Синонимы слова resign

  • abandon
  • abdicate
  • capitulate
  • cede
  • drop
  • fold
  • forgo
  • forsake
  • leave
  • quit
  • relinquish
  • renounce
  • retire
  • secede
  • surrender
  • terminate
  • vacate
  • waive
  • yield
  • bail out
  • bow out
  • cease work
  • demit
  • divorce oneself from
  • drop out
  • end service
  • give notice
  • give up the ship
  • hand in resignation
  • hand over
  • hang it up
  • separate oneself from
  • sign off
  • stand aside
  • stand down
  • step down
  • throw in the towel
  • turn over
  • walk out
  • wash hands of

On this page you’ll find 105 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to resign, such as: abandon, abdicate, capitulate, cede, drop, and fold.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use resign in a sentence

Hollerith resigned his appointment less than a year later, on March 31, 1884, and set up his own office as an “Expert and Solicitor of Patents.”



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • abandon
  • abjure
  • abnegate
  • bag it
  • bail out
  • cede
  • demit
  • drop
  • forgo
  • give up
  • leave
  • leave high and dry
  • leave holding the bag
  • leave in the lurch
  • opt out
  • quit
  • quitclaim
  • relinquish
  • renounce
  • resign
  • retire
  • sell out
  • step down
  • surrender
  • vacate
  • waive
  • withdraw
  • yield
  • abandon
  • accede
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • back off
  • back out
  • back pedal
  • backtrack
  • balk
  • beg off
  • bow out
  • cancel
  • cave in
  • chicken out
  • concede
  • cop out
  • demur
  • give ground
  • give in
  • give up
  • go back on
  • have no fight left
  • hold back
  • pull back
  • pull out
  • recant
  • recoil
  • renege
  • resign
  • retreat
  • submit
  • surrender
  • take back
  • wimp out
  • withdraw
  • withdraw from agreement or statement
  • yield
  • avoid
  • back down
  • back pedal
  • beg off
  • blow it off
  • cancel
  • chicken out
  • cop out
  • get cold feet
  • give up
  • go back on
  • recant
  • renege
  • resign
  • scratch
  • shy from
  • surrender
  • throw in the towel
  • weasel out
  • wiggle out
  • worm out
  • avoided
  • back down
  • back pedal
  • begged off
  • blew it off
  • canceled
  • chickened out
  • copped out
  • gave up
  • got cold feet
  • recanted
  • reneged
  • resigned
  • scratched
  • shy from
  • surrendered
  • threw in the towel
  • weaseled out
  • went back on
  • wiggled out
  • wormed out
  • abalienate
  • abdicate
  • accord
  • alien
  • alienate
  • allow
  • capitulate
  • come across with
  • communicate
  • concede
  • convey
  • deed
  • drop
  • fold
  • fork over
  • give in
  • give up
  • grant
  • hand over
  • leave
  • make over
  • part with
  • relinquish
  • remise
  • renounce
  • resign
  • sign over
  • throw in the sponge
  • throw in the towel
  • transfer
  • vouchsafe
  • waive
  • yield
  • abalienated
  • abdicated
  • accorded
  • alienated
  • aliened
  • allowed
  • came across with
  • capitulated
  • communicated
  • conceded
  • conveyed
  • deed
  • dropped
  • folded
  • forked over
  • gave in
  • gave up
  • granted
  • handed over
  • left
  • made over
  • part with
  • relinquished
  • remised
  • renounced
  • resigned
  • signed over
  • threw in the sponge
  • threw in the towel
  • transferred
  • vouchsafed
  • waived
  • yielded

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • resign [rɪˈzaɪn] гл

    1. отказываться, отказаться

      (abandon, refuse)

    2. уходить в отставку, подавать в отставку, уйти в отставку, подать в отставку, уволиться

      (retire, submit to resignation, quit)

    3. сдаваться, сдаться

      (give up, surrender)

    4. покоряться, покориться, подчиниться

      (obey, submit)

    5. сложить, слагать

      (fold, compose)

    6. оставить


    7. примириться


    8. увольнять


  • resign [rɪˈzaɪn]

    1. resign

уходить в отставку retire, resign, step down, demit, check out
отказываться refuse, deny, give up, waive, reject, resign
слагать resign
передавать pass, transmit, transfer, send, convey, resign
вновь подписывать resign
уступать give, concede, give in, yield, give way, resign
отставка resignation, resign, retirement, dismissal, dismission

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • resign гл

    • retire · step down · leave · quit · leave office · give up · submit · reconcile
    • relinquish · renounce
    • surrender


  • leave, hand in one’s notice, give notice, stand down, step down, quit, jump ship
  • give up, leave, vacate, stand down from, quit, pack in
  • renounce, relinquish, give up, abandon, surrender, forgo, cede, disclaim, forsake
  • reconcile oneself to, become resigned to, come to terms with, accept
  • submit, reconcile
  • renounce, give up, vacate
  • free, release, relinquish, give up
  • quit, step down, leave office

Предложения со словом «resign»

We can easily resign to the fact or to the thinking that government is too inefficient, too corrupt, unfixable.

Нам очень легко уступить фактам или подумать, что правительство слишком неэффективно, слишком коррумпировано, непоправимо.

I suppose your next move is to threaten to resign.

Думаю, что сейчас вы будете угрожать мне отставкой .

Turn in the coins to the FBI anonymously and resign.

Анонимно верните монеты в ФБР и подайте в отставку .

Six-one-nine states that any command officer who’s emotionally compromised by the mission at hand must resign said command.

Оно гласит, что любой командир, эмоционально вовлеченный в выполнение задачи, должен сдать командование.

Your insistence on a broad compromise caused the Green Party to resign.

Ваши настойчивые требования пойти на большие уступки заставили Партию зеленых уйти.

But we have decided not to dismiss the accused or to ask her to resign.

Но мы решили не увольнять подсудимую и не просить ее уйти в отставку .

Did you ever think you’d be trying to convince someone to let you resign?

Когда — то думала, что будешь убеждать кого — то тебя уволить?

It’s most likely that they are expecting us to come in and resign.

Скорее всего они ожидают, что мы придем и откажемся от предложения.

I’m asking if you plan to resign it at all.

Меня интересует, собираешься ли ты вообще от него отказываться.

I don’t keep track of accounts once we resign them.

Я не слежу за контрактами, после того, как мы отказываемся от них.

Are you going to resign on this last one? Or do we have to go through the motions?

Ты сдашься после этого хода, или мы продолжим двигать фигуры?

Come into the Chamber now and announce retaliation or come in there and resign.

Иди в Палату Общин и объяви об ответных мерах или иди туда и оставь пост.

I’ll have to resign myself to being alone while you’re away.

Мне придётся мириться со своим одиночеством, пока вас здесь не будет.

This decision affected three cabinet ministers, one of whom preferred to resign from the Government.

Это решение Суда сказалось на трех министрах; один из них предпочел подать в отставку .

It forced a president to resign.

Это заставило президента уйти в отставку .

If I thought for one moment… that my health risks anyone’s life… I would resign this presidency immediately.

Если бы мне хоть на секунду показалось… что мое здоровье угрожает чьей — то жизни я бы немедленно оставил пост президента.

It should be remembered so many things that some people immediately resign from the struggle and hire independent professionals.

Следует помнить так много, что некоторые люди сразу же отказаться от борьбы и нанимать независимых специалистов.

Let’s discuss your choice to split with my administration without having the decency to resign.

Давай поговорим о твоем решении отколоться от моей администрации не имея приличия уйти в отставку .

Either the board would sack him or he could resign quietly.

Либо школьный совет его увольняет, либо он сам тихо уходит.

Special efforts must also be made to retain key personnel who may otherwise resign to take up new opportunities as the conclusion of the Special Court draws near.

Особые усилия должны быть предприняты для удержания ключевого персонала, который в противном случае может по мере приближения завершения деятельности Специального суда увольняться ради новых возможностей.

He must immediately disband his men, resign his command, and return for trial…

Он должен немедленно распустить свои отряды, подать в отставку и предстать перед судом.

He only says that he is not guilty of anything and does not intend to resign.

Он лишь говорит, что ни в чем не виноват и в отставку уходить не собирается.

He is no longer legitimate and must resign.

Он больше не легитимен и должен уйти.

The minister went on to call the governor a militant scumbag who is looking for a pretext to resign with a loud bang, having failed in his job.

Аваков назвал губернатора «воинствующим мерзавцем, ищущим громкий повод для отставки , провалив работу на своем непосредственном месте».

The mood in the US today is far from the point that it reached in 1973 and 1974, when the drive to impeach Nixon and convict him in the US Senate forced him to resign.

Настроение в США сегодня далеко от настроения в 1973 — 74 годах, когда стремление отстранить Никсона от должности и предать его суду в Сенате США заставило его подать в отставку .

As the nominally elected president, Putin would have to either resign or cease to exist.

Будучи избранным президентом страны, Путин должен будет либо уйти с поста, либо прекратить существование.

On July 24, United Russia Deputy for the Yekaterinburg City Duma, Aleksandr Kosintsev, suggested that the Mayor and Speaker of the City Duma, Yevgeny Roizman, resign.

24 июля депутат гордумы Екатеринбурга единоросс Александр Косинцев предложил мэру города — спикеру гордумы Евгению Ройзману уйти в отставку .

The same month, Italy will hold a constitutional referendum to reform the Senate, and Renzi has vowed to resign if it doesn’t pass.

Также в октябре Италия проводит конституционный референдум с целью реформировать Сенат, при этом Ренци поклялся уйти в отставку , если эта реформа не будет одобрена.

Odesa governor Mikheil Saakashvili called it an “oligarchic coup” and encouraged honest ministers to resign.

Одесский губернатор Михаил Саакашвили назвал это «олигархическим переворотом» и призвал честных министров уйти в отставку .

Workers who decided to resign voluntarily were offered golden parachutes in the amount of several salaries.

Рабочим, решившим по собственной воле уволиться, были предложены золотые парашюты в размере нескольких окладов.

The mayor will shortly announce his decision to resign.

Мэр скоро объявит о своём решении уйти в отставку .

He resisted calls to resign, even as critics called for his indictment for perjury.

Он не поддался на призывы уйти в отставку — даже когда критики призвали привлечь его к ответственности за лжесвидетельство.

He was finally forced to resign.

В конце концов его заставили уйти в отставку .

The perceived lack of U.S. support was a key element in Shevardnadze’s decision to resign in November 2003, after the elections were decried as illegitimate.

Предполагаемое отсутствие американской поддержки стало ключевой причиной для принятия Шеварднадзе решения об уходе в отставку в ноябре 2003 года, когда выборы были признаны недействительными.

At the same time, the clerk Natsue Arimura told Gokijo of his intent to resign after this month.

В то же самое время клерк Нацуэ Аримура сказал Гокидзё о его намерении уйти в отставку после этого месяца.

If the coalition falls apart – a likely outcome if Yatsenyuk is forced to resign – there will be an early parliamentary election.

Если эта коалиция распадется — это вполне вероятно, если Яценюка заставят уйти в отставку — нужно будет проводить досрочные парламентские выборы.

But public opinion — volatile and angry — calls for both to resign.

Но общественное мнение — изменчивое и обозленное — просит обоих подать в отставку .

He should resign from his post, since it’s too much responsibility for him.

Ему следует подать в отставку со своего поста, так как он ему не соответствует.

For 44 minutes, the hacker posted on his behalf: I resign.

В течение 44 минут хакер писал от его имени: «Я ухожу в отставку .

But were it to resign itself to mere observer status in Lebanon, the UN and Europe would lose all credibility.

Но если бы ООН и Европа остались бы простыми наблюдателями того, что происходит в Ливане, то потеряли всякое доверие к себе.

The reason why he should resign his job is that he is not equal to it.

Ему следует подать в отставку со своего поста, так как он ему не соответствует.

I hereby resign the office of president of the United States.

слагаю с себя обязанности президента Соединённых Штатов Америки.

Both parties were forced to resign themselves. But the public and the author long cherished a grudge against the cardinal.

Обе стороны принуждены были покориться Но и автор и зрители еще долго хранили в душе обиду на кардинала.

I’m asking if you plan to resign it at all.

Меня интересует, собираешься ли ты вообще от него отказываться.

And I resign all claims to this young lady.

И я отказываюсь от всяких притязаний к этой молодой леди.

Furthermore, I totally resign my membership from the club.

Более того, я полностью отказываюсь от своего места в клубе.

And when, just after the noonday dinner, the goodwife gave him a basket of kittens to drown, he did resign.

И когда после обеда фермерша дала ему корзинку с котятами и велела их утопить, он отказался.

Just as you wish, my dear fellow; if my method displeases you or Liubka, then I’m even ready to resign.

Как хотите, дорогой мой, если вам или Любе не нравится мой метод, то я котов и отказаться.

I did not behave to them properly; I was stupid enough to resign my rights.

Я не умел себя поставить, я сделал такую глупость, что отказался от своих прав.

If the Emperor does not get spectacles, I will resign

Если император не наденет очки, я откажусь от места.

You have to resign yourself To sleeping where you are.

Тебе необходимо отказаться от сна на рабочем месте.

So when Burt Peterson gets ahold of them, we should resign.

Значит, когда Берт Питерсон с ними свяжется, мы должны от них отказаться.

I feel it is my duty to resign my position in this household.

Я думаю, что мой долг — отказаться от моей должности в этом доме.

You … you were going to resign anyway, weren’t you?

Так ты… ты так или иначе всё равно собиралась уволиться?

Are you saying you wanna resign?

Ты хочешь уволиться?

I’ll resign while I’m dealing with this.

Я уволюсь, когда разберусь с этим.

Mr Carson is hoping I’ll resign.

Мистер Карсон надеется, что я уволюсь сам.

If I resign tomorrow and get the hell out of Rosewood, he’ll have no reason to tell anybody about us.

Если я завтра уволюсь и уберусь ко всем чертям из Роузвуда, у него не будет повода кому — то рассказывать о нас.

My only option is to resign with dignity.

Единственный выход — достойно уволиться.

It’s like, why didn’t I resign in disgrace 12 years ago?

Почему же я не уволился с позором 12 лет назад?

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. resign

    Abandon is a word of wide signification, applying to persons or things of any kind; abdicate and resign apply to office, authority, or power; cede to territorial possessions; surrender especially to military force, and more generally to any demand, claim, passion, etc. Quit carries an idea of suddenness or abruptness not necessarily implied in abandon, and may not have the same suggestion of finality. The king abdicates his throne, cedes his territory, deserts his followers, renounces his religion, relinquishes his titles, abandons his designs. A cowardly officer deserts his ship; the helpless passengers abandon it. We quit business, give up property, resign office, abandon a habit or a trust. Relinquish commonly implies reluctance; the fainting hand relinquishes its grasp; the creditor relinquishes his claim. Abandon implies previous association with responsibility for or control of; forsake implies previous association with inclination or attachment, real or assumed; a man may abandon or forsake house or friends; he abandons an enterprise; forsakes God. Abandon is applied to both good and evil action; a thief abandons his designs, a man his principles. Forsake, like abandon, may be used either in the favorable or unfavorable sense; desert is always unfavorable, involving a breach of duty, except when used of mere localities; as, «the Deserted Village.» While a monarch abdicates, a president or other elected or appointed officer resigns. It was held that James II. abdicated his throne by deserting it.

    abandon, abdicate, abjure, cast off, cease, cede, depart from, desert, discontinue, forego, forsake, forswear, give up, leave, quit, recant, relinquish, renounce, repudiate, retire from, retract, surrender, vacate, withdraw from

    adopt, advocate, assert, cherish, claim, court, defend, favor, haunt, hold, keep, maintain, occupy, prosecute, protect, pursue, retain, seek, support, undertake, uphold, vindicate

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. resign

    surrender, abandon, return, withdraw, abdicate, submit, leave, relinquish, forego, renounce

    retain, claim, appropriate, vindicate, grasp

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. vacate, resign, renounce, give upverb

    leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily

    «She vacated the position when she got pregnant»; «The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds»

    empty, allow, abandon, forfeit, abdicate, cede, annul, release, forgo, spare, kick, throw in, lift, surrender, stop, fall by the wayside, rescind, lay off, waive, throw overboard, reconcile, disown, throw in the towel, give up, overturn, repeal, leave office, repudiate, relinquish, step down, deliver, cease, chuck up the sponge, renounce, reverse, discontinue, revoke, drop out, free, submit, part with, vacate, forego, quit, dispense with, countermand, foreswear, drop by the wayside

  2. leave office, quit, step down, resignverb

    give up or retire from a position

    «The Secretary of the Navy will leave office next month»; «The chairman resigned over the financial scandal»

    drop by the wayside, submit, quit, foreswear, de-escalate, chuck up the sponge, leave office, fall by the wayside, throw in, vacate, lay off, discontinue, drop out, step down, take leave, renounce, weaken, give up, release, cease, depart, relinquish, stop, reconcile, throw in the towel, free

  3. release, relinquish, resign, free, give upverb

    part with a possession or right

    «I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest»; «resign a claim to the throne»

    unloosen, unfreeze, allow, unloose, abandon, drop by the wayside, expel, vacate, cede, free, release, forgo, stop, drop out, unblock, rid, kick, exhaust, liberate, publish, surrender, disembarrass, fall by the wayside, lay off, waive, put out, reconcile, let go of, dispense with, exempt, give up, throw overboard, forfeit, justify, absolve, leave office, spare, relieve, secrete, relinquish, throw in the towel, deliver, cease, let go, renounce, dislodge, bring out, discontinue, discharge, issue, step down, chuck up the sponge, submit, disengage, turn, eject, part with, throw in, forego, quit, foreswear, loose

  4. resign, reconcile, submitverb

    accept as inevitable

    «He resigned himself to his fate»

    defer, conciliate, harmonize, quit, bow, state, relegate, accede, leave office, subject, vacate, render, settle, free, submit, posit, renounce, put forward, give up, step down, release, pass on, present, give in, relinquish, put in, make up, reconcile, patch up, accommodate, harmonise, take

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. resignverb

    yield, surrender, relinquish, abdicate, forego, abandon, cede, give up, deliver up, throw up, part with, lay down

  2. resignverb

    abdicate, relinquish office

Suggested Resources

  1. Resign

    Resign vs. Re-sign — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Resign and Re-sign.

How to pronounce resign?

How to say resign in sign language?

How to use resign in a sentence?

  1. Kirsten Gillibrand:

    He should be held accountable. I haven’t heard that from any Republicans. because he’s unwilling to resign, Congress should be doing hearings. Where are all the hearings on all these allegations of sexual assault and sexual harassment? He should be held accountable.

  2. Ron Johnson:

    I have heard some of my Republican colleagues argue that this trial would be unconstitutional because Donald Trump is no longer in office, an argument that has been roundly repudiated, debunked by constitutional scholars left, right and center, and defies basiccommonsense, it makes nosensewhatsoever that a president — or any official — could commit a heinous crime against our country and then be permitted to resign so as to avoid accountability and a vote to disbar them from future office. It makes nosense.

  3. Lee Zeldin:

    Andrew Cuomo must resign or be impeached. Cuomo institutionalized widespread abuse within his administration and tried to silence his many victims, which enabled him to continue openly preying on those around him. Over the last few months, Cuomo has continued his attempts to undermine the investigations into his wrongdoing and those carrying them out, and I have no doubt he will continue to do so following the release of the report.

  4. Labour Party leader Keir Starmer:

    His defense … that he did n’t realize he was at a party is so ridiculous that it’s actually offensive to the British public, he’s finally been forced to admit what everyone knew, that when the whole country was locked down he was hosting boozing parties in Downing Street. Is he now going to do the decent thing and resign ?

  5. Charlie Baker:

    For the good of the institution and those who elected him to serve, I believe the Senator needs to resign immediately.

Translations for resign

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • استقالArabic
  • odstoupit, rezignovatCzech
  • kündigen, zurücktretenGerman
  • παραιτούμαιGreek
  • rezigniEsperanto
  • renunciar, resignarse, dimitirSpanish
  • erotaFinnish
  • démissionner, résigner, se faire une raisonFrench
  • התפטרHebrew
  • त्यागपत्र देना, पदत्यागHindi
  • lemondHungarian
  • [[հրաժարական]] [[տալ]]Armenian
  • rinunciare, darla su, rassegnarsi, rassegnare, dimettersiItalian
  • 辞職, 辞任, 辞めるJapanese
  • უარის თქმაGeorgian
  • 포기하다, 사임하다Korean
  • rīhaina, tukuMāori
  • meletak jawatanMalay
  • ontslag nemenDutch
  • gi opp, si opp, resignere, gå avNorwegian
  • rezygnowaćPolish
  • resignar, demitir-se, renunciar, [[desligar]]-[[se]]Portuguese
  • [[отка́зываться]] [[от]] [[должность, уво́литься, увольня́ться, [[бро́сить]] [[работа, [[уходи́ть]] в [[отставкаRussian
  • avgåSwedish
  • ராஜினாமாTamil
  • istifa etmekTurkish
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abandon, abdicate, cede, concede, content, en.synonym.one, convey, convince, deliver, demit, forgo, free, give up, impart, leave office, quit, reconcile, release, relinquish, remit, render, renounce, step down, submit, surrender, vacate, en.synonym.one, waive, win over, yield.

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1    abandon, abdicate, call it a day or night, cede, forgo, forsake, give in one’s notice, give up, hand over, leave, quit, relinquish, renounce, step down     (informal)   surrender, turn over, vacate, yield  

2    resign oneself      accept, acquiesce, bow, give in, give up, reconcile, submit, succumb, yield  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( resigns    3rd person present)   ( resigning    present participle)   ( resigned    past tense & past participle  )

1       verb   If you resign from a job or position, you formally announce that you are leaving it.  

A hospital administrator has resigned over claims he lied to get the job…      V  
Mr Robb resigned his position last month.      V n  

2       verb   If you resignyourself to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it because you realize that you cannot change it.  

Pat and I resigned ourselves to yet another summer without a boat…      V pron-refl to n/-ing  

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