Синонимы слова matters

What is another word for Matters?

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Варианты (v1)

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  • matter [ˈmætə] сущ

    1. вопросм, предметм, темаж

      (question, subject, topic)

      • matter of time – вопрос времени
      • matter of common sense – вопрос здравого смысла
      • matter of utmost importance – вопрос первостепенной важности
      • matter of high priority – вопрос первостепенной важности
      • national security matter – вопрос национальной безопасности
      • matter of foreign policy – вопрос внешней политики
      • matter of international law – вопрос международного права
      • matter of dispute – предмет спора
    2. делоср


      • matter of taste – дело вкуса
    3. материяж, веществоср


      • cold dark matter – холодная темная материя
      • dissolved organic matter – растворенное органическое вещество
    4. материалм


      • printed matter – печатный материал
    5. поводм


      • matter of concern – повод для беспокойства
    6. содержаниеср


    7. значениеср


      • also matter – также иметь значение
  • matter [ˈmætə] гл

    1. значить, иметь значение


    2. иметь


      • matter little – иметь мало
вопрос question, matter, problem, point, query, item
дело case, business, matter, point, deal, thing
материя matter, material, substance, fabric, stuff
вещество substance, matter, material, agent, stuff
материал material, stuff, fabric, matter, stock
предмет subject, thing, object, matter, article, theme
содержание content, contents, maintenance, substance, keep, keeping
повод occasion, reason, cause, rein, bridle, halter
сущность essence, entity, nature, fact, spirit, substance
предмет обсуждения topic, matter, point at issue
гной pus, matter, purulence
рукопись manuscript, copy, matter
оригинал original, master, eccentric, text, character, oddball
иметь значение matter, mean, signify, count, evaluate, weigh
гноиться fester, suppurate, matter

Предложения со словом «Matters»

But then I said that parenting matters , and that good parenting, if you can call it that, helps children beat the odds and overcome some of those early disadvantages.

Но затем мы узнали о том, как важны родители и что хорошее родительское участие помогает детям преодолеть трудности и справиться с теми неблагоприятными условиями в начале.

on the scale of anything that matters for everyday life.

в масштабе того, что важно для обычной жизни.

Fundamentally, this is the bit that really matters to me on an everyday basis.

По сути, это та часть, которая действительно важна для меня в обыденной жизни.

It matters , because if we want to understand society, if we want to be good citizens, we need to understand the framework on which everything else must be based.

Это важно, потому что если мы хотим понять общество, быть ответственными гражданами, нам нужно понимать базу, на которой всё остальное основывается.

Now, the way we think about this problem matters .

Важно, как мы решаем этот этический вопрос .

And this is helping us form an early picture of what trade-offs people are comfortable with and what matters to them — even across cultures.

Это помогает нам иметь раннее представление о приемлемых компромиссах и о том, что важно людям разных культур.

My opinion matters .

Именно моё мнение имеет значение.

And when we show up at all ages for whatever cause matters most to us — save the whales, save the democracy — we not only make that effort more effective, we dismantle ageism in the process.

И когда мы в любом возрасте активизируемся ради главной для нас цели, спасти китов или спасти демократию, мы не только повышаем эффективность самого процесса, в нём мы уничтожаем эйджизм.

Let’s bring our temple guides with the oracles, and whether this work happens in companies or nonprofits or government or even in the software, all of it matters , because that means we’re collectively committed to making better data, better algorithms, better outputs and better decisions.

Давайте сведём жрецов храма с провидицей, и если провести эту работу в коммерческих или некоммерческих организациях, или в правительстве, или даже в программном обеспечении, всё это будет иметь смысл, потому что это будет значить, что мы действуем сообща ради бо́льших данных, лучших алгоритмов, лучших результатов и лучших решений.

And this matters , because if your job is to block incoming sunlight, you are going to be much more effective in the tropics under that intense tropical sun than you are in higher latitudes.

И это имеет значение, потому что если ваша работа состоит в том, чтобы блокировать поступающий солнечный свет, вы будете гораздо более эффективны в тропиках под этим интенсивным тропическим солнцем, чем в более высоких широтах.

What really matters is how we humans feel about living and working with these machines.

Важно то, какие чувства мы, люди, испытываем, живя и работая бок о бок с этими машинами.

Gender matters everywhere in the world, but I want to focus on Nigeria and on Africa in general, because it is where I know, and because it is where my heart is.

Вопросы гендера касаются всего мира, но я хочу сосредоточиться на Нигерии и на Африке в целом, потому что я хорошо знаю Африку, и моё сердце принадлежит ей.

But what matters even more is our attitude, our mindset, what we believe and what we value about gender.

Но ещё важнее — наше отношение, наш образ мышления, что для нас важно, во что верим, когда речь идёт о гендере.

Gender matters .

Гендер имеет значение.

I discovered that while economic status matters for health, there is more to the story.

Я выяснил, что хотя благосостояние влияет на здоровье, есть ещё кое — что важное.

Discrimination and racism also matters in other profound ways for health.

Расизм и дискриминация могут и по — другому отражаться на здоровье.

What matters most is the moral nature of the society.

Что более важно — нравственная сторона общества.

Do you think enough of his supporters have a greater loyalty to the truth than to any , Like, the principle of not supporting something that is demonstrably not true actually matters , so there will be a correction at some point?

Вы думаете, что большинство его сторонников больше ратуют за правду и принципиально отвергают сфабрикованную информацию, надеясь на то, что правда однажды будет восстановлена?

So far, I’ve only talked about the way data is communicated, but the way it’s collected matters just as much.

До сих пор я говорила о том, как данные интерпретируются, но то, как они собираются, тоже очень важно.

Deliberative batting practice in the moments when it matters most.

Практическая отработка ударов с обсуждением, когда это наиболее важно.

So who codes matters .

Важно, кто пишет код.

On the technical side, how we code matters .

С технической стороны, имеет значение то, как мы пишем код.

And finally, why we code matters .

И наконец, важно, для чего мы пишем код.

Who codes matters , how we code matters and why we code matters .

Важно, кто пишет код, важно, как мы пишем код, и важно, для чего мы пишем код.

Because number one, the answer matters .

Первая: ответ имеет значение.

Making such incendiary statements makes us uncomfortable: Haven’t we moved past the point where race really matters ?

Из — за таких провокационных заявлений мы чувствуем себя некомфортно: разве мы ещё не прошли ту точку, где раса имеет значение?

Now, we also see this idea that black people are people either alternately outside of the bounds of time or stuck in the past, in a scenario where, much as I’m doing right now, a black person stands up and insists that racism still matters , and a person, usually white, says to them, Why are you stuck in the past?

Мы также видим идею того, что чёрные люди либо вне границ времени, либо застряли в прошлом, в ситуации, когда, как я сейчас, чёрный человек встаёт и настаивает на том, что расизм всё ещё имеет значение, и человек, как правило белый, отвечает: Почему вы застряли в прошлом?

More and more decisions — about personal lives, about economic matters , about political matters — are actually being taken by algorithms.

Всё больше и больше решений, будь то личная жизнь, вопросы экономики, вопросы политики, на самом деле принимаются алгоритмами.

You could say that I get paid to argue that the language we use matters , and I would like to argue that many of the metaphors we use to talk about love — maybe even most of them — are a problem.

Вы можете сказать, что мне платят за доказательство значимости нашего языка, и я готова доказать, что многие метафоры, посвящённые любви, возможно, львиная их доля, представляют собой проблему.

Anyway, in 168 hours a week, I think we can find time for what matters to you.

В любом случае в 168 часах недели можно найти время для действительно важных дел.

Even if we are busy, we have time for what matters .

Даже если вы заняты, у нас есть время на то, что важно.

And when we focus on what matters , we can build the lives we want in the time we’ve got.

И когда мы фокусируемся на том, что важно, мы можем построить желаемую жизнь за то время, что у нас есть.

I will show you that they know what matters most in a family, even though their family looks a little different.

Я покажу вам, что они знают, что самое важное для семьи, несмотря на то, что их семья выглядит немного иначе.

It’s the foundation for our social life and for our culture, and it really matters to the way that we live.

Это основа нашей социальной жизни и нашей культуры, и она действительно влияет на то, как мы живём.

Here’s a question that matters .

Перед вами важный вопрос .

So I keep talking about equality like it matters .

Итак, я всё ещё говорю о неравенстве, будто это важно.

But media really matters , and every time I appeared on TV, we saw and experienced a rise in the polls, so I know firsthand how much this matters and why we have to talk about it.

СМИ очень важны, и каждый раз, когда я появлялась на ТВ, мы видели и явно чувствовали увеличение голосов в мою поддержку, и я ощутила на собственном опыте, насколько это важно и почему мы должны об этом говорить.

I could feel my deepest intention, what matters most to me, that human connection that can happen in a space where there’s no resisting or controlling.

Я могла почувствовать глубочайшие помыслы, то, что важно для меня, связь между людьми, то, что происходит там, где нет сопротивления или контроля.

And then there’s space, and in that space feel your vulnerability, what matters most to you, your deepest intention.

Создайте пространство, ощутите там свою уязвимость, то, что для вас важнее всего, ваши глубочайшие помыслы.

The US election matters a lot on that one, too.

Избирательная кампания США беспокоится и об этом.

I can work out, think about personal matters .

Я могу заниматься спортом, думать о личных делах.

William depends on this baron in all matters of war.

Вильгельм целиком полагается на этого барона во всех военных вопросах .

It touched on national security matters that are classified.

Оно касалось вопросов безопасности, которые являются секретными данными.

There’s also the possibility of external forces complicating matters .

Существует также возможность, что внешние силы могут усложнить ситуацию.

I prefer discussing personal matters alone with the family.

Я предпочитаю обсуждать личные дела только в семейном кругу.

Private matters , regarding the death of his son.

Личные вопросы , имеющие некоторое отношение к гибели его сына.

Well, I would recommend going to someone who has been recommended to you, there are a lot of people out there who, a lot of people doing a genuine job, but will talk about things that no palmist really should talk about, like health matters , as I’ve spoken about, death, other illnesses, things that take away somebody’s ability or right to choose.

Ну, я рекомендовал бы идти к тому, кто был рекомендован вам, есть много людей которые, много людей делают настоящую работу, но рассказывают о вещах, о которых хиромантам на самом деле не следует говорить, таких как вопросы здоровья, как я уже говорил, о смерти, других заболеваний, вещах, которые отнимают у людей возможность или право выбора.

But those were matters for psychiatrists or social workers.

Но этим должны заниматься психиатры и воспитатели безнадзорных детей.

I don’t believe it matters what the topic is.

Я не верю, что тема обсуждения имеет значение.

She could not mention money matters to an outsider.

Не могла же она говорить с посторонним о деньгах.

But he’s quite rational and logical in most matters .

Правда, вполне разумный и логичный во многих отношениях.

But law and customs retard progress in such matters .

Но закон и обычай сдерживают прогресс в подобных вопросах .

Your team doesn’t represent players in criminal matters .

Игроки вашей команды не были привлечены к уголовному делу.

There’s so much more, so many personal matters .

Здесь возникает проблема, связанная с моими личными делами.

And with that the discussion turned to domestic matters .

После этого они принялись обсуждать проблемы внутренней политики КНР.

Tone of voice accounts for 33% and words just 7% — so what you say matters much less then how you behave.

Тон голоса составляет 33%, а слова только 7% — таким образом то, что вы говорите гораздо менее важно чем, то как вы ведете себя.

But there’s one thing that matters .

Только одно имеет значение.

If we didn’t read and didn’t attend lessons we wouldn’t have a good idea about different places, different people and their traditions, about different points of view on various matters .

Если бы мы не читали и не посещали уроки, мы не имели бы хорошего представления о разных местах, разных народах и их традициях, о различных точках зрения на те или иные вещи.

It can often make people change their views on different matters .

Они часто могут заставить людей изменить свои взгляды на разные вещи.

It’s a special unit of society, which matters the most.

Это особая ячейка общества, которая имеет самое большое значение.

What is another word for matters?

233 synonyms found


[ mˈatəz], [ mˈatəz], [ m_ˈa_t_ə_z]

Related words: matter in sentences, matter of fact, matter to, matters of, matter why

Related questions:

  • What is a matter?
  • What is a material matter?
  • Table of Contents

    • n.

      actions (noun)

      • doings.

      components (noun)

      • articles,
      • parts,
      • materials,
      • components,
      • ingredients,
      • elements,
      • members,
      • pieces,
      • fragments,
      • percentages,
      • factors,
      • filaments,
      • features,
      • constituents,
      • sections,
      • fractions,
      • segments,
      • portions,
      • media,
      • items.

      dealings (noun)

      • balls in air,
      • irons in fire,
      • wire pulling.

      doings (noun)

      • goings-on.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • proceedings,
      • world,
      • deal,
      • pursuits,
      • dealings.

      proceedings (noun)

      • re cords,
      • re cord,
      • re-cords,
      • re-cord.

      topics (noun)

      • assertions,
      • assumptions,
      • dissertations,
      • Queries,
      • postulations,
      • considerations,
      • Beliefs,
      • inferences,
      • arguments,
      • problems,
      • statements,
      • contentions,
      • principles,
      • motifs,
      • Bases,
      • Theses,
      • theorems,
      • Ideas,
      • Hypotheses,
      • premises,
      • concepts,
      • opinions,
      • issues,
      • paradigms,
      • questions,
      • themes,
      • texts,
      • presumptions,
      • positions,
      • subjects,
      • axioms,
      • topics,
      • expositions,
      • conjectures,
      • Essays,
      • points.

      world (noun)

      • pro vinces,
      • pro vince,
      • pro-vinces,
      • pro-vince.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • Bodies,
      • accident,
      • budget,
      • numeration,
      • money market,
      • thing,
      • transactions,
      • yields,
      • property,
      • should,
      • amounts,
      • take upon oneself,
      • score,
      • decide,
      • wealth,
      • ways and means,
      • reckoning,
      • senses,
      • problem,
      • puss,
      • looks,
      • assets,
      • affairs,
      • functions,
      • consequences,
      • facts,
      • capital,
      • cores,
      • regards,
      • choice,
      • Duties,
      • almighty dollar,
      • funds,
      • signifies,
      • amours,
      • will,
      • essences,
      • kernels,
      • stuffs,
      • expresses,
      • endeavors,
      • cases,
      • episode,
      • liaisons,
      • wherewithal,
      • bill,
      • seal,
      • condition,
      • resolve,
      • guesses,
      • events,
      • counts,
      • state of affairs,
      • respects,
      • topic,
      • bridge over,
      • flatters,
      • weighs,
      • computes,
      • happenings,
      • circumstances,
      • egresses,
      • Difficulties,
      • conclude,
      • levellers,
      • affair,
      • situation,
      • objects,
      • offsprings,
      • life,
      • interests,
      • causes,
      • residues,
      • as times go,
      • suppurates,
      • needful,
      • judgment,
      • distresses,
      • NATIONALS,
      • incidents,
      • substances,
      • disciplines,
      • task,
      • takes,
      • bailiwicks,
      • fields,
      • maters,
      • make it,
      • significances,
      • Bets,
      • subject,
      • arrange matters,
      • cares,
      • make matters up,
      • librates,
      • come to terms,
      • outlets,
      • attend,
      • involvements,
      • hush up,
      • fix,
      • Focuses,
      • accounts,
      • Emergences,
      • concerns,
      • considers,
      • effects,
      • finance,
      • supplies,
      • mammon,
      • account,
      • affaires,
      • set straight,
      • fact,
      • depends,
      • cash,
      • statistics,
      • business,
      • Intimacies,
      • results,
      • determine,
      • Studies,
      • treasure,
      • appropriates,
      • event,
      • centers,
      • progenies,
      • Publications,
      • payoffs,
      • times,
      • issuances,
      • calls,
      • instances,
      • occupation,
      • Classes,
      • upshots,
      • planers,
      • enumerates,
      • contents,
      • legal tender,
      • be resolved,
      • returns,
      • suppurations,
      • stock,
      • money,
      • relations,
      • as things go,
      • exits,
      • calculates,
      • reckons,
      • outcomes,
      • occurrences,
      • attends,
      • shake hands,
      • hearts,
      • things,
      • imports,
      • presses,
      • undertake.

    How to use «Matters» in context?

    In life, there are few things that are more important than matters. Matter refers to anything that surrounds or affects a person-from their home to their job, to their daily existence. Everything matters. It is the foundation of everything. No matter what we do, no matter how small, it is important. What matters to one person may not matter to another, but in the end, it matters.

    What matters most to us is how we care for ourselves. Everything else is trivial in the grand scheme of things. We must take care of ourselves to be the best that we can be. That is the key to happiness.

    Paraphrases for Matters:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Adverb
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Proper noun, singular
      • Noun, singular or mass
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        subject, questions.
      • Proper noun, plural
        fields, Activities, Difficulties, Studies, Goals, Regulations, Resources, Rights, cases, practices, rules, issues, subjects, aspects, dimensions, questions, problems, topics, panels, peoples, FAQS, Canadians, enquiries, ‘affaires, asuntos.
      • Proper noun, singular
        aboriginal, access, account, addressed, administrative, adoption, advancement, adviser, agenda, agriculture, allocation, america, amor, amur, annex, any, applied, april, as, aspect, assembly, atomic, authorities, availability, awareness, behalf, board, cambodia, canadian, car, case, catalyst, centre, chairperson, charge, chart, circumstances, civil, collaboration, committee, conference, coordination, coordinator, corporate, council, counsel, coverage, crisis, decolonization, description, dimension, discipline, document, domain, dossier, driving, economic, election, engine, english, estate, europe, evidence, examination, executive, expert, factual, far, fields, fighting, financial, force, formal, format, forum, ground, grounds, haiti, headquarters, history, housing, iii, in, integrated, inter, investigation, ip, issue, labour, legal, liaison, lisbon, litigation, made, marks, material, milestone, minister, motor, neo, news, office, officer, operations, organization, panel, papers, peacekeeping, personnel, plan, political, pool, power, pr, problem, programme, promotion, property, proposal, provisions, question, questionnaire, range, realm, recent, record, reform, region, relations, research, score, section, sector, security, see, select, servicing, so, society, space, special, sphere, spots, stake, stakes, state, statutory, subcommittee, subject, survey, technology, terms, tool, topic, welfare, world, Activities, Administered, Anything, Duties, women, Licensing, Lo, Mr., Reached, Relating, Them, briefs, FAQ, rapporteur, Isa, Danny, Goals, Records, Resources, Rights, claims, cases, implications, lawsuits, suits, sections, issues, conditions, events, results, expectations, subjects, aspects, locations, dimensions, engines, questions, features, problems, topics, materials, estates, responsibilities, packs, OL, PORTS, OSCE, WIPO, UNCTAD, FAQS, dossiers, motors, folders, enquiries, packages, joint, domaine, a., 2001, h., materia, aspectos, compte, XXXXXX, ‘affaires, inter-organization, asuntos, enjeux.
      • Noun, plural
        account, acts, administrative, adviser, agenda, annex, applied, article, asia, assets, associated, attention, authorities, basics, belongings, boards, brussels, cards, chapter, charter, circumstances, clothes, communications, costs, credentials, criminal, data, date, dealings, deeds, details, ec, effects, english, existing, eyes, fields, formalities, forum, funds, goods, grounds, heading, hearts, hours, importantly, independence, instructions, issue, knowledge, laws, leaders, letters, marks, material, me, means, media, meeting, needs, nothing, november, occasions, operations, organization, papers, parliament, particularly, pattern, people, personnel, politics, premises, problem, processing, programme, provisions, quarters, questioning, relations, relevant, respects, sales, scopes, scores, sessions, significance, species, spots, stakes, steps, talks, terms, things, times, topic, transactions, urgent, uzbekistan, values, ways, who, words, works, Activities, Agencies, Arenas, B, Bankruptcies, Bodies, Branches, Businesses, C, Capabilities, Categories, Classes, Deficiencies, Difficulties, Duties, Entities, Entries, Families, Firms, Forums, Having, Hypotheses, Ideas, Industries, Interrogatories, Involving, L, Lives, Ones, Opportunities, Parties, Phenomena, Realities, Relating, Territories, Tests, Treaties, Uncertainties, Which, shares, briefs, findings, 38, Commodities, Communities, Complexities, Controversies, Countries, Crises, Criteria, Stories, Studies, Persons, Cas, Animals, Budgets, Charges, Clients, Consultations, Crimes, Efforts, Fears, Forms, Goals, Guidelines, Interviews, Judgments, LINEs, Measurements, Measures, Medicines, Motions, Negotiations, Occupations, Organizations, Patients, Plants, Programs, Publications, Questionnaires, Recommendations, Records, Referrals, Refugees, Regulations, Researchers, Resources, Respondents, Rights, Roles, Suggestions, Surveys, Tracks, Undertakings, defects, releases, disciplines, ministers, directors, heads, officers, conflicts, differences, benefits, agents, partners, colleagues, experiences, skills, disputes, levels, counts, dots, exceptions, violations, contacts, meetings, relationships, touches, gaps, experts, agreements, deals, representatives, claims, approaches, inputs, accidents, chances, contains, demands, ends, successes, appeals, petitions, requests, signals, auditors, accounts, considers, figures, plans, determinations, judgements, methods, systems, statements, notes, documents, scenarios, articles, reports, applications, assignments, attributes, places, sets, assumptions, markets, accusations, actions, allegations, cases, complaints, grievances, implications, lawsuits, prosecutions, suits, stitches, answers, corresponds, objects, submissions, responses, messages, solutions, realms, domains, regions, sections, sectors, zones, practices, factors, motives, sources, commitments, jobs, projects, purposes, powers, exchanges, interests, positions, procedures, tasks, actors, instruments, functions, volunteers, courses, principles, rules, clauses, changes, charts, controls, groups, orders, structures, types, improvements, issues, advisors, fronts, attacks, conditions, disorders, directions, trends, reasons, events, outcomes, results, interventions, tools, agendas, choices, proposals, strategies, subjects, troubles, obligations, headings, objectives, targets, birds, indications, allusions, portions, pieces, amounts, members, tips, references, decisions, elections, options, aspects, locations, modalities, sites, dimensions, models, arguments, discussions, opinions, investigations, probes, trials, comments, deliberations, debates, frameworks, blocks, engines, questions, features, rulings, mechanisms, processes, victims, patterns, norms, nations, seminars, concepts, problems, texts, topics, linkages, shortcomings, ingredients, materials, units, offences, councils, conventions, panels, estates, infringements, observations, remarks, kits, spheres, constraints, obstacles, occurrences, offices, shops, views, contributions, portfolios, chapters, sides, notions, kinds, peoples, streams, responsibilities, pillars, incidents, merits, outlets, doubts, packs, 2000, PTS, PORTS, CAMPS, FACETS, FAQS, IMPACTS, METRS, commonalities, entrepreneurs, indicators, informants, others, perspectives, senators, endpoints, extremes, technologies, dossiers, motors, products, examples, viewpoints, particulars, inscriptions, enrolments, subtopics, clusters, parameters, contexts, registrations, clarifications, solids, imports, departments, listings, advisers, deliverables, organisms, institutions, enquires, maters, competencies, chemicals, omissions, markings, coordinators, participants, folders, sensitivities, instances, individuals, dialogues, lessons, competences, enquiries, packages, i, is, e, behaviours, programmes, organisations, drivers, paras, v., cuestiones, , :, subparagraphs, ‘affaires, sub-topics, temas, sub-items, -rrb-, sujets, , ;.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        brandy, coordinator, issue, material, question, questioning, quiz, subject, welfare, questions, caseload.
      • Adverb
      • Symbol
        B, questions.
      • Verb, past tense
        addressed, appreciation, called, established, found, needed, shut, trouble, wanted, Asked, Came, Dealt, Relating, Were, questions, problems, materials.
      • Verb, gerund or present participle
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
        account, acts, applied, case, change, circumstances, concern, criminal, ec, fields, interest, interested, laws, main, marks, means, meeting, mind, mission, monitoring, needs, paragraph, primary, principal, problem, project, question, relevance, relevant, remains, respects, senior, significance, who, yeah, yes, Does, Has, Him, Comes, Cas, Affects, Charges, Judgments, Plays, Records, goes, takes, experiences, exists, prevails, disputes, counts, dots, relates, touches, welcomes, deals, trusts, approaches, comprises, contains, includes, arrives, applies, accounts, considers, plans, determinations, reports, places, refers, cases, domains, factors, projects, interests, makes, rules, changes, brings, controls, cares, wishes, issues, covers, interventions, subjects, headings, expects, intends, follows, seeks, amounts, provides, decisions, aspects, reflects, hopes, relies, questions, features, employs, rulings, reaches, problems, topics, constitutes, materials, estates, kits, spheres, constraints, views, involves, packs, lies, perspectives, depends, dossiers, imports, consists, enquiries, packages, is, aspectos, , ‘s, ‘affaires, temas.
      • Verb, base form
        concern, deal, interview, issue, solicit, wolverine.
    • Other Related

      • Verb, base form
        question, questions.

    Homophones for Matters:

    • motorway, maeandra, manta ray, matador, many another, m-theory, monterrey, mature, miniature, monterey, meter, meander, menander, meadow rue, mentor, minder, manometer, mid-water, mender, meeter, Mata Hari, medawar, mediator, minter, mudder, metro, mithra, miter, monetary, madeira, metier, mother, mounter, midair, motor, mudra, motor area, monitory, manumitter, mutterer, madder, mandara, Mediatory, Mammee Tree, metre, meteor, mandatory, momentary, mandator, maitreya, mitra, maunder, man-eater, mindoro, mantra, metatheria, monandry, mutter, mandatary, minotaur, mater, mitre, minatory, monitor.

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «matters»:

      issues, questions, affairs, things, subjects, topics, matter, points, items, aspects, problems, cases, areas, themes, question, business, issue, asuntos

    How to pronounce matters?

    How to say matters in sign language?

    How to use matters in a sentence?

    1. Antonio Rodiles:

      The fact that the Obama administration would agree to begin this political process without a clear mandate on matters like the promotion of democracy and human rights has allowed the regime to gain legitimacy.

    2. Superintendent Eric Tarallo:

      Privacy laws prohibit the district from any further communication on the investigation as it relates to personnel matters. The claim submitted by Ms. Konen will be addressed in the appropriate manner within the judicial system. We are currently reviewing and updating our policies and procedures regarding student clubs and will bring those draft policies to the Board of Education as soon as feasible.

    3. James Craigtold:

      Generally speaking, we have good relations in that neighborhood, but my officers tell me whenever they’ve been in that area investigating criminal matters, she’s been uncooperative and rude.

    4. Lynn Westmoreland:

      I’ve never seen him at any of our meetings, I’ve never seen him at a hearing. I’ve never seen him at a witness interview. I’ve never talked to him about Benghazi. I don’t know if he’s ever talked to any of the other members, it seems like he’s just getting this information from the Democrats and Media Matters.

    5. Vanessa Van Edwards:

      Presence and personality matters just as much as ideas.


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    plural of matter


    as in topics

    a major object of interest or concern (as in a discussion or artistic composition)

    that is not relevant to the matter under discussion

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms


    as in things

    something to be dealt with

    we must take care of this matter before it becomes a real problem


    as in mails

    communications or parcels sent or carried through the postal system

    first-class matter


    as in problems

    something that requires thought and skill for resolution

    I’ve been thinking about the matter all night, and I believe I have a solution

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms

    present tense third-person singular of matter

    as in means

    to be of importance

    she believes that doing well in school really does matter

    Thesaurus Entries Near matters

    Cite this Entry

    “Matters.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/matters. Accessed 4 May. 2023.


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