Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
fresh [freʃ] прил
свежий, свежайший, пресный, свеженький
(crisp, freshwater, tin)
- fresh orange juice – свежий апельсиновый сок
- breathe fresh air – дышать свежим воздухом
- fresh dairy products – свежие молочные продукты
- fresh green grass – свежая зеленая трава
- salad of fresh vegetables – салат из свежих овощей
- fresh cup of coffee – свежий кофе
- fresh water – пресная вода
- fresh sheet of paper – чистый лист бумаги
новый, новенький
- fresh approach – новый подход
- fresh morning – прохладное утро
- fresh beer – живое пиво
- fresh meat – сырое мясо
свежеприготовленный, свежеуложенный
(freshly prepared)
- fresh dishes – свежеприготовленные блюда
fresh [freʃ] прич
fresh [freʃ] гл
fresh [freʃ] сущ
- fresh breath – свежесть дыхания
adjective | ||
свежий | fresh, cool, recent, new, crisp, breezy | |
новый | new, fresh, novel, renewed, recent, modern | |
чистый | clean, pure, net, clear, unadulterated, fresh | |
пресный | fresh, unleavened, insipid, vapid, sweet, tasteless | |
бодрящий | bracing, crisp, invigorative, fresh, exhilarant | |
бодрый | cheerful, peppy, buoyant, fresh, cheery, chipper | |
натуральный | natural, organic, native, fresh, inartificial, in-kind | |
новенький | fresh, brand-new | |
здоровый | healthy, wholesome, sound, good, healthful, fresh | |
неопытный | inexperienced, sucking, unexperienced, green, new, fresh | |
дерзкий | daring, cocky, bold, audacious, insolent, fresh | |
цветущий | flowering, blooming, flourishing, thriving, bloomy, fresh | |
неконсервированный | fresh | |
крепкий | strong, hard, sturdy, solid, fast, fresh | |
прохладительный | fresh | |
грубый | rude, rough, gross, coarse, crude, fresh | |
распущенный | libertine, dissolute, licentious, dissipated, rakish, fresh | |
слегка выпивший | fresh | |
трезвый | sober, realistic, teetotal, abstinent, realist, fresh | |
нахальный | impudent, cheeky, sassy, brash, cocky, fresh | |
ядреный | vigorous, juicy, hearty, having a large kernel, fresh | |
не уставший | fresh | |
несоленый | fresh | |
другой | other, another, different, second, otherwise, fresh | |
adverb | ||
недавно | recently, newly, latest, new, lately, fresh | |
noun | ||
прохлада | cool, coolness, chill, fresh, shade | |
половодье | flood, fresh | |
паводок | flood, high water, freshet, water, fresh | |
выход реки из берегов | fresh | |
verb | ||
свежеть | freshen, fresh, freshen up |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
fresh сущ
- refreshing · clean · crisp · net
- sweet · cool
- new
- newly
- brisk
- newly picked, garden-fresh, crisp, unwilted, raw, natural, unprocessed
- clean, blank, empty, clear, white, unused, new, pristine, unmarked, untouched
- new, recent, latest, up-to-date, modern, modernistic, ultra-modern, newfangled, original, novel, different, innovative, unusual, unconventional, unorthodox, radical, revolutionary, offbeat
- young, youthful, new, inexperienced, naive, untrained, unqualified, untried, raw, wet behind the ears
- refreshed, rested, restored, revived, (as) fresh as a daisy, energetic, vigorous, invigorated, full of vim and vigor, lively, vibrant, spry, sprightly, bright, alert, perky, full of beans, raring to go, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, chirpy, chipper
- healthy, healthy-looking, clear, bright, youthful, blooming, glowing, unblemished, fair, rosy, rosy-cheeked, pink, ruddy
- cool, crisp, refreshing, invigorating, tonic, pure, clean, clear, uncontaminated, untainted
- chilly, chill, cool, cold, brisk, bracing, invigorating, strong, nippy
- impudent, brazen, shameless, forward, bold, cheeky, impertinent, insolent, presumptuous, disrespectful, rude, pert, (as) bold as brass, sassy, saucy, lippy, mouthy
- clean
- unfermented, sweet
- wise, sassy, impertinent, saucy, impudent, smart, overbold
- refreshing, brisk, bracing, tonic
- unused
- new, novel
- sweet
- reinvigorated, refreshed, invigorated
- newly, new, freshly
Предложения со словом «fresh»
So as people settle in the countryside, well, they will buy local groceries, fresh groceries, foodstuff, maintenance services. |
Когда люди люди переедут в деревню, они станут покупать местные продукты, свежие продукты, и ремонтироваться там же. |
My brain is getting fresh . |
Мой мозг работает. |
Our walking is for healing, for joy, for fresh air, quiet time, to connect and disconnect, to worship. |
Ходьба нужна нам для исцеления, радости, свежего воздуха, спокойствия, общения и отдыха, для связи с Богом. |
The first time I heard mental health, I was a boarding school student fresh off the boat from Ghana, at the Peddie School in New Jersey. |
Впервые я услышал слова психическое здоровье, когда, уехав из Ганы, стал новоиспечённым учеником в школе — интернате Педди в Нью — Джерси. |
Fresh out of college, I went to work for a consulting firm. |
Выпустившись из колледжа, я устроился в консалтинговую фирму. |
— Сироп желтого тела, — стала Ленайна читать этикетки вслух — Оварин, свежесть гарантируется; годен до 1 августа 632 г. э. Ф. |
He was chasing down this heavenly chow with seltzer water flavored with a green syrup called Fresh Hay. |
Этот харч богов он запивал сельтерской водой с зеленым сиропом Свежее сено. |
To breathe, this air is really clean and really fresh . |
Этот воздух очень чистый и свежий. |
And we’ll need to encourage more people to join us in studying science since we need fresh eyes on these century-old problems. |
Также необходимо привлекать в науку больше людей, которые смогут взглянуть на эти вековые проблемы свежим взглядом. |
I was in the best shape of my life because I was eating fresh food and I was walking wherever I went. |
Никогда больше я не был в такой хорошей форме, потому что ел здоровую пищу и много ходил пешком. |
This is your only chance to examine the fresh specimen. |
Но у вас сейчас есть единственный шанс изучить свежий образец. |
Your fresh air will come through that wooden grate. |
Свежий воздух будет поступать к вам через ту деревянную решетку. |
I could also smell fresh pine and packing dust. |
А я еще различила запах свежей сосны и упаковочной стружки. |
We’ve got a fresh imprint of the oil stains. |
У нас есть свежий отпечаток масляного пятна |
A slippery pile of fresh pig droppings confirmed his theory. |
Скользкие кучки свежего свиного помета нечаянным образом подтвердили его правоту. |
But he didn’t shave or use a fresh tie. |
Но бриться не стал и не стал менять галстук. |
Pancakes with a blackberry drizzle and fresh squeezed orange juice. |
Блинчики с ежевичным джемом И свежевыжатый апельсиновый сок |
We can’t live without fresh air, clean water, sunshine and a lot of things which we take from the nature. |
Мы не можем жить без чистого воздуха, чистой воды, солнечного света и много вещей, которые мы берем из природы. |
Oysters steamed with garlic for an appetizer and boiled lobster with fresh dill and crisp green salad for the entree. |
Устриц, сваренных на пару с чесноком, на закуску и омара, сваренного в кипятке, со свежим укропом и хрустящим зеленым салатом на второе. |
Even in one dish, you can taste a variety of favours and it’s all very fresh , so Indian food is spicy, but it’s made with a lot of dried spices so sometimes it feels very heavy and you can taste the spices afterwards, and you can smell the spices afterwards. |
Даже в одном блюде, вы можете попробовать различные вкусы, и все это очень свежее, так индийская еда острая, но она сделана с большим количеством сушеных специй, так что иногда она ощущается очень тяжелой, и вы можете ощущать вкус специи после, и вы можете чувствовать запах специй после. |
But with Thai food, it’s very very fresh and zingy and you don’t feel full or heavy afterwards, you just feel exhilarated. |
Но с тайской едой, она очень свежая и живая, и вы не чувствуете себя переполнено или тяжело после, вы просто чувствуете себя в приподнятом настроении. |
I like, well, I’m a vegetarian so I like vegetables and fruit and fresh food, and Italian, I like Thai, I like a lot of stuff. |
Мне нравится, ну, я вегетарианка, поэтому мне нравятся овощи и фрукты, свежие продукты, мне нравится итальянская, тайская, мне нравится много чего. |
A woman followed with fresh sheets and a blanket. |
Следом вошла женщина и постелила свежие простыни и одеяло. |
They order fresh flowers to the house once a week. |
Они заказывали свежие цветы на дом раз в неделю. |
Chang has fresh Chinamen out by his rice hut. |
У Чанга есть новые китайцы возле его рисовой лачуги. |
Clear sunlight and fresh cold air spilled into the room. |
Ясный солнечный свет и свежий воздух полились в комнату. |
It seemed smoky after the fresh windy day outside. |
После свежего ветра снаружи в помещении очень чувствовался запах дыма. |
Dr. Maura Isles had not smelled fresh air all day. |
За целый день Маура так и не глотнула свежего воздуха. |
The whole countryside is ours, fresh air, sun… |
У вас есть поле, чистый воздух, солнце… |
A fresh fresh start and a clean start |
Новое Новое начало и чистое начало |
He went to the kitchen and got two fresh bottles. |
Он пошел в кухню и достал две новые бутылки. |
But I just caught two fresh cases this morning. |
Но на меня с утра свалились два новых дела. |
He touched the wound and came away with fresh blood. |
Он потрогал рану и отнял руку со свежим пятном крови. |
A lot of fresh bar mitzvah money down there. |
Там крутится куча свеженьких денег с бар — мицвы. |
I found fresh hoof prints leading out of the camp. |
Я обнаружил свежие отпечатки копыт, ведущие из лагеря. |
I drank pure spring water and fresh goat’s milk. |
Пил родниковую воду и только что надоенное козье молоко. |
The smell of fresh bread wafting from a nearby bakery. |
Запах горячего хлеба, доносящийся из расположенной неподалеку пекарни. |
We need fresh water and a little luck |
Нам нужна свежая вода и немного везения |
We enjoy having fresh vegetables and green on our dinner table. |
Мы наслаждаемся тем, что на нашем столе всегда свежие овощи и зелень. |
My father is very fond of sitting in the kitchen with a bottle of fresh beer and watching a small TV-set that stands near the gas-stove. |
Мой отец очень любил, сидя на кухне с бутылкой свежего пива, смотреть небольшой телевизор, который стоит рядом с газовой плитой. |
Very seldom I travel to the mountains with my friends to get some fresh air and forget about my problems. |
Очень редко я езжу в горы с моими друзьями, чтобы подышать свежим воздухом и забыть о своих проблемах. |
But then I started to feel rather boringabout it — I just needed something really fresh . |
Но потом я начал чувствовать себя довольно скучно от него — мне просто нужно было что — то действительно свежее. |
I like fresh air and exercise. |
Мне нравится свежий воздух и физические упражнения. |
We can go anywhere, spend our time near a river or a lake on fresh , green grass, swim in warm water, or climb mountains, play different games, ride a bicycle and so on. |
Мы можем поехать куда угодно, проводить время у реки или озера на свежей зеленой траве, плавать в теплой воде, или подняться в горы, или играть в различные игры, кататься на велосипеде и т.д. |
There I enjoyed fresh air, pleasant views of the surrounding nature. |
Там я наслаждался свежим воздухом, приятным видом на окружающую природу. |
My mother used to say that he was as fresh as a cucumber. |
Моя мама приговаривала, что он свеж, как огурчик. |
The air is fresh and full of the autumn fragrance of ripe apples, plums and peaches and of course, coloured asters, chrysanthemums. |
Воздух свеж и полон осеннего аромата спелых яблок, слив, персиков и, конечно, разноцветных астр и хризантем. |
The air is fresh and it’s easy to breathe. |
Воздух свежий, и легко дышится. |
The air is fresh , the sky is blue and cloudless, and the sun shines brightly. |
Воздух свежий , небо синее и безоблачное, солнце ярко светит. |
I inhale the fresh air and feel: the rain. |
Я вдыхаю воздух и чувствую: дождь. |
But I don`t afraid to catch a cold on the contrary I feel the fresh surge of energy. |
Однако я чувствую прилив сил зимой, меня не пугает холод. |
The English like it strong and fresh made. |
Англичане пьют крепкий свежезаваренный чай. |
The basic ingredients, when fresh , are so full of flavour that British haven’t had to invent sauces to disguise their natural taste. |
Основные ингредиенты, если они свежие, так вкусны, что англичанам не нужно было изобретать соусов, чтобы испортить их натуральный вкус. |
What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? |
Что может сравниться с зеленым горошком или молодым картофелем, только что сваренным и заправленный сливочным маслом? |
It’s wonderful to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face, hear the cry of the sea-gulls. |
Замечательно чувствовать палубу корабля под ногами, видеть возвышение и падение волн, чувствовать, как свежий морской ветер дует в лицо, слышать крик чаек. |
People breath fresh air and I hope our future generations will do it too. |
Люди дышат свежим воздухом, и я надеюсь наши будущее поколения будут делать это тоже. |
But the choice is theirs: either fashion, or health and fresh air. |
Однако их выбор: либо мода, либо здоровье и свежий воздух. |
Then she gave me my correspondence and fresh newspapers and I followed to my office-room. |
Тогда она давала мне мою переписку и свежие газеты, и я следовал в свой кабинет. |
When switched on, viral replication may speed along, producing new viruses that destroy fresh lymphocytes. |
Активировавшись, вирусная репликация может пойти по возрастающей, производя новые вирусы, которые уничтожают свежие лимфоциты. |
You should only remember that in this city you will get fresh impressions, take great delight in viewing monuments and discover the history of England. |
Вам следует только помнить, что в этом городе вы получите свежие впечатления, насладитесь обзором памятников и откроете историю Англии. |
What is another word for Fresh?
inexperienced, additional
attitude, bold
new, original
property, drinkable
property, drinkable
attitude, impudent
attitude, bold
characteristic, character trait
time, cool
characteristic, refreshing
cool, characteristic
attitude, impudent
attitude, impudent
characteristic, property
cool, invigorating
cheeky, sassy
impudent, bold
additional, addition
empty, energetic
new, time
characteristic, cool
additional, addition
lively, energetic
impudent, cheeky
property, drinkable
inexperienced, natural
energetic, fresh as a daisy
cheeky, sassy
bold, cheeky
inexperienced, natural
energetic, healthy
additional, increase
new, original
bold, sassy
inexperienced, health
lively, energetic
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freshen, freshness, freshly, fresher, freshet, freshening, freshing, freshed
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Synonyms for Fresh. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 04, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/fresh
Synonyms for Fresh. N.p., 2016. Web. 04 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/fresh>.
Synonyms for Fresh. 2016. Accessed May 04, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/fresh.
- crisp
- different
- green
- hot
- late
- natural
- original
- raw
- recent
- unusual
- beginning
- brand-new
- comer
- contemporary
- crude
- current
- gleaming
- glistening
- hot off the press
- immature
- just out
- latest
- mint
- modern
- modernistic
- neoteric
- newborn
- newfangled
- novel
- now
- radical
- sparkling
- state-of-the-art
- the latest
- this season’s
- unconventional
- unprocessed
- unseasoned
- untouched
- up-to-date
- virginal
- what’s happening
- young
- youthful
- extra
- further
- new
- renewed
- added
- another
- auxiliary
- else
- farther
- increased
- more
- other
- supplementary
- bright
- clean
- clear
- colorful
- cool
- crisp
- pure
- quick
- sharp
- stiff
- sweet
- vivid
- bracing
- brisk
- definite
- fair
- invigorating
- not stale
- spanking
- sparkling
- stimulating
- uncontaminated
- unpolluted
- bright
- clear
- good
- lively
- vigorous
- active
- alert
- blooming
- bouncing
- bright-eyed
- bushy-tailed
- chipper
- dewy
- fair
- florid
- glowing
- hardy
- invigorated
- keen
- like new
- refreshed
- rehabilitated
- relaxed
- relieved
- rested
- restored
- revived
- rosy
- ruddy
- sprightly
- spry
- stimulated
- undimmed
- unfaded
- unused
- unwearied
- unwithered
- verdant
- vital
- wholesome
- young
- green
- natural
- new
- raw
- artless
- callow
- cherry
- tenderfooted
- uncultivated
- unpracticed
- unskilled
- untrained
- untried
- unversed
- young
- youthful
- bold
- familiar
- smart
- cheeky
- disrespectful
- flip
- flippant
- forward
- impertinent
- impudent
- insolent
- nervy
- pert
- presumptuous
- rude
- saucy
- smart-alecky
- snippy
- wise
On this page you’ll find 329 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to fresh, such as: crisp, different, green, hot, late, and natural.
- exhausted
- experienced
- gentle
- kind
- lifeless
- boring
- calm
- cloudy
- dark
- dirty
- dreary
- dull
- gloomy
- impure
- polluted
- stale
- lethargic
- exhausted
- lifeless
- tired
- unenergetic
- worn
- experienced
- old
- stale
- tired
- unenergetic
- used
- worn
- gentle
- kind
- polite
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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OCTOBER 26, 1985
- aggressive
- agile
- alert
- alive
- animated
- assiduous
- bold
- brisk
- bustling
- busy
- chipper
- daring
- dashing
- determined
- dexterous
- diligent
- dynamic
- eager
- energetic
- engaged
- enlivened
- enterprising
- enthusiastic
- eventful
- fireball
- forceful
- forcible
- fresh
- frisky
- hard-working
- high-spirited
- hyper
- industrious
- intense
- inventive
- jumping
- keen
- lively
- nimble
- on the move
- perky
- persevering
- purposeful
- pushing
- quick
- rapid
- ready
- resolute
- sharp
- sprightly
- spry
- whiz
- zealous
- assertory
- bold
- brassy
- cheeky
- cocky
- come on
- domineering
- dynamic
- energetic
- enterprising
- flip
- forceful
- fresh
- get up and go
- go after
- hard sell
- imperious
- masterful
- militant
- nervy
- pushing
- pushy
- sassy
- shooting from the hip
- smart
- smart alecky
- strenuous
- tough
- vigorous
- zealous
- aerial
- atmospheric
- blowy
- breezy
- drafty
- exposed
- fluttering
- fresh
- gaseous
- gusty
- light
- lofty
- out-of-doors
- uncluttered
- vaporous
- ventilated
- well-ventilated
- windy
- a distinct
- a further
- a separate
- added
- else
- farther
- fresh
- further
- more
- new
- one more
- other
- some other
- that
- bare
- barren
- clean
- empty
- fresh
- new
- pale
- plain
- spotless
- uncompleted
- unfilled
- unmarked
- untouched
- unused
- vacant
- virgin
- virginal
- void
- white
- bright
- bright-eyed
- chipper
- energetic
- fresh
- radiant
- rosy
- spry
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
That which is new has lately come into existence, possession, or use; a new house is just built, or in a more general sense is one that has just come into the possession of the present owner or occupant. Modern denotes that which has begun to exist in the present age, and is still existing; recent denotes that which has come into existence within a comparatively brief period, and may or may not be existing still. Modern history pertains to any period since the middle ages; modern literature, modern architecture, etc., are not strikingly remote from the styles and types prevalent to-day. That which is late is somewhat removed from the present, but not far enough to be called old. That which is recent is not quite so sharply distinguished from the past as that which is new; recent publications range over a longer time than new books. That which is novel is either absolutely or relatively unprecedented in kind; a novel contrivance is one that has never before been known; a novel experience is one that has never before occurred to the same person; that which is new may be of a familiar or even of an ancient sort, as a new copy of an old book. Young and youthful are applied to that which has life; that which is young is possessed of a comparatively new existence as a living thing, possessing actual youth; that which is youthful manifests the attributes of youth. (Compare YOUTHFUL.) Fresh applies to that which has the characteristics of newness or youth, while capable of deterioration by lapse of time; that which is unworn, unspoiled, or unfaded; as, a fresh countenance, fresh eggs, fresh flowers. New is opposed to old, modern to ancient, recent to remote, young to old, aged, etc.
See synonyms for OLD.
juvenile, late, modern, new, new-fangled, new-fashioned, new-made, novel, recent, upstart, young, youthful
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
new, young, vigorous, cool, recent, renewed, unimpaired, untarnished, unfaded, blooming, ruddy, novel, untried, modern, unskilledAntonyms:
old, stale, jaded, weary, former, stagnant, ordinary, original, impaired, tarnished, faded, decayed, pallid, sickly, putrid, mouldy, musty, fusty
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote
recently made, produced, or harvested
«fresh bread»; «a fresh scent»; «fresh lettuce»
tonic, impertinent, wise, bracing, refreshing, sassy, new, unused, novel, smart, reinvigorated, unfermented, sweet, saucy, clean, impudent, refreshed, invigorated, brisk, overbold, refreshfulAntonyms:
potted, tainted, dehydrated, dirty, sundried, saliferous, flash-frozen, cured, saltish, saline, spoilt, soured, brine-cured, unoriginal, corned, tinned, putrid, aged, dry, salted, glace, candied, brackish, corrupt, crystalized, lyophilised, briny, hard, unclean, sun-dried, debilitating, lyophilized, preserved, addled, wilted, smoked, impure, soiled, maggoty, canned, old, tired, putrescent, flyblown, freeze-dried, day-old, pickled, cold, salt-cured, backward, spoiled, limp, smoke-dried, mouldy, musty, bad, crystalised, dried, smoke-cured, salty, frozen, rotten, stale, desiccated, moldy, rancid, quick-frozen -
(of a cycle) beginning or occurring again
«a fresh start»; «fresh ideas»
tonic, impertinent, wise, bracing, refreshing, sassy, new, unused, novel, smart, reinvigorated, unfermented, sweet, saucy, clean, impudent, refreshed, invigorated, brisk, overbold, refreshfulAntonyms:
putrid, freeze-dried, saliferous, soiled, smoke-cured, wilted, day-old, saline, tinned, frozen, sun-dried, aged, preserved, dry, hard, musty, dehydrated, spoilt, corned, stale, limp, unoriginal, old, backward, brackish, cured, addled, dried, quick-frozen, rotten, tired, impure, tainted, soured, sundried, smoked, bad, crystalized, salted, briny, desiccated, maggoty, unclean, putrescent, moldy, smoke-dried, flash-frozen, spoiled, glace, canned, cold, salty, lyophilized, dirty, corrupt, saltish, potted, pickled, flyblown, candied, brine-cured, lyophilised, rancid, salt-cured, mouldy, debilitating, crystalised -
bracing, brisk, fresh, refreshing, refreshful, tonicadjective
imparting vitality and energy
«the bracing mountain air»
tonic, spanking, bracing, wise, refreshful, lively, refreshing, fresh, new, snappy, novel, brisk, tonal, smart, reinvigorated, unfermented, accented, impertinent, sweet, unused, saucy, merry, clean, sassy, impudent, refreshed, invigorated, zippy, rattling, overbold, alertAntonyms:
debilitating, soiled, tired, freeze-dried, saline, preserved, bad, soured, rancid, musty, smoke-dried, crystalised, unclean, addled, sundried, mouldy, pickled, briny, spoiled, cold, backward, saltish, cured, tinned, stale, dried, quick-frozen, spoilt, moldy, putrescent, brackish, corned, sun-dried, impure, corrupt, dehydrated, limp, potted, salt-cured, putrid, flash-frozen, hard, flyblown, maggoty, day-old, canned, glace, wilted, salted, rotten, dry, smoked, aged, desiccated, unoriginal, brine-cured, smoke-cured, lyophilised, old, saliferous, candied, salty, tainted, lyophilized, frozen, crystalized, dirty -
fresh, new, noveladjective
original and of a kind not seen before
«the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem»
tonic, impertinent, wise, bracing, young, newfangled, refreshing, sassy, new, unused, novel, fresh, new(a), raw, unexampled, smart, reinvigorated, unfermented, sweet, saucy, clean, impudent, refreshed, invigorated, brisk, overbold, refreshfulAntonyms:
bad, spoiled, day-old, lyophilized, maggoty, limp, pickled, putrid, saline, crystalized, aged, old, salty, salt-cured, impure, rancid, dried, addled, moldy, saltish, candied, tired, cold, sun-dried, preserved, saliferous, rotten, cured, lyophilised, freeze-dried, smoke-dried, dirty, smoked, backward, brackish, glace, soiled, dry, sundried, smoke-cured, spoilt, crystalised, unoriginal, quick-frozen, flash-frozen, corned, unclean, salted, musty, tinned, corrupt, frozen, dehydrated, stale, debilitating, flyblown, desiccated, brine-cured, hard, tainted, soured, mouldy, wilted, canned, briny, putrescent, potted -
not canned or otherwise preserved
«fresh vegetables»
tonic, impertinent, wise, bracing, refreshing, sassy, new, unused, novel, smart, reinvigorated, unfermented, sweet, saucy, clean, impudent, refreshed, invigorated, brisk, overbold, refreshfulAntonyms:
stale, spoiled, saliferous, cured, crystalized, addled, impure, desiccated, saltish, brine-cured, spoilt, old, tinned, preserved, lyophilized, smoke-cured, smoked, salt-cured, frozen, saline, putrid, musty, maggoty, putrescent, rotten, glace, rancid, canned, lyophilised, crystalised, mouldy, tainted, candied, corrupt, dried, quick-frozen, aged, dry, freeze-dried, unoriginal, salted, dirty, wilted, backward, soured, moldy, dehydrated, briny, day-old, flyblown, limp, smoke-dried, soiled, potted, salty, bad, sun-dried, debilitating, hard, cold, sundried, corned, brackish, tired, pickled, flash-frozen, unclean -
fresh, sweetadjective
not containing or composed of salt water
«fresh water»
dulcet, scented, invigorated, new, wise, mellifluous, brisk, sweet-flavored, odoriferous, saucy, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, honeyed, angelic, smart, sassy, mellisonant, overbold, gratifying, cherubic, clean, sugared, sweet, angelical, seraphic, impertinent, fresh, sweetened, reinvigorated, impudent, odorous, novel, refreshing, refreshful, unused, tonic, bracing, refreshed, perfumed, unfermentedAntonyms:
old, bad, mouldy, pickled, briny, unoriginal, corrupt, putrid, quick-frozen, potted, unclean, wilted, freeze-dried, musty, corned, debilitating, maggoty, rancid, tinned, cold, cured, soured, tired, dried, hard, stale, salted, saline, moldy, smoke-cured, brine-cured, canned, salty, rotten, crystalized, spoiled, smoke-dried, saltish, smoked, flash-frozen, glace, lyophilized, salt-cured, soiled, lyophilised, frozen, tainted, candied, limp, impure, desiccated, dry, dirty, backward, addled, flyblown, spoilt, putrescent, sundried, day-old, saliferous, sun-dried, brackish, aged, preserved, dehydrated, crystalised -
having recently calved and therefore able to give milk
«the cow is fresh»
tonic, impertinent, wise, bracing, refreshing, sassy, new, unused, novel, smart, reinvigorated, unfermented, sweet, saucy, clean, impudent, refreshed, invigorated, brisk, overbold, refreshfulAntonyms:
dirty, spoiled, rotten, hard, old, wilted, smoke-cured, candied, saliferous, potted, tinned, cold, moldy, musty, crystalised, unclean, corrupt, cured, frozen, lyophilized, desiccated, limp, quick-frozen, saltish, brackish, rancid, corned, tired, sun-dried, aged, glace, stale, day-old, soiled, smoked, dry, dried, lyophilised, impure, preserved, tainted, freeze-dried, putrescent, debilitating, sundried, backward, mouldy, saline, flash-frozen, putrid, crystalized, salt-cured, brine-cured, dehydrated, canned, pickled, soured, maggoty, smoke-dried, salty, spoilt, bad, unoriginal, flyblown, briny, salted, addled -
fresh, invigorated, refreshed, reinvigoratedadjective
with restored energy
tonic, impertinent, wise, bracing, refreshing, sassy, new, unused, novel, fresh, smart, reinvigorated, unfermented, sweet, saucy, clean, impudent, refreshed, invigorated, brisk, overbold, refreshfulAntonyms:
stale, dirty, old, freeze-dried, moldy, cold, tinned, debilitating, frozen, dry, smoked, addled, flash-frozen, putrescent, briny, salty, smoke-cured, wilted, salted, limp, preserved, desiccated, glace, smoke-dried, soured, crystalised, tired, cured, backward, rotten, canned, sun-dried, brine-cured, impure, flyblown, salt-cured, unclean, rancid, dried, tainted, hard, pickled, brackish, aged, dehydrated, crystalized, mouldy, musty, day-old, saline, putrid, maggoty, potted, unoriginal, corrupt, sundried, spoiled, saltish, lyophilised, saliferous, spoilt, quick-frozen, candied, bad, lyophilized, corned, soiled -
fresh, sweet, unfermentedadjective
not soured or preserved
«sweet milk»
dulcet, scented, invigorated, new, wise, mellifluous, brisk, sweet-flavored, odoriferous, saucy, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, honeyed, angelic, smart, sassy, mellisonant, overbold, gratifying, cherubic, clean, sugared, sweet, angelical, seraphic, impertinent, fresh, sweetened, reinvigorated, impudent, odorous, novel, refreshing, refreshful, unused, tonic, bracing, refreshed, perfumed, unfermentedAntonyms:
freeze-dried, dried, salt-cured, saltish, flyblown, rotten, saline, desiccated, maggoty, sundried, day-old, corned, smoke-dried, soiled, cured, unoriginal, candied, moldy, stale, frozen, crystalised, old, putrescent, wilted, lyophilized, aged, brine-cured, musty, preserved, soured, saliferous, bad, rancid, salted, limp, potted, flash-frozen, sun-dried, spoilt, addled, brackish, lyophilised, backward, dehydrated, canned, glace, salty, tinned, crystalized, tired, impure, tainted, briny, dry, pickled, corrupt, cold, spoiled, debilitating, smoked, smoke-cured, mouldy, quick-frozen, dirty, unclean, putrid, hard -
clean, freshadjective
free from impurities
«clean water»; «fresh air»
invigorated, uninfected, wise, tonic, neat, brisk, saucy, new, smart, sassy, clean-living, overbold, sportsmanlike, uncontaminating, unclouded, clean, impudent, sweet, clear, sporty, impertinent, fresh, unobjectionable, reinvigorated, fair, novel, refreshing, refreshful, unused, blank, white, sporting, refreshed, bracing, light, unfermentedAntonyms:
dry, frozen, dried, smoke-cured, rotten, smoke-dried, cured, wilted, pickled, day-old, flash-frozen, saltish, unclean, tired, musty, quick-frozen, potted, salty, sundried, soiled, impure, candied, lyophilized, old, unoriginal, addled, brackish, dehydrated, spoilt, corned, saline, freeze-dried, sun-dried, tinned, spoiled, saliferous, salt-cured, mouldy, backward, corrupt, maggoty, salted, flyblown, tainted, glace, lyophilised, bad, crystalized, stale, desiccated, putrid, preserved, aged, brine-cured, canned, putrescent, limp, smoked, cold, soured, moldy, hard, debilitating, crystalised, dirty, rancid, briny -
fresh, unusedadjective
not yet used or soiled
«a fresh shirt»; «a fresh sheet of paper»; «an unused envelope»
tonic, impertinent, wise, bracing, refreshing, sassy, new, unused, novel, fresh, idle, smart, reinvigorated, unfermented, sweet, saucy, clean, impudent, refreshed, invigorated, brisk, overbold, refreshfulAntonyms:
dehydrated, wilted, aged, smoked, unoriginal, flyblown, dried, desiccated, candied, sundried, limp, stale, rancid, soured, backward, tinned, corned, frozen, addled, cured, soiled, saltish, saliferous, crystalised, unclean, briny, preserved, tired, rotten, salty, sun-dried, dirty, lyophilized, spoiled, debilitating, musty, corrupt, day-old, saline, mouldy, salt-cured, crystalized, smoke-cured, brine-cured, glace, freeze-dried, impure, putrescent, bad, maggoty, putrid, quick-frozen, old, dry, smoke-dried, spoilt, lyophilised, brackish, pickled, canned, flash-frozen, salted, moldy, tainted, hard, potted, cold -
fresh, impertinent, impudent, overbold, smart, saucy, sassy, wiseadverb
improperly forward or bold
«don’t be fresh with me»; «impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup»; «an impudent boy given to insulting strangers»; «Don’t get wise with me!»
invigorated, wise, flip, chic, brisk, saucy, heady, new, pert, wise(p), smart, sassy, overbold, judicious, orthogonal, irreverent, clean, insolent, sweet, immaterial, impertinent, fresh, snotty-nosed, knowing, reinvigorated, impudent, novel, refreshing, refreshful, unused, voguish, tonic, refreshed, bracing, wise to(p), extraneous, unfermented, brightAntonyms:
cured, potted, candied, sun-dried, moldy, salt-cured, rancid, aged, crystalized, brackish, wilted, soured, maggoty, saline, putrid, flyblown, tainted, salted, putrescent, addled, impure, corned, glace, unoriginal, lyophilised, cold, flash-frozen, old, stale, tinned, quick-frozen, pickled, salty, spoiled, saliferous, limp, briny, smoked, crystalised, day-old, freeze-dried, frozen, smoke-dried, unclean, hard, canned, lyophilized, soiled, mouldy, spoilt, backward, desiccated, dirty, corrupt, brine-cured, sundried, rotten, preserved, saltish, dried, dry, smoke-cured, tired, dehydrated, musty, debilitating, bad -
newly, freshly, fresh, newadverb
very recently
«they are newly married»; «newly raised objections»; «a newly arranged hairdo»; «grass new washed by the rain»; «a freshly cleaned floor»; «we are fresh out of tomatoes»
saucily, impudently, new, impertinently, pertly, newly, freshly, freshAntonyms:
unoriginal, smoke-dried, unclean, debilitating, preserved, putrid, cured, dehydrated, soiled, crystalised, tainted, candied, frozen, rotten, stale, mouldy, limp, tinned, maggoty, aged, rancid, impure, dried, glace, spoilt, sun-dried, corned, wilted, putrescent, flash-frozen, backward, cold, canned, potted, salt-cured, crystalized, quick-frozen, moldy, spoiled, freeze-dried, addled, hard, day-old, bad, brine-cured, flyblown, pickled, smoked, salted, musty, tired, old, saliferous, dirty, dry, briny, brackish, desiccated, sundried, lyophilised, salty, saline, lyophilized, smoke-cured, corrupt, soured, saltish
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
now, recent -
blooming, nourishing, unfaded -
good, sweet, of recent growth, in a good state, not stale -
florid, healthy, well, hearty, vigorous, hardy, strong -
vivid, lively, not dulled, not impaired -
just received, just arrived -
not salt, without salt -
pure and cool -
brisk, strong, forcible -
10. raw, uncultivated, unpractised, untrained, unskilled, inexperienced
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:5.0 / 1 vote
List of paraphrases for «fresh»:
new, dulce, sweet, fresco, fraiche, expenses, soft, costs, gentle, cool, fees, fresh-brewed, fee, expense, mild, potable, charges, renewed, cost, charge, freshwater
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Song lyrics by fresh — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by fresh on the Lyrics.com website.
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How to use FRESH in a sentence?
Liz Cheney:
Today, our federal law enforcement is being threatened. A federal judge is being threatened. Fresh threats of violence are rising everywhere, no patriotic American should excuse these threats or be intimidated by them. Our great nation must not be ruled by a mob provoked over social media.
Chang Chengwei:
Volume is getting very thin, as there are hardly any fresh inflows, and the process of deleveraging is continuing.
Paul Argenti:
You want to bring somebody from the outside to bring fresh perspective to ‘save the day,’ he should have been gone a long time ago. He is part of the problem.
Rooney Mara:
I had all these preconceived ideas about Mary Magdalene and about religion in general, a lot of baggage that made me hesitate, it wasn’t until speaking to Garth Davis and looking at the story as an adult, without that baggage from Catholic school, that I could strip it back and see it with fresh eyes.
Acting Director Joseph P. Clancey:
Change is necessary to gain a fresh perspective on how we conduct business, i am certain any of our senior executives will be productive and valued assets either in other positions at the Secret Service or the department.
Translations for FRESH
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- جديدArabic
- təzəAzerbaijani
- свежыBelarusian
- свеж, пресен, сладък, дързък, самонадеянBulgarian
- তাজাBengali
- fresca, frescCatalan, Valencian
- svěží, osvěžující, čerstvýCzech
- fersk, frisk, forfriskende, ny, frækDanish
- frisch, frechGerman
- πόσιμος, νέος, γλυκός, φρέσκος, πρόσφατος, δροσερός, νωπός, αναιδής, θρασύςGreek
- freŝaEsperanto
- refrescante, fresco, simple, nuevo, dulce, groseroSpanish
- värskeEstonian
- شیرین, تازهPersian
- makea, raikas, uusi, raitis, tuore, veres, röyhkeäFinnish
- frískur, óspiltur, feskur, góðurFaroese
- doux, fraîche, rafraichissant, frais, douce, rafraichissante, nouvelles, nouvelle, nouveau, nouveaux, nouvelFrench
- úrIrish
- ùr, fionnarScottish Gaelic
- frescoGalician
- טרי, טריה, רענן, מתוקים, מרענן, מרעננת, חצופה, חצוףHebrew
- ताज़ाHindi
- frissHungarian
- քաղցրահամ, թարմացնող, թարմ, զովArmenian
- segarIndonesian
- freshaIdo
- ferskurIcelandic
- fresca, fresco, dolce, recente, nuovo, nuova, sfacciato, sfiacciataItalian
- 新鮮Japanese
- ახალიGeorgian
- жаңа, тазаKazakh
- ស្រស់Khmer
- 신선Korean
- жаңы, тазаKyrgyz
- recentibusLatin
- ສົດLao
- sviežiasLithuanian
- svaigs, spirgtsLatvian
- слатководен, свеж, пресен, тазе, безобразен, груб, дрзокMacedonian
- шинэMongolian
- nyaman, segarMalay
- ကောင်း, လန်းBurmese
- zoet, vers, fris, nieuw, grof, onbeschoft, onbehoorlijk, onbeleefdDutch
- ferskNorwegian
- frescOccitan
- ତଟକାOriya
- świeżyPolish
- refrescante, fresco, doce, mal-educado, grosseiro, rudePortuguese
- proaspătRomanian
- пресный, свежий, наглый, нахальный, грубыйRussian
- osvježavajuć, svjež, svež, свежSerbo-Croatian
- sviežiSlovak
- svežiSlovene
- freskëtAlbanian
- färsk, frisk, fräschSwedish
- శీతలీకరించిన, సరికొత్త, తాజా, ముడిగాTelugu
- тозаTajik
- สดชื่น, สดThai
- tääzeTurkmen
- tazeTurkish
- свіжийUkrainian
- تازہUrdu
- tozaUzbek
- tươi, mớiVietnamese
- פֿרישYiddish
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Synonyms for (adj) fresh
Synonyms: overbold, smart, sassy, saucy, wise, impertinent, impudent, fresh
Definition: improperly forward or bold
Usage: don’t be fresh with me; impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup; an impudent boy given to insulting strangers; Don’t get wise with me!
Similar words: forward
Definition: used of temperament or behavior; lacking restraint or modesty
Usage: a forward child badly in need of discipline
Synonyms: unused, fresh
Definition: not yet used or soiled
Usage: a fresh shirt; a fresh sheet of paper; an unused envelope
Similar words: clean
Definition: free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits
Usage: children with clean shining faces; clean white shirts; clean dishes; a spotlessly clean house; cats are clean animals
Synonyms: fresh
Definition: recently made, produced, or harvested
Usage: fresh bread; a fresh scent; fresh lettuce
Similar words: caller
Definition: fresh
Usage: caller fish
Similar words: crisp
Definition: pleasingly firm and fresh
Usage: crisp lettuce
Similar words: fresh-cut
Definition: cut recently
Usage: fresh-cut flowers
Similar words: undecomposed, unspoiled, unspoilt, good
Definition: not left to spoil
Usage: the meat is still good
Similar words: hot
Definition: newly made
Usage: a hot scent
Similar words: new-made
Definition: newly made
Usage: the aroma of new-made bread
Similar words: strong, warm
Definition: freshly made or left
Usage: a warm trail; the scent is warm
Synonyms: fresh
Definition: not canned or otherwise preserved
Usage: fresh vegetables
Similar words: unprocessed
Definition: not treated or prepared by a special process
Synonyms: fresh, tonic, bracing, brisk, refreshful, refreshing
Definition: imparting vitality and energy
Usage: the bracing mountain air
Similar words: invigorating
Definition: imparting strength and vitality
Usage: the invigorating mountain air
Synonyms: fresh
Definition: (of a cycle) beginning or occurring again
Usage: a fresh start; fresh ideas
Similar words: new
Definition: not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered
Usage: a new law; new cars; a new comet; a new friend; a new year; the New World
Synonyms: fresh, new, novel
Definition: original and of a kind not seen before
Usage: the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem
Similar words: original
Definition: being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of
Usage: a truly original approach; with original music; an original mind
Synonyms: clean, fresh
Definition: free from impurities
Usage: clean water; fresh air
Similar words: pure
Definition: free of extraneous elements of any kind
Usage: pure air and water; pure gold; pure primary colors; the violin’s pure and lovely song; pure tones; pure oxygen
Synonyms: unfermented, sweet, fresh
Definition: not soured or preserved
Usage: sweet milk
Similar words: unsoured
Definition: not having turned bad
Synonyms: refreshed, reinvigorated, fresh, invigorated
Definition: with restored energy
Similar words: rested
Definition: not tired; refreshed as by sleeping or relaxing
Usage: came back rested from her vacation
Synonyms: fresh
Definition: having recently calved and therefore able to give milk
Usage: the cow is fresh
Similar words: wet, lactating
Definition: producing or secreting milk
Usage: a wet nurse; a wet cow; lactating cows