Синонимы слова deal

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • deal [diːl] сущ

    1. сделкаж, соглашениеср, договорм

      (transactions, agreement, contract)

      • make a deal – заключить сделку
      • real estate deal – сделка с недвижимостью
      • big business deal – крупная сделка
      • pretty good deal – неплохая сделка
      • trade deal – торговая сделка
      • peace deal – мирное соглашение
    2. делоср


  • deal [diːl] гл

    1. иметь дело, общаться

      (deal with, communicate)

    2. рассматривать


    3. наносить, нанести

      (apply, cause)

    4. справиться, справляться, бороться, расправиться

      (cope, struggle, finish)

      • deal with stress – справиться со стрессом
    5. заниматься


      • deal exclusively – заниматься исключительно
    6. касаться


      • deal specifically – касаться непосредственно
    7. посвятить


    8. разбираться


    9. обращаться


    10. раздавать


      • deal the cards – раздавать карты
    11. поступать


      • deal honestly – поступать честно
    12. заключать сделку


сделка deal, transaction, bargain, trade, business, swap
дело case, business, matter, point, deal, thing
соглашение agreement, convention, deal, arrangement, contract, accord
часть part, portion, piece, section, proportion, deal
обращение treatment, handling, circulation, appeal, address, deal
обхождение treatment, usage, handling, deal, address, quarter
хвойная древесина deal
большое количество plenty, number, quantity, a great deal, a generous amount, deal
сдача карт deal
правительственный курс deal
некоторое количество a number of, several, deal
система мероприятий deal
иметь дело deal, treat
бороться fight, struggle, combat, deal, contend, battle
общаться deal, socialize, associate, converse, commune, mix
поступать do, act, proceed, enter, deal, behave
раздавать distribute, hand out, give away, give out, pass out, deal
торговать trade, sell, deal, traffic, merchandise, vend
наносить deal, deliver, plot, pay, plant, insert
обходиться cost, get along, treat, deal, handle, use
сдавать карты deal
принимать меры take measures, take steps, arrange, deal, provide, move
вести торговые дела deal
покупать в определенной лавке deal
быть клиентом deal, patronize
вести дело deal, negotiate
ведать manage, be in charge of, deal, wit
рассматривать вопрос deal, envisage
причинять cause, give, bring, deal, occasion, kill
выдавать issue, extradite, betray, give, produce, deal
распределять distribute, allocate, allot, share, divide, deal
сосновый pine, piny, deal, pinaceous
еловый deal, firry
из древесины мягких пород deal

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • deal сущ

    • bargain · good deal · trade · business · plea bargain
    • cope · handle · manage
    • agreement · contract · transaction · settlement · accord · business deal · treaty · tradeoff
    • consider · treat
    • concern · address
    • negotiate
    • thing · case · matter · affair · deed · chat
    • distribute · hand out


  • agreement, understanding, pact, bargain, covenant, contract, treaty, arrangement, compromise, settlement, terms, transaction, sale, account, indenture
  • trade, business deal
  • bargain
  • softwood
  • hand
  • sight, hatful, great deal, tidy sum, good deal, lot, slew, flock, mess, mickle, stack, wad, pile, batch, pot, muckle, plenty, heap, spate, mountain, mass, raft, passel, peck, mint


  • cope with, handle, manage, treat, take care of, take charge of, take in hand, sort out, tackle, take on, control, act toward, behave toward
  • concern, be about, have to do with, discuss, consider, cover, pertain to, tackle, study, explore, investigate, examine, review, analyze
  • trade in, buy and sell, sell, peddle, purvey, supply, stock, market, merchandise, traffic, smuggle, push
  • distribute, give out, share out, divide out, hand out, pass out, pass around, dole out, dispense, allocate, divvy up
  • deliver, administer, dispense, inflict, give, impose, aim
  • take, consider, look at
  • manage, handle, care
  • manage, contend, get by, make out, make do, grapple, cope
  • portion out, share, apportion, divvy up
  • conduct, carry on
  • parcel out, lot, allot, shell out, deal out, dispense, dish out, administer, mete out, distribute, dole out
  • address, cover, plow, treat, handle
  • trade, sell

Предложения со словом «Deal»

I am a daydreamer, but at the same time I love things that are authentic and deal with our innermost nature, which I would never want to escape from.

Я мечтатель, но в тоже время мне нравятся аутентичные вещи и нравится иметь дело с нашей самой потаённой природой, от которой я бы никогда не захотела уйти.

When we were in the middle of the frozen river, we were filming about the condition of the cold weather and the environment that North Koreans had to deal with when they seek their freedom.

Когда мы были на середине реки, мы снимали отрывок о холодной погоде и о тех условиях, в которых оказываются жители Северной Кореи, когда стремятся к свободе.

And coming back to the snorkeling trip, we actually understand a great deal about the rules that fish schools use.

И, возвращаясь к плаванию с маской и трубкой, мы действительно многое понимаем в правилах, которыми пользуются стаи рыб.

How does it deal with real African issues like war, poverty, devastation or AIDS?

Какое отношение это имеет к настоящей Африке, с её войнами, нищетой, разрухой или СПИДом?

And indeed, I was very happy to hear that the first set of regulations that came from the Department of Transport — announced last week — included a 15-point checklist for all carmakers to provide, and number 14 was ethical consideration — how are you going to deal with that.

Я действительно был очень рад увидеть, что первый набор регламентов от Министерства транспорта, объявленный на прошлой неделе, включает 15 вопросов для всех автопроизводителей, где вопрос под номером 14 — этический, какое решение принять.

Now, one of the important things about making autonomous robots is to make them not do just exactly what you say, but make them deal with the uncertainty of what happens in the real world.

Теперь о самом главном в создании автономных роботов: нужно стараться избежать выполнения одного действия по шаблону, но действовать в соответствии с изменениями в окружающей обстановке.

You know you’ll wake up in the morning feeling awful, but you justify it by saying, The other me in the future will deal with that.

Вы понимаете, что проснётесь утром не в лучшей форме, но оправдываетесь: «В будущем с этой проблемой столкнётся другой Я».

By the way, composting creates a great deal of heat, especially this particular type of composting.

Кстати, компостирование способствует выделению тепла, особенно именно этот способ компостирования.

The things is, we deal with them, too.

Но нам приходится иметь дело в том числе и с ними.

So it can deal with a certain amount of nastiness, and it can even understand that your nastiness, for example, you may take bribes as a passport official because you need to feed your family and send your kids to school.

Он может справиться с плохими поступками и даже понять, что вы поступаете плохо, например, берёте взятки, работая паспортистом, потому что вам нужно кормить семью и оплачивать обучение детей.

We deal with our problems.

Мы сами справляемся с проблемами.

But they get really tired and they get really stressed out, and I had to really take all that energy, put it in a paper bag, so to say, and throw it away, because I really felt like I didn’t have time to deal with any extra emotions, any extra anything, because pregnant or not, no one knew, and I was supposed to win that tournament as I am every tournament that I show up.

Беременные обычно устают, испытывают стресс, и я должна была взять всю эту энергию, собрать её в мешок, так сказать, и выбросить подальше, потому что я чётко понимала, что у меня нет времени на все эти лишние эмоции, на всё вот это, потому что, независимо от того, беременна я или нет, но я должна была выиграть тот турнир, как и все остальные, в которых я участвую.

Now, class monitor was a big deal.

Староста класса — это вам не шутки.

But they all did one thing that didn’t actually seem like a big deal until I really started kind of looking into this.

Но все они делали одну вещь, которая не казалась важной, пока я не начал ей серьёзно заниматься.

So when we think, well, how are we going to deal with climate or with poverty or homelessness, our first reaction is to think about it through a technology lens.

И когда мы размышляем о том, что будем делать с климатом, или с бедностью, или бездомными людьми, мы сразу думаем об этом сквозь призму технологий.

But how will other forms of conservative media deal with that as we move forward?

Но как другие формы консервативных СМИ проявят себя в ближайшем будущем?

We have to learn how to cooperate and collaborate a great deal more and compete just a tiny bit less.

Мы должны научиться сотрудничать и взаимодействовать чаще, а соперничать — немного реже.

It’s after the peace deal has been signed.

Время после подписания мирного договора.

Girls would tell me, it’s no big deal.

Девушки говорили мне: Эка невидаль!

Not because intercourse isn’t a big deal, but it’s worth questioning why we consider this one act, which most girls associate with discomfort or pain, to be the line in the sand of sexual adulthood — so much more meaningful, so much more transformative than anything else.

Не потому что половой акт — это что — то несерьёзное, а потому, что стоит задаться вопросом, почему мы рассматриваем один акт, который у большинства девушек ассоциируется с дискомфортом и болью, как границу перехода к взрослой половой жизни — настолько более значимую, настолько более существенно преобразующую, чем что — либо ещё.

He talks a great deal to us about suicide being an option, but the reality is that the person who actually commits suicide, Ophelia, after she’s been humiliated and abused by him, never gets a chance to talk to the audience about her feelings.

Он всерьёз рассуждает о самоубийстве как о возможном решении проблемы, но в итоге покончила с собой Офелия, после того, как герой унизил и надругался над ней, и шанса высказать свои чувства ей не предоставили.

The explosion had been caused by a water heater, so nobody was hurt, and ultimately it was not a big deal, but later Skip came up to me and said, Nice job, Caroline, in this surprised sort of voice.

Взрыв произошёл из — за водонагревателя, никто не пострадал и, в сущности, всё было не так уж страшно, но позже Скип подошёл ко мне и сказал: Молодчина, Кэролайн — и в его голосе звучало удивление.

But once they take that plea deal, we’ll call them criminals, even though an affluent person would never have been in this situation, because an affluent person would have simply been bailed out.

Но после признания вины они станут преступниками, хотя состоятельный человек никогда не попадёт в такую ситуацию, потому что за него заплатят залог.

They cruised around the construction site, they manipulated the bamboo — which, by the way, because it’s a non-isomorphic material, is super hard for robots to deal with.

Он исследует место будущей постройки, манипулирует с бамбуком, который неоднороден по форме, что создаёт сложности для роботов.

It’s the ability to deal with fractions, percentages and decimals.

Он включает умение обращаться с дробями, процентами и десятичными числами.

Nobody has been saying, look, this is a big deal, this is a revolution, and this could affect you in very personal ways.

Ведь никто не говорит: Эй, посмотрите — ка, это важно, это революция, это может повлиять на вас лично.

And you can see areas in which there is a great deal of rainfall as well.

С другой стороны, видны территории, где выпадает большое количество осадков.

Or we lose that raise or that promotion or that deal.

Мы не получаем надбавку, повышение, или проигрываем сделку.

Many years ago, I began to use the term intersectionality to deal with the fact that many of our social justice problems like racism and sexism are often overlapping, creating multiple levels of social injustice.

Много лет назад я начала использовать термин интерсекциональность, чтобы обозначить тот факт, что множество видов социальной несправедливости, вроде расизма или сексизма, часто накладываются друг на друга, создавая многослойное социальное неравенство.

Whereas if they show anger, that doesn’t predict anything, because if you deal with anger well, it actually is good.

Но если на их лицах гнев, то это ещё ничего не значит, потому что злость, если с ней справиться, даже полезна.

So how do we deal with that?

И что нам с этим делать?

Here I am having just lost three family members to Islamophobia, having been a vocal advocate within my program on how to deal with such microaggressions, and yet — silence.

Я только что потеряла трёх родных людей из — за исламофобии, яро отстаиваю свою позицию и учу, что делать с таким психологическим давлением, и тем не менее все промолчали.

And that’s a big deal for a profession that’s in high demand.

Это реальный шанс для профессионалов, на которых есть спрос.

So I thought to myself, hey, let me pick a technical field where I can get a job easily and where I don’t have to deal with any troublesome questions of ethics.

Так что я подумала: Эй, мне просто надо выбрать техническую область, где я смогу легко получить работу, и где мне не придётся иметь дело со сложными этическими вопросами.

What foolish deal do you wish to make today?

И что за безрассудную сделку ты хочешь заключить сегодня?

It would avoid a great deal of possible unpleasantness later.

Это помогло бы избежать многих возможных неприятностей в будущем.

I don’t deal in conjecture, only facts

Я работаю не с предположениями, а с фактами.

Your lawyer just negotiated a very lucrative new deal.

Ваш адвокат только что заключил очень выгодную сделку

We must deal with that chronic mucus, Alex.

Мы должны разобраться с этой хронической мокротой, Алекс.

How does your boyfriend Deal with your phenomenal success?

А как ваш парень относится к вашим феноменальным успехам?

Deal was supposed to go down somewhere in this lot.

Сделка должна была состояться где — то на этом участке.

The church already had a vocabulary to deal with strangers.

У Церкви уже имелся словарь, которым можно определять инопланетян.

The only people who deal with that are church groups.

Только церковные группы проявляют к ним какой — то интерес.

I don’t suppose that he would deal with you?

Не думаю, что он захочет иметь дело с тобой.

Birthdays were a very big deal in the Rizzoli family.

В семействе Риццоли к дням рождения всегда относились трепетно.

A sow with its piglets will be very dangerous and possibly one of the most dangerous species that we deal with.

Свиноматка со своими поросятами будет очень опасной и, возможно, одним из самых опасных видов, с которыми мы имеем дело.

Not a great deal actually.

Не так уж много, на самом деле.

I read a while ago that in Iceland in possibly the 70s or 80s they had no television at all on Thursdays, because there wasn’t enough power or whatever to deal with it, and I thought that was a fantastic idea that we should introduce.

Я читал некоторое время назад, что в Исландии в 70 — х или 80 — х по четвергам не было телевидения вообще, потому что не хватало электропитания или чего — то с этим связанного, и я подумал, что это фантастическая идея, и ее нужно внедрить у себя.

I think a lot of people find large sums of money, if you won the lottery say, that would be quite hard to deal with, I think.

Я думаю, что многие люди находят крупные суммы денег, если выиграть в лотерею, скажем, будет довольно трудно справиться с этим, я думаю.

It’s not a big deal, Allie.

Это не имеет большого значения, Элли.

In order to become a flight attendant, you have your group interview first, you’re singled out, you have a one-on-one interview, and then if you pass that stage, you go on to your training which is five weeks: first week’s all about customer service, relations, things like that, and then you go on to all your safety training which is four weeks’ intensive training, you know, how to deal with fires, evacuations, water landing, passengers and then you’re also, you’re quite well trained on immediate care, so you know, that’s quite an important part of our job, if something happens up in the air, something medical, you know, you need to be trained to deal with it quickly, efficiently.

Для того чтобы стать стюардессой, вы вначале проходите групповое интервью, если вас отобрали, интервью один — на — один, а затем, если вы пройдете этот этап, вы отправляетесь на обучение, которое составляет пять недель: первая неделя все об обслуживании клиентов, отношения, подобные вещи, а затем вы направляетесь на всевозможные обучения безопасности, которые составляют четыре недели интенсивных тренировок, знаете, как бороться с пожарами, эвакуация, посадка на воду, пассажиры и затем также, вас достаточно хорошо обучают неотложной медицинской помощи, ведь знаете, это довольно важная часть нашей работы, если что — то происходит в воздухе, что — то по медицинской части, знаете, вы должны быть обучены справляться с этим быстро, эффективно.

How do you deal with this?

Как вы справляетесь с этим?

The only deal that could keep France from the famine.

Единственную сделку, которая могла бы сохранить Францию от голода.

I made a deal I shouldn’t have made.

Я заключил сделку, которой мне не стоило заключать.

We should be able to cut a deal, like.

Мы можем заключить сделку, от которой тебе немало перепадет.

Let me remind you that we had a deal

Напомню вам, что между нами был заключен договор.

Deal was for the gun, not the bullets.

Договор был про пистолет, а не про пули.

I spend a great deal of time on my lessons.

Большую часть своего времени я трачу на уроки .

The point is that it’s not an easy task to deal with all aspects of art.

Дело в том , что , нелегко осветить все аспекты искусства.

And we have to deal with it whether we like it or not.

И мы должны смириться с этим, нравится нам это или нет.

  • Определения слова deal

    • сделка, договор, уговор.
      • Thursday’s deal between Microsoft and Novell seemed eerily similar to one struck between Microsoft and Sun Microsystems Inc. in 2004.
    • договорённость, соглашение.
      • The trustees and alumni group had hoped to reach a deal by late October but extended their negotiations because of the complexity of the issues.
    • некоторое количество.
      • There is no doubt it adds a deal of complexity, heightens the embarrassment, and makes the pain a little greater.
      • Sometimes it takes a great deal of effort to budge the biggest objects.
    • выгодная покупка.
      • Shop at our store for best deal on digital cameras!
    • раздача.
      • en (карт.)
      • Watch each card you play and play it slow. Wait until your deal come round.

Синонимы к слову deal

    • agreement
    • apportion
    • arrangement
    • bargain
    • buy
    • compact
    • contract
    • covenant
    • distribute
    • divide up
    • do business
    • dole out
    • exchange
    • pact
    • sell
    • share out
    • split
    • trade
    • transact business
    • transaction
    • treaty

Похожие слова на deal

    • deal
    • dealership
    • dealership’s
    • dealerships
    • dealing
    • dealing’s
    • dealings
    • deals
    • dealt

Посмотрите другие слова

    • Что такое hesitate
    • Определение термина interest
    • Толкование слова type
    • Что означает понятие user-friendly
    • Лексическое значение undergo
    • Словарь значения слов thread
    • Грамматическое значение teaser
    • Значение слова team
    • Прямое и переносное значение слова task
    • Происхождение слова meet
    • Синоним к слову you
    • Антоним к слову dangerous
    • Омоним к слову generosity
    • Гипоним к слову forest
    • Холоним к слову full
    • Гипероним к слову fill
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову consider
    • Перевод слова на другие языки couple

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deal

    To allot or assign may be to make an arbitrary division; the same is true of distribute or divide. That which is apportioned is given by some fixed rule, which is meant to be uniform and fair; as, representatives are apportioned among the States according to population. To dispense is to give out freely; as, the sun dispenses light and heat. A thing is appropriated to or for a specific purpose (to which it thus becomes proper, in the original sense of being its own); money appropriated by Congress for one purpose can not be expended for any other. One may apportion what he only holds in trust; he shares what is his own. Compare ALLOT.

    allot, appoint, apportion, appropriate, assign, dispense, distribute, divide, grant, share

    cling to, collect, consolidate, divide arbitrarily, gather together, keep together, receive, retain

    Apportion to each a fair amount; apportion the property among the heirs, between two claimants; apportion according to numbers, etc.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deal

    bargain, chaffer, trade, dispense, market, communicate, negotiate, traffic

    hold, close, stop, fail

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deal, trade, business dealnoun

    a particular instance of buying or selling

    «it was a package deal»; «I had no further trade with him»; «he’s a master of the business deal»

    tidy sum, pot, peck, mint, swop, plenty, lot, batch, raft, quite a little, passel, softwood, bargain, pile, muckle, business deal, good deal, stack, mountain, deal, craft, trade, trade wind, wad, flock, hatful, mickle, slew, heap, mess, sight, mass, spate, swap, great deal, barter, patronage, hand

  2. bargain, dealnoun

    an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each

    «he made a bargain with the devil»; «he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals»

    tidy sum, hand, peck, mint, plenty, lot, batch, raft, quite a little, passel, softwood, bargain, pile, muckle, business deal, good deal, stack, mountain, deal, trade, wad, flock, hatful, mickle, slew, heap, mess, buy, sight, mass, spate, steal, great deal, pot

  3. batch, deal, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wadnoun

    (often followed by `of’) a large number or amount or extent

    «a batch of letters»; «a deal of trouble»; «a lot of money»; «he made a mint on the stock market»; «see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos»; «it must have cost plenty»; «a slew of journalists»; «a wad of money»

    push-down list, flock, destiny, bulk, cud, chaw, multitude, upsurge, atomic reactor, pile, quid, deal, spile, smokestack, caboodle, crapper, commode, throne, troop, fold, bay window, stool, softwood, chew, gage, push-down store, push-down storage, weed, hand, heap, surge, kitty, jalopy, smoke, muddle, band, lot, passel, slew, vision, freshet, potbelly, mussiness, jam, muss, hole, flowerpot, mint candy, visual modality, quite a little, clutch, luck, plentifulness, toilet, masses, ken, mess hall, down, atomic pile, messiness, the great unwashed, peck, tummy, agglomerate, sight, volume, wad, plug, mount, potty, set, nap, portion, skunk, push-down stack, chain reactor, rush, mound, good deal, big money, galvanic pile, pickle, sens, bundle, fate, voltaic pile, draw, stilt, green goddess, people, visual sense, sess, batch, view, pot, stack, mess, bunch, spate, plenteousness, locoweed, piling, bus, bargain, mountain, survey, business deal, plenty, potentiometer, mint, dope, plentitude, cumulus, plenitude, raft, jackpot, mickle, can, big bucks, kettle of fish, mass, tidy sum, corporation, circumstances, hatful, potful, megabucks, circle, grass, great deal, trade, cumulation, fix, muckle, fortune, hoi polloi

  4. dealnoun

    a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)

    stack, bargain, mass, lot, batch, hatful, good deal, quite a little, mountain, raft, wad, softwood, heap, muckle, passel, spate, business deal, slew, mess, mint, tidy sum, trade, plenty, mickle, peck, great deal, sight, pot, pile, hand, flock

  5. softwood, dealnoun

    wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir)

    bargain, mass, lot, batch, hatful, good deal, quite a little, mountain, raft, wad, softwood, business deal, heap, muckle, passel, spate, great deal, slew, mess, mint, tidy sum, trade, plenty, mickle, peck, stack, sight, pot, pile, hand, flock, deal

  6. hand, dealnoun

    the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time

    «I didn’t hold a good hand all evening»; «he kept trying to see my hand»

    mitt, hand, peck, mint, plenty, lot, batch, raft, quite a little, passel, softwood, bargain, paw, pile, muckle, business deal, good deal, stack, mountain, sight, handwriting, deal, trade, bridge player, helping hand, wad, flock, hatful, mickle, slew, heap, mess, mass, hired hand, spate, tidy sum, hired man, script, great deal, manus, pot

  7. dealnoun

    the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement)

    «he got a good deal on his car»

    stack, bargain, mass, lot, batch, hatful, good deal, quite a little, mountain, raft, wad, softwood, heap, muckle, passel, spate, business deal, slew, mess, mint, tidy sum, trade, plenty, mickle, peck, great deal, sight, pot, pile, hand, flock

  8. dealnoun

    the act of distributing playing cards

    «the deal was passed around the table clockwise»

    stack, bargain, mass, lot, batch, hatful, good deal, quite a little, mountain, raft, wad, softwood, heap, muckle, passel, spate, business deal, slew, mess, mint, tidy sum, trade, plenty, mickle, peck, great deal, sight, pot, pile, hand, flock

  9. dealverb

    the act of apportioning or distributing something

    «the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions»

    stack, bargain, mass, lot, batch, hatful, good deal, quite a little, mountain, raft, wad, softwood, heap, muckle, passel, spate, business deal, slew, mess, mint, tidy sum, trade, plenty, mickle, peck, great deal, sight, pot, pile, hand, flock

  10. cover, treat, handle, plow, deal, addressverb

    act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression

    «This book deals with incest»; «The course covered all of Western Civilization»; «The new book treats the history of China»

    speak, overcompensate, extend, handle, cut through, deal, continue, comprehend, embrace, divvy up, spread over, grapple, cut across, apportion, encompass, consider, get over, process, lot, portion out, dole out, make do, plow, shroud, accost, insure, brood, wield, make out, share, do by, plough, hide, take, administer, sell, parcel out, compensate, cross, come up to, turn, report, traverse, underwrite, breed, dispense, overlay, dish out, pass over, contend, enshroud, direct, allot, care for, track, get by, address, wrap up, distribute, cover up, carry on, cope, turn to, incubate, mete out, regale, get across, look at, treat, shell out, care, hatch, manage, deal out, palm, cover, conduct, call, trade

  11. consider, take, deal, look atverb

    take into consideration for exemplifying purposes

    «Take the case of China»; «Consider the following case»

    require, read, occupy, subscribe to, withdraw, lead, ingest, handle, take on, carry, deal, assume, have, sell, hold, choose, study, learn, fill, debate, necessitate, divvy up, consume, weigh, grapple, drive, hire, reckon, apportion, consider, need, rent, conceive, lot, pick out, portion out, dole out, make do, contract, plow, adopt, film, remove, demand, lease, make out, share, take aim, take up, bring, see, strike, use up, select, take, moot, make, claim, treat, train, parcel out, regard, get, get hold of, exact, take away, pack, dispense, call for, take in, dish out, submit, convey, view, shoot, aim, turn over, direct, allot, contend, charter, think, deliberate, cover, address, contain, get by, distribute, carry on, cope, subscribe, believe, count, administer, involve, acquire, look at, postulate, shell out, accept, guide, admit, care, engage, mete out, manage, deal out, ask, trade, conduct

  12. dealverb

    take action with respect to (someone or something)

    «How are we going to deal with this problem?»; «The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students»

    shell out, plow, carry on, lot, apportion, dish out, deal out, allot, care, portion out, sell, consider, take, treat, share, dispense, dole out, divvy up, grapple, parcel out, trade, manage, contend, administer, address, make out, mete out, distribute, handle, conduct, cover, cope, make do, get by, look at

  13. cope, get by, make out, make do, contend, grapple, deal, manageverb

    come to terms with

    «We got by on just a gallon of gas»; «They made do on half a loaf of bread every day»

    wield, take, finagle, discern, bang, screw, vie, handle, recognise, deal, grapple, distinguish, debate, repugn, make love, divvy up, do, jazz, spot, roll in the hay, cut, escape, be intimate, get along, address, fight, lot, pick out, get out, portion out, eff, dole out, make do, compete, plow, bed, do it, consider, superintend, have intercourse, make out, share, manage, struggle, tell apart, supervise, neck, apportion, contest, fill in, administer, treat, parcel out, sell, have it away, sleep with, bring off, dispense, get off, dish out, contend, come, issue, love, argue, hump, get laid, fence, negociate, get away, pull off, allot, have it off, get it on, oversee, sleep together, cover, get by, distribute, write out, carry on, carry off, cope, recognize, bonk, know, wangle, mete out, look at, postulate, have sex, complete, grip, care, fare, lie with, deal out, trade, shell out, have a go at it, conduct, fill out

  14. distribute, administer, mete out, deal, parcel out, lot, dispense, shell out, deal out, dish out, allot, dole outverb

    administer or bestow, as in small portions

    «administer critical remarks to everyone present»; «dole out some money»; «shell out pocket money for the children»; «deal a blow to someone»; «the machine dispenses soft drinks»

    dish up, circulate, shell out, apportion, plow, spread, carry on, lot, pass on, dish out, portion, deal out, allot, serve up, care, portion out, sell, take, treat, share, dispense, dole out, divvy up, grapple, make out, accord, assign, deal, parcel out, disperse, circularize, manage, contend, administer, give out, grant, trade, address, handle, disseminate, pass around, hand out, mete out, administrate, pass out, diffuse, broadcast, distribute, propagate, conduct, serve, cover, circularise, consider, make do, get by, stagger, look at, cope, dish

  15. deal, sell, tradeverb

    do business; offer for sale as for one’s livelihood

    «She deals in gold»; «The brothers sell shoes»

    betray, shell out, swop, plow, carry on, lot, swap, apportion, dish out, deal out, allot, care, portion out, sell, consider, take, treat, share, trade in, dispense, dole out, divvy up, grapple, switch, deal, parcel out, trade, manage, merchandise, contend, administer, address, make out, mete out, distribute, handle, conduct, cover, cope, make do, get by, look at

  16. manage, deal, care, handleverb

    be in charge of, act on, or dispose of

    «I can deal with this crew of workers»; «This blender can’t handle nuts»; «She managed her parents’ affairs after they got too old»

    wish, divvy up, shell out, give care, plow, carry on, bring off, lot, apportion, dish out, deal out, allot, care, portion out, wield, consider, take, treat, share, dispense, dole out, finagle, grapple, administer, pull off, deal, supervise, parcel out, trade, manage, contend, do, address, oversee, make out, worry, mete out, negociate, like, distribute, do by, handle, conduct, cover, palm, sell, cope, wangle, make do, get by, superintend, look at, carry off

  17. dealverb

    behave in a certain way towards others

    «He deals fairly with his employees»

    shell out, plow, carry on, lot, apportion, dish out, deal out, allot, care, portion out, sell, consider, take, treat, share, dispense, dole out, divvy up, grapple, parcel out, trade, manage, contend, administer, address, make out, mete out, distribute, handle, conduct, cover, cope, make do, get by, look at

  18. dealverb

    distribute cards to the players in a game

    «Who’s dealing?»

    shell out, plow, carry on, lot, apportion, dish out, deal out, allot, care, portion out, sell, consider, take, treat, share, dispense, dole out, divvy up, grapple, parcel out, trade, manage, contend, administer, address, make out, mete out, distribute, handle, conduct, cover, cope, make do, get by, look at

  19. conduct, carry on, dealverb

    direct the course of; manage or control

    «You cannot conduct business like this»

    convey, dish out, shell out, comport, apportion, plow, impart, lot, behave, act up, parcel out, deal out, guide, lead, continue, portion out, sell, consider, take, carry on, share, dispense, dole out, divvy up, deport, grapple, administer, channel, deal, uphold, trade, proceed, treat, contend, carry, address, go on, direct, allot, make out, mete out, preserve, bear on, acquit, distribute, handle, care, conduct, transmit, cover, cope, make do, get by, manage, look at, bear

  20. share, divvy up, portion out, apportion, dealverb

    give out as one’s portion or share

    shell out, plow, carry on, partake in, lot, apportion, dish out, deal out, allot, care, portion out, sell, consider, take, treat, share, dole out, divvy up, grapple, deal, parcel out, trade, manage, contend, administer, address, make out, mete out, dispense, distribute, handle, get by, conduct, cover, allocate, cope, make do, partake, look at

  21. dealverb

    give (a specific card) to a player

    «He dealt me the Queen of Spades»

    shell out, plow, carry on, lot, apportion, dish out, deal out, allot, care, portion out, sell, consider, take, treat, share, dispense, dole out, divvy up, grapple, parcel out, trade, manage, contend, administer, address, make out, mete out, distribute, handle, conduct, cover, cope, make do, get by, look at

  22. dealverb


    «deal hashish»

    shell out, plow, carry on, lot, apportion, dish out, deal out, allot, care, portion out, sell, consider, take, treat, share, dispense, dole out, divvy up, grapple, parcel out, trade, manage, contend, administer, address, make out, mete out, distribute, handle, conduct, cover, cope, make do, get by, look at

Matched Categories

    • Act
    • Agreement
    • Behave
    • Board
    • Card Game
    • Cards
    • Commerce
    • Control
    • Distribute
    • Distribution
    • Give
    • Large Indefinite Quantity
    • Result
    • Sell
    • Transact
    • Wood

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dealnoun

    quantity, degree, extent

  2. dealnoun

    distribution (of cards)

  3. dealnoun

    pine plank

  4. dealverb

    distribute, give, bestow, dispense, apportion, allot, divide, share, deal out, dole out, mete out

  5. dealverb

    traffic, trade, do business, have commerce

  6. dealverb

    behave, conduct one’s self

  7. dealverb

    distribute cards

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «deal»:

    agreement, cope, lidar, dealing, address, market, treat, tackle, respond, transaction, resolve, manage, solve, treatment, accord, covenant, contract, handle, composer, face, case, contend

Suggested Resources

  1. DEAL

    What does DEAL stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the DEAL acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

  2. Deal

    Deal vs. Dealer — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Deal and Dealer.

How to pronounce Deal?

How to say Deal in sign language?

How to use Deal in a sentence?

  1. President Barack Obama:

    I have also listened to the Israeli security establishment, which warned of the danger posed by a nuclear-armed Iran for decades. In fact, they helped develop many of the ideas that ultimately led to this deal, so to friends of Israel, and to the Israeli people, I say this: A nuclear-armed Iran is far more dangerous to Israel, to America and to the world than an Iran that benefits from sanctions relief.

  2. Mike McCormack:

    AT&T clearly is looking for a diversification strategy from a revenue perspective. DirecTV is under strain. This (deal) was a hedge against content costs.

  3. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq:

    The government of India cannot continue to deal with Kashmir with a clampdown.

  4. Jitendra Singh:

    Customers are now coming back and saying,’ You’re a good guy and you did a good thing,’ for me, it was not a big deal. … I did what any normal human being would’ve done in that situation.

  5. The Gamer:

    Bill is left alone to deal with his failure of keeping Frank alive in the game, but here they die in each other’s arms, content that they have lived a full, loving life and can go out on their own terms, you can almost view it as a reclamation of agency from queer characters who have so often been done wrong.

Translations for Deal

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • صفقةArabic
  • търгувам, разпределям, имам работа с, раздавам, справям се, количество, раздаване, чам, елов, чамов, сделка, чамова дъскаBulgarian
  • repartir, comprar, comerciar, tractar, vendre, tracteCatalan, Valencian
  • obchodovat, rozdělit, pojednávat, jednat, prodávat, rozdat, obchodCzech
  • umgehen, dealen, handeln, austeilen, abhandeln, geben, zuteilen, behandeln, erteilen, verteilen, Abkommen, Portion, Deal, Planke, Abschluss, Anteil, Handel, Bohle, Abmachung, Menge, PaktGerman
  • μοιράζωGreek
  • asignar, tratar, distribuir, comerciar, lanzar, ocuparse, vender, dedicarse, repartir, manejar, traficar, acuerdo, parte, transacción, negocio, repartoSpanish
  • käydä kauppaa, jakaa, käsitellä, hoitaa, trokata, syöttää, jako, diili, sopimus, kauppaFinnish
  • faire face, agir, traiter, faire le commerce, distribuer, pli, donne, part, contrat, marchéFrench
  • dèiligScottish Gaelic
  • tratarGalician
  • עסקהHebrew
  • üzletHungarian
  • porzione, dose, parte, contrattoItalian
  • 扱う, 取引, 対処, 合意Japanese
  • whiuwhiu, tohatohaMāori
  • വ്യവസ്ഥ, കരാർMalayalam
  • handelen, behandelen, verdelen, te maken hebben met, uitdelen, dealen, regelen, delenDutch
  • dele utNorwegian
  • umowa, układ, sprzedaż, transakcja, porozumienie, interes, kontraktPolish
  • lidar, traficar, acordoPortuguese
  • раздава́ть, толка́ть, торгова́ть, справля́ться, распределя́ть, спра́виться, наноси́ть, име́ть де́ло, сбыва́ть, сдава́ть, распределе́ние, сде́лка, ку́ча, у́йма, диль, разда́ча, сда́чаRussian
  • udio, količinaSerbo-Croatian
  • langa, ge, dela, handla, sälja, uppgörelse, kontrakt, affär, transaktion, giv, paktSwedish
  • угодаUkrainian
  • معاہدہUrdu
  • טיילןYiddish
  • 合同Chinese

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  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


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Are we missing a good synonym for Deal?

What is another word for Deal?

  • do business, transactions

  • do business, transactions

  • contract, agree

  • pact, agree

  • distribution of playing cards

Use filters to view other words, we have 1980 synonyms for deal.

Synonyms for deal

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Similar words of deal

  • APA
  • MLA
  • CMS

  • accord
  • arrangement
  • compromise
  • contract
  • pact
  • pledge
  • transaction
  • buy
  • conception
  • prearrangement
  • understanding
  • transaction
  • abundance
  • degree
  • distribution
  • extent
  • plenty
  • plethora
  • portion
  • quantity
  • shake
  • superabundance
  • appointment
  • game
  • opportunity
  • chance
  • hand
  • round
  • cut and shuffle
  • fresh start
  • handle
  • negotiate
  • sell
  • trade
  • bargain
  • barter
  • bicker
  • dicker
  • stock
  • swap
  • traffic
  • treat
  • buy and sell
  • hammer out deal
  • horse-trade
  • knock down price
  • work out deal
  • give
  • participate
  • administer
  • allot
  • apportion
  • assign
  • bestow
  • deliver
  • disburse
  • dispense
  • disperse
  • disseminate
  • divide
  • divvy
  • drop
  • impart
  • inflict
  • measure
  • partake
  • partition
  • render
  • reward
  • share
  • strike
  • come across with
  • dish out
  • dole out
  • fork out
  • fork over
  • hand out
  • mete out

On this page you’ll find 194 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to deal, such as: accord, arrangement, compromise, contract, pact, and pledge.

  • few
  • lack
  • little
  • need
  • scarcity
  • want
  • disagreement
  • misunderstanding
  • disagreement
  • misunderstanding
  • agree
  • deny
  • hold
  • keep
  • refuse
  • attach
  • collect
  • combine
  • conceal
  • gather
  • hold
  • join
  • keep
  • refuse
  • retain
  • take
  • unite
  • withhold
  • deny

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use deal in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • 10-4
  • accordance
  • concert
  • concord
  • concurrence
  • conformity
  • congruence
  • correspondence
  • deal
  • good vibes
  • good vibrations
  • harmony
  • okay
  • pact
  • rapport
  • reconciliation
  • sympathy
  • treaty
  • unanimity
  • activity
  • agility
  • alacrity
  • alertness
  • animation
  • ballgame
  • big idea
  • bit
  • business
  • bustle
  • commotion
  • dash
  • deal
  • energy
  • enterprise
  • flurry
  • force
  • functioning
  • game
  • happening
  • hoopla
  • hopper
  • in the works
  • industry
  • life
  • liveliness
  • motion
  • movement
  • occupation
  • operation
  • plan
  • power
  • process
  • proposition
  • racket
  • reaction
  • response
  • rush
  • scene
  • spirit
  • stir
  • stunt
  • turmoil
  • vigor
  • vim
  • vitality
  • vivacity
  • apply
  • apportion
  • authorize
  • bring
  • contribute
  • deal
  • deliver
  • disburse
  • distribute
  • dole out
  • execute
  • extend
  • furnish
  • give
  • impose
  • inflict
  • issue
  • measure out
  • mete out
  • offer
  • perform
  • portion
  • proffer
  • provide
  • regulate
  • serve
  • supply
  • tender
  • acknowledgment
  • adjudication
  • affidavit
  • approval
  • arrangement
  • assent
  • avowal
  • bargain
  • bond
  • cartel
  • charter
  • codicil
  • compact
  • compromise
  • confirmation
  • covenant
  • deal
  • indenture
  • lease
  • negotiation
  • note
  • oath
  • okay
  • pact
  • piece of paper
  • protocol
  • recognition
  • settlement
  • stipulation
  • the nod
  • transaction
  • treaty
  • understanding
  • writ
  • accedings
  • accessions
  • accommodations
  • accordance
  • accords
  • acknowledgings
  • adjustments
  • affiliations
  • affinities
  • alliances
  • amity
  • approvings
  • arbitrations
  • arrangements
  • assentings
  • authorizings
  • bargainings
  • compatibilities
  • compliances
  • complyings
  • compromises
  • concerts
  • concessions
  • concordances
  • concords
  • concurrings
  • conformities
  • congruities
  • consistencies
  • correspondences
  • endorsings
  • grantings
  • harmonies
  • mediations
  • ratifies
  • reconciliations
  • similarities
  • suitablenesses
  • sympathies
  • understandings
  • unions
  • unison
  • verifications
  • verifies
  • accord
  • admeasure
  • administer
  • allocate
  • allot
  • assign
  • bestow
  • cut
  • cut up
  • deal
  • dispense
  • distribute
  • divvy
  • divvy up
  • dole out
  • give
  • lot
  • measure
  • mete
  • parcel
  • part
  • partition
  • piece up
  • prorate
  • ration
  • slice
  • split
  • split up

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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