Синоним слову objective

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • objective [əbˈʤektɪv] сущ

    1. цельж, задачаж, заданиеср

      (purpose, task)

      • foreign policy objective – внешнеполитическая цель
      • long term objective – долгосрочная цель
      • achievement of its objectives – достижение его цели
      • have different objectives – преследовать разные цели
      • objective of human life – цель человеческой жизни
      • strategic objective – стратегическая задача
    2. объективм


      • achromatic objective – ахроматический объектив
    3. объектм


      • military objective – военный объект
  • objective [əbˈʤektɪv] прил

    1. объективный, беспристрастный

      (unbiased, impartial)

      • objective reality – объективная реальность
      • objective point of view – объективная точка зрения
      • provide objective information – давать объективную информацию
      • number of objective reasons – ряд объективных причин
      • objective observer – беспристрастный наблюдатель
    2. целевой


      • objective function – целевая функция
    3. объектный, предметный

      (object, subject)

      • objective world – предметный мир
  • objective [əbˈʤektɪv] нареч

    1. объективно


цель goal, purpose, objective, aim, target, object
задача problem, task, objective, goal, exercise, why
объектив lens, objective, object-glass
объект object, facility, subject, objective, entity, operand
стремление aspiration, pursuit, tendency, intention, ambition, objective
объектный падеж objective case, objective
косвенный падеж oblique case, objective case, objective
объективный objective, impersonal, outer
целевой objective, final, object, having a special purpose, telic
предметный objective, presentive
беспристрастный candid, impartial, unbiased, fair, dispassionate, objective
реальный real, live, practical, tangible, workable, objective
косвенный indirect, circumstantial, oblique, collateral, objective, vicarious
вещественный real, material, substantial, hylic, objective, corporeal
действительный valid, real, actual, active, virtual, objective
относящийся к дополнению objective

Предложения со словом «objective»

And it shifts the conversation from arguing over our opinions to figuring out objective criteria for determining which opinions are best.

Обсуждение смещается от споров о личных мнениях к поиску объективных критериев выбора лучших идей.

They think algorithms are objective and true and scientific.

Алгоритмы для них объективны, истинны и научны.

I’m looking at the objective of where I want to get to, and a bit like riding a bike, my arms are just doing their thing.

Я сосредоточен на том, куда мне нужно добраться, как будто управляешь мотоциклом, руки сами знают, что им делать.

So we’ll call this the King Midas problem of stating an objective which is not, in fact, truly aligned with what we want.

Итак, назовём это проблемой царя Мидаса: постановка цели, которая в действительности не совпадает с нашим желанием.

Putting in the wrong objective is not the only part of the problem.

Некорректная постановка цели — лишь часть проблемы.

If you put an objective into a machine, even something as simple as, Fetch the coffee, the machine says to itself, Well, how might I fail to fetch the coffee?

Если вы закладываете в машину цель, даже такую простую как сварить кофе, машина задастся вопросом: Как я могу потерпеть неудачу в приготовлении кофе?

I will do anything to defend myself against interference with this objective that I have been given.

Я сделаю что угодно, чтобы защититься от любых вмешательств в процесс выполнения поставленной мне задачи.

So this single-minded pursuit in a very defensive mode of an objective that is, in fact, not aligned with the true objectives of the human race — that’s the problem that we face.

На деле этот режим крайней самозащиты не имеет ничего общего с первоначальной целью человечества — именно с этой проблемой мы столкнулись.

And in fact, this is exactly the plot of 2001: [A Space Odyssey] HAL has an objective , a mission, which is not aligned with the objectives of the humans, and that leads to this conflict.

На самом деле, в этом заключается сюжет фильма 2001: [Космическая Одиссея]: у HAL есть цель, миссия, которая не совпадает с целью людей, что и приводит к конфликту.

The first one is a principle of altruism, if you like, that the robot’s only objective is to maximize the realization of human objectives , of human values.

Первое, правило альтруизма: единственная цель робота — помочь человеку добиться всего, к чему он стремится, и приумножить его ценности.

And that avoids this problem of single-minded pursuit of an objective .

Это позволяет избежать проблемы концентрации на одной цели.

If we do it the classical way, we give it the objective of, Fetch the coffee, I must fetch the coffee, I can’t fetch the coffee if I’m dead.

Если мы пойдём старым путём, у него будет цель Варить кофе; я должен варить кофе; я не могу варить кофе, если я мёртв.

This kind of failure mode seems to be inevitable, and it follows from having a concrete, definite objective .

Кажется, этого фатального режима невозможно избежать, он следует из конкретно определённой цели.

So what happens if the machine is uncertain about the objective ?

Что же случится, если у машины не будет чётко поставленной цели?

And in fact you can calculate the incentive that the robot has to allow the human to switch it off, and it’s directly tied to the degree of uncertainty about the underlying objective .

Фактически вы можете просчитать стимул, благодаря которому робот позволит людям отключить себя, и этот стимул тесно связан с неопределённостью поставленной цели.

The robot does not have any objective of its own.

Но роботу, как я уже говорил, не нужно копировать поведение.

What’s their objective ?

Чего они добиваются?

There are indisputable facts — objective truths.

Есть неоспоримые факты, объективные истины.

And what happened was, that as the stress increased — and here we had objective measures of stress: How long were you without power?

Она заметила, что по мере роста уровня стресса… а мы можем объективно оценить уровень стресса.

On the one hand, there are those who say these statistics are crucial, that we need them to make sense of society as a whole in order to move beyond emotional anecdotes and measure progress in an [objective] way.

С одной стороны, найдутся те, кто скажет, что эта статистика важна, что она нужна, чтобы иметь представление об обществе в целом, а не судить только по чужим байкам, и оценивать прогресс объективно.

As soon as it’s buried in a chart, it feels like some kind of objective science, and it’s not.

Как только данные приобретают форму графика, они становятся непреложной истиной, но это не так.

So I’m talking here about outer truth, about objective things.

Сейчас я говорю о внешней правде, об объективных вещах.

And there was an objective reality in my haunted house, right?

И ведь там, в моём доме с привидениями, всё происходило по — настоящему, объективно?

They thought that this would make hiring more objective , less biased, and give women and minorities a better shot against biased human managers.

Они думали, что это сделает процесс найма более объективным, менее предвзятым, даст женщинам и меньшинствам больше шансов в отличие от предвзято настроенных менеджеров.

Well, they could just be reflecting our biases, and these systems could be picking up on our biases and amplifying them and showing them back to us, while we’re telling ourselves, We’re just doing objective , neutral computation.

Возможно, они просто отражают наши предубеждения, и эти системы могут собирать наши пристрастия и усиливать их, показывая нам их вновь, а мы говорим себе: Мы просто проводим объективные, непредвзятые вычисления.

Evacuate area at once and do not approach military objective .

Покиньте немедленно опасную зону и не приближайтесь к цели военных.

You want an objective party to help prove your innocence.

Вам нужен человек, который бы доказал вашу невиновность.

For the overall objective , which is usually political.

Ради более важной цели, которая обычно бывает политической.

Location and objective will be uploaded to your cell phones.

Место и цель будут загружены в ваши мобильные телефоны.

I don’t think I can be objective anymore.

Я не думаю, что я могу быть более объективным.

This objective process results in negative consequences, such as social conflicts, protests, which take the form of deviant behavior and crime.

Это объективный процесс имеет результатом негативные последствия , таких как социальные конфликты, протесты, которые принимают формы девиантного поведения и преступности.

Of course, not all that we see, hear or read is objective .

Конечно, не все то, что мы видим, слышим и читаем, является объективным.

The main function of press in America is to give objective information.

Основная функция прессы в Америке — дать объективную информацию.

And it brings us one step closer to achieving our ultimate objective ..

И это приближает нас ещё на один шаг к достижению нашей конечной цели.

Airborne’s objective is to take the town of Carentan linking Utah and Omaha into a continuous beachhead.

Задача десантных войск занять город Карентан объединяющий Юта и Омаха в один непрерывный плацдарм.

His values were fused with some objective human enterprise.

Собственная ценность человеческой личности как бы принижалась по сравнению с общепризнанными достижениями общества.

A player who had an objective report on how various gambits succeeded or failed would have a lethal advantage.

Игрок, имеющий информацию об успехе или провале каждого своего маневра, получил бы безусловное преимущество.

The terrain was the prime objective condition to which all ambitions and plans had to bend.

Основным условием достижения цели была местность, складкам которой подчинялись все устремления и планы.

Since that contact did not allow any progress in identifying the objective .

Этот контакт нисколько не продвинул нас в деле идентификации объекта.

So the objective is to witness it, document it and share it with a group of others who get off on it.

Итак объект был свидетелем, заснял аварию и поделился этим с людьми, которых подобное возбуждает.

There was a dual purpose in parking so far from his objective .

То, что Келли решил оставить машину так далеко от цели, имело двойной смысл.

My evaluation is based on objective testing and a clinical interview.

Моя оценка основана на обьективном тестировании и клиническом интервью.

There are clearly objective data points that are predictive of stable parenting.

Существуют вполне объективные данные, которые позволяют прогнозировать стабильный родительский подход.

That way I can give you a completely objective opinion regarding treatment.

В этом случае я смогу дать Вам полностью объективное мнение в отношении лечения.

Our objective is to locate the P7E and remove the race bank cylinders to a place of safety.

Наша цель состоит в том, чтобы найти P7E и забрать генетическое хранилище в безопасное место.

They appeared to have a specific objective , attainment of which required the physical battery of everyone in their way, human or otherwise.

Казалось, они стремятся к некоей цели, а потому решительно сметают всех со своего пути.

Their objective does not affect the overall balance of strategic events, and is relatively harmless.

Их деятельность не влияет на общий ход событий и относительно безвредна.

to go to Paris and London as an expert with the objective to ascertain the authenticity of documents and video materials.

вылететь в Париж и Лондон в качестве эксперта с целью установить подлинность документов и киноматериалов.

At least Captain Jester’s exercises usually had some objective she could understand.

В тех учениях, которые устраивал капитан Шутник, хотя бы был какой — то смысл.

The FBI’s primary objective in investigating fugitive matters is to affect the swift location and capture of the fugitives.

Основная задача ФБР в расследовании дел о побегах определить местонахождение беглецов и захватить.

Perhaps now would be a good time to undertake our secondary objective .

Возможно, теперь самое время заняться нашей второй целью.

Their objective was to just get evidence to film and see what’s going on there.

Их задачей было просто добыть доказательства, заснять и увидеть то, что там происходит.

It might help you achieve the objective you desire.

Это поможет вам достичь цели, о которой вы мечтаете.

I’m concerned your decisions are being driven by your emotional attachments, not by objective analysis for your agency.

Меня беспокоит, что твоими решениями управляет эмоциональная привязанность, а не объективный анализ.

Objective death investigation became a priority, and the possibility of material gain by the crown was removed.

Объективное расследование смерти стало приоритетом, а материальные выгоды короны были устранены.

I’m simply pointing out that we’ve already achieved our minimum objective .

Я просто напоминаю, что мы уже выполнили свою задачу — минимум.

These so-called accidents have been getting more serious as they get closer to their objective .

Так называемые случайности становятся все серьезнее по мере приближения врага к цели.

It is important for an objective test procedure to be applicable to all light vehicles.

Важно разработать объективную процедуру испытаний, которая была бы применима ко всем транспортным средствам малой грузоподъемности.

Peru believes that financial and technical assistance to affected countries cannot be separated from the objective of eliminating anti-personnel landmines.

По мнению Перу, оказание финансовой и технической помощи пострадавшим странам нельзя отделять от задачи уничтожения наземных противопехотных мин.

As before, sound change management and the resulting increases in efficiency, including resource use efficiency, were key to the achievement of that objective .

Как и в прошлом, ключом к достижению этой цели является рациональное осуществление преобра — зований в области управления и связанное с этим повышение эффективности, в том числе эффективности использования ресурсов.

  • detached
  • disinterested
  • dispassionate
  • equitable
  • evenhanded
  • nonpartisan
  • open-minded
  • unbiased
  • cold
  • cool
  • straight
  • impersonal
  • judicial
  • just
  • like it is
  • nondiscriminatory
  • strictly business
  • uncolored
  • unemotional
  • uninvolved
  • unprejudiced
  • unprepossessed
  • ambition
  • aspiration
  • intention
  • purpose
  • target
  • design
  • end
  • mark
  • mission
  • object
  • zero
  • end in view
  • ground zero

On this page you’ll find 130 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to objective, such as: detached, disinterested, dispassionate, equitable, evenhanded, and nonpartisan.

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • ambition
    • aspiration
    • course
    • desideratum
    • design
    • desire
    • direction
    • end
    • intent
    • intention
    • mark
    • object
    • objective
    • plan
    • purpose
    • scheme
    • target
    • where one is heading
    • wish
    • ambitions
    • aspirations
    • courses
    • desiderata
    • designs
    • desires
    • directions
    • ends
    • intentions
    • intents
    • marks
    • objectives
    • objects
    • plans
    • purposes
    • schemes
    • targets
    • where one is headings
    • wishes
    • aim
    • aspiration
    • desire
    • dream
    • end
    • enterprise
    • goal
    • hope
    • intent
    • mark
    • objective
    • purpose
    • target
    • wish
    • appetites
    • ardors
    • aspirations
    • avidities
    • cravings
    • desires
    • drives
    • eagerness
    • earnestness
    • emulations
    • energies
    • enterprises
    • enthusiasms
    • fire in bellies
    • get up and gos
    • hankerings
    • hopes
    • hunger
    • initiatives
    • itches
    • keenness
    • longings
    • loves
    • lust
    • moxies
    • passions
    • pretensions
    • pushes
    • right stuffs
    • spirits
    • strivings
    • thirsts
    • vigor
    • yearnings
    • zeal
    • aim
    • aspiration
    • desire
    • drive
    • emulation
    • goal
    • objective
    • purpose
    • aim
    • ambition
    • ambitiousness
    • craving
    • desire
    • direction
    • dream
    • eagerness
    • endeavor
    • fire in the belly
    • hankering
    • inclination
    • longing
    • object
    • objective
    • passion
    • pursuit
    • push
    • right stuff
    • urge
    • vocation
    • wish
    • work
    • yearning

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    WiktionaryRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes

    1. objectivenoun


    2. objectivenoun

      of or relating to a material object, actual existence or reality


    3. objectivenoun

      agreed upon by all parties present (or nearly all); based on consensually observed facts


    4. objectivenoun

      not influenced by irrational emotions or prejudices


    5. objectiveadjective

      of, or relating to a noun or pronoun used as the object of a verb


    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

    1. objective

      Subjective and objective are synonyms in but one point of view, being, for the most part, strictly antonyms. Subjective signifies relating to the subject of mental states, that is, to the person who experiences them; objective signifies relating to the object of mental states, that is, to something outside the perceiving mind; in brief phrase it may be said that subjective relates to something within the mind, objective to something without. A mountain, as a mass of a certain size, contour, color, etc., is an objective fact; the impression our mind receives, the mental picture it forms of the mountain, is subjective. But this subjective impression may become itself the object of thought (called «subject-object»), as when we compare our mental picture of the mountain with our idea of a plain or river. The direct experiences of the soul, as joy, grief, hope, fear, are purely subjective; the outward causes of these experiences, as prosperity, bereavement, disappointment, are objective. That which has independent existence or authority apart from our experience or thought is said to have objective existence or authority; thus we speak of the objective authority of the moral law. Different individuals may receive different subjective impressions from the same objective fact, that which to one is a cause of hope being to another a cause of fear, etc. The style of a writer is called objective when it derives its materials mainly from or reaches out toward external objects; it is called subjective when it derives its materials mainly from or constantly tends to revert to the personal experience of the author. Compare INHERENT.


    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes

    1. aim, object, objective, targetnoun

      the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)

      «the sole object of her trip was to see her children»

      intention, aim, quarry, design, physical object, object lens, mark, butt, target area, object, prey, objective lens, intent, object glass, target, fair game, bearing, purpose, heading

      abstract, personal, unreal, unobjective, unverifiable, prejudiced, subjective

    2. objective, objective lens, object lens, object glassadjective

      the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed

      object, object lens, aim, object glass, objective lens, target

      subjective, personal, abstract, unobjective, unreal, prejudiced, unverifiable

    3. objective, nonsubjectiveadjective

      undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena

      «an objective appraisal»; «objective evidence»

      documentary, nonsubjective, accusative

      unobjective, personal, subjective, unverifiable, abstract, prejudiced, unreal

    4. objective, accusativeadjective

      serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes

      «objective case»; «accusative endings»

      accusing, accusive, documentary, nonsubjective, accusatory, accusative

      abstract, unobjective, prejudiced, subjective, unreal, unverifiable, personal

    5. objective, documentaryadjective

      emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation

      «objective art»

      documentary, documental, nonsubjective, accusative

      abstract, prejudiced, unreal, unobjective, subjective, unverifiable, personal

    6. objectiveadjective

      belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events

      «objective benefits»; «an objective example»; «there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind»

      documentary, nonsubjective, accusative

      personal, abstract, unobjective, prejudiced, unverifiable, subjective, unreal

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «objective»:

      goal, aim, target, purpose, objectives, goals, objectivity, targets, lens, objectively, object, substantive, aims, intent, ziel, factual, end, intention, unbiased, objectif, focus, obiettivo, ambition, intended, purposes, strict, impartial, order

    Suggested Resources

    1. Objective

      Subjective vs. Objective — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Subjective and Objective.

    How to pronounce objective?

    How to say objective in sign language?

    How to use objective in a sentence?

    1. John Bolton:

      We are going to do everything we can to come to a successful meeting, but we are not going to back away from the objective of that meeting which is complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea.

    2. Jack Keane:

      There’s not much evidence for President Biden’s objective to improve the relationship so that it’s more stable and predictable. It ’ll take some time to see if that has been achieved, I think the early signs are that it has not.

    3. Robert Macleod:

      The creator is both detached and committed, free and yet ensnared, concerned but not too much so. If motivation is too strong the person is blinded if the objective situation is too tightly structured, the person sees none of its alternative possibilities.

    4. The White House:

      The United States remains committed to our enduring objective of promoting a more prosperous Cuba that respects the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all its people, we believe the regulatory changes announced today will allow the United States to continue to advance our interests and improve the lives of ordinary Cubans.

    5. Del Bosque:

      I really believe in the veterans who have spent a long time with us and we trust the newcomers who give the squad an impulse and fresh blood, our objective is to think further than the two European Championships we’ve won because people are only going to value what we do in the next one.

    Translations for objective

    From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

    • موضوعي, متجرد, هدف, عقلاني, حقانيArabic
    • objectiuCatalan, Valencian
    • cíl, objektivní, objektiv, záměrCzech
    • Objektiv, ZielGerman
    • αντικειμενικός, αιτιατική, αντικειμενικός φακός, αντικείμενοGreek
    • objektivaEsperanto
    • objetivoSpanish
    • هدفPersian
    • esineellinen, esine, objektiivinen, totuudenmukainen, objektiivi, hyväksytty, materiaalinen, tavoite, päämäärä, puolueetonFinnish
    • but, objective, objectifFrench
    • amasScottish Gaelic
    • tárgyeset, objektív, cél, célpont, tárgyiHungarian
    • objectivoInterlingua
    • obbiettivo, oggettivo, obiettivoItalian
    • 対物レンズ, 目的, 客観Japanese
    • 목적, 目的Korean
    • objektīvsLatvian
    • whāingaMāori
    • nuchter, nuchtere, streefdoel, doel, objectieve, doelstelling, objectiefDutch
    • obiekt, obiektowy, przedmiotowy, cel, obiektyw, obiektywnyPolish
    • objetivo, objetivaPortuguese
    • obiectivRomanian
    • объектный падеж, цель, объективный, объект, объективRussian
    • objektiv, mål, sakligSwedish
    • shabahaSwahili
    • புறநிலைTamil
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    [ ɒbd͡ʒˈɛktɪv], [ ɒbd‍ʒˈɛktɪv], [ ɒ_b_dʒ_ˈɛ_k_t_ɪ_v]

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  • Is objective-?

    Table of Contents

    • adj.

      all (adjective)

      • objective.

      artistic style (adjective)

      • representationalist,
      • romantic,
      • cubist,
      • classical,
      • primitivistic,
      • neoclassic,
      • constructivist,
      • naturalist,
      • impressionist,
      • realistic,
      • abstract,
      • neoimpressionist,
      • nonrepresentational,
      • neotraditional,
      • modernist,
      • Dadaist,
      • idealist,
      • expressionist,
      • surrealist,
      • symbolist.

      candid (adjective)

      • outspoken,
      • un-pretended,
      • up right,
      • ingenuous,
      • most uncolored,
      • telling like is,
      • most unpretended,
      • up-right,
      • un-colored,
      • un-equivocal,
      • un pretended,
      • un colored,
      • telling it like it is,
      • more unpretended,
      • out-spoken,
      • telling it like is,
      • right front,
      • un equivocal,
      • more uncolored,
      • out spoken,
      • more frontal,
      • telling like it is,
      • most frontal.

      clinical (adjective)

      • dis interested,
      • anti-septic,
      • un emotional,
      • dis-interested,
      • un-emotional,
      • anti septic.

      concrete (adjective)

      • de tailed,
      • de finite,
      • de-tailed,
      • de-finite,
      • more concrete,
      • explicit.

      corporal (adjective)

      • anatomical,
      • fleshly.

      detached (adjective)

      • more unpassioned,
      • with-drawn,
      • more uncurious,
      • more poker faced,
      • poker faced,
      • re moved,
      • re-served,
      • re-moved,
      • most unpassioned,
      • out it,
      • un-committed,
      • most poker-faced,
      • un-concerned,
      • un-involved,
      • re served,
      • un involved,
      • un committed,
      • most poker faced,
      • most uncurious,
      • re-mote,
      • more poker-faced,
      • spacedout,
      • un-curious,
      • with drawn,
      • un concerned,
      • laidback,
      • un curious.

      dispassionate (adjective)

      • more unexcitable,
      • most unexcitable,
      • cold blooded,
      • coldfish,
      • more cold fish,
      • Quieter,
      • non discriminatory,
      • un-excitable,
      • un flappable,
      • quietest,
      • un excited,
      • more iceberg,
      • un-moved,
      • most nondiscriminatory,
      • most iceberg,
      • most unexcited,
      • most cold fish,
      • more nondiscriminatory,
      • un excitable,
      • more coldfish,
      • non-discriminatory,
      • iceberg,
      • un-ruffled,
      • dis passionate,
      • most cold-fish,
      • dis-passionate,
      • un moved,
      • couldnt care less,
      • un-flappable,
      • un-excited,
      • more cold-fish,
      • more unexcited,
      • judicial,
      • most coldfish,
      • un ruffled.

      equal (adjective)

      • without distinction.

      equitable (adjective)

      • fair square,
      • most even-steven,
      • fair-to-middling,
      • most fair-to-middling,
      • more evensteven,
      • more even-steven,
      • more even steven,
      • de cent,
      • most evensteven,
      • most even steven,
      • rightful,
      • ethical,
      • most fair to middling,
      • de-cent,
      • more fair-to-middling,
      • more cricket,
      • most cricket,
      • even-steven,
      • even steven,
      • more fair to middling,
      • evensteven.

      even-handed (adjective)

      • on level,
      • even handed.

      factual (adjective)

      • more true to life,
      • un-questionable,
      • most sureenough,
      • most card carrying,
      • un doubted,
      • most true-to-life,
      • more sureenough,
      • straight from horses mouth,
      • more sure-enough,
      • un adorned,
      • most sure enough,
      • ex-act,
      • most sure-enough,
      • more card carrying,
      • most card-carrying,
      • most cardcarrying,
      • unadorned,
      • sureenough,
      • more true-to-life,
      • most true to life,
      • un-doubted,
      • cardcarrying,
      • more card-carrying,
      • more cardcarrying,
      • straight from horse mouth,
      • ex act,
      • un-adorned,
      • more sure enough,
      • card carrying,
      • righteous.

      fair (adjective)

      • FAIRER,
      • un-corrupted,
      • un corrupted.

      fair, impartial (adjective)

      • open-minded,
      • Unprepossessed,
      • cool,
      • disinterested,
      • like it is,
      • straight,
      • unemotional,
      • evenhanded,
      • cold,
      • uninvolved.

      impartial (adjective)

      • more unbigoted,
      • openminded,
      • more unslanted,
      • un-bigoted,
      • most unbigoted,
      • most on-the-fence,
      • most on the fence,
      • more nondiscriminating,
      • un bigoted,
      • open minded,
      • fair minded,
      • impartial,
      • un slanted,
      • more on the fence,
      • non discriminating,
      • most nondiscriminating,
      • non-discriminating,
      • fairminded,
      • un-slanted,
      • most unslanted,
      • more on-the-fence.

      impersonal (adjective)

      • in-human,
      • more bureaucratic,
      • most bureaucratic,
      • in human.

      incurious (adjective)

      • in-curious,
      • in curious.

      indifferent (adjective)

      • stoical,
      • unimpressed,
      • unsocial,
      • unaroused.

      just (adjective)

      • condign,
      • most condign,
      • re liablest,
      • re-liable,
      • re-liabler,
      • more condign,
      • re-liablest,
      • re liabler.

      material (adjective)

      • worldly,
      • nonspiritual,
      • palpable,
      • solid,
      • non-spiritual,
      • natural,
      • real.

      matter-of-fact (adjective)

      • stoic,
      • un-impassioned,
      • un-sentimental,
      • prosy,
      • more unidealistic,
      • un idealistic,
      • more unimpassioned,
      • un-varnished,
      • un-idealistic,
      • un-imaginative,
      • un varnished,
      • un impassioned,
      • un affected,
      • matter-of-fact,
      • most unidealistic,
      • most unsentimental,
      • most unimpassioned,
      • un sentimental,
      • prosiest,
      • more unsentimental,
      • prosier,
      • un imaginative,
      • hard boiled.

      nonpartisan (adjective)

      • unaffiliated,
      • on own,
      • non-aligned,
      • freewheeling,
      • playing it cool,
      • uninfluenced,
      • Unimplicated,
      • on one’s own,
      • free-wheeling,
      • non-partisan.

      objective (adjective)

      • exterior,
      • extrinsic,
      • outside,
      • peripheral,
      • surface,
      • external,
      • non-subjective,
      • outer.

      open (adjective)

      • lay it on the line,
      • open and shut,
      • undisguised,
      • Undissembled,
      • up-front,
      • lay on the line,
      • upfront.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • scientific,
      • physical,
      • cognitive,
      • poker-faced,
      • Incarnated,
      • all there,
      • coldblooded,
      • unexcited,
      • detached,
      • deductive,
      • without favor,
      • bureaucratic,
      • right up front,
      • uncurious,
      • unidealistic,
      • square deal,
      • clinical,
      • fair,
      • equal,
      • couldn’t care less,
      • candid,
      • philosophic,
      • straight from horse’s mouth,
      • on the up-and-up,
      • corporeal,
      • well advised,
      • card-carrying,
      • even-handed,
      • sure-enough,
      • unsentimental,
      • substantial,
      • material,
      • nondiscriminating,
      • unprejudiced,
      • uncolored,
      • on-the-fence,
      • unbigoted,
      • unslanted,
      • indifferent,
      • impersonal,
      • pragmatical,
      • hardboiled,
      • reasonable,
      • corporal,
      • cold-fish,
      • on up and up,
      • laid back,
      • just,
      • on up-and-up,
      • Unpassioned,
      • incurious,
      • dispassionate,
      • true to life,
      • unromantic,
      • open,
      • unbiased,
      • out of it,
      • unexcitable,
      • factual,
      • concrete,
      • strictly business,
      • unimpassioned,
      • rational,
      • matter of fact,
      • cool cat,
      • equitable,
      • unpretended,
      • true-to-life,
      • tangible,
      • nondiscriminatory,
      • cricket,
      • environmental.

      outward (adjective)

      • outward,
      • face.

      physical (adjective)

      • most environmental,
      • more environmental.

      pragmatical (adjective)

      • unfantastic,
      • commonsense.

      rational (adjective)

      • dis-criminating,
      • ratiocinative,
      • dis criminating,
      • welladvised,
      • de liberate,
      • more reasoning,
      • more cognitive,
      • more deductive,
      • far-sighted,
      • most deductive,
      • de-liberate,
      • far sighted,
      • levelheaded,
      • most cognitive,
      • most reasoning.

      reasonable (adjective)

      • standing to reason,
      • within reason,
      • making sense,
      • unextreme,
      • unexcessive.

      square (adjective)

      • sportspersonlike,
      • on-the-level.

      substantial (adjective)

      • for real,
      • sure enough,
      • twenty-four-carat.

      tangible (adjective)

      • most embodied,
      • more incarnated,
      • well grounded,
      • most incarnated,
      • wellgrounded,
      • more embodied.

      unbiased (adjective)

      • un interested,
      • on fence,
      • un biased,
      • un-interested,
      • un-biased.

      unprejudiced (adjective)

      • un-prejudiced,
      • un prejudiced.

      unromantic (adjective)

      • un-romantic,
      • un romantic.
    • n.

      • real world.

      • body,
      • matter,
      • way.

      • inflected,
      • grammatical,
      • feminine,
      • deictic,
      • complex,
      • conditional,
      • compound,
      • Frequentative,
      • declarative.

      • nonpartisan.

      • excite.

      • view,
      • planned.

      accusative (noun)

      • accusative.

      aim (noun)

      • where is headings,
      • where is heading,
      • in-tent,
      • in tent,
      • de sire,
      • de-sire,
      • de sires,
      • where one is headings,
      • de-sires.

      aim, goal (noun)

      • zero,
      • design.

      aspiration (noun)

      • fire the belly,
      • fire belly.

      cause (noun)

      • Movements.

      course, route (noun)

      • direction(s).

      design (noun)

      • de-signs,
      • de sign,
      • pro position,
      • co nations,
      • de-liberation,
      • co-nations,
      • re flections,
      • de signs,
      • under taking,
      • de-liberations,
      • lay the land,
      • de-sign,
      • de liberation,
      • re-flection,
      • what cookings,
      • under-takings,
      • lay land,
      • whats cookings,
      • de liberations,
      • lay of land,
      • co-nation,
      • re-flections,
      • re flection,
      • under-taking,
      • what cooking,
      • conations,
      • what’s cookings,
      • pro-positions,
      • pro positions,
      • whats cooking,
      • co nation.

      destination (noun)

      • resting-places,
      • restingplace,
      • journey end,
      • restingplaces,
      • landingplaces,
      • landing-places,
      • landingplace,
      • journeys ends,
      • journey ends,
      • journeys end,
      • landing places,
      • journey’s ends,
      • resting places.

      destiny (noun)

      • pro spects,
      • foreordinations,
      • fore ordination,
      • pre-determinations,
      • the star,
      • course events,
      • divine decrees,
      • pro-spects,
      • pre-destination,
      • what is writtens,
      • moirais,
      • pre determinations,
      • pro spect,
      • world come,
      • way cookie crumble,
      • way ball bounces,
      • way the ball bounce,
      • way ball bounce,
      • predeterminations,
      • pre-determination,
      • fore-ordinations,
      • pre determination,
      • after lives,
      • wheel fortune,
      • After-life,
      • pre destination,
      • course event,
      • fore ordinations,
      • pre destinations,
      • pre-destinations,
      • way the cookie crumble,
      • course of event,
      • after-lives.

      direction (noun)

      • region,
      • point of compass,
      • that-a-way.

      distance (noun)

      • re-moves,
      • out-posts,
      • ex-tension,
      • ex tent,
      • re-move,
      • out posts,
      • ex tents,
      • farnesses,
      • ex-tents,
      • out skirts,
      • ex tension,
      • pro-vinces,
      • out skirt,
      • re move,
      • far pieces,
      • pro vinces,
      • ex-tent,
      • ex-tensions,
      • out-skirt,
      • out-skirts.

      end (noun)

      • where one’s heading.

      function (noun)

      • pro vince,
      • pro-vince,
      • raison detre.

      goal (noun)

      • ground zeros,
      • ground zeroes.

      idea (noun)

      • hypothesis,
      • Significancy,
      • believed abstraction.

      import (noun)

      • sub-stance,
      • sub stance,
      • sub stances,
      • weightinesses,
      • sub-stances.

      intent/intention (noun)

      • name the game,
      • in tents,
      • name game,
      • in-tents,
      • nuts bolts.

      intention (noun)

      • impulsions,
      • impulsion.

      mark (noun)

      • bull eye,
      • bull eyne,
      • bull’s eyne,
      • bulls eye,
      • bulls eyen,
      • bull eyen,
      • bulls eyne,
      • bull’s eyen.

      nonsubjective (noun)

      • nonsubjective.

      object (noun)

      • end view,
      • end purposes.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • big idea,
      • end in view,
      • way the cookie crumbles,
      • farness,
      • Fore-ordination,
      • name of game,
      • functions,
      • resolve,
      • nuts and bolts,
      • aspiration,
      • Foci,
      • after life,
      • the stars,
      • mission,
      • world to come,
      • bourn,
      • lens system,
      • mecca,
      • where one’s headed,
      • serendipity,
      • destiny,
      • whole idea,
      • terminal,
      • lens,
      • bull’s eye,
      • constellation,
      • remoteness,
      • predestination,
      • destination,
      • point,
      • whatfor,
      • good ways,
      • intents,
      • validness,
      • Intendment,
      • nitty gritty,
      • way the ball bounces,
      • Desiderata,
      • distance,
      • sky,
      • purpose,
      • enterprises,
      • far piece,
      • what is written,
      • import,
      • end,
      • ambition,
      • weightiness,
      • landing-place,
      • goal,
      • outskirts,
      • landing place,
      • lense,
      • bulls-eye,
      • horizons,
      • good luck,
      • function,
      • constellations,
      • predetermination,
      • journey’s end,
      • desideratum,
      • future,
      • aim,
      • why and wherefore,
      • inevitability,
      • target,
      • sortie,
      • resting place,
      • way cookie crumbles,
      • course of events,
      • end purpose,
      • where one is heading,
      • pursuits,
      • ulterior motive,
      • good way,
      • resting-place,
      • purport,
      • quarry,
      • intendments,
      • hinterland,
      • idea,
      • whyfor,
      • cause,
      • bourns,
      • game plan,
      • Recipes,
      • horoscope,
      • inevitabilities,
      • intention,
      • importance,
      • object,
      • ambitiousness,
      • fire in the belly,
      • foreordination,
      • divine decree,
      • mark,
      • ground zero,
      • fire in belly,
      • Conation,
      • wish,
      • enterprise,
      • what’s cooking,
      • outskirt,
      • hub.

      point (noun)

      • validnesses,
      • nittygritty.

      purpose (noun)

      • pro fit,
      • re turn,
      • where headed,
      • pre-meditation,
      • pre meditations,
      • whole ideas,
      • re-turns,
      • whatfors,
      • re turns,
      • out come,
      • where one’s headeds,
      • Re-turn,
      • where one headeds,
      • out-come,
      • where headeds,
      • ulterior motives,
      • de terminations,
      • where one headed,
      • why wherefore,
      • de-terminations,
      • why and wherefores,
      • pro fits,
      • big ideas,
      • pro-fits,
      • why wherefores,
      • de termination,
      • whyfors,
      • where ones headed,
      • out-comes,
      • out comes,
      • de-termination,
      • pre meditation,
      • pre-meditations,
      • where ones headeds.

      pursuit (noun)

      • lodestar,
      • pursuit,
      • search,
      • undertaking,
      • vocation,
      • profession,
      • life work,
      • quest.

      quarry (noun)

      • Ravin.

      resolve (noun)

      • purposiveness,
      • fixed purpose.

      target (noun)

      • bull-eye,
      • bulleye,
      • bullseye,
      • bull’seye.
    • v.

      Other relevant words: (verb)

      • behaviour,
      • consequence,
      • direction.
    • Other synonyms:

      • incontestable,
      • informed,
      • unanswerable,
      • tough-minded,
      • gritty,
      • believable,
      • Grounded,
      • tenable,
      • unquestioned,
      • easily,
      • well-founded,
      • categorically,
      • role,
      • Cast iron,
      • determinate,
      • bona fide,
      • definitely,
      • well-informed,
      • de facto,
      • true-life,
      • confirmed,
      • hard-edged,
      • well-documented,
      • sure,
      • undoubted,
      • irrefutable,
      • realistically,
      • authoritative,
      • orientation,
      • certifiable,
      • decidedly,
      • foursquare,
      • squarely,
      • unarguable,
      • apparent,
      • genuine,
      • incontrovertible,
      • drive at,
      • unchallenged,
      • categorical,
      • hands down,
      • undisputed,
      • ironclad,
      • fair-minded,
      • truly,
      • honest-to-goodness,
      • cut-and-dried,
      • objectively,
      • indisputable,
      • certified,
      • definite,
      • plausible,
      • undeniable,
      • well-grounded,
      • definitive,
      • physically.

      • phenomenal,
      • mental,
      • authentic,
      • sight,
      • down-to-earth,
      • three-dimensional,
      • substantive,
      • prosaic,
      • accurate,
      • kosher,
      • certain,
      • pragmatic,
      • harsh,
      • sensible,
      • naturalistic,
      • hard-and-fast.

      • actual,
      • hardheaded,
      • square,
      • strong,
      • theater,
      • firm,
      • why,
      • practical.

      • come in,
      • meaning,
      • sober,
      • absolute.

      • good.


      • neutral,
      • independent.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • spiritless,
      • outlying,
      • impartially,
      • passion,
      • objectivity,
      • firmly,
      • gewgaw,
      • butt,
      • Unpassionate,
      • pushover,
      • proper,
      • trinket,
      • choice,
      • desire,
      • dream,
      • essence,
      • undistorted,
      • untouchable,
      • prey,
      • zoom lens,
      • drift,
      • resolution,
      • appetency,
      • bodily,
      • honest,
      • job,
      • camera,
      • incidental,
      • frozen,
      • rationale,
      • semantic,
      • catholic,
      • hand lens,
      • kill,
      • right-minded,
      • stop,
      • lexical,
      • task,
      • materialistic,
      • plan,
      • discretion,
      • Extrinsical,
      • coldhearted,
      • somatic,
      • oblique case,
      • target area,
      • basic,
      • uncomplicated,
      • simplistic,
      • experimental,
      • principled,
      • frigid,
      • unaffectionate,
      • drugged,
      • ostensive,
      • contingent,
      • concave lens,
      • unadulterated,
      • documentary,
      • free will,
      • obtuse,
      • thing,
      • dispassionately,
      • Inexcitable,
      • assignment,
      • determinedly,
      • judicious,
      • ideal,
      • pleasure,
      • fancy,
      • faithful,
      • arctic,
      • final cause,
      • fall guy,
      • essential,
      • By-purpose,
      • sake,
      • chill,
      • exhibit,
      • fairly,
      • craving,
      • experiential,
      • Undazzled,
      • purposively,
      • immovable,
      • activity,
      • magnifier,
      • evident,
      • Impassible,
      • gross,
      • uncoloured,
      • object lens,
      • affectless,
      • work,
      • unresponsive,
      • liberal,
      • reason for being,
      • dupe,
      • significance,
      • cast-iron,
      • cold as charity,
      • mug,
      • varifocal lens,
      • demonstrative,
      • reader,
      • tolerant,
      • Bibelot,
      • velleity,
      • unvarnished,
      • reading glass,
      • determination,
      • patient,
      • unexaggerated,
      • expectation,
      • oracular,
      • anaesthetised,
      • whatnot,
      • modal,
      • course,
      • correct,
      • catatonic,
      • unimpressionable,
      • chilly,
      • appetite,
      • identification,
      • object glass,
      • lust,
      • autistic,
      • errand,
      • really,
      • honest-to-god,
      • dictionary,
      • visible,
      • nonessential,
      • teleology,
      • Unjaundiced,
      • ponderable,
      • burning glass,
      • hankering,
      • icy,
      • Ascititious,
      • game,
      • sense,
      • fortuitous,
      • existential,
      • animus,
      • deliberately,
      • trend,
      • straightforward,
      • achromatic lens,
      • big-hearted,
      • representational,
      • curio,
      • novelty,
      • glass,
      • toric lens,
      • broad-minded,
      • manifest,
      • motive,
      • bearing,
      • prism,
      • signification,
      • out of touch,
      • eyepiece,
      • free choice,
      • duty,
      • adventitious,
      • significantly,
      • victim,
      • terminus,
      • tactile,
      • true,
      • simple-minded,
      • telephoto lens,
      • liking,
      • charitable,
      • seeable,
      • tendency,
      • yearning,
      • prospect,
      • business,
      • convex lens,
      • stopping-place,
      • pure,
      • result,
      • nonfictional,
      • outgoing,
      • tenor,
      • precise,
      • heading,
      • extroversive,
      • moral,
      • condenser,
      • extroverted,
      • eyeglass,
      • purposefully,
      • materially,
      • commission,
      • hope,
      • strive for,
      • inclination,
      • nonemotional,
      • disposition,
      • foreign,
      • motivation,
      • unswayed,
      • implication,
      • frank,
      • volition,
      • longing,
      • plot,
      • office,
      • fair game,
      • Conatus,
      • verifiable,
      • vision,
      • mind,
      • nonracist,
      • scheme,
      • unspiritual,
      • empirical,
      • accusatory,
      • measurable,
      • permissive,
      • frosty,
      • touchable,
      • gimcrack,
      • extrospective,
      • considerate,
      • neuter,
      • undemonstrative,
      • extraneous,
      • accidental,
      • simple,
      • appetence,
      • adscititious,
      • objective lens,
      • latitudinarian,
      • soulless,
      • Open-handed,
      • unloving,
      • denotative,
      • unembellished,
      • altruistic,
      • forbearing,
      • dull,
      • signature,
      • ocular,
      • magnifying glass,
      • unchangeable,
      • use,
      • impassive,
      • physical object,
      • principle,
      • accusing,
      • reason,
      • frosted,
      • decision,
      • etymological,
      • accusative case,
      • By-end,
      • perceptible,
      • unbiassed,
      • seal,
      • charge,
      • astigmatic lens,
      • generous,
      • self-absorbed,
      • discernible,
      • intentionally,
      • meniscus,
      • bauble,
      • reserved,
      • command,
      • Neutrally,
      • indulgent,
      • literal,
      • Quintain,
      • insusceptible,
      • intent,
      • will,
      • effect,
      • substantially,
      • extrovert,
      • oblique,
      • magnanimous,
      • unsusceptible,
      • undogmatic.

    How to use «Objective» in context?

    Objectives are a common tool used in business and in life. They provide a guide for what we should be aiming for and can help to keep us on track. Objectives can be simple, such as making money, or more complex, such as becoming a better person. They can be short or longterm, specific or vague, and achievable or unbearably difficult.

    Some people view objectives as a limiting force, urging us to only pursue the things that are within our grasp. Others view them as a powerful tool, providing a clear path to achieve our goals.

    Paraphrases for Objective:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Punctuation
      • Coordinating conjunction
      • Adjective
        goal, unbiased, objectives.
      • Modal
      • Proper noun, plural
        Goals, purposes.
      • Proper noun, singular
        goal, Goals.
      • Noun, singular or mass
      • Adverb
        goal, objectives.
      • Interjection
      • Verb, past tense
        goal, Aimed, objectives.
      • Verb, past participle
      • Verb, non-3rd person singular present
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
      • Verb, base form
    • Forward Entailment

      • Determiner
      • Preposition or subordinating conjunction
      • Proper noun, singular
      • Noun, plural
        goal, Goals, objects.
      • Adverb
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Noun, singular or mass
    • Independent

      • Foreign word
      • Adjective
        balanced, businesslike, fair, neutral, realistic, strict, subjective, verifiable, even-handed, matter-of-fact, targetted.
      • Proper noun, plural
        partners, benchmarks, Canadians.
      • Proper noun, singular
        Recommendations, covers, expectations, seeks, benchmarks, institutions.
      • Noun, plural
        Biases, Lenses, Aspirations, Intentions, supports, ends, motives, tasks, ambitions, subjects, victims, thrusts, tanks, chapters, collectors.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        achievement, ambition, aspiration, attainment, destination, effort, endeavour, idea, intention, motive, perspective, pursuit, view, Focuses, Criteria, coordinates.
      • Verb, past tense
        added, agreed, lost, realized, sought, tried, wanted, Was, Served, Provided.
      • Verb, past participle
        accomplished, balanced, dedicated, designed, desired, directed, driven, geared, sought, Hoped, Meant.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
        Focuses, helps, serves, ends, plans, sets, brings, ensures, intends, seeks, strives, hopes, wants.
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
        dispassionate, impartial.
      • Proper noun, singular
        objectivity, purposes.
      • Noun, plural
      • Noun, singular or mass
      • Interjection

    Hyponym for Objective:

    • n.

      • cognition
        goal, end.

    Word of the Day

    re organize


    Nearby words

    • objectionable persons
    • objectionableness
    • objectionables
    • objectionably
    • objections
    • Objective
    • (oh,) what a shame
    • (oneself to)
    • …only to do something
    • …or bust
    • …or something (like that)


    • OBJECTIVE synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • OBJECTIVE synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — OBJECTIVE synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of OBJECTIVE
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for OBJECTIVE

    How does the noun objective contrast with its synonyms?

    Some common synonyms of objective are aim, design, end, goal, intention, intent, object, and purpose. While all these words mean «what one intends to accomplish or attain,» objective implies something tangible and immediately attainable.

    their objective is to seize the oil fields

    When is aim a more appropriate choice than objective?

    While in some cases nearly identical to objective, aim adds to these implications of effort directed toward attaining or accomplishing.

    her aim was to raise film to an art form

    When can design be used instead of objective?

    The meanings of design and objective largely overlap; however, design implies a more carefully calculated plan.

    the order of events came by accident, not design

    In what contexts can end take the place of objective?

    The words end and objective are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, end stresses the intended effect of action often in distinction or contrast to the action or means as such.

    willing to use any means to achieve his end

    When is it sensible to use goal instead of objective?

    Although the words goal and objective have much in common, goal suggests something attained only by prolonged effort and hardship.

    worked years to reach her goals

    When would intent be a good substitute for objective?

    The synonyms intent and objective are sometimes interchangeable, but intent suggests clearer formulation or greater deliberateness.

    the clear intent of the statute

    When might intention be a better fit than objective?

    The words intention and objective can be used in similar contexts, but intention implies little more than what one has in mind to do or bring about.

    announced his intention to marry

    How do object and end relate to one another, in the sense of objective?

    Object may equal end but more often applies to a more individually determined wish or need.

    his constant object was the achievement of pleasure

    Where would purpose be a reasonable alternative to objective?

    While the synonyms purpose and objective are close in meaning, purpose suggests a more settled determination.

    being successful was her purpose in life

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