Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
spare [spɛə] прил
запасной, запасный, резервный
(replacement, reserve, backup)
- spare fuse – запасной предохранитель
- spare part – запасная часть
- spare parts kit – комплект запасных частей
- spare capacity – резервная мощность
- little spare time – свободное время
- spare cash – лишние деньги
spare [spɛə] гл
экономить, беречь, избавить, сэкономить, уберечь, сберечь
- spare water – экономить воду
щадить, пощадить, миловать
уделять, уделить
spare [spɛə] сущ
запасная часть, запчасти
(spare part, spare parts)
резервм, запасм
(standby, stock)
adjective | ||
запасной | spare, reserve, emergency, standby, auxiliary, store | |
свободный | free, spare, leisure, loose, easy, vacant | |
лишний | excess, extra, redundant, unnecessary, spare, odd | |
резервный | spare, backup, reserve, standby, reserved | |
худощавый | thin, spare, slight, lank, scrawny, slabsided | |
запасный | spare, emergency, alternate, store, reservation, duplicate | |
худой | thin, lean, meager, spare, gracile, angular | |
скромный | modest, humble, frugal, small, unassuming, spare | |
скудный | scarce, meager, scanty, scant, lean, spare | |
незанятый | unoccupied, idle, unemployed, vacant, free, spare | |
аварийный | emergency, crash, trouble, wreck, wreckage, spare | |
verb | ||
жалеть | spare, pity, be sorry, grudge | |
щадить | spare, have mercy on, respect, favor, favour | |
экономить | save, economize, spare, skimp, retrench, thrift | |
уделить | give, spare | |
уделять | devote, spare | |
беречь | protect, take care of, save, keep, guard against, spare | |
избавлять | deliver, rid, save, rescue, redeem, spare | |
воздерживаться | refrain, abstain, forgo, desist, keep, spare | |
обходиться без | do without, go without, dispense with, spare | |
noun | ||
запасная часть | spare part, spare, duplicate | |
дубликат | duplicate, counterpart, double, doublet, spare, tally | |
запасная шина | spare | |
запасной игрок | reserve, odd player, benchwarmer, spare, emergency |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
spare сущ
- spare part · spares · replacement
- extra · excess · emergency
- save · free
- redundant · superfluous
- backup · reserve · standby · alternate
- stint
- skimp
- stingy
- extra, supplementary, additional, second, other, alternative, alternate, emergency, reserve, backup, relief, fallback, substitute, fresh
- surplus, superfluous, excessive, extra, redundant, unnecessary, inessential, unessential, unneeded, uncalled for, dispensable, disposable, expendable, unwanted, going begging
- free, leisure, own
- trim
- scanty, bare
- plain, unornamented, bare, unembellished
- supernumerary, supererogatory, surplus, superfluous, extra, redundant, excess
- free
- afford, do without, manage without, dispense with, part with, give, provide
- pardon, let off, forgive, reprieve, release, free, leave uninjured, leave unhurt, be merciful to, show mercy to, have mercy on, be lenient to, have pity on
- dispense with, part with, give up
- save
- fifth wheel
- spare part
Предложения со словом «spare»
Learning to recognize that shameful feeling of holding back just a little love to try to spare ourselves just a little pain somewhere further down the road. |
Обучаясь узнаванию того стыдного чувства сдерживания даже капли любви, в попытке сберечь себя хотя бы от капли страданий, предстоящих где — то в дальнейшем. |
Hasn’t helped the idiotic reporting standards yet , I actually pay someone to scrub my social media feeds, attempting to spare my brain the daily iterations of the trauma of hate speech. |
Ох, уж эти идиотские стандарты информирования, Я плачý людям, чтобы они чистили мою лету в социальных сетях, в попытке освободить свой мозг от ежедневных травмирующих речей ненавистников. |
By busy, I mean she was running a small business with 12 people on the payroll, she had six children in her spare time. |
Она руководила собственным бизнесом, где у неё было 12 подчинённых, а в свободное время — шесть детей. |
One said, My parents did not have good seeds, but there are friendly men out there who have spare seeds. |
Один сказал: У родителей не было хороших семян, но есть добрые мужчины, у которых есть запасное семя. |
He carried a spare bridle slung over one shoulder. |
Через плечо у него была перекинута еще одна уздечка. |
Play your horn Don’t spare the tone |
Возьми свой горн И не жалей огня |
Spare me the sob story and the sexpot dramatics. |
Избавьте меня от рыданий и рассказов этой секс — бомбы. |
Can you spare a few minutes for the Immaculate Conception? |
Вы не уделите мне пару минут по вопросу Непорочного зачатия? |
With a hint that I wish to spare his feelings. |
С намеком на то, что разделяю его досаду. |
Spare me from armchair lefties and their cheap disdain. |
Избавь меня от кресла радикалов и их дешевого презрения. |
And she did this at home, sort of in her spare time and what she really wanted to do was to amass enough income so that she could cut out the middle man, because she basically got half of what the sari was worth, because she was handing it over to a middle man. |
И она делала это дома в свободное время, и что она действительно хотела — это накопить достаточный доход, чтобы избавиться от посредника, потому что фактически она получала половину того, что сари стоило, так как она отдавала остальное посреднику. |
Well, it’s something that I always loved to do, act, as a kid in high school, in school plays, and in my spare time, just playing around with friends. |
Ну, это то, что я всегда любил делать, играть роль, ребенком в школе в школьных спектаклях, а в свободное время просто играя с друзьями. |
I’m surrounded by rusty motorcycles and spare car parts. |
Я живу в окружении ржавых мотоциклов и автомобильных запчастей. |
The Tippoo did not spare the gorgeous throne a glance. |
И вот этот великолепный трон султан едва удостоил мимолетным взглядом. |
People have different hobbies, that is something they enjoy doing in their spare time. |
У людей различные увлечения, т.е. то , чем они любят заниматься в свое свободное время . |
I like our living room and often spend my spare time here watching TV or lying on the sofa and reading. |
Мне нравится наша гостиная и я часто провожу здесь свое свободное время — смотрю телевизор или лежу нa диване и читаю. |
In his spare time he appeared in local theatre i. |
В свободное время он играл в местном театре. |
So that I can spare my parents from public housing. |
Чтобы моим родителям не пришлось жить в государственном жилье. |
Spare keys to the door and to the gun store. |
Запасной ключ от двери и от комнаты с оружием. |
I think I left my spare key in the study. |
Я думала, что оставила свой запасной ключ в кабинете. |
I’m afraid we don’t have any spare sons. |
Я боюсь, что у нас нет запасных сыновей. |
The school has lots of spare books and art materials. |
В школе найдутся лишние книги и материалы для рукоделия. |
Ten hours that I didn’t have to spare . |
Лишние десять часов, которых у меня не было. |
My friend Nick is very busy and he doesn’t have much time to spare . |
Мой друг Ник очень занят и у него мало свободного времени. |
I cannot say that I have a lot of spare time because it takes me much time to get ready for my exams to the University and learning exams at school. |
Я не могу сказать, что у меня много свободного времени, потому что уходит много времени на подготовку к экзаменам в университет и экзаменам в школе. |
But nevertheless I find a spare minute to have a rest and do what I want and like. |
Но тем не менее я нахожу свободную минутку, чтобы отдохнуть и делаю, что хочу и как. |
In my spare time I like watching TV, listening to music, stroke and play with my cat. |
В свободное время я обожаю смотреть телевизор, слушать музыку, гладить свою кошку и играть с ней. |
Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. |
Хобби то, что человек любит делать в свободное время. |
Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. |
Конечно, мне нравится проводить свободное время со своими друзьями. |
Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time as I’m going to be a student. |
К сожалению у меня мало свободного времени, поскольку я собираюсь стать студентом. |
I don’t know whether you’ve watches this film or not but I advice you to find some spare time for it. |
Я не знаю, смотрели ли Вы этот фильм или нет, но я советую Вам найти свободное время для этого. |
They have some time to spare , because Saturday is a day off. |
У них есть свободное время, потому что суббота — выходной день. |
So, they neglect their home obligations, work or school and spend all their spare time in front of a laptop screen or a TV-set. |
Они игнорируют свои домашние обязанности, учебу или работу и проводят всё своё время перед ноутбуком или экраном телевизора. |
If we have time to spare we always spend it together. |
Свободное время мы всегда проводим вместе. |
Now every winter if I have spare time, I go to the nearest skating-rink with my friends and we have much pleasure, skating together. |
Сейчас, если у меня есть свободное время, я иду на ближайший каток с моими друзьями, и мы получаем большое удовольствие, катаясь вместе. |
A hundreds years ago there was no problem of what working people could do with their spare time. |
Сотни годы назад не было никакой проблемы того, что рабочие могли сделать с их свободным временем. |
Whenever I get spare time, I go in different sport clubs and complexes and play different team and single games such as tennis, football, volleyball, and basketball. |
Всякий раз, когда я получаю свободное время, я вхожу в различные спортивные клубы и комплексы и играю различную команду и единственные игры, типа тенниса, футбола, волейбола, и баскетбола. |
Nowadays people work all day long and rarely have spare time to rest and to do something they like. |
В настоящее время люди работают целый день и редко имеют свободное время, чтобы отдохнуть и сделать кое — что, что они любят. |
Our friends also help us to spend a good spare time. |
Наши друзья также помогают нам тратить хорошее свободное время. |
Reading is one of my hobbies, and that’s why I try to use every spare minute to read. |
Чтение — одно из моих увлечений, и поэтому я стараюсь использовать каждую свободную минуту, чтобы почитать. |
If I have some spare time I do some work about the house. |
Если у меня есть немного свободного времени, я делаю какую — нибудь работу по дому. |
This work scholarship means I must spend much of my spare time preparing bodies for the anatomy class. |
Стипендия обязывает меня большую часть свободного времени посвящать подготовке тел для занятий по анатомии. |
She was obsessed with art and spent every spare moment painting. |
Она была одержима искусством и каждую свободную минуту проводила за мольбертом. |
Every spare compartment was packed to the deckhead with Masadan soldiers and their personal weapons. |
Каждая свободная каюта была до потолка забита масадскими солдатами и их личным оружием. |
Entire cities could have been housed within its walls and room to spare . |
Целые города могли бы поместиться внутри его стен, и еще осталось бы свободное место. |
Rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, pockets bulging with spare magazines. |
Автоматические винтовки, пулеметы, гранатометы, подсумки, раздувающиеся от запасных магазинов. |
The driver had a spare trunk key in reserve and let me out. |
Водитель достал запасной ключ и выпустил меня из багажника. |
Louis placed a second magazine inside his jacket and tossed me a spare . |
Луис засунул второй магазин в карман куртки и бросил мне запасной . |
I got down to the pilot’s door, slipped the spare tank off my arm, and looked through the window. |
Я подобрался к дверце кабины, снял с руки запасной баллон и посмотрел в окно. |
I didn’t bring my gun, but I’m sure you have a spare . |
Пистолета я не захватила, но у тебя наверняка есть запасной . |
Took the two spare magazines out of the rag and laid them next to the gun. |
Достал из свертка две запасные обоймы и положил их рядом с пистолетом. |
He put his hand in his own pocket and came out with two spare magazines. |
Бек сунул руку в карман и достал две запасные обоймы. |
I keep a spare set in the fire extinguisher box in the stairwell. |
Я храню запасные ключи в пожарном щите на лестнице. |
But the fighting will continue until General Grievous is spare parts. |
Но сражения продолжатся до тех пор, пока генерал Гривус не станет грудой металлолома. |
When Matthew Broderick avoided nuclear calamity with minutes to spare ? |
Когда Мэтью Бродерик избежал ядерного бедствия с несколькими минутами в запасе ? |
Because he had wanted to spare the city further devastation by the invading rebels and outlanders. |
Потому что хотел спасти город от разрушения бунтовщиками и захватчиками. |
It had more windows, and a balcony, a spacious lounge, and a proper spare bedroom. |
Тут было больше окон и балкон, просторная гостиная и настоящая гостевая спальня. |
No man should spare himself the scourge, as I told Ser Osney. |
Я сказал сиру Осни, что человек не должен щадить свою плоть. |
He hated the fellow, and would not spare him now. |
Он ненавидит этого человека и не намерен теперь щадить его. |
Я буду благодарен, если ты избавишь меня от жгучих острот. |
Определения слова spare
- помета. беречь, жалеть, сберегать, экономить.
- To spare no effort
- обходиться (без чего-либо)
- уделять (что-либо кому-либо).
- Will the Prime Minister spare a thought for the tens of thousands who, because of his policies, are now losing their homes?
- щадить; избавлять (от чего-либо).
- It was a horrible accident. Please spare me the details.
- иметь в избытке.
- перевод=I have no time to spare.
- помета. беречь, жалеть, сберегать, экономить.
Синонимы к слову spare
- additional
- afford
- auxiliary
- do without
- emergency
- extra
- free
- frugal
- get by without
- give up
- insubstantial
- manage without
- mean
- release
- replacement
- save
- show mercy to
- sparse
- standby
- stark
- thin
- unused
Похожие слова на spare
- spare
- spared
- sparely
- spareness
- spareness’s
- sparer
- spareribs
- sparest
Посмотрите другие слова
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- Омоним к слову spark plug
- Гипоним к слову zony
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- Гипероним к слову spastic
- Пословицы и поговорки к слову zoobie
- Перевод слова на другие языки spaz
- unoccupied
- unused
- backup
- emergency
- free
- lagniappe
- leftover
- option
- over
- supernumerary
- surplus
- additional
- de trop
- in excess
- in reserve
- in store
- more than enough
- odd
- supererogatory
- superfluous
- unwanted
- angular
- slim
- lean
- poor
- scant
- scanty
- shadow
- skinny
- slight
- sparing
- stick
- stilt
- bony
- economical
- exiguous
- frugal
- gaunt
- lank
- lanky
- meager
- modest
- rangy
- rawboned
- scraggy
- scrawny
- skimpy
- slender
- stingy
- wiry
- afford
- allow
- give
- grant
- provide
- save
- bestow
- pinch
- relinquish
- scrape
- scrimp
- short
- skimp
- stint
- supply
- dispense with
- part with
- put by
- salt away
- excuse
- exempt
- leave
- pardon
- refrain from
- absolve
- discharge
- dispense
- forbear
- pity
- release
- relent
- spring
- bail out
- be lenient
- be merciful
- get off the hook
- get out of hock
- give a break
- give quarter to
- go easy on
- let go
- let off
- privilege from
- pull out of the fire
- relieve from
- save bacon
- save from
- save neck
On this page you’ll find 212 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to spare, such as: unoccupied, unused, backup, emergency, free, and lagniappe.
- chubby
- fat
- great
- large
- plump
- thick
- deny
- hold
- keep
- refuse
- take
- withstand
- spend
- waste
- need
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
How to use spare in a sentence
So in his spare time, he worked for John Shaw Billings, head of the census office’s Division of Vital Statistics.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- acquit
- bleach
- blink at
- clear
- discharge
- exculpate
- excuse
- exempt
- exonerate
- forgive
- free
- go easy on
- launder
- let off
- let off easy
- let off the hook
- let up on
- liberate
- lifeboat
- loose
- pardon
- release
- relieve
- sanitize
- set free
- spare
- spring
- vindicate
- whitewash
- wink at
- wipe it off
- wipe the slate clean
- write off
- added
- affixed
- appended
- further
- increased
- more
- new
- on the side
- option
- other
- over and above
- padding
- perk
- spare
- supplementary
- allow
- be able to
- be disposed to
- bear
- have enough for
- have the means for
- incur
- manage
- spare
- stand
- support
- sustain
- bestowed
- furnished
- granted
- imparted
- offered
- provided
- rendered
- supplied
- yielded
- bestowing
- furnishing
- granting
- imparting
- offering
- providing
- rendering
- supplying
- yielding
- bestows
- furnishes
- grants
- imparts
- offers
- provides
- renders
- supplies
- yields
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Old English sparian to refrain from injuring; related to Old Norse spara, Old High German sparōn.
Этимология это наука о происхождении слов и изменении их конструкции и значения.
Значение слова spare в словаре английский языка
Первое определение запасного словаря заключается в том, чтобы воздерживаться от убийства, наказания, нанесения вреда или травмы. Другое определение запасного — это освобождение или освобождение, как от боли, страдания и т. Д. Запас также должен воздерживаться от использования.
The first definition of spare in the dictionary is to refrain from killing, punishing, harming, or injuring. Other definition of spare is to release or relieve, as from pain, suffering, etc. Spare is also to refrain from using.
Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «spare» в словаре английский языка.
Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть автоматический перевод определения на русский языке.
I spare
you spare
he/she/it spares
we spare
you spare
they spare
Present continuous
I am sparing
you are sparing
he/she/it is sparing
we are sparing
you are sparing
they are sparing
Present perfect
I have spared
you have spared
he/she/it has spared
we have spared
you have spared
they have spared
Present perfect continuous
I have been sparing
you have been sparing
he/she/it has been sparing
we have been sparing
you have been sparing
they have been sparing
I spared
you spared
he/she/it spared
we spared
you spared
they spared
Past continuous
I was sparing
you were sparing
he/she/it was sparing
we were sparing
you were sparing
they were sparing
Past perfect
I had spared
you had spared
he/she/it had spared
we had spared
you had spared
they had spared
Past perfect continuous
I had been sparing
you had been sparing
he/she/it had been sparing
we had been sparing
you had been sparing
they had been sparing
I will spare
you will spare
he/she/it will spare
we will spare
you will spare
they will spare
Future continuous
I will be sparing
you will be sparing
he/she/it will be sparing
we will be sparing
you will be sparing
they will be sparing
Future perfect
I will have spared
you will have spared
he/she/it will have spared
we will have spared
you will have spared
they will have spared
Future perfect continuous
I will have been sparing
you will have been sparing
he/she/it will have been sparing
we will have been sparing
you will have been sparing
they will have been sparing
I would spare
you would spare
he/she/it would spare
we would spare
you would spare
they would spare
Conditional continuous
I would be sparing
you would be sparing
he/she/it would be sparing
we would be sparing
you would be sparing
they would be sparing
Conditional perfect
I would have spare
you would have spare
he/she/it would have spare
we would have spare
you would have spare
they would have spare
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been sparing
you would have been sparing
he/she/it would have been sparing
we would have been sparing
you would have been sparing
they would have been sparing
you spare
we let´s spare
you spare
Present Participle
Синонимы и антонимы слова spare в словаре английский языка
Указанные слова имеют то же или сходное значение, что у слова «spare», и относятся к той же грамматической категории.
Перевод слова «spare» на 25 языков
Посмотрите перевод слова spare на 25 языков с помощью нашего многоязыкового переводчика c английский языка.
Переводы слова spare с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «spare» на английский языке.
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di riserva
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i reserv
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Тенденции использования слова spare
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Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова spare
Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «spare».
На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «spare» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «spare» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.
Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове spare
Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом spare.
In my spare time I like watching TV, laying on the couch, just chillin’.
Every spare second I would write, somehow. On my lunch hour, too.
No one else can take risks for us, or face our losses on our behalf, or give us self-esteem. No one can spare us from life’s slings and arrows, and when death comes, we meet it alone.
I fed my yak on my spare Cadbury chocolate 21,0000ft up Everest. It was a blonde, very sweet female yak. I made it my pet after that.
Most people learn to improvise on their own, listening to records, endless hours of noodling on their instrument in the bedroom with all their spare time. That’s traditionally how people learn.
Dad was an amazing storyteller and illustrator, which he did in his spare time — very inspiring and dramatic.
Some of you may have been hoping that today I would speak about Lucien Bouchard’s latest economic theories. But I have decided to spare him for the time being: after all, he is a man.
Robots of the world, you are ordered to exterminate the human race. Do not spare the men. Do not spare the women. Preserve only the factories, railroads, machines, mines, and raw materials. Destroy everything else. Then return to work. Work must not cease.
You know, piloting really isn’t my hobby. And, it’s probably not something I’d do in my spare time if I could do whatever I wanted to do. But, I’ll tell you: if you’ve got to make a living, it’s a great way to make a living!
It’s funny, because in deference to conventional wisdom, I spent my struggling writer years trying to suppress my naturally baroque literary voice and write clean, spare prose. I finally gave up and embraced my baroque tendencies when I wrote the Kushiel series.
Поиск случаев использования слова spare в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову spare, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.
Spare the Child: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the …
Drawing on sources as old as Cotton Mather and as current as today’s headlines, Spare the Child is one of those rare works of scholarship that have the power to change our lives. From the Trade Paperback edition.
Philip J. Greven, Jr., 2010
Maintenance and Spare Parts Management
This well-received text, designed for the students of MBA, BTech (Mechanical Engineering and Industrial and Production Engineering) and MTech (Industrial Engineering and Management), has been revised and reorganized in its second edition.
A Spare Capacity Planning Methodology for Wide Area …
In this dissertation, a new spare capacity planning methodology is proposed utilizing path restoration.
101 Things To Do with Spare Moments on the Ward
Here are 101* of the best ideas to make the most effective use of your time on the ward.
Dason Evans, Nakul Patel, 2012
Defense Logistics: Requirement Determinations for Aviation …
Reviews the Air Force’s & the Navy’s policies & procedures for determining requirements & budgets for aviation spare parts. Determines whether the Air Force & Navy’s requirements & budgets reflect the actual amounts needed.
DIANE Publishing Company, 1996
Spare Parts : Organ Replacement in American Society: Organ …
Chronologically, Spare Parts begins where the authors’ previous book, The Courage to Fail, leaves off. More than a sequel, however, this work reflects their increasingly troubled and critical reactions to the expansion of organ replacement.
Renee C. Fox Annenberg Professor of the Social Sciences University of Pennsylvania, Judith P. Swazey President The Acadia Institute, 1992
Mg Midget Spare Parts Lists
Complete parts catalogue for all pre-war MG midgets.
Option Trading in Your Spare Time
This book, geared specifically toward women, describes how to be a successful option trader, even if you hold down a full-time job or are a full-time stay-at-home mom.
Wendy Kirkland, Virginia McCullough, 2009
More information to be announced soon on this forthcoming title from Penguin USA
System-specific Spare Bus Ratios
Documents critical site specific variables that influence transit agencies’ spare bus ratio policies.
Judith T. Pierce, Elizabeth K. Moser, 1995
Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин spare в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.
Spare the Air Alert in effect through Wednesday
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has higher fines this year for people who burn wood during Spare the Air alerts. First-time violators will receive a … «abc7news.com, Июл 15»
Police: Man sneaks into home, hides under bed in spare room for 3 …
SPOTSWOOD, N.J. – Police say a man sneaked into a central New Jersey home and hid under a bed in a spare room for three days before the homeowner … «Fox News, Июл 15»
Acorns, the app that automatically invests your spare change, raises …
Users link their bank accounts to the app, which then automatically rounds up the cost of all transactions to the nearest dollar, withdraws that spare change and … «Fortune, Апр 15»
BBQ’s, Meat Smokers Could Be Banned On Spare-The-Air Days
Spare the air days usually mean residents aren’t supposed to burn wood in their fireplaces, but smoke from wood-burning cookers have caused so many … «CBS Local, Янв 15»
No plea deal likely in Boston Marathon bombing case
With testimony expected to start later this month, the Justice Department has given no indication it is open to any proposal from the defense to spare Tsarnaev’s … «Fox News, Янв 15»
Spare Parts rushes its novel spin on inspirational-teacher conventions
Representation can enliven well-worn formulas, placing new cultural lenses into familiar frames. While there have been plenty of movies about misfit teenagers … «A.V. Club Milwaukee, Янв 15»
The Real People Who Inspired The Film ‘Spare Parts’
Fredi Lajvardi (left) and Cristian Arcega are pictured at the Los Angeles Premiere of Pantelion Films’ “Spare Parts” at Arclight Cinemas on Thursday, January 8, … «Here And Now, Янв 15»
Record spell of Spare the Air days as dirty Bay Area skies linger
The rainless start to the new year is not only intensifying California’s drought but giving rise to some of the worst wintertime air pollution the Bay Area has seen in … «SFGate, Янв 15»
First Spare The Air Days Announced For 2015
(CBS SF) — The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has issued Friday and Saturday as the first Spare the Air days for smog in 2015. Air quality is forecast … «CBS Local, Янв 15»
Wood Burning Banned As Winter Spare-The-Air Alerts Issued For …
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — Winter Spare the Air alerts have been issued for Sunday and Monday, Bay Area Air Quality Management District officials … «CBS Local, Дек 14»
« EDUCALINGO. Spare [онлайн]. Доступно на <https://educalingo.com/ru/dic-en/spare>. Май 2023 ».
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
save, afford, grant, reserve, do without, husband, economize, retain, save, grudge, discard, omit, forbear, withhold, refrain, abstainAntonyms:
spend, squander, waste, lavish, scatter, expend, pour, indulge, vent -
scanty, unplentiful, inabundant, meagre, economical, frugal, stinted, restricted, parsimonious, niggardly, chary, superfluous, disposable, available, lean, thin, ill-conditionedAntonyms:
ample, plentiful, abundant, profuse, liberal, unrestricted, generous, bountiful, unsparing, unstinted, unbounded, available, well-conditioned
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote
spare part, sparenoun
an extra component of a machine or other apparatus
fifth wheel, spare, spare partAntonyms:
necessary, ample, decorated, fat, adorned, occupied -
fifth wheel, sparenoun
an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle
deadwood, fifth wheel, spare, spare partAntonyms:
decorated, fat, occupied, ample, necessary, adorned -
a score in tenpins; knocking down all ten after rolling two balls
fifth wheel, spare partAntonyms:
fat, ample, necessary, decorated, occupied, adorned -
spare, trimadjective
thin and fit
«the spare figure of a marathon runner»; «a body kept trim by exercise»
unembellished, surplus, supererogatory, well-kept, tailored, scanty, spare, unornamented, extra, free, plain, redundant, supernumerary, superfluous, excess, clean-cut, trim, bare(a), shipshape, bare, trigAntonyms:
occupied, ample, necessary, fat, decorated, adorned -
excess, extra, redundant, spare, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplusadjective
more than is needed, desired, or required
«trying to lose excess weight»; «found some extra change lying on the dresser»; «yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant»; «skills made redundant by technological advance»; «sleeping in the spare room»; «supernumerary ornamentation»; «it was supererogatory of her to gloat»; «delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words»; «extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts»; «surplus cheese distributed to the needy»
superfluous, senseless, surplus, unembellished, supererogatory, scanty, spare, otiose, wasted, pleonastic, unornamented, extra, free, plain, redundant, supernumerary, excess, purposeless, additional, tautological, special, tautologic, trim, bare(a), bare, pointlessAntonyms:
fat, ample, adorned, decorated, necessary, occupied -
spare, freeadjective
not taken up by scheduled activities
«a free hour between classes»; «spare time on my hands»
unembellished, gratis(p), surplus, supererogatory, detached, costless, scanty, complimentary, loose, unornamented, extra, free, devoid, plain, redundant, supernumerary, superfluous, destitute, barren, excess, spare, gratuitous, innocent, trim, bare(a), bare, liberalAntonyms:
adorned, ample, decorated, occupied, necessary, fat -
kept in reserve especially for emergency use
«a reserve supply of food»; «a spare tire»; «spare parts»
excess, unornamented, plain, bare(a), superfluous, surplus, redundant, unembellished, free, supererogatory, bare, scanty, supernumerary, extra, trimAntonyms:
fat, necessary, ample, decorated, adorned, occupied -
bare(a), scanty, spareadjective
lacking in amplitude or quantity
«a bare livelihood»; «a scanty harvest»; «a spare diet»
necessary, fat, ample, occupied, decorated, adorned -
plain, bare, spare, unembellished, unornamentedverb
lacking embellishment or ornamentation
«a plain hair style»; «unembellished white walls»; «functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete»
evident, spare, bare(a), unpatterned, supernumerary, unmixed, bleak, redundant, unornamented, superfluous, free, au naturel(p), bare, patent, surplus, stark, excess, simple(a), homely, trim, unmingled, stripped, desolate, supererogatory, mere(a), unvarnished, extra, sheer, apparent, plain, nude, unsheathed, unfinished, barren, manifest, scanty, naked, marginal, unembellished, unmistakableAntonyms:
decorated, necessary, ample, fat, adorned, occupied -
spare, saveverb
refrain from harming
save up, relieve, deliver, keep open, bring through, keep, spare, redeem, economize, dispense with, part with, salve, salvage, carry through, give up, pull through, lay aside, write, make unnecessary, hold open, preserve, save, economiseAntonyms:
necessary, ample, occupied, adorned, fat, decorated -
save or relieve from an experience or action
«I’ll spare you from having to apologize formally»
give up, save, part with, dispense withAntonyms:
fat, adorned, occupied, necessary, ample, decorated -
spare, give up, part with, dispense withverb
give up what is not strictly needed
«he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey»
spare, allow, abandon, forfeit, vacate, release, give up, resign, save, forgo, kick, throw in, surrender, part with, fall by the wayside, lay off, waive, throw overboard, dispense with, cede, stop, relinquish, throw in the towel, deliver, cease, chuck up the sponge, renounce, discontinue, drop out, free, drop by the wayside, forego, quit, foreswearAntonyms:
fat, decorated, necessary, ample, occupied, adorned -
use frugally or carefully
give up, save, part with, dispense withAntonyms:
necessary, decorated, occupied, adorned, ample, fat
Matched Categories
- Car Wheel
- Component
- Exempt
- Give
- Use
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
reserve, save, lay by, lay aside, set apart, set aside -
dispense with, do without, part with -
withhold, omit, forbear -
withhold from, keep from -
give, grant, afford, allow, give up -
preserve (from any thing dreaded) -
be frugal, be parsimonious -
forbear, refrain, be scrupulous -
be lenient, be merciful, be tender -
scanty, sparing, not abundant, not plentiful -
lean, meagre, thin, poor, lank, gaunt, skinny, scraggy, raw-boned -
superfluous, supernumerary, not used, not wanted
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «spare»:
alternate, parts, sparing, replacement, alternative, save, pieces, stand-by, free, standby, reserve, replenishment
How to pronounce SPARE?
How to say SPARE in sign language?
How to use SPARE in a sentence?
Mark Galeotti:
Usually it is relatively easy to get a pistol or anything up to an assault rifle, but it is much harder to get an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) or a machine gun or the boring things like spare parts for the above. You actually need to have a proper war for these sorts of things to become available and, lo and behold, you have a proper war.
Asaduzzaman Khan:
We have taken these attacks very seriously. We won’t spare the killers.
Meituan Dianping:
After collaborating with the police investigating into our system, there was no complaining calls or bad reviews on the vendor or the delivery man, we will shoulder the responsibility, search for the problems and spare no efforts to make improvements to the platform.
Paige Nichols:
If you want to keep it minimal, you’ve got to reduce the chaos inside your bag, there are tons of packing cubes on the market, but [some] have nifty hooks that let you hang them up directly, saving time and keeping you extra-organized. I’ve been known to use spare dust bags to achieve a similar effect in a pinch, but once you get the real deal, there’s no going back.
Ralph Northam:
I intend to continue doing the business of Virginia, i could spare Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam from the difficult path that lies ahead. I could avoid an honest conversation about harmful actions from my past.
Translations for SPARE
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- nadbytečný, náhradníCzech
- sparen, schlankGerman
- de repuestoSpanish
- یدکیPersian
- laiha, säästäväinen, vara, niukka, ylimääräinenFinnish
- épargner, rechangeFrench
- a bharrachdScottish Gaelic
- thanneyManx
- magroItalian
- kōkauMāori
- sparenDutch
- скудный, запасной, умеренный, лишнийRussian
- запаснийUkrainian
- spårgnîWalloon
- 备用Chinese
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- Svenska (Swedish)
- Dansk (Danish)
- Suomi (Finnish)
- فارسی (Persian)
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- հայերեն (Armenian)
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afford, do or manage without
afford, do or manage without
afford, do or manage without
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«Danger comes at short notice!» — Опасность является без предупреждения!
Friday [ʹfraıdı] , 05 May [meı] 2023
Большой англо-русско-английский словарь
транскрипция, произношение, примеры употребления, фразеологизмы,синонимы и антонимы
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Англо-русский словарь
1. [speə] n (сущ.)
1. 1) запасная часть (машины и т. п.)
2) запасная шина
2. спорт. запасной игрок
3. что-л. имеющееся про запас; дубликат; запасной ключ, запасная смена белья и т. п.
2. [speə] a (прил.)
1. 1) запасной, запасный, резервный; дополнительный
2) лишний
2. скудный, скромный, умеренный
3. строгий
4. худой, тонкий, тощий; худощавый
3. [speə] v (глаг.)
1. 1) беречь, сберегать, жалеть
2) экономить, расходовать экономно
2. обходиться (без чего-л.)
3. уделять (что-л. кому-л.)
4. иметь в излишке
5. щадить, избавлять (от чего-л.)
6. редк. воздерживаться (от чего-л.)
запасной, запасный; резервный; лишний, свободный, дополнительный Синонимы: reserve 2.
умеренный, скромный, скудный Синонимы: scanty, poor 2.
худощавый; худой, тонкий, тощий Синонимы: thin 1.
уделять (что-л. кому-л.) Синонимы: give
Синонимы: spare adj.
1 extra, surplus, supernumerary, auxiliary, supplementary,
additional; odd, leftover; in reserve, in addition: We got a
puncture, so Dad stopped and put on the spare wheel. Give them
the spare room. Have you a spare cigarette?
2 unoccupied,
leftover, leisure, free, surplus, extra; not spoken for: Her
demanding job left her very little spare time.
3 thin, skinny,
scrawny, cadaverous, gaunt, raw-boned, meagre, gangling,
lank(y), wiry, slim, slender; all skin and bones: The spare,
ragged figure crouched in the shadows, his hand outstretched in
4 See sparing, below.
5 meagre, frugal, small,
skimpy, modest, scanty: Their meals were spare but wholesome.
6 save, rescue, deliver, redeem: Bill spared me from a
fate worse than death. Spare me the embarrassment of having to
ask for my money back.
7 pardon, let go, release, have mercy on,
let off, free, liberate: At the last moment, the judge spared
8 allow, relinquish, let go (of), give, award, bestow, let
have, donate, part with, give, yield: She decided she could
spare a couple of pounds for the disaster appeal. Buddy, can you
spare a dime?
9 avoid, dispense with, manage or do without, give
up, forgo, forsake, surrender, sacrifice: We spared a great
deal of trouble by settling the dispute. Spare the rod and spoil
the child.
Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений
Примеры фраз, тематические словари
to spare the rod and spoil the child см. spare III идиом. выр. |
spare hand — разнорабочий |
to spare no effort — не жалеть сил |
spare ball запасной мяч |
ever spare (and) ever bare — гол как сокол |
Разговорные фразы
Could you spare me a moment? Не уделите мне минутку? |
— spare parts; spares запасные части |
Идиоматические выражения,фразы
spare tyre (informal) 1. «булки» (лишний жир на теле) |
no time to spare нет лишнего времени; нет времени, чтобы тратить |
spare cash свободные деньги |
Фразовые глаголы
enough and to spare более чем достаточно; больше чем нужно; ş за глаза довольно [этим. библ. Luke XV, 17] And am I always to look like a hind when we have enough and to spare? (P. S. Buck, ‘The Good Earth’, ch. XIX) — Неужели мне всегда выглядеть такой деревенщиной, хотя дом у нас — полная чаша? |
spare smb.’s blushes щадить чью-л. скромность, стыдливость He faced us as we assembled for breakfast with a deprecating false modesty in his eyes, as who should say, ‘I know that I deserve all that you can say, but I pray you to spare my blushes by not saying it!’ (A. C. Doyle, ‘The Lost World’, ch. IX) — За завтраком профессор Челленджер то и дело посматривал на нас с притворной скромностью, будто говоря: «Все ваши похвалы мною заслужены, я это знаю, но, умоляю вас, не заставляйте меня краснеть от смущения!» |
Сочетаемость частей речи
spare parts — запчастей |
to spare one’s strength беречь силы |
spare for smth — сберечь для чего- то |
I spare you the details. Я избавлю вас от подробностей. |
to spare smb’s feelings щадить чьи-то чувства |
Пословицы и поговорки
Без нужды живет, кто деньги бережет.
Жалеть сына — учинить дураком.
Запасливый нужды не терпит.
Словарные статьи, содержащие слово
Вариант 21
1. Синонимом слова “Rest” является: A) Industrious. B) Work. C) Tired. D) Relax. E) Invent. |
2. Выберите правильное слово Pass me … salt, please. A) – B) the C) those D) an E) a |
3. Выберите правильное слово. This is the … dress. A) lady’s B) ladys’ C) lady D) of lady E) ladies |
4. Определите правильный вариант предложения со сказуемым в Present Simple Tense. A) My uncle has visited Astana this autumn. B) I went to the shop yesterday. C) My parents will return home late in the evening. D) It is very hot in summer. E) Students are writing a test. |
5. Выберите подходящий английский эквивалент. На стене напротив двери весит большая картина. A) A large picture on the wall opposite the door there is. B) Opposite the door on the wall is there a large picture. C) There is a large picture on the wall opposite the door. D) A large picture is there on the wall opposite the door. E) There is on the wall a large picture opposite the door. |
6. Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква читается отлично от других слов: A) Kind. B) Library. C) River. D) Polite. E) Recite. |
7. Выберите антоним к слову: “Teacher” A) Worker. B) Driver. C) Doctor. D) Student. E) Engineer. |
8. Обобщающим для данной группы слов является слово: A) Climate. B) Cloud. C) Ice. D) Snow. E) Rain. |
9. Выберите верное местоимение: I saw them . This is … cat . A) him B) ours C) yours D) me E) their |
10. Выберите вопросительное местоимение для выделенного слова: They are usually at home in the evening. A) Who. B) Why. C) When. D) How. E) Where. |
11. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) I hoped that I should find him at school. B) I hoped that I would found him at school. C) I hoped that I will find him at school. D) I hoped that I shall find him at school. E) I hoped that I should found him at school. |
12. Выберите правильный ответ: Are you going to invite her to the party? A) Yes, there is. B) Yes, it is. C) No, I shan’t D) Yes, I am. E) Yes, I shall. |
13. Найдите правильный вариант перевода на русский язык: It’s no use asking him about it. A) Я часто его встречал. B) Он обычно приходил к нам. C) Бесполезно его спрашивать об этом. D) Раньше здесь был дом. E) Вы скоро привыкнете к этому. |
14. Выберите предложение с герундием: A) We have been watching TV since morning. B) Yesterday Mr. Green watched TV in the evening. C) Having watched TV we went for a walk. D) Nick is watching TV now. E) I enjoyed watching TV. |
15. “To get in” означает: A) Продолжать B) Преодолеть C) Распространяться D) Входить E) Обойти |
16. Дайте определение слову «neighbour»: A) A person who is fond of reading. B) A person who studies at the institute. C) A person who is interested in sport. D) A person who lives near you. E) A person whom you like. |
17. Закончите фразеологизм: Since …was a boy. Со времени царя Гороха. A) Albert. B) Adam. C) Alfred. D) Nick. E) Adrian. |
18. Образуйте прилагательное с противоположным значением от слова «definite»: A) Indefinite. B) Imdefinite. C) Undefinite. D) Redefinite. E) Ildefinite. |
19. Найдите имя прилагательное: A) nineteen B) slow C) read D) beauty E) badly |
20. Выберите указательное местоимение для предложения: Do you like … apples? A) these B) this C) the D) thise E) that |
21. Выберите неисчисляемое имя существительное: A) Soldier. B) Doll. C) Weather. D) Chair. E) River. |
22. Найдите правильный вариант перевода: Он не идет сейчас домой. A) He isn’t going to go home. B) He is going to go home. C) He is going home now. D) He’ll go home soon. E) He isn’t going home now. |
23. Выберите правильный модальный глагол: You … eat so many sweets. A) Didn’t have. B) Shouldn’t. C) Don’t have. D) Oughtn’t. E) Haven’t to. |
24. Образуйте форму Participle 2 от глагола «lose»: A) Losed. B) Lost. C) To lose. D) To lost. E) Losing. |
25. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: Zulfiya … to have made a report on psychology previous Thursday. A) weren’t B) was C) is D) were E) isn’t |
26. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: I just … a postgraduate degree in business and administration. A) has completed B) will complete C) have completed D) is compliting E) completing |
27. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: Tomorrow the bill (to pay). A) Will be paid. B) Be paid. C) Will paid. D) Pay. E) Paid. |
28. Переведите: Интересно, где Сью? Она обещала не опаздывать. A) I wonder where Sue was. She promised to be not late. B) I wonder where Sue. She promised not be late. C) I wonder where Sue is. She promised not to being late. D) I wonder where is Sue. She promises not to be late. E) I wonder where Sue is. She promised not to be late. |
29. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание после текста: Mr. Nelson wanted to be elected sheriff in a New Hampshire county. He went from farm to farm asking people to vote for him. Mrs. Marrow saw him coming up one day and reached for the broom. «Get off, you good-for-nothing loafer», she shouted. «But Mrs. Marrow», said Nelson. «I have just come to ask you if you’ll vote for me for sheriff». «Sheriff!» shouted Mrs. Marrow. «Your place is in the lockup, not in the sheriff’s office. You are a scoundrel, and your father was a scoundrel, and your grandfather was a scoundrel. Get out of here before I take this broom to you». Nelson decided to go. Before climbing back into the car,he took out his notebook and wrote, after the name of Marrow, one word: «Doubtful». Закончите предложение: Mr. Nelson was … A) … a President. B) … a graduate from New Hampshire University. C) … a sheriff. D) … a cruel and brave man. E) … a candidate for sheriff. |
30. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is the name of the oldest and best known public school for boys in Great Britain? A) Norwich B) Bath C) Eton D) Cambridge E) Oxford |
Вариант 22
1. Выберите правильный вариант артиклей. Kansas is situated in … central part of … USA. A) A, a. B) -, the. C) The, the. D) -, -. E) An, a. |
2. Выберите притяжательную форму существительного в единственном числе. A) Men’s. B) Dogs’. C) Sister’s. D) Birds’. E) Boys’. |
3. Поставьте глаголы в предложении в Past Simple Tense. Yesterday my brother … at the cinema, I … also there. A) were, am. B) was, was. C) is, am. D) was, were. E) are, is. |
4. Выберите правильную форму глагола . There … any sugar on the table. A) isn`t B) aren`t C) am D) are E) is |
5. Дополните предложение: We … going to visit Picture Gallery. We are interested in Kazakh art. A) is B) were C) been D) are E) was |
6. Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква читается отлично от других. A) Knight B) Keel C) Keen D) Kale E) Keep |
7. Дополните пословицу: Live and … A) Live. B) Think. C) Earn. D) Learn. E) Love. |
8. Выберите верное местоимение: Mary didn’t know about it. … was at home. A) You. B) Him. C) They. D) Me. E) She. |
9. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения : … girl is George’s cousin . A) those. B) its. C) that. D) mine. E) these. |
10. Выберите правильный вариант: … is that man in a green suit? I don’t know … A) what / his B) who / this C) what / whom D) who / him E) who / hers |
11. Выберите неисчисляемoе существительнoе: A) Hero. B) Army. C) Rule. D) Road. E) Water. |
12. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) The doctor said that he will come the next day. B) The doctor said that he should come the next day. C) The doctor said that he shall come the next day. D) The doctor said that he would come the next day. E) The doctor said that he comes the next day. |
13. Выберите страдательный залог герундия в несовершенном времени на примере следующего глагола: To write A) be writing B) having been written C) writing D) write E) being written |
14. Определите, чем является подчёркнутое слово: The girl washing the floor is my sister. A) герундием B) модальным глаголом C) причастием D) инфинитивом E) наречием |
15. Синонимом слова “Discover” является: A) Find B) Meet C) Close D) Open E) Take |
16. Aнтонимoм слова “Joy”является : A) Beauty B) Grief C) Laughter D) Smile E) Happiness |
17. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «Продолжать, идти дальше»: A) To go without B) To go on C) To go off D) To go back E) To go in for |
18. Переведите пословицу “There is no place like home ” A) Нет ничего лучше родного дома B) Одна голова хорошо, две лучше C) Лучше поздно, чем никогда D) Долг платежем красен E) Без труда, не вытащишь рыбку из пруда |
19. Выразите одним словом: You can cross the river over it. A) View. B) Bridge. C) District. D) Economic. E) Advice. |
20. Найдите правильный вариант слова “разногласие “: A) displeased. B) disorganized C) disinterested. D) dislike. E) disagreement |
21. Выберите глагол в форме Future Simple: A) Will goes. B) Will goed. C) Will go. D) Will gone. E) Will went. |
22. Выберите верный вариант общего вопроса к предложению: My father used to be a scientist. A) Use my father to be a scientist? B) Did my father use to be a scientist? C) Would my father use to be a scientist? D) Does my father used to be a scientist? E) Did my father used to be a scientist? |
23. Определите название формы по приведенному примеру: To be going. A) Gerund. B) Participle 2. C) Participle 1. D) Continuous Infinitive Active. E) Indefinite Infinitive Active. |
24. Прочитайте текст, выберите завершение предложения, соответствующее содержанию текста: Mark Twain was travelling in France. Once he was going by train to Dijon. He asked the conductor to wake him up when they came to Dijon and put him off the train not paying attention to his protests. When he woke up the train was in Paris already. He realized that the conductor had forgotten to wake him up at Dijon. He was very angry. He ran up to the conductor and began to shout at him. The conductor looked at him calmly. “You are not half so angry as the American whom I put off the train at Dijon,” he said. Mark Twain knew … . A) The conductor. B) The way to Dijon. C) That the conductor would be angry. D) That it was difficult to make him do it. E) That it was difficult to wake him up. |
25. Образуйте новое слово от “ to eat “, выбрав верный суффикс: A) y B) tic C) al D) ful E) able |
26. Найти правильный вариант глагола. She told me she … a bad time with her husband. A) were having B) had have C) was having D) will have E) has had |
27. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. She fell ill because she … too hard. A) had worked B) had working C) working D) has worked E) works |
28. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: The window (to leave) open by somebody. A) Were left. B) Has been leaved. C) Was leaved. D) Has been left. E) Was leave. |
29. Вставьте необходимый модальный глагол: We’ve got plenty of time. We … hurry. A) needn’t B) must C) had to D) may not E) don’t can |
30. Дополните предложение. In the House of Commons the members sit … . A) on three sides of the hall B) on two sides of the hall C) on four sides of the hall D) on two sides and in the middle of the hall E) on three sides and in the corner of the hall |
Вариант 23
1. Выберите правильный предлог Do not learn all your answers off … heart. A) on B) in C) at D) out E) by |
2. Выберите правильное слово I don`t like …. music. A) a B) – C) these D) those E) an |
3. Выберите притяжательную форму существительного во множественном числе. A) Fans’. B) Fan’. C) Fan’es. D) Fan’s. E) Fans’s. |
4. Выберите правильную форму глагола . There … some people in the park. A) aren`t B) isn`t C) am D) are E) is |
5. Выберите подходящий английский эквивалент: Как ты собираешься провести свой выходной? A) Where did you go last weekend? B) How are you going to spend your weekend? C) How are you getting on? D) What do you do at the weekends? E) Where will you go for a weekend? |
6. Образуйте прилагательное при помощи суффикса. help A) y B) able C) ful D) ic E) al |
7. Выберите верное местоимение. Please, wait for … . I’ll be ready in a minute. A) She. B) I. C) They. D) Me. E) He. |
8. Выберите верное местоимение: There is … interesting in the newspaper. A) anybody. B) something C) somebody D) anything. E) nobody. |
9. Выберите вопросительное местоимение для выделенного слова: I am interested in sports. A) When. B) Who. C) Where. D) Why. E) What. |
10. Выберите исчисляемoе существительнoе: A) Peace. B) Rain. C) Magazine. D) News. E) Health. |
11. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: Mag and her sister … in Rome last summer. A) was B) is C) were D) am E) are |
12. Выберите правильный вариант формы глагола: The best thing is … in the forest. A) have been walking B) walking C) is walking D) have walked E) walk |
13. Определите функцию инфинитива в следующем предложении: To smoke is bad for health. A) подлежащее B) сказуемое C) дополнение D) обстоятельство E) определение |
14. Прочитайте текст, выберите завершение предложения, соответствующее содержанию текста: Balzac, the famous French writer, was a man of great talent. But he himself was proud of his ability to tell a person’s character by his or her handwriting. One day a woman brought him a young boy’s exercise-book. She said she wanted to know what Balzac thought of the boy’s character. Balzac studied the boy’s handwriting carefully. Then he said that the boy was a lazy fellow. “It’s very strange,” said the woman smiling. “This is a page from your own exercise-book, which you used when you were a boy.” Balzac … . A) Was a man of great talent. B) Was an engineer. C) Had an exercise-book. D) Was going by train to France. E) Was a famous English writer. |
15. Выберите слово, в котором выделенное буквосочетание читается отлично от других слов: A) Either. B) Three. C) Thunder. D) Thousand. E) Earth. |
16. Синонимом слова “Spare” является: A) Free B) Various C) Busy D) Clear E) Different |
17. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «Включить»: A) To turn down B) To turn off C) To turn into D) To turn up E) To turn on |
18. Выберите правильный фразовый глагол: The teacher told us to … the blackboard. A) Look after. B) Look up. C) Look. D) Look at. E) Look for. |
19. “Беспокойный” Найдите правильный перевод: A) Continuous B) Restless C) Disorder D) Helpless E) Groundless |
20. Выразите одним словом: A stopping place for trains is a … A) city. B) village. C) station. D) stop. E) field. |
21. Образуйте новое слово от глагола “write” с помощью следующих приставок. A) Ir. B) Un. C) Im. D) Re. E) In. |
22. Выберите глагол в форме Future-in-the-Past: A) Shall been read. B) Would walked. C) Will be getting. D) Would continue. E) Should doing. |
23. Выберите правильный модальный глагол. I … skate and ski very well. A) Must to B) Were to C) Was D) Can E) Be able to |
24. Поставьте предложение в отрицательную форму: Karen used to go swimming every day. A) Karen used to didn’t go swimming every day. B) Karen doesn’t used to go swimming every day. C) Karen use not to go swimming every day. D) Karen don’t used to go swimming every day. E) Karen didn’t use to go swimming every day. |
25. Задайте вопрос к выделенному слову: He usually goes to the seaside in summer. A) Where does he usually go in summer? B) When does he usually go to the seaside? C) Who usually goes to the seaside in summer? D) Why does he usually go to the seaside? E) What does he usually do in summer? |
26. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. I … a nightmare when the alarm-clock rang and woke me up. A) had B) have C) was having D) have had E) has had |
27. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. It was a firm that I … of. A) never hear B) has never heard C) nevers hears D) have never heard E) had never heard |
28. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: A delicious cake (to taste) by him now. A) Is being tasted. B) Was being tasted. C) Is tasted. D) Has been tasted. E) Was tasted. |
29. Выберите предложение с Past Participle: A) He left the room without saying a word. B) The new hotel opened last year was beautiful. C) He watched boats going up and down the river. D) She is cleaning the flat at this moment. E) It was raining all day long. |
30. Выберите подходящее слово. The Whispering Gallery is remarkable for its … . A) crowned B) size C) acoustics D) private E) light |
Вариант 24
1. Выберите слово, близкое по значению: believe. A) Reach. B) See. C) Suppose. D) Advise. E) Notice. |
2. Дополните предложение: … weather is fine and … sun is shining brightly today. A) A | a B) A | the C) The | a D) The | the E) — | — |
3. Поставьте глагол в предложении в Past Simple Tense. He … glad to see his friends’ victory in a football game last week. A) am. B) is. C) are. D) were. E) was. |
4. Выберите правильную форму глагола . There… a lot of bread on the table. A) were B) is C) are D) am E) weren`t |
5. Вставьте правильную форму глагола Look out! That dog … bite you. A) were going to B) would C) is going to D) am going to E) are going to |
6. Выберите слово с ІІI типом слога A) Same B) Barn C) Base D) Close E) Rose |
7. Найдите прилагательное, имеющее отрицательное значение: A) meaningful B) hopeful C) real D) unthinkable E) famous |
8. Выберите верное местоимение: He has the habit of talking to … . A) myself B) ourselves C) yourself D) himself E) herself |
9. Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: … book is more interesting than … one. A) this, that B) these, this C) that, that D) this, those E) this, these |
10. Найдите правильное местоимение: They believed … it was true. A) Which. B) Who. C) That. D) What. E) Whose. |
11. Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже Do you know my…daughter? A) Uncles’s B) Uncle’s C) Uncle D) Uncles E) Uncles’ |
12. Найдите правильный вариант перевода на русский язык: It’s no use asking him about it. A) Вы скоро привыкнете к этому. B) Бесполезно его спрашивать об этом. C) Раньше здесь был дом. D) Я часто его встречал. E) Он обычно приходил к нам. |
13. Определите функцию герундия в следующем предложении: The meeting was planned for discussing and creating. A) обстоятельство цели B) подлежащее C) дополнение D) сказуемое E) определение |
14. Выберите предложение с Participle I: A) Going along the street Imet Mary. B) Our parents want to go to the theatre. C) Nick likes going to the skating rink. D) We have gone to Almaty. E) Yesterday they went to the park. |
15. “To go ahead” означает: A) Двигаться вперед B) Повышаться C) Выходить D) Сопровождать E) Возвращаться |
16. Найдите предложение с фразовым глаголом: A) The sun shines in the sky. B) They go to school in the morning. C) There were many people in the street. D) He was born in October. E) Come in, please. |
17. К теме «Travelling» относится слово: A) Tree. B) Snow. C) Study. D) Pupil. E) Excursion. |
18. Выберите неисчисляемое имя существительное: A) River. B) Weather. C) Soldier. D) Chair. E) Doll. |
19. Выберите глагол в форме Present Perfect Active: A) Have does. B) Have do. C) Have done. D) Have doing. E) Have did. |
20. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) Aliya said that she would tries to come in time. B) Aliya said that she shouldn’t try to come in time. C) Aliya said that she would try to come in time. D) Aliya said that she should try to come in time. E) Aliya said that she should tries to come in time. |
21. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: He often (to laugh) at. A) Is laughed. B) Were laughed. C) Are laughed. D) Have been laughed. E) Am laughed. |
22. Найдите эквивалент: Ей следует приходить вовремя. A) Can she come? B) She is to come. C) She should come in time. D) She had to come in time. E) She needn’t come. |
23. Образуйте форму Perfect Infinitive от глагола «Tell»: A) To tell. B) To be told. C) To have tell. D) To have told. E) To have telling. |
24. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос после текста: A traveller who had been riding in rain and was wet through, arrived at a small hotel in the country. There was only one fireplace in the hall and a lot of people around it. The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm. He asked the hotel owner to give some fish to his horse. The hotel owner was surprised but the traveller insisted and the hotel owner did as he was asked. All the people rushed out to see the horse eat fish. The traveller had the fireplace all to himself and felt comfortable. When the hotel owner had returned he said, «I was sure horses do not eat fish». — «Then why did you give it to my horse?». Why did the traveller ask the hotel owner to feed his horse with fish? A) because he was tired B) because he wanted to sleep C) because he wanted to get warm D) because he wanted to see the horse eat fish E) because it was hungry |
25. Дополните предложение: They … sausages at this shop. A) cost B) price C) bring D) department E) sell |
26. Выразите одним словом: You send them to your relatives on holidays. A) Sorrows. B) Clouds. C) Bags. D) Postcards. E) Children. |
27. Образуйте новое слово от “real” c помощью следующих суффиксов. A) Al. B) Tion. C) Ment. D) Ic. E) Ist. |
28. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. I think I … the report next Monday. A) am not finishing B) won’t finish C) don’t finish D) am not finished E) haven’t finished |
29. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. Professor Asher … another lecture at the same time next week. A) has been giving B) gives C) would give D) has given E) will be giving |
30. Выберите подходящее слово. From the earliest times the … of London depended upon its water-born trade. A) part B) circumstances C) south D) prosperity E) north |
Вариант 25
1. Выберите антоним слова. Noise. A) sail. B) silence. C) cut. D) weight. E) cheer. |
2. Дополните предложение: Never cross … street when … light is red. A) — | the B) the | the C) a | a D) — | a E) the | a |
3. Выберите правильный вариант притяжательной формы существительного в единственном числе. A) people’s organization. B) men’s rights. C) reader’s hobby. D) workmans’ union. E) grandfathers’s decision. |
4. Поставьте глагол в предложении в Present Simple Tense. … you as old as your friend? A) were. B) am. C) are. D) was. E) is. |
5. Дополните предложение: We … home, when the rain began. A) to be leaving B) was leaving C) to leaving D) are leaving E) were leaving |
6. Выберите правильный вариант перевода, обращая внимание на суффикс: “Плата” A) Unpayed. B) Payness. C) Repayed. D) Payment. E) Payful. |
7. Выберите верное местоимение: I love … very much! A) Mines. B) He. C) Hers. D) She. E) Him. |
8. Выберите исчисляемое существительное: A) Health B) Butter C) Sugar D) Bottle E) Time |
9. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) He said that he shall return tomorrow. B) He said that he would return tomorrow. C) He said that he return tomorrow. D) He said that he should return tomorrow. E) He said that he will return tomorrow. |
10. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого: There … someone at the door. A) Is B) Are C) Were D) Be E) Am |
11. Найдите правильный вариант сказуемого: I … to clean the carpet. A) Going. B) Am going. C) Goes. D) Are going. E) Is going. |
12. Выберите правильный вариант формы глагола: He was looking forward to … to Astana to business-trip. A) sent B) is sending C) being sent D) sending E) have send |
13. Определите функцию инфинитива в следующем предложении: I was the first to come. A) сказуемое B) подлежащее C) дополнение D) определение E) обстоятельство |
14. Закончите предложение: Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s II … . A) Uncle. B) Husband. C) Father. D) Brother. E) Son. |
15. Выберите слово с третьим типом слога: A) Observe. B) More. C) Visit. D) Place. E) Pupil. |
16. Синонимом слова «shut» является: A) Close. B) Open. C) Make. D) Turn. E) Pick. |
17. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «Продолжать»: A) To go about B) To go in for C) To go off D) To go on E) To go without |
18. Найдите предложение с фразовым глаголом: A) I don’t put any sugar into my tea. B) Put it on the table. C) Don’t put your legs on the sofa. D) It was cold so he put on his coat. E) Put the book in the bookcase. |
19. Подберите соответствующий перевод: The book is less interesting than the film. A) Книга менее интересная, чем фильм. B) Фильм менее интересный, чем книга. C) Книга более интересная, чем фильм. D) Фильм такой же интересный, как книга. E) Книга такая же интересная как фильм. |
20. Вставьте нужное указательное местоимение в предложении: Look! … men in the street are my friends. A) That B) Which C) This D) Whose E) These |
21. Выберите правильный вариант вопросительного местоимения: By … is this book written? A) What. B) Who. C) Whom. D) Whose. E) Which. |
22. Вставьте модальный глагол: …I speak to Sam, please? – Just a minute. A) Ought B) Must C) Could D) Will E) Shall |
23. Выберите предложение, в котором причастие употреблено в функции обстоятельства: A) The boy crying in the street is my friend. B) The boy reading a book is my brother. C) I heard her speaking on the phone. D) They saw a flying bird. E) While reading a book she was eating sweets. |
24. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос после текста: Jonathan Swift liked order in everything. All the people in his house, for example, had to shut the door behind them when they came into the room or left it. One day a maid servant came and asked him to let her visit her sister who lived ten miles away. Swift not only agreed, but let her go there in his own carriage. The girl was so happy that she forgot to shut the door when she left the room. Swift let her go, but about half an hour later he ordered one of the servant to ride after the carriage and tell the girl come back. The poor girl had to turn back. She asked him what he wanted. «I only want you to shut the door», was his answer. «Now you may go to visit your sister. I wish you a pleasant journey». Why did J. Swift order the girl to come back? A) Because he wanted to wish her a pleasant jourhey. B) Because he was a good master. C) Because he wanted to teach her discipline. D) Because he wanted to stay her at home. E) Because he wanted to give her his carriage. |
25. Закончите фразеологизм: To … oneself together. Взять себя в руки. A) Pull. B) Get. C) Take. D) Give. E) Put. |
26. Выберите значение приставки de-: A) повтор действия B) внутри C) сверх- D) противоположное значение E) взаимо- |
27. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: … you often … your brother these days? A) Is . . . seen B) Do . . . see C) Has . . . seen D) Are . . . seeing E) Does . . . see |
28. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. After everybody… a chance to say what they thought, we took a vote. A) had had B) would have C) has had D) has E) have had |
29. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: Her book (to finish) next month. A) Were finished. B) Be finished. C) Is finished. D) Was finished. E) Will be finished. |
30. Задайте вопрос к предложению: He used to wear glasses twenty years ago. A) Used he to wear glasses twenty years ago? B) Did he use to wear glasses twenty years ago? C) Do he used to wear glasses twenty years ago? D) Didn’t he used to wear glasses twenty years ago? E) Does he used to wear glasses twenty years ago? |