Синонимы greatly

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  • perceptibly, substantially

  • perceptibly, significantly

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almightily, almighty, badly, considerably, eminently, en.synonym.one, exceedingly, extremely, far, intensely, largely, much, notably, seriously, severely, uncommonly, very, awfully, eminently, exceedingly, extremely, intensely, en.synonym.one, largely, much, severely, uncommonly.

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What is another word for greatly?

458 synonyms found


[ ɡɹˈe͡ɪtli], [ ɡɹˈe‍ɪtli], [ ɡ_ɹ_ˈeɪ_t_l_i]

Table of Contents

  • adv

    awfully (adverb)

    • hugely,
    • in deed.

    badly (adverb)

    • gravely,
    • sorely.

    deeply (adverb)

    • profoundly.

    exceedingly (adverb)

    • immoderately,
    • in a marked degree,
    • inordinately,
    • vitally.

    extremely (adverb)

    • dearly.

    highly (adverb)

    • terrifically,
    • so much,
    • but good.

    Other relevant words: (adverb)

    • exorbitantly,
    • distressfully,
    • like crazy,
    • fittingly,
    • plenteously,
    • capaciously,
    • noticeably,
    • exaggeratedly,
    • conspicuously,
    • broadly,
    • creditably,
    • advantageously,
    • drastically,
    • patently,
    • prominently,
    • liberally,
    • grievously,
    • signally,
    • harmfully,
    • surprisingly,
    • significantly,
    • eminently,
    • gloriously,
    • mightily,
    • like mad,
    • great extent,
    • amply,
    • a great extent,
    • dreadfully,
    • in excess,
    • attractively,
    • most highly,
    • over and above,
    • astonishingly,
    • too,
    • disturbingly,
    • frightfully,
    • to a great extent,
    • discouragingly,
    • heartbrokenly,
    • plentifully,
    • magnanimously,
    • far,
    • acceptably,
    • appreciably,
    • best,
    • horribly,
    • strikingly,
    • lavishly,
    • most fully,
    • copiously,
    • most deeply,
    • outstandingly,
    • dramatically,
    • bountifully,
    • extravagantly,
    • prodigiously,
    • Indispensably,
    • surpassingly,
    • woefully,
    • notably,
    • markedly,
    • extensively,
    • considerably,
    • unconscionably,
    • hysterically,
    • staggeringly,
    • most fortunately,
    • exceedingly,
    • badly.

    strongly (adverb)

    • stoutly,
    • solidly,
    • actively,
    • sturdily,
    • staunchly,
    • securely,
    • indomitably,
    • invincibly.

    well (adverb)

    • becomingly,
    • by a wide margin,
    • effortlessly,
    • luxuriantly.
  • adv.

    all (adverb)

    • greatly.

    awfully (adverb)

    • very much.

    best (adverb)

    • illustriously.

    considerably (adverb)

    • incomparably,
    • famously,
    • immeasurably,
    • enormously,
    • intensely,
    • powerfully,
    • highly,
    • largely,
    • incredibly,
    • supremely,
    • by much,
    • emphatically,
    • tremendously,
    • incalculably,
    • abundantly,
    • remarkably,
    • superlatively,
    • on a large scale,
    • vastly,
    • glaringly,
    • in great measure,
    • inimitably.

    dearly (adverb)

    • to great extent.

    desperately (adverb)

    • perilously.

    eminently (adverb)

    • sur passingly,
    • sur-passingly.

    exceedingly (adverb)

    • extraordinarily.

    far (adverb)

    • farther,
    • in-comparably,
    • farthest,
    • in comparably.

    highly (adverb)

    • mucho.

    largely (adverb)

    • impressively,
    • expansively,
    • generously,
    • massively,
    • grandly,
    • sizably,
    • grandiosely,
    • voluminously,
    • comprehensively,
    • princely,
    • gigantically,
    • spaciously,
    • magnificently,
    • majestically,
    • toweringly,
    • loftily.

    markedly (adverb)

    • manifestly.

    nobly (adverb)

    • imposingly,
    • imperially,
    • heroically,
    • nobly,
    • aristocratically,
    • Sovereignly,
    • magisterially,
    • royally,
    • dignifiedly,
    • Augustly,
    • regally.

    notably (adverb)

    • un commonly,
    • reputably,
    • un-commonly.

    sizably (adverb)

    • widely,
    • dimensionally,
    • Corpulently,
    • chunkily.

    terribly (adverb)

    • un-fortunately,
    • un-happily,
    • un happily,
    • un believably,
    • un-believably,
    • un fortunately,
    • notoriously.

    too (adverb)

    • over above,
    • be-yond,
    • be yond,
    • un conscionably,
    • unreasonably,
    • un-reasonably,
    • over much,
    • un-conscionably,
    • un reasonably,
    • un-duly,
    • un duly.

    very (adverb)

    • in credibly,
    • pressingly,
    • in-credibly.

    well (adverb)

    • readily.
  • n.

    • deeply,
    • a lot,
    • well,
    • indeed,
    • thoroughly.

    • exceptionally,
    • extra,
    • mighty,
    • most,
    • awful,
    • big.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • almighty,
    • amount.
  • v.

    Other relevant words: (verb)

    • comparison.
  • Other synonyms:

    • materially,
    • madly,
    • infinitely,
    • strongly,
    • unduly,
    • Mega,
    • tons,
    • overly,
    • immensely.

    • soundly,
    • thrice,
    • fully,
    • doubly,
    • pretty,
    • extremely,
    • devoutly.

    • much,
    • devilish,
    • quite.

    • truly.

    • so.

    • This,
    • V.

    • dead.

    Other relevant words:

    • awfully,
    • very.

    very much

    • like anythingorblazesorcrazy etc..

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • rarely,
    • straight,
    • numerous,
    • full,
    • greatheartedly,
    • palpably,
    • damned,
    • thickness,
    • handsomely,
    • fabulously,
    • density,
    • generous,
    • blisteringly,
    • actual,
    • at bottom,
    • muckle,
    • intense,
    • deal,
    • heavily,
    • Capitally,
    • scrap,
    • jackpot,
    • beyond compare,
    • corking,
    • some,
    • grass,
    • consistence,
    • entirely,
    • rattling,
    • fantastically,
    • jam,
    • tastefully,
    • penetratively,
    • fearfully,
    • jalopy,
    • no end of,
    • violently,
    • deadly,
    • bone,
    • difficulty,
    • essentially,
    • keenly,
    • rag,
    • width,
    • sincerely,
    • absolutely,
    • mickle,
    • filthy,
    • unusual,
    • rather,
    • solid,
    • consequentially,
    • jolly,
    • wonderfully,
    • tag,
    • full of energy,
    • considerable,
    • ultra,
    • momentously,
    • high,
    • enthusiastically,
    • boundlessly,
    • desperately,
    • pretty well,
    • particularly,
    • steady,
    • splendidly,
    • real,
    • uncommonly,
    • gorgeously,
    • finely,
    • right,
    • ever so,
    • beyond comparison,
    • Monumentally,
    • irrevocably,
    • shred,
    • astronomically,
    • big time,
    • influential,
    • lusty,
    • beyond measure,
    • exquisitely,
    • able,
    • neatly,
    • robust,
    • passing,
    • unco,
    • such,
    • roaring,
    • affliction,
    • emotionally,
    • totally,
    • seriously,
    • more than,
    • beaucoup,
    • marihuana,
    • sturdy,
    • bleeding,
    • peculiar,
    • virtuous,
    • cleanly,
    • stoically,
    • sore,
    • beyond all bounds,
    • ever,
    • dirty,
    • mainly,
    • stable,
    • hard,
    • spanking,
    • completely,
    • chaste,
    • incisively,
    • especially,
    • not a little,
    • enough,
    • strong,
    • ken,
    • altogether,
    • good deal,
    • fiercely,
    • terribly,
    • potently,
    • warmly,
    • extraordinary,
    • robustly,
    • beastly,
    • richly,
    • stupendously,
    • Bigly,
    • great deal,
    • way,
    • substantial,
    • honorably,
    • quaint,
    • consistency,
    • admirably,
    • That,
    • damn,
    • mortally,
    • as all get-out,
    • notable,
    • considerate,
    • painful,
    • darned,
    • thumping,
    • grossly,
    • kitty,
    • lots of,
    • substantially,
    • worlds,
    • unusually,
    • greedily,
    • heap,
    • high-mindedly,
    • stinking,
    • manifold,
    • specially,
    • monstrously,
    • vigorously,
    • in the extreme,
    • exhausted,
    • acutely,
    • passionately,
    • lot,
    • dandily,
    • basically,
    • excessively,
    • moral,
    • exceeding,
    • no end,
    • long,
    • Almightily,
    • uncommon,
    • really,
    • wildly,
    • Roaringly,
    • praise,
    • gallows,
    • deep,
    • whacking,
    • wicked,
    • much more,
    • bulkily,
    • plumb,
    • unreservedly,
    • excellently,
    • hand,
    • chiefly,
    • beautifully,
    • ever so much,
    • galore,
    • exceptional,
    • splinter,
    • hole,
    • formidably,
    • majorly,
    • monstrous,
    • to the utmost,
    • layer,
    • muchly,
    • sympathetically,
    • zealously,
    • plenty,
    • cuttingly,
    • indefinitely,
    • super,
    • ganja,
    • flock,
    • gallantly,
    • bloody,
    • colossally,
    • as all creation,
    • utterly,
    • hatful,
    • cracking,
    • pretty much,
    • archly,
    • luck,
    • Dang,
    • marijuana,
    • perfectly,
    • abound,
    • importantly,
    • Saliently,
    • mostly,
    • avidly,
    • achingly,
    • severely.

How to use «Greatly» in context?

If you use «greatly» in your writing, consider these tips:

1. Be specific. quantify what you mean by «greatly.»

2. Be clear about the relationship between the two things being compared.

3. Use «greatly» to emphasize a point.

4. Use «greatly» to emphasize a contrast.

5. Use «greatly» to describe a change in magnitude.

6. Use «greatly» to emphasize a change in quality.

7. Use «greatly» to indicate the amount of something is significant.

Paraphrases for Greatly:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adverb
      appreciably, enormously, hugely, markedly, substantially, vastly.
  • Independent

    • Adverb
      absolutely, actively, acutely, adversely, amply, badly, better, bitterly, broadly, certainly, clearly, closely, completely, critically, crucially, dearly, deeply, definitely, desperately, disproportionately, dramatically, drastically, eagerly, earnestly, eminently, emphatically, energetically, entirely, essentially, exceedingly, exceptionally, excessively, exponentially, extensively, extraordinarily, extremely, fairly, fervently, fiercely, firmly, forcefully, frequently, fundamentally, gravely, grossly, harshly, heartily, highly, hotly, immeasurably, immensely, increasingly, incredibly, infinitely, inordinately, intensely, intensively, keenly, large, lot, massively, materially, meaningfully, measurably, mightily, notably, noticeably, notoriously, overwhelmingly, particularly, perceptibly, perfectly, powerfully, profoundly, quite, radically, rather, really, remarkably, richly, robustly, seriously, severely, sincerely, sorely, steeply, strikingly, tangibly, terribly, thoroughly, tightly, totally, tremendously, truly, urgently, utterly, vehemently, vitally, vividly, warmly, well, wholeheartedly, widely, wildly, Substantively.
  • Other Related

    • Adverb
      further, heavily, largely.

Princeton’s WordNet

  1. greatlyadverb

    to an extraordinary extent or degree

    «he improved greatly»

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «greatly»:

    significantly, considerably, substantially, largely, much, very, enormously, dramatically, heavily, strongly, highly, widely, deeply, vastly, tremendously, extremely, markedly, sharply, immensely, drastically, severely, hugely, far

How to pronounce greatly?

How to say greatly in sign language?

How to use greatly in a sentence?

  1. William Cowper:

    I pity them greatly, but I must be mum, for how could we do without sugar and rum?

  2. John F. Kennedy:

    The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly.

  3. Don Blankenship:

    I think both of them are greatly responsible for the epidemic.

  4. Lee Zeldin:

    We have an administration that does not know how to confront an adversary, understanding that they do not respect weakness, they only respect strength, and it is so greatly unfortunate, the consequences, and I believe that you, sir, should resign. That would be leadership.

  5. Renier Vichot:

    There’s no doubt that there will be a challenge for people in the non-state sector as more frequent visits from the Americans will require better service, a new era is starting with a future greatly influenced by North Americans landing in Havana. We’ve got to do better.


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  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for greatly?

  • enormously
  • extremely
  • highly
  • hugely
  • immeasurably
  • immensely
  • incredibly
  • indeed
  • largely
  • markedly
  • mightily
  • notably
  • remarkably
  • tremendously
  • vastly
  • very much
  • abundantly
  • by much
  • conspicuously
  • eminently
  • emphatically
  • exceedingly
  • exceptionally
  • famously
  • glaringly
  • in great measure
  • incalculably
  • incomparably
  • infinitely
  • inimitably
  • intensely
  • most
  • much
  • on a large scale
  • powerfully
  • strikingly
  • superlatively
  • supremely
  • surpassingly

On this page you’ll find 68 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to greatly, such as: enormously, extremely, highly, hugely, immeasurably, and immensely.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use greatly in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • abundantly
  • acceptably
  • adequately
  • appropriately
  • bountifully
  • capaciously
  • completely
  • copiously
  • enough
  • extensively
  • fittingly
  • generously
  • greatly
  • lavishly
  • liberally
  • plenteously
  • plentifully
  • profusely
  • properly
  • richly
  • rightly
  • satisfactorily
  • substantially
  • suitably
  • thoroughly
  • well
  • badly
  • dreadfully
  • excessively
  • extremely
  • greatly
  • hugely
  • immensely
  • indeed
  • much
  • quite
  • terribly
  • truly
  • very much
  • acutely
  • deeply
  • exceedingly
  • extremely
  • gravely
  • greatly
  • hard
  • intensely
  • painfully
  • roughly
  • seriously
  • severely
  • advantageously
  • attractively
  • creditably
  • extremely
  • gloriously
  • greatly
  • honorably
  • illustriously
  • magnanimously
  • most deeply
  • most fortunately
  • most fully
  • most highly
  • sincerely
  • appreciably
  • far
  • greatly
  • markedly
  • noticeably
  • quite
  • rather
  • remarkably
  • somewhat
  • substantially
  • very much
  • well
  • greatly
  • profoundly
  • to a great extent
  • very
  • very much

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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