ignoscite, excusate, repete, me paenitet, doleo, excusa, mihi īgnōsce, meā culpāLatin
    • waat?, spietelik, zörgelikLimburgish, Limburgan, Limburger
    • ຂໍໂທດLao
    • atsiprašau, dovanokite, atleiskiteLithuanian
    • piedodietLatvian
    • юу гэнээ?, уучлаарайMongolian
    • maafMalay
    • skużani, skużiMaltese
    • armzalig, pardon, het spijt me, treurig, wat zeg je, excuseer, sorry, spijten, wat zegt uDutch
    • lei, unnskyld, beklager, sørgeligNorwegian
    • maanendamOjibwe, Ojibwa
    • przepraszam?, przykro mi, przepraszam, słucham?, przykry, żałosnyPolish
    • quê?, foi mal, lastimável, desculpa, perdão, perdão?, hein?Portuguese
    • scuzați, scuză-mă, scuză, scuzați-mă, îmi pare răuRomanian
    • что?, что вы сказали, пардо́н, извиниться, плачевный, жаль, извинить, жалкий, сожалеющий, прошу прощения, со́рри, [[просить, простить, огорчённыйRussian
    • izvinite, опростите, извини, molim, oprostite, izvini, извинитеSerbo-Croatian
    • prepáčte, bohužiaľ, prepáčSlovak
    • oprosti, oprostiteSlovene
    • më fal, më falniAlbanian
    • ledsen, förlåt, sorglig, ledsam, ursäktaSwedish
    • மன்னிக்கவும்Tamil
    • క్షమించండిTelugu
    • ขอโทษThai
    • paumanhin, patawadTagalog
    • özür dilerim, pardon, üzgünüm, affedersiniz, üzgün, efendim, afedersiniz, affedersin, afedersinTurkish
    • كەچۈرۈڭUyghur, Uighur
    • перепрошую, пробач, пробачтеUkrainian
    • معاف کیجیئے, ساریUrdu
    • xin lỗiVietnamese
    • 抱歉Chinese

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    Old English sārig; related to Old High German sērag.


    Этимология это наука о происхождении слов и изменении их конструкции и значения.







    Значение слова sorry в словаре английский языка

    Первое определение слова «извините» в словаре часто бывает для чувства или выражения жалости, симпатии, раскаяния, печали или сожаления. Другое определение сожаления жалкое, жалкое или плачевное. К сожалению, тоже плохо; ничтожным.

    The first definition of sorry in the dictionary is often foll by for feeling or expressing pity, sympathy, remorse, grief, or regret. Other definition of sorry is pitiful, wretched, or deplorable. Sorry is also poor; paltry.

    Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «sorry» в словаре английский языка.

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    Синонимы и антонимы слова sorry в словаре английский языка


    Указанные слова имеют то же или сходное значение, что у слова «sorry», и относятся к той же грамматической категории.

    Перевод слова «sorry» на 25 языков

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    Переводчик с английский языка на португальский язык

    sinto muito!

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    260 миллионов дикторов

    Переводчик с английский языка на французский язык

    pardon !

    220 миллионов дикторов

    Переводчик с английский языка на малайский язык


    190 миллионов дикторов

    Переводчик с английский языка на немецкий язык


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    xin lỗi!

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    Тенденции использования слова sorry




    Слово используется очень часто

    На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «sorry» в разных странах.

    Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова sorry

    Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «sorry».


    На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «sorry» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «sorry» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

    Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове sorry


    Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом sorry.

    I have never been sorry to see my sets being struck, provided they are well photographed. They’re not works of art but part of making a film.

    I wear glasses, have a big scar, I sing loud, and I am blond. I’m sorry!

    I was at a restaurant in Glasgow, and I was walking down the stairs. A woman passed me and said, ‘Oh my God, what are you doing here?’ I didn’t know who she was, and I was like, ‘Sorry?’ She goes, ‘Oh no, sorry, I follow you on Twitter. I just didn’t expect to see you here.’

    I started my career as a liberal arts major from Berkeley, wrote about enterprise IT for a few years, then followed my passion for the digital narrative into graduate school as well (also at Berkeley, the Oxford of the West or, perhaps, the Harvard — sorry Stanford!). My first project out of grad school was ‘Wired’ magazine.

    Football is a fertility festival. Eleven sperm trying to get into the egg. I feel sorry for the goalkeeper.

    I am immensely contrite. And I’m sorry for the damage I’ve done.

    I feel sorry for the man who marries you… because everyone thinks you’re sweet and you’re not.

    I actually knew I was going to be perfect for Def Leppard, sorry I hate to say that but I knew it.

    I really feel sorry for people who are, who divide their whole life up into ‘things that I like’ and ‘things that I must do.’ You’re only here for a short time, mate. Learn to like it.

    But, you know, I’m sorry, I think democracy requires participation. I mean, I don’t want to proselytize but I do feel some sort of duty to participate in the process in some way other than just blindly getting behind a political party.


    Поиск случаев использования слова sorry в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову sorry, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.

    Seventeen-year-old Molly’s recurrent nightmares become waking visions after she nearly drowns at a party. Soon she’s witnessing events through the eyes of a girl who lived in her father’s house nearly a century before.


    When Sorry Isn’t Enough: The Controversy Over Apologies and …


    Train Go Sorry: Inside a Deaf World

    «Train go sorry» is the American Sign Language expression for «missing the boat.

    The story of the invisible author who came to Mrs.


    Sorry States: Apologies in International Politics

    In Sorry States, she argues that a country’s acknowledgment of past misdeeds is essential for promoting trust and reconciliation after war.


    Sorry I Pooped in Your Shoe: (and Other Heartwarming Letters …

    Offering doggie logic and practical puppy-to-person advice, this charming book will have dog lovers rolling on the floor laughing with their pets, while learning what those wagging tails and puppy dog eyes are really saying.

    My name is Piper Hadley and I went missing on the last Saturday of the summer holidays three years ago.


    Martha doesn’t say sorry!

    Adorably clad in her pink dress and matching headband, Martha is ready to do just about anything-except say those three little words: I am sorry.


    Sorry I Barfed on Your Bed: (and Other Heartwarming Letters …

    DIV Inside Sorry I Barfed on Your Bed, writer and comedian Jeremy Greenberg presents a collection of laugh-out-loud letters and photographs that offer a cat’s eye view on common feline vs. human cohabitation conundrums.


    I’m Sorry I Broke Your Company: When Management Consultants …

    Karen Phelan not only explains why the emperor—our sacred ways of managing—has no clothes but provides us with insightful alternatives that promise to add real value to our organizations and the people that make them function.” …


    Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин sorry в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

    How Sorry Saved the Family Business

    The mood was uncharacteristically somber in the conference room of Hincapie Sportswear as George Hincapie prepared to speak at an all-company meeting on … «New York Times, Июл 15»

    Sorry: Is it too hard for ‘macho’ company bosses to say?

    «They did say sorry, but it took them a little while because they were trying to decide who was responsible,» says Magnus Carter, reputational management … «BBC News, Июл 15»

    Sorry to burst your bubble

    WHEN Chinese shares plunged earlier this month, the government tried frantically to limit the damage. It pumped cash into the market, capped short-selling and … «The Economist, Июл 15»

    Sorry, but it’s time for women to stop apologising so much

    Sorry, is there something gross in my food?’, when you know there is something gross in your food, is not an apology: it’s a non-assertive complaint. «The Guardian, Июл 15»

    Greece’s Sorry Reckoning

    FALIRON BAY, Greece — THE sea, as I look from my office window, is calm. Little white sailboats glide over silver waters in the Saronic Gulf. A picture of peace, … «New York Times, Июл 15»

    Sorry, Donald Trump Has A Point

    You are hardly a name-brand company if you haven’t dumped Donald Trump over the past seven days. NBC, Univision and Macy’s have all thrown The Donald … «Politico, Июл 15»

    Singapore mom of detained teen blogger Amos Yee: ‘Sorry, son’

    (CNN) The mother of detained teen blogger Amos Yee has written a heartfelt apology letter to her son, as he faces years in «reformative training» after being … «CNN, Июн 15»

    The ‘sorry‘ state of Canadian manners

    Canadians are famously polite — so much so that their reflexive use of the word “sorry,” even when their behaviour doesn’t warrant it, has become as closely … «MetroNews Canada, Июн 15»

    I Can’t Apologize (Sorry!)

    I’m sorry, but Brian Williams has one job: to speak words. And yet his struggle to say two simple but very important ones created a lot of drama for the now former … «New York Times, Июн 15»

    Why Women Apologize and Should Stop

    I don’t eat meat, a dietary restriction for which I was “very sorry.” By the time a plate of edible food appeared, my fork had been a casualty of the confusion. «New York Times, Июн 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Sorry [онлайн]. Доступно на <https://educalingo.com/ru/dic-en/sorry>. Май 2023 ».

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