Синонимы connections

  • contact
  • network
  • relation
  • acquaintance
  • agent
  • ally
  • associate
  • association
  • friend
  • go-between
  • intermediary
  • kin
  • kindred
  • kinship
  • mentor
  • messenger
  • reciprocity
  • relative
  • sponsor
  • affiliation
  • attachment
  • conjunction
  • hookup
  • link
  • linkage
  • network
  • tie
  • alliance
  • association
  • bond
  • combination
  • coupling
  • fastening
  • joining
  • joint
  • junction
  • juncture
  • seam
  • tie-in
  • tie up
  • union
  • conjointment
  • partnership
  • application
  • communication
  • correlation
  • link
  • relation
  • relationship
  • affinity
  • association
  • bearing
  • bond
  • commerce
  • correspondence
  • intercourse
  • interrelation
  • kinship
  • marriage
  • nexus
  • reciprocity
  • relevance
  • tie-in
  • togetherness

On this page you’ll find 201 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to connection, such as: contact, network, relation, acquaintance, agent, and ally.

  • divorce
  • antagonism
  • disunion
  • division
  • separation
  • disconnection
  • gap
  • opening
  • disconnection
  • gap
  • opening

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • admittance
  • approach
  • avenue
  • connection
  • contact
  • course
  • door
  • entrance
  • entree
  • entry
  • entrée
  • in
  • ingress
  • introduction
  • key
  • open arms
  • open door
  • passage
  • path
  • road
  • route
  • way
  • alliance
  • amalgamation
  • banding together
  • bunch
  • cahoots
  • clan
  • coalition
  • combination
  • confederation
  • conjunction
  • connection
  • crew
  • crowd
  • gang
  • hookup
  • incorporation
  • joining
  • league
  • merging
  • mob
  • outfit
  • partnership
  • relationship
  • ring
  • syndicate
  • tie-in
  • union
  • alliances
  • amalgamations
  • banding togethers
  • bunches
  • cahoots
  • clans
  • coalitions
  • combinations
  • confederations
  • conjunctions
  • connections
  • crews
  • crowds
  • gangs
  • hookups
  • incorporations
  • joinings
  • leagues
  • mergings
  • mobs
  • outfits
  • partnerships
  • relationships
  • rings
  • syndicates
  • tie-ins
  • unions
  • alikeness
  • alliance
  • analogy
  • association
  • closeness
  • connection
  • correspondence
  • kinship
  • likeness
  • relation
  • relationship
  • resemblance
  • semblance
  • similitude
  • accord
  • affiliation
  • affinity
  • betrothal
  • bond
  • coalition
  • coherence
  • collaboration
  • collusion
  • combination
  • communion
  • compact
  • concord
  • concurrence
  • confederacy
  • confederation
  • congruity
  • conjunction
  • connection
  • consanguinity
  • cooperation
  • engagement
  • entente
  • federation
  • fraternization
  • friendship
  • interrelation
  • kinship
  • league
  • marriage
  • matrimony
  • membership
  • mutuality
  • pact
  • participation
  • partnership
  • relation
  • support
  • tie
  • treaty
  • union
  • accords
  • affiliations
  • affinities
  • betrothals
  • bonds
  • coalitions
  • coherence
  • collaborations
  • collusions
  • combinations
  • communions
  • compacts
  • concords
  • concurrences
  • confederacies
  • confederations
  • congruities
  • conjunctions
  • connections
  • consanguinities
  • cooperations
  • engagements
  • ententes
  • federations
  • fraternization
  • friendships
  • interrelations
  • kinships
  • leagues
  • marriages
  • matrimony
  • memberships
  • mutualities
  • pacts
  • participations
  • partnerships
  • relations
  • supports
  • ties
  • treaties
  • unions

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

What is another word for Connection?

  • link

    attachment, associate

  • association

    commitment, link

  • contact

    touch, link

  • relation

    association, attachment

  • relationship

    bond, link

  • affiliation

    affinity, kinship

  • coupling

    link, attachment

  • tie

    link, attachment

  • bond

    attachment, contact

  • joint

    associate, connect

  • joining

    association, combination

  • union

    touch, joint

  • junction

    joining, fusion

  • attachment

    cohesion, association

  • communication

    bond, adhesion

  • conjunction

    association, near

  • correlation

    association, connect

  • alliance

    relation, relationship

  • juncture

    joint, coupling

  • linkage

    bond, adhesion

  • affinity

    kinship, affiliation

  • kin

    contact, relation

  • combination

    fusion, near

  • bearing

    importance, relates

  • nexus


  • kinship

    affiliation, relates

  • relevance

    bearing, relates

  • fastening


  • hookup

    connect, links

  • interconnection


  • tie-in

    connect, links

  • intercourse

    communication, interaction

  • seam

    joint, links

  • interdependence

    affiliation, contingency

  • connective

  • connexion

  • liaison

    communication, adhesion

  • relative

    contact, relation

  • correspondence


  • partnership


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phrasal verb



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Connection Thesaurus

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Nearby Words

connective, connect, connected, connecting, connexion, connectedness, connector, connectivity, connectionless

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heart, red heart, rope shaking hands, handshake, hands shaking hands, handshake, hands shaking hands, handshake, skyline shaking hands, handshake, skyline laptop, computer, internet

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Synonyms for Connection. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 03, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/connection

Synonyms for Connection. N.p., 2016. Web. 03 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/connection>.

Synonyms for Connection. 2016. Accessed May 03, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/connection.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. connection

    We speak of an alliance of nations, a club of pleasure-seekers, a community of Shakers, a company of soldiers or of friends, a confederacy, confederation, federation, or union of separate states under one general government, a partnership or company of business men, a conjunction of planets. The whole body of Freemasons constitute a fraternity; one of their local organizations is called a lodge. A corporation or company is formed for purposes of business; an association or society (tho also incorporated) is for learning, literature, benevolence, religion, etc. Compare ASSOCIATE; ACQUAINTANCE; FRIENDSHIP.

    alliance, association, club, community, companionship, company, confederacy, confederation, conjunction, corporation, familiarity, federation, fellowship, fraternity, friendship, lodge, participation, partnership, society, union

    disintegration, independence, isolation, separation, solitude

    An association of scholars for the advancement of knowledge; association with the good is ennobling.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.5 / 2 votes

  1. connection

    junction, conjunction, union, association, concatenation, relation, affinity, relevance, intercourse, communication, unarm an, relationship, kindred

    disconnection, disjunction, dissociation, independence, irrelevance, disunion

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. connection, connexion, connectednessnoun

    a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it)

    «there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare»

    link, connector, connexion, connecter, association, connective, connectedness, joining

  2. connection, link, connectednessnoun

    the state of being connected

    «the connection between church and state is inescapable»

    connective, linkup, connexion, tie, tie-in, inter-group communication, liaison, data link, joining, radio link, link, connectedness, association, nexus, connector, connecter, contact

  3. connection, connexion, connector, connecter, connectivenoun

    an instrumentality that connects

    «he soldered the connection»; «he didn’t have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers»

    link, continuative, connector, connexion, connecter, association, conjunctive, conjunction, connective, connectedness, joining

  4. connectionnoun

    (usually plural) a person who is influential and to whom you are connected in some way (as by family or friendship)

    «he has powerful connections»

    link, connector, connexion, connecter, association, connective, connectedness, joining

  5. association, connection, connexionnoun

    the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination

    «conditioning is a form of learning by association»

    tie-up, link, tie, connexion, connecter, affiliation, connector, connective, connectedness, joining, association

  6. connection, connexion, linknoun

    a connecting shape

    connective, linkup, connexion, tie, tie-in, inter-group communication, liaison, data link, joining, radio link, link, connectedness, association, nexus, connector, connecter, contact

  7. connectionnoun

    a supplier (especially of narcotics)

    link, connector, connexion, connecter, association, connective, connectedness, joining

  8. connection, connexionnoun

    shifting from one form of transportation to another

    «the plane was late and he missed his connection in Atlanta»

    link, connector, connexion, connecter, association, connective, connectedness, joining

  9. joining, connection, connexionnoun

    the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)

    «the joining of hands around the table»; «there was a connection via the internet»

    link, connector, connexion, connecter, association, connective, connectedness, joining

Matched Categories

    • Acquaintance
    • Change Of Integrity
    • Memory
    • Narcotic
    • Relation
    • Shape
    • Supplier
    • Transportation
    • Union

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. connectionnoun

    union, alliance, junction, association, dependence

  2. connectionnoun

    intercourse, communication, commerce

  3. connectionnoun

    affinity, relationship

  4. connectionnoun

    kinsman, relative, relation, kindred

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. connectionnoun

    union, alliance, relationship, junction, conjunction, affiliation, association, filiation, implication, relative, relation, kinsman, bond, tie, link, coupling vinculum

    disconnection, detachment, isolation, incoherence

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «connection»:

    regard, connecting, relationship, link, context, respect, connect, connections, login, relation, sign-on, sense, linkage, signon, connexion, connectivity, conjunction, links, framework, subject, attaching, liaison, attach, opportunity, correlation, connected, junction, report, matter, occasion, vein, topic, ratio, area

How to pronounce connection?

How to say connection in sign language?

How to use connection in a sentence?

  1. Julian LeBaron:

    The first step is more accountability. The government needs to be able to fire anyone officials, law enforcement engaging in the corruption and the cycle of violence, the connection between organized crime and the government is so obvious that it is sickening. I dont believe in violence, but I believe in being able to protect my family.

  2. Joshua Green:

    They have a lot in common with the people who spend the most time on the Internet, the centrality of cats to the digital world is because they have a cultural connection to the people who live there. The fact is, cats are just better nerd pets.

  3. Marc Ganis:

    The connection between playing football and brain issues has been something that has been discussed for years and the NFL has been taking action to reduce the severity and provide funding to those who have been injured, the clearest example is the class action suit. … Whenever you agree to pay out billions of dollars and you don’t have an insurance company that has insured you the money, that’s a statement to seriousness about the issue.

  4. Merrick Garland:

    As I stated during my confirmation hearing, political or other improper considerations must play no role in any investigative or prosecutorial decisions. These principles that have long been held as sacrosanct by the DOJ career workforce will be vigorously guarded on my watch, and any failure to live up to them will be met with strict accountability, there are important questions that must be resolved in connection with an effort by the department to obtain records related to Members of Congress and Congressional staff.

  5. Vincent Foucher:

    It opens the longer game of trying to create a connection to people.

Translations for connection

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • صلة, علاقةArabic
  • съединение, връзка, свързванеBulgarian
  • spojeníCzech
  • forbindelseDanish
  • Verbindung, AnschlussGerman
  • ανταπόκριση, σύνδεσηGreek
  • konekto, kunligo, komunikiĝo, interligitecoEsperanto
  • conexión, confianza, llamada, vinculaciónSpanish
  • seostamine, seos, ühendamine, ühendusEstonian
  • اتصالPersian
  • yhdistäminen, jatkoyhteys, yhteysFinnish
  • connexion, correspondance, rapport, lien, complicitéFrench
  • nascIrish
  • קשר, חיבור, קישורHebrew
  • संबंधHindi
  • hubungan, koneksiIndonesian
  • connessione, coincidenzaItalian
  • חיבורHebrew
  • 結合, 通信, 縁故, 関係, 連結, 連絡Japanese
  • nexusLatin
  • ryšys, jungtis, sujungimasLithuanian
  • moumourangaMāori
  • penyambunganMalay
  • verbinding, connectieDutch
  • conexão, junção, ligaçãoPortuguese
  • joncțiune, îmbinare, legătură, legare, unire, conexiune, relație, conectareRomanian
  • связь, пересадка, соединениеRussian
  • förbindelseSwedish
  • సంధానంTelugu
  • aktarma, bağlanma, bağlantı, bağTurkish
  • کنکشنUrdu

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  • Nederlands (Dutch)
  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
  • Latinum (Latin)
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  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
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  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for connection?


1    alliance, association, attachment, coupling, fastening, junction, link, tie, union  

2    affiliation, affinity, association, bond, commerce, communication, correlation, correspondence, intercourse, interrelation, liaison, link, marriage, nexus, relation, relationship, relevance, tie-in  

3    context, frame of reference, reference  

4    acquaintance, ally, associate, contact, friend, sponsor  

5    kin, kindred, kinsman, kith, relation, relative  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( connections    plural  )
in BRIT, also use connexion     

1       n-var   A connection is a relationship between two things, people, or groups.  
usu N prep  
(=association, link)  

There was no evidence of a connection between BSE and the brain diseases recently confirmed in cats…, The police say he had no connection with the security forces…     

2       n-count   A connection is a joint where two wires or pipes are joined together.  
Check all radiators for small leaks, especially round pipework connections.     

3       n-count   If a place has good road, rail, or air connections, many places can be directly reached from there by car, train, or plane.  
usu n N  
Fukuoka has excellent air and rail connections to the rest of the country.     

4       n-count   If you get a connection at a station or airport, you catch a train, bus, or plane, after getting off another train, bus, or plane, in order to continue your journey.  
usu sing  
My flight was late and I missed the connection.     

5       n-plural   Your connections are the people who you know or are related to, especially when they are in a position to help you.  
She used her connections to full advantage.     

6    If you write or talk to someone in connection with something, you write or talk to them about that thing.  

in connection with      prep-phrase  
13 men have been questioned in connection with the murder.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

digital connections




virtual network linking an user to his or her professional and / or personal contacts

Additional comments:

Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus




A culture of internet only jobs has coined the phrase Wirk. Wirk simply means Internet Work. Internet work is defined by job opportunities that did not exist before the rise of the internet and furthermore the work is likely to be carried out over the internet and payment received for work undertaken via the internet. Wirk describes both full time and part time internet work. Because of the nature of Wirk and the ability for anyone that has internet connection to earn money from Wirk, it is currently more likely to be a part time occupation than full time. Paid Online Questionnaires, Content Writing, Search Marketing are all examples of Wirk.

This is a term rising in popularity



coffee shop used as an office especially using internet connection with your laptop computer

new term coined in 2010, not entered yet as «official»



1. the state of being joined together 2. in logic, the connection of isolated facts by means of a general description or hypothesis which applies to them all

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • connection [kəˈnekʃn] сущ

    1. соединениеср, подключениеср, присоединениеср, подсоединениеср

      (connect, joining)

      • high speed connection – высокоскоростное соединение
      • connection string – строка подключения
      • type of network connection – тип сетевого подключения
      • connection of external devices – подключение внешних устройств
      • connection to power grids – присоединение к электрическим сетям
    2. отношениеср, взаимосвязьж

      (relation, relationship)

      • diplomatic connections – дипломатические отношения
      • deep connection – глубинная взаимосвязь
    3. связиж


    4. сообщениеср


    5. контактм


    6. разъемм


    7. привязкаж, увязкаж


    8. патрубокм, штуцерм

      (socket, fitting)

    9. стыковкаж


      • connection time – время стыковки
    10. связностьж


    11. причастностьж


    12. коннектм

    13. схема подключения

      (connection diagram)

  • connection [kəˈnekʃn] прил

    1. соединительный


  • connection [kəˈnekʃn] прич

    1. связанный


  • connexion [kəˈnekʃn] сущ

    1. связьж, соединениеср

      (ties, connection)

      • necessary connexion – необходимая связь
    2. родствоср


    3. связностьж


связи connection, communications, contact, in, connexion, hookup
соединение compound, connection, conjunction, joint, combination, link
связь relations, bonds, binding, communication, connection, bond
присоединение connection, attachment, joining, affiliation, inclusion, apposition
родство kinship, relationship, kin, consanguinity, relation, connection
сочленение joint, articulation, connection, connexion
средство связи communication, connection, connexion
родственник relative, cousin, kinsman, relation, cognate, connection
средство сообщения communication, intermedium, connection, connexion
клиентура clientele, custom, patronage, clientage, connection, connexion
свойственник connexion, connection, cousin-in-law
половая связь connection, connexion
согласованность расписания connexion, connection
знакомства contact, connexion, connection
покупатели trade, custom, connexion, connection
свойство property, characteristic, feature, attribute, affinity, connection

Предложения со словом «connection»

And I frantically started searching if there were scientific papers on the connection of gut and brain.

Я стала лихорадочно искать научные статьи о связи кишечника и мозга.

It starts with each one of us building connection through dialogue — in our relationships, our communities and as a country.

Каждый должен начать с себя, общаться посредством диалога: в наших личных взаимоотношениях, в группах и в масштабе всей страны.

Cherish those moments of deep connection with other people, with the natural world, and make them a priority.

Цените такие моменты глубокой связи с другими людьми, с миром природы, и пусть они будут в приоритете.

And yet the danger of achieving this dream is a false sense of connection and an increase in social isolation.

Но опасность достижения этой мечты — ложное чувство связи и усиление социальной изоляции.

Social media also contributes to this false sense of connection .

Социальные сети тоже способствуют развитию этого ложного чувства связи.

The point of connection , this space circled in red, is called the synapse.

Точка соединения , обведённая красным, называется синапс.

You have that single neural connection , that one synapse.

У вас есть только одно нейронное соединение , один — единственный синапс.

So we decided to use data to create a connection between Samantha and all of the people looking at her from below.

Поэтому мы решили использовать эти данные для общения между Самантой и людьми, которые смотрят на неё снизу.

It took 158 days to get a new electric connection .

Требовалось 158 дней, чтобы подсоединить электричество.

We experience time discrimination, he tells us, not just as structural, but as personal: in lost moments of joy, lost moments of connection , lost quality of time with loved ones and lost years of healthy quality of life.

Мы переживаем дискриминацию времени, говорит он нам, не только как часть целого, но и персонально: в потерянных моментах радости, потерянных связях, потерянном времени с любимыми и потерянных годах здорового качества жизни.

What’s the connection ?

Какая тут связь?

But if you had this connection to the things that you design and create after they’re out in the real world, after they’ve been sold or launched or whatever, we could actually change that, and go from making people want our stuff, to just making stuff that people want in the first place.

Но если у вас есть эта связь с вашим созданием, после того, как оно оказалось в реальном мире, после того, как его купили, установили, мы можем изменить положение вещей: нужно не людей заставлять покупать, а сделать товар, который бы захотели купить.

There’s obviously many important questions, but I think the following is a good place to start: What do we think the connection is between a child’s growing mind and their growing body?

Очевидно, что важных вопросов много, но, думаю, начать стоит с этого: какова, на наш взгляд, связь между развитием ума ребёнка и развитием его тела?

And by pattern, I mean a connection , a structure, some regularity, some rules that govern what we see.

Под закономерностью я подразумеваю некую связь, структуру, постоянство, некие правила, управляющие чем — либо.

And this is all over mathematics and this is all over computer science, and there’s a really deep connection between empathy and these sciences.

В математике и информатике это буквально повсюду, и существует действительно глубокая связь между сочувствием и этими науками.

As someone who spends most of my time alone in a studio working, I had no idea that this kind of connection could be so important, so healing.

Проводя бóльшую часть времени одна в студии за работой, я и понятия не имела, что такая связь может быть такой важной и исцеляющей.

I could feel my deepest intention, what matters most to me, that human connection that can happen in a space where there’s no resisting or controlling.

Я могла почувствовать глубочайшие помыслы, то, что важно для меня, связь между людьми, то, что происходит там, где нет сопротивления или контроля.

And art therapy is showing us how to make that connection .

А арт — терапия показывает нам, как наладить эту связь.

Any connection to biotech, science, medicine, DNA.

Любую связь с биотехнологиями, наукой, медициной, ДНК.

I doubt it has any real connection with the Vatican.

Сомневаюсь, что тут существует реальная связь с Ватиканом.

My connection to God and my relations with women.

Моим отношением к Богу и моими связями с женщинами.

This also explains his effectiveness in connection with computing machines.

Это также объясняет эффективность его знакомства с вычислительными машинами.

I was quality control for his Colombian cocaine connection .

Я работал на контроле качества для его колумбийских кокаиновых поставщиков.

Your connection to Michelle Obama has certain negative connotations.

Твоя связь с Мишель Обамой определенно имеет негативные коннотации.

We didn’t find a single connection between our victims?

Мы не нашли ни единой связи между нашими жертвами?

Every kind of pride must revolt from the connection .

Всякое чувство гордости должно было восстать против такого родства.

And that deep connection extends far beyond our closest relatives.

И эта глубокая связь не ограничивается лишь нашими ближайшими родственниками.

I always think about connection between my name and my wishes.

Я всегда думаю о связи моего имени с моими желаниями.

The fact of its existence was first recorded in the chronicles in 1067 connection with the battle on the river Nemiga.

Факт его существования был сначала зарегистрирован в хрониках в 1067 связях со сражением на речном Nemiga.

It was first mentioned in chronicles in 1067 in connection with the battle of the Nemiga River during which it was completely destroyed.

Это было сначала упомянуто в хрониках в 1067 в связи со сражением Реки Nemiga, в течение которой это было полностью разрушено.

There’s even a possibility that a connection has been made, that they’re getting ready to exchange gifts and pledge mutual friendship.

Может быть, была установлена связь и они готовы обменяться сувенирами и поклясться во взаимной дружбе.

There’s only a connection in very general terms, Hutch.

Связь существует только в самом общем смысле, Хатч.

I’m sorry to interrupt this weird love connection , but we are in a hurry.

Простите, что мешаю этому странному влечению, но мы немного торопимся.

We’ve been following the threads on Juliet, looking for a connection to Secretary Marsh.

Мы отслеживаем передвижения Джулиет, ищем её связь с Госсекретарем Маршем.

He wondered if there were any connection between the murder of Runcible’s engineer and the taking out of these two leadies.

Его интересовало, связаны ли как — то между собой убийство инженера Рансибла и уничтожение двух железок.

Do you consider there is anything vicious about my brother’s connection with this German?

Полагаете ли вы, что отношения моего брата с этим немцем носят порочный характер?

We’re seeing if tech can enhance the image, but we found no connection between this Harley and the pizza joints.

Техники пытаются увеличить изображение, но мы не нашли связи между Харли и пиццериями.

Did she never mention a single name in connection with some experience, either pleasant or disagreeable?

Не упоминала ли она когда — нибудь хоть какое — нибудь имя в отрицательном или положительном контексте?

However, our inquiries are ongoing and you may subsequently be arrested in connection with these offences.

Однако, наши расследования продолжаются и впоследствии вы можете быть арестованы в связи с этими преступлениями.

The Post says they’re extracting audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents, and connection logs that enable analysts to track a person’s movements and contacts over time.

Передаются аудио, видео, фото, почта, документы… Журналы соединений позволяют вычислить все передвижения и контакты пользователей.

Atys-I was forcing myself to think of him by his first name in an effort to establish some kind of connection with him-sat uncomfortably at a cheap pine kitchen table, Elliot beside him.

Атис неловко присел у дешевого кухонного стола, сделанного из сосны, Эллиот разместился рядом с ним.

I’m awfully sorry, but we don’t have a missed connection section here at the herald.

Мне ужасно жаль, но у нас нет колонки пропавших без вести в Вестнике.

There’s no material connection Between the mother’s disappearance and the grandmother.

Нет никакой существенной связи между исчезновением матери и бабушкой.

The connection between dairy intake and cancer is particulary strong for prostate cancer.

Связь между потреблением молочных продуктов и раком особенно сильна для рака простаты.

Flack’s got Harlan Porter and the connection to Phi Gamma Alpha.

Флек нашёл Харлана Портера и связь с Фи Гамма Альфа.

Are you suggesting some connection between my chemical company and those, those…

Вы намекаете на какую — то связь между моим заводом и теми, теми…

It isn’t the murder, it’s the incidental things that may come out in connection with the investigation.

Дело не в убийстве, а в том, что случайно может всплыть в связи с ним.

And this connection is the secret to another of the sun’s wonders.

В этой связи можно говорить ещё об одной загадке Солнца.

Einstein’s astonishing insight into the connection between matter and energy is the engine which drives all particle physics.

Невероятная проницательность Эйнштейна между связью массы и энергии является двигателем, управляющим физикой частиц.

Duncan Sanderson had an office next door, probe mic connection .

Офис Дункана Сандерсона по соседству, подсоединенный к микрофону.

A man has been arrested in connection with the abduction and suspected murder of a teenage girl…

Мужчина был арестован, в связи с тем, что его подозревают в похищении и убийстве девочки — подростка.

Connection’s holding, but something just completely burnt out the reintegration wiring.

Соединение сохранилось, но что — то полностью сожгло реинтеграционную проводку.

Well, now there’s an easier way to revitalize your relationship and keep that connection going.

Теперь есть простой способ оживить ваши отношения и восстановить эту связь.

Wintrow reeled with the force of the connection , then sat down hard on the deck.

Неосязаемый удар оказался настолько силен, что Уинтроу пошатнулся, а потом тяжело сел на палубу.

I’m trying to find a connection between him and a man that he pranked on a recent radio broadcast…

Я пытаюсь найти связь между ним и мужчиной, которого он разыграл на недавней радиопередаче..

No obvious connection to the previous victims or body part recipients.

Нет очевидной связи с предыдущими жертвами или получателями частей тел.

A thread, a string, a hook, a connection , a trail of bloody breadcrumbs, something.

Нить, зацепка, связь, тропинка из чертовых хлебных крошек, хоть что — то.

In my own mind, there is no doubt of Athelstan’s deep spirituality, and his close connection to God.

Я считаю, что нет сомнения в глубокой духовности Ательстана, и его связями с богом.

All right, there is no scientific connection between clove and love.

Хорошо, так вот научно нет никакой связи между гвоздикой и любовью.

My connection just took on a terrible whining sound.

У меня тут раздается какое — то жуткое хныканье.

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