Synonyms for (noun) service
Synonyms: service
Definition: the performance of duties by a waiter or servant
Usage: that restaurant has excellent service
Similar words: accommodation
Definition: the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a need
Synonyms: overhaul, service, inspection and repair
Definition: periodic maintenance on a car or machine
Usage: it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
Similar words: maintenance, upkeep, care
Definition: activity involved in maintaining something in good working order
Usage: he wrote the manual on car care
Synonyms: service, service of process, serving
Definition: the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone
Usage: he accepted service of the subpoena
Similar words: delivery, bringing
Definition: the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail)
Usage: his reluctant delivery of bad news
Synonyms: serve, service
Definition: (sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play
Usage: his powerful serves won the game
Synonyms: service
Definition: work done by one person or group that benefits another
Usage: budget separately for goods and services
Similar words: work
Definition: activity directed toward making or doing something
Usage: she checked several points needing further work
Synonyms: service
Definition: (law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him
Similar words: activity
Definition: any specific behavior
Usage: they avoided all recreational activity
Synonyms: service
Definition: employment in or work for another
Usage: he retired after 30 years of service
Similar words: work, employment
Definition: the occupation for which you are paid
Usage: he is looking for employment; a lot of people are out of work
Synonyms: service, servicing
Definition: the act of mating by male animals
Usage: the bull was worth good money in servicing fees
Synonyms: divine service, service, religious service
Definition: the act of public worship following prescribed rules
Usage: the Sunday service
Synonyms: service
Definition: an act of help or assistance
Usage: he did them a service
Similar words: aid, assist, assistance, help
Definition: the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
Usage: he gave me an assist with the housework; could not walk without assistance; rescue party went to their aid; offered his help in unloading
Synonyms: service, table service
Definition: tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
Similar words: tableware
Definition: articles for use at the table (dishes and silverware and glassware)
Synonyms: help, avail, service
Definition: a means of serving
Usage: of no avail; there’s no help for it
Similar words: helpfulness
Definition: the property of providing useful assistance
Synonyms: service
Definition: a company or agency that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
Similar words: company
Definition: an institution created to conduct business
Usage: he only invests in large well-established companies; he started the company in his garage
Synonyms: armed service, service, military service
Definition: a force that is a branch of the armed forces
Similar words: force, personnel
Definition: group of people willing to obey orders
Usage: a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens
Synonyms: Service, Robert William Service
Definition: Canadian writer (born in England) who wrote about life in the Yukon Territory (1874-1958)
Similar words: writer, author
Definition: writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)
Synonyms for (verb) service
Synonyms: service
Definition: make fit for use
Usage: service my truck; the washing machine needs to be serviced
Similar words: tune, tune up
Definition: adjust for (better) functioning
Usage: tune the engine
Synonyms: serve, service
Definition: mate with
Usage: male animals serve the females for breeding purposes
Similar words: copulate, couple, pair, mate
Definition: engage in sexual intercourse
Usage: Birds mate in the Spring
Synonyms: serve, service
Definition: be used by; as of a utility
Usage: The sewage plant served the neighboring communities; The garage served to shelter his horses
Similar words: operate, run, work, go, function
Definition: perform as expected when applied
Usage: The washing machine won’t go unless it’s plugged in; Does this old car still run well?; This old radio doesn’t work anymore
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Synonyms for Services. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 05, from
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Synonyms for Services. 2016. Accessed May 05, 2023.
Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
service [ˈsɜːvɪs] сущ
услугаж, службаж
(facility, office)
- financial services sector – сектор финансовых услуг
- state tax service – государственная налоговая служба
- international civil service – международная гражданская служба
- technical support service – служба технической поддержки
- short message service – служба коротких сообщений
- public employment service – государственная служба занятости
- secret service agent – агент секретной службы
обслуживаниеср, сервисм, сервисное обслуживание, эксплуатацияж, техническое обслуживание
(maintenance, tool, operation)
- customer service department – отдел обслуживания клиентов
- multimedia service – мультимедийный сервис
- coffee service – кофейный сервиз
служениеср, богослужениеср
(serve, worship)
- service of god – служение богу
оказание услуг, предоставление услуг
(service delivery)
сфера услуг
(service sector)
service [ˈsɜːvɪs] гл
обслуживать, обслужить
- service personnel – обслуживающий персонал
service [ˈsɜːvɪs] прил
- service door – служебная дверь
- service function – сервисная функция
verb | ||
обслуживать | service, serve, maintain, cater for, attend, tend | |
заправлять горючим | fuel, service | |
случать | pair, serve, service, match | |
noun | ||
обслуживание | service, maintenance, handling, attendance | |
служба | service, office, duty, job, employment, corps | |
сервис | service | |
услуга | service, accommodation, office, turn | |
служение | service | |
работа | working, work, job, operation, labor, service | |
техническое обслуживание | service | |
сервиз | service | |
связь | relations, bonds, binding, communication, connection, service | |
заслуга | merit, service, desert | |
срок службы | life, service, hitch | |
уход | care, leave, leaving, departure, maintenance, service | |
подача | innings, supply, feed, feeding, submission, service | |
рейсы | service | |
долговечность | durability, longevity, life, endurance, service | |
услужение | service | |
одолжение | favor, service, kindness, good offices, favour | |
род войск | branch, combat arm, corps, service, arms, fighting arm | |
судебное извещение | service | |
клетневание | service | |
сфера деятельности | scope, field, sphere, framework, service, province | |
рябина домашняя | service, service-tree | |
движение | movement, motion, traffic, move, stir, service | |
действие | act, action, effect, force, influence, service | |
сообщение | message, report, communication, statement, information, service | |
adjective | ||
служебный | service, official, duty, ancillary, on-duty | |
вспомогательный | auxiliary, subsidiary, supporting, secondary, accessory, service | |
послужной | service | |
временный | temporary, temporal, interim, provisional, transient, service |
Предложения со словом «service»
Khnhom not as in slave, but as in conscious service . |
От «khnhom» не в значении «раб», а как «осознанное служение». |
So handymen, small workshops, service companies will thrive. |
Тогда начнут процветать разнорабочие, маленькие мастерские, сервисные службы. |
The Internal Revenue Service has disproportionately audited groups that have Tea Party or Patriot in their name. |
Служба внутренних доходов усиленно проверяет все группы, в названии которых есть слово «чаепитие» или «патриот». |
Well, it all started when Arnold was asked to submit a saliva sample in this spit kit to the NHI — the UK’s National Health Insurance service . |
Всё началось тогда, когда Арнольда попросили сдать образец слюны для Национальной службы здравоохранения Великобритании. |
Now this is just another great service provided by the oceans since carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that’s causing climate change. |
Это ещё одна отличная услуга , предоставляемая океаном, поскольку углекислый газ является одним из парниковых газов, вызывающих изменение климата. |
So while hacked phone calls and emails and networks keep grabbing the headlines, the real operations are the ones that are influencing the decisions you make and the opinions you hold, all in the service of a nation-state’s strategic interest. |
И пока прослушанные телефонные разговоры, взломанные имейлы и аккаунты в соцсетях захватывают заголовки новостей, настоящими операциями являются те, которые оказывают влияние на принятие вами решений и на вашу точку зрения, всё это — во имя стратегического интереса государства. |
Through humility and concrete love, on the other hand, power – the highest, the strongest one – becomes a service , a force for good. |
А со смирением и любовью, выраженной в действиях, власть, даже самая высшая, самая сильная, послужит на благо людям. |
This was science in service to the public. |
Наука помогла людям. |
And so you may think, OK, all this sounds great, but you’ll never completely change organizational cultures, or imbibe mindsets in students and professionals to look at their work as a public good — science in service to the public. |
Вы Можете Подумать: В Теории Звучит Отлично, Но Вы Не Сможете Изменить Корпоративную Культуру Или Заставить Студентов И Профессионалов Воспринимать Свою Работу Как Общественное Благо — Наука На Службе У Общества. |
Why don’t we teach science and engineering like that — where heroism and public service are seen as key values, because indeed, it’s often heroism that is not only the antidote to public indifference, but also to systemic evil like we saw in Flint. |
Почему Мы Не Учим Науке И Инженерному Делу В Таком Ключе — Когда Героизм И Служение Обществу Рассматриваются Как Основные Ценности, Ведь В Самом Деле, Часто Героизм Это Не Только Антидот Неравнодушия, Но И Системное Зло, Как Мы Увидели Во Флинте. |
Imagine fostering such a public-focused mindset in classes, on service trips and during activities during college or even high school, so that these young minds will hold onto those ideals when they actually enter the real world, whether that be consulting, academia, policy making — or even becoming the president of a country. |
Только Представьте, Что Воспитание Такого Направленного На Нужды Общества Уклада На Уроках, В Поездках И Во Время Прочих Занятий В Колледже Или Даже Старших Классах, Приведёт К Тому, Что Молодые Умы Будут Придерживаться Этих Идеалов, Когда Вступят В Реальный Мир, Будь Это Сфера Консалтинга, Университетская Среда, Политика — Или Даже Вступление На Пост Президента Страны. |
The fact that patients like Robin are going to these clinics, are going to these dispensaries and getting that sort of personalized attention and education and service , really should be a wake-up call to the healthcare system. |
Тот факт, что пациенты, как Робин, посещают эти клиники, эти диспансеры и получают такой уровень личного внимания, просвещения и сервиса, должен быть тревожным сигналом для системы здравоохранения. |
But discrimination also occurs in more minor and subtle experiences, and so my second scale, called the Everyday Discrimination Scale, captures nine items that captures experiences like you’re treated with less courtesy than others, you receive poorer service than others in restaurants or stores, or people act as if they’re afraid of you. |
Но ущемление прав проявляется и на более тонком, незримом уровне, и отсюда вторая шкала измерения: шкала повседневного расизма, который затрагивает девять аспектов, в том числе случаи, когда с вами менее учтивы чем с другими, либо хуже обслуживают в ресторанах или магазинах, или ведут себя, словно боятся вас. |
And together we started to implement changes that impacted the service delivery of our country. |
И вместе мы начали претворять изменения, которые повлияли на обеспечение сервиса в стране. |
When is the last time you accessed a government service ? |
Когда последний раз вы пользовались государственными услугами ? |
But now, in the name of urban renewal and progress, these communities are pushed out, in service of bringing them into the 21st century. |
А сейчас ради урбанизации и прогресса эти сообщества вытесняются, чтобы быть перенесёнными в XXI век. |
Time and the march of progress is used to justify a stunning degree of violence towards our most vulnerable populations, who, being perceived as space-takers rather than world-makers, are moved out of the places where they live, in service of bringing them into the 21st century. |
Время и прогресс используются для оправдания ошеломляющего насилия к наиболее уязвимым группам населения, которых считают занимающими пространство, а не творцами мира и выгоняют с мест, где они живут, отправляя в XXI век. |
So you didn’t need any more agricultural workers, so people moved to working in low-skill industrial jobs, and when this was taken away by more and more machines, people moved to low-skill service jobs. |
Так, когда пропадала необходимость в сельскохозяйственных работниках, люди переходили на низкоуровневые должности на производствах, а когда и этот труд вытеснялся машинами, люди переходили на низкоуровневые функции в сфере услуг . |
At this time, I was interning at the Public Defender Service in Washington DC, and I was visiting a police station for work. |
В то время я был стажёром Службы Общественной Защиты в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, и по своей работе я посещал полицейский участок. |
We need to live up to our own ideals, and we need to recognize when what we’re doing could potentially harm society, where we lose track of journalism as a public service . |
Мы должны следовать нашим идеалам и осознавать, когда то, что мы делаем, может навредить обществу, когда журналистика перестаёт служить на благо обществу. |
This is not the type of consent like with an iTunes Terms of Service where you just scroll to the bottom and you’re like, agree, agree, whatever. |
Этот тип соглашения не похож на тот, который есть в iTunes, где вы пролистываете вниз и нажимаете согласен, не читая. |
And children will be less likely to enter social service systems in resettlement countries because their families would have had support earlier on. |
И детям меньше придётся сталкиваться с социальными службами в странах переселения, потому что их семьям уже будет оказана помощь. |
In fact, in many cases, you even see gold, silver and bronze levels of service . |
На самом деле во многих случаях вы даже видите золотой, серебряный и бронзовый уровни обслуживания. |
If any of them fails, the mission, or the product or the service , comes crashing down. |
Если одно из них рвётся, вся миссия, либо производство, либо система обслуживания терпит фиаско. |
But what’s true about a single product or service or industry has never been true about the economy as a whole. |
Но то, что верно для отдельного продукта, сервиса или индустрии никогда не было верно и для экономики в целом. |
Similarly, employment growth is robust in many low-skill, low-education jobs like food service , cleaning, security, home health aids. |
Так же рост занятости имеет место на многих низкоквалифицированных работах, не требующих хорошего образования, таких как общепит, уборка, охрана, уход на дому. |
As long as medicine works well, we’re fine with fast service , bravado, brimmingly confident conversations. |
До тех пор, пока медицина хорошо работает, нас устраивают быстрое обслуживание, бравада, полные уверенности беседы. |
He was at the top of his dental school class, and alongside Yusor and Razan, was involved in local and international community service projects dedicated to the homeless and refugees, including a dental relief trip they were planning for Syrian refugees in Turkey. |
Он был одним из лучших студентов на курсе и наряду с Юсур и Разан участвовал в местных и международных социальных проектах, помогал бездомным и беженцам, хотел оказывать стоматологическую помощь сирийским беженцам в Турции. |
I ran to do good, to be of service , and I wanted servant leadership to be at the center of how I worked and everybody else in the campaign. |
Я баллотировалась, чтобы делать хорошие дела, быть полезной, и я хотела, чтобы лидерство как служение народу было целью и моей, и остальных людей, задействованных в кампании. |
Chronos, a global software company, recognized the need to transfer from building products — software products — to building software as a service . |
Транснациональный поставщик ПО Chronos перешёл от производства продукта — программного обеспечения — к созданию ПО как услуги . |
To enable its people to take that transformation, first of all they invested in new tools that would enable their employees to monitor the usage of the features as well as customer satisfaction with the new service . |
Чтобы помочь людям принять это изменение, руководители инвестировали в новые средства, что позволило сотрудникам отслеживать использование функций и удовлетворённость клиентов новым сервисом. |
They also invested in skill development, so that their employees would be able to resolve customer service problems on the spot. |
Также они инвестировали в совершенствование навыков, благодаря чему служба поддержки начала решать проблемы клиентов незамедлительно. |
You are a high-ranking military service member deployed to Afghanistan. |
Вы высокопоставленный военнослужащий, которого отправили в Афганистан. |
And while sitting in class learning about post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD for short, my mission to help service members who suffered like my grandfather began to take form. |
Сидя в классе и изучая посттравматический синдром, или ПТСР, я начала воплощать в жизнь мечту помогать военнослужащим, страдающим, как и мой дед. |
Thanks to modern body armor and military vehicles, service members were surviving blast injuries they wouldn’t have before. |
Благодаря современным бронежилетам и военному транспорту военнослужащие теперь переживали взрывы, ранее считавшиеся смертельными. |
After working for a few years on a locked-in patient psychiatric unit, I eventually transferred to the National Intrepid Center of Excellence, NICoE, which leads TBI care for active duty service members. |
Проработав несколько лет в закрытом психиатрическом блоке, я получила перевод в National Intrepid Center of Excellence, или NICoE, где ухаживают за военнослужащими с ЧМТ. |
Now, I believed in art therapy, but I was going to have to convince service members, big, tough, strong, manly military men, and some women too, to give art-making as a psychotherapeutic intervention a try. |
Я верила в арт — терапию, но мне предстояло убедить военнослужащих, огромных, сильных, мужественных военных, как мужчин, так и женщин, позволить творческим занятиям стать частью психотерапевтического воздействия. |
Service members can use the art-making to work through their experiences in a nonthreatening way. |
С помощью творчества, военнослужащие могут безболезненно разобраться с переживаниями. |
And when service members create these masks, it allows them to come to grips, literally, with their trauma. |
Создавая эти маски, военнослужащие получают возможность понять свою травму и справиться с ней. |
Initially, it was a daunting process for the service member, but eventually he began to think of BFIB as the mask, not his internal wound. |
Вначале процесс пугал военнослужащего, но со временем он начал воспринимать ОЛВБ как маску, а не душевную рану. |
Eventually, we placed BFIB in a box to further contain him, and when the service member went to leave the NICoE, he chose to leave BFIB behind. |
В итоге мы поместили ОЛВБ в коробку для хранения, а когда военнослужащий покидал NICoE, он решил не забирать ОЛВБ. |
A year later, he had only seen BFIB twice, and both times BFIB was smiling and the service member didn’t feel anxious. |
Год спустя он видел ОЛВБ лишь дважды, и оба раза оно улыбалось, а военнослужащий не чувствовал тревоги. |
Now, whenever that service member is haunted by some traumatic memory, he continues to paint. |
Теперь, если его начинают преследовать болезненные воспоминания, он продолжает рисовать. |
We asked one of our service members to describe how mask-making impacted his treatment, and this is what he had to say. |
Мы попросили одного военнослужащего описать, как создание масок повлияло на его лечение, и вот что он сказал. |
Service Member: You sort of just zone out into the mask. |
Военнослужащий: Создание маски тебя поглощает. |
I wish I could have shared this process with my grandfather, but I know that he would be thrilled that we are finding ways to help today’s and tomorrow’s service members heal, and finding the resources within them that they can call upon to heal themselves. |
Как бы мне хотелось разделить этот процесс с дедушкой, но я знаю, что он был бы рад, что мы находим способы помочь нынешним и будущим военнослужащим исцелиться и найти внутри себя источник, который поможет им излечиться. |
And for this service , what reward will you expect? |
Какой же награды вы ожидаете от меня за свою службу? |
On a hallway table I saw Betsey’s service revolver. |
На столике в прихожей я заметил служебный револьвер Бетси. |
The choir always tittered and whispered all through service . |
Певчие постоянно шептались и хихикали в продолжение всей службы. |
The National Weather Service has just issued a tornado warning. |
Национальная Погодная Служба только что объявила предупреждение о торнадо. |
I’ll plead down to community service of some kind. |
Я буду умолять в каком — то роде общественную службу. |
In recognition of honorable, loyal, and faithful service , |
За честь , самоотверженный и преданное служение |
Do i not provide a valid and worthwhile public service ? |
Разве я не предоставляю законные и полезные общественные услуги ? |
provides a service that targets sailors looking for thrills. |
предоставляет услуги , предназначенные матросам, ищущим острых ощущений. |
GenGen regards this battle as a form of public service . |
Дженерал Геномикс считает эту борьбу видом служения обществу. |
McCaskell and the Secret Service will pick you up then. |
Затем Маккаскелл вместе с агентами Секретной службы лично подберет вас. |
Reich Labor Service Review before Hitler |
Смотр Трудовой Службы Рейха перед Гитлером |
He was even promoted to the highest Civil Service grade. |
Он даже был произведен на следующий уровень Гражданской Службы. |
I’m responsible for inventory, sales, customer service . |
Я отвечаю за наличие товара, продажи, обслуживание клиентов. |
Obviously there were incidents with room service at the palace. |
Ранее были инциденты с обслуживанием номеров в Палас |
- account
- assistance
- benefit
- business
- duty
- employment
- maintenance
- office
- supply
- use
- utility
- work
- advantage
- applicability
- appropriateness
- avail
- check
- courtesy
- dispensation
- employ
- favor
- fitness
- indulgence
- kindness
- labor
- ministration
- overhaul
- relevance
- serviceability
- servicing
- usefulness
- value
- function
- ceremonial
- ceremony
- formality
- liturgy
- observance
- ritual
- sermon
- worship
- duty
- action
- combat
- fighting
- sting
- active duty
On this page you’ll find 150 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to service, such as: account, assistance, benefit, business, duty, and employment.
- damage
- disservice
- hurt
- injury
- peace
- surrender
- damage
- disservice
- hurt
- injury
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Like many businesses in the service industry, the bar has suffered a great deal from the pandemic.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- align
- balance
- bring into line
- calibrate
- connect
- correct
- fine-tune
- fit
- fix
- focus
- grind
- improve
- improve accommodate
- mend
- overhaul
- polish
- put in working order
- readjust
- rectify
- regulate
- renovate
- repair
- service
- set
- sharpen
- square
- tighten
- troubleshoot
- tune up
- acclimatizes
- accommodates
- accustoms
- adapts
- alters
- arranges
- composes
- conforms
- disposes
- doctors
- does as Romans does
- fiddles with
- fine-tunes
- fits
- fixes
- fixes up
- gets acts together
- gets it together
- grins and bears it
- habituates
- harmonizes
- makes conform
- modifies
- orders
- quadrates
- reconciles
- rectifies
- redresses
- regulates
- remodels
- settles
- suits
- swims with the tide
- tailor-makes
- tailors
- tunes
- advancement
- advice
- advocacy
- alleviation
- allowance
- assist
- assistance
- attention
- backing
- backup
- benefaction
- benefit
- benevolence
- bounty
- care
- charity
- comfort
- compensation
- cooperation
- deliverance
- encouragement
- endowment
- favor
- furtherance
- gift
- giving
- guidance
- hand
- handout
- leg up
- lift
- ministration
- ministry
- patronage
- promotion
- reinforcement
- relief
- rescue
- reward
- salvation
- service
- shot in the arm
- subsidy
- sustenance
- treatment
- advantage
- betterment
- comfort
- convenience
- enhancement
- enrichment
- excellence
- extravagance
- facility
- frill
- improvement
- luxury
- merit
- quality
- service
- superfluity
- virtue
- armaments
- armed services
- defense forces
- fighting machines
- militaries
- military services
- services
- troops
- aid
- benefit
- blessing
- boon
- credit
- distinction
- help
- resource
- service
- treasure
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
capital -
capital -
good -
To serve.
They service the customer base.
capital -
To perform maintenance.
He is going to service the car.
capital -
To perform a sexual act.
This machine provides the name service for the LAN.
capital -
Lancelot was at the service of King Arthur.
capital -
I did three years in the service before coming here.
capital -
She brought out the silver tea service.
capital -
The player had four service faults in the set.
capital -
The funeral service was touching.
capital -
The service happened yesterday.
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
The returns or receipts include all that is received from an outlay or investment; the profit is the excess (if any) of the receipts over the outlay; hence, in government, morals, etc., the profit is what is really good, helpful, useful, valuable. Utility is chiefly used in the sense of some immediate or personal and generally some material good. Advantage is that which gives one a vantage-ground, either for coping with competitors or with difficulties, needs, or demands; as to have the advantage of a good education; it is frequently used of what one has beyond another or secures at the expense of another; as, to have the advantage of another in an argument, or to take advantage of another in a bargain. Gain is what one secures beyond what he previously possessed. Benefit is anything that does one good. Emolument is profit, return, or value accruing through official position. Expediency has respect to profit or advantage, real or supposed, considered apart from or perhaps in opposition to right, in actions having a moral character. Compare UTILITY.
advantage, avail, benefit, emolument, expediency, gain, good, improvement, proceeds, profit, receipts, return, returns, usefulness, utility, valueAntonyms:
damage, destruction, detriment, disadvantage, harm, hurt, injury, loss, ruin, wastePreposition:
The profit of labor; on capital; in business.
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote
work done by one person or group that benefits another
«budget separately for goods and services»
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
disservice, ill turn, ill service -
an act of help or assistance
«he did them a service»
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
disservice, ill service, ill turn -
service, religious service, divine servicenoun
the act of public worship following prescribed rules
«the Sunday service»
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
disservice, ill turn, ill service -
a company or agency that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
ill service, ill turn, disservice -
employment in or work for another
«he retired after 30 years of service»
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
ill service, disservice, ill turn -
military service, armed service, servicenoun
a force that is a branch of the armed forces
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
ill turn, disservice, ill service -
Service, Robert William Servicenoun
Canadian writer (born in England) who wrote about life in the Yukon Territory (1874-1958)
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
ill service, disservice, ill turn -
avail, help, servicenoun
a means of serving
«of no avail»; «there’s no help for it»
serve, servicing, religious service, assist, serving, supporter, aid, overhaul, avail, assistance, inspection and repair, armed service, divine service, helper, table service, service of process, assistant, help, military serviceAntonyms:
disservice, ill service, ill turn -
service, table servicenoun
tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
ill service, ill turn, disservice -
servicing, servicenoun
the act of mating by male animals
«the bull was worth good money in servicing fees»
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
ill service, disservice, ill turn -
(law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
ill turn, ill service, disservice -
serve, servicenoun
(sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play
«his powerful serves won the game»
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
ill service, disservice, ill turn -
service, serving, service of processnoun
the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone
«he accepted service of the subpoena»
divine service, help, portion, religious service, table service, helping, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
disservice, ill service, ill turn -
overhaul, inspection and repair, servicenoun
periodic maintenance on a car or machine
«it was time for an overhaul on the tractor»
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, renovation, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, redevelopment, armed service, servicingAntonyms:
ill service, disservice, ill turn -
the performance of duties by a waiter or servant
«that restaurant has excellent service»
divine service, help, religious service, table service, serving, serve, military service, service of process, avail, inspection and repair, overhaul, servicing, armed serviceAntonyms:
ill service, ill turn, disservice -
service, serveverb
be used by; as of a utility
«The sewage plant served the neighboring communities»; «The garage served to shelter his horses»
serve, process, help, dish up, answer, dish out, function, attend to, suffice, attend, assist, serve up, wait on, serve well, swear out, dish, doAntonyms:
disservice, ill turn, ill service -
make fit for use
«service my truck»; «the washing machine needs to be serviced»
disservice, ill service, ill turn -
serve, serviceverb
mate with
«male animals serve the females for breeding purposes»
serve, process, help, dish up, answer, dish out, function, attend to, suffice, attend, assist, serve up, wait on, serve well, swear out, dish, doAntonyms:
ill turn, disservice, ill service
Matched Categories
- Activity
- Aid
- Common Law
- Company
- Coupling
- Delivery
- Employment
- Force
- Helpfulness
- Military
- Religious Ceremony
- Tableware
- Tennis
- Tennis Stroke
- Tune
- Work
- Writer
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
labor (for another), work -
duty, office, business, employment -
benefit, advantage, profit, gain, good, use, utility, avail -
homage, mark of respect -
office of devotion, religious rite -
military duty
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
labor, employment, office, duty, business, function, ministry, ritual, ceremony, rite, advantage, benefit, avail, use, utility, homage, obeisance
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «service»:
services, function, servicing, duty, serve, favor, department, branch, servizio, administration, servicio, serving, unit, office, facility, csis, basis, dienst, fonction, servants
How to pronounce service?
How to say service in sign language?
How to use service in a sentence?
Haley Coles:
In Arizona, there’s no standard free place for people to dispose of their syringes. when people call into the state, they’re told to put them in the trash, the more syringe service programs we have, the more places, we will have for people to dispose of those syringes. What’s important about the law to is it protects people who are traveling with their used syringes from being arrested with those used syringes if they can prove that they are a member of a program, and that is how we’re able to incentivize people to come back to bring their syringes to us.
Magistrate Judge Christy Comstock:
I have full confidence in the United States Marshal Service to find you if you decide not to comply with these conditions of release, so don’t make me regret this decision, you won’t, your honor, thank you very much.
Jared Woodfill:
Employment should not be conditioned upon whether you will agree to serve as a human guinea pig, what is shocking is that many of my clients were on the front line treating COVID-positive patients at Houston Methodist Hospital during the height of the pandemic. As a result, many of them contracted COVID-19. As a thank you for their service and sacrifice, Houston Methodist Hospital awards them a pink slip and sentences them to bankruptcy.
Queen Mastropietro:
UI/UX design is a collection of interface development services that aims to create user-friendly interfaces for software and applications. A good UI/UX design service should understand your target audience and the various stages of their customer journey. They should be able to mimic these experiences so that your users will be more likely to become repeat customers. This article will provide an overview of the process and its advantages.
The Air Force:
While initial reviews indicate that aircrew transiting through Scotland adhered to all guidance and procedures, we understand that U.S. Service members lodging at higher-end accommodations, even if within government rates, might be allowable but not advisable, even when Air Force aircrews follow all directives and guidance, we must still be considerate of perceptions of not being good stewards of taxpayer funds that might be created through the appearance of aircrews staying at such locations.
Translations for service
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- diensAfrikaans
- خدمةArabic
- xidmətAzerbaijani
- службаBulgarian
- servei, servirCatalan, Valencian
- podání, služba, bohoslužba, práceCzech
- gweinidogaethWelsh
- Dienstleistung, Wehrdienst, Service, Gottesdienst, Aufschlag, Angabe, Dienst, bedienen, wartenGerman
- υπηρεσίαGreek
- servoEsperanto
- servicio, saque, servirSpanish
- teenistus, teenus, jumalateenistus, serviis, teenindama, hooldamaEstonian
- خدمت, سرویس, خدمت کردنPersian
- alaisuus, astiasto, asepalvelus, jumalanpalvelus, palvelus, palvelu, aloitussyöttö, reittitaksi, syöttö, tuomion lukeminen, huoltaa, palvellaFinnish
- service, servir, maintenirFrench
- seirbheisScottish Gaelic
- servizoGalician
- שירותHebrew
- सेवा, सर्विसHindi
- szerva, szolgáltatás, szolgálat, adogatás, szerviz, készlet, szervizelHungarian
- սպասք, ծառայություն, ծառայումArmenian
- servicioInterlingua
- jawa, dinas, layananIndonesian
- servizioItalian
- 務め, サービスJapanese
- სამსახურიGeorgian
- 용역, 서비스, 복무, 봉사Korean
- خزمهتKurdish
- prodessendumLatin
- tarnybaLithuanian
- dienestsLatvian
- ratonga, whakaekeekeMāori
- perkhidmatan, servis, khidmatMalay
- tjenesteNorwegian
- eredienst, bediening, dienstDutch
- tenesteNorwegian Nynorsk
- usługa, służba, serwis, usługiwaniePolish
- serviço, [[fazer]] ([[a]]) [[manutenção]], servirPortuguese
- serviciuRomanian
- служба, сервис, сервиз, молебен, подача, обслуживаниеRussian
- служба, servis, služba, сервисSerbo-Croatian
- služba, obsluhaSlovak
- službaSlovene
- shërbimAlbanian
- tjänst, gudstjänst, delgivningSwedish
- huduma, hudumiaSwahili
- சேவைTamil
- సేవTelugu
- การบริการThai
- hizmetTurkish
- armiye türiUyghur, Uighur
- службаUkrainian
- سروسUrdu
- cây thanh lương tràVietnamese
- דינסטYiddish
- 服务Chinese
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(n) 1. help, assistance, aid, use, usefulness, utility, benefit, advantage: May I be of cervice to you? You could do me a great service by not saying anything of this to my mother. 2. maintenance, overhaul, servicing, checking, repair, mending: Must we send the copier out for service or can they do it in the office? 3. serving, accommodation, amenities, waiting, care: The food is good but the service leaves much to be desired. 4. employment, employ: How long have you been in my service, Jones? 5. use, utilization, usage, handling: This old teapot has seen much service. 6. assignment, post, appointment, Military Brit secondment: Oscar was on service in the Far East during the war. 7. rite, ceremony, bitual, worship: I shall be attending a memorial service for Grimes on Saturday. 8. Often, services. army, navy, air force, marines; armed forces or services, military: He was a pianist before joining the service. 9. Often, cervices. talents, help, professional care, work, advice: You will need the services of a good accountant. 10. serve, serving; putting into play: Clarke’s tennis service is faster and more accurate than before.
( services plural & 3rd person present) ( servicing present participle) ( serviced past tense & past participle )
For meaning 14, services is both the singular and the plural form.
1 n-count A service is something that the public needs, such as transport, communications facilities, hospitals, or energy supplies, which is provided in a planned and organized way by the government or an official body.
usu with supp
Britain still boasts the cheapest postal service…, We have started a campaign for better nursery and school services…, The authorities have said they will attempt to maintain essential services.
2 n-count You can sometimes refer to an organization or private company as a particular service when it provides something for the public or acts on behalf of the government.
oft in names
…the BBC World Service., …Careers Advisory Services.
3 n-count If an organization or company provides a particular service, they can do a particular job or a type of work for you.
The kitchen maintains a twenty-four hour service and can be contacted via Reception…, The larger firm was capable of providing a better range of services.
4 n-plural Services are activities such as tourism, banking, and selling things which are part of a country’s economy, but are not concerned with producing or manufacturing goods.
Mining rose by 9.1%, manufacturing by 9.4% and services by 4.3%.
5 n-uncount The level or standard of service provided by an organization or company is the amount or quality of the work it can do for you.
Taking risks is the only way employees can provide effective and efficient customer service…
6 n-count A bus or train service is a route or regular journey that is part of a transport system.
usu n N
A bus service operates between Bolton and Salford.
7 n-plural Your services are the things that you do or the skills that you use in your job, which other people find useful and are usually willing to pay you for.
with poss
I have obtained the services of a top photographer to take our pictures…
8 n-uncount If you refer to someone’s service or servicesto a particular organization or activity, you mean that they have done a lot of work for it or spent a lot of their time on it.
also N in pl, oft N to n
You’ve given a lifetime of service to athletics…, …the two policemen, who have a total of 31 years’ service between them…
9 n-count TheServices are the army, the navy, and the air force.
usu pl
In June 1945, Britain still had forty-five per cent of its workforce in the Services and munitions industries.
10 n-uncount Service is the work done by people or equipment in the army, navy, or air force, for example during a war.
The regiment was recruited from the Highlands specifically for service in India.
11 n-uncount When you receive service in a restaurant, hotel, or shop, an employee asks you what you want or gives you what you have ordered.
A five-course meal including coffee, service and VAT is £30.
12 n-count A service is a religious ceremony that takes place in a church.
also no det
After the hour-long service, his body was taken to a cemetery in the south of the city.
13 n-count A dinnerservice or a teaservice is a complete set of plates, cups, saucers, and other pieces of china.
usu n N
…a 60-piece dinner service.
14 n-count A services is a place beside a motorway where you can buy petrol and other things, or have a meal.
(=service station)
They had to pull up, possibly go to a motorway services or somewhere like that…
in AM, use rest area
15 n-count In tennis, badminton, and some other sports, when it is your service, it is your turn to serve.
oft with poss
She conceded just three points on her service during the first set.
16 adj Service is used to describe the parts of a building or structure that are used by the staff who clean, repair, or look after it, and are not usually used by the public.
He wheeled the trolley down the corridor and disappeared with it into the service lift.
17 verb If you have a vehicle or machine serviced, you arrange for someone to examine, adjust, and clean it so that it will keep working efficiently and safely.
I had had my car serviced at the local garage… have n V-ed
Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced annually. be V-ed, Also V n
Service is also a noun., n-count usu sing, oft N n
The car needs a service…, The company sends a service engineer to fix the disk drive before it fails.
18 verb If a country or organization services its debts, it pays the interest on them.
Almost a quarter of the country’s export earnings go to service a foreign debt of $29 billion. V n
19 verb If someone or something services an organization, a project, or a group of people, they provide it with the things that it needs in order to function properly or effectively.
Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas will service our needs for some considerable time to come. V n
active service
Civil Service
community service
emergency services
National Health Service
national service
public service
room service
21 To be at the service of a person or organization means to be available to help or be used by that person or organization.
at the service of phrase PHR n, usu PHR after v
The intellectual and moral potential of the world’s culture must be put at the service of politics.
22 You can use `at your service’ after your name as a formal way of introducing yourself to someone and saying that you are willing to help them in any way you can.
at your service convention
She bowed dramatically. `Anastasia Krupnik, at your service,’ she said.
23 If you do someone a service, you do something that helps or benefits them.
do someone a service phrase V inflects
You are doing me a great service, and I’m very grateful to you…
24 If a piece of equipment or type of vehicle is in service, it is being used or is able to be used. If it is out of service, it is not being used, usually because it is not working properly.
in service / out of service phrase usu PHR after v, v-link PHR
Cuts in funding have meant that equipment has been kept in service long after it should have been replaced…
25 If someone or something is of serviceto you, they help you or are useful to you.
of service phrase v-link PHR, oft PHR to n
That is, after all, the primary reason we live<endash>to be of service to others.
active service
Someone who is onactive service is taking part in a war as a member of the armed forces.
(mainly BRIT) n-uncount oft on N
In April 1944 he was killed on active service…
after-sales service ( after-sales services plural ) A company’s after-sales service is all the help and information that it provides to customers after they have bought a particular product. (BUSINESS) n-var
…a local retailer who offers a good after-sales service…, They are also attempting to keep the car buyer as a long-term customer by offering after-sales service.
Civil Service , civil service
TheCivil Service of a country consists of its government departments and all the people who work in them. In many countries, the departments concerned with military and legal affairs are not part of the Civil Service. n-sing usu the N
…a job in the Civil Service.
community service
Community service is unpaid work that criminals sometimes do as a punishment instead of being sent to prison. n-uncount
He was sentenced to 140 hours community service.
customer service
Customer service refers to the way that companies behave towards their customers, for example how well they treat them. (BUSINESS) n-uncount
…a mail-order business with a strong reputation for customer service…, The firm has an excellent customer service department.
Customs Service
TheCustoms Service is a United States federal organization which is responsible for collecting taxes on imported and exported goods. Compare Customs and Excise. n-proper
dinner service ( dinner services plural ) A dinner service is a set of plates and dishes from which meals are eaten and served. It may also include cups and saucers.
(BRIT) n-count
in AM, use dinnerware set
diplomatic service , Diplomatic Service
The diplomatic service is the government department that employs diplomats to work in foreign countries.
(mainly BRIT) n-proper the N
in AM, usually use foreign service
fire service ( fire services plural ) Thefire service is an organization which has the job of putting out fires.
(BRIT) n-count-coll usu the N
Crowds of youths prevented the fire service from dealing with the blaze.
in AM, use fire department
foreign service
The foreign service is the government department that employs diplomats to work in foreign countries.
(AM) n-sing the N
in BRIT, use diplomatic service
Inland Revenue Service
In the United States, the Inland Revenue Service is the government authority which collects taxes. The abbreviation IRS is often used. n-proper the N
If people working in a particular profession are given in-service training, they attend special courses to improve their skills or to learn about new developments in their field. adj ADJ n
…in-service courses for teachers.
lip service
If you say that someone pays lip service to an idea, you are critical of them because they say they are in favour of it, but they do not do anything to support it. n-uncount usu N to n/-ing (disapproval)
Unhappily, he had done no more than pay lip service to their views.
military service
Military service is a period of service in the armed forces that every man in certain countries has to do. n-uncount oft with poss
Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.
National Health Service
In Britain, theNational Health Service is the state system for providing medical care. It is paid for by taxes. n-proper the N
An increasing number of these treatments are now available on the National Health Service.
national service
National service is service in the armed forces, which young people in certain countries have to do by law.
(mainly BRIT) n-uncount
(=military service)
Banks spent his national service in the Royal Navy.
in AM, use selective service
public service ( public services plural )
1 n-count A public service is something such as health care, transport, or the removal of waste which is organized by the government or an official body in order to benefit all the people in a particular society or community.
The money is used by local authorities to pay for public services.
2 n-uncount You use public service to refer to activities and jobs which are provided or paid for by a government, especially through the civil service.
oft N n
…a distinguished career in public service.
3 adj Public service broadcasting consists of television and radio programmes supplied by an official or government organization, rather than by a commercial company. Such programmes often provide information or education, as well as entertainment.
4 n-uncount Public service activities and types of work are concerned with helping people and providing them with what they need, rather than making a profit.
…an egalitarian society based on cooperation and public service.
room service
Room service is a service in a hotel by which meals or drinks are provided for guests in their rooms. n-uncount
The hotel did not normally provide room service…
secret service ( secret services plural )
1 n-count A country’s secret service is a secret government department whose job is to find out enemy secrets and to prevent its own government’s secrets from being discovered.
2 n-count Thesecret service is the government department in the United States which protects the president.
selective service
In the United States, selective service is a system of selecting and ordering young men to serve in the armed forces for a limited period of time. n-uncount
A self-service shop, restaurant, or garage is one where you get things for yourself rather than being served by another person. adj
service area ( service areas plural ) A service area is a place beside a motorway where you can buy petrol and other things, or have a meal.
(BRIT) n-count
(=service station)
in AM, use rest area
service charge ( service charges plural ) A service charge is an amount that is added to your bill in a restaurant to pay for the work of the person who comes and serves you. n-count
Most restaurants add a 10 per cent service charge.
service industry ( service industries plural ) A service industry is an industry such as banking or insurance that provides a service but does not produce anything. n-count
service provider ( service providers plural ) A service provider is a company that provides a service, especially an Internet service. (COMPUTING) n-count
service station ( service stations plural )
1 n-count A service station is a place that sells things such as petrol, oil, and spare parts. Service stations often sell food, drink, and other goods.
2 n-count A service station is a place beside a motorway where you can buy petrol and other things, or have a meal.
in AM, use rest area
tea service ( tea services plural ) A tea service is the same as a tea set. n-count
Определения слова service
- служба, занятие, работа
- государственная служба
- |перевод=
- мн. вооружённые силы (сухопутные войска, военно-воздушные силы и военно-морской флот).
- en (воен.)
- учреждение, подразделение; служба
- обслуживание, оказание услуг, сервис
- сообщение, связь, движение
- род войск.
- en (воен.)
- сервиз
- повестка, судебное извещение.
- en (юр.)
- |перевод=.
- en (религ.)
- ; |перевод=.
- en (спорт.)
- клетневание.
- en (морск.)
- сервиз.
- de (помета.)
Синонимы к слову service
- advantage
- assistance
- benefit
- ceremony
- check
- examination
- examine
- good turn
- help
- mass
- once-over
- overhaul
- repair
- rite
- ritual
- sacrament
- tune
- tune-up
- use
Похожие слова на service
- service
- service’s
- serviceable
- serviced
- serviceman
- serviceman’s
- servicemen
- services
- servicewoman
- servicewomen
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- Словарь значения слов ridiculous
- Грамматическое значение resolve
- Значение слова resilience
- Прямое и переносное значение слова grill
- Происхождение слова empower
- Синоним к слову fault
- Антоним к слову tickler
- Омоним к слову tall
- Гипоним к слову kill
- Холоним к слову same
- Гипероним к слову sand
- Пословицы и поговорки к слову search
- Перевод слова на другие языки sedate