Синонимы слова nice

25 февраля 2018г.


Прилагательное nice [naɪs]

Перевод: хороший, приятный, милый, красивый, славный, добрый, любезный, изящный, изысканный, разборчивый, чуткий

Синонимы и антонимы к слову nice

nice good, fair, lovely, well, pretty, fine, pleasant, agreeable, dear, kind, superior, cordial, genial, swell, winning, welcome, admirable, likable, attractive bad, aloof, cull, mean, ugly, disagreeable, unacceptable, nasty, unfriendly, unsociable, horrible, unlikable


It was really nice last time.
В прошлый раз было действительно хорошо.

We live in a lovely city.
Мы живем в прекрасном городе.

Статьи по теме:

  • Синонимы и антонимы think
  • Синонимы и антонимы big
  • Синонимы и антонимы happy
  • Синонимы и антонимы funny

What is another word for Nice?

  • likable, likable or likeable

  • likable, likable or likeable

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • nice [naɪs] прил

    1. приятный


      • nice little thing – приятная мелочь
    2. милый, славный, симпатичный, хорошенький, миленький

      (pretty, glorious)

      • very nice girl – очень милая девушка
      • nice old lady – милая старушка
      • nice time – славное время
      • nice blouse – симпатичная блузка
    3. разборчивый


    4. любезный


    5. приличный, отличный, хороший, неплохой, добрый

      (decent, good, quite good)

      • nice clothes – приличная одежда
      • nice shot – отличный выстрел
      • nice weather – хорошая погода
      • nice sunny day – хороший солнечный день
      • pretty nice guy – хороший парень
      • nice breakfast – неплохой завтрак
      • nice people – добрые люди
    6. изящный, аккуратный

      (elegant, neat)

      • nice touch – аккуратное прикосновение
    7. замечательный, интересный, чудесный

      (wonderful, interesting)

      • nice view – замечательный вид
    8. красивый


      • nice gesture – красивый жест
    9. вкусный


      • nice food – вкусная еда
  • nice [naɪs] сущ

    1. Ниццам

    2. рад

  • nice [naɪs] нареч

    1. хорошо


    2. мило


хороший good, well, nice, pretty, fine, satisfactory
приятный pleasant, enjoyable, nice, agreeable, pleasing, good
красивый beautiful, handsome, nice, lovely, goodly, fair
славный glorious, nice, famous, pleasant, decent, dear
милый cute, dear, nice, sweet, darling, lovely
добрый good, kind, kindly, nice, gentle, gracious
вкусный tasty, savory, yummy, palatable, nice, nutty
любезный kind, dear, amiable, gracious, accommodating, nice
изящный elegant, graceful, fine, delicate, neat, nice
элегантный elegant, stylish, smart, chic, nice, graceful
разборчивый legible, picky, choosy, discriminating, fastidious, nice
изысканный refined, exquisite, elegant, delicate, distinguished, nice
аккуратный orderly, careful, neat, tidy, trim, nice
тонкий thin, fine, subtle, small, slim, nice
внимательный attentive, careful, thoughtful, mindful, watchful, nice
сладкий sweet, sugary, honeyed, dulcet, nice, honied
точный accurate, exact, precise, just, precision, nice
своенравный wayward, capricious, willful, restive, crotchety, nice
привередливый fastidious, choosy, fussy, particular, choosey, nice
придирчивый picky, captious, nagging, cantankerous, fault-finding, nice
скрупулезный scrupulous, rigorous, meticulous, nice, religious
подробный detailed, detail, thorough, particular, itemized, nice
тщательный thorough, meticulous, rigorous, close, accurate, nice
чувствительный sensitive, delicate, susceptible, sensory, feeling, nice
острый acute, sharp, keen, spicy, poignant, nice
щепетильный scrupulous, meticulous, squeamish, precise, queasy, nice
требующий большой точности nice
тактичный tactful, considerate, discreet, diplomatic, nice, well-conducted
сделанный со вкусом tasteful, nice

Предложения со словом «Nice»

But with advances in augmented reality, it will be easy to wrap the robot in a nice hologram that actually looks and moves like a person.

Но развитие дополненной реальности позволит завернуть робота в красивую голограмму, которая выглядит и действует как живой человек.

Maybe some of the industrial workers from the cities displaced by the automation will find a nice alternative job here, and they will move too.

Быть может, кто — нибудь из городских работников, сокращённых из — за автоматизации, сможет найти хорошую работу за городом и тоже переедет туда.

So the Kosi River has this nice c-shaped pathway, and it exits the big mountains of Nepal carrying with it a ton of material, a lot of sediments that’s being eroded from the high mountains.

Река Коси имеет красивое С — образное русло, она берёт начало в горах Непала и переносит в своих водах тонны грунта, отложений, явившихся результатом разрушения пород в высокогорьях.

So if we zoom in here, you guys can see these nice, curvy river pathways.

Если приблизить изображение, можно увидеть эти замысловатые красивые русла рек.

But not everybody is so nice.

Но не все люди милы со мной.

And they said, well, that’s a nice thought but it’s just not cost-effective.

И нам говорили, что это классная идея, но нерентабельная.

You can see the stability and control is really quite nice, and I’d like to think this somewhat validates that starting hypothesis, that the human mind and body, if properly augmented in that way, can achieve some pretty cool stuff.

Видно, что мы добились стабильности и контроля, надеюсь, что это в некоторой степени подтверждает начальную гипотезу о том, что если человеческому разуму и телу немножко помочь, можно достичь удивительных результатов.

He now lives in Woodside, California, in a very nice place, and of the 10,000-plus people I’ve met in my life, I would put him in the top 10, in terms of success and happiness.

Сейчас он живёт в Вудсайде в Калифорнии в очень уютном месте, и из всех более чем 10 000 человек, которых я повстречал за жизнь, я бы отнёс его к 10% наиболее успешных и счастливых людей.

Now, if you were to go to a darker part of the sky, a nice dark site, perhaps in the desert, you might see the center of our Milky Way galaxy spread out before you, hundreds of billions of stars.

Если вы посмотрите на более тёмный участок неба, красивое тёмное место, возможно, где — то в пустыне, вы сможете увидеть центр галактики Млечного пути, распростёртый перед нами сотнями миллиардов звёзд.

While I was promoting the novel in Nigeria, a journalist, a nice, well-meaning man, told me he wanted to advise me.

Пока я продвигала свой роман в Нигерии, один журналист — хороший человек с благими намерениями — сказал, что хочет дать мне совет.

We had a really nice talk.

Мы мило поболтали.

She said, The nice thing about being Catholic is we don’t have to speak, and that’s good, because we’re not word people.

Она сказала: Одна из особенностей католиков — молчание, это очень удобно, ведь мы не из тех, кто высказывается.

It’s substance and how we act, and the nice thing about Donald Trump is he smashed our categories.

Такова уж наша сущность, и к чести Дональда Трампа, что он разбил в пух и прах все наши категории.

Our societies have become really diverse, which makes it difficult for pollsters to get a really nice representative sample of the population for their polls.

Наше общество стало очень разнообразным, поэтому социологам трудно получить действительно репрезентативную выборку населения для участия в опросах.

This is a nice shot of the whole thing here.

Вот удачный кадр.

The explosion had been caused by a water heater, so nobody was hurt, and ultimately it was not a big deal, but later Skip came up to me and said, Nice job, Caroline, in this surprised sort of voice.

Взрыв произошёл из — за водонагревателя, никто не пострадал и, в сущности, всё было не так уж страшно, но позже Скип подошёл ко мне и сказал: Молодчина, Кэролайн — и в его голосе звучало удивление.

And then it became clear: Skip, who was by the way a really nice guy and an excellent firefighter, not only thought that women could not be strong.

А затем стало понятно: Скип — который, между прочим, был очень хорошим парнем и отличным пожарным — считал, что женщины не могут быть сильными.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could treat that in some way using robots that could eat the pollution the oil fields have produced?

Разве не замечательно бы было как — то исправить это дело, используя роботы, способные есть загрязнения этих нефтяных пятен?

So wouldn’t it be nice if these robots, instead of being like this, made out of plastic, were made out of other materials, which when you throw them out there, they biodegrade to nothing?

Поэтому не было бы лучше, если вместо того, чтобы делать их из пластика, как сейчас, они бы были из другого материала, который, когда выбрасываешь, саморазлагался бы полностью?

If you put it in your mouth — the lemon’s quite nice.

Положите в рот — лимон вкусненький.

The lemon’s quite nice.

Лимон вкусненький.

Kahneman had a nice way of referring to that.

Канеман метко описал это.

Because even the newspapers at this point were starting to write nice things about brown people, so I could feel that my superpower was growing.

Потому что даже газеты в то время начали писать положительные вещи о выходцах с Востока, и я чувствовала, что мои сверхспособности развиваются.

Land masses began to emerge from the surface of the oceans, and another creature thought, Hey, that looks like a really nice piece of real estate.

Вскоре дно океана начало превращаться в материки, и уже другой организм подумал: Ого, да это же похоже на отличный вариант недвижимости.

Once on land, they may have looked up into the sky and said, It would be nice to go to the clouds.

Оказавшись на суше, они могли взглянуть на небо, подумав: Было бы классно взмыть в облака.

Agreeable people are warm and friendly, they’re nice, they’re polite.

Доброжелательные люди дружелюбны, милы, вежливы.

This is the person who’s nice to your face, and then will stab you right in the back.

Это тот тип людей, которые мило улыбаются, а затем всаживают нож тебе в спину.

With more data, the little bump will either turn into a nice, crisp Nobel Prize.

Большое число данных может либо превратить маленькую неровность в новенькую Нобелевскую премию.

Or the extra data will fill in the space around the bump and turn it into a nice, smooth line.

Либо заполнить пространство вокруг этой неровности и вернуть линии плавность.

She was like, Hey, would anyone say anything nice about these people?

Она мямлила: Может, кто — то хочет сказать что — то хорошее об этих ребятах?

So behave next year — someone might say something nice about you.

В следующем году веди себя хорошо , и о тебе тоже скажут что — то приятное.

And then they’ve evolved further to become not just nice to have but essential to have.

Их развитие дошло до того, что теперь они не просто удобны, а необходимы.

So this pattern emerges, and it’s a rather nice pattern.

Такая закономерность возникает, и она довольно красивая.

And I think this is a nice day-to-day definition.

Я думаю, это замечательное определение математики на каждый день.

This is a very nice pattern, and it’s true, because 5 + 5 = 2 • 5, etc.

Замечательное уравнение, и оно верно, поскольку 5 + 5 = 2 • 5, и так далее.

So these are all nice representations, but I want to go a little bit further and just play more with this number.

Все эти представления хороши , но я хочу ещё немного углубиться и поиграть с этим числом.

Bla, not a lot, bla bla, you want a nice bit of chitchat, and bla bla bla, you’re not going to stop talking the entire way from London to Paris.

Bla — немного, bla bla — вы не прочь поболтать чуть — чуть, и bla bla bla — вы будете болтать без умолку всю дорогу от Лондона до Парижа.

And here’s the action one more time, nice and slow.

И вот это движение ещё раз, медленно и чётко.

You will not have a conflict with nice neighbors.

Ты просто не хочешь ссориться с нашими отличными новыми соседями.

I have some great red birch with a nice spalting.

У меня есть отличная красная берёза и хорошая древесная краска.

I imagine that chiffon alone would not look very nice.

Этот шифон и сам по себе неплохо бы смотрелся.

Go to work, retire on a nice government pension.

Пошел на работу, уволился бы с хорошей пенсией.

Nice to see you got some sense of humor left.

Приятно видеть, что у тебя еще осталось чувство юмора.

That’s so awfully nice of you, Mr. Healy.

Это ужасно мило с вашей стороны, Мистер Хейли.

He had high cheekbones and a nice, straight nose.

У него были высокие скулы и красивый, прямой нос.

We had a nice little chat with Constable

У нас был небольшой милый разговор с констеблем

A nice little gift, courtesy of Detective Jerry Barber.

Прекрасный маленький подарок, любезность от детектива Джерри Барбера.

Ishaq knew which officials lived in the nice homes.

Он отлично знал чиновников, живших в тех великолепных домах.

It is pink and nice.

Он розовый и красивый.

It is nice and large.

Это хороший и большой.

They are clever and nice.

Они умные и хорошие .

She is a nice funny little girl.

Она милая смешная маленькая девочка.

Our kitchen is small, but it is nice.

Наша кухня небольшая, но приятно.

Our bathroom is clean and nice.

Наша ванная комната чистая и приятная.

I help my parents about the house and our flat is always clean and nice.

Я помогаю моим родителям о доме и квартире всегда чисто и приятно.

My mother bought me a nice suit and new shoes.

Мама купила мне хороший костюм и новые туфли.

Have a nice journey.

Приятного путешествия.

Children going to school with their bags and flowers on the first school day look so clean and nice.

Дети ходят в школу с сумками и цветами в первый день школы выглядят так чисто и красиво.

Nice to meet you.

Приятно познакомиться.

I’d say the ideal is, probably, a mom, dad, two cars, maybe three cars if you’ve got the kid in high school, a suburban home, a nice big garage, in probably a sub, a suburb of a big city, and two, yeah, or three kids, but more and more there’s a lot of divorce, which is probably breaking up that model.

Идеальная семья это, скорее всего, мама, папа, две машины, а может даже три машины, если ребенок учится в старших классах, дом в пригороде, большой хороший гараж, скорее всего, на окраине большого города, и два или три ребенка, но разводов становится все больше и больше, что, скорее всего, разрушает эту модель.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:4.3 / 7 votes

  1. niceadjective

    friendly, delightful, lovely, sweet, pleasant, kind, charming

    nasty, horrible, horrid

  2. niceadjective

    tasty, moreish, appetizing, delicious, appetising, scrummy, scrumptious

    putrid, disgusting, rank, foul, distasteful, horrible, horrid, nauseating, gross, nasty, rancid, sickening, awful, unsatisfactory

  3. niceadjective

    Showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment; subtle.

    subtle, fine

  4. niceadjective

    What is a nice person like you doing in a place like this?


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. nice

    Fine (Latin finis, end) denotes that which has been brought to a full end, finished. From this root-sense many derived meanings branch out, causing words quite remote from each other to be alike synonyms of fine. That which is truly finished, brought to an ideal end, is excellent of its kind, and beautiful, if a thing that admits of beauty; as, a fine house, fine trees, a fine woman, a fine morning; if a thing that admits of the removal of impurities, it is not finished till these are removed, and hence fine signifies clarified, clear, pure, refined; as, fine gold. That which is finished is apt to be polished, smooth to the touch, minutely exact in outline; hence fine comes to be a synonym for all words like dainty, delicate, exquisite; as, fine manners, a fine touch, fine perceptions. As that which is delicate is apt to be small, by an easy extension of meaning fine becomes a synonym for slender, slight, minute, comminuted; as, a fine thread, fine sand; or for filmy, tenuous, thin; as, a fine lace, fine wire; and as a thin edge is keen, sharp, fine becomes also a synonym for these words; as, a fine point, a fine edge. Compare BEAUTIFUL; MINUTE.

    beautiful, clarified, clear, comminuted, dainty, delicate, elegant, excellent, exquisite, fine, gauzy, handsome, keen, minute, polished, pure, refined, sensitive, sharp, slender, slight, small, smooth, splendid, subtile, subtle, tenuous, thin

    big, blunt, clumsy, coarse, great, heavy, huge, immense, large, rude, stout, thick

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. nice

    fastidious, scrupulous, accurate, neat, discerning, dainty, pleasant, agreeable, exact, fine, finished, particular

    coarse, unscrupulous, inaccurate, rude, rough, undiscriminating, nasty, nauseous, disagreeable

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.8 / 5 votes

  1. Niceadjective

    a city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean; the leading resort on the French Riviera

    unfastidious, unrespectable, nasty, mean, imprecise, awful, filthy, hateful, impolite, grotty, lousy, dirty

  2. niceadjective

    pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance

    «what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty»- George Meredith; «nice manners»; «a nice dress»; «a nice face»; «a nice day»; «had a nice time at the party»; «the corn and tomatoes are nice today»

    dainty, courteous, overnice, gracious, squeamish, skillful, prissy, decent

    mean, hateful, nasty, lousy, awful, unrespectable, filthy, grotty, impolite, unfastidious, imprecise, dirty

  3. decent, niceadjective

    socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous

    «from a decent family»; «a nice girl»

    comme il faut, courteous, overnice, adequate, decorous, comely, becoming, squeamish, gracious, dainty, enough, skillful, nice, prissy, seemly, decent

    impolite, hateful, filthy, imprecise, dirty, unfastidious, awful, grotty, unrespectable, lousy, nasty, mean

  4. nice, skillfuladjective

    done with delicacy and skill

    «a nice bit of craft»; «a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer»; «a nice shot»

    dainty, courteous, skilful, overnice, proficient, good, gracious, squeamish, practiced, adept, skillful, nice, prissy, expert, decent

    dirty, lousy, unrespectable, awful, mean, grotty, hateful, unfastidious, nasty, impolite, filthy, imprecise

  5. dainty, nice, overnice, prissy, squeamishadjective

    excessively fastidious and easily disgusted

    «too nice about his food to take to camp cooking»; «so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow»

    mincing, straitlaced, prissy, squeamish, decent, dainty, puritanical, straightlaced, priggish, overnice, skillful, straight-laced, gracious, tight-laced, nice, strait-laced, niminy-piminy, courteous, prudish, victorian, prim, exquisite, twee, square-toed

    imprecise, lousy, grotty, unrespectable, awful, unfastidious, nasty, mean, hateful, impolite, dirty, filthy

  6. courteous, gracious, niceadjective

    exhibiting courtesy and politeness

    «a nice gesture»

    courteous, overnice, squeamish, gracious, dainty, benignant, nice, prissy, skillful, decent

    grotty, unfastidious, lousy, impolite, hateful, dirty, filthy, awful, mean, imprecise, nasty, unrespectable

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. niceadjective

    exact, accurate, precise, critical, definite, strict, rigorous

  2. niceadjective

    fastidious, dainty, squeamish, punctilious, finical, difficult, over-scrupulous, exacting, hard to please, very particular

  3. niceadjective

    subtile, fine, refined, minute

  4. niceadjective

    delicate, dainty, luscious, soft, tender, savory, delicious, palatable

  5. niceadjective

    [Colloquial.] pleasant, agreeable, delightful, good

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. niceadjective

    fastidious, exacting, particular, punctilious, queasy, finical, difficult, squeamish, dainty, delicate, refined, dainty, discriminating, scrupulous, precise, discerning, subtle, exquisite, agreeable, pleasant, enjoyable, gratifying, fine, neat, finished

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «nice»:

    beautiful, pretty, sweet, lovely, pleasant, good, cute, handsome, fun, cool, belle, fine, enjoyable, gentle, good-looking, bel, happy, beau, charming, well, owl, neat, joli, great, sympathetic, agreeable, pleased, gentil, kind, jolie, chouette, jamil, delighted, -nice, beautifui, nice-looking, ravi, super, wonderful, fancy, pleasure, gorgeous

Suggested Resources

  1. nice

    Song lyrics by nice — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by nice on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. NICE

    What does NICE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the NICE acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

How to pronounce Nice?

How to say Nice in sign language?

How to use Nice in a sentence?

  1. Donald Trump:

    They were trying to be nice, but it’s hard.

  2. Kenneth Chee:

    Getting married would be a nice acknowledgment of our relationship and love for each other but at this point, it isn’t the most important thing, but it( puzzles me) how our marriage would affect straight marriages, that I don’t understand.

  3. Jeff Bezos:

    Any astronauts on board would have had a very nice journey into space and a smooth return.

  4. Nate Lashley:

    It was nice to get off to a good start, kind of calmed my nerves a little bit.

  5. Friday Trump:

    I will do just fine with David Cameron. I think he’s a nice guy. I will do just fine, but they have asked me to visit 10 Downing Street — and I might do it.

Translations for Nice

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • عَطِر, لطيف, عَطِرة, حسن, طيبة, طيبArabic
  • pěkný, příjemný, milý, krásný, hezký, pěkněCzech
  • pænDanish
  • hübsch, super, nett, freundlich, wunderbar, angenehm, toll, lieb, schön, geil, lecker, sympathischGerman
  • ωραίας, καλός, νόστιμοςGreek
  • belaEsperanto
  • simpático, bueno, agradable, bello, bonito, rico, lindo, amableSpanish
  • maitsev, meeldiv, kenaEstonian
  • atseginBasque
  • دلپذیر, ناز, پسندیده, خوشبو, خوشمزهPersian
  • mukavaFinnish
  • bon, belle, jolie, joli, bonne, beauFrench
  • deasIrish
  • laghach, snogScottish Gaelic
  • יפה, נעה, נחמד, נעימה, נחמדה, נעיםHebrew
  • अच्छाHindi
  • szép, kellemesHungarian
  • buono, gentile, bella, bello, buona, simpaticoItalian
  • 快い, 可愛い, 良いJapanese
  • 좋은Korean
  • lepidusLatin
  • aantrekkelijke, mooi, knappe, fijn, aangenaam, fijne, lekker, aangename, aantrekkelijk, mooie, lekkere, leuk, knap, netjes, goed zoDutch
  • pen, fin, hyggelig, sympatiskNorwegian
  • miły, przyjemnyPolish
  • bonito, agradável, bom, simpático, beleza, ótimoPortuguese
  • милый, приятный, симпатичный, тонкий, вкусный, хорошийRussian
  • krásny, pekný, príjemný, milýSlovak
  • fin, smaklig, vacker, läcker, vänlig, sympatisk, god, najs, snyggSwedish
  • nzuriSwahili
  • ఆకర్షణీయమైన, పసందైనTelugu
  • ดีThai
  • iyi, hoş, güzelTurkish
  • اچھاUrdu
  • đẹpVietnamese
  • 不错Chinese

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1    agreeable, amiable, attractive, charming, commendable, courteous, delightful, friendly, good, kind, likable or likeable, pleasant, pleasurable, polite, prepossessing, refined, well-mannered  

2    dainty, fine, neat, tidy, trim  

3    accurate, careful, critical, delicate, discriminating, exact, exacting, fastidious, fine, meticulous, precise, rigorous, scrupulous, strict, subtle  

4    cultured, genteel, refined, respectable, virtuous, well-bred  

1    awful, disagreeable, dreadful, mean, miserable, unfriendly, unkind, unpleasant, vulgar  

2    coarse, crude, rough, shabby, sloppy     (informal)  

3    careless, rough, sloppy     (informal)   vague  

4    coarse, crude, ill-bred, vulgar  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( nicer    comparative)   ( nicest    superlative  )

1       adj   If you say that something is nice, you mean that you find it attractive, pleasant, or enjoyable.  
oft it v-link ADJ to-inf  
I think silk ties can be quite nice…, It’s nice to be here together again…, We had a nice meal with a bottle of champagne.     

  nicely      adv   ADV after v, ADV -ed/adj  
He’s just written a book, nicely illustrated and not too technical…     

2       adj   If you say that it is nice of someone to say or do something, you are saying that they are being kind and thoughtful. This is often used as a way of thanking someone.  
it v-link ADJ of n to-inf, v-link ADJ of n  

It’s awfully nice of you to come all this way to see me…, `How are your boys?’—`How nice of you to ask.’…     

3       adj   If you say that someone is nice, you mean that you like them because they are friendly and pleasant.,   (Antonym: unpleasant)
He was a nice fellow, very quiet and courteous.     

  niceness      n-uncount  
Mr Pearce was rather bowled over by his niceness, his concern and his ordinariness.     

4       adj   If you are niceto people, you are friendly, pleasant, or polite towards them.  
v-link ADJ, oft ADJ to n  
She met Mr and Mrs Ricciardi, who were very nice to her.     

  nicely      adv   ADV after v  
He treated you very nicely and acted like a decent guy.     

5       adj   When the weather is nice, it is warm and pleasant.  
He nodded to us and said, `Nice weather we’re having.’     

6       adj   You can use nice to emphasize a particular quality that you like.  
ADJ adj n, v-link ADJ and adj, ADJ and adv after v     (emphasis)
With a nice dark colour, the wine is medium to full bodied…, Add the oats to thicken the mixture and stir until it is nice and creamy…     

7       adj   A nice point or distinction is very clear, precise, and based on good reasoning.  
FORMAL   Those are nice academic arguments, but what about the immediate future?     

  nicely      adv   ADV after v  
I think this puts the problem very nicely.     

8       adj   You can use nice when you are greeting people. For example, you can say `Nice to meet you’, `Nice to have met you’, or `Nice to see you’.  
it v-link ADJ to-inf     (formulae)
Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend…, `It’s so nice to see you,’ said Charles.     

Someone who is nice-looking is physically attractive.      adj  

I saw this nice-looking man in a gray suit…, We got on very well and she was very nice-looking.     

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