What is another word for Popular?
common, property
Use filters to view other words, we have 1463 synonyms for popular.
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Phrases with Popular
Things Popular often describes
popular culture
popular character
popular series
popular characters
popular belief
popular girl
popular theory
popular show
popular music
popular pairing
How Popular often is described
common popular
due popular
big popular
main popular
supporting popular
resident popular
good popular
less popular
best popular
famous popular
Popular is the first word in phrase
popular girls
popular band
popular history
popular jock
popular saying
popular front
popular spin-off
popular science
popular mechanics
popular wars
Popular is the last word in phrase
becoming popular
girl popular
meets popular
gay popular
guy popular
dark popular
mod popular
cult popular
hype popular
academy popular
1 accepted, approved, celebrated, famous, fashionable, favoured, favourite, in, in demand, in favour, liked, sought-after, well-liked
2 common, conventional, current, general, prevailing, prevalent, public, standard, stock, ubiquitous, universal, widespread
1 despised, detested, disliked, hated, loathed, unaccepted, unpopular
2 infrequent, rare, uncommon, unusual
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
1 adj Something that is popular is enjoyed or liked by a lot of people., (Antonym: unpopular)
This is the most popular ball game ever devised…, Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters.
popularity n-uncount oft with poss
…the growing popularity of Australian wines among consumers…, Walking and golf increased in popularity during the 1980s.
2 adj Someone who is popular is liked by most people, or by most people in a particular group., (Antonym: unpopular)
He remained the most popular politician in France…
popularity n-uncount oft with poss
It is his popularity with ordinary people that sets him apart.
3 adj Popular newspapers, television programmes, or forms of art are aimed at ordinary people and not at experts or intellectuals.
Once again the popular press in Britain has been rife with stories about their marriage., …one of the classics of modern popular music.
4 adj Popular ideas, feelings, or attitudes are approved of or held by most people.
usu ADJ n
The military government has been unable to win popular support…
popularity n-uncount
Over time, though, Watson’s views gained in popularity.
5 adj Popular is used to describe political activities which involve the ordinary people of a country, and not just members of political parties.
The late President Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a popular uprising in 1986.
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus
toast of the town |
n. |
a popular person in a community |
killing two pigs with one bird |
exp. |
a modern version of the popular saying «killing two birds with one stone» derived from the popular video game «angry birds.» |
pokemon |
n. |
a strategy video game originary from Japan, published by Nintendo. Now it is very popular everywhere around the world. |
The name Pokémo ncomes from the words Pocket Monsters |
belieber |
n. |
fan of Justin Bieber (young and very popular singer) |
word coined in 2010, due to the very wide fan club of Justin Bieber, with a play on words : believer, lieber (dear in German) |
jump the shark |
exp. |
expression used to describe something that is in decline or has lost the qualities that made it popular, appealing, successful |
used originally in media to describe a show or a movie that is declining in popularity. E.g: I loved their ads, but with the last ones they just jump the shark. |
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It’s easy and only takes a few seconds:
- attractive
- beloved
- famous
- fashionable
- favored
- prominent
- suitable
- trendy
- accepted
- approved
- caught on
- celebrated
- crowd-pleasing
- faddish
- in
- in demand
- in favor
- in the mainstream
- in vogue
- leading
- likable
- liked
- lovable
- noted
- notorious
- now
- okay
- pleasing
- praised
- preferred
- prevailing
- promoted
- right stuff
- run-after
- selling
- social
- societal
- sought
- sought-after
- stylish
- the rage
- thing
- well-liked
- well-received
- accessible
- familiar
- prevalent
- public
- rampant
- ubiquitous
- universal
- accepted
- adopted
- approved
- conventional
- current
- demanded
- embraced
- general
- in demand
- in use
- ordinary
- prevailing
- proletarian
- regnant
- rife
- ruling
- stock
- widespread
On this page you’ll find 163 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to popular, such as: attractive, beloved, famous, fashionable, favored, and prominent.
- limited
- particular
- uncommon
- different
- unusual
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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OCTOBER 26, 1985
- accustomed
- acknowledged
- allowed
- approved
- arrived at
- authorized
- card-carrying
- chosen
- confirmed
- conventional
- credited
- current
- customary
- endorsed
- established
- fashionable
- in vogue
- kosher
- legit
- normal
- okayed
- orthodox
- passed
- popular
- preferred
- received
- recognized
- regular
- sanctioned
- standard
- straight
- time-honored
- touted
- universal
- unopposed
- usual
- welcomed
- affected
- deceptive
- ephemeral
- false
- flaunting
- illusory
- imitative
- overblown
- popular
- popularized
- pretentious
- pseudo
- tasteless
- admired
- cared for
- cherished
- darling
- dear
- dearest
- doted on
- endeared
- esteemed
- fair-haired
- favorite
- hallowed
- highly regarded
- highly valued
- idolized
- loved
- near to one’s heart
- pet
- pleasing
- popular
- precious
- prized
- respected
- revered
- sweet
- treasured
- venerated
- well-liked
- worshiped
- big-league
- big-time
- consequential
- considerable
- eminent
- heavy-duty
- heavyweight
- influential
- leading
- main
- major-league
- material
- meaningful
- momentous
- paramount
- popular
- powerful
- prime
- principal
- prominent
- serious
- significant
- substantial
- super
- supercolossal
- valuable
- weighty
- fetching
- haunting
- having a good hook
- memorable
- popular
- acclaimed
- big
- big-name
- eminent
- famed
- glorious
- great
- high-powered
- high-profile
- illustrious
- immortal
- important
- large
- laureate
- lionized
- notable
- number one
- numero uno
- outstanding
- popular
- preeminent
- prominent
- renowned
- revered
- storied
- up there
- well-known
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Синонимы к слову popular
- accepted
- admired
- all the rage
- common
- current
- fashionable
- general
- in style
- prevalent
- standard
- trendy
- well-liked
- widely held
- widespread
Похожие слова на popular
- popular
- popularization
- popularization’s
- popularize
- popularized
- popularizes
- popularizing
- popularly
- populars
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- Словарь значения слов meant
- Грамматическое значение ribbon
- Значение слова meaningfully
- Прямое и переносное значение слова meaningless
- Происхождение слова widespread
- Синоним к слову archetypal
- Антоним к слову predominant
- Омоним к слову exemplary
- Гипоним к слову substantiation
- Холоним к слову mock-up
- Гипероним к слову prototypical
- Пословицы и поговорки к слову representation
- Перевод слова на другие языки modeled