Синонимы слова lie

  • Определения слова lie

    • ложь, неправда, обман

Синонимы к слову lie

    • be
    • be arranged
    • be economical with the truth
    • be placed
    • be positioned
    • be situated
    • falsehood
    • fib
    • keep
    • laze
    • lie down
    • loll
    • lounge
    • perjure yourself
    • propaganda
    • recline
    • remain
    • rest
    • sit
    • slouch
    • stay
    • stop
    • story
    • stretch out
    • tall tale
    • tell stories
    • tell untruths
    • untruth

Похожие слова на lie

    • lie
    • lie’s
    • liebfraumilch
    • liebfraumilch’s
    • liechtenstein
    • liechtenstein’s
    • lied
    • lief
    • liefer
    • liefest
    • liefs
    • liege
    • liege’s
    • lieges
    • lien
    • lien’s
    • liens
    • lies
    • lieu
    • lieu’s
    • lieutenancy
    • lieutenancy’s
    • lieutenant
    • lieutenant’s
    • lieutenants

Антонимы к слову lie

    • honesty
    • truth
    • veracity

Однокоренные слова для lie

  • существительные

    • liar

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What is another word for Lie?

  • defamation, falsification

  • fib, say something untrue

Use filters to view other words, we have 2001 synonyms for lie.

Synonyms for lie

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      vb   dissimulate, equivocate, fabricate, falsify, fib, forswear oneself, invent, misrepresent, perjure, prevaricate, tell a lie, tell untruths  

      n   deceit, fabrication, falsehood, falsification, falsity, fib, fiction, invention, mendacity, pork pie     (Brit. slang)   porky     (Brit. slang)   prevarication, untruth, white lie  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  


lie          [2]  

1    be prone, be prostrate, be recumbent, be supine, couch, loll, lounge, recline, repose, rest, sprawl, stretch out  

2    be, be buried, be found, be interred, be located, belong, be placed, be situated, exist, extend, remain  

3      (usually with)
   on or upon   burden, oppress, press, rest, weigh  

4      (usually with)
   in   be present, consist, dwell, exist, inhere, pertain  

5    lie low      conceal oneself, go to earth, go underground, hide, hide away, hide out, hole up, keep a low profile, keep out of sight, lurk, skulk, take cover  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  




1]     ( lies    3rd person present)   ( lying    present participle)   ( lay    past tense)   ( lain    past participle  )   (POSITION OR SITUATION)  
Please look at category 8 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.     

1       verb   If you are lying somewhere, you are in a horizontal position and are not standing or sitting.  
There was a child lying on the ground…      V prep/adv  
He lay awake watching her for a long time.      V adj  

2       verb   If an object lies in a particular place, it is in a flat position in that place.  
…a newspaper lying on a nearby couch…      V prep/adv  
Broken glass lay scattered on the carpet.      V adj  

3       verb   If you say that a place lies in a particular position or direction, you mean that it is situated there.  

The islands lie at the southern end of the Kurile chain.      V prep/adv  

4       v-link   You can use lie    to say that something is or remains in a particular state or condition. For example, if something lies forgotten, it has been and remains forgotten.      
The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years…      V adj  
His country’s economy lies in ruins.      V prep  

5       verb   You can use lie    to say what position a competitor or team is in during a competition.      
  (mainly BRIT)  
I was going well and was lying fourth…      V ord  
Blyth Tait is lying in second place.      V in n  

6       verb   You can talk about where something such as a problem, solution, or fault lies to say what you think it consists of, involves, or is caused by.  
The problem lay in the large amounts spent on defence…      V prep/adv  

7       verb   You use lie    in expressions such as lie ahead, lie in store, and lie in wait when you are talking about what someone is going to experience in the future, especially when it is something unpleasant or difficult.      
She’d need all her strength and bravery to cope with what lay in store…      V prep/adv  
The President’s most serious challenges lie ahead.      V prep/adv  

  to lie in state  


  to take something lying down  

lie around      phrasal verb  
in BRIT, also use lie about      If things are left lying around or lying about, they are not tidied away but left casually somewhere where they can be seen.  
People should be careful about their possessions and not leave them lying around…      V P   lie behind      phrasal verb   If you refer to what lies behind a situation or event, you are referring to the reason the situation exists or the event happened.  
It seems that what lay behind the clashes was disagreement over the list of candidates.      V P n   lie down      phrasal verb   When you lie down, you move into a horizontal position, usually in order to rest or sleep.  
Why don’t you go upstairs and lie down for a bit?      V P  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


lie          [2]     ( lies    plural & 3rd person present)   ( lying    present participle)   ( lied    past tense & past participle  )   (THINGS THAT ARE NOT TRUE)  

1       n-count   A lie    is something that someone says or writes which they know is untrue.      
`Who else do you work for?’—`No one.’—`That’s a lie.’…, I’ve had enough of your lies…, All the boys told lies about their adventures.     
  white lie  

2       verb   If someone is lying, they are saying something which they know is not true.  
I know he’s lying…      V  
If asked, he lies about his age…      V about n  
She lied to her husband so she could meet her lover…      V to n  
He reportedly called her `a lying little twit’.      V-ing  

  lying      n-uncount  
Lying is something that I will not tolerate.     

3       verb   If you say that something lies, you mean that it does not express or represent something accurately.  
The camera can sometimes lie.      V  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. lie

    Deceit is the habit, deception the act; guile applies to the disposition out of which deceit and deception grow, and also to their actual practise. A lie, lying, or falsehood, is the uttering of what one knows to be false with intent to deceive. The novel or drama is not a lie, because not meant to deceive; the ancient teaching that the earth was flat was not a lie, because not then known to be false. Untruth is more than lack of accuracy, implying always lack of veracity; but it is a somewhat milder and more dignified word than lie. Falsehood and lying are in utterance; deceit and deception may be merely in act or implication. Deception may be innocent, and even unintentional, as in the case of an optical illusion; deceit always involves injurious intent. Craft and cunning have not necessarily any moral quality; they are common traits of animals, but stand rather low in the human scale. Duplicity is the habitual speaking or acting with intent to appear to mean what one does not. Dissimulation is rather a concealing of what is than a pretense of what is not. Finesse is simply an adroit and delicate management of a matter for one’s own side, not necessarily involving deceit. Compare ARTIFICE; FICTION; FRAUD; HYPOCRISY.

    craft, cunning, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, delusion, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplicity, fabrication, falsehood, finesse, fraud, guile, hypocrisy, imposition, lying, prevarication, trickery, untruth

    candor, fair dealing, frankness, guilelessness, honesty, openness, simplicity, sincerity, truth, veracity

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. lienoun

    falsehood, untruth, fabrication, subterfuge, evasion, fib, fiction, falsity

    truth, fact, veracity

  2. lieverb

    rest, repose, be, remain

    rise, move, stir

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. lie, prevaricationnoun

    a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth

    evasiveness, equivocation, prevarication, lying, fabrication

    sit down, stand, stand up, sit

  2. Lie, Trygve Lie, Trygve Halvden Lienoun

    Norwegian diplomat who was the first Secretary General of the United Nations (1896-1968)


    stand, stand up, sit, sit down

  3. lieverb

    position or manner in which something is situated


    sit, stand, sit down, stand up

  4. lieverb

    be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position

    dwell, lie in, rest, lie down, consist

    sit, stand, sit down, stand up

  5. lieverb

    be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position

    «The sick man lay in bed all day»; «the books are lying on the shelf»

    dwell, lie in, rest, lie down, consist

    sit, stand, sit down, stand up

  6. dwell, consist, lie, lie inverb

    originate (in)

    «The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country»

    lie in, comprise, dwell, populate, harp, lie down, brood, live, consist, rest, inhabit

    stand up, sit, stand, sit down

  7. lieverb

    be and remain in a particular state or condition

    «lie dormant»

    dwell, lie in, rest, lie down, consist

    stand, sit, stand up, sit down

  8. lieverb

    tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive

    «Don’t lie to your parents»; «She lied when she told me she was only 29»

    dwell, lie in, rest, lie down, consist

    sit, stand up, stand, sit down

  9. lie, restverb

    have a place in relation to something else

    «The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West»; «The responsibility rests with the Allies»

    lie in, catch one’s breath, reside, dwell, pillow, roost, remain, lie down, breathe, repose, stay, perch, consist, take a breather, rest

    stand, stand up, sit down, sit

  10. lie down, lieverb

    assume a reclining position

    «lie down on the bed until you feel better»

    dwell, lie in, rest, lie down, consist

    sit, stand, stand up, sit down

Matched Categories

    • Be
    • Change Posture
    • Diplomat
    • Falsehood
    • Misinform

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. ailed

    to lie; to not tell the truth.

    mari lied to the teacher.

    Submitted by anonymous on November 17, 2019  

  2. deciet

    to not tell the truth

    jeffton lied to me

    Submitted by rinat on June 9, 2017  

  3. homopentameric

    nothing equals being equivalent to god the father,or john and the son of god the father except for john,the son, and the holy spirit of god the father

    all of humanity is equal under god

    Submitted by anonymous on April 2, 2020  

  4. taqiyya

    permitted or encouraged lie if islam is benefitted

    muslims may or should lie if it helps islam.

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. lienoun

    fib, intentional untruth, criminal falsehood, SUGGESTIO FALSI, SUPPRESSIO VERI

  2. lieverb

    falsify, FIB, tell a lie

  3. lieverb

    recline, couch, lie down, be prostrate, be recumbent

  4. lieverb

    be placed, be laid

  5. lieverb

    be, rest, remain

  6. lieverb

    be situated, be located

  7. lieverb


  8. lieverb

    (Law.) be sustainable

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «lie»:

    lying, iie, falsehood, mens, reside, untruth, lied, deceit, liar, are, lies

Suggested Resources

  1. LIE

    What does LIE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the LIE acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

  2. Lie

    Lie vs. Lye — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Lie and Lye.

  3. Lie

    Lay vs. Lie — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Lay and Lie.

How to pronounce lie?

How to say lie in sign language?

How to use lie in a sentence?

  1. Maci Young:

    My happy, healthy 10-year-old would come home every day and have to lie down because she would have migraines, she hasn’t taken a nap since she was 3!

  2. Stephanie Murphy:

    Walt Blackman should emphasize that Democrats are focused on delivering for the American people, especially in this difficult time where Walt Blackman’re still trying to get through the pandemic, walt Blackman also need to remind the American people that Most Republicans supported an attack on Walt Blackman democracy and continue to perpetrate a lie that undermines the very cornerstone of Walt Blackman country — and that is free and fair elections.

  3. Commissioners Chairman Robb Pitts:

    While I understand the State Elections Board had no choice in this matter, it is still outrageous to see the Big Lie and demands of conspiracy theorists continue to progress, this is the result of a cynical ploy to undermine faith in our elections process and democracy itself — it is shameful partisan politics at its very worst.

  4. Charles Haddon Spurgeon:

    A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on.

  5. Joespeh Goebbels:

    If you tell a lie — tell a big one.


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Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for lie?

  • deceit
  • deception
  • dishonesty
  • disinformation
  • distortion
  • evasion
  • fabrication
  • falsehood
  • fiction
  • forgery
  • inaccuracy
  • misrepresentation
  • myth
  • perjury
  • slander
  • tale
  • aspersion
  • backbiting
  • calumniation
  • calumny
  • defamation
  • detraction
  • fable
  • falseness
  • falsification
  • falsity
  • fib
  • fraudulence
  • guile
  • hyperbole
  • invention
  • libel
  • mendacity
  • misstatement
  • obloquy
  • prevarication
  • revilement
  • reviling
  • subterfuge
  • vilification
  • whopper
  • tall story
  • white lie
  • deceive
  • mislead
  • misrepresent
  • promote
  • beguile
  • BS
  • bull
  • con
  • concoct
  • delude
  • dissemble
  • dissimulate
  • distort
  • dupe
  • equivocate
  • exaggerate
  • fabricate
  • fake
  • falsify
  • fib
  • forswear
  • frame
  • fudge
  • invent
  • malign
  • misguide
  • misinform
  • misspeak
  • misstate
  • overdraw
  • palter
  • perjure
  • pervert
  • phony
  • plant
  • prevaricate
  • snow
  • soft-soap
  • victimize
  • bear false witness
  • be untruthful
  • break promise
  • go back on
  • make believe
  • misinstruct
  • put on
  • put up a front
  • string along
  • lie down
  • rest
  • sleep
  • sprawl
  • couch
  • laze
  • loll
  • lounge
  • nap
  • recline
  • repose
  • retire
  • siesta
  • be prone
  • be recumbent
  • be supine
  • go to bed
  • stretch out
  • turn in
  • belong
  • exist
  • prevail
  • remain
  • spread
  • stretch
  • be
  • beset
  • extend
  • occupy
  • reach
  • be beside
  • be buried
  • be established
  • be even
  • be fixed
  • be found
  • be interred
  • be level
  • be located
  • be on
  • be placed
  • be seated
  • be smooth
  • have its seat in

On this page you’ll find 242 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to lie, such as: deceit, deception, dishonesty, disinformation, distortion, and evasion.

  • tell the truth
  • stand
  • straighten

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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    How to use lie in a sentence

    Gilbert was given a lie detector test along with another police officer, who considered himself a friend of Lewis’ — the same officer who would call me many years later.


    Because we’ve been told so many lies about the continent and to sort of course-correct and redefine that narrative is important.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • abut
    • approximate
    • be adjacent to
    • border
    • butt
    • communicate
    • connect
    • join
    • lie
    • lie beside
    • link
    • neighbor
    • touch
    • verge
    • abuse
    • backstab
    • badmouth
    • calumniate
    • denigrate
    • gossip
    • lie
    • malign
    • scandalize
    • slander
    • spite
    • traduce
    • vilify
    • abuse
    • aspersion
    • backstabbing
    • belittlement
    • calumniation
    • calumny
    • cattiness
    • defamation
    • denigration
    • depreciation
    • detraction
    • disparagement
    • gossip
    • invective
    • lie
    • malice
    • obloquy
    • scandal
    • slander
    • spite
    • spitefulness
    • tale
    • traducement
    • vilification
    • vituperation
    • bluster
    • braggadocio
    • bragging
    • bravado
    • deception
    • delusion
    • facade
    • fake
    • false colors
    • false front
    • feint
    • fraud
    • front
    • humbug
    • jiving
    • lie
    • pretense
    • pretext
    • ruse
    • sham
    • show
    • snow
    • stall
    • subterfuge
    • trick
    • affect
    • beguile
    • betray
    • bunco
    • con
    • counterfeit
    • defraud
    • delude
    • double-cross
    • fake
    • fake out
    • feign
    • fool
    • humbug
    • illude
    • jive
    • juggle
    • lie
    • mislead
    • pretend
    • psych out
    • put on
    • sham
    • shuck
    • simulate
    • snow
    • take in
    • trick
    • defamation
    • lie

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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