Синонимы слова nasty

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • nasty [ˈnɑːstɪ] прил

    1. неприятный, противный, отвратительный, мерзкий, скверный, плохой, гадкий, дурной, нехороший, омерзительный

      (unpleasant, disgusting, ugly, bad)

      • nasty surprise – неприятный сюрприз
      • nasty smell – противный запах
      • nasty temper – отвратительный характер
      • nasty weather – мерзкая погода
      • nasty character – скверный характер
      • nasty monster – гадкий монстр
      • nasty taste – дурной вкус
    2. опасный


    3. грязный, пакостный


    4. злобный


    5. непристойный


    6. поганый, паршивый

      (filthy, lousy)

    7. ужасный


      • nasty things – ужасная вещь
    8. мерзопакостный

  • nasty [ˈnɑːstɪ] сущ

    1. гадостьж, мерзостьж, пакостьж

      (filth, trick)

  • nasty [ˈnɑːstɪ] нареч

    1. гадко

неприятный unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, distasteful, obnoxious, unpalatable
противный nasty, contrary, disgusting, repugnant, obnoxious, yucky
скверный bad, nasty, foul, poor, ugly, grisly
гадкий nasty, loathsome, naughty, beastly, foul, rotten
мерзкий nasty, lousy, filthy, detestable, blackguardly, ghoulish
отвратительный disgusting, hideous, heinous, abominable, revolting, nasty
злобный vicious, malicious, spiteful, malevolent, catty, nasty
грязный dirty, messy, filthy, muddy, foul, nasty
опасный dangerous, hazardous, unsafe, perilous, risky, nasty
непристойный obscene, indecent, lewd, unseemly, salacious, nasty
ненастный nasty, dirty
угрожающий threatening, menacing, ominous, rampant, critical, nasty
своенравный wayward, capricious, willful, restive, crotchety, nasty
неприличный indecent, obscene, rude, improper, unbecoming, nasty

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • nasty сущ

    • ugly · disgusting · vile · hideous · obnoxious · loathsome · despicable · sickening
    • dirty · muddy
    • filthy · sordid · trashy · unclean
    • horrible · dreadful
    • bad · awful · horrid · lousy · rotten · inclement · scabby
    • wicked · evil
    • vicious · spiteful
    • foul


  • unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting, distasteful, awful, dreadful, horrible, terrible, vile, foul, abominable, frightful, loathsome, revolting, repulsive, odious, sickening, nauseating, repellent, repugnant, horrendous, appalling, atrocious, offensive, objectionable, obnoxious, unsavory, unappetizing, off-putting, noxious, foul-smelling, smelly, stinking, rank, fetid, malodorous, mephitic, ghastly, horrid, gruesome, diabolical, yucky, skanky, godawful, gross, beastly, lousy, funky, miasmal, noisome
  • unpleasant, disagreeable, foul, filthy, inclement, wet, stormy, cold, blustery, blizzardy
  • unkind, unpleasant, unfriendly, disagreeable, rude, churlish, spiteful, malicious, mean, ill-tempered, ill-natured, vicious, malevolent, obnoxious, hateful, hurtful, bitchy, catty
  • serious, dangerous, bad, awful, dreadful, terrible, severe, painful, ugly
  • annoying, irritating, infuriating, disagreeable, unpleasant, maddening, exasperating
  • obscene, indecent, offensive, crude, rude, dirty, filthy, vulgar, foul, gross, disgusting, pornographic, smutty, lewd, sick, X-rated
  • foul, filthy
  • smutty, foul, filthy, cruddy
  • awful
  • tight

Предложения со словом «nasty»

Life was nasty , brutish and a very long time ago.

Жизнь была отвратительна и жестока, и этот период очень давно закончился.

In this book she tells the story, as an example, of how a very nasty insect pest of livestock was eliminated in the last century.

В этой книге она рассказывает историю об очень противном насекомом — вредителе для скота, который был ликвидирован в прошлом веке.

In fact, some of us are downright nasty .

Как я уже упоминал, мы ведём себя плохо.

Were you fooled by the epithets of nasty or less than?

Одурачили тебя словами непристойно или меньше чем?

The nasty stares, the palpable fear when boarding a plane, the random pat downs at airports that happen 99 percent of the time.

Пристальные настырные взгляды, физически ощущаемый страх при посадке в самолёт, постоянные обыски в аэропорту, производимые в 99% случаев.

They wear platform shoes On their nasty little feet

Они носят обувь на платформе на своих непослушных маленьких ножках.

She violated your orifice with her nasty alien probe?

Она засунула тебе в глотку свой отвратный иноземный зонд?

He had the nasty feeling they were being watched.

У него было неприятное ощущение, что за ними наблюдают.

A nasty surprise designed to shake up the intelligence community.

Неприятный сюрприз, который должен встряхнуть все разведывательное сообщество.

I’ve just composed a particularly nasty epitaph for him.

А я только что сочинила особенно противную эпитафию для него.

A nasty virus crashed 1,500 systems in one day.

противный вирус заразил 1, 500 систем за один день.

And then you turned me into a nasty little slut.

А затем вы превратили меня в отвратительную маленькую шлюху.

She has a nasty case of sickle cell trait.

У нее мерзкий случай серповидно — клеточной анемии

Hell might be a very nasty place for Nicky Baco.

Ад может оказаться для Ники Бако очень скверным местом.

Sounds like one nasty tug-of-war.

Звучит как грязное перетягивание каната

And I’ll protect my daddy from nasty Mr. Kant!

И я защищу отца от грязного мистера Канта

I don’t get any nasty vibe off him.

Я не уловил никакой порочной вибрации, исходящей от него.

Does not carry disease from those nasty telltale scars and scabs

Без ужасных шрамов и струпьев, говорящих о болезнях.

A nasty bruise was swelling and purpling along her temple.

На виске ее вспухал и наливался цветом здоровый кровоподтек.

Stop screaming and hide your nasty junk yard, Hamiltrash.

Не надо кричать И спрячь свою отвратительную свалку, Хамильмусор

Already she had given the murderer one very nasty moment.

Она уже и раньше ставила убийцу в весьма щекотливое положение.

It’s rather difficult to say what season is the best one, however dull and nasty or charming and marvellous the weather may be.

Довольно трудно сказать, какое время года самое лучшее, какой бы скучной и ненастной или прелестной и изумительной ни была погода.

It is very important to pull out by the roots to get rid of the nasty weeds, so it does not survive and grow together with the grass.

Очень важно вырывать их с корнями, чтобы они не росли вместе с травой.

Do my Algerian origins or nasty temper make me so rebellious?

Наверно, моё алжирское происхождение или мой скверный характер делают меня такой склонной к протесту .

A devil pours the nasty sulfur oozing from a horn down a man’s throat.

А вот чёрт льёт мерзкую серную жижу из рога прямо в чью — то глотку.

Louis described stuff that could be made from the nasty residue after one makes fuel.

Луис описал вещество, которое можно изготовить из того, что остается после изготовления топлива.

So I’m just going to forward her some especially nasty texts.

Поэтому я просто перешлю несколько ее особо гадких сообщений.

Last time we’ll ever eat pizza and nasty tater tots in the cafeteria.

В последний раз будем есть пиццу и картофельные шарики в буфете.

He’s just like a cat watching a mouse with a nasty sharp-clawed paw all ready to pounce.

Точно кошка, которая следит за мышью, и уже выпустила когти и готова к прыжку.

Then a nasty suspicion formed at the back of his mind.

Тут в затылочной части его мозга зародилось нехорошее подозрение.

With the hand light, the descent was slightly less nasty than the ascent into the unknown had been.

Благодаря фонарику спуск оказался немного менее утомительным, чем подъем в неизвестное.

Infection has a nasty habit of taking advantage of our everyday behaviors.

У инфекций есть скверная привычка пользоваться нашим ежедневным поведением.

His nasty , spiteful and suspicious- looking little eyes were lost in fat and seemed to be peeping through chinks.

Скверные, злые и подозрительные глаза заплыли жиром и глядели как из щелочек.

There was a thin trail of smoke rising and a nasty scent of scorching meat and hair.

Там поднимался слабый дымок и в воздухе висел отвратительный запах горящего мяса и шерсти.

They’ve suffered a double node failure in their forward sail, and they took some nasty casualties when the nodes blew.

У них авария двух узлов переднего паруса, и они понесли тяжелые потери при взрыве.

He was being nursemaided by a fifty-year-old battleax of a midget who carried a nasty halberd on her back, and continuously sang snatches of dirty songs.

Его опекала пятидесятилетняя кроха с уродливой алебардой за спиной, непрерывно распевавшая непристойные песни.

So I’m faking a back spasm And nasty kathy’s taking my spot at sectionals.

Я пока притворяюсь, что болит спина, а мерзавка Кэти подменяет меня на отборочных.

Some kid figured out he could skate those empty pools and get some real nasty air.

Какой — то пацан сообразил, что можно кататься в пустых бассейнах и вытворять всякие трюки.

You know, high-stress situations can cause our immune system to lose its potency and make us susceptible to all kinds of nasty things.

Знаете, стрессовые ситуации могут вызывать потерю иммунитета, чтобы делает нас восприимчивыми ко всяким мерзким штучкам.

Nasty green gunk, but he loved them, ate them for breakfast.

Ужасная зеленая смесь, но он любил ее, кушал на завтрак.

The captain managed to miss a killing blow, but took a nasty wound in the leg.

Смертельного удара ему удалось избежать, но он получил паршивую рану в ногу.

Raven does not do that unless he expects the situation to get nasty .

Ворон точил нож лишь в том случае, если ожидал, что ситуация станет паршивой.

The datapackage briefing I’ve had from Admiral Farquar gave me a nasty jolt.

Архив данных, переданный адмиралом Фаркваром, меня здорово потряс.

Seems that those nasty little rodents just ruined the sugarcane crop.

Кажется, те противные маленькие грызуны просто уничтожили урожай сахарного тростника.

Instead of the cool early morning smell of the forest there was a nasty stink like the mess cats make.

Вместо свежего утреннего лесного запаха нас встретила здесь мерзкая вонь, словно где — то нагадили кошки.

There was a nasty smile playing around her wide, slack mouth, but he did not care.

Обвисший, жабий рот растянулся в мерзкой ухмылке, но Гарри было наплевать.

The picture changes to one of pound coins raining onto the floor, and my stomach gives a nasty flip.

Картинка на экране сменяется дождем падающих на пол монет, и я съеживаюсь от ужаса.

Humankind and its allies were locked in a ferocious struggle with a nasty enemy.

Человечество со своими союзниками вступило в схватку со страшным врагом.

She says this nasty mess of a Double is lucky, and has to be given his chance.

Она несет вздор, что этот дублер принесет тебе удачу, что ему нужно дать шанс.

There was also a nasty series of parallel scratches from the vagrant’s fingernails down his forehead and over his nose.

На лбу и носу красовались свежие царапины, оставленные ногтями того же бедолаги.

They were filthy animals with nasty tempers even on their best days.

Грязные животные с отвратительным характером даже в лучшие дни.

Harry Rex kept a nasty black cigar tucked into the left side of his mouth.

Гарри Рекс держал в левом углу рта отвратительную черную сигару.

He’s got a nasty scar on his cheek, and an ugly club in his hand.

У него ужасный шрам на щеке и уродливая дубина в руках.

They’re pumping something nasty off this island to the mainland.

Они откачивают какую — то гадость с острова на материк.

His skin was peeling in nasty big pale flakes, stuck in the stuff.

Кожа, смазанная этой дрянью, шелушилась противными , большими, бледными лохмотьями.

The rule book’s been torn up now and America is wiping its nasty ass with it.

Свод правил разорван в клочья и Америка подтирает им свою грязную жопу.

Even the nasty fact of Technician’s status seemed bearable under those conditions.

На таких условиях даже отвратительное звание Техника казалось почти сносным.

Her left heel shot back and nearly caught me a nasty blow on the shin.

Ее левая пятка метнулась назад, и я чуть было не получил серьезный синяк на ноге.

Why am I scrubbing those nasty things, when now you can afford to buy me new ones?

Зачем я драю эти грязные вещи, ведь теперь ты сможешь купить мне новые?

His nasty disposition has prompted local zoo officials to put the proud cat on a short leash inside his pen.

Его злой нрав вынудил управление зоопарка посадить гордое животное на короткий поводок.

What is another word for Nasty?

  • attitude, character trait

  • like, attitude

  • attitude, character trait

  • serious

  • character trait, indecent

Use filters to view other words, we have 2061 synonyms for nasty.

Synonyms for nasty

If you know synonyms for Nasty, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.

Similar words of nasty

  • APA
  • MLA
  • CMS

  • awful
  • dirty
  • fierce
  • horrible
  • icky
  • murderous
  • noxious
  • obnoxious
  • ornery
  • outrageous
  • rough
  • tough
  • unpleasant
  • vile
  • vulgar
  • beastly
  • disagreeable
  • filthy
  • foul
  • gross
  • grubby
  • hellish
  • horrid
  • impure
  • loathsome
  • lousy
  • malodorous
  • mephitic
  • nauseating
  • noisome
  • objectionable
  • obscene
  • odious
  • poison
  • polluted
  • raunchy
  • repellent
  • repugnant
  • repulsive
  • revolting
  • sickening
  • soiled
  • squalid
  • stinking
  • unappetizing
  • unclean
  • uncleanly
  • ungodly
  • unholy
  • yucky
  • dirty
  • ribald
  • unseemly
  • vulgar
  • wicked
  • blue
  • coarse
  • filthy
  • foul
  • gross
  • immodest
  • immoral
  • improper
  • impure
  • indecorous
  • indelicate
  • lascivious
  • lewd
  • licentious
  • obscene
  • pornographic
  • raunchy
  • scatological
  • shameful
  • X-rated
  • annoying
  • cruel
  • distasteful
  • evil
  • fierce
  • hateful
  • ornery
  • ruthless
  • sarcastic
  • unkind
  • unpleasant
  • vicious
  • vile
  • wicked
  • abusive
  • beastly
  • critical
  • despicable
  • disagreeable
  • down and dirty
  • malevolent
  • malicious
  • malign
  • malignant
  • sordid
  • spiteful
  • squalid
  • bad
  • damaging
  • noxious
  • painful
  • serious
  • severe
  • ugly
  • critical
  • harmful
  • poisonous

On this page you’ll find 311 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to nasty, such as: awful, dirty, fierce, horrible, icky, and murderous.

antonyms for nasty

  • agreeable
  • calm
  • delightful
  • easy
  • facile
  • gentle
  • good
  • kind
  • mild
  • nice
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • polite
  • pure
  • refined
  • sterile
  • tender
  • wonderful
  • aiding
  • assisting
  • clean
  • decent
  • friendly
  • great
  • happy
  • helpful
  • helping
  • magnificent
  • moral
  • safe
  • clean
  • decent
  • moral
  • nice
  • agreeable
  • aiding
  • assisting
  • friendly
  • great
  • happy
  • helpful
  • helping
  • kind
  • magnificent
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • safe
  • wonderful
  • agreeable
  • compassionate
  • considerate
  • decent
  • friendly
  • gentle
  • giving
  • good
  • kind
  • moral
  • nice
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • sympathetic
  • aiding
  • assisting
  • clean
  • great
  • happy
  • helpful
  • helping
  • magnificent
  • safe
  • wonderful
  • beneficial
  • easy
  • good
  • helpful
  • pleasant
  • agreeable
  • aiding
  • assisting
  • clean
  • decent
  • friendly
  • great
  • happy
  • helping
  • kind
  • magnificent
  • moral
  • pleasing
  • safe
  • wonderful

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


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How to use nasty in a sentence

You pouted and sulked, and had a great fight with nurse, for bringing a nasty boy into the house.


I’m a nasty cross old thing before lunch, Mr. Wentworth, so I don’t come down till afterwards nowadays.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • barbarian
  • barbaric
  • base
  • bawdy
  • blue
  • boorish
  • brutish
  • cheap
  • churlish
  • common
  • crass
  • crude
  • dirty
  • earthy
  • filthy
  • foul
  • foul-mouthed
  • gross
  • gruff
  • ill-bred
  • immodest
  • impolite
  • improper
  • impure
  • incult
  • indelicate
  • inelegant
  • loutish
  • low
  • lowbred
  • mean
  • nasty
  • obscene
  • off-color
  • offensive
  • raffish
  • raunchy
  • raw
  • ribald
  • rough
  • roughneck
  • rude
  • scatological
  • smutty
  • tacky
  • tasteless
  • uncivil
  • uncivilized
  • uncouth
  • uncultivated
  • uncultured
  • unpolished
  • unrefined
  • vulgar
  • vulgarian
  • annoying
  • biting
  • caustic
  • cutting
  • galling
  • hard to take
  • harsh
  • hateful
  • hurtful
  • irritating
  • nasty
  • rough
  • rubbing the wrong way
  • sharp
  • spiky
  • unpleasant
  • acerbic
  • biting
  • caustic
  • cutting
  • dry
  • harsh
  • hateful
  • hurtful
  • mordant
  • nasty
  • offensive
  • sarcastic
  • sharp
  • stinging
  • trenchant
  • vitriolic
  • antagonistic
  • averse
  • contrary
  • hostile
  • nasty
  • unfriendly
  • afraid
  • allergic
  • antagonistic
  • antipathetic
  • contrary
  • disinclined
  • disliking
  • having no use for
  • hesitant
  • hostile
  • ill-disposed
  • indisposed
  • inimical
  • loath
  • nasty
  • perverse
  • reluctant
  • uneager
  • unfavorable
  • unfriendly
  • unwilling
  • abominable
  • alarming
  • appalling
  • atrocious
  • deplorable
  • depressing
  • dire
  • disgusting
  • distressing
  • dreadful
  • fearful
  • frightful
  • ghastly
  • grody
  • gross
  • gruesome
  • grungy
  • harrowing
  • hideous
  • horrendous
  • horrible
  • horrific
  • horrifying
  • nasty
  • offensive
  • repulsive
  • shocking
  • stinking
  • synthetic
  • tough
  • ugly
  • unpleasant
  • unsightly

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


1    dirty, disagreeable, disgusting, filthy, foul, grotty     (slang)   horrible, loathsome, malodorous, mephitic, nauseating, noisome, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, offensive, polluted, repellent, repugnant, sickening, unappetizing, unpleasant, vile, yucky or yukky     (slang)  

2    blue, foul, gross, impure, indecent, lascivious, lewd, licentious, obscene, pornographic, ribald, smutty  

3    abusive, annoying, bad-tempered, despicable, disagreeable, distasteful, malicious, mean, spiteful, unpleasant, vicious, vile  

4    bad, critical, dangerous, painful, serious, severe  

1    admirable, agreeable, enjoyable, nice, pleasant, sweet  

3    decent, kind, nice, pleasant, sweet  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( nastier    comparative)   ( nastiest    superlative  )

1       adj   Something that is nasty is very unpleasant to see, experience, or feel.  

…an extremely nasty murder…, This divorce could turn nasty.     

  nastiness      n-uncount  
…the nastiness of war.     

2       adj   If you describe a person or their behaviour as nasty, you mean that they behave in an unkind and unpleasant way.  
  (Antonym: nice)
What nasty little snobs you all are…, The guards looked really nasty…, Mummy is so nasty to me when Daddy isn’t here.     

  nastily      adv   ADV after v  
She took the money and eyed me nastily…, Nikki laughed nastily.     

  nastiness      n-uncount  
As the years went by his nastiness began to annoy his readers.     

3       adj   If you describe something as nasty, you mean it is unattractive, undesirable, or in bad taste.  
  (Antonym: nice)
…Emily’s nasty little house in Balham…, That damned Farrel made some nasty jokes here about Mr. Lane.     

4       adj   A nasty problem or situation is very worrying and difficult to deal with.  
usu ADJ n  
A spokesman said this firm action had defused a very nasty situation.     

5       adj   If you describe an injury or a disease as nasty, you mean that it is serious or looks unpleasant.  
Lili had a nasty chest infection.     

video nasty        ( video nasties    plural  ) A video nasty is an extremely violent or frightening film which people can only buy on video.  
  (BRIT)      n-count  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. nasty

    fool, offensive, odious, disagreeable, indelicate, impure, gross, unclean, obscene

    nice, pleasant, sweet, savory, agreeable, pure

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. nasty, awfuladjective

    offensive or even (of persons) malicious

    «in a nasty mood»; «a nasty accident»; «a nasty shock»; «a nasty smell»; «a nasty trick to pull»; «Will he say nasty things at my funeral?»- Ezra Pound

    frightful, dread(a), cruddy, smutty, tight, terrible, amazing, horrific, filthy, awed, fearful, abominable, unspeakable, horrendous, awful, foul, atrocious, tremendous, dreaded, awe-inspiring, awing, dreadful, direful, awesome, frightening, dire, painful, fearsome

    clean, pleasant, nice, good, easy, unobjectionable

  2. nasty, tightadjective

    exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent

    «a nasty problem»; «a good man to have on your side in a tight situation»

    filthy, close, pissed, blind drunk, besotted, awful, slopped, rigorous, mingy, blotto, squiffy, foul, pixilated, cockeyed, crocked, fuddled, tight, soused, compressed, cruddy, sozzled, taut, plastered, miserly, smutty, stiff, stringent, pie-eyed, sloshed, smashed, mean, soaked, loaded, wet

    good, unobjectionable, nice, clean, easy, pleasant

  3. cruddy, filthy, foul, nasty, smuttyadjective

    characterized by obscenity

    «had a filthy mouth»; «foul language»; «smutty jokes»

    awful, filthy, noisome, fetid, revolting, marked-up, foul, lousy, repellent, dirty, distasteful, cruddy, ill-scented, foetid, black, disgustful, stinking, disgusting, afoul(ip), smelly, cheating(a), tight, foul-smelling, loathsome, wicked, yucky, unsportsmanlike, skanky, unsporting, funky, smutty, repelling, loathly, fouled, repellant

    pleasant, unobjectionable, clean, nice, easy, good

  4. filthy, foul, nastyadjective

    disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter

    «as filthy as a pigsty»; «a foul pond»; «a nasty pigsty of a room»

    awful, filthy, noisome, fetid, revolting, marked-up, foul, lousy, repellent, dirty, distasteful, cruddy, ill-scented, foetid, disgustful, stinking, disgusting, afoul(ip), smelly, cheating(a), tight, foul-smelling, loathsome, wicked, yucky, unsportsmanlike, skanky, unsporting, funky, smutty, repelling, loathly, fouled, repellant

    unobjectionable, pleasant, clean, easy, nice, good

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hellified

    the accident was hellified. the outfit that girl was wearing was hellified. in urban lifestyle, it could mean it was good or bad, ( out of this world, sharp or offer). extreme.

    Submitted by EJPraise on January 29, 2022  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. nastyadjective

    filthy, foul, unclean, impure, dirty, polluted, denied, nauseous, disgusting, sickening, loathsome, offensive, repulsive, squalid

  2. nastyadjective

    obscene, smutty, gross, indelicate, lewd, indecent, ribald, loose

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. nastyadjective

    filthy, squalid, foul, polluted, dirty, indecent, indelicate, gross, ribald, lewd, obscene, smutty, shameless, odious, sickening, repulsive, nauseous, disgusting, disagreeable

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «nasty»:

    unpleasant, naughty, disgusting, disagreeable, bad, dirty, ugly, wicked, horrible, filthy, awful

How to pronounce nasty?

How to say nasty in sign language?

How to use nasty in a sentence?

  1. Donald Trump:

    I have heard that she was nasty to me, but she should be. Look what I did to her sons.

  2. Jennifer Aniston:

    I used to take it all very personally — the pregnancy rumors and the whole ‘Oh, she chose career over kids’ assumption, it’s like, ‘You have no clue what’s going on with me personally, medically, why I can’t … can I have kids?’ They don’t know anything, and it was really hurtful and just nasty.

  3. Douglas Muzzio:

    They should have a reality show: ‘The Real Candidates of Staten Island,’ it’s nasty, it’s personal – and it’s enjoyable to watch.

  4. Andrew French:

    She loved everything about it except for the nasty parts that we all know, and she made a point of becoming a police officer to try and change those things.

  5. Missy Kuck:

    I wasn’t really concerned, but let’s be honest, the water was nasty.


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