Синонимы discharge

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. discharge

    To absolve, in the strict sense, is to set free from any bond. One may be absolved from a promise by a breach of faith on the part of one to whom the promise was made. To absolve from sins is formally to remit their condemnation and penalty, regarded as a bond upon the soul. «Almighty God … pardoneth and absolveth all those who truly repent, and unfeignedly believe his holy Gospel.» Book of Common Prayer, Declar. of Absol. To acquit of sin or crime is to free from the accusation of it, pronouncing one guiltless; the innocent are rightfully acquitted; the guilty may be mercifully absolved. Compare PARDON.

    absolve, acquit, clear, exculpate, exempt, exonerate, forgive, free, liberate, pardon, pardon, release, set free

    accuse, bind, charge, compel, condemn, convict, impeach, inculpate, obligate, oblige

    One is absolved from (rarely of) a promise, a sin, etc.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. discharge

    liberate, empty, dismiss, acquit, release, free, execute, perform, send away

    confine, charge, detain

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. dischargenoun

    the sudden giving off of energy

    dismissal, arc, firing, waiver, firing off, dismission, sack, venting, liberation, release, sacking, spark, run, emission, electric arc, expelling, outpouring, electric discharge

    muster in, draft, charge, enlist

  2. discharge, ventingnoun

    the act of venting

    dismissal, arc, firing, waiver, firing off, dismission, sack, venting, liberation, release, sacking, spark, run, emission, electric arc, expelling, outpouring, electric discharge

    draft, charge, muster in, enlist

  3. discharge, emissionnoun

    a substance that is emitted or released

    dismissal, arc, emanation, firing, waiver, firing off, dismission, sack, venting, liberation, release, sacking, spark, run, emission, electric arc, expelling, outpouring, electric discharge

    muster in, enlist, charge, draft

  4. discharge, emission, expellingnoun

    any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body

    «the discharge of pus»

    dismissal, arc, emanation, firing, waiver, firing off, dismission, sack, venting, liberation, release, sacking, spark, run, emission, electric arc, expelling, outpouring, electric discharge

    enlist, muster in, draft, charge

  5. discharge, spark, arc, electric arc, electric dischargenoun

    electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field

    dismissal, arc, firing, waiver, firing off, dismission, flicker, sack, venting, liberation, release, bow, sacking, spark, sparkle, run, emission, electric arc, expelling, light, glint, twinkle, outpouring, electric discharge

    muster in, charge, draft, enlist

  6. discharge, outpouring, runnoun

    the pouring forth of a fluid

    political campaign, electric discharge, firing, gush, outpouring, liberation, streamlet, sack, spark, natural spring, release, run, test, outflow, flood, bombardment, sacking, onslaught, foot race, electric arc, overflow, emission, rill, trial, spring, campaign, firing off, arc, dismissal, expelling, waiver, streak, fountain, ravel, rivulet, tally, dismission, flush, barrage, venting, footrace, running game, runnel, running play, ladder, running

    muster in, draft, charge, enlist

  7. dismissal, dismission, discharge, firing, liberation, release, sack, sackingnoun

    the termination of someone’s employment (leaving them free to depart)

    lighting, paper bag, electric discharge, firing, outpouring, pink slip, liberation, sack, spark, judgement of dismissal, spillage, release, run, freeing, carrier bag, spill, kindling, sacking, electric arc, chemise, fire, emission, sacque, tone ending, poke, hammock, firing off, departure, arc, dismissal, press release, expelling, outlet, expiration, waiver, button, exit, judgment of dismissal, sac, pocket, shift, bagging, loss, inflammation, going, venting, pouch, handout, vent, dismission, acquittance, ignition, passing, sackful

    charge, draft, muster in, enlist

  8. release, waiver, dischargenoun

    a formal written statement of relinquishment

    electric discharge, firing, outpouring, liberation, sack, spark, release, run, freeing, spill, sacking, electric arc, emission, tone ending, firing off, departure, venting, arc, dismissal, press release, expelling, outlet, expiration, waiver, button, loss, spillage, going, exit, handout, vent, dismission, acquittance, passing

    enlist, muster in, charge, draft

  9. discharge, firing, firing offverb

    the act of discharging a gun

    dismissal, arc, firing, lighting, waiver, firing off, dismission, sack, ignition, venting, liberation, release, sacking, spark, run, emission, electric arc, expelling, kindling, inflammation, outpouring, fire, electric discharge

    muster in, enlist, charge, draft

  10. dispatch, discharge, completeverb

    complete or carry out

    «discharge one’s duties»

    unload, empty, dispatch, despatch, complete, expel, exhaust, go off, hit, nail, drop off, release, send off, fill out, finish, fire, polish off, off, fill in, slay, exculpate, assoil, set down, clear, make out, put down, acquit, murder, drop, exonerate, free, eject, muster out, bump off, remove

    muster in, enlist, draft, charge

  11. dischargeverb

    pour forth or release

    «discharge liquids»

    exhaust, assoil, expel, exculpate, empty, dispatch, clear, acquit, drop, release, put down, exonerate, muster out, complete, eject, drop off, set down, go off, unload, fire, free

    muster in, enlist, charge, draft

  12. free, dischargeverb

    free from obligations or duties

    unload, exhaust, unfreeze, unloose, dispatch, complete, expel, go off, assoil, release, drop off, resign, empty, unblock, liberate, relieve, fire, disembarrass, unloosen, put down, exempt, give up, relinquish, exculpate, justify, absolve, set down, clear, rid, acquit, dislodge, drop, exonerate, free, disengage, eject, muster out, loose

    charge, muster in, draft, enlist

  13. dischargeverb

    remove the charge from

    exhaust, assoil, expel, exculpate, empty, dispatch, clear, acquit, drop, release, put down, exonerate, muster out, complete, eject, drop off, set down, go off, unload, fire, free

    enlist, muster in, draft, charge

  14. fire, discharge, go offverb

    go off or discharge

    «The gun fired»

    unload, exhaust, kindle, absquatulate, dispatch, complete, expel, go off, give the axe, burn, assoil, can, provoke, go over, drop off, empty, enkindle, give the sack, sack, set down, decamp, bolt, elicit, fuel, fire, arouse, give notice, open fire, displace, implode, exculpate, abscond, dismiss, release, raise, clear, put down, acquit, burn down, drop, evoke, exonerate, free, force out, make off, eject, terminate, muster out, send away, come off, run off

    muster in, charge, draft, enlist

  15. acquit, assoil, clear, discharge, exonerate, exculpateverb

    pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

    «The suspect was cleared of the murder charges»

    unload, earn, exhaust, net, comport, dispatch, pull in, complete, bring in, expel, enlighten, sack, authorize, behave, straighten out, assoil, release, go off, drop off, shed light on, empty, crystalise, illuminate, light up, acquit, crystalize, deport, make, fire, crystallise, gain, take in, free, realise, carry, solve, exculpate, unclutter, set down, pass, put down, elucidate, brighten, authorise, conduct, clear up, exonerate, crystallize, sack up, top, clear, sort out, eject, realize, muster out, drop, bear

    draft, charge, muster in, enlist

  16. exhaust, discharge, expel, eject, releaseverb

    eliminate (a substance)

    «combustion products are exhausted in the engine»; «the plant releases a gas»

    unload, exhaust, let go, eat up, muster out, dispatch, complete, expel, go off, wash up, eat, boot out, assoil, release, beat, tire, unloose, empty, resign, drop off, unblock, play out, put out, liberate, use up, fire, turf out, tucker out, relinquish, unloosen, squeeze out, bring out, throw out, let go of, squirt, run through, oust, exculpate, give up, chuck out, exclude, set down, clear, secrete, publish, put down, wipe out, unfreeze, acquit, kick out, drum out, rout out, turn out, force out, drop, rout, run down, exonerate, free, tucker, sap, turn, eject, consume, deplete, issue, loose

    charge, draft, muster in, enlist

  17. drop, drop off, set down, put down, unload, dischargeverb

    leave or unload

    «unload the cargo»; «drop off the passengers at the hotel»

    fall back, drowse off, eject, strike down, fall behind, empty, unload, put down, exonerate, send away, drop down, deteriorate, cast, enter, offload, miss, drop away, spend, omit, throw away, nod off, exculpate, doze off, dangle, destroy, land, muster out, fire, throw off, get down, expend, overleap, unlade, lay, fall asleep, flatten, exhaust, cut down, dribble, place down, overlook, knock off, devolve, dispatch, leave out, demean, repose, go off, shed, complete, sink, shake off, bring down, pretermit, write down, acquit, free, disgrace, drop off, neglect, recede, fell, cast off, disembark, drift off, degenerate, throw, lose, set down, release, dope off, dismiss, expel, assoil, degrade, drop, flake out, debark, fall away, record, clear, send packing, drip, swing, slip, take down

    enlist, charge, muster in, draft

  18. fire, dischargeverb

    cause to go off

    «fire a gun»; «fire a bullet»

    unload, exhaust, kindle, dispatch, complete, expel, go off, give the axe, burn, assoil, can, provoke, drop off, empty, enkindle, give the sack, sack, set down, elicit, fuel, fire, arouse, give notice, open fire, displace, exculpate, dismiss, release, raise, clear, put down, acquit, burn down, drop, evoke, exonerate, free, force out, eject, terminate, muster out, send away

    charge, enlist, draft, muster in

  19. discharge, muster outverb

    release from military service

    exhaust, assoil, expel, exculpate, empty, dispatch, clear, acquit, drop, release, put down, exonerate, muster out, complete, eject, drop off, set down, go off, unload, fire, free

    charge, draft, muster in, enlist

  20. empty, dischargeverb

    become empty or void of its content

    «The room emptied»

    exhaust, assoil, expel, abandon, empty, dispatch, vacate, clear, acquit, release, evacuate, put down, eject, exonerate, drop, muster out, complete, exculpate, drop off, set down, go off, unload, void, fire, free

    enlist, draft, charge, muster in

Matched Categories

    • Change State
    • Electrical Conduction
    • Emission
    • Execute
    • Happening
    • Material
    • Pronounce
    • Relinquishment
    • Remove
    • Spread

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. emanated

    intransitive verb

    : to come out from a source
    transitive verb

    : emit

    she seems to emanate an air of serenity

    a sweet scent emanating from the blossoms

  2. exeat


    Submitted by rinat on August 11, 2019  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dischargeverb

    unload, disburden, unburden, relieve of a load

  2. dischargeverb

    emit, expel, excrete, eject, throw off, send out, give forth

  3. dischargeverb

    set off, fire off, let fly, give vent to, shoot, fire

  4. dischargeverb

    pay, liquidate, cash

  5. dischargeverb

    release, absolve, exonerate, acquit, clear, relieve, liberate, free, set free

  6. dischargeverb

    dismiss, discard, cashier, break, turn away, send away

  7. dischargeverb

    remove, destroy, put away, clear from

  8. dischargeverb

    perform, execute, fulfil, observe, acquit one’s self of

  9. dischargeverb

    remove, take out (as the cargo of a vessel)

  10. dischargeverb

    10. (Law.) cancel, rescind, annul, nullify, invalidate, make void

  11. dischargenoun

    unloading, disburdening

  12. dischargenoun

    emission, ejection, expulsion, excretion, vent, evacuation

  13. dischargenoun

    firing, explosion, blast, burst, firing off

  14. dischargenoun

    observance, performance, fulfilment, execution

  15. dischargenoun

    payment, settlement, liquidation, satisfaction, clearance

  16. dischargenoun

    release, liberation, exemption

  17. dischargenoun

    acquittal, exoneration, absolution

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dischargenoun

    firing, burst, blast, volley, fusillade, salvo, acquittance, exoneration, quittance, release, fulfillment, observance, performance, dismissal, liquidation, payment evacuation, emission, ejection, exudation, excretion voiding, quietus

  2. dischargeverb

    absolve, acquit, exculpate, release, exonerate, free, dismiss, cashier, remove, excrete, exude, void, eject, emit, expel, pay, liquidate, fulfill, perform, fire, shoot, volley, annul, rescind, invalidate, abrogate, cancel

    retain, hold

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «discharge»:

    landfill, download, fulfil, unloading, rejection, spill, release, fulfilment, emptying, unload, discharging, offload, junkyard, dump, flow, performance, perform, fulfill, dismissal, releases, downloading, meet, fulfilling, liberation, clearance, outlet, emission, offloading, acquittal, play, exemption, outfall, comply, exercise, discharges, evacuation, dumpster, absolution, landfills

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  1. discharge

    Song lyrics by discharge — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by discharge on the Lyrics.com website.

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  1. Art Acevedo:

    The discharge of those 21 shots by those four members are not objectively reasonable, i don’t consider Four Houston police officers objectively reasonable ; the chain of command does not consider Four Houston police officers objectively reasonable and I believe anyone that watches this… would see they had a lot of opportunities and a lot of other options readily available to them.

  2. Carl Lipo:

    The issue of water availability (or the lack of it) has often been mentioned by researchers who work on Rapa Nui/Easter Island, when we started to examine the details of the hydrology, we began to notice that freshwater access and statue location were tightly linked together. It wasnt obvious when walking around—with the water emerging at the coast during low tide, one doesnt necessarily see obvious indications of water. File photo — Statues at Anakena Beach, Easter Island, Chile. (Photo by Eric LAFFORGUE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images) Places without ahu/moai showed no freshwater, he added. The pattern was striking and surprising in how consistent it was. Researchers had already identified groundwater discharge in coastal areas as a key factor in the statues placement on Easter Islands coast. In the latest stage of the research, experts examined how the availability of freshwater in certain areas was linked to the methods and means of building the statues. EASTER ISLANDS ANCIENT CIVILIZATION WAS NOT DESTROYED BY WARFARE, EXPERTS SAY Around 900 statues, or moai, are dotted around Easter Island. Circa 1955: Two ancient statues of uncertain origin on Easter Island, in the South Pacific Ocean. (Photo by Richard Harrington/Three Lions/Getty Images).

  3. Police Commissioner Bratton:

    What happened last night was a very unfortunate tragedy, It appears to be an accidental discharge with no intention to strike anybody at this time.

  4. Tim Grace:

    He doesn’t take this lightly, he understands that what he did and what he had to do – and all law enforcement officers across the country, the last thing they want to do is to have to discharge their weapon and use deadly force.

  5. Joaquin Cigarroa:

    In addition, prior to discharge, make sure you are referred to a cardiac rehab program and have a follow-up with a heart doctor.

Translations for discharge

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • уволнение, изписвам, освобождавам, разряд, уволнявам, дебит, изпускане, изпускам, разреждам, изстрелвам, изпълнявам, изписване, изпълнение, освобождаванеBulgarian
  • průtokCzech
  • Entladung, entladen, entlassen, EntlassungGerman
  • despedir, dar de alta, completar, cumplir, descargo, disparar, caudal, descarga, descargarSpanish
  • دبىPersian
  • vapauttaa, purkaa, lähettää, päästää, purkautua, täyttää, laukaistaFinnish
  • débitFrench
  • scaoilIrish
  • cuir à dreuchd, dì-luchdaich, ìocScottish Gaelic
  • मुक्तिHindi
  • 放電, 発射Japanese
  • rukenga, eroMāori
  • ontladen, voltooienDutch
  • vannføring, utskrivning, utvisning, losse, utskrive, utladeNorwegian
  • rozładować sięPolish
  • descargaPortuguese
  • descărcaRomanian
  • выписка, разряд, выпускание, выплата, выполнение, увольнение, демобилизация, выделение, освободи́ть, осуществление, разряжа́ть, запустить, вы́платить, увольня́ть, разряди́ть, демобилизо́вывать, выполня́ть, осуществи́ть, вы́писать, запускать, осуществля́ть, демобилизова́ть, освобожда́ть, уво́лить, выпла́чивать, исполнение, сукровица, расход, вы́полнить, выпи́сыватьRussian
  • klarera, avlossa, utsöndring, avfyra, utryckning, flöde, muck, avsked, vattenföring, utskrivning, urladdningSwedish
  • ปล่อยThai
  • tahliye etmekTurkish

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absolution, acquittal, amnesty, arc, blast, en.synonym.one, boom, burst, chuck, climax, copulation, crack, deliverance, detonation, dismissal, dismission, ejaculation, ejection, electric arc, electric discharge, emanation, emergence, emission, eruption, evacuation, execution, en.synonym.one, exemption, exhalation, exoneration, expelling, explosion, expulsion, firing, firing off, flow, forgiveness, heave-ho, indulgence, issue, jet, leakage, liberation, observance, outbreak, outburst, outpouring, output, overflowing, pardon, performance, phlegm, en.synonym.one, pop, remission, removal, report, reprieve, round, run, sack, sacking, saliva, salvo, satisfaction, severance, shot, spark, spittle, spout, spurt, squirt, steam, stream, vapour, venting, volley, waiver, absolve, accomplish, achieve, acquit, adopt, en.synonym.one, air, answer, appropriate, assoil, assume, banish, barrage, be sufficient, beam, blast, blow up, bombard, break, bring forth, burst, cancel, carry, carry out, cash, cash in, en.synonym.one, cashier, cast, catapult, clear, compensate, complete, comply with, consummate, deal, deliver, depose, detonate, direct, disburden, disburse, discard, dislodge, dismiss, dispatch, dispense, displace, dispossess, dissolve, do, drain, en.synonym.one, drive away, drive out, drop, drop off, dump, ease, ease off, effect, eject, emancipate, emancipation, emit, empty, erupt, evacuate, excavate, exclude, excrete, exculpate, execute, exempt, exercise, exhaust, exile, exonerate, expatriate, expel, explode, extricate, exude, fill, filtrate, fire, fling down, flow, fracture, free, fulfil, fulfill, fulminate, give, give forth, give off, go off, gratify, gush, honour, hurl, ignite, implement, isolate, issue, jet, justify, lax, lay off, let go, liberate, liberation, liquidate, loose, loosen, manumit, meet, muster out, obey, observe, ooze, pay, perfect, perform, pour, pour out, project, propel, put away, put down, radiate, rake, realize, redeem, reimburse, relax, release, relieve, remove, render, repay, replace, rumble, rupture, rush, satisfy, send, set down, set free, set off, settle, shoot, shower, slack, slacken, spatter, spew forth, spill, spout, spread, spurt, squirt, stream, strew, suffice, suit, supply, surge, sweat, take, teem, throw out, thunder, torpedo, toss, transact, transport, trickle, unbind, unburden, unchain, unload, unseat, unshackle, utilise, utilize, utter, vacate, vent, verbalise, verbalize, void, whirl, effluvium, emanation, exhaust.

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flash, thunderstorm, super cell sky, nature, forward northern lights, aurora borealis, northern flash, thunderstorm, flash of lightning oil discharge, melons, coconut weather, flash, home

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Synonyms for To discharge. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 04, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/to_discharge

Synonyms for To discharge. N.p., 2016. Web. 04 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/to_discharge>.

Synonyms for To discharge. 2016. Accessed May 04, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/to_discharge.

  • clearance
  • pardon
  • parole
  • acquittal
  • exoneration
  • liberation
  • probation
  • release
  • remittance
  • disimprisonment
  • ax
  • bounce
  • demobilization
  • ejection
  • gate
  • bum’s rush
  • congé
  • old heave-ho
  • pink slip
  • the boot
  • the door
  • walking papers
  • firing
  • barrage
  • blast
  • burst
  • explosion
  • fusillade
  • report
  • salvo
  • shot
  • shower
  • volley
  • emission
  • flow
  • seepage
  • elimination
  • emptying
  • excretion
  • exudation
  • ooze
  • pus
  • secretion
  • shower
  • suppuration
  • vent
  • voiding
  • emptying
  • unburdening
  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • execution
  • fulfillment
  • observance
  • performance
  • disbursement
  • acquittal
  • liquidation
  • satisfaction
  • settlement
  • acquit
  • dismiss
  • exonerate
  • expel
  • oust
  • pardon
  • release
  • absolve
  • clear
  • emancipate
  • liberate
  • loose
  • loosen
  • manumit
  • unbind
  • unchain
  • allow to go
  • disimprison
  • unshackle
  • discard
  • displace
  • exempt
  • expel
  • let go
  • oust
  • remove
  • replace
  • terminate
  • unload
  • absolve
  • ax
  • bounce
  • bump
  • bust
  • can
  • cashier
  • disburden
  • disencumber
  • dispense
  • eject
  • excuse
  • fire
  • nix
  • relieve
  • spare
  • supersede
  • supplant
  • boot out
  • freeze out
  • give one notice
  • kick out
  • lay off
  • let off
  • let one go
  • let out
  • lock out
  • privilege from
  • ride out on rail
  • run out of town
  • show the door
  • shoot
  • blast
  • explode
  • fire
  • let off
  • set off
  • shoot off
  • emit
  • empty
  • leak
  • release
  • spew
  • dispense
  • ejaculate
  • erupt
  • excrete
  • exude
  • gush
  • ooze
  • void
  • vomit
  • break out
  • disembogue
  • give off
  • send forth
  • empty
  • remove
  • send
  • disburden
  • unburden
  • unlade
  • unpack
  • carry away
  • off-load
  • remove cargo
  • take away
  • take off
  • unship
  • unstow
  • execute
  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • do
  • fulfill
  • meet
  • observe
  • perform
  • liquidate
  • clear
  • honor
  • meet
  • quit
  • relieve
  • satisfy
  • pay up
  • square up
  • cancel
  • dissolve
  • abrogate
  • annul
  • quash
  • vacate
  • void
  • render void

On this page you’ll find 655 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to discharge, such as: clearance, pardon, parole, acquittal, exoneration, and liberation.

  • assignment
  • damming
  • delegation
  • employment
  • engagement
  • hiring
  • hold
  • imprisonment
  • incarceration
  • indebtedness
  • keep
  • loading
  • owing
  • retention
  • quiet
  • assignment
  • damming
  • delegation
  • employment
  • engagement
  • hiring
  • hold
  • imprisonment
  • incarceration
  • indebtedness
  • keep
  • loading
  • owing
  • retention
  • assignment
  • damming
  • delegation
  • employment
  • engagement
  • hiring
  • hold
  • imprisonment
  • incarceration
  • indebtedness
  • keep
  • loading
  • owing
  • retention
  • assignment
  • damming
  • delegation
  • employment
  • engagement
  • hiring
  • hold
  • imprisonment
  • incarceration
  • indebtedness
  • keep
  • loading
  • owing
  • retention
  • defeat
  • failure
  • frustration
  • neglect
  • assignment
  • damming
  • delegation
  • employment
  • engagement
  • hiring
  • hold
  • imprisonment
  • incarceration
  • indebtedness
  • keep
  • loading
  • owing
  • retention
  • assignment
  • damming
  • delegation
  • employment
  • engagement
  • hiring
  • hold
  • imprisonment
  • incarceration
  • indebtedness
  • keep
  • loading
  • owing
  • retention
  • blame
  • condemn
  • damn
  • hold
  • keep
  • maintain
  • sentence
  • welcome
  • assign
  • dam
  • delegate
  • detain
  • employ
  • engage
  • hire
  • imprison
  • load
  • owe
  • keep
  • retain
  • blame
  • condemn
  • hire
  • assign
  • dam
  • delegate
  • detain
  • employ
  • engage
  • hold
  • imprison
  • load
  • owe
  • assign
  • dam
  • delegate
  • detain
  • employ
  • engage
  • hire
  • hold
  • imprison
  • keep
  • load
  • owe
  • assign
  • dam
  • delegate
  • detain
  • employ
  • engage
  • hire
  • hold
  • imprison
  • keep
  • load
  • owe
  • assign
  • dam
  • delegate
  • detain
  • employ
  • engage
  • hire
  • hold
  • imprison
  • keep
  • load
  • owe
  • fail
  • lose
  • miss
  • neglect
  • assign
  • dam
  • delegate
  • detain
  • employ
  • engage
  • hire
  • hold
  • imprison
  • keep
  • load
  • owe
  • condemn
  • upset
  • assign
  • dam
  • delegate
  • detain
  • employ
  • engage
  • hire
  • hold
  • imprison
  • keep
  • load
  • owe
  • allow
  • keep
  • permit
  • sanction
  • support
  • validate
  • assign
  • dam
  • delegate
  • detain
  • employ
  • engage
  • hire
  • hold
  • imprison
  • load
  • owe

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING discharge

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!


How to use discharge in a sentence

And, in addition, in Wisconsin, we were able to link those data up to hospital admissions and discharge data so we got really detailed information about the kinds of injuries and the length of stays in hospitals and whatnot.


The film shows that based in part on procedural action taken by Thompson at the hearing, Cammermyer’s attorneys were able to persuade a federal court judge to overturn the discharge, resulting in Cammermeyer’s reinstatement in the Army in 1994.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • acquit
  • bleach
  • blink at
  • clear
  • discharge
  • exculpate
  • excuse
  • exempt
  • exonerate
  • forgive
  • free
  • go easy on
  • launder
  • let off
  • let off easy
  • let off the hook
  • let up on
  • liberate
  • lifeboat
  • loose
  • pardon
  • release
  • relieve
  • sanitize
  • set free
  • spare
  • spring
  • vindicate
  • whitewash
  • wink at
  • wipe it off
  • wipe the slate clean
  • write off
  • accomplish
  • acquire
  • actualize
  • attain
  • bring about
  • bring off
  • bring to pass
  • cap
  • carry out
  • carry through
  • close
  • complete
  • conclude
  • consummate
  • deliver
  • discharge
  • dispatch
  • do
  • earn
  • earn wings
  • effect
  • effectuate
  • enact
  • end
  • execute
  • finish
  • follow through
  • fulfill
  • gain
  • get
  • get done
  • manage
  • negotiate
  • obtain
  • perfect
  • perform
  • procure
  • produce
  • rack up
  • reach
  • realize
  • resolve
  • score
  • seal
  • see through
  • settle
  • sign
  • solve
  • win
  • wind up
  • work out
  • absolve
  • blink at
  • clear
  • deliver
  • discharge
  • disculpate
  • exculpate
  • excuse
  • exonerate
  • free
  • let go
  • let off
  • let off the hook
  • liberate
  • release
  • relieve
  • vindicate
  • whitewash
  • wink at
  • wipe off
  • absolution
  • amnesty
  • clearance
  • deliverance
  • discharge
  • discharging
  • dismissal
  • dismissing
  • exculpation
  • exemption
  • exoneration
  • freeing
  • letting off
  • liberation
  • pardon
  • release
  • releasing
  • relief from
  • reprieve
  • vindication
  • abate
  • abolish
  • abrogate
  • annihilate
  • blot out
  • call off
  • cancel
  • countermand
  • declare
  • delete
  • discharge
  • dissolve
  • efface
  • erase
  • expunge
  • get off the hook
  • invalidate
  • kill
  • negate
  • neutralize
  • nix
  • nullify
  • obliterate
  • quash
  • recall
  • render null and void
  • repeal
  • rescind
  • retract
  • reverse
  • revoke
  • scrub
  • undo
  • vacate
  • vitiate
  • wipe out
  • abatement
  • abolition
  • abrogation
  • annihilation
  • breakup
  • cancellation
  • dedomiciling
  • deletion
  • discharge
  • dissolution
  • erasing
  • going phfft
  • invalidation
  • negation
  • neutralization
  • nullification
  • obliteration
  • recall
  • repeal
  • rescinding
  • rescindment
  • rescission
  • retraction
  • reversal
  • revocation
  • split
  • split up
  • undoing
  • vitiation
  • voiding

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • discharge [dɪsˈʧɑːʤ] сущ

    1. разрядм


      • electrostatic discharge – электростатический разряд
      • high frequency discharge – высокочастотный разряд
      • discharge of static electricity – разряд статического электричества
    2. разгрузкаж, выгрузкаж


      • discharge zone – зона разгрузки
      • port of discharge – порт выгрузки
    3. стокм, сливм, сбросм, выбросм

      (drain, reset, emission)

      • river discharge – речной сток
      • direct discharge – прямой слив
      • maximum permissible discharge – предельно допустимый сброс
      • radioactive discharge – радиоактивный выброс
    4. нагнетаниеср


      • discharge pressure – давление нагнетания
    5. разрядкаж


      • deep discharge – глубокая разрядка
    6. выделенияср


    7. выпискаж


      • early discharge – досрочная выписка
    8. отстранениеср


    9. водоотведениеср

      (water disposal)

  • discharge [dɪsˈʧɑːʤ] гл

    1. разрядить, разряжаться, разряжать, разрядиться

      (unload, run down, ease)

      • discharged battery – разряженная батарея
    2. выписать


    3. отстранить


  • discharge [dɪsˈʧɑːʤ] прил

    1. газоразрядный

      (gas discharge)

    2. разгрузочный, сбросной

      (unloading, waste)

      • discharge end – разгрузочный конец
  • discharge [dɪsˈʧɑːʤ] прич

    1. сбрасываемый


разряд discharge, rank, category, digit, class, rate
разрядка discharge, discharging, detente
разгрузка discharge, discharging, dumping
освобождение release, liberation, exemption, emancipation, relief, discharge
сток effluent, sink, drainage, discharge, outlet, channel
слив sink, discharge, overflow, weathering
выделение discharge, excretion, liberation, secretion, allotment, assignment
исполнение execution, performance, fulfillment, pursuance, rendition, discharge
выполнение implementation, execution, performance, fulfillment, accomplishment, discharge
выписка discharge, excerpt, extraction, writing out, ordering, copying
увольнение dismissal, discharge, sacking, leave, separation, ouster
дебит discharge, yield
разряжение discharge
выстрел shot, round, discharge, report, pop, snapshot
спуск descent, down, downhill, escapement, launching, discharge
вытекание outflow, discharge, issue, drain, outlet
выпускное отверстие outlet, nozzle, discharge, spout, tap, escape
залп volley, salvo, discharge, round, flight
выпускание deflation, discharge
выхлоп exhaust, discharge, expulsion, scavenging
уплата payment, pay, discharge
оправдание justification, excuse, acquittal, defense, vindication, discharge
реабилитация rehabilitation, rehab, exoneration, discharge, whitewash, defense
секрет secret, discharge
обесцвечивание тканей discharge
раствор для обесцвечивания тканей discharge
рекомендация recommendation, guidance, reference, testimonial, prescription, discharge
выделяемое discharge
опоражнивание discharge
выполнять perform, carry out, fulfill, execute, do, discharge
разрядить discharge, defuse, relieve, let off
разряжать discharge, unload, deck out, dress up
выпускать release, let out, produce, issue, let go, discharge
освобождать rid, free, exempt, release, loose, discharge
выписывать write, write out, draw, discharge, make out, copy
увольнять dismiss, fire, retire, lay off, discharge, sack
разгружать unload, discharge, offload, dump, disgorge, detrain
реабилитировать rehabilitate, exonerate, vindicate, exculpate, retrieve, discharge
выливать pour out, empty, discharge, outpour
впадать fall, lapse, sink, go into, empty, discharge
нести свои воды discharge
выплачивать pay out, pay back, discharge, redeem, extinguish
расснащивать unrig, discharge, dismantle
увольнять в отставку discharge
давать расчет discharge
увольнять в запас discharge
освобождать от обязательств discharge
демобилизовать demobilize, release, discharge, deactivate, muster out
отпускать let go, release, dismiss, loosen, absolve, discharge
спускать let down, down, lower, discharge, bleed, deflate
восстанавливать в правах rehabilitate, reinstate, discharge, reinvest, restitute
выпускать заряд discharge
аннулировать cancel, annul, void, revoke, nullify, discharge
удалять краску discharge
обесцвечивать bleach, discolor, discolour, fade, decolorize, discharge
выстрелить fire, go off, discharge, go bang, loose off, loose

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • discharge сущ

    • emission · exhaust · vent · outlet
    • unload
    • release · liberation
    • discharging · drain · effluent · runoff · drainage · emptying · evacuation · spillway
    • performance · execution · implementation · handling
    • dismissal · layoff
    • clear · liberate
    • electric discharge


  • dismissal, release, removal, ejection, expulsion, cashiering, the sack, the boot, the ax, a/the pink slip
  • release, liberation
  • leak, leakage, emission, release, flow
  • emission, secretion, excretion, seepage, suppuration, pus, matter, exudate
  • shot, firing, blast, explosion, detonation
  • carrying out, performance, performing, execution, conduct, fulfillment, accomplishment, completion
  • payment, repayment, settlement, clearance, meeting, liquidation
  • outpouring, run
  • emission
  • waiver, release
  • venting
  • sacking, liberation, dismission, release, dismissal, firing, sack
  • firing off, firing
  • arc, spark, electric arc
  • emission, expelling


  • dismiss, eject, expel, throw out, give someone notice, release, let go, fire, terminate, cashier, sack, give someone the sack, boot out, give someone the boot, turf out, give someone their marching orders, show someone the door, send packing, pink-slip, give someone the (old) heave-ho
  • release, free, set free, let go, liberate, let out
  • send out, release, eject, let out, pour out, void, give off
  • emit, exude, ooze, leak
  • fire, shoot, let off, set off, trigger, explode, detonate
  • unload, offload, put off, remove
  • carry out, perform, execute, conduct, do, fulfill, accomplish, achieve, complete
  • pay, pay off, settle, clear, honor, meet, liquidate, defray, make good, square
  • muster out
  • exhaust, expel, eject, release
  • free
  • fire
  • fire, go off
  • dispatch, complete
  • empty
  • clear, exculpate, assoil, exonerate, acquit
  • drop, put down, drop off, set down, unload

Предложения со словом «discharge»

It can channel and redirect and amplify psychic discharge .

Он способен накапливать, перенаправлять и усиливать психические выделения.

I’ll buy his discharge and give him a pension.

я заплачу за его увольнение и дам ему пенсию.

I return your weapon and discharge you from my House.

Я возвращаю твое оружие и изгоняю тебя из своего дома.

Amarisk occupied the centre of the planet’s daylight hemisphere, the red cloud bands above the Juliffe resembling a jagged thunderbolt captured in mid-discharge.

Над Амариском, занимавшим центральную часть освещенного полушария планеты, были обнаружены полосы красного облака.

I was passing a maintenance tube on my way to see you when I smelled a discharge from the fuel system.

Я проходил мимо технического тоннеля на пути к вам когда почувствовал утечку из топливной системы.

I will comply with the court order, and I will discharge my civic duty.

Я подчинюсь предписанию суда и исполню свой гражданский долг.

And it probably explains why Garrett’s naval records didn’t give a reason for his early discharge .

И вероятно это объясняет почему в записях Гаррета нет натуральной причины для ранней отставки.

We do not have clearance to transport or discharge explosives.

У нас нет допуска к перемещению и приведению в действие взрывных устройств.

I’m gonna petition the Army to change my dad’s dishonorable discharge status to an honorable one.

Я собираюсь подать петицию в армию, чтобы изменить позорное увольнение моего отца на почётное.

Do you solemnly swear to uphold the laws of the State of Kansas and faithfully discharge the duties of Mayor?

Вы торжественно клянётесь соблюдать законы штата Канзас и честно исполнять обязанности мэра?

I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter.

Я искренне и с достоинством буду выполнять обязанности должности, в которую собираюсь вступить.

He never filed a report on the case or the discharge of his weapon.

Он не вносил это в отчёт по делу или разрядил оружие.

Did you not discharge a firearm into the back of the head of a woman you merely believed to be the Corpsetaker from a distance of a few feet away, fatally wounding her?

Не ты ли разрядил пистолет в затылок женщине, в которой лишь заподозрил Собирателя Трупов?

You must sign this application for your immediate hospital discharge at your own risk.

Подпишите это заявление о срочной выписке из больницы под свою ответственность.

The plasma disruption suggests he was exposed to a directed energy discharge before he was placed in the conduit.

Перепад плазмы предполагает, что его подвергли направленному разряду энергии прежде, чем он оказался в трубопроводе.

The inevitable static discharge electrocuted Leela, and destroyed both of their short-term memories.

Ужасный статический разряд изжарил Лилу, и стёр вашу кратковременную память.

Hari hit the floor as the burnt-yellow electrical discharge snaked and popped in the air.

Когда вспыхнул желтый электрический разряд, Гэри упал на пол.

Long-range sensors picked up an energy discharge , but now it’s gone.

Сенсоры дальнего радиуса зафиксировали разряд энергии, но теперь он исчез.

Shit, rot, sexuality, death, and unrequited discharge , for which the sun is the major metaphor

дерьмо, гниение, сексуальность, смерть и излишество, главной метафорой которого служит Солнце.

In the pale blue light the brief flicker of coronal discharge from the net was clearly visible.

В бледно — голубом свете короткая вспышка разряда от сети была хорошо видна.

All studios unanimously agree to discharge the Hollywood Ten without compensation, effective immediately.

Все студии единогласно согласились считать все контракты с голливудской десяткой аннулированными без выплаты компенсаций.

The crackling discharge of power jumped sideways and slammed squarely into the short woman.

Потрескивающий разряд энергии подскочил сбоку и врезался точно в невысокую женщину.

The instrument is withdrawn and thus it will scrape clear the pus and discharge upon its exit.

Затем инструмент вытягивается и таким образом счищает гной и освобождает проход.

I’d love to, but I still have a ton of discharge papers to get through.

Я бы с удовольствием, но у меня еще тонна бумаг, которые нужно разгрести.

Lebanon has duly sought to discharge its obligations in the area of combating the illicit cultivation, manufacture and trafficking of narcotic drugs.

Ливан стремится должным образом выполнять свои обязательства в области борьбы с незаконным выращиванием, производством и оборотом наркотиков.

The latter includes the discharge of sewage and the generation of solid waste.

Последнее включает в себя удаление бытовых сточных вод и накопление твердых отходов.

Soak Within fifteen minutes of completing the battery discharge operation specified in paragraph 5.2., the vehicle is parked in the soak area.

В течение 15 минут после завершения операции разрядки батареи, указанной в пункте 5.2, транспортное средство помещается на площадку для выдерживания.

Even in the event of a loss of vacuum between the inner and outer skin of the fuel tank the contents shall discharge in a controlled manner to prevent bursting.

Даже в случае ухудшения вакуума между внутренней и внешней оболочкой топливного бака он опорожняется контролируемым образом с целью предотвращения разрыва.

Settling ponds are employed at in situ mining operations to remove radium and/or other toxic substances from solution prior to discharge .

Пруды — отстойники используются при добыче на месте залегания для удаления радия и/или других токсичных веществ перед сбросом раствора.

The whole point of restructuring was to discharge debt and make the remainder more manageable.

Весь смысл реструктуризации заключался в погашении основной суммы долга и в том, чтобы сделать выплату остальной части долга более осуществимой.

We take it for granted that you will discharge your important duties with the best possible results.

Мы считаем само собой разумеющимся, что исполнение Вами своих Важных обязанностей увенчается наилучшими возможными результатами.

Monitoring should be conducted at the point of use or the point of effluent discharge .

Мониторинг следует проводить в месте использования или в месте сброса сточных вод.

Before we beamed out, an alien energy discharge struck very near the Captain.

Прежде, чем нас телепортировали, разряд энергии ударил очень близко от капитана.

The General Assembly must provide that body with the necessary means to discharge its mandate and fulfil its role.

Генеральная Ассамблея должна обеспечить этот орган необходимыми средствами для осуществления им своего мандата и выполнения своей роли.

In the event that the gas-discharge light source fails, this additional light source shall be automatically switched off.

В случае несрабатывания газоразрядного источника света этот дополнительный источник света должен автоматически отключаться.

Furthermore, there was considerable flexibility in the manner in which a State could discharge its duty of due diligence.

Кроме того, имеется значительная гибкость в том, каким образом то или иное государство может выполнять свою обязанность проявлять должную осмотрительность.

The quality and quantity of the discharge water exert great influence on the outside ecosystems.

Качество и количество расходуемой воды оказывает серьезное влияние на внешние экосистемы.

Protection and preservation of the quality and quantity of the discharge water exert great influence on the outside ecosystems such as in oases and lakes.

Можно найти множество прецедентов изложенного в проекте статьи 10 обязательства в практике государств и деятельности международных организаций.

The capacity of the Fund effectively to discharge its objectives depends on the prompt reimbursement of the advances drawn from it.

Способность Фонда эффективно осуществлять свои функции зависит от быстрой компенсации авансов, выплаченных за счет его средств.

In the discharge of this responsibility, closer collaboration will be needed between UNDP and other partners in the system.

В ходе выполнения этих обязанностей потребуется наладить более тесное сотрудничество между ПРООН и другими партнерами в системе.

The opportunity to discharge the Sixth Committee’s responsibility to rising generations should not be missed.

Шестой комитет не должен упустить этот шанс выполнить свой долг перед грядущими поколениями.

The eradication of hunger should be an issue of global concern, and the international community should collectively discharge its humanitarian obligations.

Борьба с голодом должна стать вопросом глобального характера, и международное сообщество должно коллективно выполнять свои гуманитарные обязательства.

But what got me my discharge was me walking into his billet and shooting him in the bicep.

А в отставку меня отправили за то, что я зашел к нему в казарму и прострелил ему бицепс.

Prior to processing the application, he will be advised of the possible effects of discharge as a conscientious objector.

До рассмотрения заявления заявитель уведомляется о возможных последствиях его освобождения от военной службы в качестве лица, отказывающегося от военной службы по соображениям совести.

It was more logical first to lay down the principle and subsequently to indicate how the Committee would discharge the function that corresponded to it.

Было бы логичнее сначала изложить принцип, а затем указать, каким образом Комитет будет выполнять связанные с ним функции.

The shareholders will not be liable for the residual claims and the issue of their discharge does not arise.

Акционеры не будут нести ответственности по оставшимся требованиям и вопрос об их освобождении от обязательств не встает.

On small vessels the discharge connections may be situated on one side.

На небольших судах выводные патрубки могут размещаться с одного борта.

Discharge of the Naryn at the Utshterek gauging station only.

Речной сток Нарына только на гидрометрическом посту в Уштереке.

States cannot discharge their obligations in a perfect manner if the fulfilment of international obligations remains imperfect.

Государства не могут оптимально выполнять свои национальные обязательства в случае ненадлежащего соблюдения международных обязательств.

The plant is provided with an extruder for slag discharge .

Установк снабжена вытеснительным устройством для вывода шлаков.

Another new NVIDIA video cards from the above-mentioned list has full hardware decoding h. and maximum completely discharge the central computer processor.

Другие новые видеокарты NVIDIA, из списка указанного выше, имеют полное аппаратное декодирование h. и максимально полно снимают нагрузку с центрального процессора компьютера.

The fall-back rule under the first alternative would be to impose full liability on the carrier whenever the carrier is unable to discharge its burden of proof.

Резервное правило в соответствии с первым альтернативным вариантом могло бы предусматривать возложение полной ответственности на перевозчика, если перевозчик не в состоянии представить соответствующие доказательства.

Urban wastewater discharge is the dominant emission pathway, while discharge from manufacturing, animal husbandry and aquaculture are important regionally.

Основным каналом выбросов являются городские сточные воды, хотя на региональном уровне немалое значение имеют и выбросы производства, животноводства и аквакультуры.

The invention relates to induction plasma generators for processing materials in a low-temperature gas discharge plasma medium.

Изобретение относится к индукционным генераторам плазмы, предназначенным для обработки материалов в среде низкотемпературной плазмы газового разряда.

Maximum discharge , m3/s Average discharge , m3/s Minimum discharge , m3/s.

Максимальный сток, мЗ/с Средний сток, мЗ/с Минимальный сток, мЗ/с Месяц.

It cannot discharge that responsibility alone.

Он не может осуществлять эту ответственность в одиночку.

This can involve very severe punishment, including discharge .

Эти меры могут включать весьма суровые меры наказания, в том числе увольнение.

Large settlements and towns discharge treated wastewaters.

В крупных населенных пунктах и небольших городах сточные воды сбрасываются очищенными.

She said that absent and lost fathers must discharge their responsibilities.

Она заявила, что отцы, не проживающие в семье и оставившие семью, должны выполнять свои обязанности.

Business dictates we discharge her… ingoodtimesorbad, Ms.Lipp.

Бизнес требует уволить ее… в хорошие или плохие времена, мисс Липп.

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