What is another word for Gentle?
kind, mild
kind, quality
tame, property
kind, gracious
mild, quality
gradual, mild
mild, characteristic
attentive, calm
agreeable, pleasant
mild, quality
origin, aristocratic
quality, rise
activity, characteristic
kind, gracious
origin, noble
kind, having a mild or kind nature
calm, moderate
moderate, peaceful
sound, moderate
gracious, merciful
gracious, having a mild or kind nature
gracious, merciful
behaviour, well-bred
behaviour, well-bred
wild, having a mild or kind nature
noble, aristocratic
character trait, having a mild or kind nature
pacifist, having a mild or kind nature
origin, noble
gradual, moderate
action, calm
characteristic, tame
agreeable, pleasant
agreeable, light
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gentleness, gentility, gently, gentling, gentled
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Synonyms for Gentle. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 04, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/gentle
Synonyms for Gentle. N.p., 2016. Web. 04 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/gentle>.
Synonyms for Gentle. 2016. Accessed May 04, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/gentle.
All synonyms in one line
affectionate, agreeable, amiable, amicable, aristocratic, en.synonym.one, artistic, balmy, benevolent, benign, blue-blooded, calm, careful, choice, clement, compassionate, compliant, concerned, conscientious, considerate, courteous, courtly, cowed, cultivated, deliberate, delicate, en.synonym.one, diluted, disciplined, discreet, docile, domesticated, easy, easygoing, effeminate, elegant, exquisite, facile, faint, fair, faraway, fearless, feeble, female, feminine, finished, flexible, friendly, genial, good, good-hearted, good-natured, en.synonym.one, gracious, gradual, halcyon, harmless, highborn, humane, indulgent, kind, kind-hearted, kindly, ladylike, lenient, light, lovable, low, manageable, melodious, merciful, mild, moderate, modest, noble, nonviolent, obedient, pacific, passive, patrician, peaceable, peaceful, pleasant, pleasing, polished, polite, quiet, refined, respectable, sensitive, serene, small, soft, subdued, submissive, sweet, sympathetic, tactful, tame, temperate, tempered, tender, titled, tractable, trained, tropical, warm, weak, well-bred, womanlike, womanly, yielding, appease, assuage, break, conciliate, ennoble, en.synonym.one, entitle, gruntle, lenify, make obedient, melt, mollify, pacify, placate, relax, relent, soften, subdue, sweeten, tame, aristocratical, blue.
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Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
gentle [ʤentl] прил
нежный, мягкий, ласковый, деликатный, нежнейший
(delicate, soft, tender)
- gentle voice – нежный голос
- gentle touch – мягкое прикосновение
- gentle warmth – ласковое тепло
легкий, слабый
(light, weak)
- gentle massage – легкий массаж
- gentle breeze – слабый ветер
кроткий, смирный
(meek, quiet)
- gentle lamb – кроткий агнец
тихий, спокойный
(quiet, calm)
- gentle music – тихая музыка
- gentle current – спокойное течение
благородный, родовитый
- gentle blood – благородная кровь
пологий, покатый
(flat, sloping)
- gentle slope – пологий склон
- gentle people – добрые люди
бережный, осторожный
- gentle handling – бережное обращение
вежливый, приветливый, добродушный
(polite, friendly, genial)
- gentle reminder – вежливое напоминание
gentle [ʤentl] сущ
gentle [ʤentl] нареч
gentle [ʤentl] гл
adjective | ||
нежный | tender, gentle, delicate, affectionate, soft, sweet | |
мягкий | soft, mild, gentle, benign, bland, tender | |
вежливый | polite, courteous, gentle, bland, urbane, civil | |
легкий | easy, light, lightweight, slight, mild, gentle | |
ласковый | gentle, tender, sweet, soft, bland | |
кроткий | gentle, meek, mild, soft, lamblike, placable | |
пологий | gentle, sloping, easy, acclivous, low-pitched | |
тихий | quiet, silent, soft, low, calm, gentle | |
добрый | good, kind, kindly, nice, gentle, gracious | |
слабый | weak, weakly, low, feeble, faint, gentle | |
спокойный | calm, quiet, tranquil, peaceful, easy, gentle | |
отлогий | gentle, declivous, shelved | |
смирный | gentle, manageable | |
незлобивый | gentle, mild | |
великодушный | generous, magnanimous, benevolent, noble, forgiving, gentle | |
знатный | noble, honorable, grand, gentle, gently born, well-born | |
послушный | obedient, docile, tractable, good, biddable, gentle | |
родовитый | gentle, gently born, well-born | |
verb | ||
объезжать | bypass, train, break in, gentle, rough, perambulate | |
делать мягче | gentle | |
облагораживать | ennoble, elevate, refine, dignify, humanize, gentle | |
noun | ||
наживка | bait, lure, gentle, ledger-bait |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
gentle сущ
- soft · tender
- delicate · mild · soothing · balmy · bland · benign
- quiet · light · kind · noble · courteous
- polite · friendly · easy · docile · highborn
- mellow
- kind, tender, sympathetic, considerate, understanding, compassionate, benevolent, good-natured, humane, lenient, merciful, clement, mild, placid, serene, sweet-tempered
- light, soft
- gradual, slight, easy
- aristocratical, patrician, blue-blooded, blue, aristocratic
- docile
- soft, easy
- easy
- soft
- ennoble, entitle
- conciliate, mollify, lenify, pacify, placate, gruntle, assuage, appease
Предложения со словом «Gentle»
It seems that these gentle giants would rather retreat and protect their fleshy bodies than feed on me. |
Кажется, что эти кроткие гиганты скорее будут прятаться и защищать свою плоть, нежели съедят меня. |
Something that was gentle to the planet? |
Что — то, что бережно бы относилось к планете? |
This begins the gentle transformation from human to soil. |
Так начинается трансформация человеческого тела в почву. |
Almost every single death is easy and gentle with the very best people surrounding you for as long as you need. |
Практически каждая смерть происходит легко и мягко, с самыми лучшими людьми, сидящими рядом столько, сколько понадобится. |
Now, what was even more interesting about this is that the boy was a sweet, gentle soul who had no interest in patrolling the class with the cane, while I was full of ambition to do so. |
И самое интересное, что это был очень мягкий и нежный мальчик, и ему вовсе не хотелось прогуливаться по классу с тросточкой, я же просто сгорала от желания. |
I met two 13-year-olds with soft manners and gentle voices. |
Я познакомился с двумя 13 — летними детьми с хорошими манерами и нежными голосами. |
His gentle touch, warm breath on her neck. |
Сара вспомнила нежные прикосновения Террела, его теплое дыхание. |
There are strange rumors about our baron and his gentle wife |
Ходят странные слухи о нашем бароне и его кроткой жене |
I had never met any man so gentle and kind. |
Я никогда не встречала такого нежного и доброго мужчину. |
You were awfully gentle with those chaps at the warehouse. |
Ты был жутко нежен с теми парнями на складе |
The gentle movement of her breathing made the shadows dance. |
Легкое движение ее дыхания заставляло тени колыхаться в танце. |
The followers of the White Rose were not gentle victors. |
Последователи Белой Розы оказались не слишком снисходительны к побежденным. |
Exile had made of her a quiet, gentle woman. |
Годы в Кавелине превратили ее в спокойную, нежную женщину. |
Which pets know best all the gentle social graces |
И кто обладает наилучшими светскими манерами |
Your breath should sound like a soft, gentle wind. |
Ваше дыхание должно быть подобно легкому, нежному ветру. |
He’d already learned his bride was a gentle lady. |
Он понял, что его молодая жена нежна и деликатна. |
Water continues to drip down in the gentle sunlight. |
В его ласковых лучах слышался только звук падающих капель. |
His face was gentle, questioning, very open. |
У него было вопросительное, ласковое и очень открытое лицо. |
Sometime in the night I felt a gentle groping. |
В какой — то момент ночью я почувствовал легкое прикосновение. |
The Captain watched closely with an expression of gentle surprise. |
Капитан наблюдал за ним с выражением легкого удивления на лице. |
But she was very soft and gentle with Janelle. |
Но она была очень мягка и добра с Дженел. |
Mostly it is sunny and warm with gentle ocean breezes in the summer. |
Главным образом здесь солнечно и тепло, летом дуют нежные океанские бризы. |
The brown algae waved in the gentle currents and the green eel grass swayed and little sea horses clung to its stems. |
Тихая волна колыхала бурые водоросли, покачивала длинные листья зеленой зостеры, за которые цеплялись морские коньки. |
The warm air was thick with the scent of a hundred dying flowers, and full of the gentle, soothing whisper and murmur of insects. |
Теплый воздух был пропитан ароматом вянущих цветов и наполнен тихим, мягким шелестом и жужжанием насекомых. |
The door closed and the room fell silent except for the gentle sound of spring rain. |
Дверь закрылась, и снова воцарилась тишина, нарушаемая лишь тихим шелестом весеннего дождя. |
They were riding through the gentle forest along a narrow track. |
Они скакали по узкой тропинке, идущей через тихий лес. |
Even Sooty’s name masked a gentle fire I had come to respect. |
Даже имя Суути маскировало тихий огонь, который я научился уважать. |
Sometimes we need a gentle reminder to not let other people get the better of us. |
Иногда людям необходимо напоминание, что нельзя позволять другим одерживать над нами верх. |
But he took my hand as I moved it back and laid a gentle kiss on my knuckles. |
Но он взял меня за руку, когда я ее убрала, и нежно поцеловал пальцы. |
Through the open door, he could see the light cloth of the druids’ robes fluttering in a gentle, unnatural breeze. |
Через открытую дверь можно было видеть легкие одежды друидов, развеваемые мягким, неестественным ветерком. |
She had teased and led him on with smiles and gentle touches and had never given in. |
Она его дразнила, заманивала улыбками и легкими прикосновениями, но никогда не уступала. |
The rainfall had slowed to a gentle tap-tap on the roof. |
О недавнем ливне напоминало лишь легкое постукивание капель по крыше. |
It pleased him to know that this massive iceberg would eventually fall as a gentle summer shower on a parched plain. |
Ему приятно сознавать, что этот огромный айсберг прольется дождем над иссушенной равниной. |
She had a slight figure, a pale, gentle face, and fair hair. |
У нее была стройная фигура, бледное нежное лицо и светлые волосы. |
The flimsy material ripped during the gentle tug of war and Bradford had his way. |
После недолгой и нежной борьбы тонкий материал порвался, и Бредфорд достиг цели. |
A man by gentle love inspired will have a heart that’s kind and good to listen to his heart’s desires |
Мужчина, вдохновлённый Любовью, имеет сердце полное доброты и готов прислушиваться к любому его велению. |
I strove to be both gentle and strong, but found myself amazed at her strength and gentleness both. |
Я жаждал быть одновременно нежным и сильным, но обнаружил, что изумлен ее нежностью и силой. |
He was almost too gentle for me in bed, too submissive. |
Никка был чуточку слишком нежен в постели на мой вкус, слишком покорен. |
Tristan and Lucien in truth are allied against us, a fact that required a little bit of gentle persuasion. |
Тристан и Люсьен на самом деле объединились против нас, факт чего потребовал небольшого мягкого убеждения. |
The tap on her door was gentle, almost diffident. |
Раздался едва слышный, почти робкий стук в дверь. |
They were using their staves to hurry the emigrants and they were not being gentle. |
Своими палками полицейские подгоняли эмигрантов и делали это не особенно вежливо. |
Here, there is no sudden precipitous cliff, here there’s a gentle slope, a gradient of evolution. |
С этой стороны нет отвесной скалы, но есть пологий склон, градиент эволюции. |
A gentle breeze stirred the water-lilies, so that they seemed to sigh. |
Ласковый ветерок колыхал водяные лилии, отчего они как бы вздыхали. |
I touched his mouth with fingertips, and he froze under that gentle touch. |
Я тронула его губы пальцами, и он под этим ласковым прикосновением застыл. |
He had hoped for a kind, gentle old man with lots of love and sympathy. |
Он — то надеялся увидеть на судейском месте доброго, ласкового старичка, переполненного любовью и сочувствием. |
In their absence, bright sunlight spilled through the thin upper branches, pouring down with gentle warmth, and he stretched out on his belly with a sigh of pleasure. |
Без нее солнечный свет легко проникал сквозь тонкие верхние ветви и проливался вниз нежным теплом. |
His hands were soft on my face and his warm lips were gentle, unexpectedly hesitant. |
Его руки мягко держали мое лицо и его губы были нежные и неожиданно робкие. |
Gentle breeze blows Through the green willows Whose branches are filled with swallows |
Нежный ветерок дул через зеленый ивы, ветки которых заполнены ласточками. |
It was gentle and soft, and its chill touch was almost pleasant. |
Он был мягким и нежным, а его прохладные прикосновения ласкали кожу. |
It had no mountains but many gentle hills with slopes like pillows. |
Там не было гор, зато было много пологих холмов с мягкими склонами. |
The French columns would cross the stream and attack the gentle slopes of the Medellin. |
Французы переберутся через ручей и возьмут штурмом пологие склоны холма. |
Gentle, almost undetectable change and sudden, violent change. |
Как мягкими и почти незаметными изменениями, так и резкими и жестокими. |
I had learned to dig latrines and boil water, and do a number of other things not suitable for a young lady of gentle birth. |
Я научилась копать нужники, кипятить воду и многие другие вещи, непригодные для девушки благородного происхождения. |
Tell me you’d be gentle and not slam the door if you had those things after you. |
Пообещай, что будешь вежлив, и не станешь хлопать дверью, если они за тобой погонятся. |
People smiled and waved in greeting, or patted their backs, or gave them the traditional gentle slaps of respect. |
Встречные улыбались и приветственно махали руками, трепали их по спине, традиционно легонько шлепали по лицу. |
Gentle, sweet-natured Harrison turned into a raging maniac right before Mary Rose’s eyes. |
Добрый, мягкосердечный Харрисон прямо на глазах Мэри Роуз превратился в свирепого маньяка. |
The mech spun the drunk around and gave him a gentle shove toward the door. |
Мех вновь повернул пьянчужку и легким толчком в спину направил его к двери. |
She was much loved and protected by her father and elder sister for her meek and gentle spirit. |
Её отец и старшая сестра очень любили её за кроткий и мягкий нрав. |
and lives for another ten years, gentle and demented, in the care of his mother and sisters. |
Следующие десять лет кроткий и безумный Ницше будет жить на попечении своей матери и сестры. |
The gentle rather timid expression on Lady Cherrell’s face changed to a startled concern. |
Кроткое, немного застенчивое лицо леди Черрел стало тревожным и озабоченным. |
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
Amiable combines the senses of lovable or lovely and loving; the amiable character has ready affection and kindliness for others, with the qualities that are adapted to win their love; amiable is a higher and stronger word than good-natured or agreeable. Lovely is often applied to externals; as, a lovely face. Amiable denotes a disposition desirous to cheer, please, and make happy. A selfish man of the world may have the art to be agreeable; a handsome, brilliant, and witty person may be charming or even attractive, while by no means amiable. The engaging, winning, and winsome add to amiability something of beauty, accomplishments, and grace. The benignant are calmly kind, as from a height and a distance. Kind, good-natured people may be coarse and rude, and so fail to be agreeable or pleasing; the really amiable are likely to avoid such faults by their earnest desire to please. The good-natured have an easy disposition to get along comfortably with every one in all circumstances. A sweet disposition is very sure to be amiable, the loving heart bringing out all that is lovable and lovely in character.
agreeable, amiable, attractive, benignant, engaging, good-natured, harming, kind, lovable, lovely, loving, pleasant, pleasing, sweet, winning, winsomeAntonyms:
acrimonious, churlish, crabbed, cruel, crusty, disagreeable, dogged, gruff, hateful, ill-conditioned, ill-humored, ill-natured, ill-tempered, morose, sour, sullen, surly, unamiable, unlovely
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
courteous, polite, highbred, mild, bland, tame, docile, amiable, meek, soft, placid, tenderAntonyms:
rough, rude, coarse, fierce, savage
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
gentle, softadjective
soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe
«a gentle reprimand»; «a vein of gentle irony»; «poked gentle fun at him»
aristocratical, indulgent, mild, delicate, easy, piano, balmy, lenient, voiced, soft, docile, patrician, blue, cushy, flabby, subdued, diffuse, flaccid, blue-blooded, aristocratic, sonant, easygoing, diffusedAntonyms:
untamed, intense, steep, lowborn, unkind, loud, heavy, wild -
having or showing a kindly or tender nature
«the gentle touch of her hand»; «her gentle manner was comforting»; «a gentle sensitive nature»; «gentle blue eyes»
blue-blooded, aristocratical, aristocratic, soft, easy, docile, patrician, blueAntonyms:
heavy, wild, untamed, loud, unkind, lowborn, steep, intense -
quiet and soothing
«a gentle voice»; «a gentle nocturne»
blue-blooded, aristocratical, aristocratic, soft, easy, docile, patrician, blueAntonyms:
untamed, heavy, steep, lowborn, intense, unkind, wild, loud -
aristocratic, aristocratical, blue, blue-blooded, gentle, patricianadjective
belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
«an aristocratic family»; «aristocratic Bostonians»; «aristocratic government»; «a blue family»; «blue blood»; «the blue-blooded aristocracy»; «of gentle blood»; «patrician landholders of the American South»; «aristocratic bearing»; «aristocratic features»; «patrician tastes»
down(p), dispirited, racy, gamy, bluish, profane, dismal, dark, disconsolate, gloomy, drear, puritanical, low, naughty, easy, down in the mouth, blue, blueish, gamey, downhearted, juicy, downcast, blasphemous, drab, patrician, docile, blue-blooded, spicy, soft, aristocratic, blue(a), sorry, aristocratical, puritanic, grim, depressed, dingy, dreary, risque, low-spiritedAntonyms:
lowborn, heavy, unkind, steep, untamed, intense, wild, loud -
docile, gentleadjective
easily handled or managed
«a gentle old horse, docile and obedient»
blue-blooded, aristocratical, aristocratic, soft, easy, teachable, docile, patrician, blueAntonyms:
untamed, steep, wild, heavy, lowborn, loud, unkind, intense -
easy, gentle, softadjective
having little impact
«an easy pat on the shoulder»; «gentle rain»; «a gentle breeze»; «a soft (or light) tapping at the window»
balmy, sluttish, wanton, flaccid, subdued, prosperous, sonant, soft, delicate, flabby, easy, promiscuous, well-off, indulgent, voiced, aristocratical, leisurely, well-to-do, piano, well-fixed, easygoing, patrician, well-situated, comfortable, blue-blooded, diffuse, mild, cushy, aristocratic, docile, lenient, diffused, well-heeled, light, blue, looseAntonyms:
wild, heavy, unkind, loud, untamed, lowborn, steep, intense -
easy, gentleverb
marked by moderate steepness
«an easy climb»; «a gentle slope»
aristocratical, promiscuous, easy, wanton, sluttish, well-heeled, soft, docile, patrician, blue, aristocratic, well-to-do, well-situated, loose, well-off, prosperous, well-fixed, comfortable, leisurely, light, blue-blooded, easygoingAntonyms:
steep, unkind, untamed, intense, wild, loud, lowborn, heavy -
pacify, lenify, conciliate, assuage, appease, mollify, placate, gentle, gruntleverb
cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
«She managed to mollify the angry customer»
mollify, conciliate, quell, relieve, lenify, stay, placate, quench, allay, ennoble, settle, gruntle, palliate, accommodate, appease, pacify, temper, assuage, propitiate, alleviate, slake, make up, entitle, patch up, reconcile, seasonAntonyms:
loud, lowborn, steep, heavy, unkind, intense, untamed, wild -
ennoble, gentle, entitleverb
give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility
lenify, appease, mollify, pacify, gruntle, title, dignify, placate, ennoble, assuage, entitle, conciliateAntonyms:
unkind, intense, lowborn, loud, heavy, wild, steep, untamed -
stroke soothingly
appease, lenify, mollify, gruntle, pacify, placate, ennoble, assuage, entitle, conciliateAntonyms:
steep, unkind, untamed, wild, heavy, loud, intense, lowborn
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
mild, bland, moderate, clement, lenient, merciful, kind, tender, compassionate, indulgent, meek, soft, humane, of a sweet disposition, not rough, not harsh -
tame, docile, peaceable, quiet, tractable, pacific, dove-like, not wild, not refractory
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
well-born, genteel, high-born, docile, tractable, tame, subdued, mild, quiet, peaceable, meek, unobtrusive, bland, soothing, pacific, clement, tender, humane, courteous, cultivated, deferentialAntonyms:
drastic, refractory, vicious, brusque, harsh, rough, severe, rigorous, intractable, indocile
How to pronounce gentle?
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Fellowship Church:
Gwen Shamblin Lara was one of the world’s most kind, gentle, and selfless mother and wife, and a loyal, caring, supportive best friend to all. She lived every day laying down her own life to ensure that others could find a relationship with God, her wonderful and supportive husband, Gwen Shamblin Lara, will also be greatly missed.
Kim Katzenmeyer:
He is a gentle giant. A big teddy bear, i wish there were a million more Waylons.
Laura Jaworski:
Put your pen to your paper
Press down on the ink
Then take a short moment
To ponder and think
And listen real close to your heart’s gentle call
Then write every word that you hear,
One and all. -
Christian Gelzer:
He was anxious about how it would behave, the wing could pivot back [to the traditional] 90 degrees to the fuselage to be able to land, and he found out that you’d have to do a very gentle, slow descent, but you’d get what you needed and it would be okay.
Mary Jane Minkin:
The vagina and the vulva are the most sensitive tissues in the body— to harsh soaps, fragrances, and all other possible allergens, when people think of ‘clean’ they tend to think of harsh, deodorizing soaps, but please don’t use these. The less soap, the better. If you want to use a soap, use gentle pH balanced washes.
Translations for gentle
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- لطيفArabic
- jemnýCzech
- blidDanish
- gemächlich, einfühlsam, sanftmütig, freundlich, sachte, liebenswürdigGerman
- ευγενήςGreek
- mildaEsperanto
- amable, gradual, tierno, suave, medido, tranquiloSpanish
- leuto, hellävarainen, herttainen, vähittäinenFinnish
- douxFrench
- mínIrish
- kedvesHungarian
- lemah lembutIndonesian
- gentileItalian
- עָדִיןHebrew
- 穏やかJapanese
- gentleLatin
- māhū, kāwatawataMāori
- zachtDutch
- skånsomNorwegian
- łagodny, delikatnyPolish
- □ GentilPortuguese
- blândRomanian
- mildSwedish
- şefkatli, hoşgörülü, yumuşak başlı, anlayışlı, yavaş yavaş, nazik, tedricîTurkish
- dịu dàngVietnamese
- מילדYiddish
- 溫和Chinese
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- मानक हिन्दी (Hindi)
- Indonesia (Indonesian)
- Italiano (Italian)
- தமிழ் (Tamil)
- Türkçe (Turkish)
- తెలుగు (Telugu)
- ภาษาไทย (Thai)
- Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
- Čeština (Czech)
- Polski (Polish)
- Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
- Românește (Romanian)
- Nederlands (Dutch)
- Ελληνικά (Greek)
- Latinum (Latin)
- Svenska (Swedish)
- Dansk (Danish)
- Suomi (Finnish)
- فارسی (Persian)
- ייִדיש (Yiddish)
- հայերեն (Armenian)
- Norsk (Norwegian)
- English (English)
Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:
Are we missing a good synonym for gentle?
- affable
- amiable
- benign
- compassionate
- considerate
- cool
- genial
- humane
- mellow
- moderate
- placid
- pleasant
- quiet
- soft
- tame
- tender
- cultivated
- disciplined
- domesticated
- pleasing
- taught
- trained
- agreeable
- biddable
- bland
- docile
- dove-like
- easy
- kindly
- laid back
- lenient
- manageable
- meek
- merciful
- pacific
- peaceful
- pliable
- softhearted
- sweet-tempered
- sympathetic
- temperate
- tractable
- warmhearted
- calm
- delicate
- mellow
- mild
- moderate
- muted
- placid
- quiet
- serene
- slight
- slow
- smooth
- soft
- soothing
- subdued
- tender
- tranquil
- faint
- hushed
- light
- low
- balmy
- bland
- clement
- easy
- feeble
- gradual
- halcyon
- imperceptible
- lenient
- low-pitched
- low-toned
- peaceful
- sensitive
- untroubled
- courteous
- elegant
- genteel
- polite
- cultured
- polished
- refined
- aristocratic
- blue-blooded
- Brahmin
- highborn
- highbred
- noble
- upper-class
- well-born
- well-bred
On this page you’ll find 281 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to gentle, such as: affable, amiable, benign, compassionate, considerate, and cool.
antonyms for gentle
- agitated
- callous
- cruel
- disagreeable
- excited
- hard
- harsh
- hateful
- healthy
- irritable
- loud
- mean
- merciless
- rough
- severe
- surly
- uncompassionate
- unfeeling
- unfriendly
- unhappy
- unkind
- violent
- wild
- crude
- low
- odorous
- putrid
- sharp
- strong
- troubled
- agitated
- boisterous
- callous
- coarse
- excited
- fierce
- hard
- harsh
- healthy
- intelligent
- loud
- noisy
- rough
- roused
- significant
- smart
- strong
- troubled
- turbulent
- uncontrolled
- violent
- wild
- heavy
- crude
- odorous
- putrid
- sharp
- unkind
- impolite
- rough
- rude
- uncivil
- unmannerly
- unrefined
- unsophisticated
- crude
- harsh
- loud
- low
- odorous
- putrid
- sharp
- strong
- troubled
- unkind
- violent
- wild
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use gentle in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- amiable
- amicable
- approachable
- benevolent
- benign
- breezy
- civil
- clubby
- congenial
- cordial
- courteous
- genial
- gentle
- good-humored
- good-natured
- gracious
- kindly
- mild
- nice
- obliging
- pleasant
- polite
- sociable
- urbane
- warm
- auspicious
- balmy
- bright
- favorable
- fortunate
- gentle
- healthful
- propitious
- refreshing
- temperate
- warm
- drop-by-drop
- gentle
- gradational
- gradual
- moderate
- moderated
- slow
- steady
- step-by-step
- unhurried
- affable
- amiable
- civilized
- congenial
- courteous
- gentle
- good-natured
- ingratiating
- oily
- pleasant
- smooth
- suave
- unctuous
- unemotional
- urbane
- accustom
- condition
- educate
- gentle
- get used to
- habituate
- initiate
- instruct
- prepare
- tame
- accustomed
- conditioned
- educated
- gentled
- get used to
- habituated
- initiated
- instructed
- prepared
- tamed
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.