- latchkey
- opener
- passkey
- screw
- skeleton
- blueprint
- clue
- code
- core
- guide
- indicator
- means
- passport
- password
- sign
- ticket
- brand
- cipher
- crux
- cue
- earmark
- explanation
- fulcrum
- hinge
- index
- interpretation
- lead
- lever
- marker
- nexus
- nucleus
- pivot
- pointer
- root
- symptom
- translation
On this page you’ll find 122 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to key, such as: basic, crucial, decisive, fundamental, indispensable, and leading.
- lock
- question
- exterior
- exteriority
- outside
- lock
- question
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
How to use key in a sentence
Mr. Jones swung round a large iron key he held in his hand, and light dawned upon him.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- admittance
- approach
- avenue
- connection
- contact
- course
- door
- entrance
- entree
- entry
- entrée
- in
- ingress
- introduction
- key
- open arms
- open door
- passage
- path
- road
- route
- way
- Band-Aid
- acknowledgment
- antiphon
- back talk
- backcap
- close
- comeback
- comment
- cooler
- counterclaim
- crack
- defense
- disclosure
- echo
- elucidation
- explanation
- feedback
- guff
- interpretation
- justification
- key
- lip
- observation
- parting shot
- pay dirt
- plea
- quick fix
- rebuttal
- refutation
- rejoinder
- remark
- repartee
- report
- resolution
- response
- result
- retort
- return
- rhetorical question
- riposte
- sign
- solution
- statement
- thank-you note
- the ticket
- topper
- vindication
- wisecrack
- Band-aids
- acknowledgments
- antiphons
- back talks
- backcaps
- closes
- comebacks
- comments
- coolers
- counterclaims
- cracks
- defenses
- disclosures
- echoes
- elucidations
- explanations
- feedbacks
- guffs
- interpretations
- justifications
- keys
- lips
- observations
- parting shots
- pay dirts
- pleas
- quick fixes
- rebuttals
- refutations
- rejoinders
- remarks
- repartees
- reports
- resolutions
- responses
- results
- retorts
- returns
- rhetorical questions
- ripostes
- signs
- solutions
- statements
- thank-you notes
- the tickets
- toppers
- vindication
- wisecracks
- authority
- backbone
- basis
- chief constituent
- core
- essence
- essential
- evidence
- foundation
- fundamental
- groundwork
- heart
- important part
- infrastructure
- key
- origin
- primary element
- principal
- principle
- root
- source
- underpinning
- basal
- capital
- central
- chief
- elemental
- essential
- indispensable
- inherent
- intrinsic
- key
- main
- necessary
- primary
- primitive
- principal
- radical
- substratal
- underlying
- vital
- axial
- basic
- cardinal
- center
- centric
- centroidal
- chief
- dominant
- equidistant
- essential
- focal
- foremost
- fundamental
- important
- inmost
- inner
- interior
- intermediate
- key
- leading
- master
- mean
- median
- mid
- middle
- middlemost
- midmost
- midway
- nuclear
- omphalic
- outstanding
- overriding
- paramount
- pivotal
- predominant
- primary
- prime
- radical
- ruling
- salient
- significant
- umbilical
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Old English cǣg; related to Old Frisian kēi, Middle Low German keie spear.
Этимология это наука о происхождении слов и изменении их конструкции и значения.
Значение слова key в словаре английский языка
Первое определение ключа в словаре — это металлический инструмент, обычно имеющий особую контурную форму, выполненную с возможностью фиксации и, при повороте, управляет механизмом замка. Другим определением ключа является любой инструмент, который вращается для управления клапаном, механизмом намотки часов и т. Д. Ключ также представляет собой небольшой металлический штифт или клин, вставленный в шпоночные пазы.
The first definition of key in the dictionary is a metal instrument, usually of a specifically contoured shape, that is made to fit a lock and, when rotated, operates the lock’s mechanism. Other definition of key is any instrument that is rotated to operate a valve, clock winding mechanism, etc. Key is also a small metal peg or wedge inserted into keyways.
Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «key» в словаре английский языка.
Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть автоматический перевод определения на русский языке.
I key
you key
he/she/it keys
we key
you key
they key
Present continuous
I am keying
you are keying
he/she/it is keying
we are keying
you are keying
they are keying
Present perfect
I have keyed
you have keyed
he/she/it has keyed
we have keyed
you have keyed
they have keyed
Present perfect continuous
I have been keying
you have been keying
he/she/it has been keying
we have been keying
you have been keying
they have been keying
I keyed
you keyed
he/she/it keyed
we keyed
you keyed
they keyed
Past continuous
I was keying
you were keying
he/she/it was keying
we were keying
you were keying
they were keying
Past perfect
I had keyed
you had keyed
he/she/it had keyed
we had keyed
you had keyed
they had keyed
Past perfect continuous
I had been keying
you had been keying
he/she/it had been keying
we had been keying
you had been keying
they had been keying
I will key
you will key
he/she/it will key
we will key
you will key
they will key
Future continuous
I will be keying
you will be keying
he/she/it will be keying
we will be keying
you will be keying
they will be keying
Future perfect
I will have keyed
you will have keyed
he/she/it will have keyed
we will have keyed
you will have keyed
they will have keyed
Future perfect continuous
I will have been keying
you will have been keying
he/she/it will have been keying
we will have been keying
you will have been keying
they will have been keying
I would key
you would key
he/she/it would key
we would key
you would key
they would key
Conditional continuous
I would be keying
you would be keying
he/she/it would be keying
we would be keying
you would be keying
they would be keying
Conditional perfect
I would have key
you would have key
he/she/it would have key
we would have key
you would have key
they would have key
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been keying
you would have been keying
he/she/it would have been keying
we would have been keying
you would have been keying
they would have been keying
you key
we let´s key
you key
Present Participle
Синонимы и антонимы слова key в словаре английский языка
Указанные слова имеют то же или сходное значение, что у слова «key», и относятся к той же грамматической категории.
Перевод слова «key» на 25 языков
Посмотрите перевод слова key на 25 языков с помощью нашего многоязыкового переводчика c английский языка.
Переводы слова key с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «key» на английский языке.
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Тенденции использования слова key
Слово используется очень часто
На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «key» в разных странах.
Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова key
Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «key».
На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «key» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «key» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.
Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове key
Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом key.
The key to wisdom is this — constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth.
I think you also understand that one of the key things that’s got to be done in Iraq is to build a mentality of understanding that the military needs to be subordinate to civilian control and respectful of its own people.
Much in the way Olympic athletes optimize their game by paying an enormous — borderline maniacal — amount of attention to things like diet, exercise, sleep, and of course the essential R&R, we all would do well to pay more attention to those key aspects of our lives that comprise our overall health equation.
It is no exaggeration to say that Syria holds the key for nearly all of America’s foreign policy goals in the Middle East. As Syria goes, so goes the region.
In the organization of any major sporting event or the planning of a building, long-term thinking is key.
The key to accepting responsibility for your life is to accept the fact that your choices, every one of them, are leading you inexorably to either success or failure, however you define those terms.
I am thankful the most important key in history was invented. It’s not the key to your house, your car, your boat, your safety deposit box, your bike lock or your private community. It’s the key to order, sanity, and peace of mind. The key is ‘Delete.’
I think the key is basically just your determination. As far an artist is concerned, it’s just about your drive and your dream.
A loving family provides the foundation children need to succeed, and strong families with a man and a woman — bonded together for life — always have been, and always will be, the key to such families.
Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they’re all a projection of you.
Поиск случаев использования слова key в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову key, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.
Tatiana de Rosnay offers us a brilliantly subtle, compelling portrait of France under occupation and reveals the taboos and silence that surround this painful episode.
Renting a house on the Florida coast after suffering a crippling accident and ending his marriage, construction millionaire Edgar Freemantle creates works of art that lead him to discover unsettling elements from his landlady’s enigmatic …
A Key Into the Language of America
A discourse on the languages of Native Americans encountered by the early settlers. This early linguistic treatise gives rare insight into the early contact between Europeans and Native Americans.
The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the …
In his new book, The Synchronicity Key, Wilcock embarks on an astonishing investigation into what lies beyond this new understanding of our how our universe works—finding proof that everything in our lives is not only connected, it all …
The Book that will not only leave you ‘feeling’ good, but also ‘thinking’ good. In The Master Key System, presented as a series of twenty-four lessons, Charles Haanel discusses everything from how to feel healthy to how to become wealthy.
Post-colonial Studies: The Key Concepts
This volume provides an essential key to understanding the issues that characterize post-colonialism, explaining what it is, where it is encountered and why it is crucial in forging new cultural identities, Among the subjects defined and …
Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, Helen Tiffin, 2000
Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language
This book is a unique and accessible reference guide to the work of eighty key figures who have played an important rol in the development of ideas about language from antiquity t the twenty-first century.
Siobhan Chapman, Christopher Routledge, 2005
Essential skills practice for better reading and writing
Become a Key Person of Influence
You may think it takes years, or even decades, to become a Key Person of Influence — as this book shows, nothing could be further from the truth! Becoming a Key Person of Influence in your industry starts today!
Key Themes In Media Theory
Key Themes is a critical introduction to key theories of media for undergraduate students.
Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин key в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.
Sleaford Mods, Key Markets, review: ‘a blast of British street life …
The question implicit in the self-mocking album title is what could possibly be the key market for something so apparently unmarketable? «Telegraph.co.uk, Июл 15»
Orchard Park police warn of scam aimed at Key Bank customers …
ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (WIVB)- The Orchard Park Police Department is notifying the public of a new scam aimed at Key Bank customers. «wivb.com, Июл 15»
Guardians Limited Collector’s Edition key for a disc — VG247.com
Those who have pre-ordered the digital version of the Halo 5: Guardians Limited Collector’s Edition can trade their key in for a physical disc. «VG247, Июл 15»
Windows 10 Home vs Windows 10 Pro: the key differences …
When you count all the different ways Windows 10 will be available, there are actually seven different editions: Windows 10 Home, Pro, … «Techradar India, Июл 15»
Tapping consumers is the key to economic health | South China …
Confidence in policy is key to prosperity. Slower economic growth and falling commodity prices create uncertainty. Continuing to tap into … «South China Morning Post, Июл 15»
Supergirl Is Adding A Key Character From The Comics — Cinema Blend
Supergirl Is Adding A Key Character From The Comics image. As it flies forward full speed ahead towards its Season 1 premiere this fall, CBS’ … «Cinema Blend, Июл 15»
Coconut Key Lime Tart With Biscoff Cookie Crust Recipe … — PopSugar
Because of the oversaturation of coconut I’ve been throwing at you lately, I briefly thought about altering the base of this key lime tart into … «POPSUGAR, Июл 15»
Brazilian soccer boss to miss key FIFA meeting — Yahoo Eurosport UK
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) — Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) president Marco Polo del Nero will miss Monday’s key FIFA executive … «Yahoo Eurosport UK, Июл 15»
Cricket-Australia’s Marsh happy with two key wickets | Reuters
Cricket-Australia’s Marsh happy with two key wickets. LONDON, July 18 | By Ed Osmond. LONDON, July 18 Australia all-rounder Mitchell … «Reuters UK, Июл 15»
Ten key players to watch in the second half — SweetSpot — ESPN
Most likely, however, it’s not trades that will decide the postseason teams, but players already on rosters. Here are 10 key guys to watch in the … «ESPN, Июл 15»
« EDUCALINGO. Key [онлайн]. Доступно на <https://educalingo.com/ru/dic-en/key>. Май 2023 ».
What is another word for Key?
Use filters to view other words, we have 1495 synonyms for key.
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Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
metal device shaped in such a way that when it is inserted into the appropriate lock the lock’s mechanism can be rotated
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
something crucial for explaining
«the key to development is economic integration»
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
pitch of the voice
«he spoke in a low key»
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
key, tonalitynoun
any of 24 major or minor diatonic scales that provide the tonal framework for a piece of music
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
a kilogram of a narcotic drug
«they were carrying two keys of heroin»
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
samara, key fruit, keynoun
a winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
Key, Francis Scott Keynoun
United States lawyer and poet who wrote a poem after witnessing the British attack on Baltimore during the War of 1812; the poem was later set to music and entitled `The Star-Spangled Banner’ (1779-1843)
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
key, cay, Florida keynoun
a coral reef off the southern coast of Florida
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
key, paintnoun
(basketball) a space (including the foul line) in front of the basket at each end of a basketball court; usually painted a different color from the rest of the court
«he hit a jump shot from the top of the key»; «he dominates play in the paint»
samara, tonality, rouge, cay, paint, headstone, pigment, blusher, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
a list of answers to a test
«some students had stolen the key to the final exam»
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
a list of words or phrases that explain symbols or abbreviations
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
a generic term for any device whose possession entitles the holder to a means of access
«a safe-deposit box usually requires two keys to open it»
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
winder, keynoun
mechanical device used to wind another device that is driven by a spring (as a clock)
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
keystone, key, headstonenoun
the central building block at the top of an arch or vault
samara, tombstone, tonality, keystone, backbone, paint, lynchpin, linchpin, gravestone, winder, headstone, anchor, key fruit, mainstay, cayAntonyms:
unimportant -
a lever (as in a keyboard) that actuates a mechanism when depressed
samara, tonality, cay, paint, headstone, keystone, key fruit, winderAntonyms:
unimportant -
cardinal, central, fundamental, key, primalverb
serving as an essential component
«a cardinal rule»; «the central cause of the problem»; «an example that was fundamental to the argument»; «computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure»
fundamental, primeval, primordial, profound, cardinal, underlying, central, rudimentary, aboriginal, primaeval, primalAntonyms:
unimportant -
identify, discover, key, key out, distinguish, describe, nameverb
identify as in botany or biology, for example
account, detect, distinguish, chance upon, signalise, trace, let out, separate, place, secern, bring out, reveal, disclose, attain, let on, depict, cite, find, describe, get word, differentiate, fall upon, refer, strike, spot, report, nominate, make, pick out, see, find out, expose, bring up, give away, mark, break, appoint, severalise, tell apart, signalize, happen upon, delineate, list, divulge, identify, make out, come across, key out, observe, get a line, notice, recognize, line, name, pick up, call, mention, draw, discern, advert, recognise, tell, unwrap, constitute, learn, come upon, light upon, get wind, chance on, diagnose, discover, secernate, severalize, hearAntonyms:
unimportant -
provide with a key
«We were keyed after the locks were changed in the building»
distinguish, describe, discover, identify, name, key outAntonyms:
unimportant -
vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key
«His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot»
distinguish, describe, discover, identify, name, key outAntonyms:
unimportant -
regulate the musical pitch of
distinguish, describe, discover, identify, name, key outAntonyms:
unimportant -
harmonize with or adjust to
«key one’s actions to the voters’ prevailing attitude»
distinguish, describe, discover, identify, name, key outAntonyms:
Matched Categories
- Florida
- Achene
- Basketball Court
- Building Block
- Coral Reef
- Device
- Explanation
- Harmonize
- Kilogram
- Lawyer
- List
- Mechanical Device
- Music
- Musical Notation
- Pitch
- Poet
- Positive Identification
- Provide
- Space
- Vandalize
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
Associated words:
claviger, clavigerous, cleidomancy, escutcheon, lock -
pitch, tone -
clew, solution, guide, explanation, elucidation, clavis, wharf, quay, forelock, cotter, bar, pin, samara
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:5.0 / 1 vote
List of paraphrases for «key»:
keys, main, major, essential, fundamental, crucial, principal, wrench, critical, important, core, basic, vital, central, pivotal, primary, decisive, dongle, keycap, significant, clé, leading, top, large, keystone
Suggested Resources
What does KEY stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the KEY acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.
How to pronounce key?
How to say key in sign language?
How to use key in a sentence?
Torsten Slok:
Ultimately long covid is a key reason why the Fed will have to keep the Fed funds rate elevated for an extended period.
Benjamin Weiss:
The key for this mission will be identifying samples so compelling that we can’t afford to leave them, so it is imperative that missions have to go get them, we are selecting these for humanity, so we need to make sure they are the most exciting.
Barbara Bouchey:
Here is the key to how Keith Raniere lures people into in, keith Raniere’s good at showing people only the good side of Keith Raniere and NXIVM. Allison Mack saw only the good things and the good impact before it was too late.
Sonja Opper:
They began to raise a critical voice and began to look like people who can challenge current thinking, what we see now is how unstable this balance was, and that control remains the government’s key interest.
Jyoti Malhotra:
People aren’t doing well and since demonetization and the badly implemented GST, which had such a big impact, things are not getting better, that’s really the key and what feeds into the voting in the state elections.
Translations for key
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- ацаԥхаAbkhaz
- sleutelAfrikaans
- ቁልፍAmharic
- clauAragonese
- زر, مِفْتَاحٌArabic
- চাবিAssamese
- ачгъичAvaric
- açarAzerbaijani
- асҡысBashkir
- ключBelarusian
- клавиша, ключBulgarian
- চাবিBengali
- ལྡེ་མིགTibetan Standard
- alc’hwezBreton
- tecla, clauCatalan, Valencian
- догӏаChechen
- klíčový, klávesa, tónina, klíčCzech
- ключьOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
- ҫӑраҫҫиChuvash
- agoriad, allwedd, bysell, allweddol, maes allweddol, cywairWelsh
- tast, nøgle, tangent, signaturforklaringDanish
- Legende, Taste, Zone, Zeichenerklärung, Schlüssel, TonartGerman
- κλειδί, πλήκτροGreek
- klavo, elĉifrigilo, ŝlosilo, tonaloEsperanto
- clave, llave, tecla, teclear, cayoSpanish
- helistik, klahv, otsustav, võti, võtme-, toon, peamineEstonian
- giltzaBasque
- کلید, کلیدی, قفل کردنPersian
- avainkenttä, kirjoittaa, näppäin, morseavain, salakirjoitusavain, avain, kosketin, näppäillä, merkkienselite, syöttää, selite, sävellajiFinnish
- lykilFaroese
- touche, clef, clé, légende, cayeFrench
- kaai, toetsWestern Frisian
- cnaipe, eochair, príomh-, gléas, caeIrish
- putan, meur, cudromach, riatanach, gleus, iuchairScottish Gaelic
- tecla, chaveGalician
- ચાવીGujarati
- gleaysh, ogherManx
- מפתח, קליד, מקשHebrew
- चाबी, तालीHindi
- kulcs, hangnem, billentyű, kulcsfontosságúHungarian
- բանալի, ստեղնArmenian
- claveInterlingua
- kunciIndonesian
- claveInterlingue
- ìgòdóIgbo
- klefoIdo
- takki, lykill, tóntegund, hnappurIcelandic
- essenziale, tasto, chiaveItalian
- מפתחHebrew
- キー, 鍵, 調Japanese
- გასაღებიGeorgian
- кілтKazakh
- កូនសោ, គន្លឹះKhmer
- ಚಾವಿ, ಕೀಲಿಕೈ, ಬೀಗದ ಕೈKannada
- 열쇠Korean
- mift, kilîd, kilîl, enextar, کلیلKurdish
- ачкычKyrgyz
- clavisLatin
- SchlësselLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- lukulwe, ekisumuluzoGanda
- ກະແຈ, ຂໍກະແຈLao
- raktas, tonacija, klavišasLithuanian
- atslēga, tonalitātē, taustiņšLatvian
- pato, tino, kīMāori
- клуч, суштински, внесува, клучен, легенда, тоналитет, клавиш, тастер, дирка, скалаMacedonian
- താക്കോല്Malayalam
- түлхүүрMongolian
- कळ, किल्ली, चावीMarathi
- kekunci, kunci, tatalMalay
- cavettaMaltese
- သော့တံBurmese
- साचोNepali
- toets, sleutel, toonsoort, toonaardDutch
- nøkkel, tast, tangentNorwegian
- clauOccitan
- ଚାବିOriya
- дæгъæлOssetian, Ossetic
- ਕੁੰਜੀPanjabi, Punjabi
- klucz, kluczowy, klawisz, legenda, wprowadzać, tonacjaPolish
- کلي, کنجئيPashto, Pushto
- digitar, chave, legenda, segredo, teclar, tecla, garrafão, clavePortuguese
- clavRomansh
- cheieRomanian
- клин, вводить, шпонка, клавиша, ведущий, легенда, ключ, стержневой, лад, узловой, чека, ключевой, тональностьRussian
- ciae, ciaiSardinian
- ڪنجيSindhi
- дирка, tipka, ključ, кључ, типка, dirkaSerbo-Croatian
- යතුරSinhala, Sinhalese
- kľúčSlovak
- tipka, ključSlovene
- fureSomali
- çelësAlbanian
- nyckel, tangent, tonart, knapp, morsenyckel, nyckel-, skärSwedish
- fungua, ufungu, ufunguoSwahili
- சாலி, சாவிTamil
- బీగంచెవి, తాళంచెవిTelugu
- калидTajik
- กุญแจThai
- açarTurkmen
- susiTagalog
- anahtar, tuş, açarTurkish
- ачкычTatar
- ئاچقۇچUyghur, Uighur
- ключUkrainian
- چابی, تالیUrdu
- kalitUzbek
- khoá, chìa khoáVietnamese
- kik, klavVolapük
- cléWalloon
- שליסלYiddish
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Определения слова key
- ключ <i>для открывания замков и т. п.</i>
- ключ <i>нотный</i>
- клавиша
Синонимы к слову key
- answer
- basic
- basis
- crucial
- enter
- explanation
- fundamental
- important
- input
- key in
- main
- major
- means
- pitch
- recipe
- register
- scale
- secret
- significant
- solution
- source
- strategic
- tone
- type
- vital
Похожие слова на key
- key
- key’s
- keyboard
- keyboard’s
- keyboarded
- keyboarder
- keyboarders
- keyboarding
- keyhole
- keyhole’s
- keyholes
- keynes
- keynes’s
- keynesian
- keynesian’s
- keynote
- keynote’s
- keynoted
- keynotes
- keynoting
- keys
- keystone
- keystone’s
- keystones
- keystroked
- keystroking
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- Грамматическое значение hit
- Значение слова grim
- Прямое и переносное значение слова finger
- Происхождение слова killer
- Синоним к слову kin
- Антоним к слову kitchen
- Омоним к слову knee
- Гипоним к слову guilty
- Холоним к слову guerilla
- Гипероним к слову green
- Пословицы и поговорки к слову gossip
- Перевод слова на другие языки knife