Определения слова dark
- (английская фамилия) english surname example.
- ? (помета)
- тёмный.
- Guided by the sound, we soon found him helpless in a dark recess.
- (английская фамилия) english surname example.
Синонимы к слову dark
- bleak
- brown
- brunette
- darkness
- depressing
- dim
- dimness
- dusk
- evil
- gloom
- gloomy
- murky
- mysterious
- night
- obscurity
- sad
- shade
- shadows
- shadowy
- shady
- sinister
- threatening
- unhappy
Похожие слова на dark
- dark
- darken
- darkened
- darkening
- darkens
- darker
- darkest
- darklier
- darkliest
- darkly
- darkroom
- darkroom’s
- darkrooms
Гипонимы к слову dark
- darkish
Гиперонимы к слову dark
- surname
Антонимы к слову dark
- darkless
- light
Однокоренные слова для dark
- darken
- darkle
- darkling
- darkly
- darkish
- darkless
- darkling
- darksome
- darkness
- darkey
- darky
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- Перевод слова на другие языки brimmer
What is another word for Dark?
faint, dismal
light, hair
light, dismal
gloom, place
gloomy, characteristic
faint, light
angry, warn
gloomy, bleak
dim, swarthy
despairing, grim
place, time
angry, gloomy
characteristic, dirty
dim, faint
gloomy, shaded
gloomy, dismal
character trait
characteristic, grim
black, dim
hair, black
darkness, place
dim, dismal
characteristic, grim
darkness, place
evil, grim
bleak, dreary
darkness, place
darkness, gloom
gloom, darkness
angry, moody
grim, happy
black, dim
crepuscular, lack of light
obscure, cloudy
sombre, despairing
property, mysterious
property, secret
enigmatic, non-transparent
property, secret
hair, black
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- Gloomy (forests or haunted mansions) happy (idk)
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Nearby Words
darkness, darken, darkening, darkly, darkened, darky, darkling, darkroom, darkish, darksome
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Synonyms for Dark. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/dark
Synonyms for Dark. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/dark>.
Synonyms for Dark. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/dark.
Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
dark [dɑːk] прил
темный, черный
- dark room – темная комната
- cold dark matter – холодная темная материя
- dark soy sauce – темный соевый соус
- dark skin color – темный цвет кожи
- short dark hair – короткий темный волос
- dark wood floors – темный деревянный пол
- large dark spots – большие темные пятна
- long dark corridor – длинный темный коридор
- tall dark figure – высокая темная фигура
- dark continent – черный континент
смуглый, темноволосый
- dark face – смуглое лицо
- dark girl – темноволосая девушка
- dark dungeon – мрачное подземелье
полутемный, смутный, неосвещенный
(dim, unlit)
- dark current – темновой ток
dark [dɑːk] сущ
темнотаж, тьмаж, мракм, потемки
- dark of night – ночная темнота
- endless dark – бесконечная тьма
- dark age – мрак средневековья
темный цвет
(dark color)
dark [dɑːk] прич
adverb | ||
темно | dark | |
adjective | ||
темный | dark, obscure, deep, black, murky, shadowy | |
черный | black, dark, sable, ebon, smutty | |
мрачный | gloomy, dark, grim, bleak, dismal, somber | |
смуглый | dark, swarthy, dusky, brown, black, swart | |
темноволосый | dark, dark-haired, brown-haired | |
угрюмый | sullen, gloomy, morose, surly, moody, dark | |
неясный | unclear, obscure, vague, dim, indistinct, dark | |
тайный | secret, covert, clandestine, arcane, undercover, dark | |
непонятный | incomprehensible, unclear, obscure, inexplicable, weird, dark | |
печальный | sad, sorrowful, mournful, deplorable, dismal, dark | |
необразованный | uneducated, illiterate, unlettered, bookless, dark, unnurtured | |
сомнительный | doubtful, dubious, questionable, uncertain, equivocal, dark | |
безнадежный | hopeless, desperate, irredeemable, dark, black, horizonless | |
дурной | bad, ill, evil, wrong, stupid, dark | |
нечистый | unclean, impure, dirty, wicked, muddy, dark | |
секретный | secret, classified, confidential, undercover, subterranean, dark | |
noun | ||
темнота | darkness, dark, blackness, night, obscurity, gloom | |
тьма | dark, gloom, obscurity, cloud | |
тень | shadow, shade, ghost, loom, dark, reflection | |
потемки | dark | |
неведение | ignorance, dark, nescience, non-acquaintance | |
невежество | ignorance, barbarism, dark |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
dark сущ
- black · shadow · deep · shade
- gloomy · grim · murky · sinister · dingy · morbid · glum · dire
- night · twilight · dusk
- dim · obscure
- dusky · swarthy
- bleak · dreary · gloom · evil · blackness · opaque · dismal · moody
- sombre · somber · lugubrious
- darkening
- black, pitch-black, jet-black, inky, unlit, unilluminated, underlit, starless, moonless, dingy, gloomy, dusky, shadowy, shady, Stygian
- mysterious, secret, hidden, concealed, veiled, covert, clandestine, enigmatic, arcane, esoteric, obscure, abstruse, impenetrable, incomprehensible, cryptic
- brunette, dark brown, chestnut, sable, jet-black, ebony
- swarthy, dusky, olive, brown, black, ebony, tanned, bronzed
- tragic, disastrous, calamitous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, dire, awful, terrible, dreadful, horrible, horrendous, atrocious, nightmarish, harrowing, wretched, woeful
- gloomy, dismal, pessimistic, negative, downbeat, bleak, grim, fatalistic, black, somber, despairing, despondent, hopeless, cheerless, melancholy, glum, grave, morose, mournful, doleful
- moody, brooding, sullen, dour, scowling, glowering, angry, forbidding, threatening, ominous
- evil, wicked, sinful, immoral, bad, iniquitous, ungodly, unholy, base, vile, unspeakable, sinister, foul, monstrous, shocking, atrocious, abominable, hateful, despicable, odious, horrible, heinous, execrable, diabolical, fiendish, murderous, barbarous, black, sordid, degenerate, depraved, dishonorable, dishonest, unscrupulous, lowdown, dirty, crooked, shady
- moody, dour, glowering, glum, morose, sour, sullen, saturnine
- benighted
- obscure
- sorry, gloomy, drear, drab, dingy, disconsolate, grim, blue, dreary, dismal
- black, sinister
- colored, non-white, dark-skinned
- darkness, blackness, gloom, murkiness, shadow, shade, dusk, twilight, gloaming
- night, nighttime, darkness, nightfall, evening, twilight, sunset
- shadow, darkness
- wickedness, darkness, iniquity
- darkness
- night, nighttime
Предложения со словом «dark»
And with ISIS, all of a sudden, this idea of a cloaked, dark figure of a jihadist changed for us. |
И с ИГИЛ, внезапно, мы по — другому стали воспринимать чёрную фигуру джихадиста в бурке. |
And we wore eclipse glasses with cardboard frames and really dark lenses that enabled us to look at the sun safely. |
На нас были очки для затмения в картонной оправе с очень тёмными линзами, в которых можно было прямо смотреть на Солнце. |
Well soon, it was obvious it was getting dark. |
Вскоре стало очевидно, что темнеет . |
But because I have failed at this, I also have to consult an oracle, called Dark Sky, every time before we go on a walk, for very accurate weather predictions in the next 10 minutes. |
Но у меня ничего не вышло, поэтому мне приходится обращаться к пророку по имени «прогноз погоды» перед каждым выходом на прогулку, чтобы получить самый точный прогноз на следующие 10 минут. |
In that moment of fear and panic, Arnold slipped through the city into the dark shadows of this illegal clinic for treatment . |
В том приступе панического страха Арнольд в тайне пробрался в тёмные коридоры нелегальной клиники для лечения. |
So, with the dark you have to have the light. |
С тьмою приходит и свет. |
It’s because it’s not always easy for us, and in fact, we have both seen really, really dark days, from the hate speech to the summer of police brutality and violence that we saw last year, to even losing one of our walkers. |
Потому что это даётся нам нелегко, и мы обе прошли через очень сложные периоды — от агрессивных высказываний до полицейского произвола и насилия в прошлом году, и даже потерю одной из наших женщин. |
He mumbled something about dead people don’t tip so well and walked away into the dark. |
Он пробурчал что — то вроде мертвецы не дают хороших чаевых и скрылся в темноте . |
Now, if you were to go to a darker part of the sky, a nice dark site, perhaps in the desert, you might see the center of our Milky Way galaxy spread out before you, hundreds of billions of stars. |
Если вы посмотрите на более тёмный участок неба, красивое тёмное место, возможно, где — то в пустыне, вы сможете увидеть центр галактики Млечного пути, распростёртый перед нами сотнями миллиардов звёзд. |
You can see there’s a sort of strange dark dust across it. |
Можно увидеть, как его пересекает какое — то странное пятно пыли. |
You can see that the galactic plane is no longer dark with dust. |
Видно, что в галактической плоскости больше нет пыли. |
It exposes hazards to local families who remain in the dark. |
Я привёл эти примеры, потому что они взаимосвязаны. |
So it all came to life in a dark bar in Madrid. |
Всё началось в тёмном баре Мадрида. |
But don’t give up on the numbers altogether, because if you do, we’ll be making public policy decisions in the dark, using nothing but private interests to guide us. |
Но не отказывайтесь от цифр совсем, потому что если откажетесь, мы будем вести публичную политику вслепую, так как нами будут руководить только частные интересы. |
I started producing this series in early 2015 after going through kind of a dark period in my life where I just didn’t want to create films anymore. |
Я начал снимать эти короткометражки в начале 2015 года, после довольно трудного периода в жизни, когда у меня вообще пропало желание снимать какие — либо фильмы. |
This is a vital capability since some asteroids are as dark as coal and can be difficult or impossible to spot with other telescopes. |
Это весьма важная способность, потому что многие астероиды очень тёмные и их трудно или невозможно обнаружить с помощью других телескопов. |
But all asteroids, light or dark, shine brightly for NEOWISE. |
Но для NEOWISE все астероиды светят ярко. |
But there is a concern that the fake news is associated with tyrannical regimes, and when you see an uprise in fake news that is a canary in the coal mine that there may be dark times coming. |
Но опасения вызывает то, что сфабрикованные новости ассоциируются с тиранией и что увеличение фальши в новостях говорит о наступлении мрачного времени. |
And so he’ll put foil all over the windows and dark curtains and shades because it also affects your families. |
И он вешал фольгу на окна, и задёргивал шторы, потому что всё это не может оставить твою семью безучастной. |
The Dark Web is where they spend their time. |
Больше всего времени они проводят в Тёмной Сети. |
We may need a two-step program, which is to invent new kinds of thinking that we can work alongside of to solve these really large problems, say, like dark energy or quantum gravity. |
Нужна двухэтапная программа, суть которой в изобретении новых видов мышления, вместе с которыми мы сможем решать очень большие проблемы, такие как тёмная энергия, квантовая гравитация. |
And the areas that are dark on the map are either areas where people do not have access to that much energy, or areas where people do, but they have learned to stop shining the light up into the sky. |
Тёмные зоны на карте отображают места, где у людей либо нет таких запасов электричества, либо они есть, но люди решили не тратить их на то, чтобы подсвечивать небо. |
Are they where it’s dark a lot of the time, or are they at the mid-latitudes? |
Находится ли страна там, где чаще темно , или в средних широтах? |
That’s a very dark proverb. |
Довольно мрачная поговорка. |
Left to die in a cold and dark sewage tunnel. |
Мои родители бросили меня на улице умирать от холода и голода |
Chandonne says he hid in the abandoned mansion until dark. |
Шандонне говорит, что прятался в заброшенном особняке дотемна. |
My eyelids and hands were dark with coal dust |
Мои веки и руки были черными от угольной пыли. |
Even the houses near the lots seemed dark, uninhabited. |
Даже жилые дома рядом с Развалинами казались темными и необитаемыми. |
A solitary figure was standing outside in the dark. |
В тумане еле видна одинокая мужская фигура за частоколом. |
But dark swamp water blocked their path once more. |
И почти сразу черная болотная вода преградила им путь. |
I need the deep, dark, savage tan. |
Я должен иметь глубокий, темный , дикий загар. |
He wanted a warm soft bed in a dark room. |
Он мечтал лишь о мягкой теплой постели в темной комнате. |
Soon Hilary’s thin dark figure came hurrying into view. |
Вскоре он заметил худую темную фигуру бегущего к нему Хилери. |
Its base is square and heavy and stained dark. |
Ее чугунное основание было заляпано чем — то темным . |
And the dark clouds gathered on the mind is vanishing |
И темные тучи, собравшиеся в уме исчезают |
Verity was a dark silhouette against a gray storm sky. |
Верити выделялся темным силуэтом на фоне серого штормового неба. |
They moved lazily against the dark and unobstructed sky. |
Ленивые, неторопливые розовые облачка на темном куполе неба. |
But he led me down a very dark path. |
Но он повел меня вниз по очень темной дороге. |
It was dark and smelt of rotten bones and sweat. |
Там было темно , воняло гнилыми костями и потом. |
Pigeons whirled in agitation between dark walls and overhanging eaves. |
Между черными стенами и под стрехами крыш беспокойно кружили голуби. |
She peered into the dark leafy shadows with deep unease. |
Она вглядывалась в густую тень под ветвями с глубокой тревогой. |
White sunlight etched dark shadows in Prince Cadram’s palace. |
Белый солнечный цвет выгравировал темные тени во дворце принца Кадрама. |
Same dark eyes, same cheekbones, nose, mouth. |
Одинаковые тёмные глаза, скулы, нос, рот. |
He’s gone and killed a Dark Fae elder. |
Он ушел и убил старейшину Темный Фейри |
A forensic psychiatrist has stamped you as a Dark Tetrad. |
Судебный психиатр поставил на вас печать как темной четверке. |
Mr. Jeremy Ruebens was short, dark, and grumpy. |
Мистер Джереми Рубенс был приземист, черноволос и сварлив. |
Just go into your dark rooms and shut your eyes. |
Просто идите в свои темные комнаты и закрывайте глаза. |
Her dark eyes seemed enormous, filled with innocence. |
Ее темные глаза, наполненные невинностью, казались огромными. |
will fill your aching heart with dark dismay |
Наполнит ваше беспокойное сердце тёмным страхом |
There was a small room, dark, cavelike. |
Там находилась маленькая комнатка, темная , похожая на пещеру. |
His eyes were two dark stains upon his dark face. |
Глаза его казались двумя черными пятнами на темном лице. |
He looked fierce with the dark shadow along his jawline. |
Темная щетина на его щеках придавала ему свирепый вид. |
The dark man nodded, grinned faintly and sipped. |
Джордж с легкой усмешкой склонил голову и выпил глоток виски. |
Again Miss Marple looked down thoughtfully at the dark head. |
Мисс Марпл вновь бросила пытливый взгляд на ее чернокудрую голову. |
The midway looked dark and tired in the morning sunlight. |
В утренних лучах солнца холл выглядел темным и уставшим. |
The heaped soil looked very dark in the moonlight. |
В лунном свете земля на них казалась очень темной . |
Not only does dark energy make the universe expand. |
Мало того, что темная энергия заставляет Вселенную расширяться. |
They were in a vast, dark, ellipsoidal space. |
Они оказались в огромном, в форме эллипсоида, пространстве. |
Just worms living in the dark belly of a mothertree. |
Обычные черви, живущие в мрачных внутренностях материнского дерева. |
Dusk and dark come in the tropics with bewildering speed. |
Сумерки и темнота приходят в тропиках на удивление быстро. |
- black
- cloudy
- darkened
- dim
- dingy
- drab
- dull
- foggy
- gloomy
- misty
- murky
- overcast
- shadowy
- somber
- dun
- dusk
- faint
- aphotic
- atramentous
- blackish
- caliginous
- cimmerian
- clouded
- crepuscular
- dusky
- grimy
- ill-lighted
- indistinct
- inky
- lightless
- lurid
- nebulous
- obfuscous
- obscure
- opaque
- pitch-black
- pitch-dark
- pitchy
- rayless
- shaded
- shady
- sooty
- stygian
- sunless
- tenebrous
- unlighted
- unlit
- vague
- black
- tan
- brunet
- brunette
- ebony
- sable
- adumbral
- bistered
- dark-complexioned
- dark-skinned
- dusky
- ebon
- swart
- swarthy
- deep
- mysterious
- mystic
- occult
- abstruse
- anagogic
- arcane
- cabalistic
- complicated
- concealed
- cryptic
- Delphian
- enigmatic
- esoteric
- intricate
- knotty
- mystical
- mystifying
- not known
- obscure
- puzzling
- recondite
- bleak
- drab
- gloomy
- ominous
- sinister
- somber
- foreboding
- cheerless
- dismal
- doleful
- joyless
- morbid
- morose
- mournful
- unpropitious
- sinister
- bad
- foul
- infernal
- atrocious
- corrupt
- damnable
- hellish
- horrible
- immoral
- infamous
- nefarious
- sinful
- vile
- wicked
- benighted
- uncultivated
- unenlightened
- unlettered
- unread
- ominous
- forbidding
- sulky
- dour
- frowning
- glowering
- glum
- scowling
- sullen
- threatening
- darkness
- dusk
- shade
- dimness
- duskiness
- evening
- gloom
- midnight
- murk
- murkiness
- night
- nightfall
- nighttime
- obscurity
- opacity
- semidarkness
- shadows
- twilight
- caliginosity
- dead of night
- witching hour
- concealment
- denseness
- inscrutability
- seclusion
- secrecy
- thickness
On this page you’ll find 450 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to dark, such as: black, cloudy, darkened, dim, dingy, and drab.
antonyms for dark
- bright
- cheerful
- clean
- clear
- distinct
- good
- happy
- intelligent
- joyful
- light
- luminous
- smart
- sparkling
- sunny
- vivacious
- apparent
- brilliant
- encouraging
- evident
- hopeful
- illuminated
- lucid
- manifest
- moral
- plain
- pleased
- radiant
- shining
- visible
- vivid
- apparent
- bright
- brilliant
- cheerful
- distinct
- encouraging
- evident
- good
- happy
- hopeful
- illuminated
- light
- lucid
- luminous
- manifest
- moral
- plain
- pleased
- radiant
- shining
- visible
- vivid
- apparent
- bright
- brilliant
- cheerful
- distinct
- encouraging
- evident
- good
- happy
- hopeful
- illuminated
- light
- lucid
- luminous
- manifest
- moral
- plain
- pleased
- radiant
- shining
- visible
- vivid
- bright
- cheerful
- encouraging
- happy
- joyful
- nice
- sunny
- apparent
- brilliant
- distinct
- evident
- good
- hopeful
- illuminated
- light
- lucid
- luminous
- manifest
- moral
- plain
- pleased
- radiant
- shining
- visible
- vivid
- good
- honest
- just
- apparent
- bright
- brilliant
- cheerful
- distinct
- encouraging
- evident
- happy
- hopeful
- illuminated
- light
- lucid
- luminous
- manifest
- moral
- plain
- pleased
- radiant
- shining
- visible
- vivid
- apparent
- bright
- brilliant
- cheerful
- distinct
- encouraging
- evident
- good
- happy
- hopeful
- illuminated
- light
- lucid
- luminous
- manifest
- moral
- plain
- pleased
- radiant
- shining
- visible
- vivid
- apparent
- bright
- brilliant
- cheerful
- distinct
- encouraging
- evident
- good
- happy
- hopeful
- illuminated
- light
- lucid
- luminous
- manifest
- moral
- plain
- pleased
- radiant
- shining
- visible
- vivid
- brightness
- light
- daybreak
- cognizance
- day
- daylight
- daytime
- enlightening
- illumination
- intelligence
- lightness
- morning
- sense
- sensibility
- understanding
- revelation
- brightness
- cognizance
- day
- daylight
- daytime
- enlightening
- illumination
- intelligence
- light
- lightness
- morning
- sense
- sensibility
- understanding
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use dark in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- backward
- dark
- ignorant
- primitive
- simple
- uncivilized
- uncultivated
- uncultured
- uneducated
- unlearned
- unschooled
- untaught
- black
- dark
- dusky
- inky
- dark
- dimness
- duskiness
- gloom
- murkiness
- nightfall
- total darkness
- black
- cheerless
- comfortless
- dark
- discouraging
- disheartening
- dismal
- drear
- dreary
- funereal
- gloomy
- grim
- hard
- harsh
- hopeless
- joyless
- lonely
- melancholy
- mournful
- oppressive
- sad
- somber
- unpromising
- black
- cheerless
- comfortless
- dark
- discouraging
- disheartening
- dismal
- drear
- dreary
- funereal
- gloomy
- grim
- hard
- harsh
- hopeless
- joyless
- lonely
- melancholy
- mournful
- oppressive
- sad
- somber
- unpromising
- black
- cheerless
- comfortless
- dark
- discouraging
- disheartening
- dismal
- drear
- dreary
- funereal
- gloomy
- grim
- hard
- harsh
- hopeless
- joyless
- lonely
- melancholy
- mournful
- oppressive
- sad
- somber
- unpromising
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
1 black, brunette, dark-skinned, dusky, ebony, sable, swarthy
2 cloudy, darksome (literary) dim, dingy, indistinct, murky, overcast, pitch-black, pitchy, shadowy, shady, sunless, unlit
3 abstruse, arcane, concealed, cryptic, deep, Delphic, enigmatic, hidden, mysterious, mystic, obscure, occult, puzzling, recondite, secret
4 bleak, cheerless, dismal, doleful, drab, gloomy, grim, joyless, morbid, morose, mournful, sombre
5 benighted, ignorant, uncultivated, unenlightened, unlettered
6 atrocious, damnable, evil, foul, hellish, horrible, infamous, infernal, nefarious, satanic, sinful, sinister, vile, wicked
7 angry, dour, forbidding, frowning, glowering, glum, ominous, scowling, sulky, sullen, threatening
8 darkness, dimness, dusk, gloom, murk, murkiness, obscurity, semi-darkness
9 evening, night, nightfall, night-time, twilight
10 (figurative) concealment, ignorance, secrecy
1 blond, blonde, fair, fair-haired, flaxen-haired, light, light-complexioned, towheaded
2 & 4 bright, cheerful, clear, genial, glad, hopeful, pleasant, sunny
black, dark, pitch-black, pitchy, Stygian, unilluminated, unlit
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( darker comparative) ( darkest superlative )
1 adj When it is dark, there is not enough light to see properly, for example because it is night., (Antonym: light)
It was too dark inside to see much…, People usually draw the curtains once it gets dark…, She snapped off the light and made her way back through the dark kitchen.
darkness n-uncount
The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness.
darkly adv ADV -ed
…a darkly lit, seedy dance hall.
2 n-sing The dark is the lack of light in a place.
the N
(=darkness) (Antonym: light)
I’ve always been afraid of the dark.
3 adj If you describe something as dark, you mean that it is black in colour, or a shade that is close to black., (Antonym: light)
He wore a dark suit and carried a black attaché case…
darkly adv ADV after v, ADV adj/-ed
Joanne’s freckles stood out darkly against her pale skin…
4 comb in colour When you use dark to describe a colour, you are referring to a shade of that colour which is close to black, or seems to have some black in it., (Antonym: light)
She was wearing a dark blue dress.
5 adj If someone has dark hair, eyes, or skin, they have brown or black hair, eyes, or skin.
He had dark, curly hair…
6 adj If you describe a white person as dark, you mean that they have brown or black hair, and often a brownish skin., (Antonym: fair)
Carol is a tall, dark, Latin type of woman…
7 adj A dark period of time is unpleasant or frightening.
usu ADJ n
This was the darkest period of the war.
8 adj A dark place or area is mysterious and not fully known about.
…the dark recesses of the mind.
9 adj Dark thoughts are sad, and show that you are expecting something unpleasant to happen.
Troy’s chatter kept me from thinking dark thoughts.
10 adj Dark looks or remarks make you think that the person giving them wants to harm you or that something horrible is going to happen.
…dark threats.
darkly adv ADV with v
`Something’s wrong here,’ she said darkly…
11 adj If you describe something as dark, you mean that it is related to things that are serious or unpleasant, rather than light-hearted.
usu ADJ n
Their dark humor never failed to astound him…
darkly adv ADV adj
The atmosphere after Wednesday’s debut was as darkly comic as the film itself…
13 If you do something after dark, you do it when the sun has set and night has begun.
after dark phrase
They avoid going out alone after dark.
14 If you do something before dark, you do it before the sun sets and night begins.
before dark phrase
They’ll be back well before dark.
15 If you are in the darkabout something, you do not know anything about it.
in the dark phrase v-link PHR, PHR after v, oft PHR about n
The investigators admit that they are completely in the dark about the killing…
16 If you describe something someone says or does as a shot in the dark or a stab in the dark, you mean they are guessing that what they say is correct or that what they do will be successful.
a shot/stab in the dark phrase shot inflects
Every single one of those inspired guesses had been shots in the dark.
dark age ( dark ages plural ) , Dark Age
1 n-count If you refer to a period in the history of a society as a dark age, you think that it is characterized by a lack of knowledge and progress.
WRITTEN, disapproval The Education Secretary accuses teachers of wanting to return to a dark age.
2 n-proper The Dark Ages are the period of European history between about 500 A.D. and about 1000 A.D.
the N
dark glasses
Dark glasses are glasses which have dark-coloured lenses to protect your eyes in the sunshine. n-plural also a pair of N
dark horse ( dark horses plural ) If you describe someone as a dark horse, you mean that people know very little about them, although they may have recently had success or may be about to have success. n-count
dark matter
Dark matter is material that is believed to form a large part of the universe, but which has never been seen. n-uncount
pitch-dark , pitch dark
Pitch-dark means the same as pitch-black. adj
It was pitch-dark in the room and I couldn’t see a thing.
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
dark night of the soul
1. [Rel.] expression used to describe metaphorically a period of ignorance and spiritual crisis that precedes the communion with Divinity ; 2. in a larger meaning, it is used when refering to having a hard time, going through a phase of pessimism, sadness, failure etc.
The expression’s origin is the poem with the same title written by Saint John of the Cross, while he was emprisoned in the 16th century for his initiatives of reforming the Carmelite Order.
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