What is another word for Even?
characteristic, even-tempered
characteristic, even-tempered
Use filters to view other words, we have 1881 synonyms for even.
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Определения слова even
- чётный
- ровный
Синонимы к слову even
- constant
- drawn
- equal
- flat
- flush
- level
- regular
- similar
- smooth
- stable
- steady
- still
- unchanging
- uniform
- unvarying
- yet
Похожие слова на even
- even
- evened
- evener
- evenest
- evenhanded
- evening
- evening’s
- evenings
- evenki
- evenness
- evenness’s
- evens
- event
- event’s
- eventful
- eventfully
- eventfulness
- eventfulness’s
- eventide
- eventide’s
- events
- eventualities
- eventuality
- eventuality’s
- eventually
- eventuate
- eventuated
- eventuates
- eventuating
Антонимы к слову even
- odd
- uneven
Посмотрите другие слова
- Что такое eviscerator
- Определение термина evil
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- Лексическое значение eutychianism
- Словарь значения слов europium
- Грамматическое значение euphemism
- Значение слова eudaemonism
- Прямое и переносное значение слова etymon
- Происхождение слова evidence
- Синоним к слову excarnation
- Антоним к слову fathom
- Омоним к слову fatigue
- Гипоним к слову exigency
- Холоним к слову existence
- Гипероним к слову exocarp
- Пословицы и поговорки к слову exodontia
- Перевод слова на другие языки exonym
- alike
- balanced
- constant
- direct
- equal
- flush
- horizontal
- level
- matching
- parallel
- plane
- plumb
- proportional
- regular
- right
- same
- smooth
- square
- stabile
- stable
- steady
- straight
- surfaced
- true
- consistent
- continual
- continuous
- homogenous
- metrical
- planate
- unbroken
- unchanging
- undeviating
- unfluctuating
- uninterrupted
- unvaried
- unvarying
- unwavering
- unwrinkled
- composed
- cool
- stable
- steady
- equable
- equanimous
- even-tempered
- imperturbable
- peaceful
- placid
- serene
- tranquil
- unexcitable
- unruffled
- well-balanced
- balanced
- drawn
- equal
- equalized
- equivalent
- exact
- level
- matching
- parallel
- proportional
- same
- square
- tied
- uniform
- coequal
- comparable
- coterminous
- even-steven
- fifty-fifty
- horse to horse
- identical
- neck and neck
- on a par
- proportionate
- similar
- smack in the middle
- balanced
- equal
- matching
- nonpartisan
- square
- disinterested
- dispassionate
- equitable
- fair and square
- honest
- just
- straightforward
- unbiased
- unprejudiced
- indeed
- much
- despite
- disregarding
- all the more
- in spite of
- notwithstanding
- so much as
- match
- align
- equal
- equalize
- flatten
- flush
- grade
- lay
- level
- pancake
- plane
- regularize
- roll
- square
- stabilize
- steady
- symmetrize
- uniform
On this page you’ll find 285 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to even, such as: alike, balanced, constant, direct, equal, and flush.
antonyms for even
- broken
- changing
- corrupt
- different
- dishonest
- disloyal
- disorderly
- disproportionate
- imbalanced
- inconsistent
- inconstant
- indirect
- intermittent
- interrupted
- irregular
- rough
- unequal
- uneven
- unfair
- unfixed
- unjust
- unlike
- unstable
- unsteady
- untrustworthy
- upright
- variable
- varying
- vertical
- wavering
- wobbly
- agitated
- biased
- disparate
- partial
- troubled
- agitated
- annoyed
- excited
- unfixed
- unstable
- upset
- wobbly
- biased
- broken
- different
- disparate
- irregular
- partial
- rough
- troubled
- unequal
- uneven
- unfair
- changing
- different
- disproportionate
- dissimilar
- divergent
- inconsistent
- unequal
- unlike
- variable
- agitated
- biased
- broken
- disparate
- irregular
- partial
- rough
- troubled
- uneven
- unfair
- biased
- different
- unequal
- agitated
- broken
- disparate
- irregular
- partial
- rough
- troubled
- uneven
- unfair
- disproportion
- imbalance
- vary
- break
- furrow
- lump
- roughen
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use even in a sentence
Some were even re-arrested for the same nefarious purpose, and the daily papers published their names on each occasion.
Even as they gazed they saw its roof caught up, and whirled off as if it had been a scroll of paper.
I presume the twenty-five or thirty miles at this end is unhealthy, even for natives, but it surely need not be so.
Genoa has but recently and partially felt the new impulse, yet even here the march of improvement is visible.
He was the strangest-looking creature Davy had ever seen, not even excepting the Goblin.
After all, may not even John Burns be human; may not Mr. Chamberlain himself have a heart that can feel for another?
As a rule, however, even in the case of extreme varieties, a careful examination of the specimen will enable it to be identified.
In fact, except for Ramona’s help, it would have been a question whether even Alessandro could have made Baba work in harness.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- adjust
- allineate
- coordinate
- even
- even up
- fix
- make parallel
- order
- range
- regulate
- straighten
- affiliates
- agrees
- allies
- associates
- cooperates
- enlists
- follows
- joins sides
- sympathizes
- Xerox
- akin
- allied
- analogous
- approximate
- associated
- carbon copy
- cognate
- comparable
- concurrent
- correspondent
- corresponding
- dead ringer
- ditto
- double
- duplicate
- equal
- equivalent
- even
- facsimile
- identical
- indistinguishable
- kindred
- like
- look-alike
- matched
- matching
- mated
- parallel
- proportionate
- related
- resembling
- same
- same difference
- similar
- spitting image
- undifferentiated
- uniform
- accord
- adjust
- attune
- cancel
- collate
- come out
- come out even
- compensate
- correspond
- counteract
- counterbalance
- equalize
- equate
- even
- harmonize
- level
- make up for
- match
- neutralize
- nullify
- offset
- oppose
- pair off
- parallel
- poise
- readjust
- redeem
- set
- square
- stabilize
- steady
- tie
- weigh
- come-through
- dependable
- even
- expected
- homogeneous
- invariable
- logical
- of a piece
- persistent
- rational
- same
- steady
- true
- true to type
- unchanging
- undeviating
- unfailing
- uniform
- unvarying
- connected
- consistent
- continual
- equable
- even
- firm
- habitual
- homogeneous
- immutable
- invariable
- like the Rock of Gibralter
- monochrome
- monophonic
- monotonous
- nonstop
- of a piece
- permanent
- perpetual
- regular
- regularized
- solid as rock
- stabile
- stable
- standardized
- steadfast
- steady
- together
- unalterable
- unbroken
- unchanging
- unflappable
- unfluctuating
- uniform
- uninterrupted
- unvarying
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
1 flat, flush, horizontal, level, parallel, plane, plumb, smooth, steady, straight, true, uniform
2 constant, metrical, regular, smooth, steady, unbroken, uniform, uninterrupted, unvarying, unwavering
3 calm, composed, cool, equable, equanimous, even-tempered, imperturbable, peaceful, placid, serene, stable, steady, tranquil, undisturbed, unexcitable, unruffled, well-balanced
4 coequal, commensurate, comparable, drawn, equal, equalized, equally balanced, fifty-fifty (informal) identical, level, level pegging (Brit. informal) like, matching, neck and neck, on a par, parallel, similar, square, the same, tied, uniform
5 balanced, disinterested, dispassionate, equitable, fair, fair and square, impartial, just, unbiased, unprejudiced
6 get even (with) (informal) be revenged or revenge oneself, even the score, get one’s own back, give tit for tat, pay back, pay (someone) back in his or her own coin, reciprocate, repay, requite, return like for like, settle the score, take an eye for an eye, take vengeance
7 all the more, much, still, yet
8 despite, disregarding, in spite of, notwithstanding
9 even as at the same time as, at the time that, during the time that, exactly as, just as, while, whilst
10 even so all the same, be that as it may, despite (that), however, in spite of (that), nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding (that), still, yet
11 (often followed by)
out or up align, balance, become level, equal, equalize, flatten, level, match, regularize, smooth, square, stabilize, steady
12 even the score be revenged or revenge oneself, equalize, get even (informal) get one’s own back, give tit for tat, pay (someone) back, reciprocate, repay, requite, return like for like, settle the score, take an eye for an eye, take vengeance
1 & 2 asymmetrical, awry, broken, bumpy, changeable, changing, curving, different, fluctuating, irregular, odd, rough, twisting, undulating, uneven, variable, wavy
3 agitated, changeable, emotional, excitable, quick-tempered, unpredictable
4 disproportionate, ill-matched, imbalanced, irregular, unequal, uneven
5 biased, partial, prejudiced, unbalanced, unequal, unfair
balanced, disinterested, equitable, fair, fair and square, impartial, just, unbiased, unprejudiced
calm, composed, cool, cool-headed, equable, imperturbable, level-headed, peaceful, placid, serene, steady, tranquil, unexcitable, unruffled
emotional, excitable, hasty, highly-strung, hot-headed, hot-tempered, irascible, quick-tempered, temperamental, touchy, volatile
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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
Flat and level.
Clear out those rocks. The surface must be even.
level, uniform, flatAntonyms:
uneven -
Without great variation.
Despite her fear, she spoke in an even voice.
monotone -
Convenient for rounding other numbers to; for example, ending in a zero.
round -
On equal monetary terms; neither owing or being owed.
quits -
odd -
evening, een
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
Horizontal signifies in the direction of or parallel to the horizon. For practical purposes level and horizontal are identical, tho level, as the more popular word, is more loosely used of that which has no especially noticeable elevations or inequalities; as, a level road. Flat, according to its derivation from the Anglo-Saxon flet, a floor, applies to a surface only, and, in the first and most usual sense, to a surface that is horizontal or level in all directions; a line may be level, a floor is flat; flat is also applied in a derived sense to any plane surface without irregularities or elevations, as a picture may be painted on the flat surface of a perpendicular wall. Plane applies only to a surface, and is used with more mathematical exactness than flat. The adjective plain, originally the same word as plane, is now rarely used except in the figurative senses, but the original sense appears in the noun, as we speak of «a wide plain.» We speak of a horizontal line, a flat morass, a level road, a plain country, a plane surface (especially in the scientific sense). That which is level may not be even, and that which is even may not be level; a level road may be very rough; a slope may be even.
flat, horizontal, level, plain, planeAntonyms:
broken, hilly, inclined, irregular, rolling, rough, rugged, slanting, sloping, uneven
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
level, smooth, uniform, equable, plain, flush, well-balanced, equalAntonyms:
inclined, abrupt, rugged, variable, uneven
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
evening, eve, even, eventideadjective
the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall)
«he enjoyed the evening light across the lake»
eve, eventide, eveningAntonyms:
cross-grained, asymmetrical, unsteady, asymmetric, jagged, uneven, rippled, ragged, crinkled, patchy, scraggy, curly-grained, crinkly, unequal, out of true, wavelike, pebble-grained, untrue, wavy-grained, unparallel, lumpy, wavy, jaggy, odd, irregular -
divisible by two
fifty-fifty, tied(p), regular, level(p)Antonyms:
wavelike, jagged, lumpy, crinkly, untrue, rippled, pebble-grained, uneven, cross-grained, odd, unparallel, wavy, wavy-grained, jaggy, out of true, crinkled, unequal, scraggy, curly-grained, asymmetrical, asymmetric, patchy, unsteady, irregular, ragged -
even, fifty-fiftyadjective
equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced
«even amounts of butter and sugar»; «on even terms»; «it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split»; «had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance»; «an even fight»
fifty-fifty, tied(p), regular, level(p)Antonyms:
irregular, pebble-grained, untrue, unparallel, lumpy, unsteady, scraggy, uneven, wavy-grained, wavelike, out of true, wavy, unequal, ragged, jagged, rippled, jaggy, asymmetric, crinkled, patchy, crinkly, asymmetrical, cross-grained, curly-grained, odd -
being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with)
«an even application of varnish»; «an even floor»; «the road was not very even»; «the picture is even with the window»
fifty-fifty, tied(p), regular, level(p)Antonyms:
crinkled, curly-grained, uneven, wavelike, jagged, unparallel, ragged, unequal, rippled, asymmetrical, wavy, wavy-grained, unsteady, asymmetric, patchy, pebble-grained, crinkly, jaggy, scraggy, lumpy, out of true, irregular, untrue, cross-grained, odd -
even, regularadjective
symmetrically arranged
«even features»; «regular features»; «a regular polygon»
level(p), unconstipated, steady, fifty-fifty, veritable(a), regular, tied(p), regular(a)Antonyms:
untrue, pebble-grained, asymmetrical, wavelike, unequal, irregular, cross-grained, wavy, jagged, out of true, crinkly, ragged, jaggy, asymmetric, crinkled, uneven, unsteady, odd, rippled, patchy, unparallel, scraggy, lumpy, curly-grained, wavy-grained -
even, regularadjective
occurring at fixed intervals
«a regular beat»; «the even rhythm of his breathing»
level(p), unconstipated, steady, fifty-fifty, veritable(a), regular, tied(p), regular(a)Antonyms:
untrue, unparallel, lumpy, jaggy, out of true, uneven, unequal, pebble-grained, wavelike, odd, scraggy, asymmetrical, jagged, rippled, patchy, irregular, curly-grained, cross-grained, crinkly, wavy-grained, wavy, ragged, crinkled, asymmetric, unsteady -
tied(p), even, level(p)verb
of the score in a contest
«the score is tied»
unsteady, wavelike, patchy, pebble-grained, cross-grained, unparallel, unequal, jagged, asymmetrical, rippled, out of true, uneven, irregular, scraggy, jaggy, untrue, odd, asymmetric, wavy, curly-grained, lumpy, ragged, crinkly, wavy-grained, crinkled -
flush, level, even out, evenverb
make level or straight
«level the ground»
redden, sluice, rase, level off, counterbalance, scour, take down, even out, dismantle, blush, tear down, raze, correct, even up, purge, point, pull down, charge, compensate, crimson, even off, make up, level, flushAntonyms:
crinkly, ragged, cross-grained, unparallel, lumpy, out of true, irregular, uneven, unsteady, wavelike, patchy, curly-grained, jagged, asymmetric, wavy, asymmetrical, crinkled, rippled, unequal, jaggy, pebble-grained, untrue, odd, wavy-grained, scraggy -
even, even outverb
become even or more even
«even out the surface»
make up, even off, level, counterbalance, even up, even out, compensate, correct, flushAntonyms:
uneven, crinkled, untrue, odd, wavelike, lumpy, curly-grained, irregular, rippled, crinkly, unsteady, scraggy, unequal, asymmetrical, asymmetric, jaggy, out of true, wavy-grained, patchy, unparallel, pebble-grained, cross-grained, wavy, ragged, jagged -
even, even outadverb
make even or more even
make up, even off, level, counterbalance, even up, even out, compensate, correct, flushAntonyms:
untrue, curly-grained, scraggy, jaggy, lumpy, crinkled, unequal, unparallel, uneven, patchy, rippled, wavy, pebble-grained, ragged, out of true, asymmetric, irregular, jagged, asymmetrical, wavelike, crinkly, wavy-grained, unsteady, odd, cross-grained -
used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected
«even an idiot knows that»; «declined even to consider the idea»; «I don’t have even a dollar!»
yet, stillAntonyms:
lumpy, cross-grained, unequal, asymmetric, uneven, unparallel, pebble-grained, wavy, unsteady, ragged, crinkled, patchy, odd, wavelike, scraggy, irregular, curly-grained, out of true, jaggy, asymmetrical, rippled, jagged, untrue, wavy-grained, crinkly -
in spite of; notwithstanding
«even when he is sick, he works»; «even with his head start she caught up with him»
yet, stillAntonyms:
wavy, pebble-grained, unequal, lumpy, odd, crinkled, untrue, unsteady, unparallel, patchy, cross-grained, rippled, out of true, asymmetrical, wavy-grained, uneven, scraggy, ragged, wavelike, irregular, crinkly, curly-grained, jaggy, asymmetric, jagged -
even, yet, stilladverb
to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons
«looked sick and felt even worse»; «an even (or still) more interesting problem»; «still another problem must be solved»; «a yet sadder tale»
yet, stock-still, withal, thus far, so far, nonetheless, up to now, til now, still, until now, notwithstanding, however, all the same, nevertheless, hitherto, as yet, in time, heretofore, even soAntonyms:
uneven, untrue, crinkly, unparallel, unequal, scraggy, asymmetric, wavy, patchy, wavy-grained, asymmetrical, out of true, irregular, lumpy, jagged, curly-grained, ragged, pebble-grained, unsteady, odd, jaggy, crinkled, wavelike, cross-grained, rippled -
to the full extent
«loyal even unto death»
yet, stillAntonyms:
lumpy, irregular, asymmetrical, jagged, uneven, wavy, patchy, out of true, ragged, unparallel, rippled, unsteady, crinkly, unequal, crinkled, wavelike, asymmetric, scraggy, curly-grained, untrue, pebble-grained, jaggy, odd, wavy-grained, cross-grained
Matched Categories
- Change
- Change Surface
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
evening, eve -
smooth, level, plane, flat -
uniform, equable, equal, calm, ruffled, unsteady -
on a level, on the same level -
fair, just, equitable -
divisible by two, not odd -
exactly, verily, just -
at the very time -
likewise, in like manner, not only so, but also -
strange to say -
so much as
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «even»:
same, still, yet, also, pat, including, well, net, indeed, until, till, too, again, so, similar, already, aun, actually, further, même
How to pronounce even?
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How to use even in a sentence?
Frederick Saunders:
Pride, like laudanun and other poisonous medicines, is beneficial in small, though injurious in large quantities. No man who is not pleased with himself, even in a personal sense, can please others.
Tyler Nilson:
We sat down for a year and worked on the script and tried to build something that would show him in the best light possible for who he is, a human being with hopes and dreams and goals who has the capacity to love even deeper than I do.
Roy Cooper:
Right wing culture wars are now taking on even more significance because Supreme Court has tossed what were once protected constitutional rights into the political battlefield, a zip code should not determine a woman’s reproductive rights, but that’s where we are right now.
Miki Ogao:
Driver’s seat? I’m not even in the passenger’s seat! I’m in the back like a toddler in a five-point harness.
Tig Notaro:
I’d say I follow news and politics by far more. And music and documentaries I follow more than TV and film, and I think the way that I’ve avoided, I mean, people are astounded, even before I toured with a laptop, I would go and check into a hotel and it would never even dawn on me to turn the TV on.
Translations for even
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- vlak, gelyk, selfs, nog, aandAfrikaans
- حتى, بلArabic
- тигеҙ, йоп, хатта, теүәлBashkir
- плосък, равен, четен, еднообразен, гладък, даже, равно, еднакво, изравнявам, дори, вечерBulgarian
- zokenBreton
- pla, parell, igual, encara, fins i totCatalan, Valencian
- rovný, sudý, i, vůbec, ještě, večerCzech
- eben, gerade, noch, sogar, auch, selbstGerman
- ακόμη καιGreek
- ebena, egala, eĉEsperanto
- uniforme, par, parejo, constante, igual, llano, aun, tarde, allanar, hasta, inclusoSpanish
- هنوز, حتیPersian
- tasainen, parillinen, jopa, tasoittaa, vielä, edesFinnish
- uniforme, pair, paire, plat, régulier, monotone, exactement, même, complètement, niveler, aplatir, égaliser, voire, encoreFrench
- fiúIrish
- cunbhalach, cothromach, cothrom, eadhonScottish Gaelic
- até, incluso, nin, nin sequera, aíndaGalician
- חלק, שווה, זוגי, ערב, אפילוHebrew
- सम, और भीHindi
- egyenletes, egyenlő, páros, még, egyenget, kiegyenlít, még haHungarian
- հարթ, հավասար, զույգ, նույնիսկArmenian
- rata, bahkanIndonesian
- memIdo
- jafn, slétturIcelandic
- pari, sera, spianare, esattamente, completamente, ancheItalian
- אפילוHebrew
- 平, 偶数, にも, も, さえJapanese
- ლუწი, კიGeorgian
- vesper, etiamLatin
- geruedLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- irLithuanian
- pāra, patLatvian
- рамномерен, рамен, парен, мазен, баш, токму, дуриMacedonian
- genap, rataMalay
- တောင်Burmese
- til og med, enda, selv, sågarNorwegian
- even, gelijkmatige, paar, vlak, gelijke, gelijk, vlakke, gelijkmatig, avondstond, platmaken, evenen, nog, gelijkmaken, zelfsDutch
- enda, jamvel, endåtil, sjølv, til og medNorwegian Nynorsk
- ndiNavajo, Navaho
- jednolity, parzysty, gładki, równy, równomierny, płaski, jednostajny, nawet, poranek, wyrównać, jeszczePolish
- uniforme, quite, par, plano, constante, nivelado, padronizado, uniformizar, mesmo, nivelar, igualmente, ainda, completamente, até, nem sequer, exatamente, padronizar, igualarPortuguese
- pară, egal, par, plat, chiarRomanian
- однообразный, равномерный, одинаковый, гладкий, чётный, плоский, равный, ровный, даже, вечер, вообще, выравнивать, ровнять, точно, ещё, ровноRussian
- pȃran, па̑ранSerbo-Croatian
- párnySlovak
- sod, celóSlovene
- jämn, flat, plan, slät, stadig, platt, till och med, än, plana ut, kväll, ännu, jämna, platta till, ens, afton, jämna ut, än nu, ävenSwedish
- సరి, చదునైనTelugu
- çift, da, bile, dahiTurkish
- اور بھیUrdu
- bằngVietnamese
- אפילוYiddish
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