Синонимы слова skinny

What is another word for Skinny?

  • characteristic, characterisitc

  • characterisitc, very thin

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • skinny [ˈskɪnɪ] прил

    1. тощий, худенький, худой, костлявый

      (thin, bony)

      • skinny girl – худенькая девушка
      • skinny arm – худая рука
      • skinny fingers – костлявые пальцы
  • skinny [ˈskɪnɪ] прич

    1. обтягивающий


    2. исхудавший


тощий skinny, lean, gaunt, scrawny, meager, scraggy
обтягивающий skinny
кожа да кости skinny, slim-jim
исхудалый skinny, gaunt, attenuate
исхудавший skinny, gaunt, attenuate
плотно облегающий skin-tight, skinny, closebodied, close-fitting, tight-fitting
кожистый coriaceous, skinny, dermatoid

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • skinny сущ

    • slim · slender · thin · lean · narrow
    • scrawny · bony · scraggy · weedy
    • boney


  • thin, scrawny, scraggy, bony, angular, rawboned, hollow-cheeked, gaunt, as thin as a rake, skin-and-bones, sticklike, emaciated, waiflike, skeletal, pinched, undernourished, underfed, slim, lean, slender, rangy, lanky, spindly, gangly, gangling, gawky, size-zero, anorexic, (looking) like a bag of bones, spindle-shanked
  • cheeseparing, penny-pinching, near, close
  • weedy, scraggy, scrawny, underweight
  • tight-fitting


  • gossip, (inside) information, intelligence, news, inside story, lowdown, info, dope, dirt, scoop, poop

Предложения со словом «skinny»

My order is a skinny vanilla latte, but I’m trying to wean myself off the syrup.

Обычно я прошу ванильный латте с обезжиренным молоком, но я пытаюсь отучить себя от сиропа в придачу.

I’m going to tell you why: because they focus on weight loss or looking good in skinny jeans without acknowledging the trauma that black women hold in our bellies and bones, that has been embedded in our very DNA.

А вот почему: они направлены на похудение или на то, как хорошо выглядеть в узких джинсах, но не признают травмы, которую чёрные женщины помнят телом и костями, которая впиталась в нашу ДНК.

And two to three times more likely to give birth too early or too skinny — a sign of insufficient development.

Чернокожие дети в 2–3 раза чаще рождаются раньше срока или с недостатком веса — всё это признаки недостаточного развития.

Well, The JJ Way has almost entirely eliminated those problems, starting with what Jennie calls skinny babies.

Так вот, метод The JJ Way почти устранил эти проблемы, начиная с той, которую Дженни называет худые дети.

Skinny little punk with a hoodie grabs it and goes.

Худой панк небольшого роста в капюшоне схватил его и убежал.

Big Guy Mario and Skinny Sam were in the foyer.

В фойе он увидел громилу Марио и тощего Сэма.

Sweat made her blue blouse cling to her skinny frame.

Мокрая от пота голубая блузка облепила ее худую фигурку.

The skinny kid just inboard of the right rear wheel.

Тощий парень у самого края, у заднего правого колеса.

He looked too skinny for the sport, but what he lacked in bulk he made up in reach and speed.

Он был слишком тощим для спортсмена, но недостаток массы компенсировал размахом и быстротой действия.

This scared, skinny kid cursing himself because he couldn’t get his scales right.

В этом испуганном, худом парнишке, проклинающем себя за то, что играет не так, как надо.

Pete saw a tall, skinny youth was examining a tattered, ancient record catalogue.

Пит увидел высокого худощавого юношу, который просматривал старый и оборванный каталог пластинок.

He glanced casually toward the skinny woman, and the fellow with dung on his boots.

Мэт глянул мельком на тощую женщину, на малого в испачканных навозом сапогах.

Whoever would have guessed that skinny little patty swann Was the author of those alarmingly cryptic messages?

Ну кто бы мог подумать, что автором этих загадочных сообщений была маленькая, худенькая Пэтти Сванн?

You’ll be walking around on that skinny little beam… and you’ve got clouds around your head.

И вот я иду по узенькой балке, а голова касается тучек.

His huge forehead and shoulders and thickly muscled arms contrasted with his skinny legs, making him look all top.

Его крупный лоб, широкие плечи и толстые мускулистые руки резко контрастировали с худыми ногами.

Maester Colemon stood beside him, his chain of many metals hanging loose about his long, skinny neck.

Рядом стоял мейстер Колемон с цепью, висящей свободно на длинной костлявой шее.

It was a small room, a round room, a room of gray stone blocks with three tall, skinny windows.

Это было небольшое круглое помещение, сложенное из серых каменных блоков с высокими узкими окнами.

Behind the women was a man with very long and skinny arms, at the end of which were two hooks instead of hands.

Вслед за женщинами показался человек с очень длинными тощими руками, которые оканчивались крюками вместо пальцев.

His skinny body went rigid and arched as if it was rising from the mattress.

Его тощее тело стало несгибаемым и изогнулось дугой, будто в попытке подняться с матраса.

Magazines and TV shows and movies portray women as skinny, tall goddesses.

Журналы, сериалы и кинофильмы изображают женщин как тощих , высоких богинь.

She was a skinny fashionable lady built on the heavy bones she had inherited.

Она стала обтянутой кожей модной леди, остов которой составлял мощный костяк, унаследованный от предков.

He says that up north of here, there’s these skinny lakes that they just stretch for Miles, they call ’em Finger Lakes

Он говорит, что к северу отсюда есть такие узкие озёра, что они простираются на мили.

With this, he waved his metal wand, and in the circle suddenly appeared a thin little man, very old and skinny, who was seated on a wicker stool before a wicker table.

Он снова взмахнул скипетром, и на поляне появился неизвестный тщедушный старичок.

He was a skinny man with round glasses and a black beard, and seemed too young to be doing this.

Он был очень худ, носил очки и бороду и казался слишком молодым для такой работы.

Congressional black caucus ain’t gonna save your skinny white ass.

Сговор черных конгрессменов не спасет твой тощий белый зад.

The Tyrant was a fat little man with skinny legs, giving people the impression of an egg that was hatch-ing upside down.

Тираном оказался толстый человечек на тощих ножках, который производил впечатление яйца, отложенного вверх ногами.

A tall, skinny youth picked his nose with a dirty finger.

Ему ответил тощий рослый юнец, ковырявший грязным пальцем в носу.

Just give me your skinny, scrawny little body for just 15 minutes a day.

Просто дайте мне ваше тощее хилое тельце всего на 15 минут в день.

A pair of wealthy townsmen sat on well-bred palfreys a dozen places behind her, and farther back she spied a skinny boy on a piebald rounsey.

Пара зажиточных горожан на крепких лошадках и тощий парень на пегой кляче.

He was a short, skinny young man with sergeant major’s stripes on his collar.

Он был невысоким сухопарым молодым человеком с нашивками сержант — майора на воротнике.

The building was a sort of oval shape, with curved, skinny sticks sticking out of the top of it.

Оно было построено в виде овала, и из его крыши торчали искривленные палки.

I think I got the skinny on that Triad geezer from my girls on the street.

У меня есть данные на китайского старикашку от моих девочек.

Ephebe seemed to have an unlimited supply of skinny bald men wearing sheets.

Казалось, Эфеб обладает бесконечным запасом тощих лысых мужчин в тогах.

That her only friend was a skinny white dude with a beard.

Что ее единственным другом был тощий белый парень с бородкой.

A kid and a skinny fella in broad daylight on the boards.

Пацанёнок и долговязый парень посреди белого дня прямо на набережной.

The skinny moul dodged a last wild slash from Brocando’s sword and dived through the open doorway to the secret passage.

Тощий моул увернулся от последнего удара Брокандо и нырнул в отворенную дверь потаенного хода.

The skinny lamp that fit in the sliver of space Between the window and the radiator.

Узкая лампа, втиснутая в пространство между окном и батареей.

He was a skinny kid who snapped and stabbed a bully at school.

Он был тощим мальчишкой, который огрызнулся и зарезал своего обидчика в школе.

The box backed away hurriedly, but Cohen stuck out a skinny foot and tripped up half its legs.

Сундук торопливо попятился, но Коэн выставил вперед костлявую ступню и подсек половину его ножек.

One of them was so skinny, he tried to run away, his pants fell down.

Один из них был такой тощий , пытался убежать, штаны свалились.

A laundromat in Jersey City reported a skinny, naked man stealing clothes out of one of their machines last night.

Из прачечной самообслуживания в Джерси сообщили о худом голом мужчине, ворующем одежду из одной из их стиральных машин прошлой ночью.

Marley should be Posh Spice because you’re so skinny and you make everyone uncomfortable.

Марли должна быть Пош, потому что ты тощая и из — за тебя все чувствуют себя некомфортно.

Brilliant, let’s start with skinny dipping.

Отлично, начнем с купания нагишом.

He was caught skinny dipping in the river on four different occasions.

Его четырежды ловили за купание голышом в реке.

Marley should be Posh Spice because you’re so skinny and you make everyone uncomfortable.

Марли должна быть Пош, потому что ты тощая и из — за тебя все чувствуют себя некомфортно.

And I stopped loving watching skinny doggies run round after a teddy bear on a trolley.

И мне перестало нравиться, смотреть как тощие собаки бегут за плюшевым мишкой привязанным на тележке.

She had skinny legs, a missing front tooth and strong opinions.

У нее худые ноги, нету переднего зуба и твердое мнение.

It’s not really about skinny or fat, it’s just.

Дело тут не в худобе или полноте, просто.

Perhaps one of those tall, skinny people with the curly hair who pretend to be stuck in a box or walking against the wind.

Возможно, один из этих высоких худых людей с кудряшками, которые делают вид, что застряли в коробке, или идут против ветра.

And these viruses are long and skinny, and we can get them to express the ability to grow something like semiconductors or materials for batteries.

Эти вирусы длинные и тонкие и мы можем заставить их выращивать, например, полупроводники или материал для батареек.

When I was young, I had a mare nicknamed Herring, perhaps because she was skinny, or the devil knows why.

У меня в молодости была кобыла, звали ее Селедка, наверное, потому что худая была, черт ее знает.

I had your skinny jeans and bandanna all picked out.

Я видел на Вас тонкие джинсы и бандану.

“Two skinny girls, each weighing about 45 kilos, were able to do what a whole government couldn’t,” Rachinska said.

«Две худенькие девушки, каждая весом около 45 килограммов, смогли сделать то, что оказалось не под силам целому правительству», — сказала Рачинская.

Well, the skinny ones can be a little chewy.

Ну, те, что со шкурками могут плохо жеваться.

So if you want that skinny ass of yours to fit into that new funny car we’re building, you better be there.

Так что если ты хочешь, чтобы твоя тощая задница очутилась на сиденье новенького фанни кара, тебе лучше быть там.

He shaved his pinched, pale face every third or fourth day, and most of the time he appeared to be growing a reddish-gold mustache over his skinny upper lip.

Он брил свое бледное, заостренное книзу лицо раз в три — четыре дня, и, как правило, над его верхней губой торчала рыжевато — золотистая щетина.

I’m putting everything I have, 7everyone I love out on a skinny limb.

Я в это дело вложил все, что у меня есть и даже больше

Not on your girlie, skinny little fingers.

Только не на твоих девчачьих, маленьких, худощавых пальцах.

I saw a muscle jump in his skinny jaw.

На его тощей щеке дергался мускул.

They give them crazy names, I would have called them skinny-neck pecky thingies.

Им дают странные имена. Я бы назвал его штукой с клювом и тощей шеей.

What is another word for skinny?

469 synonyms found


[ skˈɪni], [ skˈɪni], [ s_k_ˈɪ_n_i]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    emaciated (adjective)

    • more skin-and-bones,
    • most attenuate,
    • most skin-and-bones,
    • like a bag bones,
    • more atrophied,
    • most pinched,
    • more attenuated,
    • most skeletonlike,
    • more attenuate,
    • most atrophied,
    • more pinched,
    • more skeletonlike,
    • most skin and bones,
    • like bag of bones,
    • most attenuated,
    • more skin and bones,
    • like bag bones.

    gangling (adjective)

    • leggier,
    • long-limbed,
    • long-legged,
    • Spindling,
    • leggy.

    haggard (adjective)

    • more worn down,
    • more fagged,
    • more fretted,
    • most worn-down,
    • most careworn,
    • most worn down,
    • more worn-down,
    • worndown,
    • most fretted,
    • more worndown,
    • wearied,
    • more careworn,
    • scraggier,
    • most worndown,
    • most fagged.

    hollow-eyed (adjective)

    • hollow eyed,
    • holloweyed.

    lank (adjective)

    • more fleshless,
    • most fleshless,
    • thin as a rail,
    • all skin bones,
    • all skin and bones.

    lean (adjective)

    • in-fertile,
    • lean,
    • most shadow,
    • in-adequate,
    • un productive,
    • stickest,
    • stilter,
    • in adequate,
    • un-productive,
    • more sylphlike,
    • more shadow,
    • un-fruitful,
    • un fruitful,
    • in fertile,
    • more beanpole,
    • most sylphlike,
    • most beanpole,
    • stiltest,
    • stilt.

    meager (adjective)

    • more broomstick,
    • more beanstalk,
    • more rattleboned,
    • most beanstalk,
    • meager,
    • most rattleboned,
    • most stinted,
    • lithe,
    • skin bones,
    • more stinted,
    • most broomstick.

    narrow (adjective)

    • narrow,
    • fine,
    • lanky,
    • slim,
    • tight,
    • skeletal,
    • tenuous.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • malnourished,
    • peckish,
    • broomstick,
    • Hungering,
    • sylphlike,
    • poler,
    • underweight,
    • slight,
    • fagged,
    • beanstalk,
    • emaciated,
    • peaky,
    • scraggiest,
    • thin as rail,
    • twiglike,
    • could eat a horse,
    • starving,
    • bony,
    • worn down,
    • featherweight,
    • sticker,
    • gracile,
    • slender,
    • dog-hungry,
    • spindly,
    • wasted,
    • rattleboned,
    • scrawny,
    • undernourished,
    • careworn,
    • twiggy,
    • skeletonlike,
    • like a bag of bones,
    • no fat,
    • haggard,
    • hollow-eyed,
    • willowy,
    • lithesome,
    • angular,
    • spare,
    • Stalky,
    • skin-and-bones,
    • lank,
    • atrophied,
    • rangy,
    • scraggy,
    • weedy,
    • flying light,
    • skin and bones,
    • worn-down.

    scrawny (adjective)

    • most undernourished,
    • under-nourished,
    • more undernourished,
    • under nourished.

    slender (adjective)

    • in-considerable,
    • most gracile,
    • in considerable,
    • more gracile,
    • re-mote,
    • out side.

    slender/slim (adjective)

    • in-substantial,
    • threadlike,
    • in substantial,
    • most skeleton,
    • stalkiest,
    • more skeleton,
    • stalkier.

    starving (adjective)

    • more dog hungry,
    • have munchies,
    • more dog-hungry,
    • most dog hungry,
    • doghungry,
    • most doghungry,
    • peakier,
    • dog hungry,
    • peakiest,
    • more doghungry,
    • most dog-hungry.

    starving/starved (adjective)

    • more dehydrated,
    • most peckish,
    • more peckish,
    • de hydrated,
    • most hungering,
    • more starved,
    • more craving,
    • most craving,
    • could eat horse,
    • most perishing,
    • most malnourished,
    • more hungering,
    • more malnourished,
    • most dehydrated,
    • more perishing,
    • de-hydrated.

    thin (adjective)

    • more twiglike,
    • more featherweight,
    • more shriveled,
    • most shriveled,
    • polest,
    • most featherweight,
    • most twiglike.

    underfed (adjective)

    • ill-fed.

    underweight (adjective)

    • stringbean,
    • under-sized.

    very thin (adjective)

    • skin-and-bone.

    wasted (adjective)

    • more shrivelled,
    • most shrivelled.

    willowy (adjective)

    • more lithesome,
    • most lithesome.
  • n.

    • brief,
    • baggy,
    • button-down,
    • button-through,
    • A-LINE,
    • casual,
    • best,
    • boot-cut,
    • Clingy,
    • backless.

    • calorific,
    • caramelized,
    • buttery,
    • chewy,
    • crispy,
    • cool,
    • cream,
    • crisp,
    • chilled.

    bulletin (noun)

    • the dopes,
    • what going downs,
    • whats happenings,
    • dis patch,
    • dis-patches,
    • whats going down,
    • re lease,
    • whats going downs,
    • hot wires,
    • what going down,
    • re leases,
    • re-lease,
    • whats happening,
    • dis-patch,
    • what’s going downs,
    • re-leases,
    • dis patches.

    chapter and verse (noun)

    • chapter verse,
    • chapter-verse.

    communication (noun)

    • skinny.

    gospel truth (noun)

    • straight truth,
    • unalloyed truth,
    • plain truth,
    • hard truth.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • hot story,
    • the dope,
    • bulletin,
    • in formation,
    • skinnies,
    • grabber,
    • nitty gritty,
    • info,
    • grabbers,
    • hot wire,
    • information,
    • pipeline,
    • certification,
    • chapter and verse,
    • pipelines,
    • communiques,
    • lowdown,
    • communique,
    • documentation,
    • Certifications,
    • what’s happening,
    • communication,
    • proof,
    • straight stuff,
    • wherefores,
    • documentations,
    • gospel truth,
    • substantiation,
    • inside story,
    • whyfor.

    proof (noun)

    • de-positions,
    • de-position,
    • nittygritty,
    • re cord,
    • de positions,
    • re-cord,
    • re-cords,
    • de position,
    • straight stuffs,
    • paper trails,
    • re cords.
  • v.

    Other relevant words: (verb)

    • thin.
  • Other synonyms:

    • gangly,
    • cadaverous,
    • gangling,
    • pinched,
    • slightly built,
    • gawky,
    • Fleshless.

    • rawboned,
    • stringy,
    • puny,
    • spectral.

    • anorexic.


    • gaunt.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • fragile,
    • flimsy,
    • intelligence,
    • epidermic,
    • Barebone,
    • close,
    • account,
    • jagged,
    • hairline,
    • epicarpal,
    • boney,
    • spareribs,
    • Macilent,
    • famished,
    • fatless,
    • shrunken,
    • unwell,
    • frail,
    • discharge,
    • testaceous,
    • lurk,
    • ransom,
    • particular,
    • intellect,
    • penny-pinching,
    • spindleshanks,
    • tight-fitting,
    • poorly,
    • corpse,
    • ill,
    • feeble,
    • liberation,
    • cutaneous,
    • skimpy,
    • Overlaid,
    • hypodermic,
    • ecderonic,
    • svelte,
    • lantern-jawed,
    • cowled,
    • reedy,
    • diet,
    • Hooded,
    • Loricated,
    • stingy,
    • save,
    • rescue,
    • needlelike,
    • confining,
    • meagre,
    • covering,
    • stern,
    • exemption,
    • bag of bones,
    • creep,
    • Rackabones,
    • scant,
    • tightlipped,
    • skulk,
    • skin-deep,
    • hypodermal,
    • inside information,
    • fading away,
    • wizened,
    • Lathy,
    • crippled,
    • story,
    • data,
    • flat,
    • issue,
    • wiry,
    • shadow,
    • beanpole,
    • tectiform,
    • light,
    • epidermal,
    • thin person,
    • spidery,
    • consumptive,
    • demonstration,
    • news,
    • subcutaneous,
    • nigh,
    • covered,
    • ungenerous,
    • old man,
    • tidings,
    • tale,
    • flat-chested,
    • scrimp,
    • disengagement,
    • sickly,
    • book,
    • stuffy,
    • scoop,
    • wasting,
    • poor,
    • Plated,
    • endermic,
    • starveling,
    • scrooge,
    • rattlebones,
    • withered,
    • sparse,
    • emaciate,
    • weak,
    • Languishing,
    • hollow-cheeked,
    • Dermatoid,
    • scrag,
    • anorectic,
    • excuse,
    • confirmation,
    • Tegumentary,
    • like a rail,
    • wispy,
    • steal,
    • dermal,
    • niggardly,
    • advice,
    • superimposed,
    • endermatic,
    • imbricated,
    • spindlelegs,
    • dermic,
    • paper thin,
    • body covering,
    • skeleton,
    • connective tissue,
    • Phthisic,
    • Raw-boned,
    • infirm,
    • ectodermic,
    • scrubby,
    • ectodermal,
    • unaired,
    • marasmus,
    • ultrathin,
    • shrivelled,
    • tightly fitting,
    • skimp,
    • cuticular,
    • near,
    • drawn,
    • statement,
    • closefisted,
    • Cucullate,
    • underfed,
    • cheeseparing,
    • details,
    • worn,
    • jaggy,
    • starved,
    • slink,
    • undersized,
    • bean pole,
    • connection,
    • slim-jim,
    • stunted,
    • poop,
    • ironclad,
    • wasting away,
    • bare-boned,
    • under cover,
    • economize,
    • airless,
    • half-starved,
    • ailing,
    • Squamous,
    • faithful,
    • pardon,
    • departure,
    • furry,
    • Griff,
    • squamiferous,
    • clothes pole,
    • cortical,
    • release,
    • scaly,
    • hatchet-faced,
    • sick.

How to use «Skinny» in context?

In an ideal world, everyone would be slender with no excess fat on their body. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Most of us have some amount of excess fat on our bodies and, as a result, are called «skinny

It is important to keep in mind that being skinny is not the same as being attractive. Being thin is not the same as being healthy. Calories in, calories out is still the governing body rule when it comes to weight loss. There are many myths and misconceptions about thin people. Here are some of the most common:

1. Thin people don’t have to workout.

Paraphrases for Skinny:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      meager, meagre, modest, scant, scanty, scarce, slight, tiny.
    • Noun, singular or mass
      meagre, ribbonsnake.
    • Verb, base form
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      lean, scrawny, small, sparse.
    • Proper noun, singular

Homophones for Skinny:

  • sesamum, someway, sea mew, siwan, shinny, Shiism, snow, sinew, son, sow in, Sana’a, syconium, sion, six-gun, sigyn, season, scene, someone, somehow, schwann, secession, sown, Susanna, SAAMI, samoan, saigon, sachem, shoeshine, sinewy, sienna, sawan, sin, sison, shoshonean, same, seize on, Shinney, sikhism, session, seem, susian, shanny, suomi, synonymy, squaw man, shawnee, soigne, Shema, schema, seamy, shahn, sima, sciaena, sexism, saxony, sone, soma, sign, sheeny, som, shiny, somme, shoshonian, sium, shoo-in, sea onion, snowman, shmo, sajama, seminoma, shaman, sechuana, schism, scission, smew, seyhan, shim, shem, shammy, swan, synonym, sane, soignee, siouan, snowy, sagina, shoshone, semen, simoon, sesame, socinian, sam, schizogony, Shona, Sunnah, shoshoni, shun, seism, saman, skin, shawn, sm, sn, sichuan, suasion, sinai, simeon, schumann, sign in, sigma, scone, scion, soman, seine, sene, Sison Amomum, scan, sunny, simenon, shin, shannon, simoom, Shah Jahan, shogun, sen, skein, shine, sauna, shan, sixsome, shina, skim, suck in, sisham, swim, seaman, some, sign on, saone, sumo, sachsen, simony, sage hen, scum, Susiana, senna, succussion, sea anemone, sun, sonny, saginaw, sign away, squama, sawm, samoa, sian, sashimi, swain, szechuan, shawny, siskin, sham, showman, simian, saxon, soon, schmo, seam, sunni, shawm, shaken, szechwan, syzygium, scam, sezession, swoon, simon, swine, swami, summon, Sunna, segno, siam, sami, sewn, Swagman, scammony, samia, semi, shame, scheme, scummy, sikkim, shimmy, sequin, susquehanna, sine, sheen, sana, shaggymane, sum, SAAME, succession, sicken, sanaa, Sq In.

Hyponym for Skinny:

  • n.

    • communication
      info, information.

  • angular
  • bony
  • gaunt
  • lanky
  • scrawny
  • slender
  • lean
  • spare
  • emaciated
  • lank
  • like a rail
  • malnourished
  • rawboned
  • scraggy
  • skeletal
  • skin-and-bone
  • twiggy
  • undernourished
  • underweight

On this page you’ll find 71 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to skinny, such as: angular, bony, gaunt, lanky, scrawny, and slender.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use skinny in a sentence

Her back was turned to Nita, her clawlike, skinny hands were diving into the chest of gold.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • awkward
  • bony
  • gangling
  • gaunt
  • lank
  • lanky
  • lean
  • rangy
  • rawboned
  • scrawny
  • sharp
  • skinny
  • spare
  • anorexic
  • emaciated
  • gaunt
  • lean
  • scrawny
  • skinny
  • underweight
  • account
  • announcement
  • break
  • calendar
  • communication
  • communiqué
  • dispatch
  • flash
  • handout
  • hot wire
  • item
  • list
  • news
  • news flash
  • notice
  • program
  • publication
  • release
  • report
  • scoop
  • skinny
  • statement
  • the dope
  • what’s going down
  • what’s happening
  • documentation
  • goods
  • gospel
  • gospel truth
  • lowdown
  • quotation
  • real McCoy
  • skinny
  • substantiation
  • account
  • advice
  • announcement
  • briefing
  • bulletin
  • communiqué
  • conversation
  • converse
  • declaration
  • directive
  • disclosure
  • dispatch
  • excerpt
  • goods
  • hot story
  • ideas
  • info
  • information
  • inside story
  • intelligence
  • language
  • lowdown
  • message
  • missive
  • news
  • note
  • pipeline
  • prophecy
  • précis
  • publicity
  • report
  • revelation
  • scoop
  • skinny
  • speech
  • statement
  • summary
  • the poop
  • tidings
  • translation
  • utterance
  • warning
  • word
  • work
  • anorexic
  • atrophied
  • attenuate
  • attenuated
  • bony
  • cadaverous
  • consumptive
  • famished
  • gaunt
  • haggard
  • lank
  • lean
  • like a bag of bones
  • meager
  • peaked
  • pinched
  • scrawny
  • skeletal
  • skeletonlike
  • skin and bones
  • skinny
  • starved
  • thin as a rail
  • underfed
  • wasted
  • wizened

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. skinnyadjective

    confidential information about a topic or person

    «he wanted the inside skinny on the new partner»

    loose, generous, fat

  2. scraggy, boney, scrawny, skinny, underweight, weedyadjective

    being very thin

    «a child with skinny freckled legs»; «a long scrawny neck»

    cheeseparing, stunted, tightly fitting, weedy, tight fitting, tight-fitting, penny-pinching, boney, tightfitting, underweight, scrubby, scraggy, jagged, close, near, bony, scrawny, jaggy

    loose, fat, generous

  3. skinnyadjective

    of or relating to or resembling skin

    penny-pinching, tightly fitting, cheeseparing, tightfitting, boney, tight fitting, underweight, scraggy, scrawny, near, tight-fitting, weedy, close

    generous, fat, loose

  4. tight-fitting, tightfitting, tight fitting, tightly fitting, skinnyadjective

    fitting snugly

    «a tightly-fitting cover»; «tight-fitting clothes»

    penny-pinching, tightly fitting, cheeseparing, tightfitting, boney, tight fitting, underweight, scraggy, scrawny, near, tight-fitting, weedy, close

    loose, fat, generous

  5. cheeseparing, close, near, penny-pinching, skinnyadjective

    giving or spending with reluctance

    «our cheeseparing administration»; «very close (or near) with his money»; «a penny-pinching miserly old man»

    scraggy, near(a), boney, tightlipped, cheeseparing, weedy, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, tight-fitting, airless, nigh, tightfitting, close-fitting, underweight, close, good, tightly fitting, tight, approximate, confining, closemouthed, near, tight fitting, nigh(a), unaired, secretive, dear, scrawny, closelipped

    generous, fat, loose

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. blubber

    Submitted by rinat on August 20, 2019  

  2. spinky

    spine, without muscles.

    what a spinky kid. hope he doesn’t get blown away or knocked over.

    Submitted by anonymous on February 16, 2020  

Suggested Resources

  1. skinny

    Song lyrics by skinny — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by skinny on the Lyrics.com website.

How to pronounce skinny?

How to say skinny in sign language?

How to use skinny in a sentence?

  1. Kevin Miller:

    A skinny kid from the middle of Michigan was able to work at something and represent the country a couple of times and make a career out of hockey, my situation goes to show with some dedication, you can set your sights and you can accomplish something. If (young players) have looked to me as inspiring, that makes me feel good. If they could take a moment where I was on the ice and use it to build something for themselves, that makes me feel really good.

  2. Elizabeth Hoff:

    You could see many were malnourished, starving. They were skinny, tired, severely distressed. There was no smile on anybody’s face, the children I talked to said they had no strength to play.

  3. Josef Penninger:

    We gave the mice( what amounted to) a McDonald’s diet. The normal mice got obese and the ones without ALK remained skinny.

  4. Michele Yulo:

    Marketers basically decide what is ‘girl’ and what is ‘boy,’ which ultimately leads to two very distinct ways to profit as well as a blind acceptance from the consumer who, often, doesn’t realize it’s happening, girls are inundated from a very young age with inappropriate messaging by way of products like ‘skinny’ jeans for toddlers, or T-shirts that say, ‘I’m too pretty to do homework, so my brother does it for me,’ and sexy Halloween costumes. Kids begin to codify other kids by placing them in strict categories that they’ve been taught — not born with. Inevitably, kids begin to believe that girls need to be sexy, and boys believe it, too.

  5. Whole Foods Employee:

    My body feels much better. I’m in better shape at 45 than I ever was when I was skinny in my 20s.

Translations for skinny

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • نحيفArabic
  • худы́Belarusian
  • мъ̀ршавBulgarian
  • magreCatalan, Valencian
  • hubenýCzech
  • schlankGerman
  • delgado, flacoSpanish
  • لاغرPersian
  • laiha, luisevaFinnish
  • maigreFrench
  • רָזֶה, רזהHebrew
  • पतलाHindi
  • kurusIndonesian
  • magroItalian
  • [[骨]]と[[皮]][[ばかり]]の, やせる, やせこけるJapanese
  • ស្គមស្គាំង, ស្គមKhmer
  • 빼빼하다, 마르다Korean
  • macerLatin
  • ຈ່ອຍLao
  • pakareaMāori
  • мршавMacedonian
  • magerDutch
  • magerNorwegian
  • chudyPolish
  • magroPortuguese
  • худо́й, то́щийRussian
  • mršav, мршавSerbo-Croatian
  • chudýSlovak
  • mršavSlovene
  • magerSwedish
  • ผอมThai
  • sıskaTurkish
  • худи́йUkrainian
  • gầyVietnamese

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  • Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
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  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
  • Latinum (Latin)
  • Svenska (Swedish)
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  • فارسی (Persian)
  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


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Синонимы к слову skinny

    • emaciated
    • lean
    • scrawny
    • skeletal
    • thin
    • undernourished

Похожие слова на skinny

    • skinny

Посмотрите другие слова

    • Что такое slenderizing
    • Определение термина slenderized
    • Толкование слова slenderizes
    • Что означает понятие slenderize
    • Лексическое значение slenderest
    • Словарь значения слов slenderer
    • Грамматическое значение tiptop
    • Значение слова tiptops
    • Прямое и переносное значение слова ranker
    • Происхождение слова rankings
    • Синоним к слову scrawny
    • Антоним к слову slimness
    • Омоним к слову skeletal
    • Гипоним к слову bowdlerized
    • Холоним к слову underweight
    • Гипероним к слову bowdlerizes
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову bowditch
    • Перевод слова на другие языки slimming

How does the adjective skinny contrast with its synonyms?

Some common synonyms of skinny are gaunt, lanky, lank, lean, rawboned, scrawny, and spare. While all these words mean «thin because of an absence of excess flesh,» scrawny and skinny imply an extreme leanness that suggests deficient strength and vitality.

When is gaunt a more appropriate choice than skinny?

The meanings of gaunt and skinny largely overlap; however, gaunt implies marked thinness or emaciation as from overwork or suffering.

When is it sensible to use lank instead of skinny?

While the synonyms lank and skinny are close in meaning, lank implies tallness as well as leanness.

the lank legs of the heron

Where would lanky be a reasonable alternative to skinny?

In some situations, the words lanky and skinny are roughly equivalent. However, lanky suggests awkwardness and loose-jointedness as well as thinness.

a lanky youth, all arms and legs

When can lean be used instead of skinny?

While in some cases nearly identical to skinny, lean stresses lack of fat and of curving contours.

When might rawboned be a better fit than skinny?

The synonyms rawboned and skinny are sometimes interchangeable, but rawboned suggests a large ungainly build without implying undernourishment.

When could spare be used to replace skinny?

The words spare and skinny are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, spare suggests leanness from abstemious living or constant exercise.

the gymnast’s spare figure

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