Синонимы слова confusion

  • bewilderment
  • disorientation
  • distraction
  • embarrassment
  • turbulence
  • turmoil
  • abashment
  • agitation
  • befuddlement
  • bemusement
  • chagrin
  • commotion
  • demoralization
  • discomfiture
  • dither
  • flap
  • fluster
  • lather
  • perplexity
  • perturbation
  • pother
  • puzzlement
  • stew
  • tumult
  • befuddling
  • blurring
  • confounding
  • discomfiting
  • disturbing
  • dumbfounding
  • embarrassing
  • mixup mystification
  • obscuring
  • perplexing
  • stirring up
  • unsettling
  • upsetting
  • anarchy
  • chaos
  • complexity
  • complication
  • consternation
  • difficulty
  • disarray
  • dislocation
  • distraction
  • mistake
  • trouble
  • turmoil
  • upheaval
  • abashment
  • ado
  • astonishment
  • bustle
  • clutter
  • commotion
  • daze
  • discomposure
  • disorganization
  • ferment
  • fog
  • fracas
  • haze
  • imbroglio
  • intricacy
  • jumble
  • labyrinth
  • mess
  • muddle
  • mystification
  • pandemonium
  • perturbation
  • racket
  • riot
  • row
  • shambles
  • stir
  • stupefaction
  • surprise
  • tangle
  • tumult
  • untidiness
  • uproar
  • wilderness
  • emotional upset
  • hodge-podge

On this page you’ll find 242 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to confusion, such as: bewilderment, disorientation, distraction, embarrassment, turbulence, and turmoil.

  • calm
  • contentment
  • ease
  • happiness
  • harmony
  • order
  • organization
  • peace
  • simplicity
  • tranquility
  • agreement
  • calmness
  • clearness
  • expectation
  • neatness
  • tidiness
  • understanding
  • clarity
  • composure
  • method
  • orientation
  • sense
  • system

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use confusion in a sentence

Part of the confusion has to do with the fact that the current phase in Europe — despite how bad it looks according to case numbers alone — has a different dynamic from the first phase.


However, since it might create confusion to have one jersey playing for both sides, they agree that the residents of two towns will combine forces to play against the third town’s residents.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • can of worms
  • confusion
  • evil
  • hornet’s nest
  • ill
  • snake in the grass
  • chagrin
  • confusion
  • discomfiture
  • discomposure
  • distress
  • mortification
  • shame
  • bother
  • confusion
  • excitement
  • flurry
  • hubbub
  • to-do
  • travail
  • trouble
  • turmoil
  • admiration
  • astonishment
  • awe
  • bewilderment
  • confoundment
  • confusion
  • marvel
  • one for the books
  • perplexity
  • shock
  • something else
  • stopper
  • stunner
  • stupefaction
  • wonder
  • wonderment
  • chaos
  • confusion
  • disorder
  • disorganization
  • insurrection
  • lawlessness
  • mob rule
  • mobocracy
  • mutiny
  • nihilism
  • nongovernment
  • rebellion
  • reign of terror
  • revolution
  • riot
  • tumult
  • turmoil
  • unrest
  • amazement
  • astoundment
  • awe
  • bewilderment
  • confusion
  • consternation
  • dumbfoundment
  • one for the books
  • shock
  • something else
  • stunner
  • stupefaction
  • wonder
  • wonderment

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

All synonyms in one line

abashment, ado, agitation, altercation, anarchy, en.synonym.one, annoyance, astonishment, bedlam, bewilderment, bickering, bustle, chagrin, chaos, clamour, cloud, clutter, commotion, complication, confusedness, contest, convulsion, crisis, darkening, daze, debacle, en.synonym.one, delusion, derangement, difficulty, din, disarrangement, disarray, discombobulation, discomfiture, discomposure, disorder, disorganisation, disorganization, disputation, disruption, distraction, disturbance, doubt, embarrassment, entanglement, error, flurry, flutter, fog, fracas, furore, en.synonym.one, hesitancy, hesitation, hubbub, humiliation, hurry, indecision, intricacy, intrusion, involvement, irregularity, irresolution, jumble, knot, litter, medley, melee, mental confusion, mess, misconception, misinterpretation, mistake, mistrust, misunderstanding, mix-up, mixture, muddiness, muddle, muss, mystification, pandemonium, perplexity, perturbation, pickle, plight, pot-pourri, precipitation, predicament, puzzlement, quandary, quarrel, racket, riot, ruffle, scepticism, shambles, snarl, strife, stupefaction, suspense, tangle, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, uncertainty, unease, uneasiness, unpleasantness, unrest, untidiness, upheaval, uproar, vacillation, wavering, moil, trouble.

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • confusion [kənˈfjuːʒən] сущ

    1. путаницаж, неразберихаж, беспорядокм, хаосм, сумбурм, разбродм, беспорядочностьж

      (mess, chaos, muddle, disorder)

      • great deal of confusion – большая путаница
      • possible confusion – возможная путаница
      • total confusion – полная неразбериха
      • mass confusion – массовый беспорядок
    2. замешательствоср, смятениеср, смущениеср, растерянностьж, недоумениеср, суматохаж, сумятицаж, конфузм

      (embarrassment, turmoil, bewilderment)

      • initial confusion – первоначальное замешательство
      • mental confusion – душевное смятение
      • utter confusion – полная растерянность
    3. смешениеср


    4. недоразумениеср, непониманиеср, недопониманиеср


      • source of confusion – источник недоразумений
    5. запутанностьж, неясностьж

      (involvement, ambiguity)

    6. спутанностьж, дезориентацияж


    7. заблуждениеср


      • consumer confusion – заблуждение потребителя
    8. смутаж


    9. волнениеср


    10. смешение понятий

    11. катавасияж

    12. сумбурностьж

    13. оторопьж

путаница confusion, tangle, mess, mix, jumble, mishmash
замешательство confusion, embarrassment, bewilderment, disarray, puzzlement, discomfiture
смущение embarrassment, confusion, bewilderment, discomfiture, perplexity, perturbation
смятение confusion, disarray, turmoil, tumult, commotion, agitation
беспорядок mess, disorder, clutter, confusion, chaos, turmoil
неразбериха confusion, muddle, mix, bewilderment, snafu, welter
сумбур welter, confusion
беспорядки disorder, confusion, unrest, riot, disturbance, trouble
морока darkness, confusion
катавасия confusion
сумбурность confusion
неурядица disorder, confusion, dislocation
волнения unrest, disturbance, commotion, trouble, tumult, confusion
бестолковщина muddle, confusion, mess, nonsense

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • confusion сущ

    • embarrassment · bewilderment · perplexity · puzzlement · mental confusion · discomfiture · bafflement · abashment
    • mess · muddle · havoc · tangle · maze · welter · shambles · chaos
    • disarray · turmoil · commotion · unrest
    • disorder · distraction · disturbance
    • jumble · mishmash
    • involvement · entanglement · obfuscation
    • agitation · mixing · mixture · mix · melting pot


  • uncertainty, incertitude, unsureness, doubt, ignorance, dubiety
  • bewilderment, bafflement, perplexity, puzzlement, mystification, befuddlement, shock, daze, wonder, wonderment, astonishment, head-scratching, discombobulation
  • disorder, disarray, disorganization, untidiness, chaos, mayhem, turmoil, tumult, disruption, upheaval, uproar, muddle, mess, shambles, three-ring circus
  • jumble, muddle, mess, heap, tangle, shambles
  • muddiness, disarray, confusedness
  • mix-up
  • discombobulation

Предложения со словом «confusion»

And maybe that leads to a certain amount of chaos and confusion .

Возможно, это повлечёт за собой некую долю хаоса и неуверенности.

In the vast majority of situations, context dispels any confusion .

В подавляющем большинстве ситуаций контекст помогает избежать путаницы .

There was this moment of confusion .

Возник момент замешательства.

There was no confusion about our positions, but the line between friend and foe was becoming blurred.

Наши позиции были ясны, но граница между друзьями и врагами начинала расплываться.

The same confusion , the same sorrow, the same feeling of being betrayed and not belonging to anyone.

Ту же самую растерянность, ту же самую печаль, ту же самую боль предательства и одиночество.

Kit searched the confusion of screaming, running tourists.

Кит окинул взглядом толпу беспорядочно мечущихся, визжащих туристов.

This can lead to depression, confusion and melancholy.

Это может привести к депрессии, замешательству и меланхолии.

You’re taking advantage of her, of her confusion

Так ты просто воспользовался ситуацией, её смятением и горем.

Spink glanced at my uncle in confusion tinged with alarm.

Спинк со смущением и тревогой взглянул на моего дядю.

But acquaintance with the customs of a foreign country is not so easy and is almost always accompanied by confusion .

Но знакомство с обычаями чужой страны дается не так — то легко и почти всегда сопровождается конфузом.

In the beginning of puberty we all went through phases of confusion .

В период полового созревания мы все проходили через конфузы и недоразумения…

A few made it away in the confusion , but for all practical purpose the unit had ceased to exist.

Некоторым удалось скрыться в общей свалке, но с практической точки зрения подразделение прекратило существование.

Charlie met my frightened eyes with a smug grin, which suddenly turned to confusion .

Чарли встретил мой напуганный взгляд самодовольной усмешкой, но потом на его лице отобразилась растерянность.

Xenu then released the alien souls, which roamed the earth aimlessly in a fog of confusion .

Потом Зину освободил души пришельцев, и они бесцельно бродили по земле в тумане смятения.

Further confusion resulted from their late realization that keeping a tally calendar of sleep periods could be of some help.

Дополнительную путаницу внесло их запоздалое решение вести счет периодов сна.

For a few moments the harried man behind the desk continued to regard me with some confusion .

Несколько мгновений волосатый человек за столом продолжал разглядывать меня с некоторым смущением.

Bradford watched her, saw the confusion in her gaze, and smiled.

Бредфорд изумленно посмотрел на нее, заметил смущение в ее взгляде и улыбнулся.

Mr. Polly was overcome with modest confusion , and turning, found a refuge from this publicity in the arms of Mrs. Larkins.

Мистер Полли, красный от смущения, отвернулся и нашел убежище в объятиях миссис Ларкинс.

But he knew that such confusion and turmoil would only be a temporary setback for the Imperial Order.

Но он знал, что это только на некоторое время вызовет суматоху.

He was in a big city during the confusion of the beginning of Olympics competition.

Он находился в большом городе в самый разгар суматохи, которая сопутствует началу Олимпийских состязаний.

Half an hour later, after a lot of jostling and confusion , the new recruits and their luggage were finally aboard the transports.

После получаса невообразимой толкотни и суматохи новобранцы со своим багажом погрузились наконец на транспортные суда.

In the confusion of the castle changing hands, it had been the next morning before Jaime had been informed that the Blackfish was not amongst the prisoners.

В последовавшей за этим суматохе Джейме только утром узнал, что Черной Рыбы нет среди пленных.

You’ll lose count because the misdirection circuit is creating confusion in your mind.

Ты собьёшься со счета из — за отвлекающего контура он создаст путаницу в твоем разуме.

I apologise to the court for any confusion that I may have caused.

Я приношу извинения суду за небольшую путаницу , которую я вызвала.

Today’s primary vote will make it all clear to everyone, wipe all the confusion clean.

Сегодняшнее голосование на праймериз все ясно всем покажет, полностью избавит от путаницы .

Then he would retire to the bush, and click his tongue against his teeth, and the unicorns would dash forward in wild confusion .

Потом он снова прятался за куст и начинал щелкать языком.

The man turns around, looks at me in confusion , then jumps up, catches me on his hands and drags towards the armchair.

Обернувшийся мужчина растерянно смотрит на меня, потом вскакивает, подхватывает под руки и тащит к креслу.

The flat country gave way to a confusion of rolling hills, populated by grotesque growths connected by ropy, purple webs.

Плоская равнина сменилась нагромождением пологих холмов, покрытых гротескными растениями, перепутанными липкой багровой паутиной.

This was an enemy that could not be scared away or thrown into confusion .

Этого противника нельзя было взять на испуг или принудить сдаться.

While this deluded nation arms for defense we will drive deeper the wedge of discontent and confusion .

Они думают, что защищены, но мы запугаем эту заблуждающуюся нацию мы посеем панику и растерянность.

It seemed that life could throw confusion and pain at you from many directions.

Жизнь может обрушить на тебя боль и растерянность с разных сторон.

Relief, terror, joy, wonder, sorrow, confusion .

Облегчение, страх, радость, любопытство, растерянность.

An echo of confusion and unease rang from Lews Therin.

Кажется, и от Льюса Тэрина исходило ощущение растерянности и тревоги.

The next few minutes were a swirling tangle of movement and noise and confusion .

Следующие несколько минут были спутанным клубком движения, шума и неразберихи.

The svirfneblin looked down at the trapped monster with understandable confusion .

Свирфнеблин смотрел на поверженного пещерного урода с понятным недоумением.

Subject shows signs of confusion , loss of appetite, and marked signs of aggression.

Объект демонстрирует признаки спутанности сознания, потери аппетита и высокий уровень агрессии.

Two little boys, armed only with the weapon of confusion , managed to go in and save the Red Cross.

Два маленьких мальчика, вооруженные только оружием беспорядка, вошли и спасали Красный Крест.

Gradually his confusion gave way to a kind of sick, curdled anger.

Постепенно замешательство уступило в нем место болезненному, цепенящему гневу.

The main temple of the Honganji had been built during a period of civil disorder and confusion .

Главный храм в Хонгандзи воздвигли во времена междуусобных войн и всеобщей смуты.

Chandalen’s tone had changed from confusion and alarm to authority.

Тон Чандалена сменился с тревожного и озабоченного на властный.

He cringed from the man and stared at Negri in utter horror and confusion .

Мальчик отпрянул от охранника и уставился на Негри полными ужаса и смятения глазами.

Most will just be trying to find safety, but others will be looking for a way to profit from the confusion .

Большинство будут лишь стараться обрести защиту, но другие станут искать возможность поживиться в смуте.

His councilors, already simultaneously uncertain and angry, looked at one another in confusion , and he spat on the floor again.

Советники, одновременно смущенные и рассерженные, в замешательстве переглядывались.

She merely gave Klaus a look of frustration and confusion , and started to put on her coat.

Она бросила на Клауса взгляд, полный безысходности и смятения, и начала надевать пальто.

The air was filled with plummeting pale pink bodies, a confusion of huge pink wings, and curved black beaks.

Спальня заполнилась мельтешением розовых тел, хаосом огромных розовых крыльев и изогнутых черных клювов.

Exhibiting signs of confusion , responsive to pain, possible schizoaffective episode.

Проявляет признаки замешательства, испытывает боль, возможно шизоаффективное расстройство.

Their roar of voices rose in anger, confusion , and terror.

Рев их голосов разносил гнев, замешательство и ужас.

Usually I was the one waking up into disorientation, confusion , and pain.

Обычно это я прихожу в сознание, полное замешательства, неловкости и боли.

Nicci looked back at Kahlan as Commander Karg dragged her through the confusion of men.

Никки оглянулась назад на Кэлен, когда коммандер Карг тянул ее сквозь неразбериху и сумятицу солдат.

We went down into the confusion of that flying rout, and for three long hours we cut and hacked and stabbed.

Мы врезались в толпы убегающих и целых три часа безжалостно рубили, кололи, крошили.

There’s still an awful lot of confusion here at Waterloo Station.

На вокзале Ватерлоо до сих пор царит ужасная неразбериха.

People are sick and tired of all this confusion and chaos.

Люди до смерти устали от всей этой неразберихи и хаоса.

It depends on the speed of our horses and confusion of our enemies.

Все будет зависеть от скорости наших коней и от неразберихи, царящей в стане врага.

Recon reports painted a portrait of confusion on a Brobdingnagian scale.

Разведчики в своих донесениях рисовали картину царящей в стане врага чудовищной неразберихи.

She was silent again, though a kind of eager tension wired its way into her muscles and a confusion into her heart.

Она снова замолчала, хотя какое — то странное напряжение прошло по ее мышцам, и смятение охватило сердце.

Everything is violence and confusion , fear and rage, pain and exhilaration.

Насилие и смятение, страх и ярость, боль и отчаяние.

There was fear and panic and confusion in his face.

У него на лице были написаны страх, паника и смятение.

Ada emerged from Ardis Hall into confusion , darkness, death, and terror.

За порогом Ардис — холла царили смятение, мрак, ужас и гибель.

Confusion and fatigue snuffed the last of Magiere’s fury at seeing the nobleman’s black-gloved hands.

Смятение и усталость прогнали остатки гнева, который охватил Магьер при виде черных перчаток вампира — аристократа.

His face was dismay and confusion but that line went straight into him.

Лицо Линкольна выразило смятение и растерянность, но последние слова он схватил сразу.


1    befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, disorientation, mystification, perplexity, puzzlement  

2    bustle, chaos, clutter, commotion, disarrangement, disarray, disorder, disorganization, hodgepodge     (U.S.)   hotchpotch, jumble, mess, muddle, pig’s breakfast     (informal)   shambles, state, tangle, turmoil, untidiness, upheaval  

3    abashment, chagrin, demoralization, discomfiture, distraction, embarrassment, fluster, mind-fuck     (taboo slang)   perturbation  

1    clarification, composure, enlightenment, explanation, solution  

2    arrangement, neatness, order, organization, tidiness  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( confusions    plural  )

1       n-var   If there is confusion about something, it is not clear what the true situation is, especially because people believe different things.  
There’s still confusion about the number of casualties…, Omissions in my recent article must have caused confusion.     

2       n-uncount   Confusion is a situation in which everything is in disorder, especially because there are lots of things happening at the same time.  
There was confusion when a man fired shots…     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


confuse     ( confuses    3rd person present)   ( confusing    present participle)   ( confused    past tense & past participle  )

1       verb   If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.  
Great care is taken to avoid confusing the two types of projects…      V pl-n  
I can’t see how anyone could confuse you with another!      V n with n  

   confusion             n-uncount  
Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion.     

2       verb   To confuse someone means to make it difficult for them to know exactly what is happening or what to do.  
German politics surprised and confused him.      V n  

3       verb   To confuse a situation means to make it complicated or difficult to understand.  
To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.      V n  

confusion            ( confusions    plural  )

1       n-var   If there is confusion    about something, it is not clear what the true situation is, especially because people believe different things.      
There’s still confusion about the number of casualties…, Omissions in my recent article must have caused confusion.     

2       n-uncount   Confusion is a situation in which everything is in disorder, especially because there are lots of things happening at the same time.  
There was confusion when a man fired shots…     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. confusion

    Amazement and astonishment both express the momentary overwhelming of the mind by that which is beyond expectation. Astonishment especially affects the emotions, amazement the intellect. Awe is the yielding of the mind to something supremely grand in character or formidable in power, and ranges from apprehension or dread to reverent worship. Admiration includes delight and regard. Surprise lies midway between astonishment and amazement, and usually respects matters of lighter consequence or such as are less startling in character. Amazement may be either pleasing or painful, as when induced by the grandeur of the mountains, or by the fury of the storm. We can say pleased surprise, but scarcely pleased astonishment. Amazement has in it something of confusion or bewilderment; but confusion and bewilderment may occur without amazement, as when a multitude of details require instant attention. Astonishment may be without bewilderment or confusion. Wonder is often pleasing, and may be continuous in view of that which surpasses our comprehension; as, the magnitude, order, and beauty of the heavens fill us with increasing wonder. Compare PERPLEXITY.

    admiration, amazement, astonishment, awe, bewilderment, perplexity, surprise, wonder

    anticipation, calmness, composure, coolness, expectation, indifference, preparation, self-possession, steadiness, stoicism

    I was filled with amazement at such reckless daring.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.5 / 2 votes

  1. confusionnoun

    disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably

    «the army retreated in confusion»

    confusedness, mental confusion, discombobulation, muddiness, mix-up, disarray

  2. confusion, mental confusion, confusedness, muddiness, disarraynoun

    a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior

    «a confusion of impressions»

    disorderliness, murkiness, confusedness, muddiness, discombobulation, mix-up, disarray, sloppiness, wateriness, mental confusion, cloudiness

  3. confusion, discombobulationnoun

    a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused

    confusedness, mental confusion, discombobulation, muddiness, mix-up, disarray

  4. confusionnoun

    an act causing a disorderly combination of elements with identities lost and distinctions blended

    «the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel»

    confusedness, mental confusion, discombobulation, muddiness, mix-up, disarray

  5. confusion, mix-upnoun

    a mistake that results from taking one thing to be another

    «he changed his name in order to avoid confusion with the notorious outlaw»

    confusedness, mental confusion, discombobulation, muddiness, mix-up, disarray

Matched Categories

    • Combination
    • Disorder
    • Embarrassment

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. confusionnoun

    confusedness, disorder, disarrangement, derangement, disarray, jumble, chaos, anarchy

  2. confusionnoun

    tumult, turmoil, commotion, ferment, stir, agitation

  3. confusionnoun

    distraction, perplexity, embarrassment, bewilderment, astonishment

  4. confusionnoun

    shame, mortification, abashment

  5. confusionnoun

    overthrow, destruction, defeat, ruin

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. confusionnoun

    disorder, tumult, turmoil, disarray, jumble, chaos, babel, pandemonium, commotion, abashment, chagrin, agitation, disconcertion, mortification, consternation fluster, perturbation, discomposure, flustration, obfuscation, distraction, flurry

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «confusion»:

    confounding, disarray, chaos, mix-up, muddle, mess, turmoil, ambiguity, confused, misunderstanding, obfuscation, intermingling, havoc, disorder, jumble, blurring, bewilderment, shambles

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How to use confusion in a sentence?

  1. Peter Tuz:

    People are facing further confusion over the number of interest rate decreases we’re likely to have going forward due mainly to the strong job numbers Friday, and reacting with a mildly down day in the market, expectations about the number and timing of rate cuts have changed slightly.

  2. Matteo Salvini:

    The earlier we vote the better because it’s the best way to get out of this quagmire and confusion.

  3. Denis de Rougemont:

    Social confusion has now reached a point at which the pursuit of immorality turns out to be more exhausting than compliance with the old moral codes.

  4. Denise Campbell Mays:

    A mother’s love is greater than a child’s confusion.

  5. Zeng Yan:

    There was some confusion over the government’s policy directions. Now, investors have much clearer expectations.

Translations for confusion

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • ارتباكArabic
  • бъркотия, объркване, неяснотаBulgarian
  • confusióCatalan, Valencian
  • zmatekCzech
  • forvirrelse, forvirringDanish
  • Verwirrung, Durcheinander, MissverständnisGerman
  • παραζάλη, σύγχυση, σάστισμα, μπέρδεμαGreek
  • konfuzoEsperanto
  • confusiónSpanish
  • گیجیPersian
  • epäselvyys, hämmennys, sekaannusFinnish
  • confusion, malentendu, désordreFrench
  • בלבולHebrew
  • उलझनHindi
  • összevisszaság, zavarHungarian
  • disorientamento, sbandamento, confusione, disordineItalian
  • 混乱, 混同Japanese
  • verwarringDutch
  • chaos, nieporozumienie, zamieszaniePolish
  • confusãoPortuguese
  • musphayQuechua
  • confuzieRomanian
  • неразбери́ха, пу́таница, недоразуме́ние, беспоря́док, смяте́ние, замеша́тельствоRussian
  • förvirringSwedish
  • குழப்பம்Tamil
  • плутанинаUkrainian
  • 混乱Chinese

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  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
  • հայերեն (Armenian)
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  • English (English)


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