What is another word for Certain?
behaviour, unquestionable
determined, characteristic
unquestionable, unequivocal
character trait, unfailing
indisputable, undoubtable
property, character trait
reliable, character trait
particular, referring to a specifically known amount
unequivocal, indisputable
indisputable, undoubtable
Use filters to view other words, we have 1754 synonyms for certain.
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Определения слова certain
- точный, определённый.
- en (помета.)
- некий, некоторый, отдельный, определённого рода (вида, количества, степени)
- уверенный, убеждённый
- определённый, известный, верный, проверенный, надёжный; бесспорный
- точный, определённый.
Синонимы к слову certain
- a few
- a number of
- a selection of
- a variety of
- accurate
- assured
- certified
- clear
- confident
- convinced
- definite
- dependable
- evident
- firm
- guaranteed
- individual
- one
- particular
- positive
- precise
- reliable
- selected
- several
- some
- specific
- specified
- sure
- undeniable
Похожие слова на certain
- certain
- certainer
- certainest
- certainly
- certainties
Антонимы к слову certain
- uncertain
Однокоренные слова для certain
- certainly
- uncertain
- certainty
Посмотрите другие слова
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- Грамматическое значение carnificina
- Значение слова camelo
- Прямое и переносное значение слова cadeira
- Происхождение слова cheap
- Синоним к слову contemporary
- Антоним к слову different
- Омоним к слову dodgy
- Гипоним к слову flamboyant
- Холоним к слову formidable
- Гипероним к слову horizontal
- Пословицы и поговорки к слову impeccable
- Перевод слова на другие языки inflammatory
- convinced
- positive
- sure
- assertive
- assured
- believing
- calm
- cocksure
- questionless
- sanguine
- satisfied
- secure
- self-confident
- unconcerned
- undisturbed
- undoubtful
- undoubting
- unperturbed
- untroubled
- absolute
- clear
- definite
- genuine
- positive
- real
- safe
- sure
- true
- undeniable
- ascertained
- authoritative
- conclusive
- confirmable
- demonstrable
- destined
- determined
- establishable
- evident
- firm
- fixed
- guaranteed
- having down pat
- incontrovertible
- indubitable
- infallible
- in the bag
- irrefutable
- known
- on ice
- plain
- predestined
- provable
- reliable
- salted away
- set
- sound
- supreme
- trustworthy
- unambiguous
- undoubted
- unequivocal
- unerring
- unmistakable
- verifiable
- definite
- sure
- assured
- bound
- certified
- concluded
- decided
- determined
- ensured
- established
- guaranteed
- insured
- set
- settled
- stated
- stipulated
- warranted
- individual
- numerous
- particular
- precise
- special
- specific
- specified
- various
- a couple
- a few
- defined
- divers
- express
- many
- marked
- one
- regular
- several
- singular
- some
- sundry
- upwards of
On this page you’ll find 246 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to certain, such as: convinced, positive, sure, assertive, assured, and believing.
- counterfeit
- doubted
- doubtful
- false
- invalid
- uncertain
- unreal
- unsure
- vague
- questionable
- unpredictable
- unreliable
- indefinite
- uncertain
- doubtful
- dubious
- questionable
- unfixed
- unpredictable
- unreliable
- common
- general
- imprecise
- indefinite
- inexact
- usual
- questionable
- uncertain
- undecided
- unpredictable
- unsure
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
TRY USING certain
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
What are other ways to say certain?
Certain, one of a handful of adjectives indicating full belief and trust that something is true, suggests that there are definite reasons that have freed one from doubt. Confident emphasizes the strength of the belief or the certainty of expectation felt. Positive implies emphatic certainty, which may even become overconfidence or dogmatism. Sure, the simplest and most general term, expresses mere absence of doubt.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
How to use certain in a sentence
There are certain people you meet, and right away you can tell they have a good heart.
Sometimes the biggest reason the stock market or certain stocks experience a severe decline in price is because they first experienced a massive rise in price.
On certain of the stems the fertile cone appears and the spores are ripened about June, after which the process withers.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- absolute
- actual
- authentic
- authoritative
- certain
- conclusive
- correct
- definite
- definitive
- errorless
- exact
- factual
- faultless
- final
- flawless
- genuine
- infallible
- irrefutable
- official
- on-target
- perfect
- right
- straight
- strict
- true
- truthful
- undeniable
- undisputed
- unimpeachable
- unquestionable
- unrefuted
- valid
- veracious
- authentic
- certain
- concrete
- confirmed
- existing
- factual
- for-real
- genuine
- hard
- honest-to-God
- honest-to-goodness
- indisputable
- indubitable
- kosher
- physical
- positive
- real
- substantial
- substantive
- sure-enough
- tangible
- true
- undeniable
- unquestionable
- verified
- certain
- foreseen
- likely
- predictable
- prepared for
- sure
- OK’d
- accepted
- affirmed
- allowed
- authorized
- backed
- certain
- chosen
- endorsed
- legalized
- made official
- passed
- permitted
- proven
- ratified
- recognized
- sanctioned
- supported
- validated
- vouched for
- absolute
- assured
- certain
- confident
- decided
- decisive
- demanding
- dogmatic
- domineering
- emphatic
- firm
- forceful
- forward
- insistent
- militant
- overbearing
- positive
- pushy
- self-assured
- self-confident
- strong-willed
- sure
- assertive
- audacious
- bold
- brazen
- certain
- cocksure
- collected
- complacent
- composed
- confident
- cool
- gutsy
- imperturbable
- overconfident
- poised
- positive
- pushy
- rosy
- sanguine
- secure
- self-assured
- self-confident
- self-possessed
- sure
- unflappable
- unhesitating
- upbeat
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
All synonyms in one line
absolute, accepted, accurate, actual, airtight, en.synonym.one, alert, assured, authentic, believing, candid, carefree, categorical, clear, cocksure, confident, confirmed, constant, convinced, convincing, credulous, decided, definite, dependable, designated, destined, en.synonym.one, determined, different, direct, distinct, distinguished, easy, especial, established, evident, existent, explicit, extant, factual, few, firm, fixed, flawless, given, guaranteed, honest, hopeful, imminent, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, en.synonym.one, individual, indubitable, ineluctable, inescapable, infallible, involuntary, irrefutable, keen, necessary, obvious, particular, patent, personal, plain, positive, precise, predestined, proved, real, relentless, reliable, respective, satisfied, secure, set, settled, several, single, singular, some, sound, special, specific, stated, strong, sure, tangible, trusting, trustworthy, trusty, unalterable, unassailable, unavoidable, undeniable, undoubted, unerring, unfailing, unquestionable, unswerving, unusual, valid, validated, sealed.
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This search took 0.0218 sec. Think how often you are looking for something to replace a word with? Probably often. Bookmark synonym.one to find synonyms, antonyms and meanings quickly. (press Ctrl + D on your keyboard).
1 assured, confident, convinced, positive, satisfied, sure
2 ascertained, conclusive, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, known, plain, true, undeniable, undoubted, unequivocal, unmistakable, valid
3 bound, definite, destined, fated, ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, inexorable, sure
4 decided, definite, established, fixed, settled
5 assured, constant, dependable, reliable, stable, staunch, steady, trustworthy, unfailing, unquestionable
6 express, individual, particular, precise, special, specific
disputable, doubtful, dubious, equivocal, fallible, indefinite, questionable, uncertain, unconvinced, undecided, unlikely, unreliable, unsettled, unsure
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
1 adj If you are certain about something, you firmly believe it is true and have no doubt about it. If you are not certain about something, you do not have definite knowledge about it.
v-link ADJ, oft ADJ that/wh, ADJ of/about n
She’s absolutely certain she’s going to make it in the world…, We are not certain whether the appendix had already burst or not…, It wasn’t a balloon<endash>I’m certain of that.
2 adj If you say that something is certain to happen, you mean that it will definitely happen.
oft ADJ to-inf, it v-link ADJ that/wh, ADJ of n/-ing
However, the scheme is certain to meet opposition from fishermen’s leaders…, Brazil need to beat Uruguay to be certain of a place in the finals…, The Prime Minister is heading for certain defeat if he forces a vote…, Victory looked certain.
3 adj If you say that something is certain , you firmly believe that it is true, or have definite knowledge about it.
v-link ADJ, oft it v-link ADJ that/wh
One thing is certain, both have the utmost respect for each other…, It is certain that Rodney arrived the previous day.
4 If you know something for certain, you have no doubt at all about it.
for certain phrase PHR with cl (not first in cl)
Hill had to find out for certain.
5 If you make certainthat something is the way you want or expect it to be, you take action to ensure that it is.
make certain phrase V inflects
(=make sure)
Firstly, they must make certain that their pension needs are adequately catered for…
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
1 adj You use certain to indicate that you are referring to one particular thing, person, or group, although you are not saying exactly which it is.
det ADJ, ADJ n
There will be certain people who’ll say `I told you so!’…, Leaflets have been air dropped telling people to leave certain areas.
2 quant When you refer to certain of a group of people or things, you are referring to some particular members of that group.
FORMAL QUANT of def-pl-n
They’ll have to give up completely on certain of their studies.
3 adj You can use a certain before the name of a person in order to indicate that you do not know the person or anything else about them.
a ADJ n-proper
She managed to arrange for them to be hidden in the house of a certain Father Boduen.
4 adj You use a certain to indicate that something such as a quality or condition exists, and often to suggest that it is not great in amount or degree.
a ADJ sing-n/n-uncount
That was the very reason why he felt a certain bitterness…
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus
be on the same page |
exp. |
think alike about a certain topic; be aligned in opinions; feel the same way about smth. |
pull rank on somebody |
exp. |
use the authority given by a position (in society, in a company etc.) to determine someone to act in a certain manner |
E.g: He is not eager to attend the event, but he has to be there because his boss pulled rank on him. |
woke |
adj. |
Qualifies a person who has a deep understanding of a certain topic, usually feminism. |
Example: Love hearing Daniel Radcliffe praise the HeForShe campaign, he is so woke!’ |
earworm |
n. |
a sound (usually a song, jingle) that one hears mentally for a certain period of time |
paywall |
n. |
the mechanism of blocking certain features for people who don’t pay, especially on freemium models, for newspapers for example |
all bets are off |
exp. |
expression meaning that a situation is no longer certain or predictable and that anything can happen |
originating from horse racing where «all bets are off» indicated that bets already made were null due to various unpredicted factors |
go down that road |
exp. |
face a specific situation; act in a certain way |
E.g.: John went out of rehab a few days ago and he is determined to not go down that road again. |
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It’s easy and only takes a few seconds:
as in one
known but not named
a certain person told me that today is your birthday
as in sure
having or showing a mind free from doubt
I’m certain that they’ll arrive on time
as in stable
having been established and usually not subject to change
a certain percentage of the profits will go to charity
as in necessary
impossible to avoid or evade
as he got older, the athlete began to feel the certain effects of the aging process on his body
as in reliable
not likely to fail
chicken soup is grandma’s certain cure for pretty much whatever ails you
as in definite
not capable of being challenged or proved wrong
up to this point there’s been no certain evidence that a crime has been committed
Synonym Chooser
How does the adjective certain contrast with its synonyms?
Some common synonyms of certain are cocksure, positive, and sure. While all these words mean «having no doubt or uncertainty,» certain may apply to a basing of a conclusion or conviction on definite grounds or indubitable evidence.
police are certain about the cause of the fire
When would cocksure be a good substitute for certain?
In some situations, the words cocksure and certain are roughly equivalent. However, cocksure implies presumptuous or careless positiveness.
you’re always so cocksure about everything
When is it sensible to use positive instead of certain?
While the synonyms positive and certain are close in meaning, positive intensifies sureness or certainty and may imply opinionated conviction or forceful expression of it.
I’m positive that’s the person I saw
When could sure be used to replace certain?
The words sure and certain are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, sure usually stresses the subjective or intuitive feeling of assurance.
felt sure that I had forgotten something
Thesaurus Entries Near certain
Cite this Entry
“Certain.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/certain. Accessed 4 May. 2023.
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Merriam-Webster unabridged
- certain
- определенный
имя прилагательное:определенный (certain, definite, specific, determined, given, distinct)
некоторый (some, certain)
некий (certain, some)
уверенный (sure, confident, certain, assured, positive, reliant)
верный (faithful, true, right, loyal, correct, certain)
надежный (reliable, safe, secure, Sound, solid, certain)
несомненный (unquestionable, undoubted, unmistakable, indubitable, doubtless, certain)
имя существительное:
факт (fact, Thing, certain, matter of fact, deed)
нечто несомненное (certain)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь.
Смотреть что такое «certain» в других словарях:
certain — certain, aine [ sɛrtɛ̃, ɛn ] adj. et pron. • certan 1160; lat. pop. °certanus, de certus « assuré » I ♦ Adj. A ♦ Après le nom 1 ♦ (Possibilité) (Sujet chose) Qui est effectif sans laisser aucun doute, perçu directement ou établi par des preuves,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
certain — certain, aine (sèr tin, tè n ) adj. 1° Qui ne peut manquer, faillir, tromper, en parlant des choses. Ce qui est certain Il est certain que…. Je n oserais donner pour certain que…. Tenir pour certain. Un espoir certain de salut. Je le sais… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré
certain — CERTAIN, AINE. adject. Indubitable, vrai. En ce sens il ne se dit que Des choses. Cela est certain. La nouvelle est certaine. Il est certain. On tient pour certain. Faire un rapport certain. J ai eu un avis certain que. … f♛/b] En parlant Des… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798
Certain — Cer tain, a. [F. certain, fr. (assumed) LL. certanus, fr. L. certus determined, fixed, certain, orig. p. p. of cernere to perceive, decide, determine; akin to Gr. ? to decide, separate, and to E. concern, critic, crime, riddle a sieve, rinse, v.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
certain — et asseuré, Certus, Indubitatus. Certain de partir, Iam certus eundi. En certain temps, Rato tempore. Il est certain, Liquet, Certum, Non arbitrarium. Il n est rien si certain, Certo certius, B. ex Vlp. Pour certain, Nae, Nimirum, Plane, Verum… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
certain — CERTAIN, [cert]aine. adj. Asseuré, vray. Faire un rapport certain & assuré de quelque chose. des nouvelles certaines. On dit aussi, Estre certain de quelque chose, pour dire, En estre bien asseuré. Estes vous bien certain de cela? j en suis fort… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
certain — [sʉrt′ n] adj. [ME & OFr < VL * certanus < L certus, determined, fixed, orig. pp. of cernere, to distinguish, decide, orig., to sift, separate: see HARVEST] 1. fixed, settled, or determined 2. sure (to happen, etc.); inevitable 3. not to be … English World dictionary
CERTAIN — CERTAIN, CERTITUDE. Je suis certain; j ai des amis; ma fortune est sûre; mes parents ne m abandonneront jamais; on me rendra justice; mon ouvrage est bon, il sera bien reçu; on me doit, on me paiera; mon amant sera fidèle, il l a juré; le… … Dictionnaire philosophique de Voltaire
certain — I (fixed) adjective absolute, assured, attested, certified, changeless, conclusive, confident, confirmed, decided, decisive, definite, determinate, determined, firm, guaranteed, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable,… … Law dictionary
certain — cer‧tain [ˈsɜːtn ǁ ˈsɜːrtn] adjective a sum certain LAW an amount of money that cannot be changed or have anything added to it: • a written order requiring the importer to pay a sum certain in the exporter s domestic currency * * * certain UK US… … Financial and business terms
certain — adj 1 positive, *sure, cocksure Analogous words: *confident, assured, sanguine Antonyms: uncertain Contrasted words: *doubtful, dubious, questionable 2 Certain, inevitable, necessary are comparable when they mean bound to follow in obedience to… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
What is another word for certain?
4089 synonyms found
[ sˈɜːtən], [ sˈɜːtən], [ s_ˈɜː_t_ə_n]
How to use «Certain» in context?
Certain is a word that can mean different things to different people. For some, it could mean that they are certain about what they believe. For others, it could mean that they are certain about who they are. And for still others, it could simply mean that they are certain about the results that will occur as a result of a particular action.