Синонимы слова experience

What is another word for Experience?

  • feel

    perception, knowledge

  • have

    undergo, feeling

  • know

    perception, feel

  • go through

    participate, undergo

  • adventure

    event, happening

  • incident

    event, happening

  • happening

    event, incident

  • skill

    knowledge, expertise

  • know-how

    knowledge, expertise

  • undergo

    feeling, perception

  • event

    incident, happening

  • practice

    knowledge, skill

  • suffer

    feeling, effect

  • see

    effect, participate

  • background

    education, knowledge

  • taste

    perception, participate

  • encounter

    undergo, event

  • episode

    event, incident

  • knowledge

    familiarity, training

  • receive

    activity, share

  • occurrence

    encountering, incident

  • test


  • sense


  • sustain

    effect, undergo

  • trial

    happening, test

  • endure

    feel, support

  • maturity

  • meet


  • wisdom


  • face

    support, meet

  • live

  • training

    exercise, expertise

  • acquaintance


  • affair


  • understanding


  • proficiency

  • get

  • sophistication


  • expertise


  • familiarity

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experienced, expert, experiment, experiential, experiencing

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Synonyms for Experience. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 04, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/experience

Synonyms for Experience. N.p., 2016. Web. 04 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/experience>.

Synonyms for Experience. 2016. Accessed May 04, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/experience.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • experience [ɪksˈpɪərɪəns] сущ

    1. опытм, стажм, стаж работы, опыт работы, многолетний опыт

      (expertise, work experience, long experience)

      • positive experience – положительный опыт
      • relevant work experience – соответствующий опыт работы
      • factory floor experience – производственный опыт
      • extensive professional experience – богатый профессиональный опыт
      • own life experience – собственный жизненный опыт
      • summer experience – летний стаж
    2. переживаниеср


      • mystical experience – мистическое переживание
    3. впечатлениеср


      • experience for visitors – впечатление на посетителей
    4. событиеср


      • unforgettable experience – незабываемое событие
    5. опытностьж


    6. практикаж


    7. навыкм


  • experience [ɪksˈpɪərɪəns] гл

    1. испытывать, чувствовать, испытать, ощутить, ощущать, почувствовать, прочувствовать


      • experience financial difficulties – испытывать финансовые трудности
      • experience severe pain – испытывать сильную боль
    2. переживать, пережить, подвергаться


      • experience emotions – переживать эмоции
      • experience feelings – пережить чувства
    3. наблюдаться


опыт experience, experiment, practice, test, attempt, trial
опыт работы experience
переживание experience, trial
стаж experience, standing
жизненный опыт experience
случай happening, case, occasion, event, incident, experience
знания knowledge, lore, information, experience, attainments, reading
испытание test, trial, experience, assay, probation, experiment
приключение adventure, experience
навык skill, experience, acquired habit, cum-savvy
квалификация qualification, skill, background, experience, workmanship
познания knowledge, learning, experience
мастерство skill, craftsmanship, mastery, workmanship, excellence, experience
испытывать test, experience, feel, have, tempt, suffer
чувствовать feel, sense, perceive, experience, sensate
изведать experience, come to know
знать по опыту know by experience, experience, know from experience
убеждаться на опыте experience

Предложения со словом «experience»

Now, as an artist, I am creating different lives for my models in order to give them the experience of being someone else in reality.

Сейчас как художник я создаю различные жизни для своих моделей, чтобы дать им возможность побыть кем — то ещё в реальности.

I know this from my own personal experience .

Я знаю это из собственного опыта.

And the public is, in a sense, miniaturized to experience it.

И люди в некотором смысле уменьшаются, чтобы испытать это.

But even though most people would want to telework, current technology makes the experience isolating.

Однако, хотя многие люди предпочли бы работать удалённо, современные технологии создают ощущение изолированности.

Maybe many of you have had this experience .

Возможно, многие из вас побывали в такой ситуации.

Whenever that happens to me, I remember a powerful experience I had with my father.

Каждый раз, когда это случается со мной, я вспоминаю важный опыт, полученный от отца.

And so now, any of you can experience RecoVR Mosul on your phone, using Google Cardboard or a tablet or even YouTube 360.

И сейчас каждый из вас может попробовать RecoVR Mosul на телефоне с помощью Google Cardboard, или планшета, или даже YouTube 360.

This was my first experience with science fiction, and I loved it.

Это было моё первое знакомство с научной фантастикой, и я её полюбила.

And so the advice he gave me was this: Before you die, he said, you owe it to yourself to experience a total solar eclipse.

И совет, который он мне дал, был таков: «Пока вы живы, — сказал он, — вы просто обязаны увидеть полное солнечное затмение».

And so let me tell you: before you die, you owe it to yourself to experience a total solar eclipse.

И позвольте мне сказать вам: пока вы живы, вы просто обязаны увидеть лично полное солнечное затмение.

It is the ultimate experience of awe.

Это абсолютное потрясение.

Just maybe, this shared experience of awe would help heal our divisions, get us to treat each other just a bit more humanely.

Возможно, чувство общего благоговения примирит разногласия, заставит нас относиться друг к другу чуть более гуманно.

But what never dawns on most of us is that the experience of reaching old age can be better or worse depending on the culture in which it takes place.

Но нам и в голову не приходит, что опыт старения может быть как лучше так и хуже, в зависимости от культуры, окружающей вас.

Women experience the double whammy of ageism and sexism, so we experience aging differently.

Женщины испытывают двойной стресс: эйджизма и сексизма, поэтому мы ощущаем старение по — другому.

Our visual brain that is tuned to processing faces interacts with our pleasure centers to underpin the experience of beauty.

Наша зрительная кора мозга, настроенная на обработку лиц, взаимодействует с центрами удовольствия, чтобы передать ощущение красоты.

There are actually many here in the room, and I don’t know about you, but my experience of them is that there is no shortage of good intent.

Многие из них здесь присутствуют, не знаю, как ты, но я уверен, что действуют они исключительно из лучших побуждений.

All of us in this room will experience loneliness at some point in our lives.

Все сидящие в этом зале когда — то за свою жизнь испытывали одиночество в том или ином смысле.

And we often experience this at our work.

И мы часто сталкиваемся с этим на работе.

And what makes it so thick and meaty is the experience of understanding the human narrative.

Что делает их такими плотными и содержательными, так это опыт правильного восприятия того, что тебе рассказывают люди.

They did all these things to redesign their entire viewer experience , to really encourage binge-watching.

Они сделали всё, чтобы изменить всю практику трансляций, чтобы ещё сильнее притянуть людей к телевизору.

Somehow, within each of our brains, the combined activity of many billions of neurons, each one a tiny biological machine, is generating a conscious experience .

Каким — то образом в нашем мозге совокупная активность миллиардов нейронов, каждый из которых — крошечная биологическая машина, генерирует сознательный опыт.

And not just any conscious experience — your conscious experience right here and right now.

И не просто сознательный опыт, а ваш сознательный опыт именно здесь и сейчас.

And if we can experience joy and suffering, what about other animals?

А если мы можем испытывать радость и страдание, то как насчёт других животных?

The specific experience of being you or being me.

Индивидуальный, конкретный опыт личности.

Here’s one more example, which shows just how quickly the brain can use new predictions to change what we consciously experience .

Вот ещё один пример, показывающий, как быстро мозг использует новые предположения, чтобы изменить наше сознательное восприятие.

The world we experience comes as much, if not more, from the inside out as from the outside in.

Наш образ мира приходит изнутри в той же степени, если не в большей, что и извне.

Here we’ve combined immersive virtual reality with image processing to simulate the effects of overly strong perceptual predictions on experience .

Мы соединили виртуальную реальность с обработкой изображений для симуляции эффекта интенсивного прогноза восприятия на реальные ощущения.

Now I’m going to tell you that your experience of being a self, the specific experience of being you, is also a controlled hallucination generated by the brain.

Сейчас я вам скажу, что ваш индивидуальный опыт как личности, конкретный опыт вашего «я» — это тоже контролируемая галлюцинация, созданная мозгом.

For most of us, the experience of being a person is so familiar, so unified and so continuous that it’s difficult not to take it for granted.

Для большинства из нас быть личностью, кем — то — такой знакомый, цельный, непрерывный опыт, что его трудно не воспринимать как данность.

There are in fact many different ways we experience being a self.

Ведь фактически есть множество разных способов осознать своё «я».

There’s the experience of having a body and of being a body.

Вы можете иметь тело и быть телом — это разные ощущения.

Many experiments show, and psychiatrists and neurologists know very well, that these different ways in which we experience being a self can all come apart.

Эксперименты доказывают то, что психиатры и неврологи и так хорошо знают: различные механизмы нашего восприятия собственного «я» могут нарушаться.

What this means is the basic background experience of being a unified self is a rather fragile construction of the brain.

Это значит, что базовое подсознательное восприятие себя как неделимой личности — довольно хрупкая конструкция мозга.

Another experience , which just like all others, requires explanation.

Просто очередное ощущение, которое, как и остальные, требует рационализации.

How does the brain generate the experience of being a body and of having a body?

Как мозг генерирует опыт телесного существования и наличия тела?

We don’t just experience our bodies as objects in the world from the outside, we also experience them from within.

Мы не просто ощущаем наше тело извне как объект внешнего мира, мы также ощущаем его изнутри.

We all experience the sense of being a body from the inside.

Мы все воспринимаем себя как тело изнутри.

In fact, I don’t experience them much at all unless they go wrong.

Я их и вообще особо не ощущаю, пока с ними всё в порядке.

When the brain uses predictions to control and regulate things, we experience how well or how badly that control is going.

Если же мозг использует прогнозирование для управления и регулирования, мы чувствуем, эффективно это управление или нет.

We experience the world and ourselves with, through and because of our living bodies.

Мы воспринимаем мир и себя через призму и посредством своего живого организма.

So I don’t want to experience clouds, let alone study them.

Так что я не хочу облачной погоды, и уж тем более не хочу облака изучать.

In fact, if all the clouds went away, we would experience profound climate changes.

На самом деле, если все облака исчезнут, мы ощутим на себе глубочайшие изменения климата.

The best browsing experience you’ve ever had; way better than a laptop, way better than a smartphone.

Самое лучшее устройство для интернет — сёрфинга, намного лучше ноутбука, намного лучше смартфона.

It’s an incredible experience .

Вы получите невероятный опыт.

Your life will be richer and more meaningful because you breathe in that experience , and because you’ve left your phone in the car.

Ваша жизнь станет богаче и приобретёт больше смысла, потому что вы испытаете всё это на себе, и потому что оставите свой смартфон в автомобиле.

The idea of sharing the experience of science, and not just the information.

В её основе — идея о распространении научного опыта, а не только информации.

If I was to stick you right here and have it spin, you would think about the types of forces you would experience .

Если бы я вставил вас сюда и раскрутил, вы бы задумались, что за силы можно при этом испытать.

We know that black women express their individuality and experience feelings of empowerment by experimenting with different hairstyles regularly.

Мы понимаем, что афроамериканки выражают свою индивидуальность, чувствуют в себе новые силы благодаря тому, что регулярно меняют причёски.

Using a public bathroom is an excruciating experience .

Для меня мучительно пользоваться общественным туалетом.

Reaching up to collect a coffee that I have paid for is an incredibly dangerous experience .

Для меня невероятно опасно пытаться дотянуться до кофе, за который я заплатила.

Not just one future, but many possible futures, bringing back evidences from those futures for you to experience today.

Не просто в будущее, во множество возможных сценариев будущего, и привожу с собой артефакты будущего, чтобы вы могли осознать его сегодня.

We have learned in our work that one of the most powerful means of effecting change is when people can directly, tangibly and emotionally experience some of the future consequences of their actions today.

Из нашей работы мы узнали, что самый мощный стимул изменить поведение — это почувствовать напрямую, через ощущения и эмоции, некоторые последствия наших сегодняшних действий.

Now, my experience really became intense at Partners in Health in this community, Carabayllo, in the northern slums of Lima, Peru.

Ещё более глубокий опыт я приобрёл в составе «Партнёров во имя здоровья» вот в этой общине Карабаийо в северных трущобах Лимы в Перу.

It’s a very strange experience .

Очень необычные ощущения.

We’re working on some things that will seek to bring this unusual experience of flight to a wider audience, beyond the events and displays we’re doing.

Мы работаем над тем, чтобы найти способы сделать подобный полёт возможным для широкой публики.

Their faces broadcast their experience .

Их лица отражают их опыт.

So rather than encase all that variety and diversity in buildings of crushing sameness, we should have an architecture that honors the full range of the urban experience .

Поэтому вместо того, чтобы скрыть всё это разнообразие в архитектуре зданий и сделать их чудовищно одинаковыми, мы должны поддерживать архитектуру, которая чтит жизненный опыт городов.

I’m pushing us to challenge our own capacity to fully experience our humanity, by understanding the full biography of people who we can easily choose not to see.

Я призываю всех нас собрать весь свой гуманизм и насколько это возможно попытаться понять, чем живут люди, которых нам проще не замечать.

You might experience a similar feeling the first time you ride in a driverless car or the first time your new computer manager issues an order at work.

Нечто вроде того, что вы почувствовали бы во время первой поездки на автомобиле без водителя или когда ваш новый компьютерный босс отдал бы первое распоряжение.

What I learned from my own experience is that we must face our fears if we want to get the most out of our technology, and we must conquer those fears if we want to get the best out of our humanity.

Я на собственном опыте убедился, что страхам надо смотреть в глаза, если мы хотим извлечь максимум из того, на что способны технологии, и что надо побеждать эти страхи, если мы хотим сохранить всё самое лучшее, на что способно человечество.

All synonyms in one line

ability, acquaintance, application, awareness, background, en.synonym.one, cognisance, cognizance, drill, education, episode, fact, feeling, grooming, grounding, happening, incident, indoctrination, intimacy, know-how, knowledge, learning, manifestation, mastery, maturity, occurrence, en.synonym.one, phenomenon, practice, preparation, qualifications, recitation, repetition, sagacity, savoir-faire, schooling, seasoning, skill, study, teaching, training, wisdom, abide, apperceive, bear, behave, brave, en.synonym.one, come upon, confront, cooperate, delight in, encounter, endure, enjoy, enjoy life, face, feel, get, get involved, go through, have, know, live, love, observe, partake, participate, en.synonym.one, perceive, react, receive, relish, savour, see, sense, share, stand, suffer, survive, sustain, take, take it, taste, undergo, withstand.

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. experiencenoun


  2. experiencenoun

    : To observe certain events; undergo a certain feeling or process; or perform certain actions that may alter one or contribute to one’s knowledge, opinions, or skills.

    It was an experience he would not soon forget.


  3. experiencenoun


  4. experiencenoun


  5. experiencenoun


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. experience

    Acquaintance between persons supposes that each knows the other; we may know a public man by his writings or speeches, and by sight, but can not claim acquaintance unless he personally knows us. There may be pleasant acquaintance with little companionship; and conversely, much companionship with little acquaintance, as between busy clerks at adjoining desks. So there may be association in business without intimacy or friendship. Acquaintance admits of many degrees, from a slight or passing to a familiar or intimate acquaintance; but acquaintance unmodified commonly signifies less than familiarity or intimacy. As regards persons, familiarity is becoming restricted to the undesirable sense, as in the proverb, «Familiarity breeds contempt;» hence, in personal relations, the word intimacy, which refers to mutual knowledge of thought and feeling, is now uniformly preferred. Friendship includes acquaintance with some degree of intimacy, and ordinarily companionship, though in a wider sense friendship may exist between those who have never met, but know each other only by word and deed. Acquaintance does not involve friendship, for one may be well acquainted with an enemy. Fellowship involves not merely acquaintance and companionship, but sympathy as well. There may be much friendship without much fellowship, as between those whose homes or pursuits are far apart. There may be pleasant fellowship which does not reach the fulness of friendship. Compare ATTACHMENT; FRIENDSHIP; LOVE. As regards studies, pursuits, etc., acquaintance is less than familiarity, which supposes minute knowledge of particulars, arising often from long experience or association.

    acquaintance, association, companionship, familiarity, fellowship, friendship, intimacy, knowledge

    ignorance, ignoring, inexperience, unfamiliarity

    Acquaintance with a subject; of one person with another; between persons.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.5 / 2 votes

  1. experienceverb

    try, feel, undergo, encounter, endure

    evade, escape, miss, lose

  2. experiencenoun

    experiment, trial, test, proof, habit, knowledge

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.9 / 7 votes

  1. experiencenoun

    the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities

    «a man of experience»; «experience is the best teacher»

    inexperience, rawness

  2. experiencenoun

    the content of direct observation or participation in an event

    «he had a religious experience»; «he recalled the experience vividly»

    inexperience, rawness

  3. experienceverb

    an event as apprehended

    «a surprising experience»; «that painful experience certainly got our attention»

    rawness, inexperience

  4. experience, see, go throughverb

    go or live through

    «We had many trials to go through»; «he saw action in Viet Nam»

    date, get word, figure, implement, go out, follow out, look, get, put through, consume, know, see to it, devour, find, view, go steady, take in, go through, live, have, meet, down, examine, carry out, construe, determine, see, receive, reckon, fancy, picture, visualize, go across, realise, control, encounter, escort, learn, envision, watch, visit, feel, run into, pass, run across, assure, come across, understand, get a line, follow through, image, take care, witness, find out, ensure, attend, pick up, regard, ascertain, catch, work through, visualise, follow up, consider, interpret, hear, run through, realize, get wind, project, discover, insure, check

    inexperience, rawness

  5. know, experience, liveverb

    have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations

    «I know the feeling!»; «have you ever known hunger?»; «I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict»; «The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare»; «I lived through two divorces»

    dwell, have intercourse, have a go at it, subsist, have sex, recognise, get, populate, bed, hold out, know, get laid, make love, endure, go through, bonk, have, acknowledge, cognise, survive, exist, love, last, inhabit, see, receive, be, live, sleep together, do it, go, eff, hold up, feel, lie with, make out, be intimate, recognize, jazz, sleep with, hump, screw, have it off, have it away, get it on, cognize, bang, live on, roll in the hay

    rawness, inexperience

  6. experience, receive, have, getverb

    go through (mental or physical states or experiences)

    «get an idea»; «experience vertigo»; «get nauseous»; «receive injuries»; «have a feeling»

    take, pick up, make, mystify, develop, draw, have, hold, become, sustain, receive, scram, invite, consume, go, stimulate, sire, drive, engender, pay off, fix, pay back, stick, suffer, feel, beat, set about, get down, arrive, incur, deliver, contract, bring forth, grow, dumbfound, stupefy, start, set out, birth, live, welcome, arrest, meet, give, bring, bewilder, see, mother, induce, buzz off, catch, let, feature, obtain, beget, flummox, get, generate, capture, have got, find, amaze, go through, baffle, start out, pose, vex, give birth, aim, throw, perplex, gravel, begin, fetch, father, bear, get under one’s skin, encounter, puzzle, know, produce, convey, own, acquire, come, accept, possess, bugger off, cause, ingest, take in, nonplus, commence

    rawness, inexperience

  7. feel, experienceverb

    undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind

    «She felt resentful»; «He felt regret»

    see, get, know, find, go through, sense, have, live, palpate, finger, receive, feel

    inexperience, rawness

  8. have, experienceverb


    «The stocks had a fast run-up»

    get, throw, see, feature, suffer, accept, ingest, cause, give, feel, go through, hold, let, sustain, have, give birth, take in, birth, receive, consume, own, deliver, possess, take, live, bear, know, have got, induce, make, stimulate

    rawness, inexperience

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Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. experiencenoun

    trial, proof, test, practice

  2. experiencenoun

    knowledge (gained from trial or practice), experimental knowledge, practical wisdom

  3. experienceverb

    try, feel, undergo, endure, put to the proof (of one’s own sensations), prove by trial, have practical acquaintance with

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «experience»:

    experiences, experiment, expertise, lessons, experiments, experienced, khabrat, khabra, experimentation, learned

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  1. experience

    Song lyrics by experience — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by experience on the Lyrics.com website.

How to pronounce experience?

How to say experience in sign language?

How to use experience in a sentence?

  1. Kelly Olynyk:

    It’s definitely tough when you’ve got nobody coming in to save you, you’re basically rotating one guy in the second half there. It’s nice because you can get in a rhythm and for a young guy you don’t have to look over your shoulder at all. But you’re going to have to figure it out and make plays and all that. It’s definitely good experience for these young guys.

  2. Carmen Electra:

    I’ve always kind of gone with the flow, and then there’s been times when things would get a little quiet. I went through that experience where I’m like,’ OK, I’ve made this choice to be on my own. Let’s see what’s going to happen,’ and go through struggle and the passion that creates, you know, to get out there. And next thing you know, I was working for MTV,’ Baywatch,’ I was getting booked for movies.

  3. Christopher Smith:

    My personal tastes are not particularly lavish, effective altruists in my experience don’t feel guilty about occasional indulgences.

  4. Cam Fine:

    We’re looking for nominees that have experience with midsized and smaller institutions, the litmus test is: How well rounded are those nominees?

  5. Lauren Gardner:

    He’s gotten to play some pretty major roles in some really central problems to the society for someone that’s six months into a degree program, i keep telling him that he needs to not get used to this and it’s not normal. And [ that ] the rest of his PhD experience is going to be really boring, but I don’t think he believes me.

Translations for experience

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • اختبار, خبرة, تجربةArabic
  • опит, изпитвам, преживяване, преживявамBulgarian
  • pociťovat, pocítit, zkušenost, zážitekCzech
  • oplevelse, erfaring, rutine, opleve, øvelse, erfareDanish
  • Erlebnis, Erfahrung, erfahren, erleben, PraxisGerman
  • εμπειρίαGreek
  • spertiEsperanto
  • vivir, experiencia, experimentar, vivenciaSpanish
  • تجربهPersian
  • kokemus, kokeaFinnish
  • expérience, éprouverFrench
  • belibjeWestern Frisian
  • અનુભવવુંGujarati
  • अनुभव, अनुभव करनाHindi
  • gyakorlat, tapasztalat, élmény, tapasztalHungarian
  • experientiarInterlingua
  • alamIndonesian
  • experiencoIdo
  • upplifa, reyna, verða fyrirIcelandic
  • esperienza, esperireItalian
  • ניסיוןHebrew
  • 経験, 体験Japanese
  • გადაიტანს, გამოცდილებაGeorgian
  • 경험, 經驗Korean
  • patirti, patyrimas, patirtisLithuanian
  • piedzīvot, pieredze, pieredzētLatvian
  • beleving, beleven, ondergaan, ervaren, ervaring, ondervinding, ondervinden, meemaken, kennis, belevenisDutch
  • erfaring, erfareNorwegian
  • doświadczenie, doświadczyćPolish
  • experiência, experienciarPortuguese
  • păți, experiențăRomanian
  • пережить, переживать, испытать, опыт, испытыватьRussian
  • iskústvo, iskúsitiSerbo-Croatian
  • skúsenosťSlovak
  • upplevelse, erfarenhet, uppleva, att upplevaSwedish
  • uzoefu, tajriba, tajiribaSwahili
  • danas, karanasanTagalog
  • tecrübe, deneyimTurkish
  • до́свідUkrainian
  • تجربےUrdu
  • kinh nghiệmVietnamese
  • plakön, lifotönVolapük
  • דערפאַרונגYiddish
  • 经验Chinese

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  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
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  • Svenska (Swedish)
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  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for experience?

  • action
  • background
  • contact
  • involvement
  • know-how
  • knowledge
  • maturity
  • participation
  • patience
  • practice
  • reality
  • sense
  • skill
  • struggle
  • training
  • understanding
  • wisdom
  • acquaintance
  • actuality
  • caution
  • combat
  • doing
  • empiricism
  • evidence
  • existence
  • exposure
  • familiarity
  • intimacy
  • inwardness
  • judgment
  • observation
  • perspicacity
  • practicality
  • proof
  • savoir-faire
  • seasoning
  • sophistication
  • strife
  • trial
  • worldliness
  • forebearance
  • adventure
  • encounter
  • event
  • happening
  • incident
  • occurrence
  • ordeal
  • affair
  • episode
  • test
  • trial
  • trip
  • bear
  • encounter
  • endure
  • enjoy
  • feel
  • go through
  • undergo
  • live through
  • suffer
  • sustain
  • come across
  • know

On this page you’ll find 159 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to experience, such as: action, background, contact, involvement, know-how, and knowledge.

  • avoidance
  • ignorance
  • immaturity
  • inexperience

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    TRY USING experience

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


    What is another way to say experience?

    The verb experience implies being affected by what one meets with: to experience a change of heart, bitter disappointment. Undergo usually refers to the bearing or enduring of something hard, difficult, disagreeable, or dangerous: to undergo severe hardships, an operation.


    Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!


    How to use experience in a sentence

    I think there’s a narrative that we can learn on the job, and I do believe a lot of people can, and have, but felt that learning from other people’s experiences and from experts made more sense to me.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • chance
    • contingency
    • emprise
    • endangerment
    • enterprise
    • experience
    • exploit
    • feat
    • happening
    • hazard
    • incident
    • jeopardy
    • occurrence
    • peril
    • scene
    • speculation
    • trip
    • undertaking
    • venture
    • adventures
    • bio
    • biography
    • confession
    • diary
    • experience
    • journal
    • letter
    • letters
    • life
    • life story
    • memoir
    • personal history
    • reminiscences
    • self-portrayal
    • acquaintance
    • acquaintanceship
    • alertness
    • aliveness
    • appreciation
    • apprehension
    • attention
    • attentiveness
    • bodhi
    • cognizance
    • comprehension
    • consciousness
    • discernment
    • enlightenment
    • experience
    • familiarity
    • information
    • keenness
    • mindfulness
    • perception
    • realization
    • recognition
    • sensibility
    • sentience
    • understanding
    • acquaintances
    • acquaintanceships
    • alertness
    • alivenesses
    • appreciations
    • apprehensions
    • attentions
    • attentiveness
    • bodhis
    • cognizance
    • comprehensions
    • consciousnesses
    • discernment
    • enlightenment
    • experiences
    • familiarities
    • informations
    • keenness
    • mindfulness
    • perceptions
    • realizations
    • recognitions
    • sensibilities
    • sentience
    • understandings
    • abide
    • admit
    • allow
    • brook
    • encounter
    • experience
    • permit
    • put up with
    • stomach
    • suffer
    • tolerate
    • undergo
    • acumen
    • cool
    • experience
    • good reasoning
    • good sense
    • gumption
    • horse sense
    • intelligence
    • levelheadedness
    • logic
    • mother wit
    • practicality
    • prudence
    • rationality
    • reason
    • reasonableness
    • sense
    • sensibleness
    • sound judgment
    • sound sense
    • soundness
    • sweet reason
    • wisdom
    • wit
    • wits

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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