Определения слова fear
- страх, боязнь,ужас
Синонимы к слову fear
- alarm
- anxiety
- apprehension
- be afraid of
- be alarmed about
- be anxious
- be frightened of
- be scared of
- be terrified of
- concern
- dread
- fright
- horror
- nightmare
- panic
- panic about
- phobia
- terror
- trepidation
- worry
- worry about
Похожие слова на fear
- fear
- fear’s
- fearful
- fearfuller
- fearfullest
- fearfully
- fearfulness
- fearfulness’s
- fearless
- fearlessly
- fearlessness
- fearlessness’s
- fearsome
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- Гипероним к слову feed
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- Перевод слова на другие языки feline
What is another word for Fear?
behaviour, stand in awe of
Use filters to view other words, we have 1440 synonyms for fear.
If you know synonyms for Fear, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.
All synonyms in one line
admiration, alarm, anxiety, apprehension, awe, en.synonym.one, burden, care, concern, consideration, consternation, dismay, disquiet, disquietude, dread, esteem, fearfulness, foreboding, fright, homage, horror, misgiving, mistrust, pain, panic, paranoia, en.synonym.one, perturbation, pusillanimity, reference, reverence, solicitude, sorrow, suspicion, terror, thought, timidity, trepidation, uneasiness, veneration, worry, worship, apprehend, blanch, cower, cringe, distrust, en.synonym.one, dread, falter, misdoubt, mistrust, quail, quake, revere, reverence, shrink, start, tremble, venerate.
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This search took 0.0601 sec. Think how often you are looking for something to replace a word with? Probably often. Bookmark synonym.one to find synonyms, antonyms and meanings quickly. (press Ctrl + D on your keyboard).
- alarm
- angst
- anxiety
- apprehension
- awe
- concern
- despair
- dismay
- doubt
- dread
- horror
- jitters
- panic
- scare
- suspicion
- terror
- unease
- uneasiness
- worry
- abhorrence
- agitation
- apprehensiveness
- aversion
- consternation
- cowardice
- creeps
- discomposure
- disquietude
- distress
- faintheartedness
- fearfulness
- foreboding
- fright
- funk
- misgiving
- nightmare
- phobia
- presentiment
- qualm
- reverence
- revulsion
- timidity
- trembling
- trepidation
- bête noire
- chickenheartedness
- cold feet
- cold sweat
- recreancy
- anticipate
- avoid
- dread
- expect
- foresee
- shun
- suspect
- worry
- apprehend
- blanch
- cower
- crouch
- falter
- flinch
- fret
- quail
- quaver
- shrink
- shudder
- shy
- start
- tremble
- wilt
- be afraid
- be anxious
- be apprehensive
- be disquieted
- be frightened
- be in awe
- break out in a sweat
- dare not
- feel concern
- have butterflies
- have qualms
- lose courage
On this page you’ll find 158 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to fear, such as: alarm, angst, anxiety, apprehension, awe, and concern.
antonyms for fear
- assurance
- calmness
- cheer
- confidence
- contentment
- ease
- encouragement
- faith
- happiness
- joy
- trust
- calm
- comfort
- liking
- love
- bravery
- courage
- fearlessness
- heroism
- unconcern
- face
- meet
- want
- calm
- steady
- stretch
- brave
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
How to use fear in a sentence
Market shock, when driven by the sort of cultural awakening to risk that Keenan observes, can strike a neighborhood like an infectious disease, with fear spreading doubt — and devaluation — from door to door.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- admiration
- apprehension
- astonishment
- consternation
- dread
- esteem
- fear
- fright
- horror
- regard
- respect
- reverence
- shock
- stupefaction
- terror
- veneration
- wonder
- wonderment
- worship
- apprehension
- bogey
- bogy
- boogeyman
- bugaboo
- bête noire
- dread
- fear
- goblin
- gremlin
- hobgoblin
- loup-garou
- ogre
- problem
- scare
- specter
- terror
- threat
- wraith
- aggravation
- alarm
- annoyance
- anxiety
- apprehension
- bother
- burden
- chagrin
- charge
- concern
- consternation
- dismay
- disquiet
- distress
- disturbance
- fear
- foreboding
- fretfulness
- load
- misgiving
- nuisance
- onus
- oppression
- perplexity
- pressure
- responsibility
- solicitude
- strain
- stress
- tribulation
- trouble
- uneasiness
- unhappiness
- vexation
- woe
- worry
- alertness
- cautions
- circumspection
- concentrations
- concerns
- conscientiousness
- considerations
- diligences
- directions
- discriminations
- efforts
- enthusiasms
- exactness
- exertions
- fastidiousness
- forethought
- heed
- interests
- managements
- meticulousness
- niceties
- pains
- particularities
- precautions
- prudence
- regard
- scrupulousnesses
- solicitude
- thoughts
- troubles
- vigilance
- wariness
- watchfulness
- anxieties
- apprehensions
- backing outs
- chickenhearts
- doubts
- faint hearts
- fear of carrying out an activities
- fears
- reservations
- second thoughts
- timidities
- weak knees
- white feathers
- yellow streaks
- a thing about something
- anxiety
- exaggerated reaction
- fear
- fixation
- fixed idea
- hang-up
- idée fixe
- insanity
- mania
- neurosis
- obsession
- phobia
- preoccupation
- repression
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for “fear”? In this article, you will learn a list of synonyms for “fear” with example sentences and ESL images. Learning these words to use instead of “fear” will help you enhance your English vocabulary.
Fear Synonym
“Fear” Definition and Examples
Meaning of “Fear”:
Noun: A bad and unpleasant feeling when one is in imminent danger, feeling harm, or is in the unknown.
- “The fear of predators is common among prey as it is genetically embedded in them.”
- “ Being left out of your peer group is a genuine fear, Lana, but you need to grow out of it”
Verb: To be afraid of a threat or dangerous situation or event
- “I fear we will get caught by the police, Sam”
- “ I fear if we leave both of them alone they will end up fighting, they are so naive”
Other Words for “Fear”
Common synonyms for “fear”.
- Apprehensiveness
- Awe
- Blue funk (informal)
- Consternation
- Dismay
- Dread
- Fearfulness
- Fright
- Horror
- Panic
- Qualms
- Terror
- Timidity
- Trepidation (formal)
A huge list of 95+ different words to use instead of “fear”.
- Abhorrence
- Affright
- Agitation
- Agony
- Alarm
- Angst
- Anguish
- Anxiety
- Anxiousness
- Apprehension
- Apprehensions
- Apprehensiveness
- Aversion
- Awe
- Blue funk
- Bother
- Bugbear
- Care
- Cold feet
- Cold sweat
- Concern
- Consternation
- Cowardice
- Cravenness
- Creeps
- Danger
- Despair
- Diffidence
- Discomposure
- Dismay
- Disquiet
- Disquietude
- Distress
- Distrust
- Doubt
- Dread
- Excitement
- Faintheartedness
- Fearfulness
- Feeling
- Foreboding
- Freaked
- Fright
- Funk
- Heebie-jeebies
- Hesitation
- Horror
- Intimidation
- Jitters
- Misdoubt
- Misgiving
- Mistrust
- Nervosity
- Nervousness
- Nightmare
- Panic
- Perturbation
- Phobia
- Presentiment
- Qualm
- Qualms
- Reservation
- Respect
- Revere
- Reverence
- Revulsion
- Risk
- Scare
- Scaring
- Shock
- Solicitude
- Spinelessness
- Spooked
- Start
- Stew
- Stress
- Suspect
- Suspense
- Suspicion
- Sweat
- Terror
- Thing
- Timidity
- Tremble
- Trembling
- Tremor
- Trepidation (formal)
- Trouble
- Uncertainty
- Unease
- Uneasiness
- Upset
- Veneration
- Willies
- Wonder
- Worry
Fear Synonyms Infographic
Fear Synonyms with Examples
Learn another word for “fear” with example sentences.
- Apprehensiveness
Our passenger gave no signs of nerves or apprehensiveness, as well she might have done.
- Awe
They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.
- Blue funk (informal)
They are in blue funk, they are too scared to do anything.
- Consternation
To her consternation, he asked her to make a speech.
- Dismay
She could not hide her dismay at the result.
- Dread
Her greatest dread was that she would lose her job.
- Fearfulness
My passion for tango disguises a fearfulness.
- Fright
Isabel’s heart was beating fast with fright.
- Horror
They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.
- Panic
A panic in the face, your love be strong without fear.
- Qualms
He had no qualms about cheating the tax inspector.
- Terror
My elder sister has a terror of fire.
- Timidity
By this time Emil had lost all his timidity.
- Trepidation (formal)
With some trepidation, I opened the door.
Synonyms for Fear with Examples | Infographic
Last Updated on January 8, 2021