- action
- deed
- move
- operation
- performance
- step
- thing
- accomplishment
- achievement
- doing
- execution
- exploit
- feat
- undertaking
- amendment
- bill
- decree
- law
- measure
- resolution
- statute
- announcement
- clause
- code
- commitment
- edict
- enactment
- judgment
- order
- ordinance
- subpoena
- summons
- verdict
- warrant
- writ
- scene
- show
- bit
- curtain
- epilogue
- gag
- introduction
- number
- piece
- prologue
- routine
- schtick
- sketch
- spot
- turn
- attitude
- performance
- show
- affectation
- bit
- chaser
- dissimilation
- fake
- feigning
- front
- phony
- pose
- posture
- pretense
- put on
- sham
- simulation
- stall
- stance
- stunt
- false front
- shuck and jive
- soft soap
- sweet-talk
- begin
- carry out
- create
- develop
- do
- enforce
- execute
- function
- move
- operate
- pursue
- respond
- serve
- undertake
- accomplish
- achieve
- consummate
- cook
- intrude
- labor
- maneuver
- officiate
- percolate
- perk
- perpetrate
- persevere
- persist
- practice
- preside
- carry on
- do a number
- do one’s thing
- get in there
- go about
- go for broke
- go for it
- go in for
- go that route
- go to town
- knock off
- make progress
- take effect
- take part
- take steps
- take up
- transort
- work out
- appear
- behave
- carry out
- conduct
- do
- enact
- execute
- function
- operate
- perform
- react
- seem
- serve
- carry
- comport
- exert
- strike
- carry oneself
- give the appearance
- go about
- impress as
- play part
- represent oneself
- take on
- enact
- perform
- play
- portray
- burlesque
- characterize
- dramatize
- emote
- feign
- ham
- impersonate
- mime
- mimic
- mug
- parody
- personate
- personify
- pretend
- rehearse
- represent
- simulate
- star
- stooge
- strut
- be on
- bring down the house
- do a turn
- go on
- go over
- ham it up
- lay an egg
- make debut
- play act
- play gig
- play part
- play role
- put it over
- say one’s piece
- take part
- tread the boards
On this page you’ll find 418 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to act, such as: action, deed, move, operation, performance, and step.
- cessation
- idleness
- inactivity
- inertia
- quiet
- repose
- rest
- stoppage
- suspension
- whole
- cessation
- idleness
- inactivity
- inertia
- quiet
- repose
- rest
- stoppage
- suspension
- reality
- cessation
- idleness
- inactivity
- inertia
- quiet
- repose
- rest
- stoppage
- suspension
- abandon
- destroy
- discontinue
- disregard
- end
- fail
- forego
- forget
- give up
- idle
- ignore
- leave
- miss
- neglect
- stop
- cease
- follow
- leave alone
- quit
- abstain
- halt
- hesitate
- refrain
- fail
- idle
- leave
- miss
- neglect
- prevent
- refuse
- stop
- lose
- abstain
- cease
- discontinue
- give up
- halt
- hesitate
- refrain
- direct
- fail
- prevent
- stop
- abstain
- cease
- discontinue
- give up
- halt
- hesitate
- idle
- refrain
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
How to use act in a sentence
He caught himself in the act of listening to you too credulously—and that seemed to him unmanly and dishonorable.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- ability
- achievement
- act
- art
- attainment
- bringing about
- capability
- carrying-out
- completion
- conclusion
- consummation
- coup
- deed
- effecting
- effort
- execution
- exploit
- feat
- finish
- fulfillment
- performance
- production
- proficiency
- realization
- skill
- stroke
- talent
- triumph
- accomplishment
- acquirement
- acquisition
- act
- actualization
- attainment
- completion
- conquest
- consummation
- contrivance
- creation
- deed
- effectuation
- effort
- enactment
- encompassment
- execution
- exploit
- feat
- fulfillment
- hit
- masterpiece
- performance
- production
- realization
- stroke
- success
- tour de force
- triumph
- victory
- accomplishments
- acquirements
- acquisitions
- acts
- actualization
- attainments
- completions
- conquests
- consummations
- contrivances
- creations
- deeds
- effectuations
- efforts
- enactments
- encompassments
- executions
- exploits
- feats
- fulfillments
- hits
- masterpieces
- performances
- productions
- realizations
- strokes
- successes
- tour de forces
- triumphs
- victories
- act
- bear
- carry
- comport
- conduct
- deport
- perform
- accomplishment
- achievement
- act
- dealings
- doing
- effort
- enterprise
- execution
- exercise
- exertion
- exploit
- feat
- handiwork
- maneuver
- manipulation
- move
- operation
- performance
- procedure
- step
- stroke
- thrust
- transaction
- undertaking
- acts
- avocations
- bags
- ballgames
- bits
- deeds
- endeavors
- enterprises
- entertainments
- games
- hobbies
- jobs
- labors
- occupations
- pastimes
- projects
- rackets
- scenes
- schemes
- stunts
- tasks
- trips
- undertakings
- ventures
- works
- zoos
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Act?
action, procedure
action, art
work, action
honest, disguise
activity, action
law, decree
action, operation
behaviour, behave
deed, procedure
do something, work
work, direct
decree, statute
deed, do something
work, do something
performance, work
honest, disguise
law, legislative addition
law, decree
performance, play
performance, part of a performance
law, legislative addition
deed, procedure
perform, entertain by playing a role
deed, pretence
play, pretence
pretence, sham
law, legislative document
behaviour, perform
pretence, honest
play, perform
deed, procedure
play, honest
legislative document
achievement, something done
achievement, something done
behave, activity
play, perform
something done
division, pretended behavior
pretence, performance
Use filters to view other words, we have 3012 synonyms for act.
Определения слова act
- дело, поступок, деяние, действие
- закон, постановление.
- en (полит.)
- акт, действие (в опере, драме), номер (в программе эстрадного концерта, циркового представления, и.т.д.)
- исполнитель номера
- сцена, спектакль, действие напоказ.
- en (неодобр.)
- диссертация
Синонимы к слову act
- accomplish
- accomplishment
- achievement
- acquit yourself
- act out
- action
- affect
- appear in
- be active
- be in
- behave
- bill
- comport yourself
- con
- conduct yourself
- decree
- deed
- discharge duty
- do its stuff
- do something
- doing
- enactment
- exploit
- fake
- feat
- feign
- feint
- function
- ham it up
- law
- measure
- operate
- perform
- performance
- piece of legislation
- play
- play a part
- play a role
- play in
- play-act
- pretend
- pretense
- proceed
- produce a result
- produce an effect
- put it on
- put on an act
- put-on
- sham
- show
- statute
- take action
- take effect
- take steps
- undertaking
- work
Похожие слова на act
- act
- act’s
- actaeon
- actaeon’s
- acted
- acth
- acting
- actinium
- actinium’s
- action
- action’s
- actionable
- actioned
- actioning
- actions
- activation
- activation’s
- active
- actives
- activism
- activism’s
- activist
- activist’s
- activists
- activities
- activity
- activity’s
- acton
- acton’s
- actress
- actress’s
- actresses
- acts
- actual
- actualities
- actuality
- actuality’s
- actualization
- actualization’s
- actualize
- actualized
- actualizes
- actualizing
- actually
- actuarial
- actuaries
- actuary
- actuary’s
- actuate
- actuated
- actuates
- actuating
- actuator
- actuator’s
- actuators
Посмотрите другие слова
- Что такое ache
- Определение термина acetylsalicylic acid
- Толкование слова acetal
- Что означает понятие ace
- Лексическое значение accuser
- Словарь значения слов accusative case
- Грамматическое значение accusation
- Значение слова accumulation
- Прямое и переносное значение слова accumulatio
- Происхождение слова actinometer
- Синоним к слову action
- Антоним к слову activation
- Омоним к слову actor
- Гипоним к слову adagietto
- Холоним к слову adagio
- Гипероним к слову adamant
- Пословицы и поговорки к слову adaptive enzyme
- Перевод слова на другие языки addict
Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
act [ækt] сущ
актм, законм, законодательный акт
(instrument, law, legislation)
- legal act – правовой акт
- series of legislative acts – ряд законодательных актов
- monstrous act of terrorism – чудовищный террористический акт
- act of unconditional surrender – акт о безоговорочной капитуляции
- act of civil disobedience – акт гражданского неповиновения
- act of good will – акт доброй воли
- act of canonical communion – акт о каноническом общении
- employment act – закон о занятости
поступокм, действиеср, деяниеср
(action, deed)
- heroic act – героический поступок
- socially dangerous act – общественно опасное действие
- book of acts – книга деяний
- criminal act – преступная акция
act [ækt] гл
действовать, вести себя, работать, подействовать, воздействовать
(operate, behave, work, affect)
- act quickly – действовать быстро
- act independently – работать независимо
- act directly – воздействовать непосредственно
поступать, поступить
(do, enter)
- act wisely – поступать мудро
- act correctly – поступить правильно
выступать, выступить
- act simultaneously – выступать одновременно
играть, разыгрывать
- act the parts – играть роли
verb | ||
действовать | act, operate, work, function, proceed, do | |
поступать | do, act, proceed, enter, deal, behave | |
вести себя | behave, act, do, conduct oneself, carry, walk | |
играть | play, act, perform, play on, toy, fiddle | |
работать | work, operate, run, function, act, serve | |
влиять | influence, affect, act, manipulate, exert, weigh | |
замещать | replace, substitute, surrogate, override, displace, act | |
притворяться | pretend, act, feign, dissemble, play, sham | |
исполнять роль | act, impersonate, perform | |
прикидываться | pretend, sham, play, simulate, fake, act | |
оказывать действие | act, work, take | |
играть на сцене | act | |
noun | ||
акт | act, certificate, instrument, deed, report, statement | |
закон | law, act, principle, ordinance, lex, jus | |
действие | act, action, effect, force, influence, operation | |
деяние | act | |
поступок | act, action, deed, move, step, doing | |
дело | case, business, matter, point, deal, act | |
процесс | process, operation, act, cause | |
постановление | decree, ruling, ordinance, provision, determination, act | |
игра | game, play, act, performance, acting, round | |
притворство | pretense, hypocrisy, sham, dissimulation, affectation, act | |
миниатюра | miniature, act, midget | |
номер | room, number, item, size, gauge, act |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
act сущ
- law · enactment · statute · bill · ordinance · legislation
- behave · be · perform · serve · do · play · make · move
- deed · work · thing · working · function · current · operating · incumbent
- affect
- instrument · certificate
- effect
- effective · active
- speaker
- deed, action, feat, exploit, move, gesture, performance, undertaking, stunt, operation, achievement, accomplishment
- law, decree, statute, bill, act of Congress, enactment, resolution, edict, dictum, ruling, measure, ordinance
- division, section, subsection, part, segment
- performance, routine, number, sketch, skit, shtick, turn
- pretense, show, front, facade, masquerade, charade, posture, pose, affectation, sham, fake, put-on
- turn, bit, routine, number
- deed
- enactment
- take action, take steps, take measures, move, react
- follow, act in accordance with, obey, heed, comply with, fulfill, meet, discharge
- represent, act on behalf of, stand in for, fill in for, deputize for, take the place of
- behave, conduct oneself, react, comport oneself
- operate, work, function, serve
- affect, have an effect on, work on, have an impact on, impact on, influence
- perform, play a part, play-act, take part, appear, tread the boards, ham it up
- pretend, play-act, put it on, fake it, feign it, dissemble, dissimulate
- move
- play, act as
- dissemble, pretend
- work
- play, represent
- play, roleplay, playact
- do, behave
Предложения со словом «act»
The preservation of history and the act of remembering can be achieved in more memorable and effective ways. |
Сохранение истории и акт памяти могут быть достигнуты более запоминающимися и эффективными способами. |
That kind of mobile perception is really important for robots that are going to move and act out in the world. |
Такого рода восприятие по ходу действия крайне важно для роботов, созданных совершать манёвры в любой обстановке. |
It turns out they also act as sensitive chemical sensors in many other parts of the body. |
Получается, что они также ведут себя как чувствительные химические датчики во многих других частях тела. |
Maybe, just maybe, clouds could slow down global warming, and buy us a little bit more time to get our act together, which would be very convenient right now. |
Может быть, только может быть, облака замедлят глобальное потепление и выиграют для нас время, чтобы мы могли взяться за ум, что было бы очень кстати в данный момент. |
We’ve got low clouds that act like a sunshade, cooling the planet, and high clouds which act like a greenhouse, warming the planet. |
Есть низкие облака, которые действуют как завеса, охлаждая планету, и высокие облака, которые создают парниковый эффект, нагревая планету. |
It would act in opposition to global warming. |
Это будет действовать в противовес глобальному потеплению. |
If this feels even slightly out-there or farfetched, today there’s a little-known bill being passed through the American congress known as HR 1313, Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. |
Если это вам кажется неактуальной или надуманной проблемой, в наши дни Американский конгресс рассматривает малоизвестный законопроект HR 1313, об оздоровительных программах для сотрудников. |
This bill proposes to amend the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, popularly known as GINA, and would allow employers to ask about family medical history and genetic data to all employees for the first time. |
Он дополнит Закон о недискриминации по генетическому признаку, более известный как GINA, и позволит работодателям запрашивать у работников генетические данные, истории болезни родных, впервые в мировой практике. |
By putting ourselves into different possible futures, by becoming open and willing to embrace the uncertainty and discomfort that such an act can bring, we have the opportunity to imagine new possibilities. |
Погружаясь в разные варианты будущего, мы с желанием и открытостью воспринимаем неудобства и неуверенность такой ситуации, у нас появляется шанс увидеть новые возможности. |
I realized that completing an advance directive is an act of love — like a wedding vow. |
Я осознала, что распоряжение на случай смерти — это словно акт любви, как брачная клятва. |
What’s hard is understanding the meaning of the behavior, because in some settings, pulling a trigger is an appalling act; in others, it’s heroically self-sacrificial. |
Сложно понять само значение поведения, потому что, в зависимости от обстоятельств, спуск курка является либо ужасным поступком, либо героическим самопожертвованием. |
Which compelled him to act in a very concrete manner. |
И это сострадание побудило его к совершенно конкретным действиям. |
Please, allow me to say it loud and clear: the more powerful you are, the more your actions will have an impact on people, the more responsible you are to act humbly. |
Позвольте мне сказать чётко и ясно: чем больше у тебя власти, чем больше влияния твои действия оказывают на людей, тем смиреннее должен быть ты сам. |
But corporations understandably act to promote their commercial interests, and they do so either sometimes undermining or promoting the common good. |
Понятно, что корпорации действуют в угоду своим коммерческим интересам и могут как подрывать, так и содействовать всеобщему благосостоянию. |
But discrimination also occurs in more minor and subtle experiences, and so my second scale, called the Everyday Discrimination Scale, captures nine items that captures experiences like you’re treated with less courtesy than others, you receive poorer service than others in restaurants or stores, or people act as if they’re afraid of you. |
Но ущемление прав проявляется и на более тонком, незримом уровне, и отсюда вторая шкала измерения: шкала повседневного расизма, который затрагивает девять аспектов, в том числе случаи, когда с вами менее учтивы чем с другими, либо хуже обслуживают в ресторанах или магазинах, или ведут себя, словно боятся вас. |
It’s substance and how we act, and the nice thing about Donald Trump is he smashed our categories. |
Такова уж наша сущность, и к чести Дональда Трампа, что он разбил в пух и прах все наши категории. |
So again, if that ever were to happen, these rare, rare events, they’re ready to act on the drop of a dime. |
Если подобное случится когда — нибудь, хотя это редкие случаи, они будут готовы действовать незамедлительно. |
Guys act like they would be disgusted by it, one young woman told me. |
Парни ведут себя так, будто у них это вызывает отвращение, — сказала мне одна девушка. |
Not because intercourse isn’t a big deal, but it’s worth questioning why we consider this one act, which most girls associate with discomfort or pain, to be the line in the sand of sexual adulthood — so much more meaningful, so much more transformative than anything else. |
Не потому что половой акт — это что — то несерьёзное, а потому, что стоит задаться вопросом, почему мы рассматриваем один акт, который у большинства девушек ассоциируется с дискомфортом и болью, как границу перехода к взрослой половой жизни — настолько более значимую, настолько более существенно преобразующую, чем что — либо ещё. |
And yet we adults act as if girls are more fragile and more in need of help, and they can’t handle as much. |
При этом мы, взрослые, ведём себя так, словно они слабее, больше нуждаются в помощи и со многим не могут справиться. |
By 1965, the year the Voting Rights Act was passed, there had been a full 100 years between the end of the Civil War and the conferral of voting rights on African-American communities. |
К 1965 году, когда был принят Закон об избирательных правах, между окончанием Гражданской войны и предоставлением права голоса афроамериканским общинам прошло уже целых 100 лет. |
Is it really possible for us to take a system of millions upon millions of devices, to read in their data streams, to predict their failures and act in advance? |
Возможно ли на самом деле взять систему из миллионов устройств, прочитать их потоки данных, предугадать их ошибки и заранее исправить? |
This idea of affirmative consent comes from anti-rape activists who tell us that we need consent for every sexual act. |
Идея подтверждённого согласия исходит от противников изнасилований, которые ратуют за то, чтобы спрашивать согласие до совершения полового акта. |
Even though they can make a plan and act with logic, their sense of truth is distorted by a filter of pain through which they interpret their reality. |
Хотя они и могут строить планы и действовать логически, их чувство истины искажено болью, через призму которой они воспринимают реальность. |
We should always assume that someone we love may be suffering, regardless of what they say or how they act. |
Мы всегда должны допускать, что кто — то, кого мы любим, страдает, независимо от того, что он говорит или как себя ведёт. |
The act of making is a social activity. |
Сам процесс создания — это общественное действие. |
But maybe that’s because in architecture school, we don’t really learn how to engage the public in the act of design. |
Возможно, это из — за того, что на архитектурных факультетах нас не учат вовлекать жителей в сам процесс проектирования. |
The act of making a simple, working version of what you’re trying to build forces you to uncover key problems. |
Акт создания простой, работающей версии того, что вы пытаетесь построить, заставляет вас раскрыть ключевые проблемы. |
I wrote a reference card to act as documentation. |
Я написал справочные карточки, которые служили документацией. |
They argue that metaphors really do shape the way we experience the world, and that they can even act as a guide for future actions, like self-fulfilling prophecies. |
Они настаивают, что метафоры влияют на то, как мы воспринимаем, познаём мир, и даже могут послужить прообразом для дальнейших действий, подобно неизбежному предсказанию. |
And just as a refresher, at this point in the play, act three of five, Romeo is not dead. |
Напомню вам, в этом моменте пьесы, в третьем акте из пяти, Ромео не умирает. |
Instead, it requires that you trust your partner and talk about things when trusting feels difficult, which sounds so simple, but is actually a kind of revolutionary, radical act. |
Здесь требуется доверять партнёру и говорить о непростых вещах, что только звучит просто, а на самом деле представляет собой решительное действие, ведущее к переменам. |
It’s also critical to getting more people to act like givers, because the data say that somewhere between 75 and 90 percent of all giving in organizations starts with a request. |
Она также побуждает людей вести себя подобно дающим, ведь согласно статистике, в организациях около 75–90% случаев помощи друг другу начинаются с просьбы. |
Hope is not naive, and hope is not an opiate, hope may be the single greatest act of defiance against a politics of pessimism and against a culture of despair. |
Хочу отметить, что надежда — это не наивность, не снотворное, а возможно, единственный и самый серьёзный акт неповиновения политике пессимизма и культуре отчаяния. |
Economists have been exploring people’s behavior for hundreds of years: how we make decisions, how we act individually and in groups, how we exchange value. |
Сотни лет экономисты изучают поведение людей: как мы принимаем решения, как мы ведём себя, когда мы одни и в группе, как мы перемещаем средства. |
We built platform marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, just faster institutions that act as middlemen to facilitate human economic activity. |
Мы создали такие торговые платформы, как Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, — те же институты, быстрее выполняющие роль посредников в торговых отношениях, содействуя экономической активности. |
Some called it a PR stunt, others — a genuine act of giving back. |
Кто — то называл это пиар — ходом, другие — искренней щедростью. |
In Islam, the benefit of an act must outweigh the harm or hardship it entails. |
В исламе польза от деяния должна перевешивать тяготы, которые оно влечёт за собой. |
First of all, leaders often wait too long to act. |
Прежде всего, лидеры слишком затягивают с действиями. |
That man should have to act in such moral ambiguity. |
Чтобы человек поступал в соответствии с такой моральной двусмысленностью. |
The Voting Rights Act should be authorized in every state! |
Закон об избирательных правах должен быть в каждом штате! |
A reason unrelated to the actual act of suicide. |
Причины, не имеющей никакого отношения к собственно акту самоубийства. |
People act out of emotion, perception, prejudice. |
Люди действуют под влиянием эмоций, восприятия, предубеждения. |
There’s no guarantee that you won’t act erratically. |
Нет никаких гарантий, что вы не будете действовать беспорядочно. |
Know the proper act and utterance at each moment? |
Как надо поступать и что говорить в каждом случае? |
Your client aided and abetted an act of mass murder. |
Ваш клиент обвиняется в поощрении и пособничестве акта массового убийства. |
I regret a rash act and seek to undo it. |
Я сожалею о своем безрассудном поступке и надеюсь исправить ошибку. |
I know you didn’t act out of vindictiveness. |
Я знаю, что вы действовали не из мстительности. |
He explained Section IX of the Atomic Weapons Control Act. |
Он пояснил секретный параграф в законе об атомной безопасности. |
Any harm to me would be an act of war. |
Любой вред, нанесённый мне, будет актом агрессии. |
Each act of defiance brought him closer to ultimate defeat. |
Каждое заклинание, решавшее очередную проблему, приближало окончательное поражение. |
They like to hear you speak, to see how you act under pressure, and how you present yourself as a person. |
Они хотят услышать, как ты говоришь, увидеть, как ты держишься в трудные моменты, как представляешь свою личность. |
Well, it’s something that I always loved to do, act, as a kid in high school, in school plays, and in my spare time, just playing around with friends. |
Ну, это то, что я всегда любил делать, играть роль, ребенком в школе в школьных спектаклях, а в свободное время просто играя с друзьями. |
But I don’t think I ever believed that I could, or ever took it seriously to act as a profession for the rest of my life. |
Но я не думаю, что я когда — либо верил, что я мог бы , или когда — либо воспринимать всерьез быть профессиональным актером всю оставшеюся жизни. |
He was conducting an act of treason against Korea. |
Он совершил акт предательства по отношению к Республике Корея. |
The sin is in the act, not the inclination. |
Грех в поступках, а не в склонности к греху. |
For monetary damages under the federal communications tort liability act. |
Для денежной компенсации в рамках федерального акта о деликтной ответственности. |
That little act of insubordination could get her kicked out. |
За этот пустячный акт о неповиновении Кимберли могли исключить. |
There’s a new act just been passed in Parliament. |
Да тут в Парламенте только что новый закон приняли. |
The Prices of Goods Act coming into force in November. |
Закон о ценах на товары вступает в силу в ноябре. |
WiktionaryRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
A product of a legislative body, a statute.
He’s acting strangely — I think there’s something wrong with him.
statute -
To have an effect (on).
deed -
A display of behaviour.
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
An act is strictly and originally something accomplished by an exercise of power, in which sense it is synonymous with deed or effect. Action is a doing. Act is therefore single, individual, momentary; action a complex of acts, or a process, state, or habit of exerting power. We say a virtuous act, but rather a virtuous course of action. We speak of the action of an acid upon a metal, not of its act. Act is used, also, for the simple exertion of power; as, an act of will. In this sense an act does not necessarily imply an external effect, while an action does. Morally, the act of murder is in the determination to kill; legally, the act is not complete without the striking of the fatal blow. Act and deed are both used for the thing done, but act refers to the power put forth, deed to the result accomplished; as, a voluntary act, a bad deed. In connection with other words act is more usually qualified by the use of another noun, action by an adjective preceding; we may say a kind act, though oftener an act of kindness, but only a kind action, not an action of kindness. As between act and deed, deed is commonly used of great, notable, and impressive acts, as are achievement, exploit, and feat.
Festus: We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths.
Bailey Festus, A Country Town, sc. 7.
A feat exhibits strength, skill, personal power, whether mental or physical, especially the latter; as, a feat of arms, a feat of memory. An exploit is a conspicuous or glorious deed, involving valor or heroism, usually combined with strength, skill, loftiness of thought, and readiness of resource; an achievement is the doing of something great and noteworthy; an exploit is brilliant, but its effect may be transient; an achievement is solid, and its effect enduring. Act and action are both in contrast to all that is merely passive and receptive. The intensest action is easier than passive endurance.
accomplishment, achievement, action, consummation, deed, doing, effect, execution, exercise, exertion, exploit, feat, motion, movement, operation, performance, proceeding, transaction, workAntonyms:
cessation, deliberation, endurance, immobility, inaction, inactivity, inertia, passion (In philosophic sense), quiescence, quiet, repose, rest, suffering, suspension
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
deed, performance, action, movement, proceeding, exercise, operation, playAntonyms:
inaction, rest, repose, cessation, suspension, quiet, immobility, inertia, quiescence
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
act, enactmentnoun
a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
characterization, bit, deed, personation, human action, number, human activity, portrayal, enactment, turn, passage, routineAntonyms:
forbear, refrain -
act, deed, human action, human activitynoun
something that people do or cause to happen
deed of conveyance, bit, deed, title, human action, number, human activity, enactment, turn, routineAntonyms:
refrain, forbear -
a subdivision of a play or opera or ballet
bit, deed, human action, number, human activity, enactment, turn, routineAntonyms:
forbear, refrain -
act, routine, number, turn, bitnoun
a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
«he did his act three times every evening»; «she had a catchy little routine»; «it was one of the best numbers he ever did»
turn, figure, routine, morsel, spot, piece, twist, turning, procedure, function, bit, flake, second, snatch, bend, subroutine, modus operandi, crook, turn of events, round, deed, mo, subprogram, tour, fleck, chip, go, telephone number, play, identification number, number, minute, phone number, spell, numeral, scrap, moment, human activity, good turn, bout, enactment, bite, issue, human actionAntonyms:
refrain, forbear -
a manifestation of insincerity
«he put on quite an act for her benefit»
bit, deed, human action, number, human activity, enactment, turn, routineAntonyms:
refrain, forbear -
act, moveverb
perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
«think before you act»; «We must move quickly»; «The governor should act on the new energy bill»; «The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel»
pretend, be active, locomote, impress, actuate, play, represent, strike, dissemble, prompt, move, propel, work, motivate, roleplay, displace, playact, affect, run, proceed, go, act as, incite, travel, behave, do, make a motionAntonyms:
forbear, refrain -
act, behave, doverb
behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself
«You should act like an adult»; «Don’t behave like a fool»; «What makes her do this way?»; «The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people»
perform, playact, dissemble, comport, move, behave, get along, carry, suffice, fare, answer, deport, make, roleplay, arrange, coif, act as, execute, manage, cause, work, do, coiffure, play, represent, make out, practice, acquit, conduct, exercise, pretend, come, coiffe, serve, set, practise, dress, bearAntonyms:
forbear, refrain -
act, play, representverb
play a role or part
«Gielgud played Hamlet»; «She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role»; «She played the servant to her husband’s master»
take on, fiddle, dissemble, interpret, bet, spiel, bring, make up, behave, run, symbolize, trifle, play, diddle, meet, lay out, move, roleplay, dally, typify, be, act as, toy, encounter, stand for, playact, flirt, do, make for, wager, represent, stage, exemplify, recreate, pretend, present, comprise, symbolise, work, correspond, constitute, map, wreak, defendAntonyms:
forbear, refrain -
discharge one’s duties
«She acts as the chair»; «In what capacity are you acting?»
play, move, behave, roleplay, pretend, dissemble, do, playact, work, act as, representAntonyms:
forbear, refrain -
act, play, act asverb
pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
«He acted the idiot»; «She plays deaf when the news are bad»
pretend, make for, flirt, play, represent, dissemble, dally, recreate, wager, move, wreak, take on, work, toy, roleplay, playact, bet, run, fiddle, spiel, diddle, meet, act as, bring, encounter, trifle, behave, doAntonyms:
forbear, refrain -
be suitable for theatrical performance
«This scene acts well»
play, move, behave, roleplay, pretend, dissemble, do, playact, work, act as, representAntonyms:
refrain, forbear -
work, actverb
have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected
«The voting process doesn’t work as well as people thought»; «How does your idea work in practice?»; «This method doesn’t work»; «The breaks of my new car act quickly»; «The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water»
knead, turn, operate, dissemble, shape, bring, move, behave, work out, run, function, put to work, forge, lick, solve, make, roleplay, figure out, form, pretend, mould, sour, playact, work, do, exploit, go, play, represent, do work, make for, mold, puzzle out, act upon, process, crop, exercise, act as, ferment, influence, work on, wreak, cultivateAntonyms:
forbear, refrain -
be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure
play, move, behave, roleplay, pretend, dissemble, do, playact, work, act as, representAntonyms:
refrain, forbear -
dissemble, pretend, actverb
behave unnaturally or affectedly
«She’s just acting»
pretend, dissemble, make believe, play, represent, mask, move, work, cloak, venture, roleplay, playact, affect, hazard, feign, do, sham, guess, profess, behave, make, act asAntonyms:
forbear, refrain -
act, play, roleplay, playactverb
perform on a stage or theater
«She acts in this play»; «He acted in `Julius Caesar'»; «I played in `A Christmas Carol'»
pretend, make for, flirt, play, represent, dissemble, dally, recreate, wager, move, wreak, take on, work, toy, roleplay, playact, bet, run, fiddle, spiel, diddle, meet, act as, bring, encounter, trifle, behave, doAntonyms:
refrain, forbear
Matched Categories
- Be
- Dramatic Composition
- Law
- Legal Document
- Perform
- Performing Arts
- Re-create
- Serve
- Succeed
- Theater
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
work, move, carry any thing into effect, execute a purpose, be in action -
behave, conduct one’s self, demean one’s self, acquit one’s self -
operate, have influence -
do, perform, execute, carry into execution -
personate, play, simulate, enact, play the part of, take the part of -
deed (viewed as a single exertion of power), ACTION, performance, proceeding, thing, exploit, feat, achievement, turn -
statute, enactment, ordinance, edict, decree, law, bill -
fact, reality, actuality, real existence
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
performance, feat, stunt , exploit, achievement, deed, action, procedure, turn, decree, edict, law, statute, enactment, ordinance -
behave, deport one’s self, play, personate, impersonate, mimic, feign, counterfeit, simulate, dissemble
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «act»:
law, loi, legislation, action, acts, ley, bill, note, acting, statute, deed, tca, laws, operate, pcmltfa, behave, agir, acte, fact, proceed, intervene, event
Suggested Resources
Song lyrics by act — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by act on the Lyrics.com website.
What does ACT stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the ACT acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.
How to pronounce act?
How to say act in sign language?
How to use act in a sentence?
Dawood Shah Wafadar:
The operation is going very slowly as the Taliban have taken six people hostage including two women and two children, so we have to act cautiously.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro:
It is the government of the United States that is behind the plans of destabilization and coups against Venezuela. I have come here to denounce it. … We have dismantled a coup attempt against democracy, against the stability of our homeland, it was an attempt to use a group of officials from the air force to provoke a violent act, an attack.
Bobby Jindal:
The Donald Trump act is great, and the idea of Donald Trump is great, but the reality of Donald Trump is absurd.
Volodymyr Zelensky:
We have the opportunity to act now to prevent a profoundly destabilizing action and intervention in our democracy before it happens, and I think that is a profoundly urgent action that we need to take right now.
Jamil Jaffer:
We have voluntarily walked back some of our laws, and I think in a heightened threat environment, if you want the intelligence community to collect and act on threat information, you need to give them appropriate capabilities.
Translations for act
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- عملArabic
- эш, ғәмәлBashkir
- дзейнічаць, падзейнічаць, паступіць, паступацьBelarusian
- държа се, въздействам, играя, върша, правя, постъпвам, действам, деяние, действие, постъпка, постановление, документ, законBulgarian
- comportar, portar, actuar, acteCatalan, Valencian
- působit, skutek, dějství, čin, zákonCzech
- actio, deddfWelsh
- optræde, opføre, agere, handle, spille, virke, akt, handling, dådDanish
- benehmen, agieren, fungieren, tun, wirken, handeln, auswirken, spielen, machen, Spiel, Handlung, Akt, Tat, Rechtsgeschäft, Gesetz, Verordnung, AkteGerman
- dɔwɔwɔEwe
- υποδύομαι, πράττω, συμπεριφέρομαι, δρω, ενεργώ, επενεργώ, πράξη, διάβημα, ενέργειαGreek
- aktori, agi, agoEsperanto
- comportar, actuar, acto, ley, hecho, acciónSpanish
- tegu, vaatusEstonian
- کارPersian
- näytellä, toimia, vaikuttaa, tehdä, tekeminen, näytös, laki, olemassaolo, teko, pöytäkirjaFinnish
- se comporter, jouer, faire, agir, acte, action, loi, éditFrench
- achd, gnìomh, earrannScottish Gaelic
- comportar, portar, actuar, actoGalician
- אקט, חק, פעולה, מעשה, מערכהHebrew
- játszikHungarian
- գործողություն, արարք, ակտArmenian
- fare, agire, comportarsi, legge, messinscena, atto, scena, numeroItalian
- 演技, 行動, 行為, 法令, 幕Japanese
- ទង្វើKhmer
- kirin, tesîr kirin, lîstin, kar, hebûn, xebat, perde, bîrname, kiryar, qanûnKurdish
- иш аракет, аракет, иш, кыймылKyrgyz
- facio, gero, geror, ago, me geroLatin
- agéierenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- tēlot, cēliensLatvian
- tindak, lakon, pura, akta, babak, اکتاMalay
- werken, optreden, opvoeren, reageren, spelen, acteren, handelen, gedragen, toneelspelen, handeling, akte, wet, daadDutch
- acteOccitan
- ଧାରାOriya
- zachowywać, grać, zachować się, akt, działanie, czynPolish
- agir, comportar-se, atuar, ato, ata, açãoPortuguese
- вести, влиять, действовать, играть, делать, поступать, деяние, акт, постановление, поступок, действие, дело, притворство, закон, документ, играRussian
- ක්රියාව, පනතSinhala, Sinhalese
- čin, skutok, dejstvoSlovak
- handla, spela, uppföra, agera, bete, handling, dåd, aktSwedish
- tenda, kitendoSwahili
- செயல்Tamil
- నటించు, ప్రవర్తించు, క్రియ, చేత, పని, అంకము, చర్య, చట్టంTelugu
- поводитись, грати, чинити, діяти, акт, дія, вчинокUkrainian
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