- bare
- barren
- blank
- deserted
- desolate
- devoid
- dry
- hollow
- unfilled
- uninhabited
- unoccupied
- vacant
- abandoned
- clear
- dead
- deflated
- depleted
- desert
- despoiled
- evacuated
- exhausted
- forsaken
- lacking
- vacated
- void
- wanting
- waste
- destitute
- godforsaken
- hot-air
- stark
- unfurnished
- vacuous
- barren
- devoid
- flat
- hollow
- idle
- meaningless
- worthless
- dead
- petty
- silly
- aimless
- banal
- cheap
- deadpan
- dishonest
- dumb
- expressionless
- fatuous
- frivolous
- futile
- ignorant
- inane
- ineffectual
- inexpressive
- insincere
- insipid
- jejune
- nugatory
- otiose
- paltry
- purposeless
- senseless
- trivial
- unintelligent
- unreal
- unsatisfactory
- unsubstantial
- vacuous
- vain
- valueless
- vapid
- unfilled
- famished
- starving
- ravenous
- unfed
- clear
- consume
- deplete
- discharge
- drain
- drink
- dump
- escape
- evacuate
- exhaust
- gut
- leak
- purge
- run out
- unload
- vacate
- decant
- disgorge
- ebb
- eject
- expel
- leave
- release
- tap
- unburden
- void
- flow out
- make void
- pour out
- rush out
- use up
On this page you’ll find 300 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to empty, such as: bare, barren, blank, deserted, desolate, and devoid.
antonyms for empty
- aware
- busy
- filled
- full
- inhabited
- occupied
- overflowing
- populated
- animated
- cherished
- sufficient
- unused
- abundant
- complete
- copious
- effective
- entire
- fruitful
- productive
- replete
- sated
- satisfied
- filled
- full
- meaningful
- productive
- raised
- useful
- valuable
- worthwhile
- abundant
- complete
- copious
- effective
- entire
- fruitful
- replete
- sated
- satisfied
- sufficient
- full
- satiated
- abundant
- complete
- copious
- effective
- entire
- filled
- fruitful
- productive
- replete
- sated
- satisfied
- sufficient
- fill
- hold
- keep
- load
- maintain
- occupy
- allow
- permit
- take in
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use empty in a sentence
Herein he found an empty stall that was dark enough not to be seen, and still afforded sufficient light to read in.
When the funeral was over, and they returned to their desolate home, at the sight of the empty cradle Ramona broke down.
A quite young child will, for example, pretend to do something, as to take an empty cup and carry out the semblance of drinking.
For his heart seemed alternately full and empty; all the life he had was centred there.
In Flanders, he says, they would never attack with empty limbers behind them; they would wait till they were full up.
But the house will rarely be empty now that the shooting has begun, and there is always something going on in the neighborhood.
She was not born to make money—especially by dodges and false politeness, out of idle, empty-noddled boarders.
If it be suspected that the stomach will not be empty, it should be washed out with water the evening before.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- alone
- cast aside
- cast away
- deserted
- discarded
- dissipated
- dropped
- dumped
- eighty-sixed
- eliminated
- empty
- forgotten
- forsaken
- given up
- godforsaken
- jilted
- left
- left in the cold
- left in the lurch
- neglected
- outcast
- passed up
- pigeon-holed
- rejected
- relinquished
- shunned
- side-tracked
- sidelined
- unoccupied
- vacant
- vacated
- bare
- blank
- devoid
- empty
- hollow
- lacking
- minus
- missing
- nonexistent
- omitted
- unavailable
- vacant
- vacuous
- wanting
- arid
- barren
- blank
- bleak
- clear
- desert
- desolate
- empty
- lacking
- mean
- open
- poor
- scanty
- scarce
- stark
- unfurnished
- vacant
- void
- wanting
- arid
- barren
- blank
- bleak
- clear
- desert
- desolate
- empty
- lacking
- mean
- open
- poor
- scanty
- scarce
- stark
- unfurnished
- vacant
- vacuous
- void
- wanting
- arid
- depleted
- desert
- desolate
- dry
- effete
- empty
- fallow
- fruitless
- impotent
- impoverished
- infecund
- infertile
- parched
- sterile
- unbearing
- uncultivable
- unfertile
- unfruitful
- unproductive
- waste
- deadpan
- dull
- empty
- fruitless
- hollow
- immobile
- impassive
- inane
- inexpressive
- inscrutable
- lifeless
- masklike
- meaningless
- noncommittal
- poker-faced
- stiff
- stupid
- uncommunicative
- unexpressive
- vacant
- vacuous
- vague
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Определения слова empty
- пустой, порожний
- незанятый, нежилой, необитаемый
- перен. бессодержательный, невыразительный, незначащий
- жарг. голодный
- матем. пустой
Синонимы к слову empty
- bare
- barren
- blank
- clear
- clear out
- drain
- evacuate
- meaningless
- pointless
- pour
- pour out
- purposeless
- tip
- unfilled
- vacant
Похожие слова на empty
- empty
Антонимы к слову empty
- full
Однокоренные слова для empty
- emptier
- empties
- emptiness
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All synonyms in one line
abortive, all gone, arid, bare, barren, en.synonym.one, blank, boring, cleaned, clear, cleared, cloudless, consumed, deceitful, deceiving, delusive, depleted, designing, destroyed, dishonest, disingenuous, dissipated, dry, dull, emptied, exhausted, en.synonym.one, expended, expressionless, figurehead, flat, foolish, fresh, frivolous, fruitless, futile, green, hollow, hopeless, hypocritical, idle, ignorant, ineffectual, insidious, insincere, irrelevant, lone, machiavellian, monotonous, nominal, otiose, pointless, en.synonym.one, profitless, prosaic, purposeless, routine, rude, self-styled, senseless, so-called, spent, squandered, stupid, superficial, superfluous, tame, tedious, titular, token, trifling, unadorned, unavailing, undistinguished, unfilled, uninhabited, uninteresting, unnecessary, unoccupied, unused, used, used up, useless, vacant, vacuous, vain, vapid, void, washed, white, worthless, abandon, bail, clear, collapse, deflate, en.synonym.one, deplete, dip, disburden, discharge, drain, draw, dump, eject, emit, evacuate, excrete, exhaust, flatten, fling down, flush, free, issue, ladle, pour out, purge, en.synonym.one, relieve, remove, rid, sap, scoop, shower, spill, spoon, tap, tax, teem, throw out, unburden, unload, unpack, vacate, void, weary, destitute, devoid, empty-bellied, innocent.
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What is another word for Empty?
containing nothing, activity
exhaust, discharge wastes
hungry, containing nothing
Use filters to view other words, we have 2668 synonyms for empty.
If you know synonyms for Empty, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.
имя прилагательное:
пустой (empty, blank, idle, vacant, unoccupied, null)
голодный (hungry, empty, peckish, famished, starveling, hollow)
порожний (empty)
без нагрузки (empty)
холостой (idle, single, dummy, unmarried, celibate, empty)
бессодержательный (vapid, empty, inane, barren, blank, pithless)
пустопорожний (empty)
нежилой (uninhabited, uninhabitable, empty, untenantable)
незаселенный (unsettled, empty, devoid of inhabitants, waste)
необитаемый (uninhabited, desert, desolate, unoccupied, empty, wild)
опорожнять (empty, disgorge, void, evacuate, clear, tip)
опорожняться (empty, disgorge)
выливать (pour out, empty, discharge, outpour)
освобождать (rid, free, exempt, loose, release, empty)
высыпать (empty)
пустеть (empty, become empty, thin, thin out, become deserted)
пересыпать (intersperse, lard, empty, interlard)
осушать (drain, dry, drain off, empty, drain dry, dry up)
впадать (fall, lapse, sink, go into, empty, discharge)
выкачивать (pump, pump out, deflate, tap, empty, exhaust)
вываливать (throw out, dump, tip out, empty)
переливать (transfuse, superfuse, empty)
выпускать (produce, release, let out, let go, issue, empty)
имя существительное:
порожняя тара (empties, empty)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь.