У слова difficult существует два базовых значения, на основе которых мы будем подбирать синонимы:
1) непростой, сложный, т.е. требующий усилий или навыков, чтобы сделать или понять.
Синонимы: complicated, complex, elaborate, intricate, hard, sophisticated и confusing.
The space shuttle is a very complicated vehicle. — Космический шаттл является очень сложным летательным аппаратом.
Your dance routines are so elaborate, so intricate. — Ваши танцы такие сложные, такие запутанные.
Liars typically explain events in simple terms since our brains struggle to build a complex lie. — Лжецы обычно объясняют события при помощи простых слов, так как нашему мозгу сложно конструировать сложную ложь.
She is hard to manage. — С ней сложно справиться.
She interfaces the same sophisticated AI (Artificial Intelligence). — Она работает при помощи такого же сложного ИИ.
The terminology can be confusing, but the concept is quite clear. — Терминология может быть сложной, но концепт вполне понятен.
2) сложный, трудный, т.е. такой, который вызывает проблемы или сам по себе является проблемой.
Синонимы: challenging, tough и troublesome.
Space travel is the most exciting and challenging adventure humanity has ever undertaken. — Космическое путешествие — самый интересное и сложное приключение, которое приходилось переживать человечеству.
That book got me through some tough times. — Эта книга прошла со мной через многое (досл. «сложные времена»).
Jerry can be a bit troublesome, but once you’re friends, you’ll be friends forever. — Джерри может быть сложным (доставлять проблемы), но как только вы подружитесь, вы станете лучшими друзьями на всю жизнь.
What is another word for Difficult?
complicated, property
hard, heavy
comfort, complicated
hard, property
hard, property
troublesome, untimely
hard, troublesome
troublesome, disobedient
complicated, delicate
hard, troublesome
heavy, oppressive
troublesome, heavy
complicated, intricate
easy, hard to do
harsh, heavy
arduous, hard to do
heavy, ambitious
oppressive, burdensome
complicated, problematical
hard to do
characteristic, complex
characteristic, composite
comfort, untimely
arduous, hard to do
problematic, problematical
attitude, disobedient
characteristic, intricate
hard to do
characteristic, composite
complex, problematic
disobedient, unmanageable socially
complex, composite
disobedient, unaccommodating
attitude, disobedient
unmanageable socially
Use filters to view other words, we have 1967 synonyms for difficult.
В статье вы узнаете, какие есть синонимы на английском к слову difficult – сложный, трудный.
Complicated тоже означает “сложный”, но относится к предметам или явлениям, которые состоят из множества частей. Например, задача по физике будет difficult, потому что её может быть сложно решить, но физику как науку можно назвать complicated – потому что она состоит из многих сфер.
Hard обычно говорят про что-то, требующее физических сил, вызывающее утомление. Например, работа на заводе может быть hard, а работа в офисе – difficult, так как сложность здесь больше умственная.
Troublesome больше относится к чему-то, что вызывает много беспокойства и хлопот. Так, визит родственников может пройти troublesome. Или же уборка.
Несмотря на то, что uneasy буквально переводится как “непросто” – это означает неловкость, беспокойство или тревогу. Можно feel uneasy – чувствовать себя тревожно, нервничать.
Это слово означает не только “сложный”, но и “составной”. Например, compound sentence – сложное предложение (состоит из двух простых).
Чтобы учить английский дальше, переходите на эту статью с лексикой английского языка – синонимами beautiful.
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- ambitious
- arduous
- burdensome
- challenging
- crucial
- demanding
- laborious
- onerous
- painful
- problematic
- severe
- strenuous
- tough
- troublesome
- backbreaker
- bothersome
- difficile
- easier said than done
- effortful
- exacting
- formidable
- galling
- gargantuan
- hard-won
- heavy
- herculean
- immense
- intricate
- irritating
- labored
- no picnic
- not easy
- operose
- problem
- prohibitive
- rigid
- stiff
- titanic
- toilsome
- trying
- unyielding
- uphill
- upstream
- wearisome
- complex
- confusing
- delicate
- troublesome
- abstract
- abstruse
- baffling
- bewildering
- confounding
- dark
- deep
- enigmatic
- enigmatical
- entangled
- esoteric
- formidable
- hard to explain
- hard to solve
- hidden
- inexplicable
- intricate
- involved
- knotty
- labyrinthine
- loose
- meandering
- mysterious
- mystical
- mystifying
- nice
- obscure
- obstinate
- paradoxical
- perplexing
- problematical
- profound
- puzzling
- rambling
- subtle
- tangled
- thorny
- ticklish
- unclear
- unfathomable
- unintelligible
- vexing
- demanding
- grim
- intractable
- tough
- troublesome
- argumentative
- bearish
- boorish
- dark
- fastidious
- finicky
- fractious
- fussy
- hard to please
- impolite
- irritable
- oafish
- obstreperous
- perverse
- picky
- refractory
- rigid
- rude
- tiresome
- trying
- unaccommodating
- unamenable
On this page you’ll find 234 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to difficult, such as: ambitious, arduous, burdensome, challenging, crucial, and demanding.
- clear
- easy
- calm
- free
- friendly
- manageable
- plain
- simple
- sociable
- straightforward
- uncomplicated
- easy
- facile
- nice
- calm
- free
- friendly
- manageable
- plain
- simple
- sociable
- straightforward
- uncomplicated
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use difficult in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- arduous
- bold
- challenging
- demanding
- difficult
- elaborate
- energetic
- exacting
- formidable
- grandiose
- hard
- impressive
- industrious
- lofty
- pretentious
- severe
- strenuous
- visionary
- compromising
- delicate
- difficult
- embarrassed
- ill at ease
- inconvenient
- inopportune
- painful
- perplexing
- sticky
- thorny
- ticklish
- troublesome
- trying
- uncomfortable
- unpleasant
- untimely
- carking
- crushing
- demanding
- difficult
- disturbing
- exacting
- exigent
- heavy
- irksome
- onerous
- oppressive
- superincumbent
- taxing
- tough
- trying
- wearing
- wearying
- weighty
- complicated
- convoluted
- daedal
- detailed
- devious
- difficult
- elaborate
- intricate
- involved
- labyrinthine
- tortuous
- Daedalean
- Gordian
- abstruse
- arduous
- byzantine
- can of worms
- convoluted
- difficult
- elaborate
- entangled
- fancy
- gasser
- hard
- high-tech
- interlaced
- intricate
- involved
- knotty
- labyrinthine
- mega factor
- mixed
- perplexing
- problematic
- puzzling
- recondite
- sophisticated
- troublesome
- various
- wheels within wheels
- baffling
- befuddling
- bewildering
- blurring
- complex
- complicated
- confounding
- difficult
- disconcerting
- disorienting
- involved
- mystifying
- perplexing
- unsettling
- upsetting
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
WiktionaryRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote
cumbersome, hard, burdensome -
hard, not easy, requiring much effort
cumbersome, burdensome, hard -
hard to manage, uncooperative, troublesome; eg. said of a person, a horse, etc.
burdensome, hard, cumbersome
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.7 / 3 votes
Arduous (Latin arduus, steep) signifies primarily so steep and lofty as to be difficult of ascent, and hence applies to that which involves great and sustained exertion and ordinarily for a lofty aim; great learning can only be won by arduous toil. Hard applies to anything that resists our endeavors as a scarcely penetrable mass resists our physical force. Anything is hard that involves tax and strain whether of the physical or mental powers. Difficult is not used of that which merely taxes physical force; a dead lift is called hard rather than difficult; breaking stone on the road would be called hard rather than difficult work; that is difficult which involves skill, sagacity, or address, with or without a considerable expenditure of physical force; a geometrical problem may be difficult to solve, a tangled skein to unravel; a mountain difficult to ascend. Hard may be active or passive; a thing may be hard to do or hard to bear. Arduous is always active. That which is laborious or toilsome simply requires the steady application of labor or toil till accomplished; toilsome is the stronger word. That which is onerous (Latin onus, a burden) is mentally burdensome or oppressive. Responsibility may be onerous even when it involves no special exertion.
arduous, exhausting, hard, laborious, onerous, severe, toilsome, tryingAntonyms:
easy, facile, light, pleasant, slight, trifling, trivial
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
hard, intricate, involved, perplexing, enigmatical, obscure, trying, arduous, troublesome, up hill, unmanageable, unamenable, reserved, opposedAntonyms:
easy, plain, straight, pimple, lucid, categorical, tractable, amenable, unreserved, favorable
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes
difficult, hardadjective
not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure
«a difficult task»; «nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access»; «difficult times»; «why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?»
severe, voiceless, arduous, grueling, tough, toilsome, concentrated, heavy, laborious, hard, gruelling, intemperate, knockout, punishing, unvoiced, operose, backbreaking, surd, strong, unmanageableAntonyms:
uncomplicated, cushy, casual, hands-down, soft, clean, effortless, unproblematic, smooth, simple, easy, painless, simplified, elementary, user-friendly, easygoing -
unmanageable, difficultadjective
hard to control
«a difficult child», «an unmanageable situation»
uncorrectable, uncontrollable, hard, unwieldy, unmanageableAntonyms:
easy, hands-down, cushy, clean, simple, uncomplicated, user-friendly, elementary, casual, unproblematic, painless, smooth, easygoing, simplified, soft, effortless
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
arduous, onerous, complicated, intricate, hard, uncompliant, intractable, perverse, fastidious, exactingAntonyms:
facile, light, easy
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:5.0 / 1 vote
List of paraphrases for «difficult»:
hard, challenging, tough, difficulty, arduous, complicated, difficulties, difficile, complex, tricky, thorny, problematic, delicate, harsh, hardship, easy, awkward, daunting, intractable, challenge, heavy, laborious, picky, painful, uphill, sensitive, dire, demanding, onerous, cumbersome, troubled, troublesome, painstaking, elusive, serious
How to pronounce difficult?
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How to use difficult in a sentence?
James Hick:
Leaving the EU will make it much more difficult to attract the brightest and best, it will mean more bureaucracy for those coming to Britain and salaries could be less competitive, especially if sterling falls, as many warn it could — including the Bank of England.
Jeb Bush:
I love my brother, I love my dad, actually love my mother as well, hope that’s ok. And I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions they had to make.
Michael Kleinrock:
Some of the larger population diseases that we’ve found treatments for have been solved, in essence, innovation is now moving to smaller populations, and they’re more difficult both technically and in terms of the cost.
Bob Miller:
We believe that this provides an opportunity to come together and unearth difficult truths to help us move forward as a community.
Jeremy Farrar:
The uncertainty is very difficult to communicate, but it absolutely underlines why research is so critical, there are so many unanswered questions, all with really profound implications — for the epidemic, for the survivors and their families, and for the next inevitable outbreak of Ebola.
Translations for difficult
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- moeilikAfrikaans
- صعبArabic
- çətinAzerbaijani
- ҡыйын, ауырBashkir
- цяжкі, трудныBelarusian
- труден, мъчен, тежъкBulgarian
- কঠিনBengali
- དཀའ་ངལ་ཅན, དཀའ་མོ, ཁག་པོ, དཀའ་ལས་ཁག་པོTibetan Standard
- difícilCatalan, Valencian
- obtížný, těžkýCzech
- тѩжькъOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
- caled, anoddWelsh
- vanskeligDanish
- schwer, schwierigGerman
- δύσκολοςGreek
- malfacilaEsperanto
- difícilSpanish
- keerulineEstonian
- سخت, صعب, دشوار, مشکلPersian
- vaikea, hankalaFinnish
- torførurFaroese
- difficileFrench
- swierWestern Frisian
- deacairIrish
- cruaidh, trom, doirbh, mì-fhurasda, duilichScottish Gaelic
- difícilGalician
- કઠિનGujarati
- doillee, trome, mooar, creoi, neuaashaghManx
- מסובך, קשהHebrew
- कठिन, मुश्किल, विकटHindi
- difisilHaitian Creole
- nehézHungarian
- դժվար, ծանր, բարդArmenian
- difficileInterlingua
- desfacilaIdo
- erfiðurIcelandic
- difficileItalian
- 困難, 難しいJapanese
- ძნელიGeorgian
- ауыр, қиынKazakh
- ពិបាកKhmer
- ಕಟ್Kannada
- 어렵다Korean
- زهحمهت, سهخت, گرانKurdish
- кыйын, оорKyrgyz
- difficilisLatin
- ຍາກLao
- sunkusLithuanian
- sarežģītsLatvian
- тежок, маченMacedonian
- бэрх, хүнд хэцүүMongolian
- diffiċliMaltese
- ခဲယဉ်းBurmese
- lastig, moeilijkDutch
- vanskeligNorwegian
- nantłʼahNavajo, Navaho
- malaisitOccitan
- ਕਠਿਨPanjabi, Punjabi
- trudny, ciężkiPolish
- ګران, مشکلPashto, Pushto
- difícilPortuguese
- difícil, greu, anevoios, complicatRomanian
- тяжкий, трудный, тяжёлыйRussian
- कठिनSanskrit
- težak, тежакSerbo-Croatian
- අමාරුSinhala, Sinhalese
- obtiažny, ťažkýSlovak
- težekSlovene
- vështirëAlbanian
- svårSwedish
- கடினமானTamil
- కఠినమైన, కష్టమైనTelugu
- душвор, мушкил, сахтTajik
- ยากThai
- çatak, müçgil, çetin, kynTurkmen
- mahirapTagalog
- zor, güçTurkish
- кыен, авырTatar
- трудний, важкийUkrainian
- دشوار, کٹھن, مشکلUrdu
- qiyin, mushkulUzbek
- khó, khó khănVietnamese
- שווער, האַרבYiddish
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- فارسی (Persian)
- ייִדיש (Yiddish)
- հայերեն (Armenian)
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- English (English)